The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 21, 1892, Image 1

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County Journal
p' Ol'XTY
& 3T .A. Xj.
Uitr ami Proprietor.
. IJ. Time tabic
Going Kant.
1 1 Xv. fi, mixed. 7:00
aituiilrcd t
1 &
1 Of)
. 2 so 3 oo
hn. ft
very Thunolny.
4 M
:i so
15 00
i bulk at Turner's.
, the harness slioji.
krsat the drug store.
of wiill paper at
around the town
Be of farm machinery,
I (, If. TlUNKIt.
)le of loads of wood
need them at once.
Jfcrrel at
)t) &'s.
tins lieen repaired and
n to study.
Hie does not fancy a
I wild his rider.
Is slreiiRli." The
Ited in Walker.
lias tlie new school
!M ready for raising.
at the church
)te pleasing and well
I Instructions to the
)tn precinct and the
teport early sowed
y nicely. It is con-
h last year.
j old rule it will rain
Mays, because of its
(Iter Sunday.
; would like folks to
oted the scratched
"t last Thursday.
s!v -'
i pple and crab trees
.... SZXy trees three years
,'okoounty. Enquire of
native lumber
.lJC'W'r'.ttOn hand at my
00 fitft '-!2 5S miles east of
J. E. Aknkr.
v3l Smith as a dele
ntion does not re
)Oi the slap in the
Rising him a seat in
fr-The undersigned
coining season, on
)Dt.s per head for the
tginiiMf May 1st.
plenty of range.
I J. E. AlLVKIt,
jce Harrison, Neb.
Ije some way to
jury for a term of
every jury case
I of a Jury cOhU tlie
(flOO and causes the
jtl a good deal of
iiiie-n not to have a
B lool;s a good deal
moon Frank Dema-
V Frenchy, passed
JHarrisoH Hoirse in
ut (ii years and
r for many years.
and was a gold
to have been quite
times, but died a
much and often
be relieved by
latives here and
ldier's relief com-
All Around About.
We were too late fur the mail
week with our items.
The is abroad in the land.
Miss Sum J -arsons remits herself quite
'll pleased Willi ,er school.
Miss Ann Price wins to lie glad to
g'-l Unit to the laud ,f ,m.e air, one
A. V. Mohr and w ifo were out on a
pleasure trip in Wyoming hist week and
brought home a couple of antelope.
IV- p le in low and Kansis have l?..n
coiiipl.iiiiing of mud, mud, mud for
the pist three months. It begins to look
as though the roads 'might"' get muddy
lii-re, too.
We are afraid 1his cold snap will nip
our garden sn.s," that is i.p.
J. M. Daniels found m w iolatoes in
his potato hole almost large enough to
Why don't somebody strike a mineral
sprn.g in the canyon, and build a sum
mer health resort anions' those grand old
hills. It would bring in more money,
health and pleasure than a grist miil.
The surprise party at K. C. Lockwoixl's
th.: evening of the 11th wax a complete
surprise as Mr. I had retired and was
snoring lieautifully when the company
arrived, b e cream and cake were boun
tifully provided and a general good time
was hail. u y,
IsTO. 32.
John F,t.. iai 1 airiwd from Cluing,,
last Week,
S. W. Keini was u, from White Fiver
on Monday.
Mrs. A. I. niiiiigiiiiiK-i- wvut to Liisk
last Thusday.
S. H. Coll'ee ami family returned from
Texas hist Friday.
Mrs. S. C. D. I! ...ssett returned from
Box Hulle fouuty on Fridav.
Attorney Fannie (Linn made a pleas
ant call at this ollice on Monday.
Win. Sdilyer was in town Monday and
added his name to our list of readers.
A. E. Andrews returned Saturday from
a trip to the eastern part of the state.
P. K. Murphy and daughter, Miss
Lizzie, came up from Crawford yes
terday. W. II. Fanning represented the Crnw
h rd le-al fraternity at district court on
Bob Keel was in town Saturday mid
let the light of his countenance U-ain in
our sanctum.
W. E. Jones of Indian creek w as in 1
town to serve as a juror and called at ;
at thin office. '
Attorneys Jcnckes and Fisher were uj
; irom Cliaeiron the lirsl oi the week at
tending court
James Clark was in town yesterday
.wid called and added his name to our
list of readers.
j- Mrs. W. O. Patterson left for Wyom
ting last week, their household goods go
inr the same day
i Wm. (Icrlach left Thursday evenin
jfnr his home in Iowa after a few weeks'
j visit with relatives here
If. C. ISIood came no fromCo'tonwood
i for jurv duty on Tuesday and called and
j gave us some cash on subscription.
i C. 1'. Ueveiiiirt was ii from Craw
I ford attending court on Monday and or
dereil TllE Jdi hnai. sent to his address,
J. (i. Maher, county clerk ol ltawes
' coiuit v, ciime no on Tuesday to act as
j stenographer in the absence of Mr. War
Judge Bartow made iv pleasant call at
tins ollice on luesuiiv. ltis pleasant
! wanner and fairness is making him quite
I popular among attorneys and litigant
W. K. Jones informs Us that his old
jest daughter who was totally blind for a
' number of years has had her sight so far
restored that she will soon lie able to re
turn home and although the doctor say
her eves will new lie strong she will lie
able to see quite well.
Wfflf Until faM
i we Will Sell
RICES, our Stock of
General Merchandise.
The Following List Shows a few of the Many Bargains
we are Offering:
California Canned Fruit, 20c a can,
Atlantic Sugar Corn, 10c. a can.
Tomatoes, 11c a can.
Arbuckle's Ariosa Coffee, 2'2c a pound.
Uncolored Japan Tea fiery fine) 3oc a lb.
2 It, jar of Crosse & Iilackwell's Preserves
22 cents.
Standard Baking Powder, 20c a pound.
Pail Silver Drip Syrup, 00c.
23 pounds Oatmeal, $1.00.
Dried Currants, lfl.00.
Dried California Peaches, $1.
Evaporated Apples, $1.00,
Turkish Prunes, $1.00.
23 bars White Russian Soap, $1.00.
27 bars Union Soap, $1.00.
:i cakes Best Tar Soap, 2oe.
4 cakes Good Toilet Soap, 13c.
All kinds of Spices, 20c a pound.
Reduction in all Smoking and Chewing
Best tirade Outing Flannel, 123c a yard.
Nice Dress Ginghams, 8c a yard.
Good, Heavy Cauton Flannel, a yard.
Heavy all wool Red Flannel, 30c "
Heavy all wool Linsey, 28c a yard.
Good all wool Linsey, 23c a yard.
Good Linsey, 18c a yard.
Good Checked Shirting, 8c a yard.
" Heavy Canton Flannel Undershirt 3uc.
Men's Heavy Hickory Shirts, life.
Ladies Hose (good) 10c,
Men's No. 1 Grade Rubber Boots, $2.30,
Boy's " " " " $2.00.
First (.'lass Plough Shoes, $1.23.
First Class Men's Congress Shoes, $1,30.
Old Ladies Shoes, $1.10.
Ladies Shoes fgood) $1.13.
Overshoes, felts and rubbers less than
Lined Sealskin Mitts, $1.00.
Good Buckskin Gloves, $1.00.
Calfskin Gloves, 83c.
Big Reduction in Clothing.
Good all wool Pants, $1.00 and upwards,
A Discount of From 15 to 25 per cent, on all Hats Purchased.
t week is said
worst ever cx
1 of country. On
Vnd hail fell and
Md flu fin o
Tain and knt h
Mnnifnu u,k
- r j
OT s lent it (in unfit
"'8-. Wi
(tin st ivmip 1 w ...
it "oruieant and
&KiiownpW Vt drifts, it is
,w ..uiu uie aw nmt the stor-in
very severe there and a great
Zmttmng and Iohm of stock will
ynporteii as soon as the facts'
gr"9 It has not bein very
jjj k not so bad as'it would
TO "W!. It is hoped that it
tt S& lilstr 1C'lri- x4mm' AT
Don't ask for Credit at These Prices.
Cash Only Secures These Bargains.
Tarpaulins at the harness shop.
Paint, oil, glass and putty at drug
If April showers make May flowers
feioux county will blossom in great shape
uoxt niofith.
The republican primary last Thurs
day was the means of bringing out the
the largest vote of any primary ever
hold in Bowen precinct and resulted in
the election of D. F. Johnson, P. H. Bige-
low.'A. E. IlasKehjuist, J. II. Kartell and
W, H, Davis,' who coniK).sed the-Hough-
Walker ticket, by two votes over the 0)
position ti ket. By reading the proceed
ings of tho convention in another column
it will bo seen that Hough and Walker
owned them and used thein to gain their
Important Notice.
Having disposed of the drug store ut
Harrison all parties indebted to C. II.
Andrews & Co., or A. K. Andrews nrc
hereby noli (led to cull at once and settle.
0.0 not WW tor further notice.
C:it: AsmtCT'8.
Proccodiugs of the Republican County
Convention met persuant to call of
chairman. Called to order by feu.
Walker, chairman.
John A. Green was elected aschainiiaii
and P: 3. Bigclow, secretary.
The following committee on credentials
was elected: John II. Biirtell, J. .
Robinson and Soloman 11, Story.
Committee reporlel the following
named delegates present and entitled to
seats in the convention: Antelope pre
cinct S. Ti. Story. Kuuning Water pre
cinctJohn A. (Irecn. Bowen precinct
B. V. Johnson, A. E. Ilasselipiist, P.
B, Bigelow, J. II. Uartell, V. H. Davis
and recoiumcnding that P"l i Smith and J.
W, Robinson Vjo allowed to cast the vote
of their rspcclivo precincts.
Moved that the rei onimendation of the
conmiiltue on credentials recommending
that L'li Smith and J. W. Robinson be
allowed to cast tho vote of their respect
ive precincts he stricken out, Carried.
Moved Hint 1'IVd tthViporary
tion be made permanent. Carried.
Moved that ft e nominate by acclama
tion. Carried.
The following delegates were elected:
To the republican state convention Kli
Smith, Geo. Walker. To tho Con
gressional convention E. O. Hough, A.
R. Dew.
A. R. Dew was elected as chairman of
thu county central committee and W. 1.1.
Davis Secretary for the ensuing year.
Moved that the chairman be authorized
to appoint the members of the central
committee. Lost.
Moved that tho chairman of the county
cential committee bo authorized to ap
point the committee. Carried,
Moved that the delegates present at
the State and Congressional conventions
bo authorized to cast tha full vote of the
delegations. Carried.
Moved that we adjourn. Carried.
John A. Gkeen,
P. B. Bkjkmiw, fioc. Chairman.
Cigars by tho box at factory prices
at fTio d"f lift1 store.'
UMrirt t'oiirf I'rorwiliiig,
District eoiirt conveind last Monday.
The jury, or part of them reported for
duty on Tuesday but none of the jury
cases could le brought to trial they
were dismissed. The severe storms
rtbicli prevailed prevented many from
lieing present and the attendance was un
usually small.
Judge Bartow exiects to hold a short
equity term the last of July or first of
Augurt. The following is the disposi
tion made of the cases on t tie docket:
State of Nebraska vs. George Kngle
brecbt. Continued.
Slate of Nebraska vs. Raymond or Mc
Nab. Continued.
Henry Brundige vs. Dsivid Lyon, Con
tinued. Kiirnian li. Carley vs. Jtiseph V. Pfost,
et al. Continueil.
, L. ( 'olumbia. Con-
eidy, !avid
Anna Walker vs. (
Mathew Riley ys. Thos. I
Rands. Continueil.
Franklin Jacoby vs. Samuel W. Carey.
Settled by agreement.
Hans Denker vs. E. C. Iickwood, etal.
Continued. ''
Sarah C. I). Basset t vs. Franklin Sim
ons, et al. Rt leree J. G. Maher to take
testimony and report May !,
Jacob Heaiirich vs. K. C. I.ockwood, et
al. Continued.
R. S. VanTasscll vs C. R. Wadsworfh.
Dismissed at defendants cost.
J. L. Mixire Trustee, vs. Geo. W. Cobb.
J. L. Moore, Trustee vs. Korea Jensen,
Decree of foreclosure granted.
R. K. Soargur vs. J. S. Stetson. Con
Burt let I Richards vs. Sioux County.
Julius H. Seymour vs. Philip McVav.
, till L 1 11 IIL'U.
Thomas Ellis vs. Rolierl Cruse. Alias
summons ordered.
II. Austin Locke vs James Clark. Con
C. F. Coffee vs. Reniamin B. Bixhv.
L'nder adviseiiicnt.
Nebraska Land it Invest ment Co. vs.
Village of Harrison. Continued.
Alice E, Hunter vs. Friedrich Schwarz.
Sale confirmed and deed ordered.
Ella W. Barton vs. Harrison Morri field,
Decree of foreclosure.
Thos, Deveniioi't vs. James B. Johnson.
Dismissed at cost of plaint ill'.
Sioux county vs. Ed. C. Lockwood, C.
F. Coll'ee, et al. Motion of defendant to
strike from the (lies for defective verifi
cation sustained; plaintiff excepts and is
allowed 40 days to (He bill of exceptions.
Sioux County vs. Charles C. Jameson,
Demurrer of defendant sustained; plain
tiff excepts and is given -10 davs in which
to file bill of exceptions.
James T. Mason vs. Dennis Mo ran. Dis
missed on stipulation.
Ben iamin Reed vs. Wilhelm Warnei.
Decree of foreclosure.
MeKinley -Lanning Loan & Trust Co.
vs. Frank Gray. Continued,
MeKinley-Lunning Loan & Trust Co.
vs. Andrew Jacobs. Continued.
Anna L. Fisk vs, Abraham Abrahams,
et al. Continued.
Adna L. Fisk vs. Russell J. Devenuort,
el al. Continued.
Anna L. Fisk vs. James II, Green, et
vs. ha. S. I :ixon. et
vs. Jacob H. I Si uii.iu,
al. Continued.
I has. S. Br.nvn
al. Continued.
( has. S. Brown
et al. Continued.
J. L. Browne, assignee, vs. J vl. N.
Lun, et al. Continued.
Board of Trustees of IVIoit 'olloge vs.
John A. Ferris, etal. Derive foreclosure.
Mary It. Montgomery vs. William S.
1 lays, et al. 1 lerive of foreclosure.
Mary R. Montgomery vs. James B.
Johnson, et al. Derive of foreclosure.
Mary R. Montgomery ys. Christian P.
f 'hreslciison, et ol. J lecive of foreclosure".
American Investineiit Co. vs. Willaid
S. Stow, et, al. i H'cree of foreclosiuv.
Sabina . Beai h vs. August Srhult,
et al: continued for service.
Sabiiiii r. Beach vs. John D. Richards,
et al: continued for service.
Sabina V. Beach Vs. John M. Gleason,
et al; decree of foreclose.
Er. Milner vs. Casper Worm, el al: de-
r ... i
l ire oi loreeiosure.
in the matter of real estate of Henry
Diester; leave given to sell real estate.
Samuel T. Ames vs. Geo. W. Heck
man: continued.
Win. H. Fanning vs. James F. Osborne;
continued for service.
American Investment Co. vs. Absalom
C. Dove, et til; decree of foreclosure.
American Investment Co. vs. Iorenzo
D. Harmon, et al; decree of foreclosure.
American Investment Co. vs. Irving
Wilson, et al; de rec of foreclosure.
Charles Bean vs. Frederich Zerbst
al; continued.
Sioux county vs. Charles Jameson; de
murrer of defendant sustained; plaintiff
excepts and time granted in which to lile
bill of exceptions.
Michigan Savings and Loan Associa
tion vs. Nancy E. Patterson et al; cont'd.
C. O. Tufts vs. Rohi-il (Vi,. ..i.,!,,.
cree of foreclosure.
Fred R, Leitholl' ys. J. C. Jackson; continued.
For Sale.
One good well drill complete, town
property consisting of one lot, good
house, barn, good cistern and cellar.
Very desirable properly. 30 head of cat
tle, 13 head of horses, 330 acres of lands,
with springs and running water, fair
buildings, good well, 4 acres broke and
about 1 miles of fence. For further par
ticulars see or address
Harrison, Neb.
Notice is hereby Riven that Count It.
Wailswortli, of Jlurriaon, Sioux county, N
lirnska, 1ms tliii dny (llclliis petition in tho
ollice of the village clerk- or the. uilluge of
Ilim-ison, Nebr., signed liy tlie reiniisitc
number of the resident freeholders of the
said village of Harrison, Nebr., praying for
n license to sell nmlt, spirituous and vinous'
liquors in Uio said village of Harrison, Nebr.,'
for the municipal year ot ls!i2 and isn.i.
Dated, Harrison, Nebr., April 21, jssw
Will pinctirt) liofb're h!I courts and tho v:
S. I.und ollice. J5usinesa entrustpd to my
euro will receive prompt attention.
Bon Ton Flour per 100 pound $3 00 3 " can Prices Baiting Powder,
Half Patent " " " 2 75 per pound :
Straight Grade " " " "J 50 Climax & Horse Shoe Tob. per lb i?
Lo v Grade " " " 175 4 pounds Joker Tobacco - 100
Corn Meal " " " 1 30 5 pounds Smoking Tobacco - 1 00
Chop Feed " " " 1 la 7 Choice Cigars - - - 23
Bran & Shorts mixed" " 00 DRY GOODS, BOOTS 4 SHOES.'
GROCERIES. Full Stock Kipp Roots - - i oo'
22 pounds Hominy - 100 15.00 Calf Boots ' - - 3 50
22 " Oatmeal - -100 Ladies Dongola Shoes' - -
20 " Pail Jelly 05 Felts and Rubbers at cost.
Tail Syrup : 85 Calico per yard -" -' '. ' 0.5
6 pounds Broken Java Coffee 05 Best Grade Outing Flannel, per yd. It
1 : Baking Powder - 25 Dress Gingham per yard - - lo'
Tea Per pound - - - 15 German Knitting Yarn, per pound 90
Tomatoes per can - 11 j Men's Working Shirta" - - f0
3 pound can Michigan apples - ll Handkerchief' - - 05
Come and look nt our Hardware, Tinware, Filreware anf
Harbed Wire and (t oitr (Vricen.
Harrison Lumber Yard,
G. GUTHRIE,. Proprietor.
Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Blinds';
Business Gented en a Strictly Gash Basis: ,