A LIFE FOR A LIFE. Ija Qaar Wrkiar of a Law Sfa tiTe of Alaka. All Androscoggin county lady, who recently returned from Alaska, where her husband was employed by the United States government as a teacher among the natives, gives some interest ing particulars of the country and people. While at Chilcott the lady wit nessed a tragedy and its consequences which illustrates the peculiar code of justice among the natives. A party of white miners were at the supply agency preparing to start off on a DrosDeetine tour to the Yukon or some other distant mining locality. (several Indians wanted to accompany them, but objection was raised by others. Liquor had been freely drunk, and bad blood was in the ascendant An old chief, much respected by the whites, excited the ire of a chief of an other tribe, and the latter sought to vent bis wrath by striking the other's son. who chanced to be present. The father retaliated by knocking the ag gressor down. The latter thereupon drew his revolver and fired, the bullet penetrating the old chiefs lungs. Knowing that the custom of his coun trymen demanded a life for a life, he at once darted from the scene of the fray and fired directly for the house in which the white lady was stopping, hoping to be enabled to secure immunity from punishment. She stood in the doorway as he approached, but he was destined never to enter. It appears that his dissipated, quarrelsome habits had al ready placed him in bad order with his own tribe, and one of the fleetfooted young men intercepted him when al most at the threshold, and with a terri ble cut with a huge knife almost sev ered his body in two. Now comes the singular part that justice had to take in the affair. In stead of the actual murderer paying the penalty of the crime, according to their judicial code, the life of the old chief, as the assumed prime cause of it, was to be forfeited, notwithstanding he had at first acted mainly on the de fensive, and had already been perfo rated with the bullet of his enemy. He sought protection from his white friends, but, while they were heartily in sympathy with him, they did not deem it prudent to interfere in the matter. Seeing no hope in that direc tion, he turned from them with the re - mark: "Me show white man how brave Indian die," and gave himself up to be shot. After his wife had adjusted a black cap to his head a dozen or more men of his own tribe drew themselves up for the execution, but their hands trembled so, or they so disliked to shoot their beloved chief, that in firing the bullets that entered his person only mangled him, and did not at once prove fatal. He begged them to kill him out right, but they desisted and he was car ried to his hut to slowly die from his wounds. Thus he lingered for nearly two weeks, suffering the greatest agony. His wife would go to his bedside night after night and plunge a knife in his side to hasten death and his release which seemed so long a time coming. During his suffering the lady visited him almost daily and he seemed very grateful for her solicitude. Finally he died, and "juctice" was satisfied. Lew Iston Journal. . . s j Missionaries Assaulted in Japan. The Pacific Mail steamship City of Peking has arrived, bringing files of newspapers from Yokohama to May 20, from which the following is taken: During the past few months several missionaries in the vicinity of Yoko hama were assaulted and brutally beaten, the injuries in one instance ter minating fatally. First there was the unrevenged murder of the Rev. T. A. Large; then the assault and reckless persecution of the Kev. J. Summers, followed by the perpetration of a wan Son outrage on the Kev. Dr. Imbrie on Saturday, May 17. It appears that the Rev. W. Imbrie, D. D. of the American Presbyterian mission, in company with the Rev. J. L. Amerman, D. D., set out to witness a baseball match. In entering the field, however, the former crossed a hedge, while the lat ter went around the inclosure to enter on the other side. Thus the two men were separated, and it was during this period that the assault took place. The moment the students descried Dr Imbrie they savagely fell upon him' beat him severely, and one of them cut ft deep gash in his cheek with a knife. Dr. Imbrie saved his life by flight. The putrage was reported to United States Minister Swift, and efforts will be made to punish the offenders. The JRer. Mr. Summers was persecuted to such an extent, and the lives of him telf and family threatened so, that he was obliged to abandon his residence wnd seek protection in Yokohama. He subsequently embarked for England. Jan Francisco Alt. A Crafty Girl. A girl living at Mount Morris, X. Y., Sum been asleep for nine days, and can not be aroused. The day before she set tled down to the nap the beard her mother ex press the intention of canning Its tmsbeis of raspberries and making s gallons of blackberry Jam. The girl jS be all right when the work is over, -steoit Free Press. - Technical Terms. "Do you ever read the society columns in our newspapers?" inquired the colonel, as a stylishly dressed lady swept out of the car, says the Atlantic Con stitutiou. "I hear my wife reading them," replied the major, who was sit ting opposite. "Well, that's what I mean," said the colonel. "Naturally, a grown ruau with signs of beard on his face wouldn't be expected to devour that kind of thing. I hear my wife and girls reading it oc casionally, and I have listened patiently and learned some interesting facts. A man can always learn something if he'll sit right still and listen. Xow I'll bet a boss that none of you fellows know what that lady had on." "She had a botinet for one thing," said the last passenger. "Correct," sai'l the colonel, "What else?" "Well," said the major reflectively, "she had on a dress." "Oh no," exclaimed the coloueL "That' where you are wrong. That's what you miss by not educating your self in the society business. The lady didn't have on a dress." "What do you take me for?" asked the major. "I'll take my oath the lady had on a dress and a very pretty one, too." "You are mistaken," said the colonel, emphatically. "Well, what did she have 0:1?" the sad passenger inquired in his mild way. "A gown," remarked the colonel. "It's funny, but there are no dresses any more. Frocks went out of fashion when I was a boy, and now if a woman hasn't got on gown it is because she is wearing a morning or an evening toilet ltut generally it is a gown especially in Atlanta. When I hear my wife or the girls reading the papers it looks like to me that the whole face of the earth is covered with gowns morning gowns, evening gowns and tea gowns. Tnirty years ago a calico frock used to be good enough for my wife, but now she has to have gowns just like the girls. I don't blame her much. She ain't quite as frisky as the girls, but she's lots better looking." "Well," said the major, "I eipect it's the same way at my house, but my wife is so old fashioned in her ways, especially when it comes to making egg bread and waffles, that she don't pester with those new-fangled things. A frock is still a frock to her, and she don't want any flounces and furbelows on it either "My opinion is," said the sad passen ger, "that if the women call a dress a gown they know what they are about. When my wife says gown, a gown it is- A man that isn't cut biased can afford to let the women have all the satisfact ion they can get out of calling a dress a gpwn." Saved From Awful Deaths. "I have seen three or four suicides at Niagara Falls," said a drummer to a New York Sun correspondent, "but the first was the queerest and gave me the greatest shock. I had made the ac quaintance of a guest at the hotel as we sat on the veranda, a man of hand some look and soft, low voice, and at about 10 o'clock he proposed that we go over to Goat Island together on foot. I readily assented, and we were crossing the bridge when he suddenly stopped and looked over the railing. Naturally I followed suit. He had been in Brazil, and he began telling me the customs and manners of that country; but after about ten minutes he suddenly stopped short and queried: "Would you mind taking a swim with me this morning '!" "A swim? Great heavens, man, but where could you swim here ?" I gasped. "Here, in the rapids." "Hut you'd be swept over the falls in ten seconds." "Of course!" he laughed, showing his white teeth, and before the words were fairly uttered he struck the water Almost before I could breathe twice he was over the falls and out of sight for ever, and I stood there, rubbing my eyes and wondering if I was asleep, until a crowd came up and began to ask questions. In the afternoon the keeper of a private insane asylum arrived and identified the man as an escaped patient and when he had heard my story he asked: ':Did he lay hands on you? "No." "It's a wonder. He was always plan ning to get here and compel some one to go over the falls with him. Excuse me, but do you chew?" "I do." "You didn't offer him any?" "But I did while we were leaning over the rail" "That accounts for it. He always declared that a man who used tobacco was a hog, and that to die with one meant eternal disgrace. The fit came upon him as he looked at the rushing waters, but your tobacco saved your life. Stranger, lend us a chew!" A Valaakl KUctn .1 Luton. By an ingenious combination of len ses Professor Strieker, of Vienna, con trives to project the magnified images of object on a whit screen in their natural colors, so that for instance, a small pimple on a patient can be shown in its real appearance to an audience of many hundred students. One of the experiments willte a demonstration of the palpitations of the heart of a small animal Exchange. Sa? ed bv a Brave Engt"" As Frank Repp, the engineer of the Perkiomen mail train which reaches lientown earlv in the morning, lookeu out of his eab window on his morning trip June 2 he saw a beautiful young woman approaching on the track, lln whistled an alarm, and she fteppsd lightly and gayly off the track his train was traveling to the other track. But it was evident to the engineer that the nose of his train had drowned the roar of another train approaching from behind her in the opposite direc tion, and that she was unaware of her peril. He noted the several puffs of white smoke that swiftly arose from the locomotive bearing down upon her, but she evidently heard not the whistle's frequeut warning of danger, lie;? saw her death was certain unless he could in some way attract her attention to her peril. He waved his hand to her waruingly, but she evidently misunder stood its meaning, for she slackened her pace, looking at him more earnestly- " He immediately reversed the lever and turned 011 the steam brakes with a suddenness that alarmed the passengers, lie sprang to the side door of the cab, and before his locomotive had come to a standstill he leaped to the opposite track just as his engine got abreast of the young woman and the other loco motive had almost reached her. With herculean strength and light ning swiftness he caueht her up bodily and leajied with her beyond the tracks just as the other engine swept uy. 1 ueii he sank to the ground, overcome by the effort and the narrowness of their es cape. The passengers were loud in their praises of his heroic conduct, and the young woman was almost prostrated with shock, while overcome with grati tude at. the noble conduct of her pre server. Cor. Philadelphia Inquirer. The Oldest Drummer. .). C. Page is the oldest traveling man in the country. Mr. Page started out in 1832 with half a dozen shoes in an old fashioned handbag. He sought his first order from a former employer in Montpelicr, A t. This employer was a Green mountain merchant of the re gulation tyjie. He listenidto the youth ful and ardent commercial traveler and then exclaimed: "Why, boy, do you think you can sell shoes by samples?" The youth thought he could. After a mature deliberation the merchant re marked: "Well, Joel, I don't believe you would deceive me; you can send me a box of those shoes." To any one who has not watched the development of the boot and shoe business and the rapid increase in the number of com mercial travelers of all classes every year this story must prove interesting. That an avocation employing hundreds of thousands of persons every year, and with hundreds of millions of dollars in vested, could grow up during one man's lifetiras almost surpasses belief-Kan sas City Times. - . FARM DEPARTMENT. Duel With Lariats. Courier Journal: A novel duel was fought near Moore's station between two Mexican cowboys named Jose Carrasco and Manuel Bosco. Carrasco was in possession of a fine mettled cow which Bosco claimed belonged to him, and had been stolen some time previous. The two men met in the roadway. They were both on horseback, and their lariats hung from the pommels of their saddles. Itosco hailed Carrasco and demanded the return of the cow. The latter became furiotis at the suggestion that he had come in possession of s stolen cow, and his Mexican blood be gan to boil W ords of a sulphurous nature began to pass between the cow boys, when Bosco called Carrasco a liar, Scarcely had the words been spoken when, quick as a flash, the irate Car rasco grasped his lasso from his saddle, and, twirling it with a quick movement over his head, sent it with a swish to ward Bosco's neck. The latter ducked his head and grabbed his lariat as he did so. Then began one of the fiercest, blood less battles that has ever been recorded. Up and down the roadway the two horsemen dashed, and lassos of the duel ists flying and circling in the air. Not a word was spokea As fast as the lassos fell short of their mark they were jerked quickly together, and with a twirl over the head each cowboy endeavored to encircle the other's neck. The horses were flecked with foam. ana now ot mem uasued away in the same direction, seeming to realize the fight to the death going on between tin riders. On sped the horses, but not word spoke the fighters. Bosco finally turned his eyes from the other cowboy tor an instant, ana, quick as a flash Carrasco dropped the noose of his lariat over his adversary's neck, swung big pony around with a jerk, and, putting spurs to the animal, started off in the opposite direction, v, Bosco was jerked from bis horse'i back so suddenly that his neck wa. broken, and he was dragged over the ground .at full speed for more than t "v.. im buu coo it rode into town. ' e Har Draaa, Far Iu iiim. "How do you like Miss SoHheri' style?" " "Urn well, I think a great deal of it put on." American Grocer. il.H(ll'' A subscriber say, Jj" "should be fed diH toently from those ha t 1 raised for beef and he wishes if,e statement that the appearance of the state vjted to live stock interests " Edible. It isveryh h pnjj Jj trarv, rhaps. to a too 1 ,,,art. however, and one W he" Kuril and Mockman has frequent. rred mapping of the foment of young animals. It seems to beira Sble for some people to dist.ngu.sh Ken. growth ,2" make an animal "a sight .0 behold in point of fat, they say it has grown nd 'tills is the delusion which probabh led to the statement referred to lne character of the food and the future uses to which the young animal is to W put have no connection whatever II it is a heifer calf, the object of feeding is to make it a cow, and the only way to make it a good cow, so far as deve lopment is concerned, is to feed it such food as will develop its bone and muscle, and furnish it only the quantity of fat that may be necessary for the needs of the system, and if the calf Is to be raised for the production of beef, it will require the very same kind of food for the very same purpose, the production of bone and muscle. How we arc to produce a beef animal with out a lmy and muscular system is wholly beyond comprehension ami that whit h will make bone and muscle in a heifer calf, will make it in a bull call, or in a pig, or in a colt or iu a child. The very same elements are required iu all these cases, and those kinds of food which will not make bone and and muscle in a heifer calf will not make it in a bull calf. Of all the wild speculations upon feeding that have ever come under our notice the state ment which our correspondent allirms he has seen is the wildest; and while, as we have B.iid, the practice of fattening from the beginning is entirely too fro quent, we doubt if any one claiming in telligence, has ever before made the statement that the two classes of calves actually require different food. We remember to have seen some where ourselves recently that high feeJing was necessary to develop the powers of the stomach in a calf, to to keep it distended, and to caus ac tivity; and by high feeding was meant, if we caught the Idea intended to be expressed, feeding upon fat-producing food. But we do not suppose that the writer means that the stomach of the male calves needed this sort of food itny more thau did the stomachs of female calves. That was about as will teachiug as we thought possible to emanate from any source, that as sumed to be even ordinary authority. No one disputes the fact that the calf should have enough to eat to keep the stomach distended and to furnish suf ficient work for the digestive forces, but the digestive forces must not be compelled to do more than is necessary for the building up of the young sys tem, and 11 cho'.ild be the aim to en able it to do tf.nt as easily as possible, Filling it Willi what may be called ex citing food, will not necessarily distend the stomach, but it will certainly over tax it. If there is any case of what we call high living among men or animals that has not resulted disastrously we have never coino across it. Among our pigs, perhaps, more than among auy of our domestic animals, this high living has prevailed. Our pigs have been stuffed with concentrated foods until disease finds them an easy prey. They pay the penalty for high living just as the human family pays it. The calf, too, will pay the penally with equal certainly. For the dairy and for fattening pur poses, we want health and vigor; we want a good digestion, equally in both classes of animals; and if we have these we will feed the calf for the de velopment of bone and muscle. We will, in short aim to produce a full developed grown animal from the calf; and when we have done that, it is quite time enough to decide what we will do with it. ,nd branches with this, at the earne ume rub it briskly but not too hsrah to k,U the plant l care, wnen, ..-...., tuh clean water and by two or ree iree n" plant these pests. flI,J on your wax plant coIeus.fuebsi ' . .,n, white insect looks Ue CU..1 " cotton; the small quill drug store, have a " . , . , . 1.-st metlioa is iu IS" " brush, to be had at any saucer or any small dsh will do, put in --r- -kerosene 01L dip the brush in the 0 and touch these spots. This you will Cnd a sure remedy for them; they are knowu as mealy bum The time will soon be here when your plants ill need repotting, have plenty of good soil prepared thus: get some good garden a"d "ie-,hlrd el decayed mauue from the cowbarn, add to this one fourth sand, mix well and put away until wanted. Callas are uow begiiinig to make a good start, those that were potted in September; give them frequent waterings of liquid manure, at least once a week. By all means keep boiling water from them as that is not nature. When the plants are iu bloom, don't take a knife and cut off the old (lower stalk, but take and place the plant or pot on the floor, catching hold of the bloom stalk with one hand and hold the pot with the other hand and give a quick jerk and you will pull out the old stalk. You will see by this method you will not hurt ,the new bud coming alongside the old one, by a little practice you can do this very quickly, and no harm dona All thecalla family should be potted in August or .September in good rich soil one bulb to a six inch jar or pot. Keep these hints where you will find them, they are useful and if followed out a sure success. A corre6uid'iit writes from Alexis, 111. We are having bad weather for stock. The number of steers feeding is not so great as usual, but many more cows and heifers are being shipped off, a large per centof old breeders, half fat, on'y lit for canners If this good work goes on there may come a time when good cattle will pay. The influence of fxid upon the quality of milk has called forth, first and last, much discussion and Iu this country it is conceded that food has very much to do with it. The contrary opinion, however, has some advocates who base their conclusions mostly upon the exjerimeit8 made by Dr. K11I111 at (he Moeckern Agricultural Mation in Saxony. It is claimed that he demon strated that the feeding of a cow has nothing to do with the quality of milk, aud the necessary cuiisequence Is that we cannot increase the ratio or pro portion of cream or butter in the cow's milk by any change of food, however rich it may be. This is so much at variance with the experience of dairy men on this side of the ocean that most dairy people are skeptical about these experiments. Willi ll.ljr Wli. One of Lord Carmarthen's future constituents once asked the youthful candidate his opinion upon some ab struse question of which he knew noth ing. L,et mm alone," cried another derisively; "don't you gee he's nothing but a baby.'' " hat do you think?" reiterated his inquirer, heedless of the interruption and determined to have an answer. "1 think," said Lord Car marten, with ready wit, "that it is higl ume ior an names to be In bed;" and so saying, he gathered up his papers and disappears from the platform. A rain and the last anecdote is so well known as to have became well-nigh hisiorical -ai a crowuea meeting just before his election, he was interrupted by the question: "Does your mother know WSMt'ai A.. JI Lt' . 1 es. the does'" a ii.a instant retort, "and by Tuesday mM uiauow im in." li s uronliv proved correct and he headed the poll "i ""f nmjoiiiy. Ulnti on tlt Car of Plaatt ; This is the time of the year you must be careful to look over your choice plants. Pick out all the dead leaves, clear them of insects. The best method to rid your plants of these posts is as follows: Tor the aphis or plant louse, take a large box or barrel and have sud oldUu pan or kettle, place some live coals of wood In the same put Iu a good handful of tobacco stems make a good strong smoke, take out the kettle aud put your plants un der and lea re for a few moments only then take them ont and shower them ' Moat all plants will stand this treati ment but the heliotrope; if you will shower or give the leaves a good wet ting, it will stand the above treatment, otherwise It will turn the leaves black iwiu my win an snrirel up. mt-i.k 1 . . . The man who leaves a leasd with herself is th oi . . . 1 AFFAIRS OF arm hol-s arouud the neck, the waist. White inches Girls from 12 to i with charming s.inpUcH, high-necked waists or 011a of n.i.,..: j ""11 Mt, or sash. Urge iviM skirt three . i Thus a school dr. J quarter inch stripwof UJ white is drawn on cordi w in me vok .1 ... " and aJ.ott.jJ d, with senile " gathered to the shoulder, front of the armholej tt fJS ' - "U IU6 I A. tapered to the waist he t,: 1 The full sleeves are dun uearthe wrist, with a friBat and a similar frill is erect .J neck. Black velvet belt ribQ incurs mue conceals the fa sain aim waist, ana is 114 bemud, with long ends. A fttr Mitt ftrrin ia f ... i... sheeu like velvet, the ground d I mi uny coras or ecru silk, jJ a 'iniui joe mm close caffitf patterned ecru embroidery to velours is gathered, and tl, concealed in front tv a brown bengaiine. with omtiJ high in each ucder-arra lewi down to cross In front, and uJ t he middle of the back. uTj 1 . 11..1 t . 1 ww is iiru, n un long ends. l.'ncie Sam boasts two nem J w lawyers Alter me young woman m thirty she stops calling atttntoi birthdays by giving parties. Flower hats will be unireml" during the early summer theater wear or at sunimtr tht-y are lovely. Only those who hart mil ought to wear light shoes, utb to make the feet look very ffladi thau they really are. If There a-e many true Isdietai1 differ somewhat from society So does a true gentlemen, on to I principle of refinement and Oii character. In the city of Uuenos ijfti said there are sixteen inenSjV woman, and that any d looking woman that jo Wv have her pick out of 60 eager Abit the Tolophon. Some interesting and rather sur nriainr alnil.ti . iubiu.-5 on uie use of the (aiAttltrtna (n 1- . , r-uropean countries ..aveoeen collected. In London t... greatest commerciaLcity of the world uj 1,0 persons in 1,000 ine the tele phone. The telephone is used m.i 1.. countries where the service is owned or couiroiiea by the state. I Ger. tnntiit . C .I S mo.i7, omiwinnnu, .Norway and fweedenfrom 100 to 400 persons in vr imnm i u. r., , . imputation are subscribers. In Great Britain only M lentous in iuu.uuu use the telephone in Berlin 11, and in 1'arls 4.8 out of every i,ww inhabitants use the tel ephone. Not Rsaetlj LM. '.Metliitable," said the voun i,i... m. 111. - ' piT , V. , 8 Irow"' Voukt ....yuic itKUU rrom vm. . . night." "I'm sorry, ma." "Sorry! I should sav nn 1.. ITl.ii . "WUfliUf, The idea of permitting anv ,.- tosleaU kiss from you." " well, ma" sold the rounr uh. a penitent air it t.-. . TT7 lo-t I'U make him giv. n Uck to me With theteale or bark loo- ....,' he com to.nlght"vew Yir I-.. A .1. .1 . .. T -"", I'MM uuu uaeweaH nn ika a. a . . 1 , . 7 7- aun wooaea plants, oleanders, lemon trees, ate. Tbe rn ... b-t way 1. U, take au old tooh brush I bs ZZ Z T ' to wh and Uke a few drops of ksroseua oiiin wm-!wv Wn' u,6ttr proba adUh of water, A Hoary ror The U4i The new silk betigalioarl handsome and are much tuedffi ing and promenade costumei j The Tarton sleeve it 11 cheviot, with two gaunueia dark plush and light colorediM with double coreing. 1 liussian blue, a dark elect f 4 the name given to a pretty coBp Is said to be the newest shadeteij. jf and stockings. -y Vour wife must take mmr "Hut, doctor, what can 1 no: fuses to stir." "i.ive her ww to go shopping witli." The welch crown is tlieniwfc odd-lookiug high crown snicuous 011 many of tl ""I It ii very quaint and unusum Hunker Miss Bond is quiH' Ooslln-Yes, butlcan tiij i hrTM.Htvalv. Hie tOW w 1 ll.l lout nl Then she is a fire belle. Braided robes arc uot i 111 ueiuuu 1.. IwoaiiUfnl anrinl COU1C III - are embroidered in floral wheels, circles and crescent liim.ikerchiefs are very m front, and women are tftubl i,,..nu. .m. in them as oin IIIVVIHU) I - , Imi.lo daintv bits of I'lmf" . . sertion are higher priced iiw-i lrUh iMiint lace and em1 ummI nn mi mmer challies, tilb itnnortitd trintrhamt. and rib" largely into the ornamfuuli" dresses as well as lace ur Pniililmiul.U mlUlieJ M dainty chemisettes and tlo' pink, white, cream and p or silk batiste, to be worn frontMl Inlloia i.hv are l' summer wear. Importers of the choicest millmierv announce that brimmed Leghorn hats, thM whollv out of stvle. are to l the most popubr and w' 1 summer liead covering. I There is a very large InwJ Tiry popular cliallles and prp veillnn thla apasoll. the 1 ing In a Urge degree usurp, of the French glitgl""" J hatlalaa anil oilier Wasll "l A vara almnta hat i chip, with a band of y into the brim a Mtue The brim to broad !', 'root and turned UP waw VIVW U4 w 1 if with trimming. I