The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 03, 1892, Image 1

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    Sioux County Journal
1 HE
IsTO. 25.
t IsT A. Xj.
,s. Editor ami Proprietor.
IM.VR. H. TliuetuDle.
L,t. fcolnK Kat.
L..11A3 I Ku. , mixed 7:00
'bison market
mlreri Ih...
lrel 1T
fl-1KT liimdreU t
hulici .--
kir-JMT in. ft
jnx-li-d every TlmrwJiiy.
l -a
1 00
1 Vo
2 5fi f??, 3 (10
4 i
8 80
15 00
lis at the harness shop.
Sioux county's crop
stock get caught in the
in will soon nave a new
will huilil a new house on
near future.
per lirrel at
hv will occupy uie jonn-
with his family in a few
t is that the demand for
will lie greater this .season
re in Sioux county.
ie nasi weei ihk joi kai.
Vood lot of job printing,
to call when in need of any
fline. I indications and acreage re
lounty will have mora than
Sea:- loads of wheat to whip
Bniing season.
-First-class native lumber
'Constantly on hand at my
1 Boggy i 18 miles east of
f; J. E. Akneii.
Vtrid "o. !J1 will build a.
Jie by 2H feet, with stone
jjUd finish it us in good shape.
1j) get settlers iu tluit locality.
p. . ... ....
fcluinics aim laborers ol huh
lot seem to be idle much of
indiccations are that this
busiest season ever known
Jlier, mother ami sister of
tvel arrived here on Saturday
' tlieir future home. New
joining in right along. Keep
Jiniuif and lots more will
Hides wanted at the harness shop..
i Ask Will M tore the price of hard
i boiled eggs.
I W. D. Lafferty will have 75 acres of
; crop this season.
! Rev. Gardner preached at the church
I last Thtirrilay evening.
The farmers who did fall plowing
are the ones who are ahead. Tliat is a
j ointer for the farmers next fall.
". II. Andrews will move into (-'. C.
Jameson's bouse. The rooms vacated by
luii will le occupied by Dr. Bridgman
and family.
W. ( O'Connor is getting the lum
ber on the ground for a new bouse on his
homestead. Improvement is the order
of the day.
John Sutton will have 85 acres of
small grain this season on his farm in
Wyoming and Harrison will le the mar
ket for the c rop.
Supt. Southworth will bold an ex
amination of teachers at the school
house in district No. 21, Cottonwood pre
cinct, on the Hth and !lth.
J. II. Bartell will soon have a w ind
mill and pump in operation at his home.
Such things are a great convenience and
shoV that the farmers are prospering.
j. )r. SlriU- reports the arrival of a
new girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Itansom who resides near Andrews.
Sioux county's jiopulatiou continues to
Kdgeniont, S. L., is after manufact
uring establishments and advertises for a
shoemaker, claiming that there is a good
eiiing for an establishment of that
Kind there.
Henry Lindeuiau exiected to star
from Iowa for Sioux county on the nth
inst., hut the roads there are so muddy
that he is unable to haul his corn to
market and he will have to wait until a
little later.
Slierill' Reidy the first of the week
sold a bunch of 128 horses at the Uwer
i ranch. They were w hat were know n
as the A. K. horses and were sold on ex
ecution. H is reported that they brought
all they were worth.
'A. fl. Deliel informed us yesterday
that he will have about 35 acres of grain
this season and he had his wheat all in
before he left home. Mr. Deuel lives
across the line in Wyoming, but Har
rison in his place of doing business.
L. AiWwell, the new agent at the
SfcU. V., arrived on last Saturday
with his family. lie came from Ains
worth where he had been for six years.
He is a pleasant gentleman and will
doubtless look after the interests of the
company in good shape.
' Sam Tebliet, of Bodarc brought us a
sample of his scotch 1Kb wheat on Fri
day and it is as line a quality as one
could ask for. lie will have a crop of 00
acres this season and with the quality of
seed he has he will no doubt have wheal
that will command the top price in the
I -Jr?t week T. O. Williams finished a
Z. (i. ieuel was in town yesterday.
s up
from Bodarc
J. W. Hunter
J. Sievers contributed on subscription
last Thursday.
George Walker returned Monday from
down the road.
J4rTT!rTi. Slitter lee went to Chadron
Tuesday evening.
Judge Barker made a trip into Wyom
ing last Thursday.
W. B. Wright was on the sick list a
few days last week.
Miss Minnie Crane arrived from the
east yesterday morning.
MrjiniUlr. J. D. Clagborn left Tues
l!rjevening for Chicago.
Arthur Green was up from the Agate
Springs Stock Farm Tuesday.
Mrs. W. . Glasner went to Heniini.'- i
;irHlust week to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Williams have lieen
having a 1us-de with the grippe. 1
A. R. Kennedy moved his family bad.
to the farn the last of the week.
Mrs. Eninia Si honebanm was a pasvii
ger on the west IiouikI train Tuesday.
J. E. Fletcher was in town on Tuesday
negotiating for the Sipimv Creek saw
mill. W. T. Brown was down from Voiiiee-,
Friday and gave us some cash on sub
scription. County Cluik I.indeman and County
Treasurer Guyharl went to Chadrun
Tuesday evening.
Rev. and Mrs. Gardner, parents of Miss
"pdHWfiardner, have lieen visiting in Har
rison lor mo pa si ween.
(iranmiercy Items.
Not much on the string this week.
Our Squaw Creek sawmill lists started
up again.
The snow is fast disapiearing. I
think we'll soon have spring.
Mr. G. H. Turner is improving his
I place by having a well put down.
The man who feeds bis stock intelli-
I gentlv, according to their needs is one of
a hundred.
A little niilitaiy discipline ,s a good
thing even on the farm. Some things
need to 1 brought rigidly up to the
Ground hog weather is pretty shadow y
after all.
Sanford Shores, w ho has lieen working
for G. 11. Tin ner, will move on his claim
in the near future.
Bad roads are large consumers of horse
ilesh. No community can afford to tol
erate thtni.
If you want to read a good paper sub
scrilie for Till: JofltN.u..
Sanford Shores says that he is a farmer
and several other things and has worked
in dill'eivnt Idealities, but never struck
a place before where he couldn't do a
days work from sun to sun.
j Mr. Cobb is holding dow n a job at the
Suiiaw Creek saw mill.
Did you see the Bargains we are
turned last week from tlie coal mines of
Wyoming where they worked during the
And 1 Round of Banner Baking I'owder
All Around About.
J. Wilson, so far as we know, was the
first granger to follow a plow iu the vi
cinity of Gilchrist this year.
A. W. Molir takes the lead in sowing
wheat. We understand he began sowing
Monday, on fall plowing.
C. I. Columbia, of Bodarc, was circu
lating in the neighborhood of Gilchrist
on Monday.
Mrs. J. M. Daniels has been visiting
J.B.Burke and H. Zimmerman iv-lfrrrrJTTftrTM rs. Andrews, iu Harrison
Standard Canton Flannel..
Iiiiwrence Canton Flannel.
10 cents.
12i cents.
through our little
for Hot Springs,
nng in the valley last week
Until informed us last Thurs-
liad found new grass four
an his farm. Spring is open-
rher than it did last year
pers should bo prepared to
Mn the ground at the earliest
isors should reniemlier that
in next Tuesday; March 15,
the assessors' meeting at
the county" clerk. Failure
ijCh meeting is grounds for de-
iffice vacant and the uppoint
eone to (III the vacancy. It
that all the sessors of the
I wheat sowing of the season
py L, Oerloch. He spread
B the ground the first of the
Rcognizes the fact that the
A is put into the ground the
ssoon as the farmers get to
ground ready rri the fall and
grain at the earliest pos-
11 better results will be ob-
jUi'e past week a carload each
iber and coal lias been re-
, carload of wheat shipped
a pretty fair showing for
Jntry at this season of the
IX At, family is under obliga-
Otto Tietze for a jar of nice
Otto said it was from Mrs.
editors wife but we propose
re of it and do onr share of
rled that norne of the farm- rwell for K. V. Lindsev on his homestead
a few miles southeast of town. Mr.
Eirulsey has a fine piece of land and will
have a crop of 4"i acres this season and
tlo a lot of breaking for future cultiva
tion. That's the way Sioux county Is
Our farmers who desire to get in
formation in regard to the cultivation of
sugar beets, and the development of the
sugar beet industry cannot do better
than to subscribe for the Bflct Sugar En
terrinfi published at Lincoln. It gives
all the news in reference to the industry
in Nebraska and a great deal of other
valuable information.
Reports from the valley are that a
e;ood deal of plowing has already been
done. The farmers have their terrnis in
good shape and plenty of seed and feed
and they will do farming this season as
L . . . ., ... it should be done. The early seeding is
It is put into the ground the , . ,,
improve every moment as soon arf tlie
ground i in condition to cultivate and
111 better results will be ob- sweu'
f The absence Of land sharks in this
mace is pleasing 10 noie. me uusiness
men and settlers, almost without excep
tion, will do all they can to help new
comers find a location without expense;
In most new counties there are always a
mill located here it would , ,ot of f"ort'S 'eady to pounce on a
shipping of a tar each ! stranger and charge lum a good, round
heat would have been con- fee 10 Ioi but here more peoplo are
in-and the home product ' wanted and the settlers consider a little
'pie instead or snipping in ' unle anu irouuio wen spent n it assists a
new man to gel wnai ne wanis.
Kf si: cftr beets tins been
Island and of course a
-Andrew Christian,' who lives across
the line in Wyoming, was in town Friday
hdvance wilf bo" ntiido at and called at our ofllce. He says he and
t season the scafe will be his brother will have a crop of 100 acres
r cent kets $4 peftoh'; or more this' season. He is salisded that
its 1.50; i(J per cent beets this section of country is one of the best
..rr tent beets $RM tier wheat countries to be found and is in
; vJrht I6;ts to ier ton: 19 ner hones a mill will lie built here before the out of doors unless their property
;J.50 per tori; 20 per cent beeU crop Is ready for market. He also says fenced.' The merchants dare not put any
Tho rnrmers lust year made that he finds the merchants of Harrison goods out for display for fear of the
bceis and with that ad-! very reasonable in their charges, more so slock destroying it. It is right that the
'will tertelffly WRKKfo6ti'lhan fie enecte1 Aral in It hew I law be enforced and the better judgment
ti i .
1 o not forget to plant something
choice and give it a little extra care and
bring it to the county fair. It needs the
co-operation of all to make a fair a suc
cess. A KotMif ' George Slack was thrown
Atrtffawngon last Saturday and it was
thought his leg was broken. Dr. Bridg
man was called and found no bones
broken but a pretty bad sprain.
The work of invoicing the Andrews
drug stock is completed and Dr. Bridg
man has gone to Rushville for his family
and will return tomorrow ready 1o re
main. He has been so busy that he has
not had time to lix up an advertisement.
Look out for his announcement next
Peter Henry was in town Tuesday.
He feels very badly over the untimely
death of his son in the mines of Wyom
ing. He believes the lad was sent where
he should not have been and has retained
Sullivan & Cunley to look the matter up
and if the circumstances warrant Mich a
course action will be brought against the
parties at fault.
Tun Joit.SaT, will take it as a favor
if the farmers will hand in reports as to
acreage of crops they will put in this
season. If it is not convenient for you
to rail write tho crop acreage on a pos-
lal, sign your name and mail it to The
JofKSAL. It is a matter iu which not
only the people here but those in the
east who are thinking of coming lu re are
interested, for it shows how the county
is progressing.
A letter lias been received from the
Norfolk sinrar company to the effect
that iu the negotiations with Chadron
people Harrison was not overlooked, and
that they will lie glad to get beets from
here if a satisfactory rate can be obtained.
Further information is promised in the
near future. There appears to lie little
doubt that a rate can lie obtained so that
the farmers of this locality will have a
market for tlieir bectii;
An error occurred in the article in
the last issue of THE JiR KNAI. in regard
to the hammer with which to drive the
last nail in the woman's building at the
world's fair grounds. The permission
was given to the woman of Nebraska to
furnish tho hammer and not to any one
woman oS might be inferred from the
article of last week, and the managers
desire io give all the women of Nebraska
an opportunity to contribute.
Al,oiit, fifteen head of stock was
taken up by the marshal on Tuesday
under the ordinance recently passed.
There appeared to lie a determination on
the part of some to disregard the law
and it became necessary for olhciai ao
lion in the mattor. It caused some
hut t ioho whose stock was
" a -
caught Will recognize the justice of the
action. With a lot of stock running at
lurge no one can have trees, plants or
gardens, neither can they put anything
for a few days past.
Henry Wert. pasi
burg Sunday enrout
South Dakota.
F. W. Knott made a trip to Cotton
wood Thursday.
Herman Konrath, Jr., purchased a fine
span of colts of A. W. Mohr last week.
Mr. E. 1'. Maine. ' Harrison, moved a
family to the valle.i .ast Saturday to the
place formerly Occupied by B. UphoM',
on Squaw creek. Rather a windy and
cold day to introduce new comers.
The farmers in the v.ilb'.v :-re talking
mill, mill, mill now il vs. They will
meet at the Bodarc school house, next
Thursday at one o'clock to discuss
bonus". Now is tho time to do some
thing, or the opportunity will pass and
others will secure w hat we ought to
have. Sioux county is sure to have a
If there is any one mall busy now it is
II. Zimmerman, the blacksmith, fcvery-
body wants their plow right now, and he
is the man that knows how to make a
plow run if auyqody can
Further im rticulars in regard to the
fatal accident we mentioned last week-
are these So far as we can learn: John
Henry was working on the grade about
ten miles from Gillett, and in the even
ing as they were about to quit work they
put in live shots for blasting; four ex
ploded and the unfortunate boy went to
see why the other did not go, it being a
slow fuse. It exploded aboitt the time
he got there, and blew liim about forty
feet in to the air, causing instant death.
Mr. Henry went after the body on Thurs
day, returning with it on Sunday. The
funeral was held at the family residence
on Monday and the remains interred in
the Montrose cemetery. U No.
Card of Thanks.
Tlie Undersigned desire to return their
sincere thanks for the aid and cohifort
extended in their late bereavement,
Fair I'reiiiiinns.
It will soon lie time for tho managers
or the agricultural society to prepare a
premium list. In this work outsiders
can assist to quite an extent. If you
have anything out of the ordinary lines
for which premiums are offered which
you wish included send a notice to the
secretary so that ho may get it on the
list. There ate a great many things to
think of in that branch of the work and
the co operation or all interested will be
of a great deal of help. Do not be back
ward in this matter. There is no time to
lose and if a successful fair is to held a
great deal of work will have to lie done.
Any information or suggestions will be
appreciated by the management.
Important Notice.
Having disposed of the drug store ut
Harrison all parties indebted to C. H,
Andrews & Co., or A. E.Andrews are
hereby notilied to call at once and settle.
Do not wait for further notice.
0, H. Andkkws.
We carry a
complete stock of Gro
ceries, Dry Goods, Boots
and Shoes,- Clothing and Fur
nishing Goods, which we will
The Celebrated WHITE BREAD FLOUR Constantly on Hand-
MacLACHLAN & COOK, Proprietors,
i X all fulrinlpdetJ beadle wi sustiiiii if
Farms For Knit.
Either of the following farms can be
rented from me on very easy terms:
John Slelzer place, Sec. 27, T. ill, P. BOi
Alonzo Hnvev ' " 7&1B " 83, 54.
John Rockhoft " 80, " 4, " W.
Frank1 CiilTeV " " 21, " 85, " 54.
Ciixn: e: vBt'if :
t is a Fact!
Has one of the best selected stocks
of groceries in the northwest and
can sell as cheap as the cheapest,
Also a full line ol Flour, Feed and Grain.
Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps; Clothing;
Furnishing Goods, Hardware, Tinware, Barbed
J Dry Good;
I Fnrni
Wire, Farming Implfmentsi Machinery and Buggies.
Please call and Examine our GOLD SEAL Buggy;
Gko. I I. Turner;
Harrison Lumber Yard,
Lumber, Shingles, Sash Doors Blindsj
Business Cendueted en a Strietly Gash Basis;
1 -c