TV-.--- r i ! - ffw un thv, iw' '31 5v fcr I h 91 4 ive atr? til 41 1 he isH if :fc lo I 5 ! in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 1 ?&tzB .feeder Ilrlirate ISahy. points to be eonsid- 11 delicate b:iby, v.r.'.ea son ScoviL ooil. iven at o:-.c9. ecu tlio ii:fcu!H. food must, of course, cliiU; wliat agrees us taken by another. nils a tlnru. a goou bk'spoonfnl of cream 'Ula of nine wau-r, !ed wa'.er, Bwettened cli of milk sugar, m, and tlie food is 'Ins is sullicieiit for one ordinary s.iel baby baths old; after that Jrea3e Hie quantity ng tbo proporlion of UliS! Hundred Dollars Ile- )e of ( alarrli that can- Hall s r.iurrii t nro. & CO., Props, ToLdo, O. ned, liavo Known i. b last 15 rears, and be- Wtly l.onoral)l in nil liunss aii'i nnaiiciaiiy any obligation made Wholesale J )ru ctrist, JSC; KlMN AN A M !! Binni? ist, 'J'oiedo, ( ). I. tire is taken nil in . i k upon the biooa ana ol the system, j-rice Mold by all Druggists. I nre 0 rowing. fcinaa has a curiosity map of the I'uited ki .(. ( oloraao, inn Nevada, and Arizona it, Kansas takes up 3ka spreads over the on ana asiunRton Utah takes tip Nevada since been taken oil Sew Mexico There in Iowa, Nebraska 'nniiij from St. Louis Kansas is now third in railroad mileage. filial Troches" have On the inllamed parts, Sighs. Colds, and the Jubles lo which SiriK tipt alters are liablo. iiiiuKfir. f'itliat man you were -go an occulist,? 'ie's a lawyer. Why fas an occulist? B, he had so much that I thought lie Oiial. Detroit Free Wilted. Can Vim Find f orrt ? IIptiIhj' mlvertiFcrncnt In which lui no two wonla I. The harm? is true of 4g each Meek, from the t. This hoiiHO lin'e a itig tliey make and pnb d them the name of the rn von BOOK, HKAl II irSA.Ml'LliS HIKE. Ill the Mountain. The Southern papers are tell in? about the woude: fill miraeks preformed by Teresa. I'rrea, who lives on a ranch in the heart of tho Sierra Aiadre mount ains. The. nearest town to her home is Trinidad, sone liftcrii miles away. She cures by tho simple laying 0n of hands, and is call d a sa.ut by the thousands of Mexicans and Indians who have learned of her wonderful powers. The scene at the humble ranch bailies description.- Living in improvised j:ica!s and tents ail along the mountain side from Trinidad to the woman's home were thousands of decrepit, dis eased and haggard-looking Mexicans, who were patiently awaiting their turn to be cured of their nlllictions. .St. Theresa as she is called, is 17 years of age, has a sinkingly beautiful face, straight black hair, and dresses in the plainest kii.d of a woolen garment. She said she was lirst made aware of her wonderful power last summer, and, while idie firmly believes it is a Divine gift, yet bIio is at a loss to account for it being giver, to her any more than to any one else. She performs her curt s by merely laying her hand on the he id of the person afflicted, and giving the command to fcrise and depart in health. A stream ot unfortunate sick people pottretl through her room during the correspondent's visit, among them be ing men and women allliete'I with rheumatism and many cripples, livery one who has submitted to her treatment claims to have been instantly cured. Three cases of leprosy and seven of smallpox are among those which tho woman says she has cureiU She will accept no money or gift of any kind in payment for her services. I.OS I, liose mother severely of his choice) much I will lose so far below me in Clara; but then just 2h she will gain, and the family. Harper's fctlieltod. American Angler a jbar captured with a Jon in as many days I total length of the ighty-three feet and total weight 1,774 hours and fifty-three jpent in actual play. Weighed 205 pounds. I of HHttlelnakcK. men, engaged in ihe Decker plantation, Ark., recently, dis- lerful den of rattle jno of the rattlers was lar space, which has ot an old well (liled men set fire to the few moments the lly covered with rep- 8 killed the entire ir hoes in dispatching JTere Cfty-two slain, l two to seven feet. I.v and War. Myram, a liedouin beauty and Boae, in Algeria, was loved by two nun called Uclk'isicm and Lahmri. She has been living with tho latter and stems to have bien desirous of making a change, she advised Jielkassem to kiil Lahmri, which was done. She again chunked her allegiance and went to Lnhmri's family advising them to take their revenge upon Jiekassem. Doth families then looked about among their friends and mustered a fighing party each. The encounter was bloody. Four men were kiled outright and not one it seems, escaped without wound. Tho brother of llelkasscm and the son a boy of only 1 1 years, were among the killed. The guilty parties were tried according to French law, Kcllkassem was sentenced to die and Myram was condemned to forced labor for life.' The combatants in the battle were sentenced to six years in the peniten tiary, lieautoous Myram is beside her self at the dignity inflicted upon her innocent person and tried to commit suicide, but was prevented. lie Stood IIlRli, "How about that young gentleman who conies toseo you and your sister so often. Millie?" said the old gentle man to his daughter. "Why ho is very nice and entertain ing papa. I'd like to have you meet him." 'Very likely. . But what is his position? Does he stand high in society?' "Oh, ye3, indeed papa, he is six fecf tall. 'Texas Sittings. Was the Gooiv Murdrpd. Old widow Barbara Sellers has tho finest flo-k of geese within a radiu3 of live niih-s of Williainsbridge, declares ihe Toledo Blade. She supports her self and educates two grandchildren j:i the product of the birds, all but one :f which contributed, either with eggs, feathers or ilesli, to her income. The exception was a goose known to be twenty years o il, and with a possible claim to much greater age, for noboay could say when it was batched. Jt long ago ceased to lay, and its age prelected it from slaughter. After it was plucked, live years ago, its feathers did not grow out again, and every winter it suffered severely from the cold, its companions insulted it with derisive cackling, stole its share of the food and occasionally assulted it with their broad beaks. Life was a burden to it, and one morning before Williams bridge awoke to the fact that it wai freezing hard, the old goose died. Mrs. Sellers was in doubt whether it committed suicide or was murdered Long before daylight she was awakened by the cackling of her geese, and, though it was too dark to see them by looking out of her bedroom window, she knew by the direction of the sound that they were in and around the duck pond, a sheet of water about three feet deep at the reer of the house. At in tervals, she says, she could hear the querulous complainings of the old goose, but it3 voiew, after being several times cut oil, at last ceased entirely. At dawn Mrs. Sellers saw that the pond was frozen over, and in the cen ter was an old goose with its head under the ice. The other birds were around it on the slippery surface. They were watching it closely, and had it moved they would, no doubt, have forced it back, it v;i3 quite dead however, and Mrs. Sellers thinks tho younger geese beat its head below the water and made it stay in that position until the iceloimed around it. She admits, however, that it may have grown weary of its life and bent its neck while, the wuter froze it in. I'l-aok l.enlle'a lluband. It all happened b 'cause Mrs. Frank Leslie tried to make a blooming jour nalist out of her her husband, and Mr. Wilde didn't see it in that light. Mr, Wilue has many of the attributes of a newspaper man. For instant, he breakfasts at p. m., takes his meals fit his club, spends most of his niyht there and keeps up his acquaintance with his wife by meeting her at four o'clock in the afternoon and taking a drive, through the park. After Kudying Mr. Wilde's charac teristics for awhile Mrs, Leslie came to the conclusion that he ought to be a reporter or have something or other to do on a newspaper, so that he would have some reason to stay away nights. The fact is, Mrs. Leslie can't get used to his buisness hours and wants to drive him to work or to drink, or else get Mm to live like a Christian. When this happy couple went West recently one took a section in the Pullman and another a stateroom, because of this disturbance in their domestic arrangements, and Mrs. Leslie, accord ing to her own confession, has to eat most of her meals alone. Mrs. Leslie is not going to get a divorce or put her hubby on an allowance of 525 per week She is going to keep at him until he braces up and makes a name nearly as famous as her own, when she wiil assume it. Her faith is big enough to move a brickyard. I'uurrrning iBTfnlon "While the path of the inventor is generally strewn with rocks instead of roses," said a well known-patent law yer to a New York Advertiser reporter 'sometimes he strikes an idea tint in fqwty language, land3 him on Easy street for the present, and eventually locates him on Flush avenue. And the strange thing about those ideas is that they areal w-ays so painfully simple that every other man when he heaps of them kicks himself for not utilizing the same idea when it occurred vaguely to his own mind several years before. ''One instance of this fact is the in vention of the sand blast. 'i he inventor, while on a visit to the seashore, noticed that the glass in those windows w hich fronted the beach of the place at which he was stopping was dulled in some peculiar way. 1 le made inquiry and found that thisua; caused by the clouds of sand which the winter storms drove against the exposed panes. "The sand blast resulted from this little bit of trivial information, and the man who utilized it is at present sporting purple and fine linen and possesses numerous ducats. "A second example is that of the rural gentleman who found his watch key plugged with dust one afternoon. Afer scraping it out he sat down to thii.k of some way to stop future an nouauces in that line. By way of ex periment he bored a hole in the key near its end and found that he could clean it at once by simply blowing through this orifice. ''lie patented the idea, and realized a big sum of money on it. But ideas like these don't occur every afternoon." A Very Young ltuehelor. 'J he effects of red tape on the official mind seem to be experienced by all who are brought under the influence of the circumlocution office. A Parisian flaneur has picked up the fol lowing particulars of a conversation which passed in an emigration office. The father of a family presents him self and asks for tickets. "How many are you?" asks the agent. "I my wife and my child." "Good; your age, your profession?" 'Thirty years carpenter; my wife twenty-four needlewoman." The boy?" asks the agent. 'S.-ven months." "His profession?" The father's eyebrows formed (lothic arches on his forehead. "His profession I say?" repeated the agent, angrily. "We bave no time to lose." "The father reflects, and at last re plies "Bachelor!" London Tit-liits. It JeemlH. Willie "Papa, it it swearing to talk about old socks being darned?" Papa "Xo, my son, Why T Willie "Cause I wish Johnny would keep his darned socks out of my drawer." Chicago Tribune. I MArlY LIKE THESE. KPUDiLTIi Bethany, Mo., Aug. 4, 1888: ratUKALUlA. .'Suffered for years with neu ralgia, but was finally cured by St. Jacols Oil " T. B. SHEEEE. SPRAINS Cons,amine- Midi., Feb. 16,1887: " Wa? troubled 30 years with pains in the back from strain; in beil for weeks at a time; no relief from oilier reniedie?. About 8 years ago I bought St. Jacobs Oil and made about 14 applications; have been well and strong ever since. ILtve done all kinds of work andean lift as much as ever. So return of pain in years- D. M. KEAKICK. ' (ie ,o.-lt stairs of my residence in the darkness, and was Blinusod liailly in my hip and side; suffered severely. St Jacobs Oil completely cured me." WM. C. HARDEN, O Member of State Legislature. Augurs? she queried wearily, is that what they bored people with? "A ii mi Flower" The Irtun-''lnli. In a liarlier Shop. Barber If my plan was adopted there would be no more bald heads. Customer I haye tried a number of preparations and they are all humbugs. "My idea can't fail." "Wear a wig. Texas Sittings. Coffee bleachei and improves with ago, but old coffees, which used to be highly esteemed, are now no longer obtainable, as the prices of coffee have been so high that the planters have hurried their product to market in stead of keeping it, as was often the custom in the olden time. Xo people in tho world are moro dependent upon the boats than the . natives of southers Alaska. They live in a region where tho coast line Is j broken into many channels, straits ana by the numerous islands of tho Stitkan Archipelago, iron of Homes-4o Years the Bade! At a meeting of the Berlin physiolog ical society Prof. Moebius described a most peculiar specimen of the finny tribe the drum-lish. They are found only in the waters of the Harbor of Mauritics. the St. Louis Republic states and when caught and held in hand :hey emit a most "striking noise a sound resembling that produced by tapping the head of a tenor drum. A careful examination of this strange creature fails to reveal any movement of the mouth, the only motion obsera- blo being just behind the gill slit, where a continuous vibration of the skin may be seen. The portion of the skin which vibrates stretches from the clavicle to the bronchial arch. This is provided with four large bony plates and lies just over the air or "swim bladder." Behind the clavicle is a curiously shaped long bone, which is attached by the middle to the clavic muscle in such a manner as to form a lever with two arms. The long arm of this horney lever is imbeded in the ventral trunk muscles, and is capable of easy movement to and fro. The short arm slides, during this movement over the rough inner side of the claviclo which (rives rise to a cracking noise which can be plainly heard at a dis tance of twenty feat. Naturalists are of the opinion that the grating noise is intensified by tho near proximity of the air bladder, the latter acting as a reasonator. Bo this as it may, the "drum-lish" is a natuarl curosit.y of the most curious kind. Especially does this strike home when we consider the maxim of the older naturalists; "A1J lishes are mute:" raid 111 Way, Hotel Porter (to traveling salesman (n wash-room)-Excuse mo boss but dem towels are for de use ob de guosts. Traveling Salesman Well, where aro the towels for tho boarders ? Cloak Journal, " I am happy to state to you and to suffering humanity, that my wife has used your wonderful remedy, August Flower, for sick headache and palpitation of the heart, with satisfactory results. For several years she has beeu a great sufferer, has been under the treatment of eminent physiciaus in this city aud Boston, and found little relief. She was in duced to try August Flower, which gave immedaite relief. We cannot say to much for it." L, C. Frost, Springfield, Mass. RELIEVES all Stomach Distress. REMOVES Nausea, Sense of Fullness, Congestion, Pain. REVIVES Failino ENERGY. RESTORES Normal Circulation, Uld Wabhs to Toe Tips. BR. HARTER MEDICINE CO., tt. Loall. M oRTcnaro oc oo dTuH'eTinv Pills o OTIie dyspeptic, the ilebllTnitod, wlicih- ft or from v.xuch of work f mind or Obory or exposure In malarial region, will nnclTutt'n I'lll the most genial tj restorative ever onpred the invalid. oooooooooo nn vnn nun n." ln.yont till I llll null P'Urv Heiirepiin isn III)! "JUKI 1110 II1II1K fnrvnn. Fond or n eotiy n oir lpriii miu ir Keilster.prlcell.OO. 'l HI! KKI1KASK A NEW: 3 W Cljlttf WHIHE 111 7aTs. Bat voui h Uyrup. Tastes Uood. Use I in time. Fna vj orncgnis. BSST WONDERFUL OFFER I CENTS"? LADIES, SEE HERE! nn.VER Wijutor one yar TRIAL Snbucripdon to oar Utm i1 Ma;izifie. -lilt I,A1JM' riKKHIVK JUHHAK n.l the litxiv.- Lajirtsoine Siefcfcl Dbitod ArTOHATlfl TAFK Br BB ti!i-ie for the pocket. detk. r ladies' work bosket.) AIho. BIG PACKA41E ot extra j M WW lrc piN-es of (-11 K AM) N ATI N K tins A NTS, mitn a handeome rartety kt- pr tii iMiiii ;tii"i ucHuiiiiu tTutuns uivnie ir mi iuau i vie; worii, ac., which woma u . ,M chi ap at f0 eta. We wiil also print your name and address without charge in oar HAIL LIST fr one year, whir-h is wnt to Publisher. Manufacturers. Norelty LValeiv, Card J'riuter, and others nit over thr WOULD, and you will rcceiraln return for the next two jwn to come, hundred f " I'liFK I'ACKAOKS," containing Samples, Majfaxuacs, Books, Papers, Cards, KovutUfs. i 'alsloiriif-i. ('ir.-uiar. Vriee Usta. it. I5T It KM KM Hi; It nil the above sent free to any address on receipt of SO eta. Miner, or a Hub of Mx for One Oollur. W e make this remarkable offer to introduce our channiaff JMAOAZl.NH ini- every household iu America. tiaLisfactioo iruaranteed or money DiftiiMtadT Agmi wanted everywhere. Address, . B Ihomi'ho.v, Publisher. Bridfi'port. Conn. NEW BiSOOVERY to ACCIDENT In compmindinE a solution part vu tecidtntlr apliM ob the bud and oa winking Unas discovered that the hair waa com lilf. lely u e ol onet put Uiis wonderful preparation on the market .itid so great Unit been lilt demand that we are now Introducing It throughout toe world under the name ol Queen's AnU-Haixlna. '" IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND 5U DimCLE ANT CHILD CAN USE IT. : Ty the hair over and apply the mixture for a few minuUa. and the hair disappears as if by mugie w ithout the slightest pain or injury when ! applied or ever afterward, it is unlike anyolber preparation ever used f(.ra like purpose. Thousands of LADIKS who have been annoyed ' wilh hair on their FACK, NECK and ARMS elKut ila merlu. i KNTIUHKN who do not appreeiatea beard or hair on their nerr. find a priceless boon in Queen's Antt-Hairine which does away : V, I, h KllMi-lfiff ha nmarfn. It. fi.f.iM Mmlh ,n iiIId. jmnMkllil. Priee of Queen's A utf -1 1 nlrin tl. pcrboltle, sent In safetv mailing boxes, posunre paid by us (aeeurely waled from observation). Rend money or stamps by letter with full address written plainly. Corres- ; pouden-e stnetly confidential. Thu advertisement Is honest and straight forward In every word It contains. W b invite you tn deal with n and yon will find everything as represented. Cut this out and s nrtlod.iy. AddresspUEEN CHEMICAL CO., 174 Race Street, CINCINNATI, O. You can rosrincr your letter at any Post Office lo insure its safe delivery. We will pay f00 for ny ca or failure or slightest injury to any purchaser. Every bottle r"ruteed. 1PTP.ISI To laHM who introduee and sell among their friends S6 Bottles of Queen's intl-Hirln, OrLtllal. we will present with a SILK DRESS. IS yards best .ilk Extra Large Bottle and sample (SBSBSSSni of silk to seleot from aant with order. Good Salary or Commission to Agents. We hnvc Irit-cl (fuecn's Anti-lluirltic, niul tni il does nil nbnve company clnims fcrr It. Editor. ratle Mark, TO LADIES! We will mail free to any lady our HOME TREAT MENT. A positive and permanent cure for all forms of Female Complaints or Weakness. Address MAY FLOWER MEDICINE CO., CHICACO, ILL New, Bare and Beautiful Water Plants. The Water Hyacinth 8ti?e8 Major.) Am mi if the rmwv rare and heautitul plants of fered season, there is nothing more unique, or that wilt exec; in heauty this Queen of wa'er plants. H will g-rnw and hloum profu ely inimyvefscl that will hold wat' r, sucreediiiff os well in a com mon tub as in ihe most expensively arranged aquatic pond It require- hut little soil in the Bot tom of the vessel used, and if this bean aauaritimor cthcr cle ar class vessel, the soil may he 'concealed ly a layer of shells cr pebbles; and as the pi mt floats on the surface of the water, sustained by its . infhleil leaf stems, its mass of feathery blue roots extending downward, form a ery attractive fea-' tnrc. It is utmost constantly in bloom, throwing un its spikes of beautilul flowers as large as a si ver dollar, aud of the most beaut if ui shade of lilac-rosw the upper petal with a uietalic blue blotch ip the rt nttr, whie!) in turn golden spot in its center, . the whole flower Mtkling as if sprinkle i with, diimiond dust, and rivaling; in beauty many of the rnost cnstlv Oreiiiils. I Having grown an enormous stock of this lovely plant to nuet ths iiopu'ar demand, we are ahl? to j offer it :it a prie w thin the reacii of every one. Hue plants, blooming; size, 25 ccdLj. each, t for si cc ts, 7 Inr 9i. NYM 111 A MA A MIA O DOK AT A , the lovely and fragrant While Water Lily; large plan U only z- cettt c'ii h. , iM)NTi;iMKI A COISDATA. An elegant aqmttic plant of upriglil habit, very easy to grow, a pvofn.-t biooiiu r, throwing up t:ill flower spikes of bright bine flowers in a den; head. Large plants onlv cents ,-M-h. - ft IdMNOI'-UMl MtiIA, A new and ery interesting plant Umt ba never before been of fered. !l Jias tw o distinct sets of leaver, the lower ones having lung-like cells on the under surface., supp'iM Ihe plant as it rloiits on tlie water, the upper or central set rising above them. Flowers, pure wh.l''. resembling somewhat a large spider, only 15 cents each. ' M'Mt'lAIj OI-'FMJt, 'I o every reader meiitioning this paper and sending us c;o cents in silver or Po.Mal Note fnot st;intp.-) we will send one eaiii of the n!wc four grand water plants, securely packet! and 1 o: t-paid to vour address. Do not fail to take advantage of this offer immediately, us April and Mav tire tl.e months lo start them outdoor!. lur eieant, illustrated catalogue of l';thns and rnre Tropical Plants is sent free with every order It. I). IIoyt, Mgr. TIIK A HI KICK' AN MXol If Nl K8KUILS, Seven Oaks, Fla. 'a) y?!;&i&&& mi;. gOUKD AT LAST. Tho remedy which weguar fliuto to iior-itively cure the wortit form of Blood or skin Dlseafp from any eatiw thut can eiirit. The estof therein dies is within reach of all, and 1 Guarantee of a permanent eui-t; in evorv case. acrentnd itr treatment. For freo advice by lettrT or In nerson. addremi IIITrHINSON. Prlvnte nisnrriMat-r. 125 S- CUKK bT. lloomi 48 tnd 44, Chltigo.lil, FENCING ! nWIRE ROPE SELVAGE. r77a BABBIT & POULTlT Frtljbt raid. BeMl 1.LKS WOVKS WIRE FK.NCI. CO. , CUlCiUQ T! 1 jt 3 1 a t h p at n o wl rrt pwj leading remedy (or all tit unnatural dtarharges and private dtuPMes of men. A certain cure for the debili tating weakoeu peculiar to women. T nrHrrirx (t and fMt paf I THEvAN3tttHlUnfl. in rccomroeDtllBg It to g XTo6DAVfl.S If JtiovulMd nut M U 1 30 Adams vt.. Chicago. This Rnlneni French KpeclRltst ;orea for sir an v nronio, ivarr. ous ann Aequirea umeanes 01 'Men.OrranieWealniesB.Stuntod Uovelopment and Varicocele. "Life's Secret Errors," with question list, 4c I WILL SELL YOUR HOME FARM OR ANY OTHER REAL ESTATE or forfeit fl25. Send stumps for reply. ALFRED Crtl.ES, Ronl Kstnte Arent, 47fl Myrtle Ave, Brooklyn, N. Y. IVrKfxv mtcDnmmn Arlslnal l.a4W ll.ll.rRnu unfniUnq rm rf(. Nflfo, mrc anil nl.? irliaMr. Amid imi tation: Vm only the 4:Rlf'KNT. In box. l'rlco. tl.. Sent direct, lealed. Clr. frw. LA I ON CIIKMICAL CO., Ilurtau, Mm. LII.ML JAW Ucmover: Warranted to eure. Ienvcs no soar. 75 cents per bottle, postpalil. Ben. U. Bjiiiion, York, Neb. Sold by Jrug-Klnts. M, N. U. No. 177-10 York, Neb. NORTH WESTl EAST SOUTH TurcliBSO TfekeU ami Consign your Freight via tho F. E. & M. V. and S. C. & P. RAILROADS. H. G. Bl'RT, General Mnnnprcr. K. MOItliHOUSE, . J. U. BUCHANAN. Ueu'l Freight Aff'f. Gcn'l Pass. Agt. OMAHA, NEB. ROOFING GUM-ELASTIC ROOFING FELT costs only 03.00 per 100 square feet. Makes a good roof for veHrw, and Hnyone can put it on. (ifjM-ELASTIC I'AINT costs onlv 60 cents per pnl. in bbl. lots, or H 40 for 5 K"l. tubs. Color iliirk rd Will stop lenks in tin or iron roofs llmt U1 Inst for years. Try It. gend stninp for samples snd full pnrticulars. (it'M Elastic Koofino Co., 89 & 41 West Broadway, New York. Local Agents Wanted. TYPEWRITERS REM I N C TON For Sale, Kent or Exchange. BEST IN THE WORLD I Jos. P. Megeath, Dealer, 1607 Fsrnsm Btrsst, OMAHA ft C fill Month and Expenses. I I I" To A Kent a to Sell 4l I (VfJ.CIUAKSTODKAI.KRS. J"hnBtr"'CML. " Samples Free! TANSY piJLLSI Pr CATON'S RELIABLE COMPOUND for LADIES nre Safe, Prompt, Efl'ertual. Tho original "d only genuine Woman's Halva tlou. Sent direct, 1; scaled. Advice free. (ATON M ED. Hl'KC. CO., Boston, Maw. Sold by nil local druggist. EVERY BODY That contemplates building or remodeling their buildiiiKS should call on or write Irvln Trlbblo for specifications, estimates and Infor mation resnrdlliK l'liiinbinK Meam and Hot water heating. The best of reference furniauad. Hpeclflcations and cstiniates made frM. Corrsa pondenec solicited. Address, 1KV1M 1'KIltltLK, Box 18S,Tork, NatH J J V ,... .lis;