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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1892)
ioux County Journal HE A- HASRISOIN". 1TBB., JTTTSTE 9, 1892. 3sTO. 39. I k f tot xbt. ifactiL,. joga --- ' Kttk, talc. w, .C5 loWL. i -I. ft tot- I" hel 1i )ioux COUNTY "R HT -A. Xj: , Editor and Proprietor, j 41 rLBW.11Li -Z. O. Deuel was in town yesterday. George Walker went to Chadron last week. , V K. E. Time taWe. Going East. 11 :06 I Ko. 6, mixed 1 :0rf JON MARKET l lb fcr hundred tt. ht m. ft td every Thursday, f 40 l s 1 oo 25 lu 10 2 50 3 2 4 4 50 8 to 15 00 Sirs. S. L. Ulery was up from Andrews on Friday. up from Glen on I in bulk ut Turner's, rrived at the home of C, i last Monday. barrel at ild & Marstelleb'b. text to Turner s is be- will be occupied as a Wudsworth. be to make your plans f fall plowing and put of fall wheat. It will it-class native lumber lontlv on hand at my :gy, 13 miles east of J. E. Arnkr. r. Shaier naa anomer called on to go to the y who came for him him and leading his buirirv. lhe horse I n, lunge forward and )oe of the wjieels of the iie spokes pretty badly. l"Was done. yo comes to see Sioux Sused than he expected F use trying to dodge I county lias more ad- is ttie settler than any of Nebraska and it eut land subject to 'By other county in )t&t as good as any I and all it needs is Vour friends to come r W. S. Johnson was Wednesday. Mrs. G. 11. Turner went to Crawford last Thursday. Wf"W. MacLachlan made a business trip to Lusk Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brooks went to Crawford Tuesday evening. C. U. Plimpton was in tewn yesterday and made a call at this office. John Martin writes us to send The Journal to him at Suggs. Wvo. Mrs. II. T. Conley went to Glen last evening to visit friends for a few days, I. O. Williams has been on his farm for some time past putting in his crop. E. J. Wilcox was in town last Thurs day, having finished getting in his crop that day. Mrs. R. W. Windsor arrived from the hills last Friday for a visit to relatives and friends. Mrs. J. M. Robinson leaves this even ing for Omaha and will be absent for some time. G. A. Dove was up from Cottonwood precinct on Monday and made a pleasant call at this oflice, Sheriff Rcidy returned Friday from a business trip to Deadwood anil other points in the hills. John Sutton was down from Pleasant Ridge, Wyo., the first of the week. He reports crops in fine condition. J. W, Sjiipley was up from the South part of the county yesterday and called and contributed on subscription. O. J. Gowey was up from Cook pre cinct the first of the week making his re turns as assessor and made a pleasan call at tins oflice. Anton Jacobs went to Chadron Mondav to take out his second citizenship papers. J. A. and Arthur Qreen went to act as witnesses for him. P. J. Seoville, of Illinois, was here last week looking at a farm recently pur. chased by him. He was well satisfied with his purchase and highly pleased with the prospects of Sioux county i Wgin !;Andreas Knori pur Sment and improve ith's claim in Sow- a homestead filing lis an old friend of engage in raising heep. Two of his ae here to live and J abou,t time people Jt a niece of land good an opportun Jiwill not last long. JUexauder Kohn, of ; in Harrison inter je relative to the jfrom Sioux county. ind that the mater- must be gathered this season. It will ntil the various gin to mature ana lully ripe good sized be gathered and jd so it will keep 'no funds with which wake Jtaary for each to do l true of grasses ap- and woods. Make lhe proper time and it ID the work, after the world's fail place last week Mr. imber of things about jell greatly interested I of land yet open to Wipness of lumber; the of water and various flered by the county I says there are lots of county who have no I aud cannot buy at the I there, who would do loux county and get a Sp paying rent. evening it began to School will plose qn hext Tuesday fcflM was given at the home of J. The National Convention. The republican national convention met at Minneapolis on Tuesday. The anti-Harrison element using Blaine as a candidate were makinir every effort to bring about the defeat of Harrison. All that was doqe on the first day was a temporary organization, with J. Sloat Fassett as chairman. On Wednesday the convention re-convened and elected Gov. McKinley as permanent, chairman and after the appointment of committees an adjournment was taken until Thurs day at 11 o'clock, a. m., and at that hour a further adjournment was taken until 8:30 p. m., to allow the committee on credentials time to complete its work. There were several contests and it took a good deal of time to hear them. The general feeling appears to be that Harrison will be the nominee. The action of Blaine in resigning just on the eve of the convention has lost him hosts of friends all over the nation and many who would gladly have supported him had he not stated in February that lie would not be a candidate, would not support him at all should he be nomi nated, for they do not like such double dealing. The belief in general is that it is simply an attempt to down the pres ent encumbent, and that the longer the matter is delayed the more clearly that fact becomesapparentandthe result will be that a grand . rally will be made to Harrison and be will be the victor. It is a fact that cannot lie controverted that whoever is the nominee of that con vention will have to stand on the platform built by the adminstration of President Harrison, and looking at it in that light it would seem like folly to put up any other man. Call for Bids. Bids will be received until noou of the ltli day of June, 1892, for the excava tion of 350 yards of rock 1,500 yards of earth, more or less, and the construction of three bridges, on the new 'road in Sowbelly canyon. Specifications can be had by calling at the oflice of count' judge. ' ' ' : S. Barker. Xotire. In the County Court ot Sioux County, Ne braska. lu the matter of the Estate of Krank Ii'meig, deeeamMj. Notice is hereby Kiven to alj persons hav ing chums and demands against Krank liemesig, late of Sioux county, deceased, that the time fixed for filing claims againxt suiil estate is six months from the second 'iny of June, 1H1C2. All BUch orsons are re ij'uml to present their claims with the Mjncliers to the county judge of said county, at liia oflice therein, on or before the second day of December, 1X92,' and all claims so nletj will be heard before the said Jinlge on the third day of Deceinlx-r, lWRJ, at 10 o'clock, a. in. S. Karkkk, Dated June 2nd, lUSri. County Judge, i SKAL 3-1 F. Schultz on Monday evening. I carry a full lineof farm machinery. G, H. Turner. The small grain crop of Sioux county is assured. Now for a mill to make it into flour. Several train loads of cattle enroute for the hills were returned to Lusk Sun day on account of washouts on the north end of the F. E. & M. V, The W. C. T. U. is requested to meet at the church June 10, 1892, at 3 o'clock, p. m. A full attendance is required to attend to important business. Uutil Wednesday, June 15th, I will pay 57 cents per bushel for good clean wheat. Do not expeot to buy later than that. G. Guthrie. There will be a school picnic in Mon roe canyon on Wednesday, June 15th. There will be a program by the children, basket dinner, etc. All are invited to attend. MIC WIICVV FT . ... ... ..!,. 1 i nave a uorse mil uuuer iniii wnue vlit tempting to cut out some horses on Tuesday, and got his left shoulder bone broken and other injuries. The teachers' institute for Sioux county will begin on Monday, July 11th and will continue for two weeks. The superintendent will send out his an nouncement in a few days. The teachers are all expected to attend. There will be a meeting of the Ladies Aid Society at the home of Mrs. Marstelleron Saturday, Juno 11, at 8 p. m. It is important that all members should be present and all ladies of Harri son are cordially invited to come and join. J. W. Hunter came to town on Mon day and after imbibing freely of tangle foot lw went into Griswold & Marsteller's store nnd fell and struck his temple against a sharp corner of the woodwork. It was thought for a time that he was fond. Dr. Bridirman was called and n almost incessantly 1. It was the greatest (has visited this section V. i: rpi, l f that the water soon tore l,lm and he was ab 6 l? tt w.ll h held out next morning, It was a pretty close kep the crops l dialirfnt. II ...III 1 Ill T1 1 1 1 ("P". but in "Imply make PUi. ground I0' broking and "'"W amount i ready tor a crop yaers are not mu y and are preparing it crop acreage on call. The F. E. & M. V. has made a rate of one fare for the round trip for the Council Bluffs and Omaha Chautauqua, at Council Bluffs, July 2 to 16; Central Chautauqua, at Frernont, July 1 to 15; Loog Pine Chautauqua, at Long Pine, July 31 to August 1; Hot Springs Chau tauqua, at Hot Springs July 27 to August 8. For further information call on or address L. A. Rodwkix, Agent. An Assured Thinff. The now road from the valley is as near assured as it can lie. The work of surveying is completed and a meeting was held and a committee composed or J. E. Marsteller, C. E. Verity ami Conrad Lindeman was appointed to take subscriptions for getting the work done. The whole work w ill be under the super vision of Judge Barker who has done a great deal of work in getting the matter in shape. The condition of the finances of the county is such that no funds can be appropriate! for such piirpoes an-1 hence the business men have got to go down into their pockets and foot the bills in order to get the road so people can come here to do business. The road once got in shape will be an easy grade and will do away with sixteen bridges which are now used to cross the stream as it winds through the canyon. Work will be commenced as soon as possible and it will not be long before people can have a good road over which to come to towq from, the valley. Legion Exercises. Not being able to carry out the Children's Day program, the church management will have a short program by the Loyal Temperance Legion, con ducted by Mrs. Smedes, June 12, 7 p. in. Followecj by an Anthem by the choir. Recitation by Miss Mason. Duet by Mrs. Guthrie and Miss Smith. Chalk Talk by Mrs. Marsteller. Selpct leading by Mrs. Smedes. Solo by Mrs. Griswold and Miss Fannie Palmer. All are cor dially jnvited to attend. Little Cottonwood Items. Editor Journal: As Cottonwood lias not been shown up for some time 1 will drop you a few items again. Weather is fine at this date with some nice showers. Grain is looking well. Sod corn planting is the order of the day. S. W. Carey lost a fine bay mule Tues day. It died eating J. W. Groves wheat. Jake's wheat is poison. Friends keep up your stock. D. C. Cline and W. R. Dove are shear ing sheep on Big Cottonwood. Elmer Brown is the guest of Ab. Bur sen every Sunday. What has happened old boy? Miss Maggie Dove is at home once a&a,n .... Uuese wno is tne proudest onoiiou- wood. J. W. Grove overloaded his buggy last Sundav and brolfe two braces. Messrs. Scott and Moore are again pounding away at C. U. Grove's well. The largest man on a corn planter is William Procunier. Jake saj's he must have plenty of lum ber this summer. Can anybody guess why? II. S. Clough lias lately got into the habit of leading one horse to church and not leading it away. Strange isn't it? John is knocked clear out of the lox. Respectfully, June 8, 1892. Rest A. THE NEW RESTAURANT H. A. PRIDDY Is Headquarters for Meals, Lunches and Bakery Goods. Board by the Day or WeekE Eat Reasonable Rates. PATRONAGE KESl'KCTKULLY SOLICITED. East Side Main Street, ILUUUSON, ' NEUHASKA. Estimate ot Expenses. Harbison, NkiiHaska, May 12, 18(12. At a meeting of the board of eonnty com missioners of Sionx county, Nebraska, held on the 12th day of January, ls!Ki, the follow ing estimate fr expenses for the year lslK was made; Iiistrict court cxTcnBOs 13,000 00 salaries . 2,500 00 stationery... ISO 00 I'rintiiiL' 400 00 i:iidxaml bridges 2,000 00 indebtedness as indicted by inanda. miisin favor of Samuel Weasel 1,914 12 Institute 100 00 Incidental expenses 3,000 00 Insane and poor fund-. 400 00 soldiers relief fund . 200 00 (Dicers' fees 2,000 00 10,014 12 And pursuant to niandato of the su preme court amended at a meeting of said board on the Bill day of Keb rnarv, ls'.tt, as loljows; W. W. Seymour, special debt fund J2.200 81 35-40 $17,214 03 Conrad Lindeman, County Clerk. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. Onirics L. Tubbs, and I.ydia A. Tubbs, de fendants, will take notice that on 'the 31st day ol May, 1'.4, The Pioneer Savings and i.n':m Company, successor to the National lluilding Loan and Protective I'nion, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, plaintiff herein Hied its petition in the district court of sjoux county, Nebraska, against said defend ants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage, executed by the defendants to the National Iluilding Loan and Protective Cnion upon Lot seven in block seven of th" village of Harrison, sionx County, Ncbr.n:;iv, to secure the pay ment of a promissory note dated December 1-t, ls!)0, for $500 witli interest at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum and premium at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum, both interest and premium payable monthly, which note and mortgage is owned and held by the plaintiff herein. Default has been made in the payment of said note - nd in the terms and conditions of said mortgage, whereby the whole sum wcuiv I thereby is due and the plaintiff so elects, and there is j.ow due upon said principal note the sum of $500, with interest and premium at 8 per cent, each Irani May 1st, ism, ana the f urtlirr sum of $29.75 with interest at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from the 2flth day of February, 1HH2, the last sum being lor insuranccon the buildings on said premises, which nlalfttilf was'coninelled to pay to pro tect its interests in the premises. Plaintiff prays for a uecreo mat ueteniiants oe com pelled to pay tho same, or that said premises may bo sold to satisfy tho amount found due. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before Monday, tho 11th day of July, 1892. ' Pioneer Savings and Loan Companv, Plaintiff. By Geo. A. Murphy, II. T. CONLEY, 1 38-41 Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice to Non-Resident Defendant. Franz Slabinger. defendant, will take notice that on the 20th day of May, 1802, The Farmers Trust Company, a corporation nlaintiff herein tiled Its petition in the dis trict court of ' Sioux county, Nebraska against said detenuant the oojoct ana nraver of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the defendant to tho plaintiff upon tho S. E. & of section 14 in township 34 north of range 55 west of the 6th r. M. in SSioux county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of a promissory note ttatea May istn, losa, ior .ij.iiu, wilii interest at 7 per cent, per annum navablo semi-annuallv. which note nnd mortgage is owned and held by tho nlaintiff herein. Default has been made In the payment of said nolo and in tho terms and conditions of said mortgage, and there is now due on said note aud mortgage the sum of $38().501 for which sum with interest from the 23rd day of May. 18112, plaintiff prays tor a decree, that the defendant be re quired tq pay same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You aro hereby required to answer said petition on or ueioro nionuuy mc inn day of July, 1802. Farmers Trust Company, Plaintiff. 38 41 J By II. T. Coulcy, its Attorney. THE IMPORTED PERCHERON. STALLION, BARBARIN 10256. 10135. Will make the season of 1892 at my place on Warbonnet creek 3 miles west of C. F. Coffee's. Description and Pedigree Barbarin is a . ll:M-lr-irra.v! stjir in forehead: foaled March 27, 1886; imported 188; weight 1,8UU lbs. JJred by M. uorcnene, i.aiiii union nf fYinlneTlfiS les SllblonS. i)e rmrtment of Orne. Got by Itoullard 18133, he by Favori, belonging to M, Champeon; dam, Traniquille 10134. TERMS: --$8 for tho Season, Payable in Advance. 12 dollars to insure a mare with foal due and payable when tho mare is known to be with foal or upon her removal from the county or change ot ownership. Care will be taken to prevent accidents but 1 will be responsible lor none. A. W. M0HR, Owner RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, DEALER IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Groceries, Ory Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Furnishing Goods and Crockery Sold at LOWEST CASH PRICES. FAIR ( HONEST iv, . . TREATMENT GUARANTEED. The Celebrated "TAMBOR MAJOR" Cigar for Sale. CALL $ GET I PRICES. MacLACHLAN & COOK, Proprietors, GEO. H. TURNER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, i will sell Yog; Bon Ton Flour per 100 pound S3 00 Half Patent 2 75 Straight Grade " " " 2 50 Lo-.v Grade " '( 1 75 Corn Meal ' 1 80 Chop Feed " " " 15 Bran & Shorts mixed" f 90 GROCERIES. 23 pounds Hominy - 1 00 22 ' Oatmeal - - 1 00 20 Pail Jelly ; 85 Pail Syrup s - 95 6 pounds Broken Java Coffee 95 1 " Baking Powder - 25 Tea Per pound - . ? - 15 Tomatoes per can - - 11 J 3 pound can Michigan apples - 11 5 " can Prices Baking Powder, per pound , - - . 40, CI imax & Horse Shoe Tob. per ft 45, 4 pounds Joker Tobacco - 100 5 pounds Smoking Tobacco - 1 00. 7 Choice Cigars ? - - 25 DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES. $ 2 0ft 3 5ft 1 25, Full Stock Kipp Boots f5.00 Calf Boots Ladies Itongola Shoes Felts and IJubbers at cost; Calico per yard , . . 05 Best Grade Outing Flannel, per yd. 14 Dress Gingham per yard - - 1ft German Knitting Yam, per pound 90 Men's Working Shirts r 60 Handkerphiefs - - - 05 Come and look at our Hardware, Tinware, Fibreware and Barbed Wire and get our prices, Respectfully, GEO. T. TTJHlSrElK. A NEW 7-SHOT, .32-CAL REVOLVER. THE "PROTECTOR," QUICK, SAFE, RELIABLE. Compact, Light, Effective. The latet anil hnt thin In the ravolTer line. Can be carried In the vast pocket m cully a watah. 00,000 aold In Franca last year. A NonltytMt Hilt it tight Sample rerolTer and Oar. trldjraa ST. Will be aent O. O. D, by expiwu, with prlTllagn of examination. If SO eta. aoeompanlea order aa a guarantee of good laltfe. MINNEAPOLIS FIRE ARM3 CO, umuNuii mmn