The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 17, 1892, Image 2

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    - I
Clicp to Hii Claim
V. 1. SIMMOXS, Proprietor.
Mortally Wooadad.
Memphis, Tenn., March 10. About!
o'clock last night V. A. Casper, em
ployed aa clerk in M. Kelly's grocery
store, at the intersection of Georgia
feet and Mississippi avenue, shot and
probably mortally wsunded John Mos
by, a negro.
Casper, who was arrested by Office re
Horan and Wolff, was seen at the sta
tion house, and made the following
statement: "Liast night Mosby came to
the store and wanted to purobaee some
goods on credit. He was already in
debted to Mr. Kelly for previous pur
chases, and further credit was denied
him. This seemed to anger him, and he
began to curse me, and I struck him
with my fist. Mr. Kelly, who was in
the store, came forward, and Moeby ran
"Tonight about 7 o'clock Mosby came
into the store and walked up to where I
was standing and struck me a heavy
,iIow on the head with a stick which he
had in his hands. The blow staggered
me for an instant, and I retreated be
hind the counter followed by Mosby,
who struck at me several times. I
grabbed the pistol and tried to shoot
the negro, who ran out of the store. I
followed him, but the pistol would not
go off. Mosby evidently saw that the
pistol would not shoot, for he turned
andjwas approaching me with an uplifted
stick, when I again tried to discha ge
the pistol This time it went off and
not knowing whether the bullet bad hit
him or not, I again fired and he fell to
the ground,"
A Narrow scae.
Washikctox, D. C, March 10.-Genera!
Schofield, commander-in-chiei of
the army of the United States, had a
narrow escape frjm death yesterday
morning. He was on his way to hu
office in the war department and the
carriage had just entered Executive
avenue, which separats the white house
from the state, war any navy buildings,
when it was rua into by a delivery wag
on of the American Express company
and overturned.
The general was somewhat bruised by
he fall, but was able to proceed to his
office and was at his desk as usual dur
ing the morning. It was a very narrow
escape, however, and it was only by the
display of courage, coolness and good
judgment by the coachman that a falal
result was auerted.
In Memory of Kendall.
Washikctos, March 10. In his open
ing prayer in the house yesterday tbe
chaplain feelingly alluded to the sud
den death yesterday of Representative
Kendall of Kentucky.
! Mr. McMillin gave notice that he
.would call up the fiee wool bill tomor
row. The ways and means commit tee
had instructed him to ask consideration
tomorrow of the tariff question. On
motion of Mr. McCreary of New York
who announced the death of his col
league, John W. Kendall, the house
agreed to adjourn in respect to tbe mem
ory of its late member. The speaker
pnuounced as a committee to accompany
Mr. Kendall's body to Kentucky: Mr,
Pointer of Kentucky, Mr. Mansur ot
Missouri, Mr. A merman of Pennsylvania
Mr. bailley of Texas, Mr. Owaus of Ooio
Mr. Wilson of Kentucky, Mr. Belknap
of Michigan. Tne house then adjourned.
Will Be Sold at Auction.
London, March 10. Great interest it
jtelt in the sale of Mr. PurneH's estate,
though no date has yet been fixed fur
jthe auction.
1 John Parnell has desided to return to
pis Florida orange groves, and H. T.
Parnell, who lives near Cilkenny, is not
jrioh enougo. to purchase his late broth
re property. There la some talk ot
fananta on tbe estate trying to purchase
heir farms under the land purchase act
but this does not apply to the Avondale
mansion with its adjacent grounds.
! With the present state ot inflamed
feeling in Ireland a public appeal for
funds to purobase the property as a his'
tone momento would hardly succeed.
Two proposals for private purchase have
already ueen maue, one oy a mining
company which owns the copper mines
adjoining the Avondale estate. Parnell
pent large sums sinking shafts looking
for gold, lie found plenty of copper
but no gold. The second proposal cornea
from a syndicate wnich will continue to
.work the mines for gold.
j Soma members of the Dublin corpor
?""' auaioua vo uuy ine quarries
(where paving stones are cut. There
were 2,000 tons of paving on hand when
Parnell died, which he paid for cutting,
valued at 910 per ton.
BRU5, March 9.-1 be Duke of Cum- (
beiland has made a statement in regard j
. . .1. L.lnK t r
In bis refusal to accepi m yjv"
in compromise of bis claims to tbe
throne of Hanover. He declares be can
not consent to forfeit tbe rights of h'.s
Tamily or enter into any understanding
m.t. in maintain those rights should op
portunity offer. In brief, be refuses toi
recognize the annexation of Hanover to
Prussia ts a situation that may noi w
preserved. This decision of tbe Duke
has caused a most unpleasant
mrw,riI circles. The kaiser consiuereu
that he was doing a special favor to tois
grandmother, Queen Victoria, in con
senting to make Urms witts me auae.j
and tn he snubbl in what, he regarded
as a stroke of statesmanship and liberal
ity at the same time is a source ot aeep
Annthor pause for anxiety over tbe
matter is the evRence In possession of
the duke that there is at least a possi
bility of his recovering the Hanoverian
throne. This could only come about in
the event of the defeat of the Germans
in a foreign war so decisively as to over
throw Prussian supremacy. The Duke
of Cumberland, it is argued, considers
such a result aa not unlikely. A Tann
er reason for imperial disappointment
is that the duke's attitude keeps in ex
istence the G uelph party of Hanover,
which would otherwise be a valuable
auxiliary to the govemQaauiiaits strug
gle with socialism.
The Kreux Zitung said yesterday
that the duke of Oidenburg had been
successful as a mediator between the
Prussian irovernment and tbe duke of
Cumberland, and that the succession to
tbe duchy of Brunswick was to be se
cured to George William, eldest son of
the duke of Cumberland, who is about
twelve years ot a'e. The duchy cf
Brunswick is at present adminis'ered
by Prince Al'oert of Prussia as regent.
News Tram Honolulu.
Sax FBASfifco, March 9. The Steam
er Australia arrived at noon from Hon
olulu, briugng the following advices:
The United Stales States cruiser Sar
Francisco, arrived at Honolulu Febru
ary 27, cine days from San Diego.
Positive information is said to have
reached Honolulu that President Har
rison has declined to sign the draft of
the Hawaiian treaty and submit it to
the senate. The Gazd'.te of the first
iosL says the opposition of leading re
publicans in surmised as the reason. Al
Lanai, recently after drinking consider
able, n native Hawaiian drink, u
family of ten, with the exception of one
woman fell asleep. The woman set fire
to rhe house and a young man was
burned to death. The vhole family
want crazy and at lust accounts were
running naked on tbe rocks.
Bishop Kaerckermant of Olda is dead
Samuel S. fcoone, a tourist from Cni
;uj,'o, committed, euitide in the Haw
iliaa hotel md ru buried in the 2 uadb
Itecamo Insane,
Denveu, March 9. A special to the
Republican from Coal Creek, Col., says:
List night Sarah A. Levier, ayouig
udy of this place, disappeared. It was
at first thought that she had eloped with
a young man to whom she was engaged
to be married, but which marriage was
opposed by the rolatives of the young
people. The young man, however, was
found and denied all knowledge of Miss
Levier's whereabouts. Every man in
the village turned out to hunt for her,
and she was found wandering about in
tie hills almost eihausted. Theoppo
aition to her marriage had so worked
upon her mind that she lost her reaton.
She is now under the care of pbjsicians.
Students on a Fear.
Berlin, March 9. The spectacle of
two well dressed young men diligently
scrubbing and cleaning the statue of the
Virgin in the market place, while a mot
ley crowd of townspeople jeered at the
prespiring youths, was witnessed at
Suhl. The young men were students,
who, while on a lark the night before
bad thought nothing so apropos as to
daub the marble figure of the Virgin
with tar. The authors of the outrage
were quickly detected and their fathers
were lined 500 marks each for the dam
age done to the statute, while tbe boys
themselves were punished by being com
pelled to restore the monumeat to its
original condition.
The Bodiei of Three Kegroea, Biddled
With Bullets Disclosed to Light.
A lerrtbla rire.
c-cBtnK. Wis.Mrdh
.. i.;,r, mme to BQ end at 1- JJ
urJay"nen the Aloueae block, corner j
,F;,htBnd Tower itreeta, the finest,
i;...,;nthouse in the city, w as com-
... ,.,.-... m ric nunrn IRSFST ! i.iiv winod out an
I .n.'arA,l homeless.
. .. ,r..r. 1 T , t r Blariii J"
wi.- . . t. in., I DmniriiiiA - - - i -
Work, Scattered ana
IH.xpl eared.
d nineteen families
the basement and
. : . a in A.
the first alarm was sem in
i l-.i in niia of the store
wrvanl fciri uau w
Bald Its Annual Mealing.
St. Locis, Mo., March 10. The aa,
tiual meeting of tbe stockholders of tbe
Ptiaaourl Pacitto Bail way compaoy was
rldatthe geosral offices of the com
far here yesterday morning. Thedi.
lectors of the past wars re-elected. The
anual report of the general manager
paa submitted, showing aa increas io
pet earnings for tbe year of H&.177133.
Following this the annual meeting of
ptookboldafa of tbe 8k Louis, Iron
pfcnutsJn k Southern R. R.Co.wea
ttid aadthe old board re-elected. J
, unauv (in .
!rooulBandtbrew a match into . pile of
Memphis. March 1L-The morn.s ;rnbbiih. A few minute. ir
light disposed the dead bodies of three Urst through tbe floor. The bu.U
negroes, riddled with bullets and par- wfti erected around a central well, U rn
tiallv covered with brush, lying in an w hy the paa-enger e.eiator
opeubt about a mile and a half from aDj 8UirWays. Tnia, acting as . cb.m-
the heart of tbe city. Ihe negroes uu drew tli8 anaea vu. -
been taken from the jail by seveaty-five leQ Binutes the skylight had been
blown out and the siair.aj
flames, the fire shooting into
the air for forty feet.
. i rrt .
masked men mil shot to deatn. ie
niimes of the men areCalviu, McDowell,
William StuBrt and Theodore Mow
l'he crime for which this summary ven
geance was wrecked upon them was the
ambi e liug and shooting down Satur
day night last of four deputy sheriff, m
a locality known as "The Curve," while
tbe officers were looking for a Degro for
whose arrost the) had a warrant.
About 3 oVlock yesterday morning
eeventy-Cva mtn, all wearing masks, ap
peared suddenly on Fourth street, mar
the jail. By a rush three or the men ob
tained on entrance to the jailyard and
overpowered Watchman O'Donnell,
whom they bound and gagged. 1 he
,i, nilmn nrlmitted and the searj!:
r,.e .h. . beCan. u guard in tbe dowa fore d them to.
The block was four stones high and
contained twenty-eight apartments, all
but one of which were occupied. All
tbe tenants' roomi opened oz tie cen
tral corridor, and some dozen women
and almost as many servants found their
escape cut off ia that direction. 'Ihere
were not three men in the house, and
the women growing panic strickei, took
to the tire escapes, hera they were
huddled with their children in their
arms when the lire department arrived.
Tus fire escape was a clumby affair i-nd
the wjmen would not go djwnittil
l he flames bu-stiog through the win-
Arrived at IMtUkurg.
Cleveland, O, March 9,-Bisbop
Horstman arrived in this city last night
from Pittsburg. Ia spite of the mud
and falling snow, thousands of people
were on the street to greet him. There
was a long parade, composed ot Catholic
societies of this and surrounding citiaa
He was escorted to the bishop's palace,
wnere ne waa greeted by local priests
and laymen. In tha m.imina h. .:n
officiate in an elaborate maM at at,
oun s catnearai, arrmted by the digni
taries of surrounding dioceses.
round Dead In Bed
Chicago, March 9.-Fali n. j
Ludwig Biliner were found dead in bed
lu a room over a livery atable at 261
Fourteenth street. The room waa full
of gas and death was from asphyxiation.
The atop cocn of the gas jet waa partly
turned oo, and aa it waa loose the pos
aibility ia that it waa turned u, r., k.
one of them when the two retired. Bill.
ner waa a Uerman, and had bseo in tbe
country only two mouths. Green was
Irish, and two weeks ho came from
Lafayette. Ind.
moonilmn havim? tepn put over
watchman. There were twenty seven
negroes there, b!1 under arrest for com
plicity in Saturday night's affair, and it
was no easy task to distinguish the
three negroes wanted. The avengers
went from cell to cell, the thoroughly
alarmed inmates coming to their cell
doors and unwillingly aided them in the
search Alice Mitchell heard the noise
and from her cell on the upper tier
peered down on the Btrauge and silent
Mosb, a mail carrier, wus the first man
identified. He waa taken from his cell
and bound and soon after McDowell
and Stuart were found scd taken care
of in the same way.
The captives being ready they were
dragged, pUBhed and hurried out of the
jail. Ia a few minutes the 6uberba of
the cily were reached and in mi open
field near Wolf river tlte cegroei met
their doom. A Bhot from a revolver
crashed through the thetk of .Muss.
This was tbe signal for the work of the
terrible volley which was poured in up
on the shivering negroes, who instantly
fell dead. The bodies presented a hor
rible sight. McDowell's jaw was en
tirely shot away and back of his right
ear was a bole large enough to admit a
man's list. HU right hand, too, was
half blown off. Stuart was shot in the
mouth and twicj in the back ot the
head and his body was riddled with
buckshot. Moss had an ear shot off and
several bullet boles iu his forehead,
Th mob turned about after it bfid
completed the terrible work and, com
ing toward town scattered and disap
peared. The bodies of the dead negroes wfe
brought to Walsh's undertaking estab
lishment yesterday morning. In less
than ntteen minutes the p'ace was sur
rounded by about 200 negroes, all afraid
to talk, however, on account of the prox
imity of the whites. An inquest was
held al I'J o ciocit and llie bodies were
then sent to their homes at the "Cu've'
At 10:50 word reached the city that
the negroes were assembling in large
numbers at tbe "Curve." Judge Du
bois immediately equipped 10 men with
Winchesters and left the city for that
The coroner s jury found a verdict
that the deceased irere taken from the
jail by a masked mob, who overpowered
the jailer, and that the prisoners were
shot to death by parties unknown to
the jury.
ibe sheriff said this afternoon that
he would do nil iu his power to arrest
the leaders ot the mob.
Mrs. J. M. Gillingham, who, wuu
baby was cut off from the tire escape,
was saved after she Lad thrown l.erseif
from the fourth story window by a fire
man who made a desperate leap from a
ladder and caught
SoTaraj known the only casualties
are tluse resulting from jumps, all ol
which are of a minor character. The
loea will reach SPJO.OX). The tenants
sved nothing. The building was owned
by Mrs. R. L. Iielknap of New York, and
waa valued at 803.000 and was insured
firSIO,0)J. to'.al insurance be d
:iy tenants is f 11,000.
The lioily Kalen liy Curate.
Ai.'sri.f, Nev, March 8. Word has.
jjst been received of the fate of a youcg
German rancher named Leopold llau-
H14D, who left Santa Hos t, Cul.. inle-j
cember last for hu ranch forty miles
distan, from Austin. He armed at
Corti-7, Nev., Jmniury 11, left for home
on horseback, distant thirth-tive milos.
At that lima fully thirty inches of bhow
covered the grouud and the mercury
had reached a very low point. A few
days ao a b'oto r of the decewad had
occasion to gj to Cortez from his ranch,
but when three milts of tbe journey was
reached be found bis saddle and blanket
together with his overcoat. On reach
ing Cortez he found his brother had left
thereon the above named d,ite, but
never reached bis home. Tbe supposi
tion is the horse became fatigued,
whereupon ilauman unsaddled him to
walk the rebt of the journey, being but
three mile?, but uudr the piercing cold
gave up and ite frozen to deuth. The
body waa oaten by cjyotes.
Will Kill Ilerieir.
Scrakton, Pa., March 11. Adalbert
Houck, who ia charged with eloping
from Scranton ten days ago with Mary
Penny, it ia claimed, has three living
wires, ibe second wife, when confront
ed with these particulars late last night,
attempted to kill herself, first by shoot
ing and then by poisoning, but each
time neighbors interfered. Later on
she Bed from the house and was hurrr-
ing to the river to drown herself, when
an officer overtook her and placed her
under guard at borne. She declares she
will kill herielf, Miss Penny, Houck'a
third wife, aa alleged, ia home with ber
mother bare. The triple huaband has
not been heard from.
Ml. Palmer Injured.
, T . . . .
w askikotox, u. u, Marcj 11. A se
vere rain atorm, accompanied by a
wind that attained a trernendoua veloc
ity, passed oer Washington aaortly be-
lore noon yeeierday. Tbe wife of Sen
ator Palmer was approaching tbe aer
ate wing of tbe capitol when the storm
broke. She waa taken off her feet and
thrown with considerable force against
asms etepe, suffering a deep tut in her
head. Her stater who was with her aa Mrs. P.lmsr's wound wm "T. 7, ,
Amml In the capital and taken boIT ' " '""'P1
rrem"Dt is agitati j aeersg.
fiarpriee is organizing a brass bitoJ.
Stock yard are being put in at Ponce.
Tbe Brock bank i!l put up a build
Piattsmoutb would like the lob pip
Rome fiee residences are contemplat
ed at IJlair,
The achool at Elsie has oveiHoweJ in
to the opera house.
Kearney's latest capture is a whole
Bale jrlry establishment.
Tbe wheat acreage in Chase count?
will be larger than ever before.
A public subscription was raised at
II sing City to purchase a hear.
About fifty Uustiian-Gerinaia hve
i., Vurkolls county within a week.
.yjitv -r -
A new hotel is being built at I'tica iu
pliice of tbe old one tio v being tcro
Mioden will probably vote bonds tc
put i 10.M0 into a school building, which
is Ladly needed.
IMw T,,
tnoameE'j ,a , ' .-f
'! aitfj.. - 7
7d.u,a '
of bis trip,,
day that ti, . JT'
abandoced Uf,. ' ;
Uoa U'rtifUfi
country m ttrr
tioo h woulc U
Mr- '!. te a
Inr an to U
ainewstf Mlo,.
ll.e profit. ,.!
the trip to Jl'
was comj.!et;j J
might recita;.. s
. . .
la aid to U
150 Men t'nder Arrest.
Chicago, March 8. One of tbe moat
extensive raidB organized by the Chica
go police department in years was made
yesterday afternoon, when Chief of De
tectives Shea and twentj-five officers
surrounded the premises, 2J7 and 2C9
Clark street and placed 230 n.en who
were in the establishment under arrest
ine piace was a luu Hedged pool rxim
run by Frank N. Shaw, the St. Paul
plunger, and Sid Mollis and others, who
are said to be members of tbe Chicago
gambler's trust. Books were being
made on the races at Giouster and Gut-
tenburg and a rushing business was in
progress, the smallest bet taken being
to. Instead of buying a regulation pool
ticket, the belter ostensibly sent a dis
patch through the Mercantile Tele'
graph company to St. Paul, where the
bet was supposed to be consummated,
the Chicago end of the business being
spoken ot as conducted in a branch of
fice. The alleged interstate arrange
ment, t io proprietors professed to be
i ve, ltft no room for proee
cjtioc under the Illinois nnti-pool sell
ing law.
Tbe eager speculators caught in tbe
raid were from all walks of life. As soon
as the captain had thoroughly surround
d the rooms, he sent for a dozen patrol
wagons from the nearest stations, and
then stepped inside and announced that
every one in the place waa under arrest.
Tnere was a general stampede for the
doors but officers barred tfie way and
refused to allow any one to pass until
the arrival of the patrol wagons. Whan
the wagons arrived the men were loaJei
id and the sight of tbe leng process oa
of loaded patrol wagons going througn
tbistreeta attracted i i menae crowds.
I he 230 pr sonars were spared the igm
niny of being put behtnu tbe Oars.
Captnrad by Whltecaya
MiKirr.Aroi.ia. March 8.-Ictelligenoe
from Elgin, Minn., hu been receded
that Saturday night a band of white
capiviait3dthe house of John Reed,
dragged Sidney Green, a farm hand from
bed and gave him a coat of tar and
feathers, rode him on a rail and ordered
nim w leave the county. IWusiog to
a warrant waa aworn ont for his nr.
re ana he is now in jail. The white.
(tapping grew out ot an elopement In
wbioh Oreen and Farmer Crawford's
soiikliy ir.j,e-t,t.
not expected u i
VotK f..r Wou
Wtftern Vr, , i L
...... ...... . 1. ... . . .... a. I . na lbn .i .
ine i iaiismuuni ,-vn -."" 11,111 i o r.:,i
a new lease of life on a motion la set th ;,t urij0
recent verdict aside.
'J'tie Kikhorn road lecently brought
forty-to carloads of immigrouts icIl
'ebraka in one I at.
lilue Hill Vels confident ot securirg
the Webster county capital. ld Clout
don't thick she wil'.
The Oaklaud lire company w ns called
out to its lirst the other djy anc
promptly extinguihhpd it.
The Palmyra Items njtice an eiodm
of Catholic families from that vicinity
acd wonders what the rt-asou is.
Twenty-two citizens of Campbell vis
iteJ the neigborir.g town of Illaden ut
handctirs tha other evening.
( O. Landon, publuher of the Meac
Advotute, has retired, and W. F. I'riinly
the editor, will b soie proprietor.
Petitions are being circulated at Ore
fi r a bond election to obtain fund t'.
build a school hou.-e, or pofSibly two.
Attorneja of Dixon county refuestet
tlint examinations fur admission to tl.i
bir be ia open court, aud ll. a jiuige u
Tie St. Cyr Tiiet.r cimpany of
L niibvi'.ie is branching out m a profec
sionul troupe. They have jjs' returr.ej
from a trip over into Iowa.
Iron will be laid oi the .ild road bee
of the Kllthorn at l-'reinint, thus allow
ing through freights lo proceed ea',
without going through the i
Both approaches to the Missouri Pn
cities Platte river bridge at PlatUmou'.h
will be graded in tan d'vs and the
bridge will be fi n inhf-cl during the month
El. Kellogg of rru'iiil was tru ;k bt
lightning over a jear ago and His arm
so burned that venous circulation wa
stopped. Ha has just had the arm taker.
The talk of a court bouee in Antelopi
county ban Ktirred up one or two of the
minor towns to thinking of gsttinj
hold of the county seat. Twas evei
An Antelope county man attempts)
to carry on the farm and houeehoici
duties, including the care of a baby, afto:
the death ot his wife, lis lua become
Ex-Warden Hopkins, lata of the pent
tertiary, baa bought out an iteDiv
livery eetablishment ut Kearney, and
will ship it to Texas where he will op'
erale it.
Wvmore is one of the few cities thai
celebrates tbe anniversary of its found
ing. Captain Murdock ia already call
ing for plans for the eleventh anniver
sary on May 12,
The Red Willow county fair will b
held on September 2) to 23, the Hitch
cock county fair on September 28 to Oc
tober 1, and the Hayes county fair on
October 3 to 7.
"H Co;
b'lMi.N, .Jrf L
llamir.g, tin,ot- II
tiienl Kat'r-. I
day aetitwal u ' I
for ?. irg C A
of John i!ro6i',.
'i'l.e j-idga it .
severely uio i
th irifoaer, m -.wTf.
four yourg (Li .t
llrown en'i'.e.
or li- d beic, atd
uwJ to bi-liter t; 5
prise. I'ciler ttij.
rlt bound bi ,
tetice, which, t'V.
tude for -
i Ioovm i , ,
ttitueni-j of of Ea.T
na the liUral
.1 o home rule v f
having been e!'-"
mairity of 4.'1 1: 'j
'.on ( 'ba.t:ii .
ut.tipp'iten aa a j
Besides loii-c v "
... '
cil of tbe r.riliuCi.
pro Jiotioa of to a y
waa formerly "'Voeit ' '
Attended S"-.tJ-i'aajgfgr ' J,
tory Ln:on. II- 4. fl jf
h graduate of I a itimj,
Mi hough uol r-JlprioalMA
inoel lenrned iici 1 if"
times puz I ii 7
not unpanrieiwl. ffj)
as I o be mp: - CB'
tn at govern be-; j
K rare ca $ v .
r .... os Jfl
Mrs. I.o'.ui t- .
afK.. Mom
1 wenty-wc'icJ i - -
three montU cj- - - --
rinda hall 'PtS - immarit
chubby l.ttla frmimmf
pounds. Dr. U. '-gujjy
Won worth '
mother on both
al the phfrn.-iMlej
bob, but mvi '"iRLv--
csans re r'urif" LmJ
Tbe father ol yjj.-t
Steiner, is s I tr , !
street, and li w-gl-J
of them are 'a
forniod, biiJ lulU-!--
I be women 01 " Lgu1
liacuwicg Ibe
bttbeis should b
question is hoi "t-'j
tbe extraordinary ""
o physiciana. b-'se
Old I
The name of the village is Rising, th
depot is Risings, and the poHtolliee is
Rising City, down whore tbo Risim? Ci'.r
Indi pendent holds forth. It calls for a
unanimous name,
Shortly after a piny began at the
Gaodyouera house, the fl jor sagged
about a foot in the center. There came
near being a panic, but a pron was se
cured, and the play went on.
The Croell Lumber aud Grain com
pany, with headquarters at lllair, has
purchased the Fuller A FulUr Drain
ana lumber intcreU. aivlna tl,.n.
twenty-three elevators under their con
Another land ofllce register baa con-
elit.l..! t : ...
uin uuaiuars would bo mora
pronUble than ollloa holding. Judtre
Robsrtaon of the Neligli office haa sent
in his resignation, and wil) praotioe law
in .Norfolk.
It ia a fad of atudenU at GaUa college
to wriU letters to each other, which are
not to be opened until Feb. 20, 180C. If
mvare husbands and wives ot the radn,
lenU happen tj get hold of tbeae, there
ia no telling what trouble the fad may
O. A. Cooper of Humboldt made the
largeei contribution of flour to tha R...
eina relief train ot any single miller, and
now get bis reward by being mentioned
in a Ruesisn newspaper tn WMithl.
est mlllsr 0 tbs UniUd 8UUs and own-
srcivn. largawt mill in the country.
IiI.OOMir".Ii l'!
na an old fat-l'ww
"round up" order b
n old fat-bwrjJ
lion of this coun'r"-
wolves ua'" j
and underbruah 1-
river, and ofl it-
ysrds and V't r-I'.-.
was a round up . .
took part nnJ
Mia SUlla M'!,
pretty youof I"'1?' J
grounu wue j
FifUen hunureu k
today'a sport and
derlearh. u'"
Two' wolves (vrt
through Ihsa-aJ 1
pui- .i
ably J
.n,l aara I)H'
hounds, one b"'"4
.ri., a niiL
ntber nroba
---- .
... I I
eran won ,,n
him when la1"
clave to occur w rodaV
.re not at a" X
dtisen. TM ttedf3
otuined lJa
Chamber of
30.600 rpU'ntr
occupied by y,
oUve. . ' ,