The Sioux County Journal sin me. sitsj H the X ST JUX COUXTY 5. -A. L. h Jditor and Proprietor. . Time table. Going East. I 50. fi, mixed 7:0U ?N MARKET. W to! 55 40 1 25 90 1 00 H SO 10 s oo 3 4 4 50 3 50 15 00 I hundred S w 2 80 1 r- f m. ft .very Thursday. bulk at Turner's. St tl harness shop. ra at tl'e drug store. at factory prices Jwught spring had 'iApiil 1st. hiring my boys will ; W. C. O'Co.NSon. )m of farm machinery. i U. H. Turneil of loads of wood need them at once. and Re . Suavely last Thurs- here seen on our streets jgood for they are lieir crop, lut Friday was the It was pretty hard ji is reported. meet at the . Sinn nions on Sat- he purpose of dis- pple and crab trees Jly trees three years 4 ortiS )ds, ' At, t- it ft r -TV - r TtDunty. Euquire Of V-Mports the arrival of 9oad boy at the home ..JiM Sievers last Tues- r -v AKw-t of a copy of the .ltrll O. Stewart at the v,Tt ;'Og on March 20 JM)rttff for publication. v ELlIk , iTiMUmw native lumber ' '-"?-iQron hand at my iJ- V I miles-east of P fUCjjf hereby warned 4.Wherwise making n my farm, under T. O. Williams. board of cominis- ie name of Ijower Jlet to Cook precinct Old name was too J is; sliort enough to f-: I 5-T!i5 (indersigned con)ing wnson on Its per head for the JT beginning May 1st. lenty of range. JE. Arner, Harrison, Neb, -.a )n ff last Tuesday jUv'i hut eighteen fwlx n the ballots jjiwed tho following Tillage board: Con- UfarHteller, W. O. Seidy and Theo, Jiou county will 1 Monday, Judge The reports from lartow yas held Hs right down to 1 work as fast as I is now being loflice and is the B the county. Vt Obudy lias uncement for ron April 22, rong"for publl- the teachers the people of AC ). jf WW) TflUfflntlngttfi . I"" helps d ip .piUliriemo C uldtokeoak. Lhe laws of' .lllenalty fof IL an interest in TO is nothing country on and our neo- to thn mnliui. Vte there is a Wruction of i MV ( ,wili? te kept away rX . JMtfdrced, anJ in view of that fact l( IM'rnOOia not hesitate to plant trees, ofVAaId not net protfctiMi bj ferr'3K Tlie past week lias been one of the most story known in this locality. On it began to snow and blow and kept it up until Saturday morning. Sat urday was quite pleasant, but during that night it began to storm again and kept it up for forty-eight hours. It did not get very cold so tliat little suffering or loss resulted. From the meagre re ports obtainable it was much worse fur tber eat. No trains from the east on the F. E. & M. V. had reached Chadron up to Wednesday evening and no mail has iKjen received here later than Satur day. Three trains have been stuck in the snow east of Chadron and the rotary snow plow was broken, hence the delay in owning the track. H has cleared up at present and the probabilities are that spiing will be with us from now on. In the south and east part of the state a great deal of property and some lives were lost by a cyclone which passed over it tho latter part of the week. But very little can le learned as to the extent of the storm or the amount of damage done. The people of northwest Nebiutl ha nave reason to be glad that they do not experienc e as severe storms as do the residsnts of the countries further east. at STRICTLY General Merchandise. The Following List Shows a few of the Many Bargains we are Offering: California Canned Fruit, 20c a can. Atlantic Sugar Corn, 10c a can. Tomatoes, 11c a can. Arbuckle's Ariosa Coffee, 22c a pound. Uncolored Japan Tea (very fine) 35c a lb. 2 B) jar of Crosse & Black well's Preserves 22 cents. Standard Baking Powder, 20c a pound. Pail Silver Drip Syrup, 90c. 2f pounds Oatmeal, $1.00. 14 " Dried Currants, f 1.00. 12 " Dried California Teaches, $1.' 14 " Evaporated Apples, $1.00. 13 " Turkish Prunes, $1.00, 25 bars White Russian Soap, $1.00. A Discount of From 15 to 25 per cent, on all Hats Purchased. 16 POUNDS OF DRIED BLACKBERRIES FOR 51.00. Don't ask for Credit at These Prices. Cash Only Secures These Bargains. NOW IS THE TIME TO LAY IN SUPPLIES FOR THE SUMMER. RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, MacLACHLAN & COOK, Props. Tarpaulins at the harness shop. Paint, oil, glass and pu tty at drug store. The farmers report the land in excel lent condition to receive the seed. Latest patterns of wall paper at drug store. .' Salt $2.65 per" barrel at J ' GlUSWOLD & MAUSTELLElt'S. The farmers in the valley are re ported as having most of their wheat in the ground! Our people say the snow is all right, but' they would be as well pleased if the wind did not blow quite go hard. The agricultural society should take some action toward getting a track. It s not a good plan to have to send horses away from home for training. All who visited the school house last Monday to take care of the children go ing home will agree that tho location of the scHool 'iwtme'-stfotiM be changed. HILIISOlSr, ISTBB.. APRIL 7, 1892. PEBS0SAL. C. H. Weller .spent Sunday at Chadron. fcjijwlfmd Harry Deuel were in town yesterday. Sam Tebbet was in town Saturday and called at this office. S. R. and O. W. Story were in from Antelope yesterday. Judge Barker went to Rushville Thurs day evening to visit liis father. E. W. Daily was up from Crawford last Thursday on legal business. James Slattery called yesterday and gave us some cash on subscription. Miss Alice Thomas began a term of school in district No. 31 on Jast Monday. B. F. Thomas who lias been in the hills during the winter returned on Saturday. E. D. Satterlee was up from Chadron last Thursday, returning the same even ing, fJ TT T T r- . , iwiwk aim ii, o. oimmoiis reumieu Thursday from their trip to South Da kota. Station Agent Rodwell and family reft iSTWrWay evening for a visit at Ains- worth. Miss Anna Price arrived from Sioux Until May 1st CASH PRICES, 27 bars Union Soap, $1.00. 3 cakes Best Tar Soap, 25c. 4 cakes Good Toilet Soap, 15c. All kinds of Spices, 20c a pound. Reduction in all Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos. Best Grade Outing Flannel, 12Jc a yard. Nice Dress Ginghams, 8c a yard. Good, Heavy Canton Flannel, 8Je a yard. Heavy all wool Red Flannel, 30c " Heavy all wool Lin say, 28c a yard. Good all wool Linsey, 25c a yard. Good Linsey, 18c a yard. Good Checked Shirting, 8c a yard. " Heavy Canton Flannel Undershirt !)0c. Best Line U the East. The Burlington Route B. &. M. R. R. is running elegantly equipped passenger traines without change from Newcastle, Wyoming and Crawford, Nebraska, direct to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection at that point with their own through trains for Denver, Cheyenne, and all points west, and for Kansas City, St. Joseph, St. Louis, Omaha, Peoria, Chi cago, and all points east. Remember this is the only line by which you cftfi take sleeping car from Crawford in the evening arriving in Lin coln and Omaha the next afternoon, and m Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis the fol lowing morning: - For further information and tickets ap ply to nearest , agent of Burlington Route B. & M. R. R. ' GEORGE WALKER, Attoniey-nt-Lnw. Will practice before all courts and tlie U. 8. Lund Ofllce. Hnnlnesa entrusted to iny enre will receive prompt attention. City last Friday and will teuch the Bei daihe school. fi. W. lleckman orders The Journal sent to him at Cuss county, Iowa, where he now resides. Ed. Blunt was up from Crawford and returned Monday with a number of horses to train. Miss Minne Smith came over from Montrose last Thursday to visit The Jol'UXal family. mine.' t). H. Griawold returned from her visit east on last Friday, accompanied by her sister. Miss Fannie Palmer. Mrs. Asa Davis and sons returned from South Dakota some days ago and Mr. Davis will be here tlte near future. Wm. Schlyer will have a crop of 60 acres of small grain this season. The assessor is abroad in the land and as a consequence people are feeling poor. B. F. Thomas will address the people at the court house next Saturday night, on, "What shall the future be?" Ad mittance 2.) cents. One third of the door fees will be given for a public school library. we Will Sell Stock of our Men's Heavy Hickory Shirts, 40c. Ladies Hose (.';ood) 10c. Men's No. 1 Grade Rubber Boots, $2.50. Boy's " " " " $3.00. First Class Plough Shoes, $1.25. First Class Men's Congress Shoes, $1.50. Old Ladies Shoes, $1.10. Ladies Shoes (good) $1.15. Overshoes, felts and rubbers less than cost. Lined Sealskin Mitts, $1.00. Good Buckskin Gloves, $1.00. Calfskin Gloves, 85c. Big Reduction in Clothing. Good all wool Pants, $1.00 and upwards. Trees! Trees! Trees! Buy big apple trees, northern grown, A fine line of apples, crabs, plumbs, cher ry, grapes,' and other small fruit. 2,500,000 forest trees, nursery grown, The largest nursery in northwestern Ne braska. Satisfaction guaranteed. Write for wholesale price list to retail trade. Remember, I give the Nebraska farm er, a weekly paper devoted to the farmer free for one year, with every ten dollar's worth of fruit trees bought of mb. Address, 0. F. SMITH, Ansley, Custer Co., Nebraska. Reference H. T. Conley, Harrison Neb. B. L. SMUCK, Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser. One Door South of Dunk of Hiirrison. OPEN SUNDAY FROM 9 TO 12. RAZORS AND SCISSORS PUT IN ORDER. dive mi- i n, f t iffl;' THEY GO ! COMMISSIONER'S RECORD. (Official.) Harrison, Sebe., llarcli 31, 1882. Board of county commissioners met as i;r call of clerk. Present Commissioners Green, Knott and W'eber and clerk. Minutes of limt meeting read. On motion, the minute of lust meeting be so amended as to buow tlie appointment of h. E. Ilelden aa a member of Soldier's Ite lief Commission. On motion, minutes of last meeting were approved as amended. Resignation of Jobn W. Rieedorff as as sessor for w urlxmnet precinct sen ted and, on motion accepted. was pie- On motion, John Duut was appointed as sessor for Warbonnet precinct to fill the vacancy caused by resignation ol Jobn W, Rieedorff. Official bond of John Daut for assessor lor Warbonnet precinct was presented and ap proved. Resignation of A. E. tew as county sur veyor was presented and, on motion, laid over until next niietinif. Official bond of Charles Palmer as assessor . i . . viucii iirei-iuci wits presented and approved. On motion, the nanio of Lower Running Water Precinct was and tlie same hereby is ordered changed to Cook precinct. On motion, Charles K. Verity was appointed Spflcial County Judge of Sioux county. Official Bond of Chas. K. Verity as Special County Judge was presented and approved. Hood overseer's settlement of Henry Was' serburger was presented and examined and a certificate issued on Hoad District Kund of Itoad District No. 1 for tlie sum of $lfi.91 i favor of Henry Wasserburger. On motion, tlie treasurer be and he is here by instructed to transfer the sum of $20.00 from the bridgo fund of 1891 to the General Fund of 1801. The following accounts against Sioux county were audited and allowed and war rants ordered Issued on General Fuud of 1891 for same : L. E. Beldon, malting ballot boxes $ R 25 Charles L. Grewell n 00 Petition of F. W. Knott and others pray ing for the opening of a public road In Hat Creek precinct on section lines, was pre sented aiid, on motion, the clerk be and ho hereby Is instructed to advertise the lines described in said petition according to law. On motion board adjourned without day. Conrad Lindeman, County Clerk. Married. Dllery Pogh. At the M. E. church at Harrison, Neb., on Tuesday evening, April 5, 1892, by Rev, W. O. Glasner, Samuel L. Ullery and Belle Pugh, both of Sioux county Nebraska. A large number gathered at the church at the appointed hoar to witness the ceremony. The church was tastefully decorated with flowers. The ceremony was performed in an impressive mariner and the newly married pair received the congratulations and good wishes of the assembly for a long and happy married life. They have already gone to house keeping in the Maine house and are at home to their friends. Important Notice. Having disposed of the drug store at Harrison all parties indebted to C. H. Andrews & Co., or A. E.Andrews are hereby notified to call at once and settle. Po not wait for further notice. C, H. Andrews. GEO. H. TURNER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, I WILL Bon Ton Flour per 100 pound $3 00 5 can Prices Baking Powder", Half Patent " " " 2 75 per pound .... 40 Straight Grade " " " 2 50 Climax & Horse Shoe Tob. per lb 45! Low Grade " " ' i 73 4 pounds Joker Tobacco - 100 Corn Meal " " 1 30 5 pounds Smoking Tobacco - 1 oo' Chop Feed " '" ' 1 15 7 Choice Cigars - - , gg Bran & Shorts mixed" 90 DRY GOODS, ftbdts & SHOES.' GROCERIES. Full Stock Kipp Boots - - $2 00 22 pounds Hominy - 100 $5.00 Calf Boots ... 350' 22 " Oatmeal - i 00 Ladies Dongola Shoos I : f 35' 20 " Pail Jelly 95 Belts and Rubbers at cost. Pail Syrup .... 95 Calico per yawl - - ; qs'' 6 pounds Brokm Java Coffee" r5 Best Grade Outing Flannel, per yd. 14 1 " Baiting Powder . - 25 Dress Gingham per yard , 10' Tea Per pound - - 15 German Knitting fan.; per pound 90 Tomatoes per can - - 11 j Men's Working Shirts - . 00' 8 pound can Michigan apples - 11J, Handkerchiefs"' - 1 . Come and look at our Hardware, Tinware; Fi lire ware and1 Barbed Wire arid get Our prices." Respectfully, G-IEO. HI. TIJRiT3E,: Harrison Lumber Yard, G. GUTH Rife, Proprietor. Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Blinds) -Etc. i: Business GondiKM or Sfrictfy Gasft Basis 3STO. 30. All Around About. Did it snow? Yep. Lid it blow? Some. Is Hicks a good prophet? Watch and see. Mr. A. W. Mohr had a co w drowned in the creek last week. Master John Konrath appeared as a full fledged mail carrier last Saturday. Mr. IJiiniels' horse got away from him at the postoffice Saturday, and carried the mail home at R. R. speed. Mrs. C. B. Hollingsworth, we are in formed, expects to t;tart east this week, to spend the summer among relatives and friends. According to the last report, Miss Eva E. Conner will remain in California un til next June. """TUff Jacob Henry was out trying the sleighing Monday, but concluded there ! was too much soft mud under the snow. - to make it very pleasant. Mr. J. Wilson walked to town last week, for the purpose of parting with a tooth, that has caused him more pain than pleasure, for some time past. "They say" Mr. Phil McCann is so tony nowadays, that some of his neigh bors do not know him when they meet him in the public highway. Mr. J. E. Hollingsworth, after spend-- mg a year m California and Arizona, re turned last Saturday. We have not in terviewed the gentleman, but we under stand he intends to make Sioux county his future home. He is heartily wel comed back to Sioux county. U No.' For Sale. One good well drill complete, town' property consisting of one lot, good; house) barn, good cistern and cellar. Very desirable property. SO head of cat tle, 13 head of horses, 820 acres of lands,, with springs and running water, fair buildings, good well, 45 acres broke and; about 4 miles of fence, For further par ticulars see or address T. O. Williams, Harrison, Neli.- Xotice to Land Owners. To all Whom it mat CotrCERif : In accordance with petition filed audit' appeajlng to the board of county commis sioners that the public good requires the lollowmg section lines to be opened as nub--lio roads, to-wit: Commencing at the SW corner of Sec. 10, Tp. 33, R. 55, running thenee' east between sections, 10 and 15 11 and 14, 1! and 13 . In said and 7 18 in Twp. 33 R. f4, four miles .to the SE corner Sec. 7, Tp. 33, 11. 54, it is therefore ordered that all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the ConntT Clerk's office on or bet ore noon of the 22nd day of June; 1892, or roads will be established without reference thereto. Conrad Lindemau, " County Clerk:.- i,00!1.13 p- e"'ett will take notice that on' the 23d day of March 1892, S. Barker, county judge of Sioux county, Nebraska, issued an order of attachment for tho sum of tS 96 in! peuuiiig oeiore him, wherein William E. Moore is plaintiff, and Colville I': jchl-k is ueienaani. t-nat nromrto nf ti, defendant. defendant consisting .of one hundred sev- r;". "t." f".v. anu nve nundrmt' thirty -four rods of barbed wire has been at tached under said order. Said cL3P was1 continued to tho 10th day of May, 1892, at o'clock, a. m. W ilu am E. Moore, 2a"31 Plaintiff. SELL YOU.' r