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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1892)
:-1 -'iri 4v hr t - . iti) t ' "r. '--l. 1, is W. , !" Y -St i't itt, IU 1 1 t . Ill i'Jl, ur tt 1 la ' a: in In. S'i, fst I, lit - .'! 1 1 US r' County Journal. MI ASHED 1WSH.1 Pit. CXJl'KTY PAPER. W IN THE COUNTY. CIKCIXATION OF ANY I IX SIOTX OOOCTY. Price, 52.00 - Editor. HarrUou poat office ua aec- Nor a base ball game," sImj remarked friskily. In lie pluncrd boldlv faint heart never won fair I.iJv: "My angel, do you think your mother would consent " "I know she would," she interrupted con expressione; '-go and ask her. You have my blessing for I'm sure you'd make a good step-father." He took a stej-farther and went home. Free Press. DAY, 9, 1892. KM OS THE SIDE. K1TT HIS WORI. SKiid a young and fashion- It ludy to her plain old- nd, "I hoe you are not at dinner before all the t how you went bare- y. Every time we have 1 . I 1 . 1 .. . 1 I. lOcK me eopie uy iuik- Uire feet when you weie II not mention my bare )romise. lie uiu not say a bare feet, but he talked Vently about having been V backward out of church t owing to the dilapidated s unmentionables conse idigeiit condition. Texas ; V ( ., n;, ,1.1 man is Highly when he 1 swallows. Binghamp- as fast as it did Ixifore and were merely eli te grocery bill doth tread heels, so fast tliP3' fol- lolis Journal. w (nict Man. It-looking, elderly man in lot black broadcloth suit ith a broad brim, such as Colonels" and "Majors." the car sat two young telling stofies about per is oh the road. One of rilh much gtlsto an en he had recently with a Ird man, the weapens be Ss game was poker, the "j wtts that old familiar jrfiich so orten figures in and two principals were 1 straight (lushes. "It cry f StM Ir'.. rf.'if .r: n. - lilt I'. 'l .W.M.f.. trt c if IVS fir H I'll i ran.--. sv - 'aehare. SSa itgame," remarked the 'k',1?ni we bet sixty-seven .aKi culled hirii. lie had a queen high, and I had Win."- m. Jou should have heard lt liced that the old man heir i ig altention to the story !:.t o; gf; jlon he exclaimed with Uuiri tailifrient, "You called bs. t''-"Ik; ngster blushed and s Sl; i guilt. "Well! well!" risnw-M n, shaking his head, t buttinly not what they is l' 't I see I cum frum Ten- 't tip to this way er Jiy, I'd) Jiltiyin' a hand to my pap in '57. n ofMurfrees- " )0 a game one night n 1 4i .. r i.. .. ' nil lil lict Ull UCb all fey run outer cash they ay fole , I Rev V) he that 8 ti .,n one5 ..wl 1131 pdSSIf" red fronji .cesss'iC Died w n horses, an' then nig Wy tuk io liettin' acres lhey run outer every agreed thet the han's a sealed envellup an h II io vault of the bank fbl more stuff. Well, fray off an' on till the Jedge has died and ven Pines, an' then he tuk his ole man's td's. Well, gen'elmen, Vit whenever we git the t no signs of quitting, linly like lo see them In ole Jedge Dubbin's .he siirhed a lontr sich of .tion while the two ed him as one worthy b if it was only as a rg Dls,atch. IKRt.Y WAI!N1N(. e down stairs attired in ooked sihiply gorgeous. us?'' exclaimed Johnny. to tlie party looking ju'r juiing wrong with my RESERVING HUSBANDS. lluw to Treat Men 80 That Thejr WU1 I'rove m Joy Forever. At a recent meeting of the Woman's Club at Marshalltown, la., Mrs. H. C. Young caused quite a stir by her re sponse to the toast: "Our Husbands." guoling Iiurns, Mrs. Young began: " llus.i husband, cease your strife, No longer Idly rave, fir; Though I am your wedded wife, Yet I'm not your slave, sir." "How shall wo preserve our hus bands?" continued Mrs. Young. "In sc cting your husband you should not be guided by the silvery appearance, as in mackerel. iS'or by the golden tint as found in salmon. He sure to select him yourscif, as tastes differ. Do not go to market for him, as the best are always brought to your door. It is far better to have none, unless you know how to pre serve them. Some women do this by keeping him in hot water. Others let tin nt freeze by their carelessness and in difference. .Some keep them in a stew by irritating ways and moods. Others roast them or keep them in pickle all tii-ir lives. ' It can not bo expected that any hus band will be tender and good managed in this way. The only true way to do with him is to preserve him. To do this your must have a preserving kettle of the finest porcelain; or, if that is unattainable, an earthenware pip kin will do with care. See that the linen in which he is to bo pre served is nicely prepared. Tie him in the kettle with a strong silk cord called 'comfort,' as the one called 'duty' is apt to b 1 weak, and ho might (ly out of the ketilo and be burned. (You must re member that husbands afe liko crabs and lobsters, they have to bo prepared whilo alive.) Make a clear, steady Are out of lovo, neatness and cheerfulness. Set him as near the fire as soeuis to areo with hinii If he sputters and fiz zles, do not be anxious. Some husbands will do this until they are quite done. Add a little sugar occasionally in the form of what confectioners call 'kisses,' but bo careful to avoid popper or vino ?ar, as tboso things spdil the flavor. A little spice improves them, but it must be used with good judgment Do not stick any sharp instrument into him to see if he is becoming tender. But stir him gently, watching the while lest ho Ho too flat and close in the kottlo, for then ho soon becomes spoiled and use loss. Watch him carofully arid you can not fail to know when he is done. "If thus treated, you will find you have a well-preserved husband that will prove a iov to vou and the children, and ho will keep as long as you need him un less you bocomo careless aaa sec aim in too cold a plaeo-. ' ' A king for the beautiful realm called home And a man that tno Maker, 00a, Shuli look upon as he did the first, And ajr-it Is very good.' " Equilibrium of lh Kexea. Whenever careful and reliable statistics have been obtained it is fr-.- . :at more male tban female children 1 . born. In Great Kritain, where tije returns are nearer perfection than elsewhere, the pro portion fnr t: : l .st tt n years was found to be 1.041 molts to I.wju females. It is a singular fi:-l, hawever, that the mortality among tbe maie ciii.jren is greater, so that the equilibrium is je&tored in ten years, aud a census of children of that age show the sexes Xt be equal. From that age on ward, owing to the more perilous occupa tions of males, to losses in war, etc., the proportion of females begins to increase until the final census in England shows 1,000 women of ail ages lo 5H9 men. HI Tax Was Crossed Out. The following story is told by the Oxford (ile ) Democrat: "Abftut twenty years ago a Bluelicldmau, noted for his shrcvedness, was attacked by the small pox. Coiiceiviu;; the idea, as he was convalescing, that it would be a good time to dispose of his road tax, he took his stuff in one hand, and, shouldering his hoe, started for the scene of operations. Like the prodigal, he was seen 'afar off.' The men be;;an to throw up their heads and sniff trouble. Tho sur veyor sung out: "I swuw, Jasc, they are afraid of ye.' 'Can't hMp it,' says Jason, fl have got to work out my tax.' 'Bay, Jase, If you'll go back I'll cross out your tax.' fAll right,' says Jayson, and the tax was 'cropped out. 15 THE BCaT. I'MjuhK0, FOR SALE, gy QumTtt. New Home h. M. t'O., 900 Olive St. St. Louis, Mo. COVEN WIRE 'FENCING wine J "3 WIRE ROPE SELVAGE mm. ACKNOWLEDGED THE BEST (or Lawns, Gardens, Farms, Ranches and Railroads. I'lilCES KKlllX'KD. SoMljy rlen lorn. FKKIOIIT l'A 11). McJll IXK.VS I'Ol LTUY PiUTIXJ. New 'I bin! No euKiritifPl ho baffitinirl Kxtra llerr Helvuyr. The McXuUeB Woven Wirt Fenc Co., Cliiwgo, I1L f she nsked got suspenders over 'SOr inH: lar a"""" 1 ' 11 I" wliisj), ire Kjioiilt1 e W ,'iicit1'0" in 11 :f pareii'.'J who y.t sherell the young; lilder straps. They ess. itr some other dress. I . L '. 1 si8, if you wear susoend- ybiir shoulders flat like; topt seand'lous with WW. Dbn't she, Mr.! .sMenoed Mr.: f candy." ' Jinational riMHtnr nmrif. could be'sbXiwe 'I THE DIFFERENCE. A School-Boy 'i Idea Coricrrning a Rhaap's Heart and a Woman1.) Hoarf. I was giving a lesson on the htima heart, says a writer in Longman's Mag azino and, as is my wont, in order to mako my teaching as demonstrational and practical as possible, 1 procured for the lads' inspection tho most approxi mate exemplification of tho subject in hand. In this particular case I had sent round to tho butchers for a sheep's heart; and I permitted the members of the class to seo, touch and handle it for themselves. In the course of tho lesson I asked the Question: "What is the difference, then, betwixt a sheep's heart and tho heart of a man or woman?" As a matter of fact, I may be permitted to remind tho reader, the two have a most remarkable uirailnrity. Among othors, one poor, palo-looking lad put out his hand. "Well, 15.," I said, "what differenco is suggested to you?" "Why, sir," answefrd the boy, a glow bf feoling rising to 1 i 1 cheek, "a sheep's heart is tho softest; : or you can bito a sheep's heart, but a woman's heart you break." And then I remembered that poor lit tle B.'s mother had died of a broken heart, the result of a husband's brutali ty and desertion. TWICE IN A WEEK. Just What the People Want. 1 he pulilinhers of 'J'lie,HUte Joiinml struck the public nnt when tlie commenced print iiiK 'I'lii! Journal twice u wcCk: Tlie circula tion Iuih been 11100 tliun doubled. Kveryone can see the iidvuntiiKC of receiving two com- plete papers each week, with markets and telcgriipblo news while it is fre.ih. What nnikesTlie Rciiii Weekly Joiinml ho po'jinlnr In, that It Is f'nty f 1 .00 pef yenr, which Is tho name price other piijiers charge, for their weeklies. , , ,. ; - , A vein 's Hiilwcrip'tloii to tlie Twice a Week Journal will curry its readers thioifgli tho national conventions, the presidential cain- palgu, mid through the next BOnlm of the Nebraska leglsliitiue. ICveryonc will want a rcllnble newpiier during such stirring times, mill the events will afford TheScinl- Wcckly Journiil ample opportunity of prov ing Its superiority over ,nnj Weekly paper. It is almost us good ns a daily, giving KM pa pers 11 year ut less than one cent per copy. Other give about fifty two papers a year. Wo hiu still ofrorJniT tho paper s year, and our great Stanley booK, fo,r !., (or wc will send tho IxHik free for two nc,y Miibserlliers. Write for Hani pic coiiy and1 Wc are nnrn yon will subscribe. TI)Q Moiiil-Weekly .journal Is tho newspaper hiicccss of the west. Join the crowd mid receive twice as much for your money a the old weeklies give you. Address, MkhraskV Rtatk Journal, ., .Ineoln, Neb. Wind Wasb your face, Wash your hands, Wash your head, Wash your beard, Wash babies heads, Wash out stains, Wash away dandruff, Wash away pimples, Wash away freckles, Wash yourself vith KO-KO Toilet Soap For Pure White Skin. EL BALDWIN 4 CO., 14 MAK PLACE, DETROIT, MICH. MENTI WANTED, SALARY OR COMMISSION; SAMPLES MAILED FREE. TITANIA ftf$Wh (Th Qx" 01 Fal,lM ' FOR LADIES. UjVl r ' STRICTLY ,-V HIGHEST DIAMOND FRAME: CUSHION and PNCUMATIO Warranty With Every Wheel IBRD YOUR AD0REII FOR CATA10QUE ai!,s,,v.""' Scientific American Agency for XII A fiAVf AT8. TRAOI MARICJ. DISIQN PATINTS COPYRIGHTS, ato. tor InformsUon and freeHudbook writs tn MIINN A CO., K1 Bhoadwat, Nitw VohiC. Mdt bureau for ecurliiB patents In Amnrie rrj patent Uksn out by u Is broiurbt beloro tba poblio kr a aotloa Rtren free of cbuvo in U Mtntitit mmm tartvn MicakiUon of my ntentme ppr in ih work, , iplwdldlT MUmtraud. No "S"Jfi?"i auirrtooTd be wlthoat it. Wekly,.3.Mt a. .MMxiiJO alx moiuiu. .-AaaHW-M-uAn a PnvtlMllM, m BrettJw.y, New York. KMlMr, his OpiRrtmiiy! 1H'T UIbm B urt, Reader. J no majority neglect their porta&iuei, and from Uiat caut live in poverty and die in tibscuritfl II arrow iog despair is tli lut of many, a tlie; look back eo lost, forover lost, opportattiiy. Life Is fmu. I lit ! Reach eat. Bs op and doing. 1 iu prove your opporta cny, and secure prosperity, iirominence, peace. It was said ty a plnlusojjLer, tliat "the Ci oddest of Furtooe offers a Co Idea opportunity to each prcti at some jieriud of life; the clanee, and f.he poors out her riches ; fail to do so and the departs, ntrrr to return. " How shall yon find tlis coldxji opporlnnity? Investigate every chance thai appear worth r. and of fair nromt&e: that is what all auc. ee'-sfulmeado. Here is ko opportonty, tuh as it nt often within the reach ot lahorinp ianple. Iiuproved, it will give, t least, a grand start to life. The golde opportonitv for ruuny is here. Munew to be made rapidly and honorably I'VailV indLBlrifiiitrnirsonof filrmr mr-r A 11 a sua Vnn do the work and live at borne, wherever rnii are. Even he pinuert are easily earring from f. to 910 per dT. Yoa chh do as well if yon will work, not too hard, tut iudustri onily ; and yon can increase your income at you go on. Vou eanriveipretmeonly, or all your time to the work. Easy to learn. Capital Dot required. We start vou. All is com paratively now ai.d really wonderful. We instruct en 4 show you how, Ti-ce. Failure auknown among our work fia. No room to explain here. Write and learn all tVv bv runj mail. Vnwise to d-lay. Adiresi at ence II. liullcll VCo., Bui 0tO. rui tlun J, Muluc. n 8 p i ? r & O C 5 0 bo 5 H n 5 5 P SENTotttvi(ii WE PAY FREIGHT If you do not keep it. We think you will keep it It pleases everybody. It Is an honest piano. It s the WING Piano. You may have a preference for some other make. Still you are a reasoning creature, and open to conviction, no doubt. The question is too important to be settled without due thought. Years of satisfaction or of regret come with a piano. Does it wear well? The WING Piano does. "Look before you leap." Whatever piano you buy, there are piano 6ecrets you ought to know. Owxfree book tells them. Send a fiostal card for it. It may help you o buy a different piano. We take that risk. We also tell you the nearest dealer where you can see a WING Piano. It is worth, looking at. Sd is the price. WING & SON, 245 Broadway, New York ROOFING., Metallic Weather Boarding, Complote Ceilings, Corrugated Sheeting, " Roofing Paints, LJ Iron Roofing, Eiva Trought, Cutters and Soootlnj, if All forms of Sheet Metal for Building COMPLETE AND READY (TO APPLY WHEN SHIPPED. WE .WANT AN AGENT rni'ro-rtio workman to takn nrilnrs and Ari'LV our luaUrUU IBHII.I.U... .J- .,.-J. IS S. 4 'tricnB mul term. SCOTT & CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. "jcSTAB ll HfD 1872 ;mq JOHNSON & FIELD CO., RACINE. WISCONSIN. Manufacturers of "THE RACINE" FARM AND WAREHOUSE FANNING HILLS DUSTLKSS GRAIN SEPARATORS AND LAND ROLLKRS, Theae Mills and Separators have lone been used by the Fauuem. firomtnent Millers, Grain and Seed Jealera lliruucliont the United States, who highly recommend them as being the IJKST MA CHINES ever made for cleaning and grading Wheat, Ilarley, Oattf, Corn and Seeds of every descrip tion. They do the work more thorough ly, have greater capacity, built Htronger and heavier and better finished than any other Mills. Six different sizes, two for Farm Ue, four for Warehouse, Elevator and Millers use. The Land Rollers are the BEST and CHEAPEST for tlie money. ALL MACHINES WARRANTED. Write for Circulars and Prices before buying. $ We can vouch for tbe reliability of thi firm. Editor. 3mo Are strictly first-class in every detail, possess an absolutely perfect repeating action bug nanaseme cases, tuny , war raniea, ranted. Tj JHh Are the best in the world, and have led all others for years. Over 210,000 in use. The people are bound to have the best, and will have hone but the ESTEV. Time payments or cash, as customers prefer. Gall and see us, or send for Catalogues and full information. OTY & (DAMP, 233 State Street, Chicago. I3St. Louis House, 916 & 018 Olive St Mcn.'ir.n litis Pape r. Foi- fifty years carriage makers have tried to invent a"sliort-tnrn'' vehicle that would not be a ' 'turn-under. " Success came with the invention of fhearlbolomewT!aJai3oa. The short-turn device and the othormcrits, of which there arc many, are described in an illustrated catalogue, which, with address of local agent, will be sent free to any one. The Bartholomew Co., Cincinnati, 0. I 11 i NO OU WA WEIGHTS SEALS OR CHECK R6DS. RH MONARCH SCALE BECAUSE IT IS Tfto Mast Simple of Constimction Any one can adjust t. Tho Most JhtrnhlcTJto Tenifk etiffes are free and loose; en n he taken out, sha rpened or reilaccd hy new ones. The Most Perfcet-Jiccauso of its simpli city, and the only scale which proves its own correctness. The Settle of America. Send for deserip tionf prices, etc. It will pay yon to investi gate. H. N. STRAIT MANUFACTURING C0.v KANSAS CITY, KANSAS. $66 OO THE BEST RIDING THE BEST LOOKING I FOR THE STRONGEST BUILT This Is a spe cial offer. We sell them at this price to In troduce them, regular price Is 875.00. WE ARE WHOLESALE MAMUFAC SSI IS r ULL Rubber Top, Ellptic Springs, Piano Body, Upholstered in a fine grade of cloth, or leather If preferred. Three or four bow top. Either wide or narrow track. We would also furnish Corning body In place of Piano body if desired. Send for Catalogue. FREDOXlA MANUFACTURE CO., YOUNCSTOWN, OHIO. m m is r