Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Km r vxx i oil Powder X SLUTELY PURE ICtulhing. ch is anot! er term hly jiarted with jii ery effort should it, particularly in this end the skin ft warm by ueioe with flannels. In lor the changing ria'ule climate, it is of flannels, the .veifjht and light . - Inieu resist""-' Bd fall, and sum I weakening to be flannel ou a frequently seen in i to suffer from Jcr how not uie lis not proper to in contact with )io eclusiou of a Looking fur Sit uat inn. One of the Melbourne newspapers say that awhile ago a woman there advertised for two housemaids. The same day two stylishly dressed young women were sIiokd into her drawing room, and were treated as callers unti they remarked that they had come in answer to the advertisement. They explained that their father had recently lopt Ills property, and consequently they found it necessary to take I situations. When asked if they could wait at table, they repl'ed "Well yes, we can wait, but wou.d rather not, as we might meet a lot of friends." ftCI i e very name to mds and feet. in liabyl.ood. Tlif Only One Kvrr r.hitflil. Can Yuu Find Ills Worrtf Thore In a tlirco-lnf h (lii-pln j- iKlverilty'niPnt In (IiIh M'r. lliih Hirt, which tins tin two wtmlij alike, except wile wupl. 'J he mine in true of fiich new one iti'iwHriiiK em-li et-k, from the lr. llnrtf-r Mt'dlMi:.- Co. This house pltices a n-txent on fver thine they nmke anil linb lihh. Limit lor it, w-lxi them the imine ol the word mid thev rt-tuni vou If t(iK. BKAC'ii H l. l.l lliUli'KAl'IlnorSAWt'J.KS r'KKK. , as they jrtion of l to cure 1 Jutimiiil i kt 1 Cured as thev cannrt. the ear. Deafness, remedies. in in aiued con- jus lining of the lien this tulie gels I rumbling sound End when it is en iig the result, and I can lie taken out I to its normal con Jh; l(troyed for- ten are caused by (thing hut an iu le mucous stirfiiees. Mildred Dollars for caused by catarrh) by Hall's Catarrh arc, free. Co., Toledo, O. 8, 7.JC. ftty a Turtle. I Richard Slock, of V milking a fine r"cd her out in i.ended her way v Jk to slack her t.orf: the day, and d In '',( "king was seiztid u4!-i.v.- rhead turtle and jr tho water and wned. me that night juli for her, and her head under land, quite dead, hold. Mr. Mock .lng the cow out, io, he refusing to t The turtle was jftftv pounds, his Jr as a large bread .-) Democrat. J and Throat Dis nmehial Troches' are '"rreloufily effective are I'atti's chifest attraction, but she frankly owns her forty-nine years and us frankly disclaims the possession of anv secret of eternal youth. Her ex planation is, ' I keep my temper and stick to regular hours." And she em phatically counsels: "Xevcr lose your temper. No woman can keep young who often loses her temper. U hen I feel that my temper is getting the better of me I always get up and leave the room." Her ratriotlniii Unwanted. Miss Emma Conner, the schoO teacher of Clark township, Montgomery county. I nd.. who came into promi nence some weeks ago in her efforts to keep the national colors, living over the school house in her charge, has been presented with a handsome gold badge, valued at 815) dollars by the Patriotic .Sous of America of Leadville, Coin, and is set with diamond 06-. '"is o Job. id the man who re you ?" do?" was the leeting. "What! if course I do lleman I married it year, are you . "and that mar- Jght, either. You laid the parson in twirled his hat wonderin' if you I was doin the r Inoney back I paid l"--15oston Is'ews. reak. Man (to editor Bess of that tcati- it. jote: 'Your Live I doing mo a great me another box, live it a prominent kely preceding the t death notice on of John fcimilh. Wliere Iirntlst V.et 1th h. .Says an American dentist who is practicing in Mexico. "I am petting rich, and any good American deitist who will come hero and stay can do likewise. I made $1,0U0 the first year, and I have done considerably better right along since that time. 1 can charge bigger prices. I get from Sl'XJ to $150 for a full set of teeth on rubber. The same thing in the states costs you fifteen dollors. Whenever 1 administer gas I charge ten dollars for the pulling of a tooth, and when a number aru pulled I charge ten dollais for the first tooth and live dollars for all succeeding ones, lor jerking out a tooth without gas I charge two dollars, and in tint United States yuu would only get lifty cents for this work. As to fillings, they range from five dollars upward, and gold filliiigj cost from fifteen dollars un into the hundreds, ac cording to the size of the cavity and to the sue of the bank account of the man who has his teeth filled I always get 8300 for making a set of teeth on gold, and all other business is done at proportionate rates. 1 know of many lentists who are making more than 1 lud 1 know of a number who charge more than I do. I often make f 1.0JJ a month, but dentists in the City of Mexico make more, and I know a man there who gets fifty dollars a tooth for my kind of filling, and who came to Mexico from ! outh America, where he made 6W,t00 in a Eingle year." Ex change. How Taltl Keeps Young. harm of manner and youthful grace Mic Mad All Her HiittunH. Loving Wife Ceorge, dear; what are those round piecei of ivory that 1 picked upon the floor this morning? They fell from your coat. Embarrassed Husband Why. my dear they are buttons 1 bought for your winter c:utK. Hliea I reaclieu liome 1 discovered that they had no holes with which to sew them on and I ihought I'd take th?m back to-night and change them. Loving Wife (inquisitively) I should think that vou would have noticed that they were not ou a card. Embargassed Husband -I had some others that were ou a card, but I lost them. Loving Wife You hid better take th'se back to-night and put them on a card. If you win those that you lost last night just bring ma home a cloak. Never mind the buttons. I've got all my buttons. Dimmer In Too Much Fu:l. Yery often the effort required in taking care of more iood than is necessary overtaxes the whole system A f mailer quantity of nourishing food which could be readily digested and assimilated would give an increase of Ik-sh and more symmetrical roundness to the whole body. An abnormal amount of llesh above one's average weight is an indication of ill health and it may be accompanied by extreme weakness and inability to work oi exercise Hall's Journal of Health. ll-r l lrst rulrnf Slioe. Mrs. E.N. Kinnehrew still has the first pair of shoes that she ever wore. They were matlo by some ot Ute Indians that were carried away from this state in lS.'M, and were presented to Mrs. Kinnehrew in that year, hue was then about one year old. They are made ot buckskin tanned by the ndians. They are a curiosity. The sole and uppes are alike. Mrs. Kinne hrew prizes them very niucli. Elber- ton(Ca.) Star. Women Vott rt In llllunift. School elections were field through- out l.'linois on Saturday, and for the first time women exercised the riht of suffrage. They turned out in large numbers, and in nearly every instance secured the election of their favorite candidates. In several towns a woman's ticket was in the field against the men's ticket, and in every case the women were victorious. Chicago Letter. DresHiualiliiff 1" l'oblio Schools. The committee on indnrtrial schools. has recommended that a kitchen be opened in a south side school and fitted up for September, 1892, and that the high school committee, in com junction with Miss Ralston and Principal Wood, take into consider ation a system of dress-cutting and fitting for the high and normal schools. Pittsburg Dispatch. To Cover Defects. An intere3t:iid suggestion is that tht sale of mantles, jackets, cloaks, shawls and wraps has been large, and as the loiio cloaks and mantles now worn cover up a multitude of defects in the drettJ beneath, the latter have been made to do extended service. A Black Cat in n Court r om Towrad the closed of the trial of M. V. Kerr, of Craw foidsville, Ind., for for-, ;ery, an incident occuried wh c:i, while amusing, demonstrated that the aver age American atill believes in the tlicacy of "signs." iJuringalull in the proceedings a strange black cat. with fierce, glaring eves appeared in the doorway, causing a solemn silence to fall over the assembly, It paused. looked about, and slowly swishing its tail to and fro advanced toward the space between the prisoner and the jury s box. I he silence becam i op pressive, and the judge, lawyers, jurors and prisoner craned their necks and oin mouths gazed at the creature. "Would the aparition approach the risoner to bo touched?" If so the man was innocent and would be freed. A fter standing as if transfixed for seconds it approached the prisoner, who with a superhuman effort stretched forth his hand and touched the glossy fur; Immediately the cat gave a joy ous "meow" and disappeared. All were convinced that Kerr would go free. He was acquitted. Cincinnati i Enquirer. Where Fine Pearls Come From. The finest white pearls are from India the Persian gulf and Panama; the finest black and gray pearls from the eoa.it of Lower California. Beautiful pink and red pearls are often secreted by the common creek mussels. One valued at over $2,000 was found near Paterson, N. J. in 1S50 and quite a number have been met with in Ohio Tennessee, Kentucky and Texas, and also in England, Scotland and Germany. Tacuina Leader. "August Flower" "What is August Flower for ?" As easily answered as asked. It is for Dyspepsia. It is a special rem edy for the Stomach and Liver. Nothing more than this. We believe August Flower cures Dyspepsia. We know it will. We have reasons for knowing it. To-day it has an honored olaee iu everv town and country store, possesses one of the largest manufacturing plants in the country, and sells everywhere. The reason is simple. It does one thing, and does it right. It cures dyspepsia (It) D AT LAST. nu to ptMitivod cur tte ort fora of hkvu4 or fci WCU eiUH J DC QUHW Uicmk iodic ! withia raacto ofaAUad ran i n everr cm ueeotMl for treatment. For free a4l by BL UiU Mi MhM FENCING .WIRE ROPE 5EUWSE. THE ONLY TRUE VTiW purify- BLOOD, rejrnlte uiboruer, uunu uircii:i". rut appetite, restore health and vijruroryoutii. ijypepfua. InolKestinn, tnauirci icei- M)nl tiriKltiencu, nraia power increased, hiiiii'Q. m rves. niua- rin. rcr-clveiK'ff force. i RrfTerinf? from complaints ne- l culinr toineirsei, uiuk h, uu " a safe, speedy cure, jiuiurua rose bloom ou chceka,beauililes Complexion. Bold everywhere. All (renulnc "food beat "Crescent." bend as 2 cent stamp for 32-p&a pamiihlet. OR. HARTER MEDICINE CO., St Loolt. Hfc tnifUttu. taciuiwvmwiunscaa..auciM TYPEWRITERS REM i N C TON For Sale, Rent or Exchange. BEST IN THE WORLD! Jos. P. Megeath, Dealer, r 1607 Firium StrMl, OMAHA not your to you?" Facts and Fancift '. In Canada four sons of one family married four daughters m anotlieron the same day. If your uncle's sister is aunt, what relutioi. is she She is your mother. A gourd with a natural handle live feot long is a eurisosily which (Samuel Holt of Turniiilown, ia, is proud of. A smallpox patient who didn't want to go to the hospital wns chased through the streets of Newark, X. J and liually captured. Chinese coldminers in California do not talk at their work, as they consider it unlucky, and for the same reason they do not like to ue addressed hy visitors. Xbw York real estate agents have great dilliculty in renting buildings 3aia to be haunted, it is esumaieu that there are at least thirty of these houses now vacant. The latest and most gisrantic hunt ing story Jcomes from Caithness. Scot land, where it is said, a lad of 10 per formed the extraordinary ieet oi Kill ing two stags with one shot. Blood travels from the heart through the arteries ordinarly at tho rate ol about twelve incher per second; itf speed through tho capillaries is at the rate of three one-hundredths of an inch per second. When tho summer palace atTekin was sacked a head of Huddlia, carvet from a magnificent ruby, fell to tin Duke of Jlrunswick as Ids share of tin spoils. After Ids death it sold foi eao.ooo. 1 II II II Jl IV W7 ravaer: .lLl Indian 3lcal is Healthy. A famous doctor says: Eat a good bowl of mush and milk for your break fast, and you will not need any medicine. Indian corn contains a large amount ofni'rogen has qualities anticonsist- ipating and is easily assimilated. It U cheap and great nutritive properties. A cour.-e of Indian meal in the shape of Johnny cake, hoe cake, corn or pan bread aiid mush, relieved by copious drafts of pure cow's milk, to w hich it inclined to dyspepsia, a little lime water may bo added will make a life now a burden well worth the living and you need no other treatment to correct ycur nervousness, brighten your vision and give you sweet and peaceful sleep--Hall's Journal of Health. Celebrated Dwarfs. Early in the last century a brother and sister attracted great attention for sinalluess of stature. They were ot Polish birth, and were people of great accomplishments and elegant manners, When the brother Count Berowlaski was one year old he measured fourteen inches in height. Five years after he had trained but three inches but at the age of 20 he had reached to thirty-three inches and at 40 tho measurement was six inches more, ai d then the growth ceased. The sister, iWiastasia, seven years younger could stand under her brollurs arm. The count lived to be almos' 100. Detroit Free Press. luffs Hair Dye Gray lialr or wlilnkew chntiRnl lo a uloaiy lwk liyalnsllP",",,n"f t,,i"1,J'e" " iniiarU a natural c-olor, acts liintniitaiieoiis ly and contain untiling injurious to the hair. old by driiKRIM. or '-" ' VT V" if oricc. 1.0. tMllr-c, 3! l'ark Place, N. . G ROOFIN fillM.KI.ARTin ROOFIKG FELT costs only Vt.OO per 100 iiqunre feet. Slukes a good root i.r vears. una iinyuue n uu. (IUM-KLAST1C PAINT coma onlv 60 rents per -al. in bbl. lots, or 4-40 for 5 k1. tubs. Color lurk red. Will stop leaks in tin or iron roofs hat willlnst for years. Try it. fend stnlnp for samples and full particulars. Gl'M Ki.astic Koofinq Co., ;i 41 West Broadway, New iokk. Local Agents Wanted. i i n f r cures in -v i Aito5UAV8. tiMmntMd not ! 1 Hie 43 It th mrknowleilBw l. H , ..mul. In. &1 Ifaa unoatural diarharrea aad I certain cure lor the debill Utlng weakDMi pecullai to womea. MfdmiT.T . IprcribltaiidfMlml HCHEWMICO, in recomniTOuuia " i an punwrw. i nmurn u n .DrciTixi.tu. raw Man i Ir.intf Development and vwioocew. 3A Ariama ChlnaCA. Thil RminoM French Spcctfltat Cures for ur tu i;bronic, Twv- OUS ana rquirea vumn v "LUe'e Secret Errors," with question list, 4C EVERY BODY That contemplates building or remodeling their buildings should cull on or write Irvin l'ribblc lor spccilioiitlons, estimate and infor niutiou ngardincf I'lumbing steam and Hot water hcntliiR. Tnc best of reference furnished. Specifications and estimates made free. Corres pondence solicited. Address, IUV IN FRIBItLK, Box 185, York. Neb. John G SI A Month and Expenses. lo Aeenia iu ncii CIO AltS TO UEALEKS, aul, Minn. 0dlllJIC5 Tl CC ! SI2522. TANSY piLLSl Pr CATON'S RELIABLE COMPOUND for LADIKS are Safe, Prompt, Kfl'ectual. The oriuinnl and only genuine Woman' Salva tion. Bent direct, 1; sealed. Advice free. CA'l'ON M KD. SI'EC. CO., Boston, Mass. 6old by all local druggist Twill sell your home farm or any other real estate or forfeit 125. Send stamps for reply. ALFRED COLES, Keal Estate Agent, 47B Mvrtle Ave, Brooklyn, N. Y. LUMP JAW Kemover: Warranted to cure. Leaves no scar. 7o cents per bottle, postpaid. York, Neb. Bold by drug- Ken. R. Bimpson gists. THE GREGG SYSTEM OF Electric Home Treatment, BY MEANS OF Wlilt in Washington. Whist, is all the rage m Washington this winter. Jt is fashionable not sim ply to play whist, but to play it scien tifically, or at least to iiiiiik you uo. Mrs. Harrison anl lier ciatignar are learning, a large number of senatois and representatives' wives are enthusi astic in the game, and a bright little woman from Boston, a Miss Uapp, is makinir hay while the "sun shines. ; he is a professional teacher of whist ac cording to Cavendish, lier ciiarges are two dollars a lesson, and she teaches four persons in a class. That makes irht dollars per lesson. Hut she gives three and sometimes four lessons per day, and Miss Clapps income irom whist is at the rate ot $loU per wcuk. A Process I'.ir Mukiiij Tin. Heretofore it has been impossible to get lead to adhere to iron without the aid of tin. This can now be done by the following menu: First pickle the plates iu a bath to remove the scale a weak electric current being sent through the bath. i',...,.u ilia nhilpu rnahnth or lime water and thence to one of fresh water. I'rom this place then m a baMie con sisting of a neutral solution of zinc and etniiiun p.hnlorides. thence to a drying chamber heated by steam. When dry place them m a uatn ot molten leau ya;. per cent pure. New York Times. In finishing the bottoms of shoes one man with a sandpapering machine can handle 300 pairs, while it would require fourteen men to do the same by hand. I of Homea-oYea,, Qtudsi Whitened Cape Diamonds. ih. stated that artilically colored diamonds have been sold lately in llel- . -.. ...i. 1 :t ll.wlu rtnf i lull giuni. A r rencii cneiinoi. . on being dipped in a weait ain.ino .- lution the diamonds lost tlieir yellow ish tinge, and appear as pure while as the Indian or lirazinan stone, me aniline can neither be seen by magnily lug glass nor rubbed off with a chamois leather; so M. Guillot thinks that the dye must lodge in the sharp angle of the facet which remains unpolished, and so affect the light as it falls on the Oat surface. A bath of nitric acid will i.a fraud, or a little alcohol, Dliu " , . which M. Guillot recommends diamond merchaiats to use for testing. Fortbosewho must necessarily be under mental and physicial strain, a day ot absolute rest and from thought i ur wr be very best medicine. Sir Edwin Arnold glories m the fact that he has written at least 900 editorial each of which has been over half a column in length. Firenroof and timeproof books, with leaves and covers of sheets of asbestus and printing in gold and silver letters, have been suggested. It is estimated that not far from 30.000 nersons sleep in rented rooms in liostou lodging houses. Most of these ,,ra vnmior men and women from the ponntrv. a considerable proportion ol whom are bravely struggling to live respectively on very small salaries. The Imperial university, at Tokio, Japan, is probably thelargost in the world, having an enrollment of 2,000 scholars and a faculty of foity merr.bers. It i3 under government control. Mrs. William II. Crane lias been the treasurer of her husband's theatrical company for more than ten years and handles between 310,000 and WfiW per mouth. l anrl nprvnns riiwAses as follows: Neuras- is especially nupu: i vuc ..to... . - . tipn a (Nervous Debility) from overwork or abuses, Paralysis Local or Gen eral Neuralgia and Insomnia, Dyspepsia and loss of tone of the Digestive system ?r ... ."?... L.kWulni Ovarian nml Mpnstral Com incluaing naDiiuai oiit-iiimnun, --. - plaints, Ulceration and Displacements; also Skin and Joint Siiwh. and De e r cnnm.r ti.o wnrct rases of Obesitv Surplus t at evei lormiues oi us lauums. . with serious heart complications. It is the Only System of the Kind Now in Existence. troth fnl rliacnosis That's the Secret pro ducing effects intimately connected with life itself. Electiicity is Life. Dis ease is trie Lf8XK OI It. ueain is uie uat" . . ,. This great system is the outcome of 30 years' experience in Materia Metlict and the r.ecs of electricity, in all its forms. Diagnosis of all cases is under th d;rect management of the most skillful electricians and physicians, supported by elaborate riectrical aparatus for surgical purposes, in the reduction and removal of tumors, strictures or cauterization. The most desirable cases are those given over as Incurable by the family phy sician. Personal consultation or by mail free. Full and complete particulars wd be supplied to any sufferer on application. Address, Inter-Ocean Building, Tlie Grecrsr Electric Cure Co. Chicago, 111. FREE TO LADIES! We will mail free to any Udy our HOME TREAT VENT. A poitive and permanent cure for all forma of Female Complainta or Weakneaa. Addreaa MAY FLOWER MEDICINE CO.. CHICAOO. ILL. Oritl.al R.lklinJ untHUim rm . Nife, .urond twv rrlhblr. Avoid ( UltZu. Uk onlr the OUMlll, In l; II, niMtl CAl'ON CIIKMICAl. CO., Uurton, Man. V.V.V.Ho. 181-! Kork, Neb. r1' .CTff.-'Jl