unty Journal. WMV PAl'Klt. 0 TflK 1TSTT. f CWll-iTKlS ANY JO IX Mirt X STV. e-vl Ml Pii.t, 5-.MKI EUitor. jfriMiii it office a l 17, lMtfS. R I.IVINU. lTi-ntliNg Downward. t. year ao ;ui inquiry 'inoiiir the local iner- J Ohio to discover tlie y general tendency of ffl the Iwusis that never iy of the world would raes or a fanner's Spy of the comforts of Hi j;iven suported the Jien the McKinley iu-t i gone into eli'ect. Its tliat its eli'ect would Jse the cost of living, jniade a supplemental ide, as follows, com ov with the prices t a half ao, in the It will lie seen that ) a jener.il decline in Wtg'e of the McKinley eason of 1&0 was worth 17 cents r Iwsliel, now 2"; flax wan higher, being 1.23 tlien, agairw-t 75 rents now, a drop for which tlie K.nley act is not re sNnsilite. llojrs are worth from $3.75 to f'.l.HTt at this writing, which is a about 50 cents mure tlian two years Hjro. I'ut- tle are aliotit 50 cents jer hundred belter. Eggs are considerable better, !eing worth 22 cents, and tlie McKinley bill is to lie credited with some of this by keeping Canadian eggs out of our markets. All around, the condition of the Amer ican fanner is better to-day than two years ago, or at any previous time. The man who owns a farm finds tlie world steadily coming his way. Inventors and capitalists are conqieting with each other to serve him cheaier and make his goods cost him less money, aud every year there is a let-down somewhere in the price of things lie has to buy. Tlie idea that the McKinley hill will increase his expenses is now completely exploded. It merely compels the foreigner's v. ho have been selling goods to us to move their factories over here. Adjustable Extension Stand. er D SHOES. er.ige reduction on lssO to 1H90 llSi per has lieen cease- m lactorv towns for Jiorter hours and the t considerable gains. in fact the goods are as ever. AVI) .ll'.WKI.HY. ' trade the American pccomplishetl wonders .fought great ljenelits fe'world over. Watch ler cent, cheaper now 11 we made olir last Vy were then lower afore, t'lnck me as rO jet has liceh one of I tariff in the prairie . The McKinley bill l1"1 Tlenl and reduced the t If cent. The reduc s'1 jatever on tlie price Jul. Vwing conclusively ijf MS ..cut any figure in the ilMMm that all of the past lSHC ibm West has been taxed (kan liased upon error. f i k"f (howed a reduction in i.w to im of cant During this time pctlMged. Tlie McKinley ,if OBtVitfilf, but the only i kl undergone is an ad Ji beef (3,50 to fctttnrl in di- MNrfhmfi5toi(i. tjje p'tag shows no advance UliSBfc:'-- terttlenfcy in prices "i Hrchnt tailors of long f" Sr ban 'lire buying wor itut low ivs ever liefore. t atom. report prices ' Jj itfrtu'S flie MvKin- fai'lta showed a 4 .jliji advance, but they i" M arc now as low as . "31 -'soW. Outside of jikpeiwive imported Dld hei'e to nay con if MfcKlnl'ey t lias Uttte cdaiige iii1 tlie St tht tendency is Sfmi rtiiichine-matle 4,....! H- l ' L..l.. tu. jniieignLue fJne;ikT. The AinfT ' i5U i'nrniti'ire tt'adc ye exporter; lieati- i a rill priced 'tf&'i'ii. ty in the lit'otik of Jknvnartl'. Lanips efoHe. 6iir ltldnu VKl on lamps and ling- them' abroad, percent, c'lieajier JVelopes are 25 er rlevdr tfo'tflieap. Vp. Lead is some Bibine which may linseed 6il is n ever because irtilljtetl condition;' jwer: Alcoflbl iM Jhine, about 2 cents direct elfect 6F Jees arb higheifr uKn hem tlii with it: ( Canned Me ali cheaper )terKyft,'n6twiU) jtten'neii 'to 'these iley act.' Tlie nit have imen is higher tlmri llR flLKk tmit :..rr WlC- .i)w limn hen. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. sTATKdKKK KKS: .'mnes K. llod liovpinor, l.tiicolu, Nell. T. J. Majors -I.lentcniuit liovernor J. ('. Allen .s-cretary ol State I . II. l'.ciitoii .Auditor John K. Hill Treasurer I.. 1 1 .1 last liiRi .Attorney (icnerul A. II. Humphrey Lain! Commissioner A. K.liomly Supt. Public instruction CONCltKSSIONAI. DKI.KtJATHIN: A. S. I'aibbick V. S. senator, Ilentrice r. K. Mainleroii-- I', s. Senator, Omaha W.J. (Iryaii, Coun-Nhinall 1st Hist., Lincoln U'. A. McKitKbau, ' l " UiilChmil I). M. Ki-ui, " .!i " Krokcii How Jl'llICIAHY: s. Maxwell Chief Justice, Fremont T. I.. Norva! .-.Associate Jude, SeW:m! V. M. I'Ost.. Associate JtulKe, '(ilulllbus I). A. ( amplM ll.. lerk anil lti purter, Lincoln FI KTKKNT1I JCDICIAI. WISTKHT: 11. I". Kinkulil- Juiltff, O'Neill Alfn-il Hallow " Cbailrou Conra.l I.inilcmaii Clerk, Harrison CDl NT Y OFFICI-.lis: s. Ilarker Comity Juil ('otirafl I.inileuian Clerk M. J. liuvliart Treasurer A. Soiithworlh sspt. Iubllc liiHtruction Thus. HVnly sherllT lien. J. slialer...;.... Coroner A. II. Icw j surveyor Coiirml I.imhmmn Clerk of Dinlrlct Court II. T. Conley County Attorney HOAHl) Or- COM.MISSIONKUS: ' i u A.ilri'cn, (chairman) :M Disirlet F. W. Knott..... ..1st " .M.J.Weber..'.. 2(1 " I.KIalsI.ATIV'K: W. Wilson Senalor, Dist No. 14, Chiitlrcm l-:i. I., llciith Jtepi, Hist. No. .HI, Kushvlllr ll.I.AiiK OKFK'KKS: Thomns Uciily ((ilmlrnian) Trustr (Jrant Culhric " C. K. Verity .. :.i..4 " C. II. Wcller ' Conrad I.lndeinan " W. 11. Davis. ...j Clerk ti. Guthrie Treasurer J. W. Scot t.. Street Commissioner SCHOOL OKFK'KKS: Mm. K. (i. JIourIi ...j ..Director W. I(. vvrl(fht Mortorator (i. W. Hester... Treasurer teh ms of conn': District Court, At Harrison, commencon April Irtth and November 91st, I DM. County Court, At llarriwon, eounnenoes II ist Monday of each mouth. CIU'RCHF.S AND SOCIKTIKS. M. V.. ( liurch - Preaching each alternate Sunday ut I(I::D a. m., andeverySuiidayeven at J r.'Wi. Rev. W, o, ( , lrahnf.ii, Pastor. Kpisi opal servicds on tile di'ediid Meilnes day ol eaeU inontlMi 1 b'tblck l. in: Com munion ut 3 p. in; ClliS. K. SNAVKI.V. Method inl Sunday School nieelo evory Hun day moridiiK at 1 1 ::). MKS. W. O. (il.ASNKK, V. H, DAVIS, Siipcrlnlenden t. Secretary. liible !u)Ol iiieBtK at the chilrrh eatill Sim dav al'toruoou al3b"eloek. C. IK 1USSKTT, slipt. rioRTH V.-CST EASf- SOUTH I'lirehiiso TiekctH ntul Cmisitfn Yelil' I'rriglit via the F E. & V. S. C. & P. HAILUOAbS. II. G. IfURT; (ienerkl JIaiiager. K-. 0. MoiuaioisB, J. k Bi tHANAVj Genl Freight.Agt. (Jen'l I'ass. Agt. OMAHA, fitB. STANDARD rOti CENTUB TVIIISROTIIERS dnYHOP YEAST till QUICK RISER 5 Um Book 9tA4, Vane Rtand, ktim fttead. Album St Md, bible Stand, Flowir Sud, aUo Aixip, Trt4ir. Prlor, Library, Oftlct, rflrtionftrj ud (Jhwckw Htwui and Kuel. H&rd wood. rubLl HuiatL hifat M ib- L'. Height itfHdK). 6 tlicttvs. Weiffht H IrM..; of fp HkUi bi.ufdk". D. Pric-,t5, KT.t l.KR A CO., Fur niture Man Ira, 81 fl Waaiiiuictwai HI., Bosbuat Ma. INDIANA RANGE CO. MANUFACTURERS OF WROUCHT STEEL RANCES Guaranteed to be the most eco inomlcal, most durable and most perfect Range on the market. Suitable for hard or soft coal, or wood. Send for catalogue to INDIANA RANGE CO. EVANSVILLE, IND. AH u - M l i ml f 2 lilf - boon CHEAP, ft. A LAKIP FOR THE MILLION BECAUSE IT Always Works, Immtnss Light, Economlcil, Handsome, Durable, and Is Pirtaot. tVEBY ONE fiCARAHTEED. MEYRQ8E IKlCBLK LIFT LAMP. lti pr!njf1 oonntruetlt'i, l Urt'il lUiliill tlfl. ippMriiCf af tiui fivtLili!r V'-mofoto oflertd Uit,tlltig. .fnt (.r fur r,-weir-cuUr kti bo cotivlaeeil; tha biy oio of joar dctMr or KIEYR08E UMP A M'F'G. CO., ST. L0UI6, K0. J j j. cr 0 00 o n m jo jo 1-4 W H O to n 3 P. f met' r O. n rt- o 3S CO L 2- r4hUtU0lJlfl I W ii fc. mm 1 II 111 i r' ' vr C9 O a 3J m PI H z o 3D 2 liy P X a O O (BMC H to SELF-CLOSinO YASTf syt -o Great Firf. Precaution A NECESSITY In th rMtory, Enarlne Uoom . BUehins Shop,' namMrr ani inin i btb anon, nu u plaoa where oilj wntti ur olothe arc tiMO. Thy an Mkmonledsed hjr all to be tU bat thing for the purpuao evor liiTinted. UND FOR TRICES AT OTfCB. frtnk E. Fitts MTg a Supply Co., 76-7B Pearl 8tret. lion. JOHNSON & FIELD CO., RACINE, WISCONSIN, Manufacturers of "THE RICIXE" FARa AKD WAREHOUSE FANNIKG HILLS DUSTtiKSS GlUIal BfAKA10i(s AM) I.A.MJ KOLLKKS, These Mills and Sep urn tors have lou(f beon need bj thn FarnierK, promiDeot Millers, Grain and rimed bealers lhrouhott the lulled States, who higrhlv recommend Flhem as beinc the Htsl .HA. C'11J.S ever made fur cleaning; and (frmlinf W Ileal , liariey. Uata, Corn and beedK of evt-ry tlcscrip Uon. Tliej do the work more thorough ly, have greater rapacity, built Ktronjrer and heavier and better finished than any other Mills. Six different sixes, two for Farm Use, fonr for Warehouse, Elevator and Millars use. The Land Rollers are the IIK8T and CHJSAPEST for the money. ALL MACHINES WARRANTED. Write for Circulars and Price before buying. u, We ran Touch (or Us reutbiltty of Ms arm. Bprroa. SwflELGlN ws; mess BEFORE 4i or . once means JSil. r X . VII Av V flU A f .111 1 1 KW AAu.tx "StJI I known NflOfiHT? ESTABLISHED 1868. Thtsa are PIANO HAMMERS they alone actuate the tone. OTHER makers talk and think more about CASES. We have a process by which the felt covering REMAINS elastic and uncom- AlMherlaroniers feet MATTED DOWN like an old MATTRESS, and soon yield tinny tones ndt music. . The reason why pianos carry hiehprlces on the catalogues, and the SYSTEM of DISCOUNTS with frank and candid Inside information, worth many dollars WHATEVER PIANO YOU BUY. We also send, post paid, an elegant Illustrated Catalogvtt, explaining ibove, and very large colored illustrations The FURNITURE part of the "Wing" Piano is worthy of its interior merits. Learn wh& we have to whisper, then BUY WHERE YOU WILL. If we are chosen, distance is ho consideration Wo tnoscn, uisuiiin F". .".'5 liY'Kl'Ae. e- ll .... UUK rlANUS HAVE vvvji-n our own ivtsel you. For a short time we offer this un heard el Bargain, The case ii genu ine SU ve r i n e; for dura- bilitv.fi n- Ish and sppear- soce are rillr eaual to Coin Sil ver, and srs auaranteed to wear and retain ,i,.i,,in. . lib. time. Stem wlad and set. Remembef we vffer you an 'American Style' movement, flu.iU. Intal... mnwn,ent tot the Well malea above mentioned. TRY ONE I Sent by Exprcin C. O. D. with privilege of lamination. Send for our Illustrated Wholesale Catalogue. Gardeh City Watch Co 165 Dearborn St., CHICAGO, lit: rnnfidence. Hence we send freely en Mali AND, with tvery WING piano boughtj there goes a signed warrantee for N1NB LONG YEARS. , . Write to-dayji LITTLE BIT (postalj and get what COST US MANY TIMES AS MUCH-beauWui inustrauons,c. 1868 jt a in ir-ur M rl srt L'WrVrn' ivrewPWwMA7 UflMA A S 248 Bretdmr. ops. City Hill, airuf vnia tfAaA ha Ut DetCfM aHos. 1 1891 1 1891 l'1 .. (tz& n-Absolutely TiSlSnrirvfau fOaftUlATEDOH SCjEHTiriC FRITOPLE3 and Ground With The Most . Atarax Are itrietly flnt-class in every detail, possess aa absolutely perfeet repeating action and hands.me cases. Fully warranted. m Are the best in the world, and Dave led all ethers far years. Over 210.000 in use. The people are bound to hare the best, and will have none but the KSTEY Time payments or cash, as customers prefer. Call and see us, er send for Catalogue, and tall information. n lib bIXa n ar zt utt Ik K1 ESTEY & CAlPt 233 State Street, Chicago. tarSt. Irouie House, 916 & 013 OliVw 6t. ' Mri t ion this Paper, LOVELL DIAMOND CYCLES. Ho. 8 0, Udin' Siskioi Tirts, ' 9.00 Ko. 4. ConrertlUt Solid TirM, 8f00 Ho. I, Solid tires, strictly ' 85.00 HIGH GRADE No. 2, Cushion Tiros, $05.00 No. 3, Ladiss' SoHd Tiros, $8 a. OUR ctisMjm Tifis ARE Warranted ALL l'ARTS Intercliange- 00 a r N14.C, " Oiishioiflns, I9C.00 No better machine made at any price feieils Catalogue Free. $65.00 $85.00 " jOlllS J?i LOVELL ARMS CO., MANUFACTURERS, BOSTON, MASS. Srad tix ceoti in itimpi for mr 100 page Illastritci tatalopie of Cum, mta, ttvohen, Sperting Cotiii of all kin, ete. MOUVMNTA DOIIARCII SCALE U BECAUSil IT IS , Th Mot Simptt of ConttruetUnjMtf' 6Heean adjust it. flipeandlootef can b raen mtf ttuxrpwd or rtplacetl by neto ete. i , The Mart PrrfctBtoau'tfitm rimpU ; tity, mnd tht ttUi Mla which promt Ut bvneorroetnoi: Hon, price, tie. It will pay you to invetH- Mb Rl f WEIGHTSi seals or h. n. smu MANUFACTURING CO4 VJ CHECK RODS. KaNaaa eitr. KARsar 11 1 1 11 t mi 11 ill - jj I 4S i u i 66 This l ape olal offer. We ell them at thlaprloe to In troduce them, regular price Is 875.06. OA THE REST Ml tHE best mmt I FOR THE STROKIEST RfllLT Ever before ofTereol , , , WE ARE WHOLT3ALE MANIiPAC I XakA C A1a 7 I r r ULL lubber Too. Ellptlo Springe, Piano Body, upholstered )n a fine, grade of clQth.or leather If preferred.. Three or four bow top. Either 'wide or harrow traok. Wa would alio.furn.lah fiArnlrui body In plaoa of Piano body If deelrad. 1 for VftttTC-ftfR CaTAU C0L0&C&A.DPRCU i LIGHT DREAD JAS.EPAf TON &GQ lend for FRn WFUm C3M OatAlogue. MCW flOMB H. M.CO.,