is r County Journal. Vu. CK'STV F.UER. ... -r-7 i i) tfir-lfTl' iKST rlBiTLATlOSt OF AKV AJi!Ol IN MOCX COTSTY. o Editor. tlie llmrtMiu yost olIHe aa sec- BPAY. MAY 5, 1892. IE BEST POLICT. Sound Mural Iiixtriictitiiis shout t" luooite a Career. Frtroft Kr Prce. to be honest? Lots it jaty? You just bet your boots it t is safe, even if it i 3-our iiair. if any one tells yon that t the wsi K)iicy, uisirusv e is a dangerous jurson and not good. Paste this in I look at it when you take to scratch for an idea. Thi: Vira linancial rewards for the s out Uie 1'atli of honesty Vicllv therein, lsut morali.- V Anylxxly can moralize. 1 want are instances. These pleasant duty to point out. y Uoutd. Tliere you have Wn, the noblest work New Vned out. lou would irnag i a man must necessitrily Vniloyes. Alius, suoli is not Wre was Ih-enmier, for in- pimer wa a conductor on Way tJould railways. Did Bit by tlie noble example of did not. He chose rather T he receipts of the company iked down" fares. Did be "There is Jay (iotild and like him?' Yes, he said enough. His one ambition Jay Gould and have the little lialance of savings in ul how did he go about it? to the example of his lllus- fend studiously examine the kit how close a man can boundary thereof and still outside walls ofour restrain us? Ue did nothing of the Imply and boldly pocketed was paid to him by people Vthe train without purcbas- ind he kept on pocketing (ed peculations reached the ,W. Then the law swooped imer, and he is now doing Siialf in jail. Serves him r his llagrunt dishonesty, )&r has any conscience left rouble him to know how 'J felt when he heard of the 2' shocks Jay Gould when be " 1l a man has broken the law u a sacred thing," says Jay ' f that he may miss none of As of the law ho hires the fryers and pays them great 'plinutes' work that would for me. Jay Gould goes l Wfully and humbly and I jl me whether what I pro konesl and within the law. Si for me." pd man never does anything rs Uiink is risky. I do not least thai Jay Gould would i a nice letter to Breiuuier, f)od advice and admonition, rticular moment the great I not lieen engaged (legally, h wrecking a railroad by oped in a large addition to (toed savings and ruined many trusting people. there is Rockefeller. I do feller. I like to sit down , ji read those beautiful and in 'ttle iiaragraphs in the papers There are tlr;se in the csol 'sd 'Tersonul" v. I:ii:h are brief to the point. Here are il samples: ;kefeller, the head of the Stand torn puny, twenty years ago ils for a living in Cleveland, is worth 04,000,000." Rockefeller, of the Standard ny. has never been inside a considers the drama wicked. ' ii B. Rockefeller, the Standard .e, attributes his immense for te fact that he .cannot tell the jrts from the king of spades." lander Rockefeller, whose fame wherever oil lamps explode :now the taste of lieer. We can that sooie brands taste very hot day." tost unassuming citizen in New feter Rim kefelJi r, boss of the jl, whom income Is $76,000 V He blocks his own boots and ttia longer items with a ' Tbajr Are delicious and "It They go more into 1 . tha impressionist Indulgence m tnem is A binf ul v aste of money. Hep retty much sis lie did w1k.ii working uu a farm for four i." ti a month, with dediulu as for wet days. Another ileni will airily treat of hi wealth. His income is tW,OtJO,Ol0,0 a year, wl k h is Kf,000,000 a lunuth, i $777,000 a week; G6,0l)O a day uud f'j.Oot) a si-ond. Then the item proceeds jaunt ily to pile these dollars up on end and cover acres of land with them; putting them edge to edge untd they reach the moon and go ever so many times around that orb which does not vet, 1 believe, belong to the Standard Oil Company. But the really enjoyable items are those that treat of the sterling honesty of Mr. Natlian Rockefeller, which after all was the foundation of his fortune. He never swore in his life, even when an oil liarrel fell on his toes in the old days. lie always paid what he considered a just price for the oil refineries lie bought, un til he had purchased every refinery in the United States. Sometimes the ungrate ful man who originally owned the refin ery graspingly wanted more for it than Rockefeller thought it was worth, but that fact did not swerve the sterling hon- t hty of the great oil man nor induce him to give a cent more than he offered at lirst. Ho calmly brought down the price of oil to a cent a liarrel in that ob stinate man's neighborhood and when his opponent saw ruin staring him its the face he willingly sold out to honest Natlian Rockefeller at his own terms. How much better and more honest this was than Juggins' plan. Young man, if you would prosper, study well the difference between Juggins and Rock efeller and remember that while the lat- ter's address is Fifth avenue, New York, the former is living in Sing Sing prison. The places are not far apart but tliere is a distinction between them. Juggins owned a relinery and lie was ,-ery much annoyed at the competition of his rival Simson. ' So one night Jug- ns set fire to Simson's relinery. Now an oil refinery will burn, if yongiveit sufficient provocation. Simson's burnt clear up to the sky and then down to the ground. Juggins did not get away quick enough. That is one of the nasty things ibout burning down a refinery. It is like a powder mill; it gives a man no time to get away belore tlio wnoie count v is as bright as midday. Thus it is that all sell-respecting incendiaries never tackle an oil refinery except in cases of necessity; so Juggins was caught and is now doing five years. The real truth is that Juggins was not honest., otherwise he might today lie a Wall street man. So.youug man, ponder on these things. Be honest and you will lie wealthy. Ilirp. onlv the best lawyers and follow their advice. Ilk lash you bands, lash you head, Vash your beard, lash babies beads, fash out stains, Vash tiaj dandruff, Vash naj p!s, Vash nay freckles, Vash yeursstf fit Toilet Soap For Pnr White Skin. L L BALDWIN & 00, 14 MRU PLACE, DETROIT, MICH. WENTS WANTED, SAURY M COMMISSION! SAMPLES MAILED FREE. slon Stand. UE Mlw,l hi. Opportunity! I .him fit Your., llenclrr. Tr, majority neglect tlieir i.ji nortnniliM, anil from IIcaI e.nn.llte In pcivei iy nud di in nlnciiriivl ll.wniriiil ilnimir if tin lm of miiT. t"J 1."-k l.ft.'k on list, furnvor Unl. opportunity. I.llel. ! lux! l:acU o n. II o np nn.l .ioinir. Impron jour opportn t; y, mid iornre prosperity, promlnenco. ponce. H wittsald liy a pinloBoplL-r, tliftl 1118 t.ouoiisi oi rurnmu v. ipoi lutiity 10 eeb porioo at loma pi oeliitnpo, and lio poorl out liar rlcli ai tod of life; ea; full to do y a pimoi tiltfruo: 1 .l..4..i.'.,tnrnllirn 11 HoW ihall TOO find Ilia ont.pM opportniiitj l Invealiiinto eary chance that appeart wortliy, and of fair proniiw; tbat Ii wliat all ;c mon do. Ilora l an opportunity. Bach al ll net orten within thoreitch ol laliorinit poople. Improred, It wll rre, etlemt, a grand amrtin lifo. The COLOis opportunity ror many la here. Money to be made rapidly and honorably by any indnmrloua person of eltlior sex. All age. Yon. can . tu work and lira at dome, wheroverTotl are. Kyenbe rlmtera are eaily earning from to ! por (lay. Yon ran do o well if yon will work, not too bard, bat itidnitrl oii .ly ; and yon ran inrroaae yonr lncemo aa yon go on. on cnpivoaparo time only, oral! yonr time to tbe work, fcasy to lrn. Capital not reanired. We atari yon. II l com parailvoly new and really wondorfnl. ue Inatrnct and iuinw run bow. free, l'ailnre anknown amoni; oar work i.r. So roam to explain licre. V rite and learn all ti er, bv rem-n nill. L'nwlao to delay. Addreae at once. II. Ilallvtl .V Co., Jloi 8SO, Portland.' Main.-. in 1 t Pennon! paragraphs, hut moo . I from ' .. '..yvwt own. iten will Asmitthtbe for P,ttin ,iv'nUMn. iier. lie doe not behave M iso wm wl tilings. 70VEN VIRE WIRE ataBw woe Dfinr. pri aiinr l "atiint nurt otLiHui;. t arvynwi rnrrn THE BEST AfvunueM rnrFr THE for L?wn$, Gardens, farms, Ranches and Railroads. I'UICKS IIKDUCEt). Kold by dealera. FUKI011T PAID. NcXIXI.EK'8 I'd! I.TIIV RmiKO. Kw Tkla I Ho aitinrlnicl Ho baKKlnirl Extra Hsaa-T eiriveure. The KcMnllen Wst Win Feast Co., Chicjtgo, IU. ROOFING. Hcla!i!c Weather Boarding. Coropio Cejlingg. 1 Iron Roofing, Eav Truiighs. ni Spouting, a5 - a I! farms of Slioti Metal for Building COMPLETE AMD RF.AQV (to APPLY WHEN SHIPPtpJ WE WANT AN AGENT In thi1own un cru-wtio workman to "sfiSraai nlMMl write tor MfaM mnA iBrmf. (SCOTT & CO.. Cincinnati. Ohio. ' f KSTABLI8H ED 1STZ. f 09 ( p r H l H s t " & o d a i J j i 0 J i H o gt 0 H s w fee ) ? ? Hr P Jr"., itVv tv r -v txmj mi 1 i FOR THE lILLION rmi iwineii j v?5. COMPLETE I IBumVi Dcr un c y.vt ft? on jfspli Mi M (UL M V' 1ft ft SELF-CL08inG VMSTf DC C3 Paei R:iok 8t:inil. Milnlc Slnnd, Atlaa Stajiil, album PI'ilo Ptand. Flower La.n:p, Iiture. Librnry. OlT,c. Dli-tloimry anil Clicker Htuid li-il, "I1 Jlicni'rt. (KUt ii in",; eiR,' ui iv i '1. I :1' e, 53, MCI l.l-.n rtT u i., rui 1 U: i l vt"H 'it., r.nrRin, Maas, C3 3 cu 041 .'.' i'51'JSV I m L ii til THMHfft' 1 jocansou & field co., RACINE. WISCONSIN. Manufacturers of x Great f irk Precaution EECAUSE IT A'w'YS Works, Immense Light, Eoonomiosl, rUntlsoni, Dj'alile, .il U Period. I' PHY ONE rU;:?iBTED. LIFT LAMP. Itf prtur.l'.ie, oonBtruciion, m ....I.. I aw.:. . nn nncaranCf tar- t.j BiiTibinn h'Tciof'-re ITf:4 ....i.. " -.,....1 i..r Aur tew oir lir bo ooavinesd; Uien bujf osc of your dealer or MEYR05E LAMP b M'F'G. CO., ST. 10BIB, K0. L5r..l5 WALTRAS HAMPDEN A NECESSITY I In tlio Faetory, ! Ro: to . .v Plumbofs' an-, i 'i'1 nlam nltareoii.' :lstlt Thny are r,kno Tlpilc:it h thlnat for t;io U' rtmsa tut i SEND ITOL rKitil1? wnvii.. Frank E, fi. s MTg & Supply Co,, 76-78 Pearl 8troott boston. -liinr Shop. :..! any j.O URd. ; t., .-.'ttbebMfe ivor.tK TO sell you once means to alwayi sell voii. For a , short time we offer this un heard of Bargain, The case genu ine au Trlnc; for dura- bilitv. fin is I. ana appear ance an fully equal to Com Sil ver, and guaranteed to wear and retain their color a life time. Stem wind and tet. iSENTYWtuiU Wl PAY FREIGHT If you do not keep it. We think you will keep It It please9 everybody. It is an honest piano. . It is the WING Piano. You may have a preference for some other make. Still you are a reasoning creature, and open to conviction, no doubt. The question is too important to be settled without due thought. Years of satisfaction or ot regret come with a oiano. Does it wear well? The WING Piano does. "Look before vou leap. Whatever piano you buy, there are niano secrets vou oueht to know. CJur tree booK tens mem. oenu a postal card for it. It may help you to hnv a different niano. We take that risk. We also tell you the nearest dealer where you can see a WING Piano. It is worth locking at. So is the price. WIIM a SON, 245 Broadway, NeW VorK. STANOAP.D FOW5 CENTU Remember we do nof offer you an "Araericxn Style movement, but a Qenoint American movement of the well known malcet abort mentioned. TRY ONE I Sent by ExprcM C. O. D. with privilege of examination. Stni for our Illuttrated WholetaTe Catalogue. Garden City Watch Co. 265 Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILL Scientific American Agency for 7 ft V i III L"J71 OAVIATt, naiON PATINTS COPVRIOHTS, to. far Infpnrjrtlon nl (rw Handbook tw Oldeat bureau forcnr1tui pawntjin Amonej. Ktott pauot Ulwn out by ' "J?" "S'SS tbe patlie bi nolloe irivou free o charge in lira Sf wntitit iwerian Urgctt clrcnlatlon of anv identlBc pan" ii i the irorld. PplonriHliv Illustrated. No l'l',jnj .nan Should bo without It, Weekly. Jt-& ari ilJV all oiontha. Addmaa J'UNN A Wi DRY HOP YEAST 5? FOR THE QUICK RISER fyAHRlOC YtASI i,0 BtlBOITMiCH. Thaaa MUIa atDd geoarators hnv long been msed bj tlio Farmers, Crominent Hiuers,uraioaiia eea lealera throuehm-t tbe United States, who titgnjjr wcoBiaenu them aa being; tlio V.KST MA CHINES ever made for uieauina; and grading Wheat. Barley. Oata, Corn and Seeds of every deacrip. They da the work more tliorourh ly, have greater capacity, bollt atranrer and heavier and better finished than T other Mills. Mix different sizea, two for Farm Cae, four for Warehouse, Klevator and Millers use. .Q- The Land Rollers are the UkST and CHEAPEST for the money. ALL MACHINES WARRANTED. Write for Circulars and Prices before buying. 9 We oan Touch for t reliability ot tbls erm-Uuioa. inrnSeTiT" Are strictly first-claw in every detail, possess an absolutely perfect repeating aetJon and handsome cases. Fully warranted. MP Are the best in the world, and have led all thers for years. Over 210,000 in nse. The people are bonnd to have the best, and will have none bat the ESTEY. Time payments or cash, as customers prefer. , Call and see ns, or send for Catalogues and fnll information. BBIE7 &DA 233 State Street, Chicago. tarSt. Iouie House, G16 & 918 Olive St Meoti on this Paper. For fifty years carriage makers have tried to invent a"short-turn vehicle that would not be a "turn-under." Success came with the invention of The Bartholomew Co., Cincinnati, O. NO WEIGHTS. SEALS OR CHECK RODS. YOU WANT A POHARCII SCALE BECAUSE IT IS The Jtott Simpl of Ccnstructin Any one cin adjust it. I7te Most DurableThe kntfe edge art freeandlooaet can be taken outt sharpened or replaced by new ones. The Most PerfectBecause of its simpli city, and the only scale which proves its own correctness. The Scale of America. Send for descrip tion, prices, etc. It will pay you to invests VH?H. STRAIT MANUFACTURING CO., KANSAS CITY, KANSAS, m This Is a spe cial offer. We sell them at this price to In troduce them, regular price is 975.00. OO THE BEST RIDING THE BEST LOOKING I FOR THE STRONGEST BUILT Ever before offered WE ARE WHOLESALE SI VM !4 MANUFACv I r - V'.X 2a -jC kv rm M BBaSr Full bberTop, Ellptlo Springs, Piano Body, upholstered In a fine grade of cloth, or leather If preferred. Three or four bow top. Either wide or narrow track. We would also furnish Corning body In place of Piano body If desired. Send for MfUIUHlA iflflUrAUIUMKo UU., Catalogue. YOUNOSTOWH, ohio. ft 1?J X . I..., a J a, -,.leWtvisi-.--.-.- .-r - '' i-"aiTTT-.-ff