COUNTY HE blOUX j OURNAL 4 t HARRISOIT, ISTEB., IMY 5, 1892. nSTO. 34. f E SIOUX COUNTY far iR, 3ST A L. buns. Eilitor and Proprietor. ; A M.VK. U.Time table. cit. Going Ka-rt. ..ll:5 1 So. 0, mixed .7:00 R1SON MARKET. ,nh01 th.-l lK-l -' iiinilreil Hi - ki'l n-'l ft' Wl -jx r liuiulrcu lb jushel . , !!oz Z SO 3 kl! 3 ve- pT in. ft lii trcctcd every Thursday. leeds in bulk at Turner's. muted lit tlio harness shop, lone remark that this was a ill hi an absolute necessity Ibis fall. Killer $1.73 per gallon;. 50 it drug store. Ins made their apjieurance n market last Saturday. u couple of loads of wood Ln und need them at once. per barrel at kiswoij) & Makstixlek's. lfcivis, wife of O. V. Davis, pointed postmistress at The loiation of tlie oflice b d hut a short distance. First-class native lumber constantly on hand at my lioggy, 13 miles east of J. E. AliNFJi. ty who carried olf the clip shop last Saturday will re once lie will save himself B. L. Smlxk. Lumber ut out- saw mill for corn or oats. Call y address Jar. County Lcmbkr Co., Harrison. Neb. J is rerpjested of all inter treait liiblo School on the JT 6th at Mrs. Conley's resi- '$ for library and plan for i lo Bible school on May 8th. foiling to see with what and rains in Sioux county. Vier weather is beginning 1 by some, but the grain Wound is profiting by the Ijer was in town Saturday. Hds have been so bad that unable to get Hie boiler Jnoved. If the roads get ject to be ready to begin week. industry is gaining ground y. There are at present twenty thousand of the the county and the num- terially increased within r two. ns informed us Saturday sowed ixtt acre to onions. lly a good profit for the ises that kind of crops. It ork, but that ift what helps (value of the crop. I is being' done in Sioux year witti a hearty good will, Jit will be a large acreage fcans lots of new people as V near future and that is all jounty has to work for. I H. Barbour, of the starte rrived on Tuesday and will i time prosecuting the search licli he began last summer. I camera with him and will some of the many interesting .his locality. Wted that the county bridge Creek at Montrose is in a condition. The dirt was iy from under some of the il the bridge is liable to go i .... -.r. lome one vvime crossing, Joked after before some one is pin killed and a bill of dam- igaiust the county. r to rain on Sunday and some the night it changed to snow fell for about twenty-four yas melting all the time, but Shes of snow accumulated. bice thing " for the small ) ground but it de f little and the far- rTnt Indication, Mel- w'fWftt demand bra.,1 thi, The JhS Indians app,, They la u, ' 4 wet and last yrit 'year it is more so, and tg rtexf year will Tarpaulins at the harness shop. I carry a full line of farm machinery. G. IL TlRNER. The ladies of ihe W. C. T. U. gave a dime social at the court house last even ing. H will soon be time for an elevator to 15 built ready to handle the immense crop of wheat now in the ground. The reports are that the spring is very oacKward all over the country, but as a rule, when the spring is late the fall is lute enough to make up for it. A banquet is to be given to Mr. and Mrs. E. I). Satterlee at Hotel Blaine in Chudron on tomorrow evening.nvita tiirtis were received by a number of peo ple here. Tickets $5 per couple. The village board met Tuesday even ing and appointed C, E. Verity and II. A. ummigham to fill the vacancies caused the removal of W. O. Patterson and ieo. Tririibur. G. Guthrie w:i til ted treasurer and W. II. I)avis clerk. tonrad Litideman was elected chairman the lxard. The members of the board re all interested in the prosperity of the 'Wii and it is safe to predict that their ctions will be for the best interests of le town. Tli X) C of tov PERSONAL. John 1'lunkett was in town Saturday. E. G. Hough returned Friday from his trip east. J. F. Schiiltz made a call at this office Sat unlay. W. P. Fitzgerald left for the east last Thursday. C. II. Itedd was iu town Friday and called to see us. Mrs. Ida L. Diester was in Harrison the last of the week. trip to Kearney, where he attended the republican state convention. County Clerk Lindeman went to Mont rose Sunday and got storm bound and did not get home until Tuesday. Vf. K, Harris, of Snake Creek precinct, w as at Douglass last w eek and on his way home called at this ollice and added his name to our list of readers. Charles Palmer was up from Snake ( 'reek precinct the last of the week mak ing his returns as assessor an 1 visiting I li. L. Hmuck. and called and rave us Peter Henry made a pleasant call at ! 8,, oa BUlwcrit.tion. this ollice Friday. ,.jJyry Saurbier, a brother-in-law of J. J. B. Bradley was in town Friday and j Vf. Scott, arrived last Saturday from called at this oflice. j Illinois. He will spend some time look- E. W. Daily was up from Crawford on j ing over the county and select a piece of Monday on legal business. kind and arrange to come here to live. Kev. Glasner went to Lusk Saturday E- E- Lh'ermore received a tele- i, (ill nnnninimpnt Snnil,.v. I frram Saturday announcing the death of Wiu. Noreisch called on Saturday and added his name to our list of readers. Mrs. Thos. Devenport was up from Glen the lust of the week visiting friends. her father at his home in Illinois, and took the train east that evening to be present at the funeral on Tuesday. She will be absent about two weeks. J. C. Noel arrived yesterday to look Luke Vorhees was down from Wyom-: arter n;s interests in Sioux county. He ing the first or the week and made a call j ias a ilomestead near Eoyville and will at this ollice. j begin to improve it. He will bring his Eli Smith returned Saturday from his 1 family here as soon as he can. Loss by Fire. LOn last Thursday night the store build ing of County Treasurer Gnyhart, at Montrose, with its contents was burned. The building was owned by Mr. Gay hart and contained his stock of general mer chandise and the postoflice. The business was conducted by his daughters, he be ing engaged w ith his farm work at his place a couple of miles from the store. On the night in question a man came to the store quite late to make some pur chases and while lieing wailed on a lamp tiped over and set fire to a lot of paers. An effort was made to extinguish the flame and would likely have succeeded had not a draft been admitted which fanned the flames so that they soon got beyond control. But little was saved except the books, and the amount of the loss has not been ascertained. The post- ollice supplies were burned and the mail came up on Sat unlay in the pocket of the mail carrier. The loss falls entirely on Mr. Gavhart for there was no insur ance on either building or contents. We are not informed whether Mr. Gavhart ntends re-building or not. , TmufM i nn a vbii hi k U IS n H ill mmm v v n 11 THEY GO ! e! Until May 1st we Will Sell STRICTLY DASH PRICES, our Stock of General Merchandise. The Following List Shows a few of the Many Bargains we are Offering: California Canned Fruit, 20c a can. Atlantic Sugar Corn, 10c a can. Tomatoes, 11c a can. Arbuckle's Ariosa Coffee, 22c a pound. Uncolored Japan Tea (very fine) 33c a IK 2 It, jar of Crosse & Black well's Preserves 22 cents. Standard Baking Powder, 20c a pound. Pail Sil ver Drip Syrup, 90c. 2") pounds Oatmeal, $1.00. 14 " Dried Currants, $1.00. 13 " Dried California Teaches, $1. 14 " Evaporated Apples, $1.00. 13 " Turkish Prunes, $1.00. 2") bars White Russian Soap, $1.00. 27 bars Union Soap, $1.00. :5 cakes Best Tar Soap, 25c, 4 cakes Good Toilet Soap, l")c. All kinds of Spices, 20c a pound. Reduction in all Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos. Best Grade Outing Flannel, 12Jc a yard. Nice Dress Ginghams, 8c a yard. (lood, Heavy Canton Flannel, 81c ayard. Heavy all wool Red Flannel, 30c " Heavy all wool Linsey, 28c a yard. Good all wool Linsey, 25c a yard. Good Linsey, 18c a yard. Good Checked Shirting, 8c a yard. Heavy Canton flannel Undershirt 30c. Men's Heavy Hickory Shirts, 40c. Ladies Hose (good) 10c. Men's No. 1 Grade Rubber Boots, $2.50. Boy's " " " " $2.00. First Class Plough Shoes, $1.23. First Class Men's Congress Shoes, $1.50. Old Ladies Shoes, $1.10. Ladies Shoes (good) $1.15. Overshoes, felts and rubbers less than cost. Lined Sealskin Mitts,- $1.00. Good Buckskin Gloves, $1.00. Calfskin Gloves, 85c. Big Reduction in Clothing. Good all wool Pants, $1.00 and upwards. A Discount of From 15 to 25 per cent, on all Hats Purchased. 16 POUNDS OF DRIED BLACKBERRIES FOR 81.00. Don't ask for Credit at These Prices. Cash Only Secures These Bargains. NOW IS THE TIME TO LAY IN SUPPLIES FOR THE SUMMER- RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE), MacLACHLAN & COOK, Props. Snow and rain, rain and snow, has been falling most of the time during the past week. VOn last Monday J. U. Cook arrived home from his eastern trip. There has been no action taken in regard to the ap pointment of an agent at Pine Ridge and none will be taken until the bill relating to such appointments is finally disposed of.-IWr. Cook has the hearty support of lolh the Nebraska senators and also sen ators from some of the other states. The army officers with whom he was con nected in the Indian campaigns are united in their elforts for him and Commissioner Morgan and Secretary Noble are also favorable to him and it is safe to say that having mot him they will inquire more fully concerning the situation at Pine Ridgo and if such inquiry is made they will be still more in favor of grant ing lha request of the Sioux and giving jjhem the agent they want. It will like ly be some time before definite action ' W W ttfttf in the' flatter,' Legnl Notice. Notice is l'wreliy (?Ivmi tlmt W. K. rsrkl manhiiH filed Ills nppltcntlon with tlmyii liiffo cleric of the vIUhk" ol lliirrison, for ft permit to sell mult, spirltous find v in OU8 liiiuors lor mraliciniil, uioi linnicnl nnU chemical purposes in the villnKOiif lliirrisim, sioVix C'omitv, Neb., for thuniuiiieipu your of 1SIC2 mid 1H!.' If thnro bo no objections, ro moiistrnnc.o or protct Wert within two weeks wild permit will bo grunted. 84.85 VV. JS. BRIDOMAN, Dated- Mny5, 1804 Appicimt. Best Line to the East. The Burlington Route B. &. M. R. R is running elegantly equipped passenger traines without change from Newcastle, Wyoming and Crawford, Nebraska, direct to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection at that point ' with their own through' trains for Denver, Cheyenne, and all ..... J tnr Citv. St. JlOlllin ncai, mivt .... , foseph, St. Louis, Omaha, Peoria, Chi cago, anil all points east. Remember this is the only line by which you can take sleeping car from Crawford in the evening arriving in Lin coln and Omaha the next afternoon, and in Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis the fol lowing morning. For further information and tickets ap ply to nearest agent of Burlington , Route B. & M. EC Some predict that winter will extend to summer this year. Corn planting is now in ordjf in the valloy. There will be but little corn put out on the table laud this year; B. L. SMUCK, Fashionable Barber & Hair" Dresser. One Door Soul 'i of Iiiuik of Harrison. OPEN SUNDAY FBOM 0 TO 12. RAZORS AND SCISSORS PUT IN ORDER. Sewing machines cleaned and repaired Civo t mo t a t Cnll. QUUIVAN' &, COXI.I.Y, Lawyers. Will macticE in all the local, state and federal courts and U. S. Land oflice. LEGAL PAPER8 CAREFULLY DRAWN. n t n n fir Ollice in Court House, All Around About. And still it snows. Geo. O'Kane is putting in good work on his timber claim. J. E. Ilollingsworlh made a trip to In dian creek last week. J. II. Newlin has been putting in a few days work on his claim. It is reported that James McCann is expecting his sister (?) from the Old Country soon. The store and postoflice at Montrose was completely destoyed by fire last Thursday evening, caused by the explos ion of a lamp. J. B. Bradley began his summers work Monday, herding about one hundred and fifty head of cattle near his claim. Rob. Woody is now boarding at A. W. Southworth's and attending school. Mr. and Mrs. Vf. 11. Clymer, of Mus catine, Iowa, arrived at Gilchrist the 23d ult., to spend the summer with their niece, Mrs. F. W. Knott and family. The preaching at the Bodarc school house Sunday, was followed by the or- :anization of a Sunday school, with Mrs. Hall as superintendent. We will say for the benefit of the children who were not present, that to every child that is there eleven Sundays out of twelve, beginning with next Sunday, will be given a very pretty Bible. Let all turn out each Sab bath and make the school interesting and instructive. We earnestly desire there will be a demand for at least thirty Bibles, by the children as a reward for good attendance. U No. Robert Wilson has set out 2.13 fruit trees on his farm southeast of town. That is the way to improve a farm. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE OFHCKKs: James E. Iloyd Oovci nor, Lincoln, Ni b. T. J. Major I-ii nK iiiiiit Cowmor J. ('. Allen .Seeivtary of slate T. II. RcnUm Auditor John E. Hill TrvuMim-r li. ll.llaling!i Attorney Cu-neral A. I!. Humphrey l-and l ommisioiier A. K. (joudy Supt. l'ublie Instruction tllXliliKS-iloXAL DELEGATION: A. S. TaddiK k I". S. Senator, lleatrlce C. y. ManrtiTon.- .1'. S. Senator, Omaha W.J. I'.ryan, C'ongiiwinan 1st Dist., l.ineolu V. A. .MeKiehan, ' d " lied ('loud O. M. Kcin, " ;M ' Jlroki n Low JCDICIAKY: S. Maxwell fhiei "Justice, Fremont T. L. Norval... Associate, Judge, Soward A. M. I'ost ..Asswiate Judge, Columbus I. A. Campbell, .Clerk and Reporter, Lincoln FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: M. r. Kinkaid Judge, O'Neill Alfred liartow cinidron Conrad Lindeman Clerk, Harrison COUNTY OFFICERS: S. Barker County Judge Conrad Lindeman Clerk M. J. Gayliart Treasurer A. Southworth snpt. Public Instruction Thos. Reidy Sheriff Geo. J. Shufer Coroner A. It. Den- Surveyor Conrad I.indiimau Clerk of District Court II. T. Conley , County Attorney HOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: Jo!in A. Green, (chairman)- . 3d Disiriet F. W. Knott 1st. " M. J. Weber 2d " LEGISLATIVE: W. Wilson Senator, Dist No. 14, Chadron El. L. Heath Rep., Dist. No. 53, Rushvillo VILLAGE OFFICERS: Thomas Reidy (chairman). Trustee Grant Guthrie. " ' C. E. Verity U. JI. Woller 4 Conrad Lindeman " W. IL Davis Clork G. Guthrie Treasurer J. W. Scott... Street Commissioner SCHOOL OFFICERS: Sirs. li. G. Hough Director W. U. Wright ...Moderator G. W. Hcstor Treasurer TERMS OF COURT: District Court, At Harrison, commences April 18th and November 2ist, 1802. County Court, At Harrison, commences first Monday of each month. CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES: M. K. Church Preaching each alternate Sunday at 10:30 a. m., and every Sunday even ing at 7 :30. Kev. V. O. Gleasner, Pastor. Episcopal services on the second Wednes day of each month, at 7 o'clock p. m. Com munion at 3 p. in. Chas. E. Snavely. Methodist Suuday School meets every Sun day morning at 11 :30. Mrs. V. O. Glasner, w. II. Davis, Superintendent. Secretary. Bible School meets at the church each Sun day afternoon at 8 O'clock. S. C. D. Bassett, Supt. GEO. H. TURNER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, i WILL SELL YOU! Bon Ton Flour per 100 pound 3 00 5 " can Prices Baking Powder, Half Pateut " " " 2 75 per pound . ... 40 Straight Grade " " "' 1 50 Climax & Horse Shoe Tob. ier ft 45 Lo-.v Grade " " "' 175 4 pounds Joker Tobacco - 100 Corn Meal " " " 1 30 5 pounds Smoking Tobacco - 1 00 Chop Feed " " " 115 7 Choice Cigars - - 25 Bran & Shorts mixed" 90 DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES. GROCERIES. Full Stock Kipp Boots' - - 2 00 22 pounds Hominy - 1 00 5.00 Calf Boots ... 3 50 22 " Oatmeal - -100 Ladies Dciigola Shoes - - 125' 20 " Pail Jelly - 05 Felts and Rubbers at cost. Pail Syrup . : : . 05 Calico per yard - - 05 6 pounds Broken Java Coffee 95 Best Grade Outing Flannel, per yd. U 1 ' Baking Tovvder : S5 Dress Gingham per yard - - 10 Tea Per pound - - - 15 German Knitting Yarn per pound (10 Tomatoes' per can - HI Men's Working Shirts - - 60 3 pound can Michigan apples - 11 j Ifanderchiefs 05 Come and look at our Hardware, Tinware, Fibreware and Barbed Wire and get oitr prices. Respectfully, GEO. li, TUHIEIR. Harrison Lumber Yard, G. GUTHRIE, Proprietor. Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Blinds; Etc. Business GondueteEf en a Strictly Gash Basis-