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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1892)
The Sioux County Journal. ESTABLISHED 158. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. BEST PAPER IX THE COUNTY. feAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF AST PAPEE PUBLISHED IS SIOUX OOCKTY. Subscription Price, L. J. Simmons, $2.00 Editor. Entered at the Harrison poet office aa sec bud class matter. Thursday, Juse 9, 1892. Sioux county has her Sunday clothes bn every day in the week. hrpjik. hreak is the burden of Ihe song of the farmers of late and their lay is the lay of the breaking plow. The mining excitement near Casper, Wyo., may have the effect of getting Better service on this line of railroad. Such a thing would be very acceptable. The Slay floods appear to have simply been a forerunner of the June freshets. The rivers all over the south are still ris ing and great damage is expected to result. . business part of almost totally The nearlv a million A mine disaster occurred at Birken berg last week in which about four hun dred people lost their lives. Many of the bodies were almost destroyed, the greater part of thfrr hoyord .-cog-uition. A Cyclone visited McCook last Satur day. A number of buildings were blown 'down, among them a church where about Dfty children were gathered to practice for an entertainment. Several persons were seriously injured. On last Saturday James G. Blaine re 'signed his position as secretary of state and member of the cabinet of President Harrison. The resignation was at once accepted by the president. Neither of the men would say anything concerning the action and it was not a matter of conjecture as to its hearing on the presi. dential nomination. At all events the 'Anti-Harrison men went wild over the report and used it to advance their plans to defeat the president for re-nomination It is singular that Blaine should resign just oft the eve of the meeting of the convention for such an act at that time Could not but tend to muddle matters. It is reported that a new oil syndicate has been organized which is backed by even more capital than the great Stand ard company. The new concern has al ady got control of a large number of oil wells and will construct pipe lines from the principal oil fields to the sea board. The syndicate is composed of phicago and London capitalists and the probabilities are that the Standard oil trust will soon have the most formidable competitor it has ever had. Should the afiair take a turn whereby the oil fields of Wyoming will be developed it would lie a great advantage' to this section of 'county. At all events the result of the competition will most likely reduce the price of oil. Major Wolcott, the leader of the band pf murderers who invaded Johuson 'county; Wyo., to rid the locality of settlers, was pefmitted to go to Omaha a few days ago to consult Senator Man derson and try to get his influence to have the cattle country of Wyoming de clared under martial law. Senator Msh derson has been a personal friend 0 Wol "cott, but it is hardly likely that the man wHtbf Hi recognized as leader of the senate wifi lend his official i'nffuenci' to 'help a lot of cold-blooded assassins bring abotJt a state of affairs which is alto gether uncalled for. The cattlemen got themselves into their trouble, let them 'take the consequences" .liratown. tlie main Creede mining camp was nd l.v fre Sunday morning lns is estini: .v.: at dollars. BeproduetiTC PoweTof Weeds. Farmers who allow the weeds on their ni-.ntat.irms to so to seed have little idea, many of them, of the labor and trouble thpv are storms up for themselves. Some curious experimentalist has been at the trouble of counting the seeds pro duced by a single plant of some of the commonest varieties of weeds with the following rather startling results: Wild 1 onn- nnnnVlion. 1.000; chick- UUIUl . weed, 2,000; cockle, 3,200; campsiou 3.425: chess, 3,500; dock, 3,700; ragweed 4 372: srroundsel, 6,500; ox eye daisy, 9,600; mallow, 16,500; mother-wort, 18, 000: fox-tail, 19;500; sow thistle, 19,000; mustard. 31.000; Canadian thistle, 42,000 red poppy, 50,000; burdock, 400,328; pur slane, 500,000; lambs' quarters, 825,000. AVic Orleans Picayune. Weakeniue on Free Trade. London, May 18. Lord Salisbury, in a speech which he delivered today at Hast- itrQ .nnnmllwl the workingmen to follow the example set them by nations. anJ substitute arbitration for the violent methods which were sometimes adopted for settling labor disputes. He said that a grave matter in which the prosperity of the country was in volved was the question of free trade. England," he declared, "only maintains the position she occupies by the vast in dustries existing here, but a danger is growing up. Fifty years ago everybody believed that free trde had conquered the world, and prophesied that every nation would follow the example of England. The results, however, are not what had been expected. Despite the prophesies the of free trade advocates, foreign na tions are adopting protection. They are excluding us from their markets and are trying to kill our trade. And this state of things aDDears to erow worse. We live in an age of war tariffs. An import ant point is that while nations are ne gotiating to claim each other's commer cial favor, none is anxious about the favor of Great Britain bscause Great Britain has striped herself of the armor and weapons with which the battle is to be fought. "The attitude we have taken in regard ing it disloyal to the glorious and sacred doctrines of free trade to levy duties on anybody for the sake of anything we get thereby may be noble, but is not busi nesslike. Cheers. On these terms yot will and do get nothing. If you intend to hold your own in this conflict of tar iffs you must be prepared to refuse na tions who injure you access to your markets. We complain most of the United States, and It so happens that the United States mainly furnishes us with articles which are essential to the good of the people, and with raw material which is essential to our manufacturers. We cannot exclude either without a seri ous injury to ourselves. I am not pre pared, in order to punish other countries; to innict dangerous wounds on our selves. We tnust confine ourselves to those matters whereon we will not suffer much whether importation continues or diminishes. While we cannot raise the price of food and raw material, there is an enormous mass of imports, such as wine, spints, silk, gloves and laces, from countries beside the fnited States, which are merely luxuries, and of which a di minished consumption could be risked in order to secure access to the markets of our neighbors, I shall expect to be ex communicated for propounding such a doctrine, but I am bound to say that I think the free traders have gone too far." virtue of mi order of ' , 1 me I rom the cert " , .-..,. t ,!.- iutix roumv. . ,,1 AiTi:. t ,incl in said c.uri . - : ; i , , i i II and l-.c!, 111 lavor 01 - u,.ieuu.iiU lor te fr I'urle. turn 01 .1 1 of the MU-i " SviiJ cue I'""1 Tlie cxdiU--t Worhl-H'XM. j;,u ot .m 1 ...a tll(. fu, awruiMK tlie propeMvol Iowiuk real .hM order of sale U it Tbe A. K. o 7-f 1- lH nd will OU.T j Sioux eouutv, 'Vkhest bidder for Hie same r ,,1, u .V of July, 1-". ' ,-asll l'l IW'd 0.1 'lie lit u. joUX fie front door 01 1 1; - w".,raua. tnt Tell I'riif ...... .M-l. K- f,"J S'X 111 . foUsitlUn f,,r the lar. words constructed out the word 'Allianle." . .-, for nartitular. loses June 1 nt). Omaha, Vu. The 500.00 prieS liediii, NOTICK TO DKLINguKvfJ 1. li, rein glv. n that tbe Interest and rrutal ik. . ,!lHdewn'jea MUOliuasi laiiUH Kllustvt la )UIII tr, eouutv. hettr , ni ladnirtlie uuildln; the dMriet court one, p. m. 01 said attendance will jineriU of Said County I;atcdJane3, li'-'-i- In whicli tne iai i-.... y lav when and where due l,. ffiven dv xn u""" Thomas KfciDY, Sheriff's Sale. Itv virtue of an order of sale directed to taint-1 i said court on the Jh . ' Aoril IsVJ. in favor 01 the American in vtment 'ConipH-.y as plulntlff and ri J-t .xirenzo I), llunuon, 1-ra. k uily it . Haddock as ueieiiuBm-s v-" costs. 1 Have levied u.n tlie follov, , i, n estate as the proiiertv of defendaj: tj u satisfy saidordero sale to.,1 . A great deal of excitement has been 'caused of lite at Casfjef,' Wyo., over the rich mineral1 tottwi at Casper mountain near that place There was a regular 'stampede for the locality and the pros pects are that a good deal of work will be dorie there in taking ottt ore. It is a settled fact that all the country north west of here is rtch in oil, coal and valu able minerals whicn will be developed quite rapidly in the near future and such development will be of much value to Ltiii country. The miners will have to have something to eat ,od Sioux eounty will Unci a ready marVet, close at hand,' for the products of her soil. Let the good work go on. It will add to the prosperity of all. For the" Campaign. In order to bring The Weekly Bee into the family of every English reading man and woman in the west its publishers have decided to offer the paper for six months, covering the campaign, for 30 cents. . , , In order to fully understand the ques tions of vital importace t6 tjie producer and laboring man that will come up during this campaign, every voter should hear both sides. The Bee proposes to discuss all these questions thoroughly and intelligently. j T?,u 051111101 afford to allow this oppor tunity to pass; Address orders to The Bee Publishing Co. , Omaha, Nebr, A Kearney man has a plan of making a canal along the Platte river from its mouth to the junction of the north and south forks of the streams and from that bofot bavea canal along each fork to peir source in Colorado. The two streams head near each other and he" Would cut through and make a circuit, The canals would be large enough for uvignt Doats and wherever practicable the water would be utilized for power BttrpoMsas 4 is at Kearney. , It looks a (ttte wild ai present, but may prove a goesjs, . Col. Patterson, who is the oigioWtorcsf th schems, was the man who flret figured oojt the Ktarnsy oanal, andforyeats he was laughed at as a TE?.k TO.1" thwy made a" practical paying" fact Best Line to the East. ibe Burlington Route B. &. M. R. E' is running elegantly equipped pawekiger trairies without change from' SewcastleJ TV . vryoming and Crawford, Nebraska, direct to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection at that point with their own through trains for Denver, Cheyenne, and all puium w, aqa jor,. Kansas City, St. Joseph, St. .LQuis,:Omaha, Peoria, Chi cago, and all points east, Remember this is th Anllt lina V... which you can take Bleeping car from Urawiord in the eveninv nrrivin ;n t i coin and Omaha the next afternoon, and. ... viu, luona aim oi. Louis the fol- lumiuc niorninir. For further information and tickets ai- A.'-..iru r,i will offer tbe tKime lor suit. SbSoerrto a iV t .orte fur ; tiw. nt i iiuv of July, ltfr-, l the 1 our of one o'clock p. in. of said jlav, at ..... t h.. f ih euiirt house Oi MOUI ,.,.,,iv. N...iaka. that txiinif the bnilding In whfcli the last term of the district court was held, at which t uie and place due at tendance will be (riven by the undersigned t 1IOVAB litiui , Sheriff 01 said County. to be anions n tiers. It is i klv but is now uon-tliatisdiut,' ouimrve,r" weekH-Wir year. LHummonJand Col. W alt Ma-.n l,v far the to brightest wnlers u t..e wc;t Col. Mason's work is considered the finest in his hue that was ever done onanv western news,r. Tlie ,.ul- li5herswill be pleased to seriptioiisattlie rate of f 1.50 per year, or forward sample copies to any one sending for them. Address, THE Ikibink, rreintint, NeK 39-43 Haled June 9, 1892. SlierhTs Sale. Bv virtue of an order of sale directed to me from tbe clerk of the district court oi sif.nv iM!iu tv. Vi.hrnska. on a ludfirmeut oi. tallied in said court, on the 18th day of Anril. 1892. in favor oi Heiijanun neeu as lralntiff ucalnst Wl helm w arnci as ue eudaut for the sum of W77.97- and costs taxed at 13.93 and accruing costs. 1 have levld upon the following real estate iukch as the property of defendant to satisfy said order of sale, towit: The 8. fc. of the 8. E. 4 Sec. 2:1, the 8. X See 24 and the N. E. K of the N. E. of Sec. . Tun 'a N. Raniro 56 W.. in Sioux county CDasKa, aim win oner tne same 101 sais to the highest bidder for cash in hand on the 11th day of July, im, at the front door of the court house of Sioux county, Nebr., lit Harrison, Ieur., that being tne buildinir in which tne last term of the district court was held, at tbe hour of one o'clock, p. in. of said day, when ana wiiers due attendance will be (riven by the under signed. Thomas Beidt, ay-43 Micriu oi rcuiu vouiuv. Dated June 9, 1892. Sheriffs Sale. P.y virtue of an order of sale directed to nie from the clerk of tlie district court of Sioux countv. Nebraska, on a ludirment ob tained In said court on the lth day of April, 1892, in favor of Kr. Mllner as plaintiff, and against Casper Worm, Marry Worm, J. I.. Browne,- assignee, and Nancy A. Plumb, us defendants, for the sum of SSH0.23, and costs taxed at and accruing costs I have levied upon the following real estate taken as tne property oi siuu aeiennanis, to satlsfv sold order of sale, to-wlt: The S, E. of Sec. 10, In Twp. 34 North of Kange 54 west of the Gth I. M., in Sioux county, Nebraska, and will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand, on the 6th day of July, A. It. 1892, nt the front door oi tne court nouse oi sain county, at Har rison, that being the building wherein the last term of court was held, at the hour ol one o'clock, p. m of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the undersign ea. llnteil May 30, 192. Sheriff of said County II. T. Conlcy, Plaintiff's Attorney. Address At The Front. t T, ;itm IS a KUOi' ( -III . . the leadiiib' Nebraska nev not content with id-' -l ..pintinu- a tri-weeklV ..! l ... ti.. ..r .1... rtiws i VI, liitl,lra .. llullllH Ul . "I -in . , ,. wuhio ninety day from the rti .. ."""J uuenry is i - - uu, , forfeited Hi to dubtu in puui-iumi IttT IjuvIi, 11 1 cut- r. d of record in the manner provided by u ins, . ! I'l.thif'tl , S Mow and Samuel lvi Alt-i Hart.. Hi-nrvl Jeiikliw l.numt I'Ulllke liavid . Brnmbdiigh Hioiiai. Kirk.. John II. -In I'll' rl ( '. A. nlilleid Y. ( '. Iirsbie K. M romaii 1 liavid AndiTKill . IMI frl . llliist.-i, (enrich l.llllise J. r. immiers I rn I., lir.iii""" - Harcy J lloard W lllieltn N null ll.-niv A. Anki ny. M J. ltailey 1 hollia- . hirk -- N. lialstroiu AllOf t w i"' vtTr-;- - t Sw J,,kll p.i4 j I -JSfci,... 1" H i. and i i 'NK'i ai,,i ;S"H -K a l (All tA..... jAU of - ah oi 'N Wi,.... SWi, and !au of... - All OI... W L 1 x DaUsl at Linruln, Nebraska, this 1st day of June, 14 A. U. llriHiI vviiimiMiuiii'i ,,i I UoIlc I,, J Ql'LLJTA.V 4 C0.VI.Ey, fcatf yn; Will practice in all thb local, statb and federal courts and C. 8. Land office. LEGAL PAPERS CAREFULLY DRAWN, t t I t t tW Office in Court House, HARltlSON - - - - NEBRASKA B. E. Bkewster, President C, F. Coffee, Vice Pres. D. H. ORISWOLD, Cashier. Commercial Bank. INCORPORATED, General Banking Business -TRANSACTED. Harrison, Nebraska OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE OFFICER: James E. Uovd Governor, i.ineoiii, .vo. T J. Majors Ijeiifnant governor T r Allen ' rctary of Hate T. 11. lieiiton AU,1UU' ircaMiirr (i. ll llastings Attorney General A K. Humphrey I-and l ommissiom i A.K.Goudy..... .Supt. l'ublic Instruction (XiStiRKSSIOSAL DEI.KGATIO: A. S. l'addwk t . . Braiui,ii" C. F. Manderson I'. S. Senator, Omaha W. J. Bryan, Congressiuan 1st IMst., Lincoln W.A. McKK-kUan, " Sd " Red Cloud O. II. Kem. " ad " llroken ixiw Jl'DK'lARYi Maxwell Chief Justice, Fremont T. h. Norvul Associate Judge, Seward A. M. 1' Associate JudRe, Colombo 1). A. CanipbelL.Clerk and Reporter, Lincoln FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTItHT: M. I'. Kinkald Judge, O'Neill Alfred Ilartow " CUadnin Conrad Llndeman Clerk, Harrison COUNTY OFFICERS: S. Ilarker County Jud(?e Conrad Lindeman. Clerk M. J. Gayhart Treasurer A. South worth Sapt. Public Instruction Tlios. Reidy Sheriff Geo. J. Sluu'er : Coroner A. It. Dew Surveyor Conrad Lindeman Clerk of District Court II. T, Conlcy County Attorney BOARD OF t uM.MISSIONERS: Jolin A. Green, (chairman) 8d District F. W. Knott... U. J. Weber....... I IKGISLATIVK! W. Wil66n;;.:..Senator, liUt So. it cliailrb'n El. L. Heath Rep., Dbt. No. S3, Rushville VILLAGE OFFICERS: Confad Lindeman (chairman) ...trustee C. E. Verity " Thomas Rcidy " H. A. CimningUam . . " J. E. Marsteller " V. II. Davis Clerk G. Guthrie ;;....;;.Treasurcr J. W, Scott...;:;.. Street Cominlssiouer school officers: Mrs. E. G. Hough Director W. B. Wright Moderator G. W. fleater Treasurer TERMS OF COURT: Lisirici ixjurt, At Harrison, commences April 18th and November 2lt, 189?. vouniy Mjnrt, At Harrison, commences first Monday of each month. CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. a. t. Church rroachlng each alternate Sunday at 10 :30 a. in., and every Sunday even ing at 7 :30. RE v. W . 0. G lbasner, 1'astor. Episcopal services on the second Wednes day of each month, at 7 o'clock p.m. Com mauiori at S f. m. . Chad. E. Snavelt Methodist Sunday School meets every Sun aaymorulng ut 11 :80. UBS. W. O. GLASSCEBi W. ILDAVIB Superintendent. Secretary JOHN A. LUCAS, Pkesipknt. THE BANK OF HJI ESTABLISHED 1887. Harrison, Nebraska AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $25 Transacts a General Banking! Buys School Ordure, County and Village Wama CORRESPONDED KoUXTZE BriK, New Vork City. FutsT National Bask, Onialia. Fikt Natio5al Bank, Llk Bakk ok C UAHBOJ, ( Interest Paid oh Time 5 L. E. BEXtfel & SON, Wagon and Carriage Makers. Repairing done on short notice. Good work and reasonable charges. Shop touth of livery barn. HARRISON, . . KEB. Dr. Leonhardt LimitA his practice to diseases of tbe Nervous System, B. L BVVCK,' t Fashionable Barbed Hair prefer. w iwor noita of Baak of Hirrioii. OFf N SUNDAY FROM TO 1. ... UW ATO SCfflBORg PTJT ORDER. Sewing machines cleaned and repaired. 4 Am Give t (Such as Loss of Memnrv VAolinr. l tion and Will-nower. (Immr. vu 'o... eral , Nervousness, and all forms of neuralgia.) HEART, (As Shown bv Short nouQ n( I)k Pais, PalpitaUon, Flutterioer and Numhl ioo in region oi tne neart.) BLOOD, , (Such as Skin Diseases, Ulcers, Excee ve Paleness or. Redness, of the Face, Fwntaes, Djzziness, etc.) CONSULTATION FREE! ADDRESS WITH STAMr . DR. LEONHARDT, I14M O ST. .Uu LINCOILM. Nil. i wt HAVt urtntu BUimtW run I Determined to make every sible to add to the number J customers, and if good gC low prices and fair traj NORTH r -k J ment will secure the - . - -1 A. ' we are oouna w in: Come and see What we Have in the Dry Goods, Groceries and Shoes, eta AND GET OUR PRICES WEST SOUTH Purchase Tickets and Consign Tour Freight via tbe F., E.&M.V:S.C.&P,' RAILROADS. H. O. BURT, General Manager. K. C. Morehouse, J. R. Buchanas, Gen'l Freigji J Ajgt. . Gen'l Pass. Agt. OMAHA, NEB. GEORGE WALKER, Will practice before all corirts and the V. 8. Land Office Basinet entrusted te mj care will receive prompt attention. HARRISON, - . NEBRASKA. J. E. FuncHiai. , , f. H. sriuircw; ( J. L Stratton. Sioux County Lumber Cd. manufacturers or Lumber; liath and Shingles. ' iMBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBH A Good Supply, of Native Lumber Always on Band. . LUXBEJB DELITEKKI) AT THE MILL OS OUR STOCK dP HARD, IS COMPLETE And we will have all kinds of Farm Machin 6RIsiajold ih aim Our Qcnt'o Phtxcton, 4- me (si Cell, ' .13.HW!Wi..... MILL NCAN riVK POtNTS. D; M; Scchlcr Garrir Co4 WMentlon this paper.