he Sioux County Journal ' f : HZJLKISOISr. MARCH 17, 1892. 3STO. 27. u c l 1 ft J COUNTY and Proprietor. t Tim table. f Cioing Kant. 6, mixed 7:00 (MARKET. f f no 25 4(1 1 1 00 1 If ' 211 12)4 . 2 art 3, S ) I i. !- Thursday. 4 Ml 3 SO 15 (10 I harness slioi. date of Slattery's school will begin Ul himself to a tk. I of wheat was last Saturday of farm machinery. i O. II. TURNER. el at & Makhtei-leb's. 1 1 is requested ut the julay at 2 o'clock. t While River, will U. on next Satur- of the county were )g on Tuesday ex- 31 have a crop of fiO )ls farm in Warlxm 'ill have a crop of All uniall grain, tlie nstai (will PERSONAL J. 1L Cook went o Crawford Tuesday. K. M. Ormsby wu in Lyrison Friday, t". H. Weller returned from. Cliadron Thursday. S. L. Ulery adds his name to our list f readers this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Arner were in town the last of tlie watk. J. W. Hliernli Kve us some cash on ubseription Saturday. Mis. S. C. I), BumscU returned last Thursday from Lawn. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jameson came up from Cliadron Saturday. J. (i. Morns and Irani; Ninons were down the road last week. L-i' Harmon returned from Was! inUin the first of the week. J. E. Fletcher adds hi name to the list of readers of THE JidUHNAJ- Asa Davis and family expect daily to return to their farm near town. C, H. Andrews returned Saturday from Gering. lie is highly pleased with that country. J. L. Kmedes went to Cliadron last Wednesday and returned Thursday ac companied by Mrs. Smedes, el Leonard Daut and J. W. Ricedorlt will ffirt in a few days for Montana where they will siiend tlie summer. Eiirnesl Bailey, a former employee of the 'rawford iiixmurmni, was in town Tuesday and called at this oliice. ijiiir- Heckman has gone to Omaha where he expects to go into business and called and nuid his subscription some time in advance. Roliert Neece was in town the last of (he week. He savs his stock is in line condition and he has had to feed them but little during the winter. J iut-Kilian arrived here from Colum WisTNeb.. last Friday and remained until Monday lookimr over the town and coun try and irettintr acquainted with the people. He is an attorney of several rears exnerienoe and may locate here, lie is possessed of a good deal of energy and pleasing address and made a very favorable imnression on those he met and nil ho3 he will soon become resident of Harrison. stantly receiving keep on baud Jcines. jlths, harness-mak-'ji all the mechanics perity to this com- ( Ml kll on Monday and nowlii r 1 1 it; 1 1 ' - U fell jA BMkde nil the farmers JtSpf will meet at the JSttt SimmoiiH on Sat M :f"A,:t 3 o'clock, p. m. Julian will hold the meeting at the M. E. "Jy evening, March to attend. J&rei his family to TMi last Friday. He 'fiand which will lie eear future. "li..s native lumber jpy on hand at my ; lrt miles east of t J. E. Arner f already been put Blix county this sea- creage of 1891, and got fairly started Iras in town Monday . He will have a season and feels llent jirospects for List of Jurors. The following is the list or persons drawn to serve as petit jurors at the term of the district court which will onen on Auril lHth. Jurors will not have to be present at court until April 19th. D. A. Publow, W. E. Jones, Wilbur F. Shepherd, Emery Gillmor, D. M. Sutton John P. Curren. O. J. Oowey, Roliert Hnrrison. S. W. Carey, Valentine Wol heter, David Colville, r. SI. bnntli, Uscar W. Story, John Anderson, John C. Eber- specher, Charles E. Gowey, H. C. Blood, II. C. Cottman, Uriah Adams, W. J. Davis. Roliert Neece, James Dark, John L. Kay, B. F. Thomas, f Gli n, will put in if snuiil grain. He lid this season will tow. Such indns the country, the Andrews Drug riy a first class line aedicines, sundries, "at reasonable prices, w. E. BlUIXIMAN. rred M. Hans in an- , wliat he thinks of prospects and also IAL, is appreciated, ive to Minff its own i good it does. id says that smut ited by placing the lompci-ature of 13)1 there for 15 ni!n taken to keep the nieralure as pos- worlhy of a test. i made to have the to Rovville in a week. The Garden seeds in bulk at Turner's. Hides wanted at the harness shop. A couple of coons with a banjo at tachment i'pent a day in town last week. Skkd WHRAT For S.UX:-Pure Odessa, free from smut. Impure of J. II. Bar tell, Harrison, Nebr. jkrrTsiin for reports the arrival of a 10-nound irirl at t he home of Charles I - Schilt last Saturday morning. . I. Richstein informed us Saturday that he had 20 acres of wheat in the ground. His crop this season will con sist of over 100 acres. That is the way farming is leing done in Sioux county. Eli Smith has a revised crop report. He has rented more land and will have 150 acres of crop, an increase of 50 acres over last year. He expects to have 80 acivti of wheat in before this week closes. -Jrfraial Scott says tlie ordinance i i. . ...:n r. against kiock running at largo wm ue enforced. In this he will be upheld by the village board and all who desire to see the town prosper, as well as by all fair minded people. t Ilmehold goods arrive almost every dTyforpeople who have come here from the east. The tide of emigration has set in and will continue until every one of the 800,000 acres of government land in Sioux comity is taken up. The "coax ing" is having a good elfect. All that is needed is to keep it up. On last Monday two car loads of em igrant goods arrived here from the east. One belonged to Alex. Lowry, a brother- in-law of Albert Sutton, and the other belonged to a relative of M. D. Jordan, of Montrose. Others are expected daily so that a eood number of new settlers are assured to Sioux county this season, Already more new people have come here already this year than did during the entire year of 1891. Keep right on coaxing. In the ca.se of Rijhards vs. Gay hart in the Riiprenie court, wherein the plain till' nsktd for a writ of mandamus to issue to compol to county treasurer to the department i issue a tax deed to a piece of land, the that the business' court sustained the demurer of the de- warrant the ad-1 fendent and dismissed the case. The increase would I notice of expiration of time to redeem I'Th OfcJT: thing for the poo- was not published in accordance with the go W work and get more ' provisions of the statute. A. W. Crites jacrawathe businen so that ; was the attorney for Richards and yai CM see its way clear t j County Attorney Conley appeared fo lrjrcii of service. Treasurer Gayhart. rrocwdings of Assessors' MeHiug. Hariua, Neb., March 15, 10. The assessors of Sioux county. Neb., met as the Law requires, at the office of the County Clerk. Meeting called to order by Charles Palmer. On motion diaries Palmer was cliosen chairman of the meeting. On motion, the county clerk was chosen as secretary of the meeting. Present: George W. Cobb, Emery Gillmor, William E. Moore, W. J. A. Rbuid, J. C. Parsons, John Debano, O. J. Gowey, James H. Cook, Charles Palmer, A. H. Pinneo, John Ricedortf. Moved that a committee be apoiiited to arrange values for asswiiient tion seconded. Carried. The following assessors were apointed as a committee to fix values: tieorge W. Cobb, John Deliano, James II. Cook. The following reriort of the committee on valuations was presented and, on mo tion, adopted: REIWT OF COMMITTEE. HORSHS. Horses to lie classed in three classes. 1st class, .. 2d class, $S5. 3d class, 13. Three-year-old colts of first class, Two-year-old " " " 80. One-year-old " " " " 20. Three-year-old colts of second class, V. fwo-year-olu " " " 1. One-year-old " " " " l:t. Three-year-old colts of thiitl class, 1U. Two-vear-old " " ' " 10. One-year-old " " " " X. STAIJ.IOVs. 1st class f iOO. 2d class $150. 3d class $125. Ml'I.KS. 1st class, 4123. 2d class, r.0. !5d class JACKS. 1st class f'300. 2d class 150. ?1 class f!25. CATTJJi, Cattle to lie classed in three classes- first, second and third. 1st class. $13. 2d class, f. 3d class, $0. Three-vear-old cattle of first class, $13. Two-year-old " One-year-old " Three-year-old cattle Two-year-old " " f)ne-vear-old " " " " Three-vear-old cattle of third class, Two-year-old " " " " . One-vear-old " " " " HtXUS. 1st class, 50. 2d class, $25. 3d class, $13. IKXIS. All bogs over six morths old, 1J cents per pound. KHKKI'. All sheep over six months old, 1 dollar per bead, except bucks. BUCKS. 1st class, f 25. 2d class, 13. 3d class, i J am ics II . Cook. Gho. W. Oma John' Lkhaxo. On motion lands to be classed in three classes first, second and third, as follows: First class, $3 per acre. Second class, ,2 per acre. Third class, if 1-50 per acre. On motion, all horses n nil cattle under 10 months old are not to be assessed, and all horses and cattle 10 months old lie classed as yearlings. Carried. On motion, there lie no values matin in cents nothing less than dollars to be footed up in returns. On motion, approval. On motion, the ing be approved. On motion adjourned Important Notice. Having disposed of the drug store at Harrison all partieu indebted to C. Ji. Andrews & Co., pr A. E.Andrews are hereby iiotified to call at once and settle. Do not wait for further notice. C. IL Anprews. Auction Sale. The undersigned will sell at public auction at the livery baru in Harrison, Nebt'ivia, on SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1892, beginingat 1 o'clock, p. nr. One 1200 pound horse, 5 years old. One 1200 pound mare, 9 yearo old. Two Oregon mares, 8 years old. Two pony mares, 8 years old. One Hambletonian mare, 3 years old Six marcs and horses, 2 years old. Three yearling mare and horse colts. Five good milch cows. Four heifers. 2 years old. Two yearling heifers. Four yearling steers. One road cart. One single harness. O.ie double work harness. One 12-inch breaking plow. Tkkms: All sums of f 10 and under, cash; larger sums on 8 months note with approved security and interest at 10 per cent per annum; 5 per cent off for cash. James Slattery. Did you see the Bargains we are Offering. SET OF GLASSWARE; ALL FOR QOO. SUGAR BOWL CREAM PITCHER BUTTER DISH SPOON HOLDER IB, STANDARD BAKING POWDER (i " ' H. (( (' (i. of second class, f h. II (',, f i o 4. if(. 4. 3. Notice to Xoil-itesidPiil lli'fi-iiilunts. In tlie district court of Sionx Cmmty, No lirmlat, Kr. JHIner, pliilntiff, vs. Cnsper Worm, Mnrry Worm, J. I.. Ilrownu, iissiiiooe hi Ihe Western Kami MortRiipre Compiiny, a IHiki.tu Territory corporation, unit Knney A. I'luml llelenileiits. The uIkivc mimed itefonilents una eiii'll of them will tiiWe iiiitiee Unit on the r.lli ilnv of Mnli-h. lH'.i-i. nhiintiir tiled llis petl- linn n t he illstru-t eoui t Ol snmx v onni.y hr., UKiiiiixt siiia ileleiutenis me, oiijocl niiu iivuvt-r ot w lien lire lO loreeiose n unu inortuKc executed ly ,lu'- ilefendentH, Cus- per Worm nnd Miutv w onn id ine esiern Kiiriii Mortme Comp-iiiy upon the N. K. H Sl-e. HI, J vp. .J4, 11. .11 we-.L Ol me nut I . ill. in Sioux County, Nelirilskii, li) secure me pay ment of one' promissory note for fi00, dated eit. '21st, ISNii und due mid, iiayable on Dec. 1st, 1SH4, with interest i.l 7 ier cent, per an nuui, pavahle semi imnii, illy, said note and inoltgaK" Were, Ol 1 the ftll day of Oct., IHHil, sold, nssiKheil nnd delivered to Emily Oyston liytlie Western Far : Mort(tK Omipnny iviio guaranteed Hi .i.iyment of the note and each Interest c .on as tlie sauio be-i-auiedue. That lon I' ior to tlie lirlnnlne of tills suit hmilv (lyslon sold, assigned and delivered gatd note to this plaintill' who now owns and holds mine. Default lias been made in Hie payment of said note and in the terms and condition, of said uim-tgittfe in the payment of the l iterrst wliieb 'ins become due on said note in the suai .t . ".(.landac erued interest o i the taN !i have bc- an., on a'il liremlse- oiie-e the execu tion of said 11101 teaf;e, mid which plaintilT w as required to pav to protect Ins lien on said laud in III ' sum of I.I0, there Is now due on suid l.ote and niortBuKO and the tuxes paid bv plaintilf on sahl mortgaged premises tlie sum of 37;i.'i tor which .sum with interest from March f.tli, 1H1I2, plnintitr iiriivsforn decree that del'endenfs be re-ouii-ed to pay tlie same or that said prem ises may lie sold to satisfy the amount found due, and that plaintilf have judiunont and execution against the delenilents lor any ue- lleiency llial may remain ai w-p- aw iin'..-m of said sale have been applied in payment ot plaintiffs said claim. on are required to answer said petition on or before Monday the istli of April, , . .. Kr. Milxkr, Plaintiff. By II. T. t'OM.EV, hisattorney. 12i;-'2J A FIRST CLASS LANTERN And 1 Pound of Banner Baking PpTVcej; FOR OlsTXZ" 60 OEITTS. Standard Canton Flannel 10 cents. Lawrence Canton Flannel 12i cents. We carry $ complete stock of Gro ceries, Pry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Clothing and Fur nishing Goods, which we wiU sell at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES, The Celebrated WHITE 3READ FLOUR Constantly on Hand, the minutes he read for minutes of this meet- C'OMIAD LfXDEM AX, Secretary, CHAS. PAI.MKK, Chairman. IIKI'OUTOKTIIK CONDITION OF THE IJ.VSK OF HARRISON at At Harrison, in tlie state of Ncbrnsl, the close of business, March 5, Wi. HKSOI'IU'KS. Loans and discounts - HJ.rni) 4' Overdrafts, secured and unsecured Due from National Hunks Hue from State Hanks and bankers Heal estate, furniture and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid Checks and other rush items III Mm of other Hanks - - - - Kraetional minor currency, nickels 2 Sri 45 2! 11 l,l'4!l S7 7'l.i 02 27 ' 1.1)15 1)0 and cents Specie Legal tender notes 15 37 3 WI m oo f 17,1 17 OS Total l.IAHII.ITIK.S. Capital stock paid In - - '' " Cndivided profits - - ' Individmil deposits subject to check n,2fl Ih Diiinand eertillcat.es of deposit ''.",, Time certillcates of deposit ' '" Due to statu banks and bankers - W Notes and bills re dl.scountcd Kills payable " Total - - - 17,117 05 STATU OP NKI1RAHKA, COUNTY OF SIOU.X, S: I, ( lias. K. Ventv, cashier, of tlie aliovo named bank, do Holemnly swear that tlie above statement Is true to the best ol my knowledge and belief. ckah. K. Veimty. Huliscrlbed and sworn to Is-Jore HEAL me this Ilth day ol March, WW. H. T. CONLEY, Notory Public. Nutlc-c to Non-Ri'.siilent Defciiilcnts, lorenzo 1). Harmon, impleaded with Frank Daily and 11. A. 1'adilock, will take l.olice that on the ilth day of March, is'.ii, Tlie American Investment Company, plain tiff herein, filed its petition in the district court of Sioux county, Nebraska, against Lorenzo D. Harmon, Frank Daily and 11. A. Paddock, defendants, the object and prayer ,.i i,i,.i, uri. to foreclose a certain mort gage, executed bv said Uirenzo D. Harmon to the American Investment Company upon n.,...ri.ni u'l'tlmiS in Tn.M N-.Hff.M V. of tlie li I'. M., in Sioux county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of a promissory mile dated June 2nd, lss7, for tlie sum ot .')-i0 with interest nt tlie rate of 7 per cent per annum, payable semi-annuallv, ih evidenced by ten interest coupons for it.Si each and ten per centiliter maturity. I'laiutilf is the owner ot said interest coupons which became due the first days of December, 1X8S, June, IhsS December, lssil, June, ISIK), Dnci-iuber, lssto, and June, IHH1. There is now dim the plain tiff on said interest notes and mortgage the sum of s8.'20 and Interest at tlie rate ot ten per cent per annum from March 1st, ism, and plaintiff pravs that said premises limy be decreed to bu sold, subject to the princi pal sum of J50 to satisfy the amount due !.!.,, or .nl.l liitevest notes, ton are rciinircd to answer said petition on or be fore the IHthday of April, IK'.B. American Investment company , IlV W. V. Wood, Atty. I'lainliff First publication Mar. 10th. 18ft!. l'2ii-Wj BARGAINS IN EVERY- THING IN OUR LINE., RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, MacLACHLAN & COOK, Proprietors, GEO. H. TURNER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, I WILL SELL YOU: Nliertirs Sale. Bv virtue ol an order of sale issued by Conrad Lindeman, clerk ol the district court ot Sioux county, Nebraska, and to mo directed, on u decree ot foreclosure ren dered in said court at the October, 1K'.)1, term of said court, to-wit: on the Ilth day of October, 1HU1, In favor of Alice K. Hunter as plain tin, ami against m '".'"" ami -lust ue Se IWIirZ, as (ien;uoioii.s. Hie sum of .)K'2.70 and for Trees! Trees! Trees! Buy big apple trees, northern grown. A fine line of apples, crabs, plumbs, cher ry, grapes, and other small fruit. 2,500,000 forest trees, nursery grown. The largest nursery in northwestern Ne braska. Satisfaction guaranteed. Write for wholesale price list to retail trailo. Remember, I give the Nebraska farm er, a weekly paper devoted to the farmer Tree for one year, with every ten dollar's worth of fruit trees bought of me. AililrcsH, 0. P. SMITH, Ansley, Custer Co., Nebraska. Refereiiee-II. T. Conley, Harrison Neb. GEORGE WALKER, AUorncy-nt-Law. Will practice before all courts and tlie U. . Lund Office. lluinc entrudted to my narfl will rocttlve prompt attention. HAKKISON, - NEBHASKA. Wi.43 costs anil ac :-ruiug costs, and directing that the prem ises therein deseribi-'l, to-wu: uie so u , . (piarterol section N., of Sioux in township :il county, Nebraska, be appraised, advertised and wild as upon execution to satisfy sahl sum Of .lH-2.70 HUH l-osis aim v ... .(, costs, I have caused the following describ ed' land to be appraised, viz: The ; south west M of section 7 In township HI, ot range 54, In Sioux county, Nebraska, and will offer the same to the highest bidder for cash In hand, on tlie !!Mh day o March, A D , IK'.H, at the front door of the court house at Harrison, Nebraska, that being the building in which the last, term ol the district court was held, at the hour of o'clock, p. in., ot said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated. February i, mm, f'24 2S THOMAS UE1DY, Sheriff of said County. Sioux County Lumber Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Lumber, Lath and Shingles. A Good Supply of Native Lumber Always on Hand. runvn iii7T.lVF.RFI) AT THE Jlll.b Oil IN Jt.YrtKIHOX. MILL ON SQUAW CKEER. Bon Ton Flour per 100 pound Half Patent " " Straight Grade " " " Lo v Grade " " Corn Meal " " " Chop Feed " " ' Bran & Shorts mixed" " GROCERIES. 22 pounds Hominy 22 " Oatmeal 20 " Pail Jelly Pail Syrup - 6 pounds Broken Java Colfee 1 " Baking Powder - Tea Per pound Tomatoes per can 3 pound can Michigan apples $3 00 75 2 50 1 75 30 15 90 00 00 515 05 05 25 15 m 5 " can Prices Baking Powder, per pount) 40i Climax & Horse Shoe Tob. per ll 45 4 pounds Joker Tobacco 100 5 pounds Smoking Tobacco - 1 0ft 7 Choice Cigars ... 2,5 DRY GOODS, BOOTS Full Stock Kipp Boots . . !f5.00 Calf Boots . - - Ladies Dongola Shoes Felts and Rubbers at cost. Calico )er yard -Best Grade Outing Flannel, per yd, Dress Gingham per yard German Knitting Yarii, per pound Men's Working Shirts Handkerchiefs .... & SHOES. - $2 00 8 50 1 25 05 14 10 90 60 05 Come and look at our Hardware, Tinware, Fibreware and Barbed Wire and get our prices?. Respectfully, GEO. ZE3I. TTJR3STE. Harrison Lumber Yard, G. GUTHRIE, Proprietor. Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc. Business Conducted on a Strictly Cash Basis. - . . Z