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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1892)
it 99 in wider oath )r August Jed before as taken one but fcyed three (received that 1 had trouble. rd me so August js no rued- JtENZO F. I purifying V one pill ew aarrml in v-t ran' trtmt told ewry- 'ills! Tm TikM Hirer.- An Alaskan explorer mji of hU voyage down the Yakon river: "it was the grandest rlrer journey I ever made, mid 1 doubt whether litre is a river in the worid that can equal it for magnificent scenery. For miles we floated dow u between huge rocsy banks that towered fu'.ly 8,000 feet above our heads. The sky looked liko a blue s it and the echoes between these stouy ramparts were something that would have driven a solitary mini crazy. Tim same sound was there hurled back at you a dozen times, coming from far and near at the same tinia." Chicago Times. Hex are or itiutinrnt rir Cattarrli that CuiiInIii Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense ofstnell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles snoiiiu never be used except on pre scription from reputable physicians, as the damage tney will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hull's Catarrh Cure, manufac tured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O, contains no mercury, anil is taken inlernalty, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem. In buying Hall's Cattarh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken Internally, and made in Toledo, )., by F. .1. Cheney ,t Co, Testimonials free !2?Sold bv Druggists, price 7"jc. per bottle. He Stayed at Home. Aunty "Why don't you stay at home some times and play with your sister?" Little Hoy "(Hi, 1 do often." "When?" "Wen some boy wants t' lick me." Street A: Smith's Good Xews. NG )t ot only ffft rrnttt fwr If tuhH. Color or Iron roofs rtl-ulnrii. Nkw York. I. iv artriaTraa. IllMtistM .1.. CHICAGO 4y for all tiii chargea and anl mrn, A fltw delilll jtau peculiar Hand real aafe asalng It to . ..DfCHTllK.IU. raararlata. throat Diseases commence with fi Cough, Cold or Sore Throat. "BrowiiH Hrniicliiiit Trtrnvhen" give immediate relief. ,Vod only in Ihjjph. l'rice els. II Ildn't liurn. Boston Matron "My love, you should study domestic as well as political economy, for in the exigencies of mun dane existence no seer can prognosti cate the future. Von have already dis bursed a 1 of the present your uncle gave you." Small Daughter "I know, mother, but the money was all in new coins and the designs are so inartistic that I dis liked to retain them in my possession Xew York Weekly. MENTION IN LITERATURE.! From the time when the progress of invention rendered possible the record ing of thought, literature has been the widest and most interesting portion of Will Women Combine? Will women combine is a question that some of the foremost women in the United States are considering with reference to representation in a feder ation at the World's fair. The strong- the inventor's boundless and ever grow- est ' mf le organization in the world is ing domain; boundless because im. "1 tol the Women s Christian 1 em its aperaiiee union, wineii lias auxiliaries us"..ii .. .. A fof 2tti,(JU0. The King's Daughters, iu- agiratiou is incapable of Cuing limits in any direction; ever growing hecMniP -M."h :iihipi-emfitr riitpim unA noinu th u-av fa. further eonuuests. all the circles and subcireles, In the preface of his translation of the fumLw W3- 1 are V Iliad, Alexander Pope says that "Homer 1.'" t,,e Laiie3' ,Wief corps' " i. .miv.llv aii..i i,vh hnil the uflraK'st8 about 75,000 strong, ttie The Only One Ker I'rlntml. Can Von Find Ilia ffiinl? There Ik o thn-e-huh dlMNlH)' ndvcrllKcinent In UiIh ier, UiIm, whlr-li has no two wmds alike, t-xrept one word. The aume Id true of each new one npfH-arlni; ench week, from the lir. Ilnru-r .Mcdlrliio Co. Thin houne plHcen a 'CrcMi-iit" on cverythlnn they make anil piib llah. Look for 11, m-imI them the name ol the word and Ihev will return von HOOK, HKAIT1 r'W, UTIUrttKAl'llrtor SAMPLES HIKE. Edison thinks be may be able to hear a sun spot roar. His idea is that a long stretch of copper wire to be set up will be affected by the elecricial disturbances on the sun. From the wire these disturbances will be trans lated into sound waves. -f-r "H3 1 TTV TlUTlir i VrnVrm I M lv - TtiZ PECULIAR EFFECTS OF n ST. JACOBS OIL J3 Its Prompt and Permanent Cures. i - ' Jan. 17, 1883, OKOKGE C. OSGOOD & CO., , -Dniggists, Lowell, MarH., wrote: "MR. LKWIS 3' dnire to thnt OHRIN H0B1XSON, a boy of m fo ins iMiuue jii ioni, wuiKioK ni i-ruu-'iien; ins leg f two months. Mr. Dennis gave him 8t. Jucota Oil to I hmi no use for his crutches and went liome cured ''87: "Tho cripple bov ORRIN ROBINSON', cured Vas remained cured. The vunir man hns lieen and M manual labor." DR. CEORGK C. OSfJOOD. a Vrdecn, S. Dak., Bept. 2G, 1888: "Suffered several Vswilh chronic stitch in the hack: was given up if 8t. Jacobs Oil cured me." ........ . r.Atn,. . x . t. r lltJ'tiMA CtlMVAlULL, ""jUa f$ FftausH. red Cross Diamond Braho A HIOOtMUIHt. W Chuktfr BflUh Diamond Hrnd In Kd Ovid tortftMia Y TftkM m aika kla4. AaAa .StiMuMMU and ImitmtilU. V aim, ittcik wrftuwrr. r ufrw eaaalerfrtlo. At Uruufm. r mmt mrt, itt jmoniulM, snl "Krllrr Far in Uftf, by rtm BU M Pwptr, Chichcicn Chemical Co., Mb4U Huf i r,i .CIUAL. Co., , a. Ok rOUJCKLY AMU I EASILY! r Dnllv Mr (Advice. We le are mak eal Uuluth. olli, Minn. ITERS ORLD ! laler, V OMAHA LLSI rV)t'ND for Moal. Tbe RaWa vloe free. Bold by SsMniei. to mi ALKBK. Free! Illl uI-,w ta your ,oopT of onr Lfal Katloa ait THK VBBaUBKA MXW-,NtU EVERY BODY Thnl eontemplaleii Ijn llilliiR or remodeling their hulliliiiKMihould rnll on or write Irvlu I'rlbhlc for Kneellleatlonii. entlmHtcK and Infor- Dnttlon rKHrdlus Plnmhini; bteum and Hot water heiitinjt. 'I lie bent of reference fumlhed, Hpeelllcnlioini nnd cfclininleii made free. Correa wjndcnee aollclled. AtMreax, IKVI I'ltllllll.K. Ilux lS.t.York, Neb I WILL SELL YOUR HOME FARM OR ANY OTHER REAL ESTATE or torfell $12j. ferid iiimpi for reiily. ALrKKI) CAl.KS, Keal KaUte Agent, 4TC Myrtle Ave, Hrooklyn, N, Y. a M aJ aaaaHaaMflafJMa If lOAdamSt..O hloaaMk. . Thla Railnaat Trmnrh HMClAlaal i;uraaroriiUa ail (jaronie. par. nna ajia araatraa vuMaaaa im lata waakiwa.8tuBiaf 'MM.nmala wrajapnaaiaaa anaaoaia. "Ule'a Secret Krrorn," with queatlon list, 4c. IPtilTniaile 7I In loiirdayaon m nULnifoncta nnd Hpelaltlea. - 'irmni ann i ain rriea. Brldgman, Bioadway, N. V. my Electne 100 nor cent Minnie iree. ur LUMP JAW Remnrer: Warranted to cure. Learea no near. 7S centa tier bnttlr, pnatiiald. Ben. a, Hiuion, York, Neb. told by drug-(iata. Tnrk. Nk. the greatest invention of any writer whatever. The praise of judgment Virgil has justly contested with him, and others ni'iy have their pretentions as to particular excellences; but his invention remains yet unrivalled." Further on 1'ojie adds, as a generai tribute to the i'iventive faculty, that ' It is the invention that in different degrees distinguishes all great geniuses; the utmost stretch of human study, learning and industry, which masters everything liesides, can never attain to this. It furnishes art with all the ma terials, and without it judgement itself can at best but steal wisely, for art is only like a prudent steward, that lives on managing the riches of nature. Except in fables, fairy tales and other writings that are purposely without the sphere of the possible, and inten tionally w ithin the area of the super natural, all inventive writers are bound to use such elements, and only such, as are products of nature. All scenes, all events, all traits of character must be such as can be found in real life. Hut the writer of fiction, whether he be a Homer, a Virgil, a Milton, a Shakes peare, a I logo or a Dickens, is permit ted to put these natural elements to gether us his fancy may dictate. Ami this permission affords illimitable space for the exercise of Inventive genius. When we consider what com bination of figures are possible with but ten simple characters to use; or when we recall the fact that all Eng lish literature is embraced in twenty- six letters and a few punctuation points, it will be readily seen that the elements afforded by nature are ample for infinite vnriety for combinations in character, scene and incident. The part played by the inventor in the literature of the world is so great has been so great in all the ages of history that not many books would be left intact if all but actual facts were stricken out. That which passes for ancient history is believed to consist mostly of invention. The story of ltomiilus and lleinus and their she wolf nurse, for instance, is prokibly as far removed from truth as anything in Gulliver's travel. Hut the men and the women whom the world's writers have invented, and the words these men and women have uttered, the scenes through which they have passed and the lessons of their imaginary lives these things make up a great part of the best wares in the mental storehouse of the reading millions. The modern man finds in history no characters so interesting or so instructive as some of those which Shakespeare created. Lear, Macbeth, Hamlet, Othello what real person or personage of olden time is thought of so often or gives a lesson so useful as any one of these. And who is there in the English speaking countries that would not feel lonely if the names of the almost innumerable company of men and women, boys and girls that. Dickens invented were blotted from his list of acquaintances ? Kindergarten association 5o,Oii0 and the working girls' societies in Xew York alone have an army of 130,000 Here is a league of more than half a million women banded together for mutual and general good, to which un der wise legislature, there should be nothing but success, advancement and prosperity. And yet the question has been raised in Eurojie and America. Will women combine Exchange. Too Observant. Much is said in these days about the importance of training the young to habits of observation. It is well to keep one's eyes open, but as there are two sides to every shield, so there are times when it is not a man's first duty to see everything that is going on. A Southern planter hired a negro, says an exchange, and put him into his field to work. After a while the planter came along and accosted the new hand: "Did you see a coach go down the road a while ago'" "Indeed I did boss. One obde bosses was a gray boss and de odder was roan, and lame in his off leg." 'l thought I heard some hunter; over there on the edge of the woods." "Yes, boss. One ob dem was a Colo nel Jones; he was de tall one, )e sec ond one was Major Peters, and de third one was Tom McSnifter. Colonel Jones had one ob dem new-fangled breecli loa liu' guns what breaks i two." "Did you see those pigeons fly over just now?'' "See'uini1 Guess I did! Dar was nineteen ob 'em. Dey lit in dat old cornfield down yender." "Well, you see too much for a man that is hired by the day. Here's your wages. When I want a man to keep watch of what is going on, I'll send for you." Youth's Companion. Traveling; in England. "I find some errors prevalent here in Xew York," an Englishman observed, about the cost of railway traveling in England. It is erroneous, for example to say that the third class carriages whiee carry passengers at the rate of a penny a mile, according to law, are lacking in any desirable comfort or con venience. The fact is that they are satisfactory in every way, and are kept in excellent condition by careful ser vants. They are used by the vast ma jority of our travelers and by the most respectable people of all classes aud both sexes. You can see them in every train, business men and fashionable ladies, as well as mechanics and others. A lien I traveled with my family over Great Britain we always took third class fare, and we never had reason to regret it.' The law requires that every passenger ilrftll be provided with a seat, and both this law and the penny a mile law are enforced. There is a saying in Europe that only Americans and fools ride in the first class carriages." Xew York Sun. Training Women's Waists. It is not, as many enthusiastic dress reformers suppose, necessary that the waist should be permitted and encour aged to spread all that it will, but only that there should be sufficient freedom for the natural and correct movement of the floating ribs and diaphragm in breathing. This movement is slight and entirely consistent with a delicately curved and graceful waist line. Hy keeping the chest constantly and proy erly raised the waist line will be di minished very percyptibly without artificial aid. From the artistic side of the question a slenderly boned waist is all right, while the much stiffened corset, with its unyielding steels, especially when closely laced, pives an angle in place of a curve, and a prominence of rigidly squared Bhoulderg and bulging hips and abdomen fatal to grace of movement and to picturesque carriage. It is quite as necessary to use good sense upon the side of health and grace, of what is consistent with beauty and utility, as in the war against the corset and petticoats and high heels and pointed toes ol fashionable shoes. Jenness-Miller Magazine. Care of a Horse. Talk to your horse, and remember that talk is understood more than we know. Children understand more than they can say, and before they can say much of anything. So with animals. Do not put medicine in the place of rest. AVe human beings take too much medicine. Some people are forever dosing their horses. A cathartic by a bran mash, nnd a day or two of extra rest in an even temperature, are the best medicine nine time out of ten, and do not forget that a good wifeorhus baud, and a true horse are hard to find. IUvlng them, treat them well.-Xew York Weekly. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report AirShips Operated by Electricity The advocates of the possibility of navigating the air by means of electri city have taken the first step toward putting their idea into practicle shape by the formation of a company with a capital of 820,000,000 having for its object the building and operating of electric air in ships. The company is to carry on its work in Chicago, and promises to have a car ready in six months. The proposed ship resembles the hull of an ordinary sea vessel. It requires only two men to aperate it. The motive power is supplied by stor age batteries, which work a system of wings and propellers, and also act as ballast. The driver or motorneer or "pilot" takes his place in front of the car, and controls its course by a series of levers and switches. Xew York Coinmerical Advertiser. Japanese Ware. Very few pieces of really fine Jap anese ware are brought to this country. Dainty tea and coffee cups and saucers in French and English ware are from 9 12 to ffiO a dozen. Many of these are open stock, and a single cup and sau cer can be had at the of me rate. One dozen that I saw, in white and gold, was in a handsome case and seemed particularly appropriate for a wedding present Another, gorgeously decor ated in blue find gold, was marked 852. There is little that is new In Dresden china. It is pretty and quite expen sive, and many people prefer it to other kinds that are more fragile. Tiny individual salt dishes in this ware are $1 a dozen, and like toys. Xew York Telegram. "Sawbwa" Is tno Uurmcse name name given to the Shan chiefs or rulers. Theebaw is the State from which the last Burmese king took his regal title ii rj 11 ABQUUTELY PURQ Food ror Brain M'orbera. The intellectual worker needs plenty of light, digestible food, such as fish, poultry, eggs, game, fruit and the sue ulent vegetables. The proper diet for all sedentary people is an early and entire supply of digestible food, inclu ding plenty of cerals and fruit. A cup of some warm drink should be taken just before rising, or as soon as it can be prepared and positively no work should be done until after breakfast As the digeslive oreans are most active early in the day, a second hearty but digestable meal can be eaten at noon, if an hour's rest intervenes before continued labor or exercise. The afternoon work should be light and part of the time passed out of doors. A light digestable dinner may follow about nightfall, and the evening he devoted to recreation or social relaxation. "When any night work is contemplated, food should be taken about midnight and again at dawn when the vital forces "That sad. still hour before the dawn, When old men die and babes are born." Special care should be taken to insure plenty of pure air and light; strong meats and drinks should be avoided, and abundance of milk used, with eggs fruit and fresh vegetables and salads. Indian Dugout. Xot more than half a mile from 1'ort Penn., Delaware, in a sheltered copse between two tide water Btreams (low ing into Delaware Bay, there are, with in an area of live acres, more than fifty dugouts or rude earthern houses, used by the Indians of the region more than a century ago. The mounds are fast disappearing, but the earth thereabouts abounds in arrow heads, tomahawks and ether Indian relics, while the bones of many savages lie buried hard by. Some of the neighboring farmers hold the land that was granted to them in earliest colonial days and one of the oldest inhabited houses in the United States, a substantial brick structure is sjill standing near Port I'enn, aud in good repair. Probably three-four is of the white inhabitants are descendants of colonial settlers. A lamp may be lit with a piece of ice. A small piece of metallic potassium is laid on the wick and touched with the ice, when the water immediately pro duces a flame. This is due to the prop erty of this metal to oxldioe with ex ceeding rapidty on contract with water- This curious experiment is to be made with great caution, as if too much of the potassium is used an explosion will take place. A man weighs less when the barome ter is high, notwithstanding the fact that the atmosphere pressure on him is more than when the barometer is low. As the presure of air on an ordinary sized man is about fifteen tons the rise of the mercury from twenty-nine to thirty-one inches adds about one ton to the load he has to carry. By the subjection of ordinary air to a pressure of seventy-five atmospheres, or 1,125 pounds, with a condenser kept at minus 130 degrees centigrade, air has been reduced to a liquid form, and the liquid, when allowed to evaporate, pro duces it is said, a tempature of minus 200 centigrade. This is within 73 de grees of absolute zero, If a well could be dug to the depth of forty-six miles, the density of the air at the bottom would be as great as that of quick silver. By the same law a cubic inch of air taken 4,000 miles above the earth's surface would expand sufficient ly to fill a sphere 2,000,0:j0,iHX miles in diameter. Stern Father "Are you aware, sir that my daughter has always been ac customed to every luxury that money could buy?" The Young Man "Yes, but bless you, that won't make any difference with me. I'd just as lief marry that kind of girl as any other." Chicago Tribune. Mr. Morris Parke "Are you in this race, Sambo?,' Sambo "Wad race, ah?" Mr. Morris Parke (wittily) 'The human race. Sambo "Ya-as, sah ; l's de dark boss, sah." Puck. A Proreaaional Opinion. Householder "I am going to move to the suburbs next Monday, and I'd like you to do the job." Mover "How many loads?" "I don't know. Y'ou moved me once you may remember." "Yes; I needed tnree wagons then to get through; but that was some years ago. Have you moved since?" "Yes, indeed, half a dozen times." "Hum! I guess one wagon will carry all you have left.' Xew York Weekly Sot So Very Old. Miss Sears When I bought this horse you told ui9 he was young. Peo ple who seen his teeth say he is very old. Dealer That horse isn't a minute older than you are. Miss ears I don't think he looks over twenty, myself. X'. Y. Herald. A Drliichtrul Effect. A i list "Those evergreens on tbe north side of your house have a delight ful effect." Farmer "I should say they had. Them trees keep off the wind and save 'bout f8 worth o' firewood every winter." Urrater Still. Tommy (to new boy) You wasn't born in this cDiiutry. You can't never be the president. Xew Boy Xo, but I can be a police man some day, and you can't. Chicago Tribune. Ready ror a Change. Mamma 'Dick, you must stop us ing that slung-shot in the yard. You'll break one of the windows next." Little Dick "Whose yard shall I go to, mamma?" Short Knuugli. Stranger"! see it is proposed to shorten Xew Y'ork into ' Xork." Gotham Host "Oh, no need. X'Yo'k is short enough as it is." Street & Smith's Good Xews. Puttl and Annie. Wink3 "I wander if it's true that Patti has learned the words and music of 'Annie Ilooney.' " Jinks "Might be. She hates encores and may intend to use that song as a club. Still Young. Teacher "I am surprised that you are not further advanced. You are extremely backward for your age." Little girl "Yes'm. mamma wants to marry again." the She Was Willing. He (suddenly) Do you think minister will want to kis3 you? She (pleadingly) Let him if he wants to, Harry. He's just grown a beauti ful musttiche. Xew Y ork Continent. A German physician has been sub jecting the belief that cheese aids the digestion to a chemical test. Cheshire and Roquefort cheese took hours to digest; genuine Emmenthaler, Gorgon zola and Xeufchatel, eight hours; and Kotteuberger, Brie, Swiss and the remaining varieties ten hours. In a healthy stomach digestion after an or dinary meal is complete in from four to five hours. " - Guzzlteon Ahl what is more fortable than a smoking hot ner? Del'tift The man who eats it. com-din- Bride (just after the wedding) "Al fred, you promised to give me a sur prise after we were married. Say, what is it V" Groom (a widower) "I've got six children, ray pet." Comic. Wool "1 met a man down in Ken tucky last week who used to be so lazy that he wouldn't walk from his house to his stable." Van Pelt "How did he manage to get around it?" Wool "Extended his house back to the stable. New Y'ork Herald. Nellie 'I congratulate you, dear! Was it an orthodox proposal down on his knees, and all that V" Fannie (blushing) "Xot just that way, dear. I I believe I was on his knees. But don't over dare mention it," Pittsburg Bulleton. PPBIGg Pa faking Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the SttudoxL