V i HE hlOI JX ( OI 7NTY J OURNAL H.A.K;K;IS02sr, 2STEB., JCJ"N"E 16, 1892. ZLSTO. 40. SIOUX COUNTY I. Editor and Proprietor. V It. B. Time Utile. tt. Uolng fcaat. .11 :09 Ho. 6, mixed 7 :00 )SON MARKET. Krliundre'l 8 55 40 i as 10 1 00 25 10 10 S 50 Q, 8 00 3 4 4 50 S 50 15 00 -per in. fl ed every Thursday. i in bulk at Turner's. now occupies his new nestcad. r barrel at old & Makktelleb's. of Coffee vs. Bixby the supreme court for !r has tne contract lor a ; Brewster & Anderson's Jnet. go Peter Henry brought ontlis old which dressed tat shows a pretty good irst-cluss native lumber etantly on hand at m iLCKY, 13 miles east of J. E. Ahnek. ir prophets sny the fall t will give the farmers 4 f irn f in o In vrrn o t rt.n tro pi also to get all their jjfore it freezes up I equalization is in ses- ( are not satisfied with 1 now is the time to do u have got to do. The t to reduce your assess- k it and show cause jlonej Jte country In almost that the farmers are are farming in ' much sever before. They put I just as much confl t good return as they J they will not be dis- I- nion occurred a few me of Mrs. Elizabeth t Ridge, Wyo., at to and two daughters I is the first time that r since shortly after 1 It was an occasion jcerned. jl case of Coffee vs. f the county court. fr took up a lot of Id some of them be- f and the latter re- Ltt iieurni uie a decision in lavor of case will likely go It seems that new pee- already and jjuietly jl establishing homes in county. A number to have recently lo Jrt of the county and jphbors did not know of - There is room for lots all parts of the county. Ing of the commissioners jsignation of A. R. Dew ror was accepted and Cottonwood, was ap- vacancv. This makes surveyor to be elected ral election; but as there office there will not great scramble for the nformed that Herman led his store at Montrose a nice stock of staple tore will prove a treat I the people of that local pit for a time after the yhart's store that they place near at which they supplies. Mr. Oedde will good business as the desire expressed on the er of our people to go to ily 4th. As there is to be 1 the business men Of Ihn nnnsirf nnif V r uwday. Steps are jW train run Z4 !n Uiemornlmr kii mm and bL: ft an1 MiiiH iL Vs.. PERSONAL. C. C. Jameson was up from Cliadron on Monday. S. W. Kemp was up from White River on Monday, Robert Parish returned to Harrison the first of the week. Mrs. 11 T. Conley returned Saturday from her visit to Glen. J. F. Cook was in town on Tuesday, and called at this office. J. 11. Cook was doing business at the county se.it on Monday. Miss Anna Price spent Saturday as the guest of Miss Minne Smith. Charles Biehle and O. A. Gorten were at Crawford the first of the week. T. B. Snyder was up from Siieep Creek the first of the week and tailed to sp.e iih. Andrew Jacobs was in town on Tues day and called and gave us some cash on subscription. Mrs. M. J. Ilubliard left on Monday for her home in Texas after a visit to her relatives here. Mrs. Rosina Gillmor, of Glen, was in Harrison on Monday and made a pleas ant call at tiiis oflice. Sirs. Glasner went to Whitney Tues day evening and will go to Box Butte county liefore returning. E. W. Daily, of Crawford, spent Sun day at the Agate Springs stock farm, re turning home Monday evening. COMMISSIONERS' RECORD. COffieiiil.) Hahhisos, Seb., June 13, 192. Board of county commissioners met pur sunlit to call of clerk. Present: Commissioners Green, Knott and Weber and clerk. Minutes of last meeting were read and, on motion, approved. On motion, the clerk be and he hereby is instructed to advertise for bids for the con struction of an abutment and putting to gether of the bridge crossing sowbelly creek about GO rods north of section corner of sec tions 3-4 9-10, Twp. 33, range 55, near resi deuce of F. W. Knott. On motion F. W. Khott w as appointed to view section line between sections 21 and 22, township 34, range 55, near residenco of Henry Wasserbergcr, and report ou same as soon as possible. On motion, James Wilson was appointed road overseer for road district No. 4. On motion tlio following officers were ap pointed for Sheep Creek precinct: Jacob Gunibert, justice of the peace; Thomas I!. Snyder, Justice of the pence; Valentine Thomas, road overseer; tieorgo Albcrlsen, constable. On motion, resignation of A. K. Dew as county surveyor was accepted. On motion, N. U. Kuiues was appointed county surveyor to fill vacancy caused by resignation of A. K. Dew. On motion, II. II. Itusscll was appointed road overseer for road district No 13. On motion, B. L. Smuek was appointed Justice of the ponce for Bowon precinct. On motion board adjourned without day. CONHAD LlNDEMAN, County Clerk. I carry a full line of farm machinery. - U. XI. lUt-NKK. KThe first of the week a pair of twin boys arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Simons. Sliafer reports the arrival of a VTin-nnnrwl Kv.r of tl.o TVi.rwl Tin-lUtf on last Friday. The people In the vicinity of Thomas' grove will have a basket picnic at that grove on July 4th. An awning has been built in front of the Herald oflice to keep out the beating rays of the afternoon sun. The entertainment at the church Sunday evening was an interesting pro gram and was quite well attended. The Ladies Aid Society will give an ice cream social at the court house on Tuesday evening. All are cordially invited. Harrison and Sioux county never had better prospects. Ihe next year will see very material improvements all over the county; Miss Anna Price will close her school in the Bodarc district one week from to morrow, on which day the school will picnic in Plimpton's grove. The school picnic at Wallace's grove yesterday was a success as picnics go. The children had a lot of fun aud all got caught in a rain before they readied borne. U-A -car of wheat was shipped by Guthrie on Saturday and another will be shipped this week. There are several car loads in this vicinity yet to be marketed. Rev. Glasner will preach in Harrison on next Sunday at 11 a. m., at the Bo darc school house at 3 p. m., and at the South worth school house at 7:30 p. ni. All are cordially invited. Found Ori Thursday; June ICth, near Cunningham's harness shop in Har rison, a pair or spectacles, uwner can have same by calling at this oflice and paying for this notice, "-Tbree and a half inches of water fell at this place Wednesday night. East of here it was much heavier, the railroad track being washed out east of Whitney. No train reached here from the east Thursday. 'Z-The bridge across Sowbelly at Knotahfttace had to be taken out and piled up1 on the bank and the one at Montrose had to bo fixed up to save it from ruin. The county paid two or three prices for building those bridges and they certainly should have stood for three years. The people of the valley are prepar ing to have a picnic at Plimpton's grove in West Hat Creek canyon on July 4th. Tliey do not expect to have anything elaborate but just a good, old-fashioned basket picmc and they invite all who feel so inclined to come and enjoy the da.v-.with them. Wf"Five train loads of troops passed (west last week from Fort Niobrara and the most of those from Fort Robinson went up the B. & M. They will be stationed in Wyoming but why cannot be learned. It is thought by many that the presence of the troops will have a a quieting effect on the Johnson county matters and the cattlemen will be al lowed to take their cattle and get out. As soon as that is done all will 1 peace ful in Johnson county. It is reported that all that country was to be declared under martial law, but no such order has teen promulgated and it is not likely that there will be. , There is no occasion fct Burtial law and the governor of "JP'ImSX showed himself to be a mn. Call for Bids. Bids will be received until noon of the 18th day of June, 1892, for the excava tion of 350 yards of rock 1,000 yards of earth, more or less, and the construction of three bridges, on the new road in Sowbelly canyon. Specifications can be had by calling at the office of county judge. S. Babker. Estimate ot Expenses. ILabbison, Nebhaska, May 12, 189S. At a meeting of the board of county com missioners of "teioux county, Ni-brufrka, held nu the l'2th day of January, IKd, the follow ing estimate fur expenses for the year ISM was made: District court expenses $3,000 00 Salaries 2,500 00 stationery 150 00 I'rinting 400 00 ltoads and bridges 2,000 00 Indebtedness as indicted by manda- musiu favor of Samuel Wessel 1.2S4 12 lntitute 100 00 Incidental expenses 3,000 00 Insane and piKirfnnd 400 00 Soldiers relief fund 2O0 00 (Juicers' foes 2,000 00 Communicated. Editor Journal: Will you kindly allow me to correct an article which ap peared in The Journal of the 2nd inst. In mentioning the fact of the People's Independent Party county central com mittee meeting. You say the Sioux County Alliance committee held a meet ing, etc. While the Farmer's Alliance was the originator of the People's Inde pendent Party, yet the Alliance should not be confounded with the People's la- dependent Party, which is seperate and distinct from tho Alliance ana over which the Alliance has no control, and will support it only so long as they sup port the political reforms advocated by the Alliance. While one of the main principles of the Alliance is educating the farmer in independent political action, yet it is not of itself a political party. M. J. Webeb, Secretary County Alliance. Cheap Rates to Chicago. For delegates and others contemplating a trip to Chicago during this month, the reduced rates of one fare for the round trip authorized for the National Demo cratic Convention are available. Tickets will be on sale in Iowa June 17th to 21st; in Nebraska and South Dakota Juue 16th to 20th, in Wyoming June 15th to 19th, good for return passage from June 21th to July Cth. The Jacksonian Club of Omaha, and the Pottawattamie Club of Council Bluffs liave selected the North western Line as the official route to Chicago. Sleeping car accomodations should lie secured early, apply to any agent of F., E. & M. V., S. C. & P. who will make reservation by wire or mail. J. R. Buchanan, General Passenger Agent, Omaha. Work on tho new road up Sowbelly will likely begin next week. The time for putting in bids closes at noon ou Sat urday. . . Notice. Tn the County Court of Sioux County, Ne braska. ,. . , n the matter or tnc lisiaie oi mm Demesig, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons hav ing claims and demands against Hunk lleuicsig, late of Sioux county, deceased, that the time fixed for filing claims against said estate is six months from the biaond day of June, lste. All such persons arc re quired to present men- cihunh ...v vouchers to tho county judge ot said county, at his office therein, on or in nue the second day of December, ISitt, and all claims so tiled will bo heard before the said ludge ou the third day or ueceinwr, i, 10 o'clock, a. ni. 8. Baukeh, Dated June 2nd, 1892. County Judge. fSEALj 39j4i fSlierllPs Sale. By virtue oi" an order of sale directed to me trom the clerk of the district court ol Sioux county, Nebraska, in it judgement ob tained In said court on tlio loth day of April, ISV4, in favor of J. L. Moore nsplaintill una against Soren Jensen- as defendant for the sum of $S2.14 und costs taxed up ia.3 and accruing costH. I havo levied upon the tot lowing real estate taken lis the. property oi defendant to satisfy said order of sale town: The H. .. X of Sec. 13, in Twp. B4 N. K. 07 west, in Sioux county, Nebraska, and will olfer the same for safe to tho highest bidder tor cash in hand on tlio 11th day of July, at the front door ot the court house ol s-o" county, Ncbr., at Harrison Nebraska, that being tho building In which the lust term of the district court was held, at the hour of ono, p. in. of Bald day, when and where due attendance will bo given by the under signed. Thomas Ukiuv, B ,K)-43 Sheriff of Said County. Dated June 0, 1892. Sheriff's Sale. r virtue of an order of sale directed to nieiromtho clerk of tho district court of Sioux county, Nebraska, on a Judgment ob tained In oald court on the Mil day of April, IHSI2, in favor of the American In vestment Company as plalntlir and against Ixmmzo D. Harmon, Frank Daily and B H. Paddock as defendants, for the sum or tiffi.811 and costs taxed at 20.08 and accruing 7...i. l i.v.. hivled iiiinn the following real estate as the proticrty Of defendants to satlsry said order or sale towtt: lues. w. kJ..i.r,.uL,. in, ,1 will oiler the Name lor sale ,,. ii. i,il.Mt. didder for cash in hand. subject, however, to a first mortgago for KW) In favor of the American Investment Company, on tlio lllli day of July, Ism, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day, at the front door of the court bouse ol Moux county, Nebraska, that licing the building In which the last term of the district court was held, at which time and place due at tendance will bo given by the undersigned. V4MM( u ... ., .... . Sheriff ot Hald County. Dated Juno 9, mi. 15,014 12 And pursuant to mandate of the su preme court amended at a meeting of said board on the Qth day of Feb ruary, ls'.cJ, as follows: W. W.Seymour, special debt fund 2,'0 81 35-40 I7,214 93 Conrad lindeman, County Clerk. Notice to Niin-Kesident Defendants. Charles I.. Tubbs, and Lydia A. Tubbs, de fendants, will take notice that on the 31st day of May, lsW, The Pioneer Savings aud Loan Company, successor to the National huilding Loan and Protective Union, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, plaintiff herein filed its petition ill the district court of sioux county, Nebraska, against said defend ants, the object and prayer ot which are to foreclose a certain mortgage, executed by the defendants to tlio national Hullding ixian and Protective Union upon Lot seven In block seven of tho village of Harrison, sioux County, Nebraska, to secure the pay ment of a promissory note uaieu iecemoer lst, lain), for Vto with Interest at the rate of 5 Her cent, nor annum and premium at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum, both interest and premium paynuio inoniniy, wmcn note and mortgage is owned and held by the plaintiff herein. Default has been made in the payment of said note and In the terms and conditions Of said mortgage, whereby tlio whole sum secured thereby is due ami the plaintiff so elects, and there is now due upon said principal note the sum of with interest and premium at 5 per cent, each from May 1st, lsfll, aud the further sum of J29.75 with interest at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from the 25th day of February, Mitt, the last sum being tor insuranccon the buildings on said premises, which plaintiff was compelled to pay to pro tect its interests in the premises. Plaintiff prays for a decrco that defendants bo com pelled to pay the same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said peti tion on or beforo Monday, tho 11th day of July, 1892. Pioneer savings and loan Company, Plaintiff. By ceo. A. Murphy, ri. T. Conley. f88-41 Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice to Non-Bcsldent Defendant. Franz Slabinger, defendant, will take notice that on the 26th day of Slay, 1892, The runners Trust company, u corporation ohiintilf herein filed its uetition in the dis trict court' of Sioux county, Nebraska against said defendant tho object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the defendant to the Dlaintiff upon the S. E. M. of section 14 in township 34 north of range 65 west of the Btn p. M. in hioux county, neorasiia, to secure the payment of a promissory note dated May 13th, 18H9, for 8300.00, with interest at 7 per cent, per annum payable semi-annually, which note and mortgago is owned and held by the maiuitu ncicui. i,uiiiuiij uns ucuu uiuuu tn the payment of said note and in the terms and conditions of said mortgage, and there is now due on said note and mortgage the sum of 1380.50, for which sum with mtorest from the 23rd day ot May. msi, piaintin nravslor a decree, that the defendant be ro quired to pay same, or that said premises may bo sold to satisfy tho amount found due. You are hereby required to answer said petition on or before Monday the 11th day ol J uiy, !'.. r AKMEKS l llliBl' UWFAfl I, I'laillLlll . 38-41J By H. T. Conley, its Attorney. THE NEW RESTAURANT H. A. P BIDDY Is Headauarters for Meals, Lunches and Bakery Goods, Board by the Day or Weak at Reasonable Rates PATRONAGE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. East Side Main Street, HARRISON, ... NEBRASKA. THE IMPORTED PERCHERON. STALLION, BARBARIN 10256. 110135. Will make the season of 1892 at my place on Warbonnet creek 3 miles west of C. P. Coffee's. Description and Pedigree Barbarm is a black-frray; star in forehead; foaled Man.h 27. 1H8A: imnorted 1888; weight 1,800 lbs. Bred by M. Dorchene, Com mune of Coulogncs les Sahlons, De partment of Orne. . Got by Roullard 1H1.S3, lie oy ravon, utjiuugniB - Champeon; dam, Traniquille 10184. TEltMS:-$8 for tho Season, Payable In Advance. $12 dollars to insure a mare with foal due and payable when the mare is known to be witli foal or upon her removal from tile county or change of ownership. , Care will be taken to prevent accidents but I will be responsible ior none, 'A', W. MOHR RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, DEALER IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Gaps, Furnishing Goods and Crockery Sold at LOWEST CASH PRICES. FAIR 0 HONEST TREATMENT GUARANTEED. The Celebrated "TAMBOR MAJOR" Cigar for Sale. CALL o PRICES. GET MacLACHLAN & COOK, Proprietors. GEO. H. TURNER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, I WILL SELL YOU: Bon Ton Flour per 100 pound $3 00 Half Patent " " " 2 75 Straight Grade ' 2 50 Low Grade " " " 1 75 Corn Meal " " " 1 30 Chop Feed " " " 1 15 Bran & Shorts mixed" " 90 GROCERIES. 22 pounds Hominy 1 00 22 " Oatmeal - - 1 00 20 " Pail Jelly ' 05 Pail Syrup - ' - 95 6 pounds Broken Java Coffee 95 1 . Baking Powder - 25 Tea Per pound - '- " 15 Tomatoes per can - - Hi 3 pound can Michigau apples - 11 5 " can Prices Baking Powder, per pound - - - - 40 Climax & Horse Shoe To'b. per ft 45 4 pounds Joker Tobacco - 1 5 pounds Smoking Tobacco - 1 7 Choice Cigars DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES. 00 00 25 Full Stock Kipp Boote - $5.00 Calf Boots Ladies Dongola Shoes Felts and Rubbers at cost. Calico per yard - - -Best Grade Outing Flannel, per yd. Dress Gingham per yard German Knitting Yarn, per pound Men's Working Shirts Hancikei chiefs - f 2 00 3 60 1 25 05 14 10 90 CO 05 Come and look at our Hardware Tinware, Fibreware an Barbed Wire and get our prices. Respectfully, GEO. TTJRNBR. A NEW 7-SHOT, .32-CAL REVOLVER. THE "PROTECTOR," QUICK, SAFE, RELIABLE. Comptot, Light, Effective. The latent and best thing In the revolver Una. Can be earrlad In the wt KoketM mallr M watch. ,0OO fold la Frano lart yew. A Notrwl Mil at tight. Sample rerolTer and Gar trldm tS7. WU1 b Mnt C. O. D. tr sprut, with privilege or examination. If 00 eta. aoaompanlea order aa a guarantee of good faith. MIKLMIS FIRE ARMS CO!, IIINMPOUi MtaHa 11 1 4 I it