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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1892)
fcavcning Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report asooj-rsi pus ikvniout- Murii-d In Tlirlr Graveyard. r, of Argonaut j Mr x. (;ri eni n f:lrT11 dan interim ! living jst over l!ie CarruH line ir puce of his while j Il-riasnn coii:ity. selected a novel spot tuia soma years to le married u a few d.ivs :io j Mr. Cret-n km a widower and he in Frisco," said 'courted Mrs. M. A MMifonl. a widow keiind ashamed I and an arn cmcnt tn marry was m ide became aesper- br.wc-en tlu-m. m,- ;( nut f.i last I decided to : Squire Newt Tii!ii),:ii, to i-rfoim the 8 anil strike out j marriage ceremony. Mr. (men h is passage on one a beautiful home and r.eiir it has a using wiweeii nun. net ween the residiuc; and the o small places mill is a beautiful crass knoll, and on :.e price of my , this elevated spot Mr. (iieen st-lc-le:! , hi3 family cemetery, and al-o selected the exact spot where he and his future wife must be buried, und (.11 this spot Squire Tilimai, made liili Ciem and .Martha Sanfird man and wile Sunday niornin", in the presence ol half'a dozen witness!.-Cor. Atlanta Constitution. Ilafi:es)i ChiiiioI l.e Cure 1 I?y local apppliealioii". s they rnnuet. rea-h tiiodi.sciixcd irfiriioii .f ' tbo ear. There is only one way to cure J HMl'ue?, and that in .y coiiMituliotial ivm.-die. I)eafne;-s is cail.-ed liv an inl'amcd co , 1o;..t. ,.f .1.,. i:..: i .1... ki.w., -i'v.wu ... in i: jiin on.-? n.'tie ui uie VI f. Kiihtiu-hian Tube. When this tu!.e iiniauieo you nave a rumiilins muml or imperfeet he:riiig, arel when it is en tirely cloned 1 leufne in t he re-u!t, a. el unless the inllaiuation can he taken out and this tube rest' .ivd to its nornial com dilion, hearing wnl he destroyd for ever; nine eases out of tea are eau-ed by catarrh, which i.s n t but an in flamed condition of the neu-ou t sui lace s. We will eive One Handled Dollars for 11 mining ana a position as itau hotel, too p, an imposing ) landlord era- , and charged rd. The night and a (Jerman u t lie same boat away in an old had not been iboiit midnight lit, who was discovered the He had found ling place of the fcngaged throw- and clucks out lie had been en- r t-orne fifteen seemingly as (hough to ex- window where Jus lowia i saw for them to en rindow, with a up wide enough lis plank in pro I came the fowls out. As fast as re-enteied. Wo )x the room that Jneil before a on an accusa Bonlten lead in Sd while ho was The defense ;of wliich the win utterly (8 sleeper wouli )ely awakened caused liy the not happened; ed in his sleep, jo medical men witnesses. To 4doctor3 poured of two sieep jtes immediately jjfi' howl of pain Contortions so indiscribalde. them of their is a pity that poor creatures j)onsib!e at law Xo doubt, t lie ed could have uring to death vo to pain as fllerald. ken Go Alono. Jk by Mrs. lial iy asked her if I did not need V"t the city's lhey do, and she f would take too it Hie escort's." ,1ess and almost lw York Times Shirt are old fatten lignant with you lou d;;nu to him?" of except that night he never fits 1 told him he B didn t have the -llarper's Bazar. must have a very f mouthfuItO "Ves. limes J darsent ask ind 1 'meat starves. rat such times?" lowel snow, uninn " any ease of Deafness (caused l.y catarrh) that cannot he cured by liaii's Catarrli Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. .). CIIKNKY .V Co.. Toledo, (. &iM hy Drncists, 7oc. A 'ii:ini;'! Iii:liT. The transition from a profound searching of the heavens for new couvds, asteroids and remote fixed stars to a rapid transit down a rope to eu-npo being loaded la b '.h violent and undignified, as l ye Professor Copeiand, the royal astronomer at E liiiburgh, made it when his house caught (ire the other nigh!. Tin- Only One Kver I'i li.ti il. C n You Fiml Ihn Wind? Tiff if ft (lirec-lni h it-',uy ficlvrrliniiH-nt In Mill piper, tlii. wek, which hih ii'i mo woni i imko, exc-pt in t Huril. Th"! mnie is tnio "I ouch new one iieiK-nriiiK t ''h week, Ironi the Or. Hurler Medlcmu Co. This house jilnecs n '('rewtent" on rvcryihlnjr ilicy mitke iiiul pub lish, I.eok lor II, mjN'1 them the nmi.e of (he went miti thov will return you HOOK, liKAUTl KlU. UTIlotKAl'llii or SAM I'l.Kd l'KLE. Mrr. McCar'.cm -That piaiso lamp ye sold me i3 no good, an Oi waut yu to ;ake it b;ic!;. Jlealer Kb? Why. Mrs. .McCarleni Divil a ehunn con we git out av it. New York Weekly, -"I saved thirty dollars -'You're an angel Little Wife today." Loving Husband How?" Little Wife 'T saw a perfectly lovely easy-chair that I know you'd like, and I didn't buy it." aratiOv.., v j a rizes, r ,icr.) !tKC tlciv..rt Hcn.tu.'lin J'owlen I. resc'lly I'- (i. sw'Whu A t;e. ;'t, I I'cniliorn St. i e nit 111 'l icy tirve cm II yt'nrs In the M K KNOW 1 1 i y :ire icli'.blc. e. .i eir iiwvuitiyemeut m ttes pi'i't'r, mul utit ( i.i todi y loinwrr y i w i .l lo.go: it. A Qnecn'H Collection lo ISO Seen. Queen Jlarp harita of Italy has prom ised the loan of her famions collection laetn for exhibition at (he World's fair. It will include tho varieties of lace made in tho queen's factories by women and will be displayed with the queen's portrait and many old book3 upon antique lace. Home has a society now similiar to the Womr.u's exchange where artistic work of the contadina is sold, and from which representative work will probably be sent to the exhibition. Jtonie Letter. M'lro ltope. The wiTo of a New York banker lias invented a machine for making wire rone, tho patent ot which she has sold to a .Sin Francisco firm for ten thousand pounds cash and a royalty. The way she came to hit upon this was from a device she used to twist her worsled. "Is that a railway guide?" inquired the man wilh his feet on the table. Vo" snorted the other, throwing it on the floor. ' I'm tho guyed! "-Chicago Tribune. rowaen ,as of Home 40 Years the Stand ara Tlio American Girl in London. There are not less than fifteen i;eiitle tceii, r.nd oa one young lady their thirty eyes are focusst-d. A nub of men two ranks deep rise and desire presentation. It is evident tint (he prelude to the I (lance lun just hen CoaCiij through the rooms. Von will observe the meth ods employed so as to obtain recogni tion. 1'tors are various, and crush hats are sported by the suitors in dinerent ways. The engaging youth with the eye-glass handles his hat as if it wa3 a salver, while there hi an imploring, sup plicating manner about one gentleman who holds his hat before him. The sensation the American girl makes goes beyond those who are nearest to her. Away beyond, where there are six men and three'ladies, the attention of live of the men is directed toward the same voting lady. And how does the Ameri can girl take all this homage? There is no i xpression of surprise. She has oiten been subjected to the same con ditions, .she looks supremely cool, not exactly indifferent, fche might have an instant's hesitation -an embarrag de choir, let us say but just before she use, having first with a graceful pat arranged her skirt, she had cast her eyes over the lot (she says "lot," that being very Knglhdi), and had made her decision. Mr. Hyde shows very properly all the little by-play of the situation. There are whispci ings arising from the three young ladies in the front of the sketch. Of course, behind tlieir fans they have scanned the American as to looks, set of gown, and can lind nothing to dis parage. As to that group in the dis tance, one young woman shows mitigat ed dislike as she stares into vacancy, while the other young person totho ex treme right is in high dudgeon. It is wretched to be a wallllower, and ex hibitions of temper under such circum stances are to be forgiven. What is amusing lo the American girl, who is conscious of her social success, is the staid ceremonial wliich accompan ies R.uch so-called festivities. Its solemnity ought lo impress her It has quite the contrary effect Something she i.s entirely wanting in is ;iity for the others, those young ladies, who if they do not remain exactly fixt ures, at least are asked to dance after her. She rather likes having tho first choice of cavaliers. That is what she was born for. I'nder such circum stances commiseration for others is out of place. What that girl has is a cer tain charm of her own, a wonderful good tasle in dress, an aplomb which forces consideration (something English people invariably bow before), and then she can dance, and dance as few can. And talk! dust let her have a sympa thetic partner, and when the dance is over, the fortunate man will: "There is more real fun in that American girl than in a roomful of English ones. It's style and action that conquer England to day. Harpers Weekly. The. IJij-;rc'Hl Hotel in the World. Tho (hand Quarantine hotel at Elores Island, at the riotith of tho Eiver l'l, do, is not only the largest in the world but, the strangest. While, the accoim.'iodaf ions are poor the people will slop there, no matter how anxious they are to get away. The, hotel com- liimio 5ti t urn !t I i oil !i I 1 ion ril i nrr lioiwo a military camp a prison and a seaside resort. 'The sovereignty of the island is vested in the republic of Uruguay. In the early months of the year llio de j Janeiro is placed under a sanitary boy cott by tho people of the Iiiver I'lafe, anil not a person is allowed to pass Elores Island until ho has been at sea at least ten days. That accounts for the big business at the hotel. The guests come in boat loads from 300 to liOl) at a time. There are first class passengers, immigrants and a number of intermediate classes. Upon arri ving at tho hotel the crowd is as sorted and packed away. Packed is a good word in this case, for you are en tirely at the mercy of the management If you make protest tho officials shnifc their shoulders and say they are indeed sorry, but lhey speak only the pure Spanish language. They will put six or seven in a room. 1 f you don't like that yon can get out, but you will soon return; for it is the only place on the island where you can slop. A permanent garrison is main tained on the island, and it includes a commandant, a physician, a secretary of state, lighthouse keepers, postmaster and telegraph operators. Every morn ing during pleasant weather a tugboat comes down from Montevideo with let ters and provisions. AVhen a norther is blowing those on tho island are placed on short rations. Think of stopping at (ho biggest hotel in the world and of not being able to get but one or two meals a day, with bananas for one of the meals! J had thiB experience, during a storm when the tug did not arnvo for live days. When I was on the island there were over M) guests at tho hotel. liner view in Chicago Tribune. Killing lm::::!ent IJItio Grass. This in just tho season when the ama. tear g!,rJei;cr is enragid to find that the blue gr.'.ss hw planted in the spnn; is forciu;; itself up b'.dwc m tho brick i.roun l the Uwai hi s;ito of all he can do. TIuj way bo can prevent it is to wiiuli the brie'.u with s.iit water or a sirotis solution of soli. Cheap, simple and powerful. -Xew York Journal. A IN public In LSi az L Tli only monarchy on the two American continents has given place to a republic; so Uiat now the republi can form prevail everywhere m both Americas, excepting in (he case of the Iominioiiof Canada, which is a de end -iicy of the monarchy of Great Uritain, and of two little patches of territory iu Honduras and Guiana in Central and South America. Tne revolution which was accom plished in the middle of Xovember in Urazil was sudden and unexpected, at least to those w ho are at a distance from that country. Up to the time that the news of this revolution ar rived, it ,vas generally supposed that Br.uil w as contented with the mild and progressive rule of its Emperor, Dora Pedro II , who has long been regarded as one of the most enlightened of the world's rulers. It was also supposed that, under his guidance, Brazil was advancing quietly on a path of steady progress It appears, however, that there has recently grown up a party which be lieves that monarchy, as a form of gov ernment, has outgrown its usefulness in the great South American State, and that it is for the best interests of Brazil to adopt the governmental form which exists among its neighbors on every side. Among other causes of the rising are stated to be the unpopularity of the Infanta Isabella, the Emperor's daugh- J ter and heiress, and of her husband, the Comteil' Ku; and the dissatisfaction of the planters at the result of the eman cipation of the slaves. The revolution seems to have been effected with little violence or blood shed, and to have been at once success ful. '" Jlegiiitiinpr with a military revolt at Kio de Janeiro, the Brazilian capital, it seems to have quickly spread to the provinces, where the republican form was adopted, apparently without mate rial resistance. The child' mover in tho revolution was Sciihorda Eonseca, a military of ticer whose name has not before at tained more than local renown; while with him, were engaged 'a number of military men, deputies and journalists. Senhur da Eonseca himself was mado the provisional President of the new Republic, which, with the deposition of the Kinpcror, was promptly proclaimed. The old t.niperor, Dorn Pedro, was treated with consideration, but was compelled by the new government to leave Urazil. He r-jcordingly set sail with his family, almost immediately after, for Portugal, the country of his ancestors. Horn Pedro's career in Brazil has been a remarkable one. A scion of the Portuguese royal family, ho ascended the throne of Brazil as Emperor in 1831, at the age of five years. A regency exercised the royal power until Pedro was nineteen, when he himself took up the reins of government. His actual reign, therefore, has extended over a period of nearly forty-nine years. From first to last ho was not only an able, but a very liberal and progressive, ruler. Under him the slave trado was abolished nearly forty years ago; and slavery itself come to an end in his dominions within tho past year. His government was a constitutional and not a despotic one; and he always aimed to administer it for the best interests of his people. He was fond of science, and a great traveller, and SDUght the world over for improvements to intro dace into Brazil. The new provisional republican gov ernment, on assuming power, issued a decree by the terms of which the vari ous provinces of the country, which already have load governments, were united in a federation of Slates, under the name of the "United States ol Urazil," each State to retain control over its localaffairsjsummoning a Con gress to make a Constitution, and em powering the governors of the pro vinces to maintain order. What the result of this thus far suc cessful attempt to establish a ltepub lie In Brazil will be, cannot, of course, he foretold. It is at last fortunate that the change, has been effected with so little political or commercial disturb ance, and also that the rule of Horn Pedro has probably done much, by its enlightened policy, to prepare the lirazilians for the exercise of self-government. The sequel to tho stirring event will be awaited with great inter est everywhere. Youth's Companion, A Pil it's Life. , Tho life of a pilot is filled with de lightful uncertainties. Ho is like a sealed bottle tossed on the waves of the ocean. He may be picked up in a day, and may bo carried over the sea lor more than week before some pass ing steamer comes to "rescuo him." A pilot boat left Xew York prepared lor a weeks' ertiisa. Within ten hours from tho time she left the bay she was back at Staten island, all her pilots having been taken off by incoming steamers. She put to the sea again and stal led up tha const. Cue of her sta tiou.i is at Xewport, and she reached there eleven days after her second start, having cruised all over tho ocean between Xew York and Xewport with out having sighted a singi'j steauier. Xew York Tribune, ' , .. frls Offered fur 8ml e. The center of the French ribbon trade St. Eticnne, hai shaken witti excite ment on the rumor of the betrayal of valuable trade secrets to foreign firms. A large merchant received a letter from England saying that a workman at St. Etieune hJ offered to sell all ihe novelties for tho coming season, and agreed to go wherever required to set up looms. Investigation showed that a commission agent was the guilty party. l'a.s Letter. There is said to be a colored man liv ing near Rutledge, Ga., whose whole body, including his face, is covered with long thick white wool. The wool on his boiy, it is reported, appeared when he was twelve years old, and wai per fectly white then. Ha has a soecial fondness for sheep and often sleeps in their pen. The wool on hi3 body grows so rapidly that he is sheared twice a year, and his fleece is sold. Philadelphia Ledger. Stranger "I want to find a dive, one of the illegal ones. Where shall I go ?" Policeman 'I don't know. Ask somebody else." "Whom?" "Oh, almost anybody whe isn't a policeman." Xew York Weekly. When is a girl not a girl. VueD she is a little a ilky French inventor has devised a sus pended camera, by means of which photographs may be taken on board of ship even when the sea is running high. Xew York Journal. Xew Boarder "I s'pose you like boarders who will eat anything that's set before tliem and not grumble?" Mr3. Slimdiet "Bless you, no. I'd a sight rather they'd grumble and not eat." A chaplain in a penitentiary never has to exert himself to "hold his audi ence." Boston Courier. 99 "German Syrup I am a farmer at Edom, Texas. I have used German Syrup for six years successfully for Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Pains in Chest and Lungs and Spitting-up of Blood. I have tried many kinds of Cough Syrups in my time, but let me say to anyone wanting such a medicine German Syrup is the best. We are subject to so many sudden changes from cold to hot, damp weather here, but in families where German Syrup is used there is little trouble from colds. Johu F.Jones. If you liavo Malaria, l'ile, Sick Head- Oaeho, Contive itowels, Dumb Ague or pp If your food doos not assimilate, TiiH'sTinv Pills? Q will euro tin so troubles. Dose small. e I WILL SELL YOUR HOME FARM OR ANY OTHER REAL ESTATE or forfeit $125. Send si.nmps fnr reply. Kent Eetalo Agent, 476 Myrtle Ave, Brooklyn, N. Y. TANSY PILLS! nr CATON'S RELIABLE COMPOUND for l.AIUKS urc Safe. Proliant. Ktt'ectual. The original nmi only genuine Woman's Salva tion. Hent direct, $1; sealed. Advice free. CATON MED. SI'EC.CO., BobIoii, Mass. Sold by oil local druggist. til I O C flfl A Month and Expenses. VI f)UU To Agents to Sell J I U CIGAKS TO IJKAI.KltS. John i. Ilislns Co., r,l Bt l'aul, Minn. SaiIpl8S KS ! DO YOU RUN Legal Notices in your lupcrY weare pubiisn ng "mst the thing" for you. fend for n copv of our Legal Notice Kegister, pricetl.OO. THE NEBRASKA NEWS l'APElt UNION, York, Neb. 8lt la K(rr A discorery of salt, which secnu likely to have important consequence has been made by the officers of the Eiryptian salt department twenty or tiiirty miles west of Minieli, a point on the liiJe about 150 miles up the river froxA Cairo. Specimens of the salt show" that it is of fine quality. The deposit is said to extend over an area of 1,000 acres, and the department is about to make a further survey of it ( hicago Tribune. LITTLE LIVER PILLO DO KOT GRIP! HOB glCEEV. Bum ear for SICK HEAD- AtH K, imp&irrd digestion .coiub puion, torpid ianaa. i ty arotu UTgAlIB, rriuuiT UlHKt, an sine. Mirieil emcs on ILUI- neyg ind Diaaar. coaqaer duiodb nervoni ai order. EsUblih nat ural daily action. Beautify complexion bj purifjtng Mood. FCKKLY VlOCTAULI. The dosetf nicfty arijuatn) toiulteti, w oiwpill en nevrr betoo much. Ench vial contain 42, carried Id veat pocket, like lead pencil. lillf(iuWS man's (ret convenience. Taken easier than iiifar. Soldcvwy where. All genuine gooda bear "Creacent" Send 2-cent (tamp . Ton get 32 page book vrcth atmpla, DR. HARTEI MEDICINE CO., SI. Louis. M NORTH WEST ic" EAST SOUTH Purhait J irk el ana C. :lgn yout Freight via the F. E. & M V. and S. C. & P, RAILROADS. n.O. BI'RT, General Manner. K. C. MOKKIIODHK, J. K. BUCHANAN. tieii'l Freight. Au't. (jen'l Faes. Agt UM AHA , NEB. FENCING .WIRE ROPE SELVAGE- ABBIT & POVLTB1 fnilMraM. ellLLt.5 WUVE.1 WIKI IWCK CO..CU1UUI ROOFING GUM-ELASTIC ROOFING FELT cosU only S3.00 per 100 gquure feet. MakeB a good rooi for vearn. and niiyonc can put it on. GUM-KLAbTHJ PAINT costs onlv 00 centa pel pal. in bbl. lots, or f4.40 for 5 gal. tuba. Coloi dark red. Will stop leaks in tin or Iron roofa that will last for years. Try it. tend stamp for samples and tull particulars. Gum Elastic Koofikq Co., 39 & 41 West Broadway, New Yon. Local Agenta Wanted. i Tilff ainthftarlrnftwledmd leading remedy for all tba unnatural discharges ana nrlvntedlneasesof men. A j certain cure for tbe deblll 1 tatlng weakness peculiar to women. T nrMri he It and feel saf iTHEEvHaCHEmril Cl. In recommending It to . CIKIHNtT ,0.K-B L""-- ... u. b. a. ma n a. Diuncnj w u.(itcaiuniu rt'Tirpfl In "lTo5DAVS.l 9 Guaranteed nt 10 I cauaa Btriciwc Mf A only hf TYPEWRITERS REM I N C TON For Sale, Rent or Exchange. BEST IN THE WORLD! Jos. P. Megeath, Dealer, ' 1607 Fsrnim 8treot, OMAHA RATI rfBr?, 1 30 Adams St., Chloaco Thii Eminent French Special.! i;irea ror ino mi ;pronic, nerv ous and Acquired Diseases ot Men. Oraraui Weakness. Stunted Development aad Varicocele. "Life's Secret Errors," with question list, 4c. EVERY BODY That contemplates building or remodeling their buildings should cull on or write Irvin I'ribble for specifications, estimntes and Infor mation regarding Plumbing fcteam and Hot water heating. The best of reference furnished. Speeilicatlons and estimates made free. Corres pondence solicited. Address, IRVIN 1'ltIHltLK, Box 185. York, Neb. LUMX JAW Remover: Warranted to cure. Leaves no f-car. 75 cents per bottle, postpaid. Ben. li. Simpson, York, Neb. Sold by drug-gists. The Gregg System of Electric Home Treatment. Positively cures Liver, Kidney and Blood Diseases. It wil1 cure Rheumatism, Insomnia, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Chronic Backache, Painful Stomach Troubles, Diarrohira and Flux and all Bowel Disorders. Pins in the side, Nervous Debility, Nervousness Premature Decline, Paralysis, St. Vitas Dance, and is an unfailing remedy for all diseases peculiar to women. The OTily Institution of th 3 Kind in ths World. If you suffer with the above afflictions they can bo speedily cured by This Great System. Do not neglect to Investigate a matter that will restore your health without fail. Physician, Surgeon and Electrician of 30 years ex perience in charge. Consultation Free. Correct Diagnosis by mail, on ap plication. Address, 914 Inter Ocean Building, Chicago, I1L V CASH PRIZES X0 INTB0DU0E 8TEWAET'8 HEADACHE P0WDEE& $30000 DUUii BTLWAUi'a Ur Mm yon answer this Rcbns yon are not in it, I OK OUR CASH PHJKEB. $100 to the flrat person gncs slnglt liefore Juno 3 1, '92;ta5to the necnnrt. t5 tothenext jive, und 1 ecah to the next fifty. For the last correct answer wo will Rive tfio ; to tho next to lant f'JO, to the ii xt thirty (should bo many answer itl 1 each. This cIirch with last regular mail on June 20, '012. A list of the w inners will bo aeut you. With your una wer send 45o sil ver, postal note, or thirty lo stamps, for s box of (iTKWam's Hkaphu Powpicrs. Contain soda and char coal. Used hy thousands because harmless and a sure , cure for heailacba from any cause. FLEabs tell your " Mends about them. Our 14 years lu tho drug business assures you of honest treatment. Address, r.u. a i Lwnn i s.ww.. 1203 Pontiae, Chicago, Illinois. STna.ii cMtcnn nnuio Orlclsal ImI McRrf sna HMAt4Mfir rm it. Htfp. uppfttul alwavii rrMlblf.. Avoid Imi- WM. Uit only Ihe I'SSMSST. In (III. inrtsl bu. Fries, tl. Sent direct, sealed, dir. Ires. AlATON CIIKM1CAL CO., Uuiton, Men. M. K. V. Mo. 1VS-H4 York. Kb. 1 n I I Best, row LJ MC Plso's Remedy for KasleM lo use, EES. Catarrh Is UM n , and Cheapest. I I KBttrnsAi, I I u by drunlsU or i & T. HanlUM, VUM, IK