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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1892)
THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL L. 1. SIMMONS, FroprUwr. - - NEBRASKA Mnmus, Tenn., April ii-EseWn Mwauppi bu been the scene of one of the most appalling floods that ever oo ourred in the United Status within the last week and the world beyond that state knows little of the destruction of property and the loss of life that the rise in the Tombigbee river has' entailed. This river rises in north Alabama and winds its way south, touchiog Columbus and forming a junction with the Ala bama a few miles above Jlobile bay. The river is fed by a dozen quick-rising mountain streams that for the last seven days have been filling it until now above Columbus it has assumed the propor tions of an inland sea. Near Colunc bus the loss of life has been terrible. AWAKESED BY THE BCfKISQ WATERS. Saturday night hundreds of negro families in the bottoms went to bed feel ing secure, but betore morning they were aroused by a rush of water. Those near the uplands got to places of safety by daylight, but those in the lower bottoms found escape was cut off and clambered to the tops of their huts, in hopes that in few hours the water would subside. The raia poured down in torrents all of Sunday and the water bound prisoners saw that their only hope of escape was boats that they thought their landlords would send to bring them to dry laDd. These land owners, however, did not ap preciate the dire necessity of the poor wretches until many bouses had been swept away and their occupant drowned. STARVED EARLY TO DEATH. A letter was received here from one of the sufferers and bis story, told in sim ple negro dialect, is most pathetic. The cattle, says he, took to the high placee and found no food and began to devoui the branches of trees. The people took to the treetopaand remained there three days until, weak from starvation they fell into the water. He says no esti mates can be made of the number ol lives lost, but makes a rough guess that from Saturday until Tuesday night 20C negroes perished. Mnr eh trmrng Trlcx) to Kiop. TIL. April 1G. Mi TTamnt.on. the beautiful and lT-year-olJ daughter of A. B. Hampton, landlord of the Hotel Windsor of tbu city, made an attempt to elope by proxy last night but owing to the sbrewdnest of a telegraph operator the scheme wa thwarted. Arraogemecta having Wn made for the girl she left Ler fathers house at 11 p. m., in company with ber father's hack driver, Frank Greeo. their driver being a young wan named Thom as Brewer, who tosk the pair acra the country to Elvaston, where they were to take the train on the Wabash road for Spring Valley, O., where the girl's lover, Harry Copsey resided, acd was waiting her coming, but the opeiator at ElvaUon, suspecting that all was tot right, deceived the pair concerning the arrival of cLe train until the parties in nnranit arrived and took the girl back, leaving Green without money means of returning home. and no TOE HAUNTED fll Trouble Over Silver. New York, April 15. The Press this morning says positive information, that definite proposition for an interna tional conference on silver has lately come from the English government to the United States government is in poe session of a few well informed persons in New York city and Washington, and there is reason to believe that this fact will soon be made public The proposition contemplates the holding of an international conference lor the purpose or considering means tor the extension of the nse of silver as a money metal. There is no reference to bi-tnetalism, free coinage of silver of bullion purchases, on which silver cer tificates are issued to serve as currency, but its broad terms imply that the prop osition covers these means, as well ae others, as subject to investigation by the conferees. In another particular the proposition is unsatisfactory to tbit country. No provision has yet been suggested that will insure the satisfac tion by the representative government of any agreement which a conference might reach. There is likely to be con siderable correspondence on these points before any agreement for a conference is made. Invaded by Dynamite. Madrid, April 15. The Holy Thurs day procession at Cadiz yesterday was turned into panic stricken route by the diabolical deed of some anarchists, who threw two petards among the peo ple, evidently with the intention of causing loss of life. ihe bombs exploded with a great noise, and the whole proosssioc was thrown into confusion, and for a time it was supposed that a number of people had been killed. When the excitement was allayed it was found that while sev eral persons had been hurt, some by the explosion, but more in the panic, no one was killed and probably no one fatally injured. The polios are on the trail of the miscreants who threw the petards ana expect to hsve them in prison soon Jailed for Contempt. Terre Haute, Ind., April 15 -Judge Taylor yesterday morning s.'nt George M. Allen, proprietor of the Terre Haute Express, to the county jail for twenty daye, and lined him $100 and costs for contempt of court, Bnd Al en is dow in jail. Yesterday Judge Taylor eent Williarc C. Fishback, the editor of the same paper, to jail for thirty days and fined him 8100 also for contempt of court, and he ib also in jail. This morning Judge Taylor, from the bench gave Allen twenty minutes to rt tract in open court the charge in Ins newspaper that the court suEpeoded the grand jury investigation into the public works scandal through political and cor rupt motives. Allen retired with his counsel, and upon returning declined to make the retraction, and the sentence was imposed. Judge Taylor has sua pended the grand jury investigation in to the public works scandal on the re quest of the citizens' committee cf 100, equally divided in politics and all urom inent citizens, till the expert engineer now going over the contracts makes bis report. Believed Ula Mlilrcii film. Pittsbl'RO, Pa., April 10 The evi dence of the poisoning of Gamble Weir, late superintendent of pjlke, is regard ed as practically conclusive. Hip brother, the district attorney, in whose charge the case was placed yesterday, and the chemist are convinced that be was murdered. The latest discovery is a letter received by the liance of Gam ble Weir some time after Lis disease. It was not dated, but the postm .rk shows that it was mailed January 12 two days before bis death and when he was not believed to be in darger. It was erroneously addressed and did not reach the young lady until nearly two weeks afterward. It read as follows: Dear Meg: Gamble is very ill. If you want to see him, go before it is too late J. Mc The writing of the note is in a badly disguised hand and evidently that of a woman. The envelope was addressed by the same hand, but in the writer's natural way, and in comparison of the various characters shows the same str.k- ing peculiarities. The importance of the letter is enhanced by its similarity to another letter, in which no attempt is made to conceal the writer's identity. Experts declare they are both written by the sime person. There is said to be some indications that the letter ' C after the ''Mn in the signature was writ ten later. id re. Jennie Marsh, whose name has figured in the case, owing to the fact, among other things, that the superic tendent died in ber bouse, where he had made his home for two years past, was seen yesterday and when asked about a suggestive intimation made in a daily paper, said that some of the papers would be made to suffer for the stories they were printing. When questioned as to ner purcnase or the house fro-n Gamble Weir she stated that it was on the installment plan, and in a little lets than two years she bad paid tbereon $729 in installments. She aaid she had no receipts to show for it, but something same purpose when Affair Will Remain Quiet. Bah Fkahcisoo, April 15. When the Alameda was at Apis there was s move ment on foot to make Mataafa vice-king of Samoa. IfMalietoa will make that concession it is though all trouble will Ma. Says the Samoan Times: It is probable that native affairs will remain quiet for a month or two, but in the meantime then is not the slightest prospect that any taxes will be paid by the natives to a government whose authority is wholly disregarded beyond the municipality of Apis. There is no tsar, however, that an) immediate ris ing of natives will take place. Mataafa and his supporters are awaiting the ex piratioo of three years to ses what the treaty powers will then do with refer ence to the election of a kins-. would answer the the time came. Distinctive Paper Mill Burned. Washington, April 16. The secretary of the treasury has been notified that the paper mill at Pittafield, Mass., at which the distinctive paper used by the government in the printing of paper currency is manufactured, was burned last night, with nearly all the stock on hand. The stock of paper now in the bands of the government is limited and A. P. Huntington, chief of the divisions or loans and currency, has gone to about starting another mill and to ore- vent any of the unburned paper getting into unauthorized nanus. Australia, it would appear, has some fig-antic caterpillora. A. 8. Orliff of Sidney mentions one moth larva abundant during the summer season, whtoh it from 7 to 12 inches lone! Species are numerous which vary from lo8inciiMialeDgtu, May Iteialt In a Murder. New York, April 16. Manager Hutch inson, husband of Lydia Hutchinson, who was assaulted by Cbas. De Forrest is very low and may die at any moment Death of Rita Booth. New York, April 16. Rita Booth who is aaid to have been the daughter of Wilkes Booth, ins slayer of Abraham Lincoln, aad who for soma years has been the wife of A. L. Henderson, the wall known orchestra leader, died on Tuesday in Binghsmpton, N. Y., where lb was playing in tha company ol Ploy Crowell. Tha body was brought to tbis city and tha funeral took place today. Rita Booth alwayi von a locket containing a likeness of .tha 111 fated Wakes Booth. "Tin: i n in-- ( II Al Tt i: IV- It is lbs evening 'f the the itnc'.'-s; and lu one of the larger drawing rooms at the castle, where the stage has been erected, and als.i in another r-oui le hind connected with it by folding doors, everybody ol note in the county is already assembled. Fans are tlutu r-iug-soaw many hearts behind the scenes-and a low bu.. of conversation is being carried on among the com pany. Then the curtain rises; the fans stop rustling, the conversation teases, ai;d all faces turn curiously to the suiitU but perfect stage that the Londou workmen have erected. Kvery one is very anxious to ste what his or her neighbor is going to do when brought before a critical audi ence. Nobody, of course, hopes openly for a breakdown, but secretly there are a few who would be glad to see such- and-such a one's pride lowerel. No mischance, however, occur?. The insipid Tony sjieaks his line3 per fectly, if he fails to grasp the idea that a little acting thrown in would be an improvement: a very charming Cousin Con is made out of Mir-s Yilliers; a rather stilted but strictly correct old lady out of I.ady Ortrude Yiuing Hut Florence Delmaine, as Kate Ilard easlle, leaves nothing to be desired, and many are the complimentary speeches uitered from time to time by the audi ence. Arthur D necourt too had lit t overpraised his oui powers. It JS palpable to every one that he has often trod the boards, and the pathos hi throws Into his iM-rformance astonisliei the nudienca. Is it only acting in the final scene when he makes love to .Vis Ilardcastle, or is there some real senti ment in it? This (iiestion arises in many breasts-. They note how his color changes as he takes her hand, how Ins voice iremwcs they notice too how s!.e grows cold, it. ipite of her desire to carry out her pa' t to the end, as he grows warmer, mid how instinctively she shrinks from his touch. Then it, is all over, and the cur tain falls amids loud applause. Flor ence conies before the curtain in re- pouse to freq.ient calls, gracefully, half timidly, with a soft warm blush pon her cheeks and it light in her eyes that renders her reu-irkable loveliness only more apparent. Sir Adrian watch- ng her with a heart faint and cold with grief and uisappo.iilniint, acknowledges sadly to himself that n:er has he seen her look so beautiful. She advances and bows to the audience and only loses her self-posession a very little when a bouquet directed at her feet by an enthusiastic young man iliglits upon her shoulder Instead. Arthur Dynecourt, who has ac companied her to the footlights, and who joins in her triumph, picks up the boquet and presents it to her. Ashe doe3 so the audience again be ome aware that she receives it from liim in a spirit that suggests destation jf the one that hands it, and that ber unile withers as she does so, and her jreat eyes lose their happy light of a moment before. Sir Adrian sees all this too, but ler- jjades himself that she is now acting Hiiother part the part shown him by Mrs. Talbot. II is eyes tire Minded by jealously; he cannot see the purity and truth reflected in hers; he misconstrues the pained expression that of late has saddened her face. For the last few days, ever since her momentous interview with Arthur Dynecourt in the gallery, she has been timid and reserved with Sir Adrian, and has endeavored to avoid his ociety. She is oppressed with the thought that he has read her secret love for him, and seeks by an assumed coldness of demeanor and a studied avoidance of him, to induce him to be lieve himself mistaken. Hut Sir Adrian Is only rendered more miserable by this avoidance, in the thought that probably Mrs. Talbot has told Florence of his discovery ofher at tachment to Arthur, and that she dreads his taxing her with her An. plicity, and so makes strenuous efforts to keep apart from him. They have already drifted go far apart that to night, when the play has come to an end, and Florence has retired from the dressing room, Sir Adrian does not dream of approaching her to offer the congratulations on her success that he wonld have showered upon her in a happier hour. Florence, feling lonely and de pressed, having listlessly submitted to her maid's guidance and changed her stage gown for n pale blue bail-dress of satin ana pearls-as dancing is to suc ceed the earlier amusement of the evening-goes silently down stairs, but in stead of pursuing her way to the ball- room, where dancing has alreadv com. menced, she turns aside, and, entering a small, aimiy lighted antechamber, sinks wearly upon a satin-covered lounge. From the distance the sweet strains of a German waltz come softly to her enrs. There Is a deep sadness and mel ancboly in the music that attunes It self to her own sorrowful reflections Presently the tears steal down her cheeks. She feels lonely and neglected, and, burying her head in the cushions of the lounge, sobs aloud, She does not hear the baity approach .. .. ....... -I.xa hmide Jr. and a voice that make, her pulse, lly says. IK deep sg" y1RS Iielmaine Whii Las occuneu i llirob ni.K 'i'loreme has happened'; distress you?'" Mr Adrian is bending over her, evi dently in deep distress himself. As she starts, ho places his arm round her and raises her to a sitting posture; tnis hedoessoeently that, as she remem bers all she has heard, and his cousin s insurance that he lias almost pieced himself to another, her tears How afresh. lly a supreme effort, however, she controls heiself, and says, in a faint voice- "I am very foolish; it was the heat, I suppose, or the nervousness of acting Ujore so many si rangers, that has up set uie. It is over now. 1 beg you will not remember it, sir Adrian, or sjak of it to anyone." All this time she has not allowed her self to glance even in his direction, so fearful Is she of further b- traying the mental agony she is enduring. ' It it likely I should speak of it!" re turns Sir Adrian reproachfully. " o; anything connected with you shall be be sacred to me. lut - pardon- me 1 still think you are m grief, and, believe me, in Ppite cf everything, 1 would deem it a privilege to I allowed to be friend you in any way." "It is iinM)ssible," murmurs Flor ence, in a stilled tone. 'V on mean you will not accept my help" sadly. 'So be it then. I have no right, I know, to establish myself as you champion. There are others, no doubt, whose happiness lies in the fact that they may render you a M-rvice when it is in their power 1 Co not complain however. Nay, I would even ask you to look uiou nie as a friend.'- Ah," thinks Florence, with a bitter pang, "he is now trying to li t me know how absurd was my former idea that he might N-rhaps learn to love me!" This thought is almost insupportable Her pride rising in arms, she subdues all remaining traces of he Lite emotion, and, turning suddenly, confronts him. Her face is quite colorless, but she cannot altogether hide from him the sadness that still desolates her eyes. ' You are right," the agrees. "In the future our lives will indeed be far dis tant from each oilier, so far apart that the very tie of friendship will readily Le forgotten by m both." "rJorcncc do n:it say that!" he en treats, believing in his turn that she al ludes to her coming marriage with his cousin. ''And -and lo not be angry with me; but I would ask you to con sider long mid earnestly before taking the step you have in view, llemeinlier it is a bond that once w-uh-d can never be canceled." "A bond! I do not follow you," ex claims Florence, bewiidi-red. "Ah, you will not trust mc; you will not cenfide in me!" "1 have nothing to confide," jx-rsists Florence, still deeply puzzled. "Well, let it rest so," returns, now greatly nounded nt her deter mined reserve, us he deems it lie calls to mind all Mrs. Talbot had said about her slyness, and feels disheari ened. At least he has not deserve dis trust at her hands, "l'romise me," he entreats at last, "ihat if ever you ure in danger, you will accept my help." "i promise," she replies faintly. Then trying to rally her drooping spirits, she con' nines, with an attempt at a smile "Tell me that you wilt incept mine should you be In danger. Remember the mouse once rescued the lion!" and sue smiles again, and glances ut him with a touch of her old archness, "It is a bargain. And now, will you rest nere awhile until yeu feel quite re stored to calmness? ' liut yoj must not remain with me,' Florence urge) hurriedly. "Your guests are awaiting you. Probably with a faint smile. "your partner for this waltz is Impatiently wondering wuai nas become of you. I think not," says Adrian, returning ner smile, "t ortunately I have no one's name on my card for this waltz. 1 say fortutiately, because I think" glancing at her tenderly "I have been able to bring buck the smiles to you luce sooner man would have been the case had you been left here alone to brood over your trouble, whatever it may be. ihere is no trouble." declar.-a Florence, In a somewhat disslressed fashion, turning her head restlessly to one side. I wish you would disposes yourself of that idea. And, do not stay unr, nicr-every one, will accuse ou vi uiscounesy ir you absent vourtu-ir from the ball-room any longer'" "i hen, come w 1th me," says Adrian. "See, this waltz Is only Just beginning eive It to me," Carried away by his manner, she U.. her hand upon his arm, and goes with mm to tlie ban-room. There he nanawi his arm around Iter waist, and presently they, are lost among the throng of wm.uugmncera.ium both gave them selves up for the lime Uiui Ia th. mere delight of knowing that they are Two people, seeing them enter thus together, on apparently friendly terms, regard them with hostile glances. Dora Tablot, who Is coauettlnw weetly with a gaunt man of middle W who la evidently over powered by ber attentions, letting her eyea rest upon Florence as she waltzes P ner with Mr Adrian, colors warm It. and. biting ber lip. forged the honeyed -h was about to be stoup.n her companion, wholstbtj owner of a considerable property, and i i . inin ailnrw fnr wbirh Uia vaunt I japac? - man is devoutly grateful, as It give luni a moment in which to reflect on the safest means of getting rid of Lei without delay Dora's fair brow grows darker as she watches Florence, and notes the smile that lights her beautiful face as bhe makes soo-e answer to one of Sir Adrian's sallies. W here is Dynecourt, that he has not l-eii on the spot to prevent this dance, she wonders. Mie grows angry, and would have stamped her little foot with Impatient wrath at this moment, but fur the fear of displaying her vexation As she is inwardly anathematizing Arthur, be emerges from the throng, and, the danc being at an end, reminds Miss Delmaine that the next is his. Florence unwillingly removes her hand from Sir Adrian's arm, and he lays it upon Arthur's. Most disdain fully she moves away with him, and suffers him to lead her to another part of the room. And when she dances w ith him it is w ith evident reluctance, as he knows by the fact that she visibly shrinks from liiru when he encircles her waist with his arm. sir Adrian w ho has noticed none of these syrntoins, goiug up to Doia, solicits her hand for this dance. You are not engaged, I hope?" he says anxiously. It Is a kind of w retched comlort to him to be near Florence's true friend. 1 f riot the rose shfl has at least some connection with it "I am afraid I am," Dora responds, raising her livid eyes to his. "Naughty man, why did you not come sooner? 1 thought you had forgotten me altogether and so got tired of keeping barren t-pols upon my card for you." "I couldn't help it I was engaged. A man in his own house has always a bad tune of it looking after the Im possible people," says Adrian evasively. "Poor Florence! Is she so very Im possible?" asks Dora, laughing, but pretending to reproach hlin. "J wah not speaking of Miss Del maine," rays Adrian, flushing holly. "She is the least impossible person 1 ever met. It is a privilege to pass one.s time with her." "Yet it Is with ht-r you have passed he last hour that you hint has been devo ed to bores." returns Dora quietly. This is a mere feeler, but she throws it out with such an air of certainty that Sir Adrian is completely deceived, and believes her acquainted with his tetc-a-teUt with Florence In the dimly lit anteroom, "Well," he iidtnlts coloring again, 'your cousin was rather upset by the ac'.mg, I think, mid I Just stayed with her until she felt equal to Joining us nil a gjii n " 'Ah!' exclaims Dora, who now knows all she had wanted to know. ' 'Hut you must not tell me you have no dances left for me," says Adrian gayly. Come, let ine see your card" He looks nt it, and finds it Indeed full I am u unfortunate," he adds. "I think," says Dora, w ith the pret tiest hesitation, "if you are sure it would not be an unkind thing to do, 1 could scratch out this name" jioint- ing to ner partners lor the coining dance. (Conifnurd iiert week.) ALlOHiJ se.,0,,. rremotrt H J the Keari,! " r.rm At .Vorth J ISohemian ... 'r('nont (-y listen to T. ylj "astiiifi tij rHirlMdeoi,1 rollmtiitlt tt J uring tkjj 'o accomiuujfc crews. Fremont W the seaersm carnej. 7 iK-rcii, fel 2") f(t dVwJ Hooper. 'i'lie urtBs:4 at Hock tt heli riii2;ti at '1 he Ktv,if deeded i 1 M 5 chapel j An ecewjrt more, it nsriitirf he a good out g 1'aKlie Citi J for the coVifjig make abrtttrsil Fairlif-M ejf benefit pliyuart cyclone suf!wa; There vLfcs. eperimuta$$g than ever The Tefus ganized a-nln.-. in the Striate Iv,, Keanif J r ' Cfa idbaJ I. full.- Ka.r If war could be carried on by the rules laid down for students in the dreadful art. It would become ail easy process. In military tactics it is the "expected" which happens; in real life, the "unexpected. A certain general, s iys the author of "A Transatlantic Holiday," had gone to est l'olnt on a tour of Inspection and, being a little vain of his military acquirements he treated the students toan elaborate demon ilration of the tactics by which a particular fort could be taken with unfailing certainty In three weeks' time, He then turned to his audience and Inquired: "Hut sup pose, gentleman, the situation here reversed and you were shut up In that fort, say with I,5X) myjj, what steps would you takii for its defense?" "I would walkout," said one. "Walk out with your garrison from a fort of that strength! Why, it would be madness, cowardice I" "Hut don't you see sir," wn the cool reply, in three weeks 1 should have it ugaiu! ' Whra M a.l.l ci a Vi a President. When Washington became president, all of the chief towns were on tile sea coast, or ou the tide water Of tlx rivers, except Lancaster. In l'ennsyl- vaula. UuUide of that state the roada were so bad that a l.trge trading town was not possible away from water coo veyance. 1 ho Interior trade of Penny sylvanla was carried on In great wagons, known as Conestogn wagons, each drawn by six or eight stout horses There were ten thousand or more ol these wagons running out of Philadel phia, 1 he wagon trade with the Inter ior made Philadelphia the chief town of North America. Trade with remote districts of the country waa still car ried on by means of pack-horses and bateaux, or small boats. Glass with a wire con It a new ma terial made in Dresden. Uie glaas being luseo io uie wire while Inaolastic late. The adhersion Is aaid to remain periect under severe fluctuations ol temperature. Mihdeii lodjO( through lltf .' Aliisw'TilLsfjg. t and Bemi.fMqofaet--' get ttloii;t;'iwhg-r The !. ' "w lg wimstedtJR, 7),'');kcoiU k& t,,. The horie Mf-rj by Harvey I"1".-., the other djlk Three hunA JT ; who live in 'jjjg--lrom the I'tii' Counting ft 'sfcf f J be started, r-usTtCJf struct umi afc t s ' Tlie;ueoti2ttjairsjttJi works to pm pe4 siimmated, w vors fesv&i proved. ch beeslfsi Kd Kenndji4ttttt tacked by the Pt piSteMf Hroktn llow, eecwrl T "" serious lnj-ir oor.' Ten old soksaUejar"' ,e!TeoUi of Ui t!Ufi Meveralofttohjlt' Hitlrely '.V?' Western JC that a womsrtC -in llolieniialaf iioKnglUlil,'j The comhiawf jHoomfieM ctfjp Tl,e conductor lnlt,fj 1,1 ui . la St' poi grou"" - likely to n-auK-j south of Uie II. C. Sheru" sleeping I Mubbotonea8 .i tin nil Sewaru, - Thread comi,jjf estate Id iu' burg. WbW wnoie iv--' i . It towns, At ma'i lar, hut cub" Uie lion"' 'tl WMseriou!!ls2B' tonboya, rns.ltwa'nf i'am curi'W'j .h hou'tl kftwW- !. . . and f1sT S4 UIS lrcv - j.,- berwsnae' while U7 '.Mm v"" " W . . ...w tailed crewiea , uUon. le " K"" Oerneld,-- there