7 -.'; ;oux County Journal. I ESTABUMKI 1. WrK.IAI. COtKTY FAPEK. t PAPHK IN TUB COUNTY. 1 UUUifeT OUCILATION OF ANY 1 PUHLLSIIKU IX BIUUX OOCNTY. r kiWriptiou Prit, 2.00 jMiioH! ... Editor. at at tlie llrriuu poet office an aeo- i uiuller. RUWDAY, AI1UL 28, 1892. wo Klads of Farwers. rs divide tlie human race into s, the saints and the sinners: nen divide tliemselveH into two le successes and the failures; are divided into the "ins" uts," and it would be strange re not two kinds of farninrs. 1 farm for dear life and those because they liave to. The ft farm, the second farm to biter still, farm to exist The erent opinions which we hear a to the future of agriculture a very fcreat extent, on the tniers with which the speakers liave come in contact. The man unom the "liuve tos" will very lude Unit farmers are a class lliere is no future, while the ves among farmers who live I take pride and glory in their Itially considers farming, ull lidered tlie lot of life that tiximum of solid comfort with i of grief. In this tliey are from any other class. There msiness a chvss of wailing 'ying out over the aboinma- ints sighing over dejtfirted m wliose clients have for- preachcra who have no good ly man whom the eople to hear and politicians ill-sing the madness of Hie litis cast them as driftwood Every business and pro "lias lieens" wlioaraliv to live in the past, cling- Cthods that avail no longer r nothing in life except an I I of the voluniino'is corre- the H(mwnlead lead us to .there are few "lias teens'' Inters. Its tone is cheery 'd every article of merit, Mty new phase of agncul- method or device, brings Me of iiestions and sug- I we have felt like the js . hard work to keep up t little ahead of his claw. however, we strike the jt farming. The following Illinois land holder gives titration of the class of Vrn there is no liope witli- backed with many good Having seen a copy of Is year in winch you or tea to the farmers rai Wn on Urree acres, I of I two teunnts the list! of elected by themselves, laad the seed to plant I had averaged one lain tliishels to the acre on Ws. if thev would sub- 'pairer and (-oniietu for I to lliem tint they could y nnythin.ir, but, on the Ji-re IkmiikI to be winners t the prizes of not, as kali the corn tln-v could b, and whether the crni usual oruot they would (Hi abend, and si range to have mltition cnouirl f and us. U nn elfort. ' jlie larnii is are poor? M kown nirr is of !he f land to lie round, iimi i .b right placu for tlieiii )t)hc wtut c-.in be done fmug. but I!i.-sb fellows B or work, but p re IV r to loafing nnitHl town. J B induce tlwi to make stimul.ite this fanning fine irom its Irtiiargv, In Mutitirm M tiic fanririr le TIIIKe aim! ilo:iiii- will verr. J. p. of the tfttiif ktudlord- ly admr't y are often 'ous, but t.ienr m a ref ers for t ! iwii the lunil- h, und without whom Tl. I . nip at a chance of this Jng before him but the wer of wood and a draw e tenrtnt who will not W gift or the rent of land, and the seed to Vie chance of winning a V w axils, not long hold id it It rs, however, a Vtake suppose that ft rule of this clow, or pw of fl farmer la hope lies jma m fat and to 1 indolence and igno Uii however, it is no jUef he of business, no opiKirt unity 'fortune, It does offered vJTi neither ft for such aeit fi. to ecar,moM lWng ther tr ten itlged to drift Into Mn order to live at jl on the winnowing will be more rapid and complete than in time fast. ! T.e tailings will go over the tail boards. J Tue liual place for the tailings will be iu America, as !i is in every country in ' tlie world, to ..ui by tlie da f. r the farmer who thinks and plans and kees up with the procsssion. That this will be the fate of a ctrtaiu class of farmers there is not tltehlghtest doubt. Tlie class, however, w ill be a small one. Tlie great majority of western farmers un derstand fully that without industry and the application of thought to work, tliere can be no success in farming or ir. any otlier profession. The man who has nothing but muscle to sell will get the price of muscle iu tlie market and no more. He must compete with horse Hesh, electricity and every other sub st:tufe for mus' le in the market. The man who has skill to sell will get the price of skill in the market. The man who employs nothing but hisown muscle will get about the price that it bears in the open market und no more; the man who employs his oa skill and intelli gen e to guide his own muscle will get the high.-r price that skill and intelli geu. e bring in tlu market. The most he-ring, hopeful sign to the Western farmer is the fact known to every man who has his eyes half open, that land has been selling iu the last twelve months far more rapidly than for many years past, and at greatly advanced rices, and that it is getting into the liands of far mers for the most part. The man who buys land at an advanced price, be lie farmer or business man, has not a bad opinion of the future farming. Ulwd hm epporlnltyt DOX'TMN n Yaaiv, tadrr, Tn majority neglect their op portnriitiee, oi from lliat cantelive in poverty end Uo id ob-mitr II arrowing detj.ntr ii the lot of meny, ma thoy Xnok t'firk on lint, forever lat, opportunity. Uf)aee liifft KoAf'tiOut. lie op and doinff, 1 mprore joer opportn nnjr, Ktid aecarepruapentr, prounnenre, pntre. Itwa aatd ty e TthiloioptiBr, tlmt "the Uoddcta of Fortune offn ;n I tie opportooity to Oechperion aleome period of life; embrace tlncliene. eod ilienoanont herrtcnei: fall to do ao rind alie depart a. wrw to return." How ebelL yoa find the tiouotn opportnnitrf lDTttirate every chance tint l'pflin wontiy. ana oi iir proiuise; met IB wdm eu tec efi':il rnnD do. II ore ia an opporlnnity, aacb tl la net often within the reach oi lahurinii oennle. Imnruved. it will a-ive. et Ifutt, e grand atert In life. The coLpitrt opportunity for m tny ia nare. luonry w ue maae rapiaiy ana nonorbiy ty fiTiy Induatrlona porton of either tel. All airne. Yoa can flo the wot k atid llva et home, wliefcrer eu are. Even te. E'ntir re nre eeHy earning from & to tlQ per day. Yn run ao ei wen ii yoa win warm, not too nnrti, uni inaaairi emir ; nod too ran Incroaet oar tnoome ne voa soon. Yon can sire apare time only, or all ynnr time to the work. Eaiy to Itj.irn. tjapiUi not reqnired. We Hart yon. A It It com paratively new end really wonderful. Ve fnttrnct anil ahow yon how, rre) r allure en known amonf oar work ere. No room to eplaln here. Write and learn all lYr by retnm mall. Unwiae to delay, Adlret at once. II HallcU 1c Co., Box rurtland.' Mialar. COVEN WIRE SU FEWCIWG enae f Jm HOPE SELVAG nmi. W ACKNOWLEDOf D THE. BEST for Lawns. 6anws,Fiirms, Ranches and Railroads. FIllCKS IlKnUCED. SoU bl dealrr,. FUKIUUT FAIU MrllljLLEN'8 POI LTKI MTTI.NO, New Thlnn I I V 1.0 KnvtfWiv: po bagging! uirt nCKfT HITura. The Moaiuln Wortn wire reaM Co., Chiwco, ill. ROOFING. Metallic Weather Boarding, Complete Ceilings, Corrugated Sheeting; Roofing Paints, Iron Roofing, Ef Troughi, Cutttrt and Spouting, iJ All forma of Shtet Metal for Building COMPLETE AND READY Ito apply whew emppED. WE WANT agTnt In tbli town kn oneraetle workman to tefco order and Afl'Ll or naUnlal InUibTtclnltr Cormipondcnoe tolldtod; write for price and tertni. SCOTT & CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. ESTABLISHED 1872. lflL.II AND THE TITANIA (Tk Qnm ol rtlrlM ) FOR UD1ES. ?ST B4airTl v HIHIST ttRAPC DIAMOND FRAME CUSHION PNKUMATIO a MMLJ WARataTY With Every Wheel YVa MORUI FOR CATAlOflUE you faei, jonr hands, jour fctad, you ksard, bablei heads, out sttiss, iiaytedntff, my p!s?!ci, tviyfriekles, ysarsslfiith Toilet Soap For Put Wte Skin. E.LBA10WWftOOH 14 PR PUCI, DETROIT. MICH. AGENTS WANTED, SALARY N C0MMMSI0M SAMPLES MAILED FRBS. Adjustable ilxtension Stand. tjppfl Rook Rtanii, Mutlc Stand, AMne Stand, Album Rtnml, Bibl.i Hland, Flower SUuul, nUw Imp, u-i turn. It.r!"r, Library, Uffln Ificilidiary and ChoofctT Stntiri and jivL Hard woud, rubUiit flninb, lieifiht M tnohoa. II L-lit vxti-n.1. fl, W Inrhpa. WeiKht 12 11,; alwi f top II H -i:i.i .-.I K I). I'll-.'. 5, KKHI.KK ACO., Fur-r.-M' 1 .'.'. . (. vi Wii-dittKi'm St., ikwlon, Uoml L AMP FOR THB MILLION WHY BECAUSE IT Alwayl Works, Immense Light. Economical. Handsome, Durable, and Is Perfect. ? EVERY ONE GUARANTEED. &3EYR0SE DUVBLE LIFT LAMP. vclple, coDBtructlon, me ih anil apieftrnco aur (lilnir hcrpiufore offered . bena i..r our ! be couTiaccd; tticu bu one of ytior dealer or MEYROSE LAMP k M'F'G. CO., sr. loniB, mo. (.1 f m 9 CB are naraaieael to wear a ad rHi Shelr color a lu Halt. Stem triad and tel. Remember' we do not Offer you an "American Style" movement, b Ootlnlns American movement of the well n movement, but a the well tnowri aukee above mentioned. TRY ONI I Sent by tipraas C. O, D. with privilere of amluillon; Said Car our lllualrated WfcoUule Caulofu. Garden City Watch Co. 2S5Dartorn8t., CHICAGO, ILL. Srientlfio American Ageaoy far and f rat Handbaof wrlta to 00- HI BaoADWAT, Nwr Toun; . re iwrrmu lur ntcunna pawiee in aMKrits. evy nwi laaaa out oy ve ia DruuejDe oeiora public by a notice itireo tree at obanre m tba Scientific American Lanart dreolatioo of any nclentlrjc paper in iha orii iplemllrttf llliietmtcd. No Imelheent saaa ebooW be without il. Weakly, f 3.011 a Srini all mnntha. Addruaa MUNM It :0 rntmumttm flmxrway. Nw yrr F fash Tash If 4A Mzk Ink $n&( Wlsk $$$1 Wish Wish uLssfafc Tar ii z mm 0 o'U3..,9it.li trla1 fli. SB. DO K I COMPLETE Bfe: I BEE IT I BEFORE B WW aaia a k a mm M r mii you jGyl'Kms once meant ''teK For. o;iv,, abort time V IT 'V, A The cue I f - E L'ii'k' lit Sll-I l!r( 9 P&'i:l rlac; I -J Kff j iijal Y$rj60Sfc i ith snd ,Mn& Ty ( appear. (WfcJI WV . U fell anual V !g?2r 0 Cola 811- tr. and ere X. " 11 S for tnfrmaUorj -Hal at H " OC o a it. J a? ri as q OS I -ri 5 " a. "fi .0 I G 3 C I s E 0 j OELF-CLOOIHO VASTf 13 Ca az gahdII C3 3 Great Fiar Precaution A NC 33ITY la tho Faotorr. !iiitln Uooin, MaolitneShw, riarabera )! rain' or' fthopa, nnd aajv place where olir tvnatn or elotnea asa naaej. They ere aoemomlclaid by all t be the baat ahlnp; for the r n rpoic rvor Iiitcii ted. sxhd ri . rRicr?: t r:cis. Frank E. Fit's MT U Supply Co,, 76-78 Puarl Street, Boston. SENAWrieA WE PAY FREIGHT If you do not keep it. We think you will keep it It pleases everybody. It is an honest piano. It is the WING Piano. You may have a preference for some other make, btui you are a reasoning creature, and open to conviction, no doubt. The question is too important to be settled without due thought Years of satisfaction or of regret come with a piano. Docs it wear well? The WING Piano does. "Look before you leap." Whatever piano you buy, there are piano secrets you ought to know. Our free book tells them. Send ft postal card for it. It may help you to buy a different piano. We take that fisk. We also tell you the nearest dealer where you can tee a WING Piano. It is worth looking; at. So is the price. WING & SON, 345 Broadway, New York. StANOARD CMT0H R7INBR0TI1EU3 DRY HOP YEAST m H QUICK 5C-' RISER For LIGHT DREAD vat t ft toe vtAi ea smelt rt" I iaW iff mJ JOHNSON & FIELD CO., RACINE, WISCONSIN, Manufacturers of "THE RACIXE" FARU AKD WAREHOUSE FANNING GILLS -""1 jjta Are etrletiy flrst-elass in every detail, potieu m absolotely perfect repeating aetiea aaf budseme catet. Fully war ran tel. m Are the best in the world, and have led all ethers for yean. Over 210,000 in ne. The people are bound to have the best, aad will have none but the ESTEY. Time payments or cash, as customers prefer. Call and sec us, or send for Catalogues aad full information. IS3W & (MP, 233 State Street, Chicago. C3t- IvOUls House, 916 & Q18 Olive St " Alenlion this Paper. For fifty years carriage makers have tried to invent a"short-turn" vehicle' that would not be a ' 'turn-under. " Success came with the invention of The short-turn device and the other merits, of which there arc many, are described in an Illustrated catalogue, which, Uh address oflocal agent, will be sent free to any one, The Bartholomew Co., Cincinnati, 0, fjri WEIGHTS. SEALS OR V4J CHECK R6DS. $66 00 THE BEST RIDIN6 THE BEfiT LOOKINfi IFOR THE STR0R8E8T BUILT Thlt It e tpe Ever before cial offer, '. We tell them et thlt price to ln trotJuoe them, regular prlee la S70iOO. We are WHOLESAL nARUFA bow traok. body In Send for Catalogue. 6iai Hc These Milltt mm! Ri:ir.tnt hnvav lon been used by the Farmer. rromiuent Ml liars, Gruin and Seed dealers throughout the United fStatoii, wlw hiiilv roroii JL'liieni as licin tint iJfcSX ItjCIIIVF:-! pvr ft- .-la Statoti, wln hiiily rcrommend X HA. Jlfr-.-M S ni crailini' Wlieut. Hurley. euolng !3 'rn and feeetIli of 'very cieacrip uev Vy They do the workraore tl:oroiirh ly, have tcratir capacity, built Hironicer ana Heavier ana oettcr tin i tied than any other Mills. Six dilTerent sized, two for Farm CJe, four for Warehouse, Klcvator and Millers uite. The Land Hollers are the REST and CKEAPJSST for the money. ALL MACHINES WARRANTED, Write for Circulars and Tricar before buying. q We can Touch tor Ue reliability of tsUt Orin. Kuitob. WOU WANT A DOIIARCH SCALE U BECAUSE IT IS The Most Simple of Construction Any one cart adjust it. The Most Vurahtc TJie knife edgt$ art free and loose; can be taken out, eltarpened or rtplacert ftj here1 mei The Meet Perfeet-VeedUee b li simpli city, and the only eeale which proves its own correct nets. The Scale of 'America. Send for descripf Hon, price 9, etc. It will pay you to invests gate. H. N. STRAIT MANUFACTURING CO, NA.Nt.At CITVi KANtAti etTered r ULL Rubber top. Eliptlo Springe, Piano Body, upholttered In e fine grade of oloth.or leather If preferred. Three or four top. Either wide or narrow We would alto furniah Cornlns pleoe of Pleno body if detired. FREDONIA MANUFACTURING CO., n life 1rSfnf. t v 1 X Si ,1 9. Hi Wit i' eje,r