The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 12, 1892, Image 6

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    - - " - . lu 1
('. K. CwlTFJE,
. ... I..-
The Sioux County Journal.
1 THE UfcS-T itHtVLATKlK c
P.UXR r-t-WJ-5ir ! S1JIS cjVNTT.
The fol ,
! h IS l5
. reT.rd U llvwe
,;W TilW.
Purr K-M'-
K-t-rl5t !!-. llam-o
1 AuiiHer.
red " ' a
o'.:r. "v : o xs-
Nc Y
ru.Vs pure Kvxi 1
,...J, 1j ill
V have
L.UJi tl article enure.
rk advert:"? !,vK
and asking us to
and follow tlie
Thitspat. M y
ioJ-c '.!.- country
.1: i"-;nc fverj' lionesl
t tite up:wt toe p
tht are
ie Una: an to p
kX-l I'V ,
tie surviion pro
What is its real c
lectured she aaani-..'.'
so rv-.ara to triera t!i
ve-;s y- n h. TTtiircP is '
; rr-fu. , . r... wWl the drug Ut
anae Ui-.t nunuf.utiirwl or
mar. .n .Tsicsuro l:nnt: W
:. Tj ar-r- I ..-t :;tv.t:c tu. !. '!K
.. ilu .-.1 iir'i..r'il.VJ'.J I'Uvk
'during ti comm.- 11 1
loftier' for t 1-1
I full J of tl eursK-n. 1-J
i ',.,J,ouUl l,y every t-
Mauve- to .W e the
Wm uia-uontoh uorkaunMedef-
. V).iL-;l - V JTM "e" """
Vk Pre.
of dr.ic
iwniiviiii . , - ,.i
.ffort tioa eh tovn or county I"
1.1 within Useir i , ... ,n,- rtnei
JivelluiontheiM-lf13'1, , jtN smlav clothes on
ol-ni Hiainifal--tuivRijattliet1iii J. t , . .
Kilt WLat . . K leit. linn'Mie
T$e aftwi .!h!) ajij-ear '.n at:irr
Judiii- o: t(: v--w from t!e Kwa
.f nf rtliititii 10 Senator l'oi;x
pu.ts fcKi hill, bits the Biil- ia it head
and is vrll: vrncjiy U. ooashieration of
everv opn-.un:er.
v.v. V Iter:t nW.cine com-
SKlr.uv tlirlf
,r if
- Vw colored citizen m
' u ..... i! .. Mi!;ns !m II
of wcxxl pile"'
iaiiie or t!jr agents to
.. ,irf,.jmiii fivm t!e new
f.Hx! Mi 1- I'e
f tlie lie
in tile il
! milled to tvuie a i.."
: evHen that 'J
-h will tert of th-j a;f.v
Have i
on the market
It is no longer a douht as to
5- rvtuihlu-nn nominee for president. '
. ia.w Wt.l tbev certuciy siiou
eBUin) uelttiunt Bie
. . ,T . l-a r.nt on sue. C'l
Who are know t- I MZ 'W' - mi,kn are reflated 1-y law
make hi, nominatioa crn on tlie first -t. w,y
i wlio will anil no lw"" " .. ,
houia noi ne m"v" i
If t:ie j.-oods I it
will not b:r iasyx-tion
Id not Iv alloweo to
L-v'jested. me-at is in-
liave been ore-
l .....-,.1
1 ;.- ' ,vor ol tins ,ari'i ".' 1 Silllle
M ins,,ml hy a harness mtereM
Xi Tk, the aid of J.e .fovemment
Till'. IJUilM"-. tv.
,lu. a Unre niimU-r ti oj.le iwu"
ie and M-e '"" tlienisenc-.
til:-! to COIIM
to put UOWll- ......,.-- f . , ,
t i iln 1- unu tlie
( ! -'er "i ure ' , ,
Pure" FcM bill: We have not heard
tlLtTiie ctiens of tlie .V?.
. ..!.., tlie uiiaiity of their
fiHt! or llieir urn:
Jusl W Lai the Pl'le Want.
I. H. ORISWOLU, Caiier.
Commercial Bank.
General Banking Business
J. E. F
., of Til- state J.iurnul iUi;,
, !,!) ..nt i-umi.ieu'-'-t Print
. fuw lint's in i ... "n... i...iri.ul twire it vek. I Be i-in-
1 it inc. i vti.- - .
West s-pK-.ilin nlwut cotton jea u,t!l i;u-i
ballot. Tlie question now i i
tlie opiosition put ap for him to beaC-
Tliecity or Linooln is preixu-ing to
hare a ceiebrnuon May 25th and
ifitli to ewimenioate the twenty-fifth
anniversiy of Nelmvska as a state. As
Linooln never does anything by halves.
Le suevs c.f tlie affair is assured. A
tailroad r:te of one fa.- for tlie round
trip is to be luid..
iwtent meviicines :
to irsi-ection before being
market for the pMie. to.
put on the
buv aivl con-
Congressman W. A. McKeifc'lian, of tlie
fifth district was re-nominated by the in
dependents, of" the district last Friday,
the repnbHcan coirveution will le held
Inter to rmme tlie luan who is to knock
him out in November, and at present it
kioks as if J. L McPheely, of Minden,
would be selected.
The repubficail state convention of
"Wyoming last week was, in one respect
the most notable ever held. It was tlie
first state convention in which women
tat as delegates and two women were
elected as alternates to the national re
publican convention. Woman is fast be
coming a fixed fact in many positions
and stations formerly denien to her and
it vill not he long until she will take her
place in the political ranks of the nation.
A bill has been introduced in the Cana
dian house to compel voters to exercise
their right of franchise. If some
method could be devised to compel such
action and make it extend to the primar
ies it would be a good thing. It is the
fak of attentioa paid by the masses to
the primaries which permits the forming
of riags and cliques and the conduct of
politics on the machine plan, and as a
rule, it is tlie stay-at-homes w ho do the
toost kicking.
The report of Supt. Porter shows that
Ihe mortgage indebtedness of Nebraska
k nearly all for the purchase and im
provement of real estate. It also shows
that it is largely city and village indebt
edness. Taking the state over the mort-
aae indebtedness is r8.13 per cent of the
iissessed valuation and considering the
fact that real estate is assessed at about
20 per cent, of the actual value it shows
that in reality the mortgage indebtedness
s not burdensome.
If some means could be devised to have
tin- iroverniueaj. laiid in nortloie-l Ne
braska closed so hitlers for a few months
ami then reopened by proclamation of
.. .... 1 1 i.. i...
"the president the result wowu " i"-
people would faU over eadi ouier in me.r
eHort-s to get a Mini o a quarter sec
tion. The parcels of land recently ojienevl
hy prix-laniation caused such a rush tluit
ii'ianv were unable o'jtiiio a quarter
see ti-n and none of the land for which
.i ..-o c..,.i .i si'ranible is as good as
that awaiting settlement in northwest
Nebraska. The fact that there is no rail
road land in the locality is another
reason why it is settled so slowly. The
territory in which the railroad grants
were made were settled rapidly because
the railroad companies had to pay taxes
on their land and were receiving no rev
enue therefrom, hence they liestirred
themselves and induced people to come
wast and purcliase the land and by so do-
in.r the ronds were doublv benefited, for
they got relief from the taxes and got in-t'.-rest
liearing paper secured by the land
and thev also created business for their
lines of road uj hialing the jieojile and
the irons thev raised. At that time a
man in the east could get a very low
rate on which to come and see the new
ntint pv. n ml if he nurchased land his
fare was refunded. Under the present
railroad laws no. such inducements can
lie offered, eithev by the railroads or em-
iirration companies seeking to assist in
the settlement of their localities. Ilu
man nature is very iierverse and if it was
thought that an elfort was being made
to keep people out of a certain locality
there would be a grand rush and if the
railroads had an interest in the country
so that they were anxious to have it
settled they could create a grand rush.
The inter-stnte commerce law may be a
.ood thing for some people but it is a
detriment to the homestead sections of
the state of Nebraska, at least, in the
matter of settlement.
s-H-m to have kept
(.; it would under-
The .Sum dot not
nr. wun me 1 1 me
l,-,t !i consumers uie
r 1 n.lnllAntiins
protection agaiusi ioua auu. .-
and druu" frauds, those who are i
formeil as to the extent to which aclul-u-ratioii
is carried lii., loudest in then
nds. Siiecial Agent edderburns
fter very full in-
11 :
,r.- tluiii -ijijiltil. Kv. riouc
Hantiiiscof nTOM!ii"
There has cot been a foreclosure on a
biece of real estate in Sioux county
Avhere the owner is living on the land
land making an effort to meet his obliga
tions. There is no disposition on the
part of the security holders to work a
hardship on any one. In the counties
vast of this the agents are being in
structed to renew the mortgages in all
teases where it is desired. The indications
tliat secureties in northwest Nebraska
vill soon be in demand are increasing.
The bund of murderers who went into
Johnson county, Wyo., to kill oil the
small stock men and rustlers are still
leld by the military authorities at Chey
enne and tlieir friends are making every
effort to get them out of tlie scrape into
which they got themselves. Two men
who were being held at Douglass as wit
nesses were got away last week. Tlie
telegraph wire was cut west of Lusk so
that thev would have more time. At
this place they look the east bound train
but before thev reached Crawford word
was sent to the authorities there and
thev were placed under arrest. Habeim
corpiw proceedings were instituted and
the marshal refused to turn them loose,
rvnnrt on the subject
' ... , . ...i.: i
Un mi iic uocumeiii n
might be read th advantage by any
-i . . .1 . ......... -..It t fnf IV.-
one who uouuis
straining adulterations or who vainly
imagines that he does now and then eat
a little pure whI of any kind that he
does nut produce at home. Similar re
ports from food commissioners ot various
tates emphasis the necessity anu aie
so full of facts showing the extent oi
the evil that one may well doubt wheth
er such a thing as puie food exists. The
secretary of agriculture in his report for
lsifi says:
"This is a wot-k (the repression of food
adulterations) which should have the
sympathv of every legislator and the
help of everv honest man. The adulter
ation of human food is an evil whose pro
IKjrtions are growing, 1 am sorry to say.
from year to year. It is an evil destined
to undermine and destroy health; and its
not onlv interferes with the sale
of products honestly manufactured, but
also casts discredit upon our goods in
foreiim countries, corrupts morals and
places a premium upon dishonesty. '
Tea, coffee, sugar, chocolate, spices,
lard, butler, flour, and in fact nearly
everything that is eaten is habitually
adulterated, and the impurity of drugs
is so general that physicians employing
them are often greatly io doubt as to the
i effect winch a iriven specimen of even
the commoner kinds will- produce
Evervliody who uses food wants pure
food, and yet it is notorious that they
do uot get it. The eyil is so widespread
that all the powers of both state and
general government will find full scope
in renressina- it. The best of state la 8
do not succeed in protecting the con
sumer, and this being true, where can
there be any reasonable objec tion to the
exercise by the general government of
all the constitutional power it possesses
in aid of the repression of adulteration!
The interests of public health and com
mon honesty demand it, and one pluise
of tlie traffic in adulterations commerce
between the states in food products
can only be reached by congress, lie-
cause it alone lias power to regulate
inter-state commerce. "Original pack
ages or artificial coffee, or ground
spices, say, are hey&nd the reach of
state laws. The Sun lias not been keen
ing its ears attent to the complaints of
the citizens of the United States on tliis
subject or it would not be in ignorance
of the popular demand with respect to it.
It is not unlikely that tliere are busi
ness interests that desire tlie passage of
laws, both state and national, for tlie
prevention of adulterations. Tlie only
shame is that there are business inter-
All those
PU-t.-llM-rseaeh with n...
U-KTMpnic ..em vihil.- it i Wl.ut
l..tii,. sen, i W.-ckly Jouncil -o popular
i, tl.aUUi.onlyll .l'1-cr . .ir, hi. Il is the
su'mjpr!.-- "tlx-r Pl-r olmri.- fr '""ir
wckH-. . ,
V.-M1--- si.bsM.kioi. to tlie Twice a 'k
I - ill , rrv lis r.-ll'lcrs tlirollBll tlio
'nHUo'iiiW-oinciitiohs, Hie pr.-si.l.' cam
,l ,,,,,1 throutrli tlie neU ws.ion of the
s-. l.r:. kn li cWiiture. Kveryone ill
n.u.ii.i.. m-wstiKMT I'.uriiiir ""'li HtirniK
J Sioux County Lumber Co.
Lumber, Lath and
Wtgon and Ci
Dr. Leo J
Limit hi prat-tK, i, J
ncnuus jr
as bis of Vs...
-.11 -w
tion and Will Mv,. ,.
Nervousne '.Ji
erai .ervousne,
A Oood Supply of Native Lumber
Alway on Uaud.
i HAhhlMiX.
i l. tl,., i.. ...
Pain, Palpitation, FiimJ
(iucli as Skin IAsta,
sive Paleness or Rwlg
Faintness, bizzinew, etc.
1452 O ST.
wuiit u
s.iiud the .-vents w ill i.nor-1 ine s, ,,,,
Weekly Journal ample ripporuiiui. r'
$ it- Miperioniy ovi-r any weekly pu) r
i. almn-t s ko1 s lall'. K'vi.'K " P
. i . . ...... ..m.t
pi i i a y.-iu ax i. s. man '- ,.. -.-
tLr.irivi! hlmiit nity l o P"l 1" a.."'
We arc .'ill '";? ti.e pai r j.-hi ,
. . .... f,. .1 ... ( u.. uill
our tfleat Ul"ll' Isx-Ai ""' i-'
1 the Ixok free for two new siitist rll r-
WriV f .r sainple opy anu re .ue
ill siihseritie. The x-mi tt eekly Ji".ni;n I-
tlie in palT success ol llle e-i. Jinn mi
inn d Mi'l receive lo-li-v a """'I" f"r ynut
iiiuy as the old i-eklii ivv)vii.
f incopi, . b
send three 2 rent '.ani t j4 nmpU- x-t ut
our Dominoes.
sl ATK OKI- P Kits
Harrison Nebraska.
A I ' T HOR I IV D CAPITA L. 525 (f
Transacts a General Banking Bu$
lluvs Sciioul Outers, County and Village Warfan ?
imes K. Uoyd
.J. .Majors
J. C. Allen
II. lleiit,ni ... .
John K. J 1 ill
. 1! Humphrey.
V. K. (.ouily
einor, Lincoln, Nun.
ient'-Iiimt liocernor I
. srt retary of 1nle
. Attorney l.enerul
. Land Coinmi.sioner I
:. Public Instruetioril
( OXOliKsspAI. liKI.KOA l Pl :
. s. Paddock t'.. senator, licatrtoe I
V. Manilervin V.s. s. iv lor, Omalia I
.1 P.nan '
A. MeKfl-Kll
(I. AI. Kelll,
, tincolu
li.-l rloml
III ok' n !(.,
.M iip 1AKT :
S. Maxwell ..I'liief Justice, Kreuioiit
T. I.. Sorvul VsyKjiiUi: Jii'Ige, sewaril
A. M. l'o.t Ai.ociul.; Judge, ('oliniiliui
I. A. (,'ampiK'll. .( link and Heportcr, l imoln
M. 1'. Kinkuid JiiiIkc O'Neill
Alfred liartow " ( liudnm
Connul l.imleiuan Clerk, Ilarrlwjn
f'H STY (iKriCHKS:
S. liarker Comity Judge
Conrad I.lnUcjiian tlerk
SI. J. (jayhart Treaiin-r
A. Soutliworth Supt. Public liMtructi
TbOK. IU:idy Shrrtrr
ioo. j. nuier... l oronrr
A. K. Dewr Surveyor
Conrad Undmiinn Clerk of Hintriet Court
11. T. Couley County Attorney
Jo'.in A- UTocji (eliainuuui 31 DUirict
W. Knott....,
J. WelKr , 2d
("OKIiKSl'ON jlKN'i'S:
KocNTt Bscs.. Ne'.y York City,
I'ihst National Bank, Uuial z,
First National Bank, Lincoln, ind .
Bank or i'iiapiion, tUmill o&iv
e TbI
f ftra tf -
Interest Paid on Time Dep-t
- r
:9 '
Wyoming authorities came after them
but on some pretense they were taken to I ests that do not desire them
Nine bills have been passed by the Chadron. There a man made a com- who wish to do an honest business do
Senate which effect Nebraska and Ne- plaint charging the men with having I desire such laws; if they do not get
braskans and every one ol tliem are being sold liquor to Indians and a Deputy them in a form that will lie efficient for
allowed to die in the House. The masses United States marshal took them to their protection in the honest sale of
of tlie people will not consider such facts Omaha. The probable result will be pure commodities, tliey will liave no re-
as being at all creditable to Bryan, Mc- that the complaining witness in the case course but to join tlie dishonest crowd,
Keighan and Kem who rode into office will vanish and the federal authorities for adulterations are the cheaper and
on promises ol vviiat great things they w ill have no otlier course tlian to turn pure articles cannot compete with them,
would no lor tueir slate. Bryan nas the mon loose and tlie object of the As for the 'ew hogs in tlie Wet
made a record in his attempt to remove Wyoming cattle men will have been ao squealing about cotton ssd oil," we
Ums bounty on sugar and to put binding complished. A number of the cattlemen confess that we sympathize with 0
twine on the free list But as both of and companies have memorialized Sena western hoen. nr rather with tl, u-..,.
those are against the interests of his tor Manderson to use his influence to I em hogs' owner. The West his no
suue nis ucuoii win uov svrenginen nis nelp tlie cattlemen. Ihey state that quarrel with the cotton seed oil; it lias
political standing. The ability and zeal they represent tlie honest, intelligent and a very bitter quarrel with "lard" mad
ne nas aispiayea are woruvy of a better taxpaying iieople of Wyoming and hence of cotton seed oil. As cotton seed oil the
cause. are entitled to help. That is the best I nroduct ha a ritrlit to fir. tt bf it
display ot gall in tlie whole matter. The for itself and ne belf for tlx- lt
TLia t.pnf inwnrdneiw nf thr fro ailiwi I oi-.., . u.. .l. . I . i. .1. -
" .iu.,aiucu.,i ufc nuuui were ai one unoe iv can oriiain: ax a iraiui mu.
advocates' scheme is becoming apparent time ti taxpaying rKpulation of their Uueradine as lard it lnw no ntrbu ikt
states hut it did not prevent tlie federal any benefit man is bound to respect
going alter Uiem and Trie inducement hkl out to mk
giving the slaves tlieir freedom, and no those wlio wwl out th Sunt artle
more will it prevent the government asking us to copy and edor it, i that
from protecting the nettlers awl home- it will injure Ue patetit mUim trade
stealers of Wyoming. Were this the and thus reduce the number of natent
1 . '
tnn ever at- medicm MvertiwmnU w will vt
umpted to turry Uir point by force in The Ibmntead is not open to Wat kind
opposing 10 trie laws they might mis- of influence. If we do get pure food
lead son people, but the whole history and pore drogn ami dVm t get m, ri.ny
of Uie range cattle irtwinem lias Ijeen ustetit mwlicine advtni
filled with all kitxls of outrages upr.n the of it, e will Ur n try and worry
A nitent fried ictn. the nuim
Wilson. .....senator. Dint No. U, ClialroB
1. I Heath Kep., Dtst. 'o. M, KusUvilli;
Conrai Lliideiiiaii (chalnuiui) ...TrusUie
K. Verity. ...
Tbouia BeJUy . ..
H. A. Canningliain 1
V.. Mamteller
W. H. DavU ; clerk
i. Guthrie., , Trcioiurer
. W. Wiolt fcireet Coiniiiimioiitr
and many who were before in favor of it
are changing their views. The owners
of tlie big silver mines saw a chance to
greatly increase the price of the products
of their mines by getting a law passed
for tlie free and unlimited coinage of sil
ver for it would largely increase the
price of bullion. No one would object
to that, except tliat it would make the
purchasing power of the silver dollar a
good deal lent and give goM bugs a chance
to get up a corner on the gold of the
country. If some one will devise a
settler who dared to seek to establish nli?.
......... mm I .
scheme whereby the circulating medium home on the public domain used mi UhMhrnn. 1- . u-. ,iue
u. l..i mnA mnko tW nullum I . . i .. - . I . r ' uhi
s- . ' " "" " '' interstate wmmerce in impure or du
good, be would ImmoTtoHM himselfand ms. Themaesesof Um pen-le all over imtl Hr- k. ,iL . ....
benefit the middle and poorer ckvwe of I the country will rejoice when the Im i Jhrn-ntavl will U i-..i.i.. ! wlnK maAhines . a,;wt and reieured.
Determined to make every e
customers, and if good gooQ
low prices and lair treat
ment will secure them
we are bound to
1 n.
Mr. K, (i. Huutfto , MrecUir
W. 11. -mrt,t ...Moderator
O. w. neuter Treasurer
171!)vrin ..ri,-AV I1U.IT1MIII, COiiiiueiicen
April WUi SJid llverlllxrrllt, IDW.
vouiiJT nri,-Ai iinmiioii, couuuenccs
Brat M'vnaaY ot f mch month.
m. w.. cnnrrn-rr.-elii,(r n,-h slterniite
sannny nivt&in. m., sudeyery Maiulsyeven
lug st 7.-W. Key. W. O. OLKAiyKS, Ps-tor.
Kxv.Il wrvlt-es cm tl M.-r:mt Wiwlnc
fiy e-ti m.nith.nt 7 oVl.H k p. ru. (
li.miion al 1 p. jn. Cmas. E. "TArtLr
M.rtii.-rlit dnndsr HcWI liiw-U ever Htin-
day morning l J
W. o. i,t.A.irK. w 11 m.,.
np:riiiteii(lent. ftecretar'y.
Eltite Vbo.,1 iiku st the vburcliesch Son
flay srwnixin at t o'clock.
X. C. l. Rissrtt, Snpt.
Come and see What we Have in the l
Dry Goods, Groceries,
and Shoes, etc,
And we will have all kinds of
Farm Machine
nniswnin a nnnsT
B. I fTMUf.1t,
Fashionable Barber & Hair Drester.
lw,r Hiu( li ,( Ba ul of llsrrisuit.
on n sundav ritoM to t a.
I nerd of nuige slock is uuketsxl.
A tlltf m e,siSB mm. se, a 1 ()Cl
r mmrm
1 w iwi an jur urn cft, I
m t i Call.