The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 02, 1892, Image 1

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    1'he Sioux
hzrrsoist, ustieib., j-Tj-LsnE 2, 1892.
IsTO. 38.
s. Editor and Ir(ri'tor.
I. V K. H. Timetable.
Uoing East.
11 :(j I Ko. 6, mixed 7:00
wster left on Tuesday for
r. l lh
tier hundred lb
1 S5
1 (JO
2 50 8 l
S. W. Kemp was up from White River
Lewis Pfost came up from Crawford
on Tuesday.
Albert Sutton was down from Wyom
ing on Tuesday.
Keidy went east on business
Monday evening.
W. L. lloyt gave us some cash on sub
scription yesterday.
Christ Christensen contributed on sub
scription yesterday.
oh Forster was in town last Friday
V-pcr in. ft
J every Tliursuiiy.
3 Rfl
15 On
As in bulk at Turners.
r & Stratton Bros, saw-
alions last week,
er lirrel at
Wfil.D & MARSTKU-Klt'S.
Informed that Herman
kict a store at Moiitrnse
layhart will not rebuild.
in another coltiiim from
in regard to the rain-
jroes to show that norlh-
i not a dry country.
)rs to be quite a number
Organizing the band at
plenty here to make it
I just take hold of it.
first-class native lumber
istuntlv on hand at my
loggVi 13 miles east of
J. E. Abnek.
showers every twenty-
1 rule of late. The work
I is but little interfered
I the rain falls during the
t are all happy. They
Be fine weather which
Bare certain to lie good,
Ipwill mark an epoch of
9Ux county.
ns of a numlierof wit-
in before County Clerk
yeV in the divorce case
Mvn which is pending in
at Lincoln,
Commissioners will meet
lahzation one week from
I provided by law. The
gr is the date of one of
lings of the board for the
Idinary county business,
report that the grain is
Jition. That which was
tooling nicely and is of
I dark green color. Tl
Wttjier is just what is needed
j will be prosperous
1 harvest lime comes,
''jam was in town Satur
1 pleasant call at this
ut in a crop of 1 15 atrts
' good reason for his not
town for about three
V who attend to busi-
seldom heard com pi a in-
chid called at this office.
Miss Laura Bradley returned from
Crawford on Thursday.
Zumbrunnen was down from
Pleasant Kidge Tuesday.
Mrs. C. Cristensn is visitinc-her sis-
JjiiHftf the Harrison House,
i iis. W. O. Patterson was down from
Wyoming, the last of the week.
Judge Barker returned Friday from a
a visit to his father at Rushvillc.
Ii. H. Q. Hamakur made a call at this
ollire while in town on Saturday.
H. Wasst-rberger, of Montrose was do-
ing l.tisiiiess in Harrison on Friday.
Octave Harris was doing business at
the county seat the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. (iorten were passen
gers on the west bound train yesterday.
11. W. MacLachlan and Judge Barker
made a trip to Raw hide the first of the
fj. W. Graham arrived last week from
smitlicrn, California where he spent the
C. C. Jameson came up from Cliadron
on Mondav to look after his business in
W. R. Smith was up from Cliadron on
Monday. Ho is well pleased with his
new location.
Rev. Glasner took the westbound train
Saturday to look after the Wyoming end
of his moral vineyard.
Robert N'eece was in town the first of
the week pun hosing lumber to improve
his place on Running Water.
Mrs. E. G. Hough returned from the
east last Thursday, accompanied by her
daughter-in-law, Mrs. W. H. Hough.
Miss Claudia Hester has been suffering
with inflammatory rheumatism for some
time, but at last reports was somewhat
E. H. Salisbury and family were up
from Crawford last week visiting rela
tives, and on Friday he called at this
office and gave us some cash on subscrip
tion. MrSjRachel E. Kirtley and children
fffvetf last week from Oregon. Her
husband and elder sons are on the road
with teams and will get here in about
three weeks. Mrs. Kirtly is a sister of
D. M. Sutton.
C. T. Lucas arrived from South Omaha
on Monday and spent some time looking
over the county. lie was well pleased
and it is quite likely he and his father
and brother will Income residents of
Sioux county before another spring.
Figures That Cau Not he Questioned.
Alliance ( I'ulse.
Many jieople m the east believe west
ern Nebraska to be a dry country, he
cause the annual rainfall is less than
thirty inches. They do not consider
tliat nearly one-hall of the recorded
"lainfall" of the northern states east of
the Mississippi is snow, and the rain
there falls after the growing season is
over. The precipitation of the Pan
Handle is nearly all rain, and the greater
part of it occurs during the growing
Many eastern people will be slow to
believe that during the months of April.
May and June (the principal growin
months) there is as much rainfall in
western Nebraska as in many of the
states east of the Missouri river. The
government (signal service reports furn
ish some conclusive evidence on that
We give below a table compiled from
the monthly weather reviews of the
general weather service of the United
States for the months of April, May and
June, IBM. The table shows the rain
fall, In inches and hundredths, at Alli
ance, and at stations selected at random
from the leading agricultural states east
of the Missouri and north of the Ohio
rivers. The figures can be easily verified
by comparson with the original govern
merit reports.
T "
.... ii.r,2 3A1 3.7 4 271 Alliuncc. Nebraska.
3.00 fi.M 2.7U 2.m l.K-i! Ann Arbor, Michigan.
4.0H 8.44 8.40 .4S l.Mi Osllklwl), Yi isCOllslll
4.HI 4.iil 2.7.1 .44 1.44 Fond (In, SVis.
M MM 4.IW 2.25 l.sSiAniCM, Iowa.
1.1(1 S.:I7 2.H0 4.4(1 l.llllowa t'ity, Iowa,
l.sli T.m 4.M0 1.71 1.15;Waverly. Ohio.
1.7s 7.74 4.28 2.2 l.'ili Athens. Ohio.
:.t.l (US .).'.) 1.50 l.OTiKuiibmilt, Minnesota.
3.SH 5.4 3.f 7 1.13 .M Leech l.uke, Minn.
uose 9.H7 S.S) 1 4.1)0 UKiKIoneorilia, Kansas.
,, 10.3 5.32 3.011 l.XK're.utrallll, Illinois.
2.15 7.37 4.12 2.10 1. 151 1'rinctim, Indiana.
2.M 0.91 2.70 1.IJ5 2..WAIliT(lci'll, 8. Dakota.
of the alliance county
occurred at the court
(rday. The following
m. J. A. Raum, M. J.'
Haitiaker, W. S. Hall
Vhat wa5 dtrtie huS Hot
Jfcpt the formulating of
pears in another col-
f years ago B. H. Salls-
of land on Indian creek.
while atsil then made
Drrowed some money on
ne ago he paid off the
w has a quarter section
encumbrance, which he
ted to make his home on
lid remain the property
liis heirs.
i should get as much new
i year as possible so that
acreage of crops will be
ed. There will, withoi
new people here before
and many of them will
omo land until they can
one on the claims they
bat land cannot be rented
ftna as it has been in the
farmers should be sure to
uvea wnn enough land ior
the acreage of grain
pnwriiK. th. foM tlX
tloo I, incraiuiej
V UrB "umber of
Sl?e of farming mu
. t"1 pa"t in Wom
re now being rruu
ward firogress of the
I carry a full lineof farm machinery.
G. H. Turner.
HMvrt l,,,t;nau nun nX V n fitfltt lull
of late, but they know the large crops
being looked after hieans prosperity for
all when it matures.
Until Thursday, June 9th, I will pay
55 cents per bushels for clean wheat, in
large or small lots. Now is the tune to
sell what you have loft from seeding.
Talk about crop failures, there has
never been a crop failure oft the table
lands of Sioux county. Whenever a
piece of ground of a size worthy of the
name of field has been properly put in
and cared for it has yielded a crop, ex
cept in a few instances where hail struck
it, and a locality which'' will yield a crop
in such years as 1890 is about as sure a
crop country as one can find.
a MBit Tuesday afternoon Christ
Christensen, who is section foreman near
Orin Junction, Wyo., started out to
work. He hud his hand-car loaded with
ties and as he warf goifrg through a cut
a sjiecial train dashed into sight coming
around a curve. He had just lime to
get out of the way and the handcar was
left to the mercy of tne approacmng uu
irine. He was forUinate to escape with
out injury.
: Shafer met with an accident last
while coming from his farm to
town. One of his horses got frightened
at some rubbish in the road and Jumped
am) got the lines tangled in the terret
rings so that he could not hold tlie team
and the result was that the tongue was
broken and some other, damage dono to
th vehicle. Tho doctor jumped out and
nil noM came in contact with the
ground; but otherwise lie escaped vm.-injure;
Estimate ot disuses.
At a rneetinft of the tioard of county com-
nnssioners oi simlx county, Nebraska, held
mi the 121h day ol January, 1sj2, the follow
in estimate lor nqx-aws lor tueyearis'.c
w'upt made :
bi-triet court exiienises H.ono io
stationery i-'l Oil
mining 4w (w
Koads unci bridge 2,uou uu
Indebtedness as indicted by mauda-
nmsin favor ol Samuel Wussel l,2'-4 12
Intitute 100 00
incidental e.eiiM's acw oo
insaneaud iHxirlimd 400 (i
-oldiers relief fund 2O0 no
officers' fees 2,00" 00
15,014 12
And pursuant to mandate of the su
preme court amended at a meeting
of said Ixmrd 011 the ith day ot Feb
ruary, 1MT2, as toiiows:
w . .Seymour, special ueui inna rz,axi "
$17,214 Sl3
County Clerk.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale direct! to
me from the. clerk of the district court of
ioux county, Nebraska, 011 a judgment ob
aiued in said court on the lstli day of Anril.
Isy2, iu favor of Kr. Milner as plaintiff, aud
against CasjaT Worm, Marry Worm, J. 1..
nrowne, assigne', ami Nancy A. numb, as
defendants, for the sum of WI.23, and
osts taxed at tiixl and accruing costs.
ave leviil upon the follow ing real estate
taken as the proja-rty of said defendants,
to satisty said order 01 aaie, to-wit: Jhe.
l 01 sec. 10, in Twp. 34 ortu 01 llange
54 west of the (ith 1'. M., in Sioux county,
Nebraska, and will offer the aaine for sale to
the highest bidder lor cash in hand, on the
(5th 'lay ol July, A. J. leri, at the front door
of tlie court house ol said county, at liar-
son, that being the building wherein the
last term of court was held, at the hour ol
one o'clock, p. 111., of said day, when and
here due attendance will be given by the
Uated May 30, 1S92.
Sheriff of said County.
H. T. Conlcy, Plaintiff's Attorney.
.Notice to Xon-Itesiilent Ilef'ciMinnts.
Charles L. Tubbs, and I.ydia A. Tubbs, de
fendants, will take notice that on the 31st
day of May, Is;i2, The Pioneer Savings and
Loan CouiDanv. successor to the National
ISuilding Loan and Protective Cnion, of
Minneapolis. Minnesota, nhuntilf herein
tiled its petition ill the district court of
loux count v. fsohraska. against, saiuueienu
ants, the object and prayer of liieh are to
foreclose a certain mortgage, executed by
tlie defendants to the National liuildlng
Uian and Protective I 11 ion upon Mil seven
in block seven of tlie village of Harrison,
sioux County. Nebraska, to secure tne pay
ment ol a promissory note dated lieceniber
1st, Is'.tO, for 500 with interest at the rate of
5 per cent, per annum and premium at tlie
rate of 5 per cent, per annum, both interest
mid premium payable monthly, which not
and mortgage, is owned aim nem uy inn
nliiintiir herein. Default has been made ill
the payment of said note and in tlie
terms and conditions of said mortgage
hereby the whole sum secured thereby is
due and the plaintiff so elects, and there is
now (hie upon-said principal note the sum
of 5IKI, with interest and premium at 5 per
cent, each irom may isi, js',11, aim
tlie further sum of $20.75 with interest at the
rule of 10 per cent, per annum from the 25th
day of February, lsii2, tlie last sum being tor
nisiiranceon the Buildings 011 saiu premises,
which plaintiff was compelled to pny to pro
tect its interests in the premises. Plaintiff
nravs for a deereo that defendants lie com
pel led to pay the same, or that said premises
maybe sold to satisly the amount touua
due. Vou are required to answer said peti
tion on or before Monday, the 11th day of
July, ISM.
PiriNKKR Savings and Loan Company
Uy Gko. A. Mchfiiy,
138 41 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
It will be seen from the table that
out of the thirteen stations in nine of the
leading states of the Mississippi valley
only two got more rain during the grow
ing months than did Alliance. Many
got much less and one point, Fond du
Lac, received less than one-half as mm I)
rainfall as did Box Butte county. These
statistics from a source that cannot be
questioned should convince the most
skeptical that Box Butte county is any
tiling but a dry country.
Call For People's Independent Convention.
The People's Independent Party 0! Sioux
county will meet In delegate convention at
the court house in Harrison, Neb., Saturday,
June 25, 18(14, at one o'clock, p. in., to trans
act the following business: To select a
County Contral Committee. To elect two
delegates to attend the state convention to
be held in Lincoln on Thursday, June. '10. To
elect two delegates to attend tho state con
vention to be held in Kearney, Wednesday,
August 3d. To eloct two delegate to attend
the congressional convention to be held lit
Kearney, August 3d. Also to elect two dele
gates to tho senatorial and representative
conventions. TO nominate a candidate for
county attorney and to transact such other
business as may properly come before it.
Precincts are entitled to representation as
follows, one delegate ut largo and one dele
gate for each ten votes or major fraction
thereof based ou the vote cast for lion. J.
W. Kdgerton, for supreme judge in 11:
Andrews 2, Antelope 2, Ilowou 4, llodarc
2, Cottonwood 6, Cook 1, Five Points 3,
Hat Creek-2, Montrose 4, Hunning Water
-1, Snako Creek 2, Sheep Crcek-2, War
bonnet 3, White Hivcr-4. Total 31. Ills
recommended that precinct primaries be
held on Thursday, June 23, 1HW, at 7 o'clock,
p. ni. Let all who havo the true interest of
the people at heart see that tile primaries
aro well attended. Farmers, it is time the
old yoke was lain asido and you stood iu in
dependent shoos. WM. J. A. KAUM,
M.J. Weber, Chairman.
10256. 110135.1
Will make the season of 1892 at my
place on Warbonnet creek 3 miles west
of C. F. Coffee's.
Tiesirliilinn and Peilisree. Barbarin is
a. hlack-p-m.v: star in forehead: foaled
March 27, 1880; imported 1888; weight
1,800 lbs. Bred by JVl. uorcnene, com
mnna n f flmilncnes les Sablons, De
partment of Orne. Got by Roullard
ne oy ravori, iieioiiyius w
Champeon; dam, Traniquille 10134.
TERMS: Tor the Season, Payable
in Advance.
$12 dollars to insure a mare with foal
dn and mvable when the mare is know
to be with foal ob Upon her removal from
the .county or change ol ownersinp.
Care will be taken to prevent accidents
but 1 will bo responsible lor none.
A. W. M0HR, Owner
Just What tlie People Want.
Yesterday J. M. Daniels brought us
ha, bunch of new onions and a sack of po
tatoes; of the vintage Of 1802. Who, in
this latitude, can make a better showing
than new potatoes on the first day of
A number of inquiries have been
made of late about a 4th of July cele
bration. In speaking of the matter with
the business men a difference of opinion
appears to exist, but the idea bf having
a celebration does not seem to be enter
tained favorably by many. It would be
well for those interested to discuss the
matter and decide one way or the other.
notice that on tho 2fith day ol My, jwb, me
Notice to Xon-KcsMent Defendant.
defendant, will tnko
Farmers Trust Company, a Corporation,
plaintiff herein filed Its petition in the dis
trict oourt of .Sioux county, Jjebriiska
against said defendant tho object and
prayer of which nro to forecloso a certain
inortgago executed by tho defendant to the
pluliillff upon tho 8. K. !4 of neetlon 14 In
township 34 north of rang" 05 west ol the
i ii ( Kinnr comity. Nchrnskn, to
secure" tho' payment of a promissory note
dated May nth, lor. tuu.ou, wnu
interest at 7 per cent, per annum
... .....,,i.. ...l.c.Min.llv. which note and
!....,..,.. U owned and hold by the
..i.,L... i,r 1,,.,-r.l,, Helmut has been made in
the payment of said nolo and in tho tiinim
and conditions of said mortgage, und there
Is now due on said nolo and mortgage the
sum of tiWH.n0, for which sum with interest
from tho Slrd day of May. 1H(, pluintlff
nravMlor a decree, that tho doleiutani, ne ro
Jiiilrcd to pay same, or that said premises
... i... Mntlsl V the amount I mind
dm' You aro hereby required to answer
said petition on or before Monday tho 11 111
d,iy yl'&LZruxm comply, nmntur.
t) 41 llV II, X. Uonley, Its Attorney,
Tho publishers of The State Journal struck
the nubile want when the commenced pnn
lug Tho Journal twice a week. The circitla
tion lias been more than doubled. Everyone
can sec the advantage of receiving two com
niet.e imnors each week, wttll markets an
telegraphic news while it Is fresh. What
makes The Semi-Weekly Journal so popular
is, that It is only tl.00 per year, which is the
same price other papers chargo for their
A year's subscription to the Twicc-a-Wcck
Journal will carry its readers through the
national conventions, tho presidential cam
paign, and through the next session of the
Nebraska legislature. Everyone will want
reliable newspaper during such stirriii;
times, and the events will afford ThcHcin
Weekly Journal ample opportunity of lirov
ing Its 'superiority over any weekly paper.
It is almost as good as a daily, giving 104 pa
pers a year at less than ono cent per copy,
others give about fifty two papers a year.
We aro still offering the paper a year, and
our irreat Stanley book, for 1.40, or wow
send the book free for two new subscribers,
Write for saniplo copy nnd wo aresuroyou
will subscribe. Tho Seuii Wreekly Journal
tho newspaper success of the west. Join the
crowd and receive twice as much for your
money as tho old weeklies give you.
Address, .
Nebraska state Joiiunal,
Lincoln, Ne
a....,i ii',nw o. cent slumps for sample set of
our Dominoes.
Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser
Oiie Door South of Bank of Harrison.
Sewing machines cleaned and repaired,
Yvo t me t a T :'' ,
Best Line to the East.
The Burlington Route B. &. M. R. R.
is running elegantly equipped passenger
traines without change from Newcastle,
Wyoming and Crawford, Nebraska, direct
to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection
at that point with their own through
trains for Denver, Cheyenne, and all
points west, and for Kansas City, St.
Joseph, St. Louis, Omaha, Peoria, Chi
cago, aud all points east.
Remember this is the only line by
which you can take sleeping car from
Crawford in the evening arriving in Lin
coln and Omalia the next afternoon, and
in Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis the fol
lowing morning.
For further information and tickets ap
ply to nearest agent of Burlington
Route B. & M. R. R.
Groceries, Dry Goods,
Boots and Shoes, Hats,
Gaps, Furnishing Goods
and Crockery Sold at
The Celebrated "TAMBOR MAJOR"
Cigar for Sale,
Bon Ton Flour per 100 pound $3 00 5 " can Prices Baking Powder;
Half Patent '" " " 3 75 per pound : 4()
Straight Grade " " " 3 50 Climax & Horse Shoe Tob. per lt 45
Lo v Grade '" " ' i 75 4 pounds Joker Tobacco - 1 OfJ
Corn Meal " " " 1 30 5 pounds Smoking Tobacco - 1 Od
Chop Feed " " " 115 7 Choice Cigars : - . o.l
Bran & Shorts mixed" 11 00 DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES:
GROCERIES-. Full Stock Kipp Boots - - 2 Of)
23 pounds Hominy - 1 00 $5.00 Calf Boots 3 r,d
23 " Oatmeal - 1 1 00 Ladies Dongola Shoes i - 1 23
20 " Pail Jelly 95 Felts and Rubbers at cost.
Pail Syrup - 95 Calico per yard - - - 0.1
6 pounds Broken Java Coffee 95 Best Grade O'ulihg Flannel, per yd. li
1 " Baking Powder - 25 Dress Gingham per yard - - - id
Tea per pound ' 15 German Knitting Yarn; per pound Of)
Tomatoes per can - - Hi Men's Working Shirts - - cd
8 pound can Michigan apples - 11 J tlanikerchiefs '- '- - '- 03
Come and look at our Hardware, Ti Aware, Fibreware anri
Barbed Wire and get our prices.