11 1. r. iuLk ( bux County Journal. F rT-BUJN.1 KU 1 .V j VnciAi. o; rv PaPek. i PAW:'! v K COIXTY. k U:i lf Cll'l,l-iTIi. Of AY I rt.'aij-i'jjji : -ix yidStY. Viiwrij'!,!! 1'iiv, ;.0tl )HM""S Editor. ', the lj,nm ,ti jjllre a wi- 03II1AT I'ON.V. He lirr bi'tFulli't ii tuki-u, tuijlM.f?.btt nulla. slit' mtlU wit- "Havana;" Wa'tuvul that tt'uvfuw i- litkiit, OFFICI".'.. DIRECTORY. I tateokku:k-: ! , Jaiim K. lloyrl Oovfiuor, l.incolu, Sfli. 1 'I . J. HaJr. l -k-uleuaut urrrui J. I'. .Vilei! swrrtary of t.tu ' T. H. lirntiiu Auditor ; Jnh i E. Hill TivafuriT . H. II. Hatting.. Attorney Uenrral A. 11. Humphrey.,.. LmidCoiiiiiiisMoiier A. h t.ou.ly sunt. Public liigtrueliou : COV.UESKIOSAL DELEGATION: ' A. rVUUoik V. S. Seimtur, Ileatrlce ' t: K. Miiiiilcrsoii I'. . Senator, Omaha '. W'.J. Bryan, Congressman lt Iliat., l.in-oiu ! W. A. Mi-Kicgniiti, l liil ( lotul ; O. 11. Krui, ' 3(1 broken How JUDICIARY: S. tfuxwrll .Chief Justice, Fremont j 1'. I- Norvttl AsHuciHte Judge, Steward I A. il. I ot Associate Judge, (oliiintms i. A. i iiiiiijey..Cie.rIc. in id UiKjrti!r, I.lneolu M Allni HKTKKXTU Jll.IilAl. DisTHKT: .hiukaxl . JiylBC O'Neill Harlow litUa !', Aiif your name?' .cli(Neliui'liiUiK-.xur Junes." ff KM Vlll tll'.Lt ltlllllV t k)xw. BiJ, yer, 11 clier lifc ScuA wlieu gets. iH groi:,h lBctn' for it.."-Lire.. Weren't until, .lien, w hen your lelopeJy" IMi you lA'fsiie tlieui ho hot v lfniKt tlie 111:4 ipeut and fc-"Sir, I ii tn nliirvtnir.'' vllere, titlfrUii cct unci tell bei-.iiiie tu wi-sentMy HKr. All, sir,, van liJivj'ou. 1 ConntU Lindejuau. -Clerk, CUatirou Harrison lvN"Are vou not all mhI some iu;ry you lor your nvmey'r" iKiw vvw: no. ui n iiu V(iy) "All. in yon eet in H cUi not kuow liow tolilly, tpmuii-y Muiie men lire." 5tly) "lVrtuM not." I mii)reixeil emotion) "I- (fwr the wofUl have mu h u ter Sb4K'H to yuu. Tttu luan who iliuld Vol) fvv yourself bu,';e toK U'h. kivv eonsin biwt tU) iiuirnv, You've I lutvei t a veV" very plwisuit weather we're ew V'otk Weekly. )mm "Ljifindw diirlin', I ir youl" Si'b')-"BMi11 tik.(t' inc. Mr. yo 'siet;ts to huh er clmnce jro.ery biUs.!" Truth. a i.:..i. : ii 1 liiiiiiv in u. niiiiiu le would all village like know each Ht I ini.taSrt" Jyk tlUlkk; twa turn (luiei eui h oilier on the jffirutiutttes, Mgoiiiul 1 1 ley neither 4payhk to eai-li otler." 1fof.f r! not on sje;ikm;; term-, khifi-.. " New York Press. '4 tiil ii rw lienie for niakiii rain V" mini SiliiM. Sll VVhat'll they uvw next?" 'it. H'w iUi- K-H ' lxy ?c. lwt I iK. v.-r Ihoiiht niu." Kil fVH'n V'sh- Horint ''I my, whul. makes tii Ik with your noses?" ;iy, wluii ' makes you Jlc with your 'don't-you- lirapj Tribune. VilliiUK, siiiil th young ; M one gathers no Yr, Wtiimnj. I -'ii nllii. i V c i i r ! t !). Ill 111 nswoivil William. "1 muMxiitiuk." Wash- r ILIiH! totbi Kast. Vtn Rout B. &. M. R. R. Sgontly equipped passangsr Ot iliange from Newcastle, i Crawford, Nebraalw, direct bmska, making connection with their own through lnver, Cheyenne, and all Vnd for Kansas City, St. puis, Omaha, Peoria, Chi joints east Uiis is the only line by B take sleeping car from lie evening arriving in Lin Vi the next afternoon, and joria und St. Louis the fol- information and tickets an- t nirent of Burlinirton Tl vl i n. n. itlORTH i OUTH Psni, ma Comlrn Your FrMrlit is ine F.,E;u, V.iS'S.C.SP. I.JLROIDS. ' f. 0. BURT, funeral Manager. H U'JMUX-XE, J. R, BmiANAK. f 1 Pntght Agt. (Jen'l Pass. Agt hi ' l.' OMAHA, NCB. tl'STV OKKK'KItS: -. Marker County Juili- Con rail l.lmli uun ...Clerk M. J. l.uyliiuV -., Trea-un r A. Sontliworl,) sujit. l'tiljic Iiixtriu tion Thov Ueidy. siiwiff ljeK J. Shufer Coroti A. r. Dew Surveyor Conrad Mndumuu Clerk of District Court i 1 . T. Con Icy County Attorney liOAHH OK COMMlsslO.NKlis: Jo.jh du'wi, (cliuiriiiaii t M DUirlct Y. W. Kuott ut M.J. Wvtyr ..............ill J.KlilSLATIVV;: W. Vt ikon Senator, OKI So. II, Clnelron Kt. 1 lloall Ken,. Dint. 5i. l, Kilslivill VIIJ.AliK OKKIChi:i: I'honnoi Kelily (chalromii ) ... Trustee (in. ut i;u(hrie C. K. Verily ,1 , " C. II. Weller Coii)':mI I.iiiileiuiin ' W. li. Davii I 1c rk .;. cut line ----- 'Ilea .ir J. V.'.SAHiir u... ...Street Ciiiumis-l'Hi SCtI,lOI. OKKK'KliSi Mr. K. U. HoujiJ;...,... ... Director W. II. Vrlf?ht ".Moderator U. V. Heater Treasurer TKItMSOtCofliT: IMsliicl Court, IlurriHon, coininencea April IKtU uud Novemlior Slst, I SIS, (;iunty CuiH't, At Ilarrlsuii, uoininence flrnt Monday of eacu, niontli, CIU KCHKS ,ND SOC1KT1KS. M. K. Cliurcl;-1'roaclilug tuiuli nltrrnnte Siiniliiy ut XO.'Mi a. in., and every Suiidnycveii Inn at 7:.1U. Rkv. W. (), oi.kasnkk, Pator. KpicoiJiai ?iervlcttH v tlio Ki'ond Wedne.H day of eueU month, ut o'clock p.m. Com munion at 3 p. in. I DAS, Vt. HNAVKLT. Metliullat Sunday Seliool inHts every sun day moruluii nt II :.K. Mks. V. o. (ii.AhNKK, v. H. Davis, Superintendent. Secretary. I'.llilu School nicels ut the church ouch Sun day afternoon Ht 3 o'clock. S, C. 1). Uasbktt, Supt. S(-!iietliin- New Willi lllll'stiv h it ate. Mill pay to llrrealkr I'.'.c A'.'w.-.a Stuh- Journal :lt p . I l:.-h a sriui-wet-kly instead of a Beekly, Kivii'K two paei-s each week for the price of one. Four lares Tuesdays and eilit Kiei Friduys. This will give readers the latest telegraphic news and markets while it is fresh. Iu tliese days of progress! veness the people liave out grown the weekly paper, except to sup ply local news. The Slate Journal is at the head of, tlip procession as always. For those who cannot afford a daily iar per The fkini-Werkly Journal will be al most as good as a daily 104 apers jr year. Although the cost of production has been nearly doubled the price will remain tlpe sunie, per year. This is less than 1 vent per copy. No other pa iier offers so much reading matter for $1. A sjiecial correspondent will fu nish poiyts of interest to Xebraskuns from the national capital in addition to the regular telegraphic reports from congress, which life received over our own wires. During the year lsii you should be a render of The Smii-Weekly Jim nial. Send for a sample copv and see just what we give you for vour money. Our great premium book, "Stanley Adventure ; in 'die Wilds of Africa,"' and The Semi-Wivkhj Jtmmrtl, one year will be sent for $1.40, postpaid. The book i Handsomely Hound iu clotn, -hii pages. profusely illustiiited, and is sold by dea ers nt about 1.50. If vou will send in your ow n subscription and .mother new suliM-nlier vith if'i, we will make you a present of tbo book, mailing it to you postpaid. Don't forget to send for a sample copy. Additss Xhhraska State Jonis.u., Lincoln, Xeb. GEORGE WALKER, Attorucy-at-Law. Will practice before alt courts and the V. S. laiiid Olllcn, l;ulnea entrusted to lny cure will receive prompt attention. IllKfU.-iO.V, - - NEBRASKA. a Iff 'dtlMTTiI'VTS , iATW0Vrn! NBWHOMB 8. M.CO., fOO Ollvo St., St. Louis, Mo. COVEW WIRE ENCINC BEST STEEL WIRE SELVAGE. QF I - mpt BnK b mm nouiiMiM. PRICES RIDUCCD. Bol br UtXm. PKEIUUT I'AIU. latmwtrot'LTBr nrrn.iu, wt Tkiwji 8TAN0AR0 FOi CtNTUH TVltlBROTIIERS DRY HOP YEAST T,,E Ed QUICK Q ' RISER LIGHT DREAD WATIRIOO VIAIl CO UtTVOITMiCM. LAMP FOR. THE MILLION l yuuy I BECAUSE IT Imminie Light, Economical, Handsomi, DuFKblt, ind Is Ptrtect. EVERY ONE fillARASTEED. - "5iSd SSEYROSE 'i I ! .a I I, ': Don;i.i: LIFT LAMP. lta r-rl'tiiinlo, oomtrnetion, mi h U-Jinl fhitsti Mil nptxarauce aar 'A. Dia ftuvtltlTjt: heretofore offered "Cj the f.ulit e. fcmJ ir oor of ir ir- il ii1..t Bi.it l.o f....1.AJu1- thin haT W on of your duici- MEZYflOSE UMP & M'F'G, CO., ST. LOTJII, KO. . .'Jr ,. $6.00 COMPLETE SEE IT BEFORE YOU PAY IELGIN flUiiWALTHAH VTflHAMPDEN Jlf Sminirfifilil To Mil rou once meant to tlwaj yon. For i hort time wc offci thll un heard ol Barfaln. The caw Sil ver i a e; for dura-billiY.nn- iih and appear. iullr caual to Cola Sil ver, and are cuaraateed to wear and retain their color a life time. Stem wind and let. offer you an "American Style" movement, but a Oanulna American movement of the well known makcl above mentioned. TRY ON El Sent by Exsreti C. O. D. with privilege of -xamination. Send for our llliutrated Wholesale Catalogue. Garden City Watch Co. 265 Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILL Remember we do net 9 . If Mill 'AN'ABSOLUTELY IwlrAULATCDOn SCICNTiriC PRINCIPLES AND GROUND WITH THE HOST U - IWROVED nACWHERY.. WuTE IwRaTAlOGUEeCOLWCATiDPnim JAS.E.PATTON ScCQ mm mm ILL o n ffl SH tn o 1J ft 3 c r? i t p er- a ft- o 9 3 5r I a a a o o a a Adjustable Extension Stand, i Vwo Book Stand, Music SUnd, AUm SUnd, Alrmm Stand, IiHle Staud. Flownr Stand, aliio Lamp, lertur. Pftt-lor, Ubrary, Offlc. Dictionary and Cheekier .Stand aii-l l Anel. Hart) wuqu. rubbtid finish, beifftit 34 inches. KWl.'ht wxttuj. hii Ittcbtfti. Wulglit 12 II..; vine uf top U x 18; B.ilr.K.d 1). I'rice, $S, KKKI.EK A CO., Fur Ititut MttJi'fii, ai-'JL WiuitiliituU St., lioatoD, Mtua. SELF-CLOSING VASTf IYW " 1 ESS s f! Boa g Great Fire Precaution A NECESSITY In the Factory , Engine Boom , Machine Shop, Plumber.' nud Faintera' Shopa, mud anr plaos where oily wante or elothes are uied. They are) acknowledged by all to be the beat thing for the purpose ever invented. SEND rOK PRICES AT ONCE. Frank E. Fitts MTg & Supply Co., 76-78 Pearl Street. Boston. INDIANA RANGE CO. MANUFACTURERS OF WROUCHT STEEL RANCES !iCJ5 Guaranteed to be the most eoo inomlcal, most durable and most perfect Range on the market. Suitable for hard or eoft coal, or wood. Send for catalogue to INDIANA RANGE CO. E7-.:;.7ILLE. IND. 6 IrfisTTs ivraai.a FF'PERFECTION n BUTTER MAKING, The 0. K. OUTFIT EXCELS THEM ALL fO.K. CREAMERY Has the laraeat eoollna- anrfaee; lakea lea eeelLna Material, leas labor, and gives let Ucsnlta. All cream raised betwoen milklacs. Mkimmins Glass whole depth of can, akewfaic roadi. tion of milk w itbout toucblne Creamery. -Seod torO. ic Catalosoa. JOHN 5. CARTER, Soje Manf'r, SYRACUSE;, N.Y, a t I itifei VmJJM ?i ?3 C ' -5-. 5' 9 3s 3 !2a5 ? CS mmm 2 3 5 SS jo's oCSaSa-xSr C SB I ! P. s II Ili ?Hflli3j STI IEE! paqm -Tr "QP Are strictly first-class in every detail, possess an absolutely perfect repeating action aud hahdsone eaaAs. Fnllv war. ranted. J (Dj Aro the best in the world, and have led nil others for yean. Over 210,000 in I Ik nso. The people are bonnd to have the II U best, and will have none but the ESTEY. TJji Tiae pqyiacnts or cash, as customers prefer. Call and see ns. or send for Catalocnes end lull information. Si & .C 233 Sfata Strsei, Chicago. St. L-oiaiG I-5ou?.., 018 & DIB Olivxa t Alontiua thi Paper. LOVELL DIAMOND CYCLES. Ho. I D, Ladies' Gashion Tires, (95.00 Mo. 4, Confirtibls S4id Tires, I8C.O0 No. I, Solid Tiros, strictly $85.00 high grade, ho. 2, Cushion Tiros, $95.00 f!o. 3, Ladies' Solid Tiros, $85.00 OUR Cusiiion Tires .mm No. 4. G, " Cushion Tins, $95.00 No better Warranted gmVmWa mach'nemad- all parts IFmZll Y any Price InteaSieaiISe" mM Bic,c,a C -8M FrM" $85.00 '-fe'lSSlp1 $85.00 JOHN I. LOVELL ARMS CO., MANUFACTURERS, BOSTON, MASS. Send lit cenli hi ttimpt for r 100 pip Illmtratcd hulome of Cunt, Rides, Revolvcn, Sporting rtodt of ill lindi, etc. 1 MOU WANT A ) COUAnCII CCALtl U BECAUSE IT 13 Tk Xott Mmnla of CtmtntHitjLi gotta earn aoU it. f Th MoH Jurabl Th knift mJgM ar' I ' f Jr-fTrVnn mif, iHwrjuwaj I r repiaeed by nnonre. The Matt Tvrfmt Beeauia of Ut (4mM I eWy, n t anlf toato hich prove Ma Kon.prto.etc XI wU yy yra tsl)iaU NO JSS iTSesH1 OR M 8T"!I MANUFA0TURIN0 CHCQK. RODS. KAcOtUI mty. KAHa.. it 4" Vr - "r. i 1 f ,i