The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 03, 1892, Image 5

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' I the
J Wonion North and South.
cut-1 .New l ork World: In spite of the
I legal marriage : fact that many of our characteristic
rfore mayor or ! as a nation are distinctly American,
tro days before there also exists a wide difference be
Joiii whose ori- tweeu the jwople of various sections of
'f that they con- j our land. Men of the east are easily
jeremony alone ; distin;uif.hed from their brothers in
f'poiut of vie.
to lu r family
t bail, and only
journey after
jilace in a
as I'rotestant
fulled -r in a
s a rather enui
B I'aris rorres
rare, but has
f (Willie incident
the two cer -at-ond
one, the
iuld le legally
J so in fact. J
On the night of
jJipband received
callmp him to
io was dying,
Jgn and, whose
)W liein,f present
Jt, rece.ved her
ed her the last
vard kept at
(to liim. 'J liis
V wife, who was
Jil not have con
t world to k
it union had been
iringthis inter
cousin he had
reeeded in re
had not the
the marriage
Pans, lie oi-
nt tht young
prevented her
Jopnsition, and
led without ill
fcun the grounds
V, the husband
r, lore or less
eousin in IIol
W, but in Trance
1 a bigamist and
It X., who has
.lie affair created
yime in I'arigian
e Far Kant.
about the dogs
I jttal cities bow
I M jut owners, and
Strtj. patiently their
tari. I t only scanty
'fWlL V3 fa M Kaatern
ifcTSi. v ajid fascinat-
,rKCtafjrns, ,,0f.
IWrWM,, I wooden sannals,
!fT along with rude
' y first the euerge
"Jicuous. If the
I, Jie i evant by way
t plunges at once
X t haunts. The first
X historic city will not
'ft i th howling of the
'C a'dofi fa hardly silenced
itif Of .aaylight brings
the wild and woolly west, and the same
may be said of those north and south
of Mason and Dixon's line.
Hut in the women of the twosections
we see this difference even more plainly
marked. The women of the north are
progressive. They lead in every move
ment and are rapidly taking place side
by side with man in his hitherto unap
proachahle positions. In law, medicine
and the ministry they are prominent,
while as 1 usiness managers in many
commercial concerns they are acknowl
edged actors. The 'woman's suffrge,"
the "Woman's Christ an Tern iterance
I 'lion." and a thousand other or
ganizations are composed of a vast
majority of the women of the north
and west. They are independent and
braiug, self relieut and industrious.
In the women of the south we lind
more of the graceful languor chaiactT
izing nations of the tropical climes.
The climate invites a pleasant life and
relating ' bounteous nature obiviates the neees-i
ol the sity for much exertion. The southern
woman is essentially domestic in her
character-her home, husband and
children are her kingdom and subjects.
Little does she bother her head aonut
woman's suffrage or political affairs
she wants a pleasant home, a loving
husband and pretty children.
A daughter of liixie is fond of ad
miration. '1 his love is innate and leads
to the flirtations and "affairs d'amour"
so universal over otir southerland.
There is great li erary taste in the
south. In fact, the southern woman is
generally well educated, and those of
the lusher classes are most accom
plished in languages, music and the
classics. The number of our southern
women who have recently made them
selves prominent by their jwiis proves
this. Hut southern woman's tastes arc
more in the direction of society than of
political progress, slum) speaking and
suffrage. She rarely ever starts out
on a "mission" for the emancipation of
her sex. On the contrary, "Home is
her only place," is the universal senti
ment here.
"While the gayest of girls she makes a
good mother. While often the pillar on
which her husband leans, she is always
exacting from men the chivalrous at
tentions to her helplessness to which
she has leen accustomed from child
hood. Vet while shrinking from pub
lie business there are few who can take
a firmer grap of affairs in necessity
than herself.
The northern woman is strong, a co
laborer with man, as a rule, not vain
she Is foremost in tho ranks of progress
and independent in her every day life.
Her southern sister never bothers
about such things. She is a gay girl, a
true and loving wife, a woman finding
all her happiness in the four words of
her empire of home.
A New York man who was liberated j
from a hospital a lew days ago danced
so voilently for joy that he burst a blood
vessel and died.
Tlif Only On Kr PrlBld. Can To'i Ftnd
I h Wort ?
Thre ia tlnve-iiiih display advrtiwment In
lliie u-r. this week. 1jhu Iim no Iwo wfiidi
h1!.- fxiiil 'iw wr-i. 'i lie fcame ! trie tf
em ti im .tin L.i-Mni.(! wll week, fnilu the
Kill Ofl'ii J-lrat 3IarrlRv(tP). t I eunige l.lrl 4rxduat.
The ntnry of Kdison's first marriag The most recent discovery (regarding
shows how completely he is dominated j hii is that brains are not incom-
by the exierimeii ting fever. He had : patible with charm and beauty,
never thought of getting married, but I did not exiect, however, to live to
when some of bis friends urged upon hear of a man's rushing after a woman
him the advisability of taking a wife 'and insisting upon marrying her on
he assented and said that if they would the strength of one article in a news
find a nice girl he would marry . her ' paier. All young women w ho have
II. II.. 1 ..l... f.... .r . .t :. . 1.,. ..I....... .. . i l.r Hurler llU-ilte . 'I 111 fauIlM: DlHCee
"J V " -rm ,orn -, reiiy pining iw , -r , .,lllf ,bey tauk, ind pnb-
girl from his factory and asked her to (hey knew how but didn't dare f;r fear 1 li.b. ij.k i.t it. ienJ them me mono i th
marry him. she consented, and Kdison 'of frijihteiung off possible suitors. ma I yl , i.nHiK.'KAi'HnurtiAMFi.KS kkkk.
agreed to leave his ljelovel laboratory ' now tnke heart and put their brains as j
or a day's wedding trip, do the way j well as their bodies on exhibition i a Nnim iiu( Demi.
from the chaiel in which they werej lleiv's the story. Abttnt a year ago ; The railway dog of England, knwon
married to the railway statiou the car- a nieiuplns paper ofl'oriled a prize ofas Heh, hai died. He wore a silver coi
nage passed tlielalMiratory. I twenty dollars to w hatever young
The temptation was too much. Kdi-j woman wrote the best essay on "The
sou stoped the carnage and, telling MimIi-1 Husband At t'ovington about
the bride that he would follow her to j thirty miles from Memphis, there
the station in time to catch t!.e train' i lived a Miss Lillian l'erry, who is said
he plunged into some experiment that to be "a typical southern Kill." whatever
had occurred to him during the church
services. Hour after hour passed. The
poor bride waited all the afternoon in
the station and was then driven back
to the house. It was II o'cock at night
before his assistants could tear Kdisoii
away lrom his laboratory and ge1 him
When he is at work Kilison loses all
count Ol time He will ke-p the whole
establishment or a rush for hours at a
stretch, and seems astonished when
any one hints that it might be well to
get something to eat. He is capable ol
working all day and night williou
showing fatigue - Chicago Journal.
i!n i
r'hete noisy vendors,
of the question
if were trying to
v next street, to
' for making pur
JOting in Turkish
'2?er Using the ex
f Mings that they
"?U on their backs
ue-colored don-
jfrom the hotel
)B as they pass
"iaining. There
-; J white grapes,
.fusion of fresh
last in from the
phorus, or those
I Waters beyond
I all the towns
W coasts these
with perhaps a
y,'' 4 myma in early
Jamps with sellers
Vmelons and a lit
of the (ireek
jlh "Sweet, fresh
jfoodruff in April
Ancestry and local surroundings
mental gilts and mental defects, unite
to make Hawthorn the greatest master
of the preternatural the magician
of the spell of supernatural awe. From
every side come the element which
produce the effect of niisiihstantiality
his power of pensive brooding, the
brown tw ilight color which wraps his
figures in a strange, hazy atmosphere,
t he coldness of his analysis, the self
possession ol li s slyle, the indefinite
ness ol his touch, the indetcrminate
ness of his end. His heroes anil hero
ines have little warmth; they scarcely
talk like ordinary man and women;
they move self consciously; they speak
constrine'Uy, as though there is some
thing present which reads theirthoughts
notes their gestures, registers their
The human interest is never so over
powering as to break through the lilin
of the atmosphere. A master of the
by play of suggestion, his hints meet
us at every turn. His subtle mind and
and pictorial imagination give ghostly
significance to the commonest objects.
He works out the central idea in mar
velous detail, never presenting it naked
ly, but always giving it concrete shape,
exhibits it from fresh points of view,
offers it in new combination, till the
reader ends by feeling that, he is hinr
iell' haunted liy the impalpn le, in
evitable presence of Hawthorn's
thought. I diubui'gli lleview.
that may mean. Miss l'erry won the
Lo and behold the esay was copied
in a Minneapolis journal, were it was
read by Kreemont Heed, a prosjieroits
citizen, who fell in love with the
sentiments therein expressed, doing
to New York. 'The Model Husband''
pursued him in metropolitan papers
and waylaid him on his way to
"Tl 's is fate,'' said Mr. Heed unto
himself. "The fair essayist must be
mine tor life!"
Thereupon the ardent Minneapolitan
wrote to Miss l'erry and beiife4 for the
honor of corresponding w ith her. Miss
l'erry had been very well brought, up
and wouldn't. IJefusal but whets the
appetite of man, and Mr. Keed would
have disgraced his sex and he taken
"no" fur an answer. Armed with
credentials he again requested an
interchange of letters, and the typical
southern girl melted in the glow of
such persistence.
Of course no man, in or out of his
senses, stops at letters. Mr. Keed
found himself In Covington one day
and called. I he lady fulfilled the ideal
of her correspondent. She in turn
discovered a model husband. On a
second visit she became engaged to Mr.
Keed and, last October made thein
man and wife.
Courage girl graduates! The Helen
of lM will be a bachelor of arts, and
Paris will set his cap for her. Minerva
is having her inning at last! Kate
Field's Washington,
lar inscribed "I au Help, the railway
dog of ngland and traveling ageni for
the orphans of railway men killed on
duty. My office is 5o Colehrook row,
where subscrptions will be thankfully
received and duly acknowledged." He
brought more than iT,lW into the fund
Xew York sun.
St ATi-: ok Onto, City ok Tci.k.iio, ,
Ll'CAJS Coi nty '
l-'ltANli .1. Ciiknhy makes oath that
he is the senior partner of the firm of
1'. J. Ciik.nky & Co., doing business in
the ( itv of Toledo, County and State
aforesaid and that said firm will pay
the sum of ON K II I . l)l(hl) I) il.
L.YKS lor each and every case of
Catarrh that cannot be cured by the
use of Hall's Cataukii Cchk.
r'K.iXK .1. CHKNKV.
Sworn to before nie and subscribed
in my presence, this tlth day of Dec.eni
; ber, A. D. 1 '..
Just a bad cold, and a hacking
cough. We all suffer that way some
times. How to get rid of them is
the study. Listen ' ' I am a Ranch
man and Stock Raiser. My life is
rough and exposed. I meet all
weathers in the Colorado mountains.
I sometimes take colds. Often they
are severe. I have used German
Syrup five years for these. A few
doses will cure them at any stage.
The last one I had was stopped in
24 hours. It is infallible." James
A. Lee, Jelfersou, Col. &
g," said Grade,
a, "and I know
yI On my birth
Hie!" ) bay-window to
pee she saw that
Jg at all.
close Indeed.
a crack,
straight, and
)round the egg.
)he two halves,
Hind out rolled
lie first, only a
ogether again,
ygs. she picked
Ifouud that it
nd out rolled
ttt nil,
ty crm
f to be
V strai
in :
d shutting till
in size, from
egg. And this
fee the rest, and
le gold ring!
YtU for my birth
Mnf, Mmmi," she said
-TwM the very nicest
f t?i I ver did see, and
ibM because it seemed
3tf Youth's Compan-
Chasing Kvil Spirits.
A very curious custom is that called
the woman's hut, which prevails
among some of the unoriginal tribes of
Chota Xogpore, India. It is observed
whenever any calamity falls upon the
community such as, perhaps, a visita
tion of cholera.
The women put on men's clothe?,
take up aims and go a-huuting not in
the jungles, but in the n arest village
east of them. They chase pigs and
fowls, take as their own everything
they kill and levy blackmail from the
heads of the villages for the purchase
of liquor, or else they allow themselves
to be bought off for a small sum of
money and a pig.
Toward evening the hunting party
retire to a stream, cook and eat their
meal, drink ttieir uquor unci then re
turn home, having acquitted them
selves during the day in a thoroughly
masculine and boisterous manner.
Then the village that has been visited
goes on a similar excursion to the next
village east of it, and so on to the east
ern border of the district. Hy this
series of excursions it is supposed the
evil spirits of afliction is safely conduc
ted out of the district without offend,
ing its dignity.
Are You Itiifht or Lett Handed?
Theories as to the origin and cause
of right handedness may be divided as
follows: According to one class of
theories it rests on an anatomical basis,
and depends on a physical cause which
exerts its inlluence in every one of us.
According to another class, man orig
inally had no preference for either
hand, but became right-handed by
conventional usages, which may or
may not have had their origin in some
anatomical features.
For any theory of the first class to
be satisfactory it must, first account
for difference in sensation as well as in
force or dexterity; secondly it must
account for the occasional appearance
of left-handedness; and thirdly it
must not be inconsistent with the fact
that most of those who have their
organs transposed the heart on the
right, the liver on the left, etc, are
CxiiNft f Wliitfi Hnir After
ays Or. Leonard, in explaining the
cause of the growth of white hair alter
hums or abrasions of the scalp: "The
bum or inllaniuiatory action has ex
tended deep enough to destroy the top
of the papilla but not enough to im
plicate the base, and hence a white
hair is the result. If we represent the
papilla in the follicle diagram matically
by the letter A, then that portion above
the crossbar in the letter will represent j
the color forming part of the papilla;'
that below, the hair I'o'ining portion.
It is very lemarkable that every burn
or abrasion of the scalpresulting in the
growth of while hair should be so ac-l
curately graduatf d as to just take off
' v , y .Notary Public.
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly and acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system,
end for testimonials, free.
1 .1. CIIK.NKY &('(!, Toledo, O.
;.-Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Cloves Arc Flowers.
Cloves are the unopened (lower of a
small evergreen tree that resembles in
appearance the laurel or the bay. it is a
native of the Malacca or Spice islands,
but has been carried to all the warmer
parts of the world, and it is now cultiva
ted in the tropical reeions of A merica
The (lowers are small in size and grow
in large numbers in clusters to the very
end of the branches. I he cloves we
use are the flowers gathered ueforethey
are opened and while they are still
green. After being gathered they are
smoked by a woud lire and theu dried
the top of tho papilla so remarkable jn the sun.
in fact, that we venture to doubt it and i j.;acn ciove consists of two parts of a
to set forth a different view of the I round head, which are the four petals or
color producing process in the hair. j ieaveg of the flower rolled up, enclosing
lr. Tl.i)MKe'a 4!iitlu.
lr. Tai.mauk has a genius for doing
thintrs on a gigantic scale. For over
twe.ity years he has now held spell
bound, Sunday alter Sunday, the
largest audience in the I'rotestant
world. His church is the larget church
edifice in America. Tin- Vhrintum
Jfcitt'il published at the llible House,
Xew Vork, city, and edited by lir.
l ain aire has the largest circulation ot
all t he great religious family newspapers
of this Vonutrv. Last winter it placed
11. order for 2." H) gilt-edged, Divinity
circuit, genuine ford Teachers Uibles
which is said to ive eclipsed in size
and amount any book order ever before
given. In less linn six mouths every
one of these 25,UI Uihles were given
away to new subscribers to The
i himtian Hirttlil, thus adding the
truest number of subscriptions
ever secured by any religious publi
cation in the same time. Another
large order for Oxford teachers Bibles
has just been cabled to London, and
one of these should be in the hands of
every man woman and child. Send
vourniui'e and address aim 91 to i.
Hewitt Talniage, Bible. House, and you
w ill receive each week for one year The
Christian ITentld, which the L'ev. 1 K.
Clark, the founder of the Christian
Lndeavor Society, heartily commends
to the young people connected with
that organization, and an Oxford
Teachers' liible, containing helps,
maps. concordance, with 40,000
references, subject-index; in short
everything the active Christian requires
for an intelligent comprehension of
the Bible truth.
Tlie S-a l-'or Sale.
Among many curious -ouvenirs of
the French revolution, . Weschinger
quotes in Les Alnuinachs de la Kevolu.
tion a notice of the sale of the "proper
ties" of the Theafre des Troubadours,
saysthe Youth' s Companion, M. Leger,
the proprietor, was evidently a man
who could lose money cheerfully, and
make a joke for his own consolation.
His announcement read thus:
1 he citizen Leger, director, actor and
dramatist ot the Theatre des 1 rouba-
dours, having perceived for a long time
that his receipts did not equal expenses
notifies the public that he will sell im-
niediatly and at a bargain:
A sea, consisting of twelve waves,
the twelfth of which is larger than the
others, and a little damaged.
item, A dozen and a half clouds, edged
in black and in good repair.
Item, A rainbow, somewnat laded.
Item, A beiiutieul snow storm of
Hakes of Auvergne paper.
Item, Three bottles of lightning.
Item, A setting sun, worth little, and
a new moon, rather old.
Item, A plume which has been worn
only by (Kdipus and the duke of Ks
sex. Item, Othello's handkerchief and a
Pasha's mustache.
Item, Cleopatra's asp.
Item, A complete repast, consisting
of four card-hoard entrees, a card
board pie, and fowl of the same ma
terial, several oak bottles and a wax
Item, Five yards of tin chain, the
clanking of which is beautiful and
causes torrents of tears to How.
rettlet- IKIOK ever Printed.
0 T7 17 VC0.Ecenta
0 1 J VJ 1 PA CKET.
and unwuniH HOcor'Mntf tomritv.
flcurfitv, or '-out. DifiKxistof any
bv oz. . lo(iiior)ptrH9. Cutaltt-
guefree. K. H. Mtumway Kockford 111.
Tvetti"t- :
Tutf s Hair Dye
Gray httir or whiskers rlinnfrtnl tnaglosiy
blHck by aiiiKl aiili;atiou of thin Dye. 10
iiiiimrts a nalurul color, a-t iiiMtantaiivoiiA
Kami mMitairiK nothing usurious to the lutlr.
Hold by driiKif irtlH, or will be nt on receipt
of price, 1.U. Office, ay lrk Place, Y.
fi p r UT inH'lo $71 in four davi on my Klectric
ULil I forwtH Hixi i-ieciHliiri. lnO percent
ill 'til uwi t'atili I'rizeb. Huninle frt. iJr
HiirtinnHii, HroadwHj, N. Y,
e r.inw for Lif
u t and Acq
French Nmw1Ji
for Lifa til Chronic. Narv-
uirea p ! or
Ufvalopmentand YartoooeU.
LUf'h s-rrret Error" , with question Hit, ie.
Ighand palace hotel
81 TO 103 NORTH 0LA1I 8T.
Only four minutes from the Court-
IIIoum!, Cable Oars pass the door.
New house with all modern 1m-
roementfl; newly furnished. On
meriran and European plan
l:ooins weekly; transients oM
ents and upward. TurkiBh Baths
r ladies and gentlemen, 50 cents
""Cut out for future use.
Ilylaud i Kirk in New Vork 'l imes.
loi."t Worry Alwnt Rki g Sink.
One of the best ways to knep in good
health :i not to think or worry too
much about it. If you feel strong and
well don't imagine that some invidious
disease may be secretly attacking your
constitution. Many people are like the
inexperienced traveler who anxiously
inquired about the symptoms of sea
sickness, and how he should know
when he had it. One generally knows
when he is sick, and frequently many
supposably alarmingly symptoms prove
upon investigation, to be either per
fm.tly natural occurrences or of very
slight importance. Monthly Bulletin.
Two Alg-hra In Baalnii.
I may be oversensitive, but two
things that I saw struck me as being
rather peculiar. Ths first was a police
man in full uniform with an umbrella
In his hand, and the second one ol
Uncle Yarn's mail wagons being used
to more furniture. Boston News.
The fastest time made by an electric
railway is according to the Age of
Steel, mile a minute by a siurl ei
peritnental car. On a street railway
system 10 miles an hour is the fastest
Queew Victoria always takes her
own mattresses with her when she
goes traveling. These mattresses cost
80 gusneas each, and the queen is at
sensitive about them as the princess ol
crumpled rose-leaf lame. Not long
ago one was made about half an Inch
thinner than usual, and her majesty
detected the differenee at once had
had It altered,
A Month and Expenses.
To Agent to Sell
St fiiul, .Minn. "" Samples Free!
1 I ffr
RELIEVES all Stomach Distress.
REMOVES Nausea, BeDse of fullness,
Congestion, Pain.
RESTORES Normal Circulation, and
Warms to Tok Tips.
aA."N' PI
v.tnrw rupiura in lit j
ind lltlt Combined In
a number of small stalks or lilaments;
the other part of the clove is terminated
with four points and is, in fajt. the
flower cup of the unripe seed vessel
All these parts may be distinctly seen
if a few cloves are soaked for a short
time in hot water, when the leaves of
the flower soften and unroll. Boston
The Hill or Lining.
Kditor "Very sorry, Mr. Scribbler,
but we lind we will have to reduce
salaries again."
Mr Scribbler (a man of affairs)
"That's all right. One more reduction
and they'll be so low that 1 can afford
to start a paper myself." New York
The Florida orange has so far sup
planted those from the Mediterranean
that they will be shipped directly from
Florida to Europe. In the Liverpool
market they bring nearly double the
price of other oranges.
Coughs, Colds and Sore Throat
quickly relived by "Brown's Bronchial
JYocies." -3 cts. a box.
Dignity is a good thing, but if you
are in the rear of a big crowd and wish
to seo the procession don't stand on it
(let on a barrel.
CoiMocrated a Blnhop.
Returned Traveler "How de do, ray
little dear? Is your father still the
rector of this church?"
Little Girl-"Oh, no, sir not now.
He's been concentrated a bishop."
Street & Smith's Good News.
Naw York Behind.
Mr. Gothman (apologetically) "This
my friend, is Broadway; but this part
you see of It is "
Mr. Wayback "My land! You're
rather late, seems to me. We got
through our fall plowing long ago."
New York Weekly.
Mini, l aeonlr Klnotiie 'I rnt
in world. flA..u.lll..lMlM
look font fr'. aenlrd.
Ble a Is th arknnwleliriW
leadinr remedy tor all lot
unnatural dlnrharfM IH
prlvatAdlsaseaof mer A
certain cur for the dmlt
tatlug weakneu peculiar
towompn. . . ,
jif d niy r I preaenhe It ana iei saie
iTheEvhUWEWCUCp.. rfcommendlnf It to
OIbCINHTI,0.P-un .,
rci In
.MM BU-1.W.
We want the name and ad-
dressof every sufferer inttnl
O ACT LIMA U.S. and Canada. Addrets,
Oc HO I limn p.s.!(iKM.s.B.,jofii.t
An olmerrlnE Child.
Miss Wayback "Who's dead, ma?'
Mrs. Wayback "No one ns I knows
on. What makes ye think some one
is dead?"
Miss Wayback "Pa Is brusbin his
hat." Street & Smith's Good News.
liii Ponder:
A Footall Aocldant.
Friend "Were there any accident
In the foot-ball game today?"
Player "Only one. A mule in an
adjoining field broke loose, got mixed
up with the game, and was pretty
badly hurt."
Tho imperial Russian ukls prohibit
Ing the exportation of wheat from Rus
sian has thrown 25,030 men out of em
ployment in and near Odessa and hat
driven a large amount of shipping from
the Black sea.
Uaad ia UHliou tf Homes 40 Yean the SUndcrl
Plao'a Remwly Tor Ctarrh la UM
Bant. F"1rt to TTra. and Cbeapat.
Bold dnifgl.u oc Mnt bjr mall.
Mo. E. T. Baaelllna, Warren, Pa.
,n.v. m. ies-10
York, Mate.