IB The Sioux County Journal. rESTABUSMEl' 1S$. OmiAI, tXK'STY PAPER. BBST I'APtttt IS THE alSTV. HAS THE LAKCilKT t'lWVLATkW OF ANY FAJ'ER ITHU.SKED IN SKK'X CCX'STY. If;mv democrat in Nebraska lias a .1 .-;n.r ,i I Vn('r.i5inian Brviil it would lie a good tliinjr for him to pull it liard cuoturli to uium: imu to realize what a foolish view lie Ukes of tlx; sugar bounty bounty question. f.C0 Subscription Friie, L. J. Simmon, ... Editor. fcntred at the Hurrio:i po&t office as wi--bud eia matter. Thcbsday, March 10, 192. The Iimmr does not want to go into a iiersotial war asrdinst tlie "00010100 en cinv" du-tatin:: mtronaire in Nebraska but it will not hold ba:k one little bit it t!ie senators do not remtxly tlie exiUu abuses. Tliey know wlmt they are. J line show for political liaroiony, surely Xiubrara Pioneer. REPUBLICAN STATE (OXVEXTIOY The federal crand jurv at Boston a few davs asro went after tlie whisky trust 'and returned indictments against nine The republican electors of the slate of ; prominent members of that organization. INelji-a-ska are re4ue.sted to send deleyiies This Was not a temperance movement from their several counties to meet in ; but was an important sten toward (lie convention in the city of Kearney 1 enforcement of tlie Sherman anti-trust Wednesday April 1583, at 11 o'clock uw paed by the last congress. Willi a. m., for the purpose of eleolhiL' four ii.,., ...i n,a afti- ilm delegates at lame to tlie reuublican na tional convention to be held in Minneapo lis, June 7, 1892. THE APPORTIONMENT. Tlie several counties are entitled to representation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for Hon. Georce H. Hasting for attorney general in 1890, giving one delegate at large to each county and one for each loO votes and the major fraction thereof : trusts will not liave a very smooth road to travel. CountiiM. IX'I. Counties. IWI111 AutWope u Ki'iirni'v". J;T 3 Kev I'l'llllt KlHine 2 Ki-itli Koyu 2 Kimball ItoolH' fi Kmir lio.x Uiitti- r, I.itiH-a"ti"r7.."" Del. Brown l-ii:fl;ilo.... Blltl.T , Hurt ... ( "a.- r.-,i!ir ( 'hasf j ( ln-ymme . ' ( 'lirrrv nv..:. coiiiix ( ut-iiiiif j 'ustJ:rl' fli'koU Darns Dawson llc'll'l Dixon I)l!f" I'oiljjlim Tlniiilv Fllluiorn Franklin... frontier ... Knrna 'iilK . .. Harrh'ld. fermit Greeley Hall Hamilton Hartun Haves llifcllcoek. Holt Hooker. Jefferson i I.iiw-nhi 10 LoRan. I ...... 7 Loup H Maitwon 14 MePherKon 4 Merriek . 8 Nanee 't Xeiiiaha . Slu kolls... 11 1 4 Pawnee 7 Perkins 11 I'ieree 4 ''helps ... . 7 Platte . 7 Polk- .... H lieil Wlllrin- i; Hieliardw)!! 11 1 1 nock H'.l Saline . 8. Sarpy II Siumfli'lu.. 8 Setrttrt liiulf. .VSewanl j ." sheridaa . 1!' Sherman 2.ioux- Stanton .... 'i Thayer ... '2 TlioinaH H Tlmr-tmi 8, Valley . 4 Washington ... Ji' Wayne z 4 Webster ; Wheeler 4 ) ork 12 91 Total jm Tlie reports from all over th state show a constantly increasing demand for Nebraska real estate anil a corresjonding increase in value of land. The result of that will be that jieople will seek the portions of tlie state where they can se cure a home with less capital than is needed in the older portions of the state. Everv effort should lie made to let them know that there are still 800,000 acres of land in Sioux county open to homestead entry. They will not be long in seeking it out if they once they learn of it. ( oinmanlrsfM. Ektob J.-K.v.u.:-Tlje editor of tl .4Iwmy? mst'i't: regular business of using his cob u.u lo defame and s-IandVranv Independent or Alhao member, whose sense or Honor, or oe- . nnnld not allow Mm lion lo I" 1114 1 " 1 to endorse and follow the phut mapped . i... .. i , five n-lio now SUIHW- nil: or lerrone any i( iable to interrupt . . i,. .. ti lYtuiiif A move is l-mg m - slat to l"llJ a il3U" A on that thev can ivisition or influence their luither sliemtrs. While professing no fidship t) tiH3 rthtica.l party to uWril. we believe your will give us a hearing and a chance to this "for revenue whii h you sense of justice through your columns hold ni. in liublu u'aze onlv" alliance anil independent editor. rh last spring a member of tl? in- E jiendeiit central committee of lawe anty infornl us t!mt J. G. M.ihera:id J. Dahhnan were making overtures for a ;litcal trade with the indernents. The then editor of the Bixiiitany was asked to call the public attention to this heme and sound a warning which would make such a trade lmiKissible. This was not doue and when the present lickspittle took control of the BiKiiiwrrvig he informed parties w ho are now ready make affidavit to the fact, that iie the nomination of Maher fault It is recommended that no proxies be admitted to the convention, and that the delegates present be authorized to cast tlie run vote of the delegation. It is recommend tliat the republicans SifeVery county in this state be requested ;to select their' county central committee ajthe first county convention held in ikiir respective counties. Said commit tee to serve until the county convention of inm be held. Dr. S. D. Mercer, Walt JL Seely, Chairman. Secretary. v The Rushville Sun has changed hands, E. W. Miner having disposed of the plant to Skillman & Miner who will conduct tlie paper iii future. Forty-six carloads of goods,' imple ments and stdek and' two hundred and 1iwnty-livo people arrived in Cedar 'county from the. east last Week. Ne Wska is getting her share of people so far this season. They will soon be corA 'ing to Sioux county in good numbers. 1 lie supreme court of Ohio hasren dered a decision to the effect that the Standard Oil Trust is an illegal organiza tion. It begins to look as if the days of frusts were about numbered. His gen erally believed that it is the influence ol the Standard 0:1 Trust which retards the development of the oil rejrions of Wvoni- rest of the ing and if the courts get after the trust I tools am so as to break up its monopoly it will I boodle? V.'ho sold and delivered tho in- prove beneficial to this part of the I dependent support? So intelligent per- eoimtry. It would develop the industry I son needs a direct answer td thew ipies- and oil wodld certainly I)e cheauer than to was in favor of t and Dulilman. I am finding no with him for this, for, !cmg a democrat he certainly would favor his demoi rati friends, but I wish to shnw the indejiend- r-nt and alliance lieopla what kind of a s:oriiion t hev have "wanned in their bosom," which turned and stung them ;ind he will do so again if he can contrive to null tlie wool over their eves and play limself for an indejiendent. The work of preparing an indeiie-ndeiit convention for tlie nomination of Maiier and Dahl man went on, and the Jltuniwrarnj called attention thereto only by its loud and prolonged silence, and no'.v Mr. Dahlnian complains tiiat lie "put more money into the independent Convention that! all the campaign. Vi ho were Ins v.oriiers and who 'SDi the , mil unrMUx lor fJIIH-Hlv. - t. -l. .L.-.n.r i)m i-omine lampaign. tiMMOUtrfi orpatiialiun of tl- ,.. ni of tiie Mate would prove a powerful fac- . ..miri i!H ol in jihiuk lOr. y.-sy. - of tlie state are republicans auo u & 1 1... ... n e Ili-1T m jr li-ii-' urru men bein; r,Liis be matle iviiuWlican sue'ss 11. sufisfvitit: 3 eai ww -" ' . . I . .l ........ 1 .r.rr ti tltf IK au.yui""ti from tlir ranks. Uat is de-ured Uus of r-rs.u:d koi M 1:ko.. b turn City HKsi String it tUMK.UUinbii. ambition and bene ' claims of young men. O. Guthrie shipped another car load of wheat Tuesday.-Sl'i X Ox J. H xai.. Hro. Simmons no doubt gave Uial to his re;tders as an item of new . H l li.i in Heniuc-ford. where from live to s inar- .. i 1 1 i,f u lteat 1 keted almost every day. lie would laye lots of news itTiis. Ihmuttlj ri u. that aj published as an item ol glad to leani that f r so much wheat. Bro. Par.ulis mut r.iiiemuer that 1HH was tlie first year funning was extent in Noiix i ounty and a comparative small acreage account of tlie also that a vast to ettl- Yes. news, but we are Hemingford is the market done to any a comparative was sown on scarc.tv of seed, C llJf sftr a and amount of land is still oien metit in this county. His .statement goes to licar out the sition that north west Nebni-ka is the best wheat c ountry in the state. Just w..it ui.til Sioux county's MOO.tW acres of government kind is taken ui and Harrison will show a wheat .shipping it-cord t'ual to any jioiiit id Nebraska. Xolite of County Alliance .Meeting. In accordance with the decision of a majority or the executive committee tlie Sioux Cout;'y Alliance is called to meet in regular session at the White lliver school house in list. No. 1, 4 miles west of Ft. Robinson, on Friday. March 25, at 3 o'clock, p. m. Let every ailiaiaebti represented. 11. (i. Stewart, Pres. ;eo. 1jvk, Sec. that shipped from the eastern oil fields. For some time past the press dis patches have been teeming with accounts ;ind stories regarding the divorce suit of James G. Blaine, Jr., and the matter has been carried so far that the secretary of state I las made a personal statement and the plaintiff in the recent divorce case has published another letter addressed to that olhctal in which threats are made to publish a lot of letters written by young Blaine before his marriage. The whole matter is becoming decidedly tiresome to all but a class of people who can take an interest in nothing except that of a gOffSfpy riatnre,- tioiis, especially when we knnw that at a democratic drunk a few nights before election the chairman of the independent central committee made a siieech and advised all independents to vote for Maher and Dahlnian. I am accused bv the Booiw'iaiig of (in some rnysterous manner) defeating tlio regularly nom inated independent ticket in Sioux county. Which every independent knows to be a lie, but the slipiicry Boom erang actively assisted in a job which de feated the independents of Dawes count v before a nomination was reached, its plans are laid to assist in the same kirn; of work this fall, it is now engaged in a campaign of falsehood to draw attention away from its own infamous record and uie purpose, verily, the namihg of the 'Alliance. Boomemng" was a prophecy Respectfully, H. G. Stewart. CJI I.I.1 A.N i, (O.M.KY, lnwji-rs. Will I'KtcTi' t is am. ni: Local, i.n and fnleral courts and ('. S. Jjind oflic LEGAL PAPER3 CAREFULLY DRAWN J S X X I Z" Office in Court House; HAKR1SON .... NKURASKA JOHN A- UVAS. PUMIDI. HAS. h (.HA RLESE. VERITY,,; -o- THE BANK OF ItHJBI lrtl 14 H AKRISON, EJiiavt AiiTIK'KIZElJ CAPITAL l Transacts a General BankinJ Ba s.ho(jI Orders. County t,nd Vi(y ;3f' lutewst l'.id o. Tim U-j. 1 i Loans Money on Improvec L. E. bel;;i;n & ho. Wa gon and Carriage Makers. Kepuirinjfdone o-; 'tort'iwUce. 'lie charge. Shop Mti til of l, ery burn. tIAHKKOK, i heb. (jooil work nn r'. The Ijeet sugar committee of Chadron has become disgusted with the actions of capitalists and also with the manage ment of the Norfolk factory for they can neither get a factory this year nor satis factory rates for shipping beets to Nor- ; John. J. Ingalls, of Kansas, has re-en- tered politics. He says lie is not a can 'didote for any office, but is ready to go wherever and whenever the leaders of W republican party see fit to send him. That fa spirit that wilr insure repub lican success at tfos polls next' No vember. . Congressman Bryan has expressed1 his intention to vote to remove the bounty on American siigir. When he does that he wilt i?ote afrainst one of the most im ixntaiit interests of his state and it is sale to say that the voters of the first congressional district will not soon for get it. ., , The Ktipreme court of the United States tias lianued down a decision' to the effect that the boundary line between states where it is a river is the center of the stream. . The ca.se grew out of the wash ing of land from one side of tlie Missouri to the other. The main point; .settled is uiat 01 jurisdiction, as tlie wgsliinK from oril bank to tile oiier' make about' an even thing'. A negro of SpringfleM; Ohio, lias had' A fiatent issued to-him on a mechanical de vice by which self-binders will bind grain with straw, The machine is pronounced by experts to be a success' and that it yvilj revolutionize harvesting machinery, feuch an invention will give the binding' trust a very black eye and will save the farmers a great deal of expense. iff- ,.?,u"n. S'vei notice in the last Jlmihl U:i the repuiiiicari county cen- l.rnl .r,n.;,.'i(fo.. ...d..!' i" The Journal irives snace in another column to a communication from H. G. btevvart. The letter in the main treats of matters pertaining to Dawes county, but it corroborates the position taken bv this paper in the past and shows clearly that while there are men in the independ ent movement who have gone into it in good faith they are being used by un scrupulous leaders to help boost demo crats into 6ffice. It is a frood scheme for 1 folk. It looks as if the beet fille r nnm- uemocrats to sbout independent. butlPany of Nebraska had len simnlv ..... . 'i i j tinnk-ing republicans v?ill not longer I "working ' the people and it is time a I allow themselves to be hood " I - J'"' '.-" 1J tiJC fjlCTirv i,aT XifiU l,r.,. A - i . i ( .vtJ v.j ..... a.Y w --u wj wuiK ana Alter due consideration Gov. Rnvrf hoc I huA if on,i u t. j m.iu vputo iu iv uikco a tfooo . .r all CAUla 0, t)e uea, 0 cai)U1 but if an eam . d ei'i k ;i t 1 1 i-p ; Tn i, . . I , . . . ' wins coiumunicar.ion i encirt. ho iieifia if r. i- i lK: uiAOmilllsneU. hich he gave to the press he attemnts nr xmm,. if ;u i.. t :. , , to av ths 1i nm nn kn . l.i; l.i. I . . . . .. c ...wi.-, uul uiere is none wo much oers and to lead neonle to lieliovo I t ,i l i . , . ... . u)cvM h pian anu organi7 a I "em,m fe .e only company to get ready in time for a cron yuw uu vnnta an extra session for th I .rt ti . . , . .rood of the neonle Te ' " " .T ' ". SOU many " . IU .hullcib mue men n nortnwest. Nhr-iuirn ... , k..i. what he attempts in a noliijcal w v. th. ,.,1 ,..','i,i : ., . . U ' , - - "uuiuiuicsun.wK n sue u a com- r1:!',1!6:1" 10 ,teu. panyanflletitlHiso arranged that2 uu uic liiUl LI111L T1PV lava I f .' . , l , ' . . we.,1 it , I uouiu iaice as much of th-stock TTVT.A,B Ol an extra sesswn of as their circumstances would wU,,t iXSWT "Fopempethoi.s are adopted the a renl t, :, l'MU ta" mMe SUessful. ... v. , gct mo rauroau rale ques- f IVI .H,. 1 , . . ,p.olralv neiore tne people let him Mr. John B .ckmasUr. of Star Ida get ont a rate sheet showinc t.l . ' 01 8lar m i " i iviiiyn, B. E. Bhkwst;:h, President. ( . F. Vice Pre. D. II. GR1SWULD, Cashier. Commercial Bank. IXCORPOFATED. General Banking Business TRANSACTED. - Harrison, Nebraska the me nanus of the lleonle of t.l, ti.,u Then the tieople and the railml ,,. panies'can study it and discuss it, and when fl.e proper time comes all can act intelligently on the question 31-v, remedv Is tn urea oiisliels of wheat five pounds of blue ....., .uii.,, suouiu oe pulverized and dissolved in wartn water. This should be mixed tvith the , wheat until all the grains have come, in contact with the t i .. I suiewneat will be discol- Last week the t. E. fM V . :i i ored when once iri,u.hA t... i tirniitrl.f in n r . I it CArf t.nuilir lu l.l.l ...i., . . ..u iu u, uuiii oi ioriv-l ve cnr,,u,li.. I r.7.-"v " iaiu wiien unas ti of emiirraots and mi,&.V. T um..'lentlv mixe.1. It can be mixed n 6"o"- i-iie i uie uarn lloor or in n lir.v xv . new comers will locate ab.n.r ti, i:,' Jh iLVi .Px' . .Ve ,,se an ii ni, , i ,i . ,r o "uv ' ." opnuKie me solution on I w theElkhorn. Witlr ronle emi,. r. (Train and then tir if. ai . n, . .,. .). :,, ' " .,ii ;. ..i -.7'" , snovei east ui tnat rate it w i. i I . .iows uie color of the vitrei t until the northwest iart of N.brW ,,, TV0Ut to a re cure for'tlK, exnerien ,.eh i" ' . JMm MOfnesiaut. , , wiuiu us na never ltpen lu.df.if r.r l.,r i.i . ..t,ttit4 UIIIIH. llvun 11. I . eastern states will i manv .ZTkL"! U,at t,,e relaliom, be- lands in the eastern ,nA 17. ' . Northwestern and Union of the state and tho of wh Z , 'fs have somewhat :ohase will push to the w Z 1 ! traffic arrangement know the advantiiiresnf a II. " 71 . 80 a P0 the and will listen to tret U,e ZLTirT Nortliwe,,, - . . w .,aibV, b e nm ar fhn . . 1. i r, luuuiy cen- irtje government In ml ; , ,1 wur WIl not lo build wfet ra cnuttee is called' to meet on tcTJrZ Casper nor wa. the Union PaS uircii lirM, out no notice wis lomW i i ..; . . J ououiu 10 extend ti, n.... . &TM.t..S,- .i i' V". ,m nmn!..y the people here 1 1 r.-i ZJ. "ruiern from . ,.v,...,II. j uues noi lOflk nji if t l... !. ., ." . I tfHIlCl OH. It In nny; . 'i.j ,, . rT7""m ?yP,r ver i?"3"" for UmH0M acres of 1,i lS::i'"rm.law'rr will be built to Car stead ;entry. There are lot 7,. ' l "ulo .tod that tlie the east wl, ;:i.i t- :ifWF "oruiwestern will extend It, 1if... Dr; Leonhardt Nervous System, (Such as Los of t tion and WiJI-poweK Cmnms. Kii ii-... xeui-Higia.; HEART, fAs shown Qll.r.H . t. Pain, Palpitation, Fluttering and Xunili- uess in region of the Heart.) BLOOD, (Such as Kl-in Ii;..... i-i sivePalenessoi- of the Vuv raininess, Uiinsss, etc.) ' CONSULTATION FREE! ADDRESS WITH STAMPS- -- - DR. LEONHARDT. 1452 O 8T. . . . I . WE HAVE OPENED BUSINESS FOR Determined to make every : sible to add to the numbe customers, and if good low prices and fair tr ment will secure tlt we are bound to win. p t Come and see What we Have in the. Dry Goods, Groceries and Shoes, etc! AND GET OUR PRICES. OUR STOCK OF HARD'( IS COMPLETE-' And we will have all kinds of Farm MachiJ eniswoLi i--,i;.l"v.Ty.. lU.JK.iik & Wit I WHAT A POSiiV Bartta nih., treor mid iwwtir thin th Hlrkhrrr , rcry much hMier. WILLCtfv If wHiin n M,H. on tiie bM'k. ,tti.f SEED 'nfrTf"- CATAUOCUE ) " it ..! U Inn htlH W 1 il.l'Rl wiwui'." our Jiurwry sturli . ... . v,u r,f Nu one-tin If w'1 Z1 throueli pu. GEOUGE WALKER, Attorner-at-likw. Will prwtlce before all vm Btuiuos. ntniti carcwm receive prompt attention. HABR1KO.V, . . t,. V. to mjr v.'as we;jtrri be success of the tWtv wUi,U: i; urniDbinff him a giving. I( fa, micljpettjv, r '.'?"":"l" nrrow-miiwi acts m Prt of a few woiiw.b leaJ- JQ).jV banter tdthe SStJ inille last (wo elictioos; W 4 CV1TH. would hn SM!rn W1" b. f. and w,,cn the coTZLTr. .a " ' W.iuel, buiWinir lorn.: ms. ,. 7 " -7 ''l"o liwog ine wonld 1.1.. i .... i 1.11. wie Known to then, th would J " T roPrt hrove true in. in Petti fe K fl,7V ,'J.-2i i 7. w 2" ,v Mr train , niMt - "- IN NURSERY SW Ffimt TriM ki. uiiit . -MJ minion. ii, ailllHT.li.iriWfirtrt. Rrt ll. 1 . 1 . rt.,.l,.l 1 II K . - - -''ll BUilll., ICICIIJU., J Utl-H.".. - - ..... .. .ci., 1. 1 w naraiest and BSt. AppW, Plotn,i.nwiji m Fruits, tha Choicest. jp' . impwrnn, UJWkiwnn., OooMbarnm, Stnwberrle. Curmnu, Ut RO0t8 for the Cardan. Rhubarb, Horse H!!h, Anpnii;M- C; Bulbs, for Spring Planting. lhii, Oindioiiw, Ttro, f"8.' T Shade Tre, Nursery Crown. J V.rieti namn u In Tom Trn, rTU Tr " T Ornamental. Trees. Mt. .h, Birch, Umieu, w.pio! Trx. . wds-Corden, Field, Flower. rrh, Reliable. Nonbem SICUX CITY NURSERY AUD SEED m Thit la a aru. olal offer. We sell th.rn at this price to In troduce them, regular price la 970.00. 00 TIEIESTRIO THE octr i nnme FOR tie sti&::est bsilt Ivor before offered , ins;! i r t n .at 7 ""aaeBeBB,B.eie.e.eBBBBaB.B.B.B.B.BBBaa-- WE ABE WHOLESALE liilllliM.. Ul Ifjjthet .ij .las ftf"" eV la. .1 f r A V i it, 1 V j'' ' 1 "erwt f wtat i servicf- ,. r,. ..... T il iiminj, ' r S ki v i'