The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 25, 1892, Image 6

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    The Sioux County Journal.
le I'.LL'i. CUMV r.lPrJt.
BiaX rATVJl iS lil UMTS7Y.
p.u-ra rTs!:Et in jcx cucxty.
lion. L. V. Gihbri-t, formerly r.pre-
alive from ti.ts dMriet, K-t Inswi.e
j..uth on ! -' Friday. Hi.- many
oi Mr.'liriv. in uorJife -t Xe-
s. n
l.y uv
!!ru!-!;a will .. xteud lieu:
!.: bereavement.
.fell .sVIllp-lllV
Tin ,.;
r'.s a iv that
urcttt ds.I -i
pim ii
U. . ii i
It is U
vrU-J that ! r- Br'J iuliri
he Andrew-, drtr- - k.
il ).;
!:(.' U-I'i
L. ,i. .ii.iit;i- ... LJiior.
l.i.Uired at tile ilarriaou pjat ultice in sec
ond eiasei mutter.
Tuuksday, Feb. 25, 1892.
The selection of a Dew state central
committee at the convention at Kearney
would be the j ro-er tiling to do.
the IV-
Kearney is to be congratulated ou
: iv . wired the state convention. It
- .mother proof that Kearney is a w inner.
The new owners of the Crawford Clip- ''
pr have changed the name of the paper I
and it will herealter appear a the Trt
hit nr.
1. X. Harbauyh has resigned as county
attorney of Dawes county and will re
move to Colorado. G. A. Eckles lias
been appointed to fill the vacancy.
A .saloon keeper of Shelton has liad
judgement rendered against him in the
sum of $4,(Xl in favor of a widow whose
husband met death while under the infiu
ence of liquor obtained from the Shelton
saloon keeper. That will cut down the
profits of that man's business.
Walt Mason has graduated from the
Keeley institute at Blair and has been
engaged on the editorial stall of the Fre
mont Tribune. The newspaper fratern
ity will gladly welcome Mason back to
work and with his assistance Ross Ham
mond will make the Tribune not only a
hummer but a winner.
. The state lecturer of the Mississipi al
liance is quoted as saying that nine
teiitbs of the alliance members of his
state will support the democratic nomi
nee for president, whoever lie may be.
That does not look much like the alliance
breakJug up the solid south, and is a
pointer for the northern alliance men.
. ,, . ii u. hei-d that
ports will prove true lor u-h tie veto; -u.eiit
will I of great lielietit to this
section of country. The mineral re
sources of our neighboring state are ::s
vet uudeveloi.ed, but enough information
has lieen obtained to make it certain that
it is one of the rielst mineral localities
of the wo: id and it will only lal:ttit--!
until it will be owlled up in good
For some time past a good deal of fav
oialile mention has been niiide of Ro..-. L.
Hammond as Lting suitalile timber for a
aiiiiidate for congress from the third dis
trict. But Mr. Hammond dots uot keep
Iconic in suspense and comes out in a
curd t.) liie eti'ect that he is uot a can
didate. He is to lie congratulated on his
good sense. He is a good new sjiaier man
and has a good busines and to go into a
congressional fight lor a chance to leave
his business for two years certainly
would not be a good plau from a business
stand point. The mention made of him
certainly indicates that the people of the
third district are on the lookout for a
good candidate, for Hammond has
the ability to lill the ollice of congress
man with credit to himself and his constituents.
-)!. '
day. 11.
lie' M.vs
fru.ts a
Miii.d now
., .; i. for
.... pr.-aci;::
V i t 11 ii
: .- - boo.
W,.s ll t.
f in r
yield quite -veil the i
Mrs. S. C.
k:i nie'u!" r of
ers ( f tli?' .:;'
or::ii: -i'-:i t.
which to dri .v the I
w.. i. .an's bioldir..' at
is de-ir I that i:- many
Xelp-a-!.a as -:m j artici
chase of the hammer
The republican state central committee
met at Omaha last Saturday and decided
to hold the first state convention at
Kearney on April 27th. Steps are to be
taken to make the occasion one long to
be remembered in the ranks of republi
canism. . Speakers of national repute
are to he on hand and a rousing time
The .-.ailorsol' the Baltimore who were
'attacked bf Chileans and whichjeame so
liear involving this nation in a war with
that country, have filed claims against
Ghili aggregating $1,135,000. It will
prove a pretty costly piece of
business to Chili before it is settled and
will likely teach the people of that
country to respect the uniform of the
sailors of the United States.
A negro made, a liendish assault upon
a lady near Texarkana, Ark., recently.
He was captured and taken to the oat
skirts of the town. A part of the cap
tors desired to hang him, but the major
ity decided that hanging was too good.
He was tied to a tree, oil poured over
tiim and the woman he had outraged ap
plied a burning match to his clothing.
It was a terrible punishment for a ter
t'ible crime and should be a warning.
The Boyd organs, the Ike and IloiM
Ilt ruld, are doing a good deal of talking
about an extra session of the legislature.
What is there to 1 accomplished by au
extra session? Under the law it would
seem that to re-distiict the state for leg
islative purposes would be illegal, as it
is the plain duty of the legislature to do
that at the first regular session after a
census. It is reported that Bovd has
written to the members of the legislature
asking their opinion as to the passage of
a freight rate hill, reducing the rates 10
or fcO per cent. It looks like foolishness
to attempt to get the legislature as at
present constituted to pass a bill that
would be fair and just to all concerned.
Jf called together for that purpose they
wouid he aimost certain to either pass a
hili which would do no good or else puss
one that would be unjust to the rail
roads. No one will contend for a mo
ment that the present rates are not too
high, but no fairminded person wants to
see a law passed which would cripple the
railroads or do them an injustice. A
special session could lie called and a lot
of lime and money spent and no good ac
complished. If some real good is desired
let a freight bill be gotten up and put
into the hands of the people showing the
present rates and the rates desired to be
established aud let them study it and dis
cuss it, and then when the time comes
they can act intelligently in the matter.
It is highry amusing to see the Boyd
men fty to the defense of Johnnie Wat
son. The republican- are working lor
success and the first thing to do is to rid
the party of such traitors as Rosewater,
Watson and those like them, if Watson
wants to be on the stall of Gov. Boyd
that is his privilege,- but he has no right
to atiy recognition at the hands of the
republicans. Ife s-howed his baud in the
campaign of 1390 and that is enough.
The pure food -bi it of Senator Paddock's
is the first bill of any importance to
bome liefore the senate . t ttnal action
at this session. The b...' i:s favorably
. nientioiied all ''ipyef .theji. .id Mates and
!s in the interests of tlvJ- 'bAiiner,' for it
' is calculated to erote r.i..f consumer
from fctHri impoi; aipon by unscrupu
lous nltinufacturers. ..The senator is en
Iitled b creuit lot1 Ms perseverance and
the hill tihourd become lav.-.
It is stated that in nlTTlie older settled
portions oif the stirte the values of real
estate show sharp advances. In view of
this fact ?b6se who do not own land arid
nave to pay rent high eiiough to rnake
good interest ou the increased values will
have an added incentive to seek the por
tions of the state whet'e free government
iand may yet be had and Hioitx county
Invites them' to come and se6drel60of
the 800,000 acres yet open' td homestead
Within its borders. '
Additional Local,
A camp fire was held at Bodarc on
Monday night.
Aaron Vandekarr will ship a car
load of horses south in the near future.
For ItaST 40 acres of good land for
small grain. Seed furnished. Inquire
at this office.
Reports are that the streams and
ravines are full of water. No one can
kick about lack of moisture this year.
A most wonderful thing occurred on
Tuesday. The westbound train got to
Harrison so early that it had to wait for
time to leave.
The nursery advertisements which
appear in our columns should receive the
attention of our readers. The fact is
that department on the farm is a very
important ose and should not be neg
Clerk of the District Court Lindeman
informs us that homestead filings are
being made before him at the rate or
one a day. That is quite different from
a- year ago.
'V. M. Sutton informs us that his
relatives from Oregon" will likely ship by
raif and be here in short time. FI alsn
expects an undo from Minnesota to come
fieri in the near future.
. Another change of agents at the F.
E. & M. V. will occur on Saturday, when
Mr. Holt will lie refieved by a man from
Ainsworth. We do not know what Mr.
Holt will decide to do.' He has been rail
roading for a long time and will likely
feel lost outside of an office.
, -John Sutton, " of Pleasant Eidge,
Wyo'., was in town vesterdav. Iftf re
ports that a large increase in the crop'
acreage will lie made this year and that
locality fs tributary to Harrison. His
mother is building an addition to her
house and improvement is the order of
the day among the settlers, ' . '
J. lu Smedes( arrived from "Wiscori-
uin lrtuf u-noii c'm.I l.n.-.'
- i 1 ji - -: " ..ii" iiti.1 intu on a quarter
Bellast, jreifliid, is preparing to open !tnd section of land at few miles north 6f
operate a factory in Chicago which' will town and expects his family in a few
give employment to one thousand hands, j days." Ho will cultivate J. M. Robin
In the past they have not been ble to j son's farm' the coming seasonj Mr. Rob
compete with American factories on Ac- ( inson having I'liaile arrangements to go
count of the tariff but now they will j int 6 business in Omaha'. 'WV regret' to
come to Chicago and put the product of j have Mr. Robinson absent from the
their factory on the market free from ; place, but his absence will be only a por
. toy trust. The plant will cost 100,000, ! tion of the time as his family will .re
The bands they employ will eat the pro-j main here and he expects to make Sioux
ducts of American soil and wear toe pro-1 county his home. MiV Smedes i an en-
1 mnnlMin fnflliwuui ST 1 . . J. . L '. . . . .1 1. ' I . 1 ,1 1 1 .
muvvwvi aiuvimu i-wi iw- VFIRS11 erotic IUUU BIIU Ills lOCUVing Here W1U i 1 fi 'I l'
jirtff has such eff:ts it (Ills the purpose likely be the means of attractidg- Others ...pted nnd theti' UMIf1 t:."
tSt wJJTwascYMtetT ' ' - , t!o Sioux coucty.' .. , rttcKultC'
, The, Belfast Ropework Company,' ol
into liir- Ik hoii-e.
- ( .Ill t:ll Ul -.ilillii
t.! iia i.i.d will
(Hiiing s-.iison.
Lini.'worthy, the Nthras-
h..:irJ of lady ua!!:;g
fair, has 1 :i L'iv-n
e hii-iMii- r ith
-t i.aii m t!i
world's fair. !t
;.f the hi.h--of
.ate in the I r
ani with this (..!-
i. i-t in view laila s in various localities
a!! over the state have l?o iiutSior'w 1
to receive ten viit co!;tributioi:s, Mrs.
I J. Simmons has lieeis deb-gati d to
look after the matter in this locality and
all the h'la s v.!i i desire to assi.-t in the
piii-ohas.' of t!ie h:iii:in"i- are reqii--t"d
to notify her at the earliest date conven
ient. 1 he names ol all ( ontnuitors will
be made a part of the records of the
On lust Friday Cortland Green, son
f W. H. Green, was ai rested on com
plaint made by Geo. H. Turner, charg
ing him with shooting a cow. It appear.-.
that a few days previous the lad had
leen shooting a rile about town and
Turner's cow was shot and he became
satisfied that young Given did it, hence
the arrest. The case was continued on
request of defendelit until Tuesday and
at that time it Wiis still further contin
ued ut his request until March iil.
Whether the hoy is g'.iiity as charged or
not will be decided at tl,f; trial, but (here
is one thing certain ind that is that
shooting about town should be slopped.
There are a few bovs about 14 or 15
years old in this community who seem
to Iiave great asnbition to be tou'-h. ft
is reported that some of them have car
ried revolvers to school because they had
done things for which they exiieeted to
be punished. Such bovs will have to he
taught a lesson in some way or they will
bring up in the reform school or peniten
tiary. No one has any respect for a
tough in a civilized community. Public
sentiment is always against the would-be
"bad man" no matter whether he is of
mature years or a stripling who has not
yet sprouted down on his upper lip, and
the boys of such a class in this commun
ity should take heed to their actions be
fore they do something which will for
ever disgrace themselves and their fami
On last Tuesday Tim man
climbed the hill to the location of the
public school of district No. 7. In the
primary department were found twenty
four pupils in charge of Miss Sara Par
sons and from what can he judged from
an hour's observation, that ladv knows
how to handle a Hock of little ones and
guide them in the paths of learning. The
children all show that not only does she
teach what is in the book:; hut deport
ment and decorum are also made a part
of their work. In the advanced dennvt-
ment W. II. Davis was Ktiperinlendintr
the work of thirteen pupils and seems to
be doing us good work as circumstances
will permit. To expect a teacher to do
good work would be unreasonable, for
they are hampered in numerous wavs
and the people of the school district
should begin 'to investigate the matter so
as to be prepared to act at the next an
ntfal school meeting. In the first place
the school house is located On a hiirh
bleak knob so that the children have no
place for a playground without going off
the school lots. Hie steps leading to the
school house are such that it is not wife
for persons to go up and down unfess
great caution is used. The inside of the
school house is divided into two room
apaiuuuu wiiicii goes only Mart vvav
from the floor to the ceiling so that overv
sound tliat is made in one department is
distinctly beard in the other, much to
the annoyance of teachers and sebofars. stove is set in about the center of
the partition so that it is fartlv in each
room and the result is that the tempera
ture or the rooms vary a (Treat deal and
makes it bad for the health of the uunils
The arrangement of the windows is such
that the light is very bad, especially m
the nrimarv denartnient. .-mil nn.,.11.,.1
..IT. ,1. ' '. ., x, . . . -"""'"
enecii uie Bye oi me little ones. In
trie primary denartnient the s,tu a..a
bi'rh that but.verv few of (h ,.i,:i.i'
H - .1 - --- . v.. I.IIIIWI di
can touch the lloor with their feet when
Hilling tiprignt and that also nin.i
.1... U ..lit. I il I ... "
me. iieaiiu oi me nine ones, in ti,
whole building- there is but one window
which can bo lowered from dr., ....
that ventilation cannot. UaA vfti ..
draft direct upon the pupils. The black
boards fire so high as to be of little uso
to tlie smaller scholars, in fact, none of
those in the nrimarv flcntieimn...
- a "-I--.
work on them without climbing upon a
cliaif. .These are a few of the difficul
ties with which the teachers and scholars
have to contend and if the work accom
plished is. not satisfactory file lil'llr...
siiouiu ue piaceu wnere it properly e
longs. No child can take much intere-it
in study or learn much when compelled
to sit. in an uncomfortable position arid
no teacher can do good work in a room
where 9 very sound from another nr'art
nienf. fa echoed across a partition, it is
the duty' of the people of the district to
look huco 'matter iuj and then tnU h..
proper st,eps,to remedy .them, and prolit
ing by (he mistakes of the pant to be
fiipaful (mil 11 vetiA tlinm in fi...
-' - ..u... ... lubure, ji
course everything cannot be done atonoe
out a ueiinuo plan 01 action b umi.l i
1 ii- Mo-
- ihii
! Hi.-
il .
M . V nr.
ll.t ( iUM '
. ! J.
,!. .: tlrit
j I . t 'it '
em MP-I i(
rk ol Hie
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1 i.tvor I-!
LTilill-t JlO!
nr. "'
i miiiiWMM'i-M"1
I K"i -.ti. i:i..'., "-
t N l IIoN 41 I! M
iii-k oi ' morn
( 11 v
.. OilOlli I.
JOHN A. i.y
iMBiiv ku 11 a- rjt.u
k b'.-i tii- j r.-: ry
li .1:1 il I OillKOO . 1 In
...y ol if . I-',
t ii.'- 1 jiu i-i ilii laoirli
M : . ol -I-.-T.I"!! ii
HAS I. jl
J! A'.:M:sK. VERITY, ( a-imi;,;
:. i.t i
Mil ol liOO-'i
r pr. 1 11
.11 1 -to
-l In hl(
-M Ml- t, Oi I
r Pu
ll pilhiw
. t!
i III '
I i
u 1 r
Hiit.-I Jlurri- i:t:i. 1-
Trees! Trees! Trees!
apple trees, nortl
ot a; pU, i rah-, pi
and otlu-r smail
'11 grow 11.
1 uit.
! - I V UP
, i. !ii r-1
i Xe
Buy bi
A fine line
rv, grape--
2.VMI.MH' forest tre-s. I;
The larg-st mirs..-i-y in imrthwi-bi-i-!,;i.
S;it i-fii-t 1011 uar.::i!.-i '
for wholesa!.- ; e Ii-1 fci r-!a.l t
liemeliibv:-, I Live (!: N-1.I..-1
er. a weel.iv i.i i.--r (ievo!( 0 t 'hi
free for one vi.-i'i-. with i:vu v ten (
worth of fni.t tie s li.mgiil f i.e'.
Address. 0. . s.ViTif,
Ansley. I'll: k r I 'o.. X-1 :;!-!. ,1
lufer.riice II. T. Coiil-v. l:..STim Neb
Transacts a General BankinB '
. ( I
. ts. !. oi O.-.'.vi--. Cpimty and Village V;
l'" Liter! t I-'aid on Tune Ivposit.
Ii. E.
. V. t '
'i( e 1're-.
li. H. GRISWdl.l). Cashier.
Commercial Bank.
lINl'oI'.PoKATr.P. j
eneral Banking Business
Loans Money on Improved Fi!
II A1-.1US1 iS,
Sioux County Lumber Co.
Lumber, Lath and
A Good Supply of Nutive I.umkr
Always (in Hand.
iv ii ai; 1; r
Determined to make every e
sible to add to the number d
customers, and if good goo!
low prices and fair treat!
, ment will secure them
we are bound to
w i n.
Dr. Leonhardt
Limits his practice to diseases of the
Nervous System,
'Su,:,a,!!,Loss of Memory, I-'eeiinff, Mo
.1011 and ill-power, Cr:itn,s, Fits, Geii-
I lvnilcn.- 1 II r
Dry ioo
Come and see What we Have in th9 Une;
(Is, Groceries,
and Shoes, etc.,
eral Nervousness
and all forms of
(As shown bv s;i,r,i.(.,n r r..
rj t, . . . V K)l IJIilillll
lain, lalpitalion, Hiitteniiir and Numb
OUC 1 IIS S fin li e,,-.,.,,., tti
I-ailitness, Dizziness, etc.)
" f k IAI li . .
1 ,
Jnd we will have all-kinds of
Farm Machine
1452 O ST.
i'Meiition tlii
iviiiiiiu Mmencan
Agency for
1 iwM
For ,nf, ... "IOHT1, et
Mli.N.N 4 CO hmhHxx wrllc to
Oldest bimi. .L.u,'Al'WAr. Nrw v
the puflic tiiSSJr h tawwii "SiSi
J'' ..iV"",Ire,!o'!'njc.u,iii
r-u-: xi eiz - ,,,,out ,l- won ; .i';s;nt
1 s jrr,"
i-i,... ,
t (
Eartlo Dewberry
ii-1 tj...ipr tt. ,1.... ,.,
, inn
'"ry much hardier
If writion 10 usWiih naiB'f
on Uif bw ki ItwIllbrnntUiJ"0".
Tlik "ttrt" u t,M brief to ! li T" l
our Ntirspri- MLnr-k fin.) -I.Mrii
aloitue will tell you ail 11b .ut
MiiKton iKMluvclvtliiit yoo-Jl
of ui all klmlaof Niirm-ry ll"i J
onn-liair what mu U A
lurough a genu. J
as' el
'lT as
ik i.k on :; i.
ib. '."" k :' !f"'?v. I'U
'i ,io .. .m ,ir"'"f 'nna H toVil"' '
forest T
v .lk , "7 mi 1 en.
- Fruit Trocs thn U?.Ji- W'T,Wa!nut"Lll.B"tWniut,CU!pa,Kln..!! .
Small Fruits, tho Cholo".,!nd Bo,t- A'"'"' M' 0-rry.Cr.b. IW &
'I Roots for the Or-.? o''e.m.M' Currant., Ortr.! 7.2
D. . 1 . . .v.wtl, ..umiaril. Il(ir llorli..!. .-.. .. YCP.
"anna, lilaillolut, Tuberow, Piwony, Cim. SOMV
1. il,11
Ornamontal Trona mi , ' ""'"" T" ft very iiraight j
Himi.B, nnruinrri llrnwn.
' fU Micril U1W""- C ' ' '
iih Court Hoi,.. ' .
L 11 'helwkn & wjn,
Wagon and Ca Tinge
K' l'nll iiiB dono m almi'l
tooil wot jt linii -pUHOt,Hli!c' l
Hliop)iith of livery I'