m SIOUX COUXTY JOURNAL L. J. mnOHd rrf rt.tor. HARRISON, - - NEBRASKA i Harried the Man of Her Choice. i Chicago, Feb. 19. A pcial to the (Herald from Washington sys: There haa beeo another romantic marriage in (the family of Chief Justic Melville W. Fuller of the supreme court of the United States. He has eigh t daughters and four of them have mairied either contrary to his wishes or in such a-way las to create the impression that air the Misaes Fuller are extremely self-willed Un love affairs. Miss Mary, the eldest! (daughter, is the latest victim of that Wy little rogue, Cupid, and the happy (bridegroom is Colin C. Manning, a son of Ex-Governor Manning, of South Car olina. Young Manning came to Wash ington several years ago to act as pn- hrate secretary to Senator M. E. Butler, lof South Carolina, and at the George town university. He at ocoe became popular in society circles, and at the in tance of the Breckinridge family of Kentucky was introduced to the daugh tors of Chief Justice Fuller. It was soon apparent to all who knew him in Washington that he was deeply in love with Miss Mary Fuller. This affection was reciprocated and tbey made no attempt to conceal the fact. For reasons not known, Chief Justice aad IMra. Fullsr did not look with entire (favor upon young Manning as a pro-' jpeotive son-in-law. Tbey knew him to be a member of an estimable South ICarolina family, but they probably thought he had not made sufficient pro grass up tbe ladder of fame and pros peri ty. They also recalled the fact that one of tbeir daughters, who participated 'in an elopement, might have made a more desirable choice in selecting a ihusband. J In spite of the mild but determined 'opposition on the part of the young ladies' parents, young Manning contin ued bis attentions to Miss Mary, until it was thought best for all concerned that she should be sent to Berlin to finish her education. All of tbe chief justice's daughters are more or less accomplished in musical and literary affairs. It was thought absence might make tbe heart of the young lady grow fonder of some one else. So she went abroad to take a musical courte at oce of the famous oonserva tones at Berlin. In the mean time the young folks ksp, up a constant correspondence and n'.ver for p moment allowed tbeir love to grow cold. - NWfral weeks, ago MnMapningjjenj (abroad aoi itfned Mias Puller. . About ds same time Mrs. Fuller learned that er daughter's health was not good, so jab also went to Berlin, witk the inten tion of bringing her home. While traveling in Italy, so the story g:, Mr. Manning met Mrs. Fuller and her daugh ter and without delay induoed the young man to marry him. When Mrs. Fuller learned what bad occurred she ex pressed her surprise and disappointment put finally gave them her blessing, and after attending tbe wadding immediate 'ly started, v-?--nd, leaving the young ouple to spend their honeymoon iu Europe and come back to America at Ubeir own sweet will. ( Killed Her Daagfcter. Belfast, Feb. 18. Mrs. Anna Mar garet Montagu, wife of a son of Lord Robert Montagu, was committed for trial at Colorain yesterday morning on the charge of causing the death of her three-year-old daughter, and there seems to be a prospect that a lady of the Montagu family may meet death at t he hangman's hands. The gorerness, it seems, for some child ish escapade locked the little girl up in a dark room as a punishment and then informed the mother, Mrs. Montagu. The mother appears to have become so enrsged at her daughter's conduct that she resolved to punish her still more se verely, sod going to th ) dark room in which the child bad been confined by the governess, Mrs. Montagu tied her baby daughter's arms behind ber back with a sharp string which cut deeply in to tbe child's tender limbs, and then uot satisfied with this cruel treatment, she connected tbe end of this string about the child's arm to a ring in the wall, half stringing her up and half fastening her to the wall, in order, apparently, to prevent her from moving about while she was under punishment. Several hours later tbe child was found choked to death. Mrs. Montagu is the wife of tbe eldest eon of Lord Acbesom Crombie Montagu, uncle of the present duke of Manches ter, whose wife was formerly Miss Oon suelo Yzacaga Cel Vallo of New York. Mary Helen, the baby girl, who has just met sucb a tragic death, was born Feb ruary 15, 1889 and was the only girl of the family of eight children belonging to Lord Robert Montagu. The more light let upon the tragedy the worse it appears. At tbe inquest Mrs. Montagu testified to the fact that she forgot tbe child was in the dark room already mentioned, and that when she went to release it from confinement she found that the little girl was insen sible. Continuing, Mrs. Montagu said that she then carried the child to her own bed room, stripped it of its clothing and tried to restore it to consciousness before giving the alarm. That is the story told by tbe mother, but rumors have it very strongly that the poor child was stripped of its clothing before it was imprisoned and tbat it was stark naked when it was found dead, choked and halt frozen by Mrs. Montagu. It is ad ded tbat Mrs. Montagu's treatment of the dead babe wns Lot an exceptional case and tbat she was in tbs habit of ill-using ber children to a terrible de gree. Commuted Suicide. Berlin, Feb. 18. Six recruit of the corps du guard, stationed ut Pojtedam, have committed suicide during the cur rent month on account of tyrsnny and harsh treatment to which tbey were sub jected from non-commissioned officers. The frequency of such occurences has troused the authorities to action and an investigation of the system which gives rise to them is in progress. J Deserted HU Creditor. I Cahroll, Is., Feb. 19. This city has .experienced a genuine sensation by th jsudden disappearance of O. A Kentner, Vuntil yesterday president of ths Citizent State bank. Yesterday he disposed ol this interest in the bank aad left foi (parte unknown His finance are in s (badly mixed condition. He owes Um fFirst National bank 15.000, E. W. Libby la stock raiser, M.000, John McCarthy land Frank Brady of Audubon $10,000. IThis is for cattle sold and money ad vanced, He also sold a large bard ol joattlaon which ware several chattel I mortgages. Just ho bsd the citizen's I bask is involved cannot be learned. iKentner has been a leading citizen of this plaoa tor fifteen years, and hi down- Kali is a complete surprise. Offioen will b aast after him, and ha will be prose touted for disposing of mortgaged prop- Isrty. , HuaUag For Gold. Ouray, Col, Feb. 19. The Cutler reek gold strike appears to be genuine, (Men ara climbing over the hills and is taking claims all night. Every avail labia horse in town was chartered yester. (day for the new camp. More than 100 (claims have bean staked in the last jtwenty-four hours. Tb country 'is tender th anow and it is speculation Iwhat th result will be. It is said th signs show in od 1 plaoa. . Many of tb uldar when broken open ar flecked sntn virgin goia, ano some or tnem run toy aaaay nearly 100 ounces to th too. 9t is four mil north of Ouray aad avn or eight mile by wagon ro4 and theraiL Three Kea ratallr Iejurad. PrrrsBCRO, Pa, Fab. 19. By th over turning of a converter at th Edgar Thompson steal work at midnight, two men wt fatally injured and anoth er buraad by moulten iron. Xlghtaea Drowned. . Ban PsMffonoo, Feb. 10. Th steamer jttipoM, from Sydney, brings nws of CM nai ot im wnanac Darx raabr tan off th Sandwich islands, February a Oaftaln Hawlend and awveatoeo f1WirowH4i .. .. Will Carry on the Fight, Chicaoo, Feb. 18. A Herald special from New York says: Tim Hopkins haa plenty of money now to carry on his light tor th 130,000,000 left by old Mark Hopkins to his widow and by her to her husband, Architect Searles. The will of Moses Hopkins Moss beinsr the brother of Mark on file in the probate court at Redwood city, San Mateo county, Cel., bequeaths lucky jouog Tim 1300,000 personally, $100,000 to Mary Hopkins, hia wife, and $10,000 to their daughter Although Moses Hopkins, who died the other week, was no blood rslative of the Hopkins, he had much sympathy with the young man who had been brought up to auch great expectation, and had seen them dashed to tb ground. It ia said that old Moses Hopkins, in connection with the rest of the Hop kins family, bitterly reseated the terms of th old lady's will, which left all the Hopkins out in th cold for th benefit of a decorative artist who had no legiti mate claim on tb Hopcin million whatever. Great Alarm I're Tails. Pittsburg, Feb., 18. Tbe ice gorge at Parker city is still intact and great alarm prevail. Superintendent Price, of the river division of th Allegheny Valley railroad, says it is tbe worst gorge he bad seen since 1874. Tbe river bed is ap parently packed solid with layers of ice for nearly twenty mile. At Goose bar th ic is piled nineteen feet high for eight miles. From Hillview bend there 1 an open channel for abou'. a mile, when another gorge begins, extending to the mouth of the Clarion river, above Parker. There is fear that tbe gorge will form such a solid mass aa to shut off the water channel altogether. It it doe, Parker and other towns along the river rill be submerged. A few hours of warm rain sow would do a tremendous amount of damage to Aarker and Brady. of Fir la New Tork. New Yosk, Feb. 30. -Shortly b:t. S o'clock yesterday afternoon fire was dis covered in the Percival fiats in West Forty-second sUtet Immediately a general rush was male for the street by way of the fire escapes and other places of safety, tbe terror-stricken tenants leaving everything behind in their fran tic dash for their lives. While the occu pants of the lower floor were in compar atively little danger, the position those of the upper floors was more ser ious, those who escaped by tbe stairway (tsVitiair their a-av through the smoke and heat, while those who were drivec back sought to make their escape by the fire escapes. Ladders were hastily raised, and women, too frightens! or ex cited to avail.theniselves of the tire es capes, were carried to the ground by the firemen. The fire ha1 by this time as sumed proportions which rendered the fire department's efforts futile. The rear of the building from the third floor upwards, was completely gutted and the lower floors completely deluged. The loss of the tenant was very heavy many of tbetu losing almost all of their personal effects. The loss is estimated at $50,000, fully insured. Shot Himself. Des Mow, Is., Feb. 18 Ferdinand Fontinelle lie dead at th undertaker's, with a bullat through bis brain. Th young Frenchman had boarded at the Hardin House, aad last night whil th others war ttcg supper t shot him slf, sod we not discovered till after midnight Ha died at 6 o'clock this morning at Cottage hospital. Hbd no oloes friend aad nothing ia known of hi connections. Ho sssmsd to hsv plenty of money and wa undoubtedly lightly Killed HI Wife's Lover. Paris, Feb. 30. Tbe shooting of M. Emile Abeille, formerly an attache of of the French legation in Washington, by Mr. Edward Pai ker Deacon, the well known banker, who found the French man in a compromising position in Mrs. Osacon's bed room at the Hotel Splen dide at Cannes, during Tuesday night, is the one great subject of conversation in fashionable circles ic Europe. Mr. Deacon is upheld on sll side?, particu larly bv Americana, for killing his wife's lover, and very little, if any sympathy is expressed for Mrs. Deacon. The mother and brothers of M. A belle arrived at Cannes this morning and took charge of the remains. They have have been embalmed and placed in a handsome casket and will be sonveyed to this city for interment. Yesterday morning Mr. Deacon was taken before a magistrate and submit ted to a preliminary examination. He said in substance that he was sorry he had killed M. Abeille, and that he only wanted to mark him, as proof that he bad criminal relations with his, Mr. Deacon's wife. "These relations, he added "are now effectively stopped, and I do not intend to apply for a divorce. But I shall remove the children from her care, and if I can help it she shall never see them again." Many promi nent people are offering bail for Mr. Deacon, who, it is said, wilt be released ,'rom custoday. , . A Terrible Explosion. Colchbub, Kas., Feb. 20. At 11 o'clock last night lightning struck the gla.icg mill of tbe Liflin powder works, situated about four and a half miles north of this city, exploding 440 kegs of powder which were undergoing tbe pro cess of glazing, and scarcely leaving enough of the material of tbe building t.o mark the site. The storm was so se vere that the explosion of sucb a grsat quantity of powder was cot distinguish able at this place from the numerous heavy peal of thunder. The works in clude a large number of buildings but none except the glazing works were icjursd. Murderer I.elimau Hanged. Custkb Crrr, S. D., Feb. 30.-John B Lehman was executed hare yesterday morning in the presence of a number of spectators, for the murder of James B. Burns. His neck was broken by the fall. Many people believed Lehman was insane, but a commission which in vestigated the question six weeks ago declared the prisoner to be in his right mind. . The crime lor which ienman was hung was committed June 11, 1889. James H. Burns, a constable of Fair- burn precinct, Custer county, had gone to Lehman' farm with a legal warrant to arrest him. Lehman bad been told by some friend tbat he wa to be ar retted, so he prepared himself, and when Bum appeared, without any warning Lehman ahot tbe constable through tbe body, from the effects oj which be died almost instantly. Th murderer con coaled himself tbat day and night, tak ing flight th next day of th murder, but wa finally captured September 1 at Rushville, Neb. Th crime which lie expiated v wholly unprovoked and without cause, The murdered man left a wife and four little children. The murderer had no family and it has been very hard to find out anything of hi past career. It is now thought he lived at one time, in 1884, sear O'Neill, Neb, and was guilty of many criminal acta there, among other, of poisoning many horses and oattUofhis neighbors. It was in 1886 be came to ouater county. Claim eflhe Defee". Sah Fra.xcisoo, Feb. 16.-In opening for the defense in the Curtis case yes terday. Attorney Wilson stated that they would prove tbat Curtis n' left banded; that the nipper on bis rigU wrist would have prevented him fron shooting Officer Grant, and that Curtis did not do the .booting; that witnesses bad been tampered with by the 'police and testimony suppressed. Wilson said that on the night in ques tion Curtis was under the influence of liquor, and near the corner of Third and Folsom streets was acsosted by a man who asked him for a light for a cigarette and reminded him of having played with him years before. Tbey walked several blocks. Curtis trying to get rid of the man. Suddenly he was Knocked down wbei. Police Officer GrsDt came up and arrested both of theu,. The man started to run but Grant put tbe nippers on Curtis' wrists. Curtis did not know he ha! been robbed until he reached the station. Tbe officer took the two men across Fol som street, when the shot was fired. Two other shots followed, and, believ ing himself shot at, broke away and ran. Attorney Wilson said he would ntroduce a witness who saw the men with Officer Grant and saw a man run rapidly up Third street after the shot was fired. Other witnesses would say the sane thing, and that the man wb3 ran past Fifth street was not Curtis. The defense would show that Curtis was not in the habit of carrying a revolver and had cone that night; that tb man who rolbed him fired the fatal shot. Curtis then took the stand and testi fied that on tbe night in question he lei t his wife at the theatre and took a walk. He told of meeting a man he did not know, and of the subsequent happenings as told by his attorney above. He said he did cot have his pistol tbat night. For three or four weeks after the shooting he had violent pains in his head. Could Find no Clue. Chicago, Feb. lti. About "our weeks aijo Mrs. Snell, widow of the millionaire murdered by Tascott, receive! a letUtr which ran bs follows: Madame: Unless you senJ us the sum of 92,000 we shall take steps to murder you. We will blow you up with dynamite some day when you ar step ping into your carriage to take your morning ride. Now, treat us fairly and we will treat you the same. It you a -sept this offer instrt a personal in tbe naming a daily paper,) saying 'Send for your hat g. d.' We will take this for evidence that you intend to deal with us in good faith." The letter was not signet and titers was not tbe alightest clue to indicate the identity of the men who sent the mis sive, and it threw Mrs. Hcsll into a spasm of fright. She at one placed the letter in the hands of A, J. Stone, her son-in-law, who promptly notified In spector Marsh. Two detective were sent to the house and remsinsd quai- trd there for a week, during whi.:h nothing occurred that would throw urn light upon the matter. Finally th "fiy cop" wer called ofl. On thvaicg of th day the detectives left a messenger came to tbe Ijoum. w RIi a missive in ths sam handwriting r.s trie previous one, containing the iigg,K tion tbat the widow had better trmi "th bat," i. ., tb 82,000, by the I oar , This created a commotion and the police were notifisd. lb boy was thoroughly pumped, but could only say that the man who engaged him was a shabbily dressed young man. There is no chip. of tb main Th nw wing loa is about l. w.rk ef a Maalae. Jac., Mies. Feb. 17.-Tb fir at the lunatic asylum wa gotten uoder control when two-thirds building was destroyed. . Tt, wss noi. ibjui. ----iri0,000. Only one patient is known to i!" i..,, Raveral narrow - nave urau i u . . cape are reported. The fire wa started by J-D. Brown, an inmate who recently escaped and was only returned yesterday. Wbeu recp tured be told tbe attendants it would be worse for bim and them if he was again conficd. His threat was soon put icW execution, he himself being uosbl to escape from the building and was burned to death, th only victim of his own in sane deed. The GOO inmates of the building, most of whom were asleep when the fire broke out, were all safely removed from the burning main building the wicga. A f ter performing this extraordinary feat, Superintendent Mitchell, just up from s sick bed, staggered and fell under tbe fearful ordeal through which he had passed. Assistant Noland Stewart also succumbed. Fireman O'Denneal stayed at his post, holding the hose, until hit shoes and clothes twk fire, when he es caped .hrough a window and jumped into a pond. The building wsi about two-thirds d jstroyed, and there being do tnsuran e, is s total loan. The legislature this af ernoon appropriated 125,000 to meet the institution's immediate demands. The patients will all be properly cjred for. leiC?rntu Ire Gorg. Park.r, Ts., Feb. IT.-Tbe ice is bound to give trouble along the lowlands of the Allegheny here. A rise of two feet will dump blocks of ice upon the main thoroughfare. The backwater has raised and jammed up tbe ice five feet yesterday The c:'izecs were uneasy list night. Tbe cold weather is freez ing the ice into one compact gorge, which will require a very high river to displace. 'Hie gorge extends a long disUnceup the stream. As far as the eye can reach, about four miles, the river is a white field of broken up ice, pacVed in by million of tons uf pres sure. The businessmen are taking: step toward barricadiog their store fronts. The water work pumps are under water and the whole aspect is generally very serious. A Fatal ArriiUnt. Lyons, la., Feb 17. Last night neat Camkccbe, la, Hans Miller and John KnuUec were driving home when their horses took fright, throwing both men out. Millar wr instantly killed snd Knutzen fatally injured. Lured Kach Othrr. Asrts, Crio., Fb. 10. The Countesx Von Bluchsr, who is stoppisg at Aenen denies th sassrtion tbat her marriage wa brought about by foul means, and says it wa tbe result of mutual affec tion and solemnized at tbe urgent re quest of the count. She says no stein hav been takac by either herself or the count to have the mrrirge annuller', and the proof of tbe affection tb had for eaoh other shows in a letter from th count, dated tn January, in which he call her "My beloved wife," and asks her to join him and and go to South America, where be hoped to be able to make a name and a fortune for mmseir. ine counters will home in Brooklyn this week. go to her The Hurley Ce. Asiilaxd, Wis, Feb. 20.-Tb itns examined in tbe Baker trial yester day war W. B. Avery of Chicago, a lock xpert, and Lou Thayer, Baker formar companion, who i oalld th "female detective," Avery said a person could not poaaibly open th Hurley bank vault unl b ponssssd at least three of the figure of th combination. Lou Tbayar'a testimony wa not important, Thdefo moved V have the jury taken to Hurley to look over thagrouBde and th motion wa taken into council. tilren a Tera. In Prl.u,,, Himijsoium, Ala., Feb,lG.L.t)sr tbe McNabb bank, at Eufala, the oldest and most trusted bank m Alabama broke under sensational circumstances.' The mouey was gone and ooulj fiot be accounted tor. Tbe presid.nt, Major fcwve, who was a . A ,,i . . " m me dieted tor embezzlement and at th. trial urtclb.wMconvicll Tl ? "'"k"i i. for veiost the peculations in stocks and ti eMrn',.ri . IT . Philadelphia p. u.l .buildings-of III - Aneioss . iwi money in r lauds. destroyed Wtt-Plant If JohHl o". Falls of Schuylkill "was by firelaatevenini Th. uabl. with fifty hands were mn!.J i n at tUuSoTr1 l build elleecaped I wEhiSd, i? broke out. but light ban. T TU I'Y T ' all theiratrtettl, hpl'"J0t n"ly i. with .uct r&'i ' ""bl to reach -II h rt Thr i. bobJ! lIt- Loved the Name Man. Chicago, Feb. 17. A Herald special from Chattanooga, Tnn., says: A moonshine still in Monroe cou.ity, amoDg the mountaina'of East Tennessee, has been rsided and destroyed and the operators, Henry Stevens and Wash Bivecs, two notorious wildcatters, cap tured while at work. Tbe still was well hiddsa, the estrano being through a hollow tree, the smoke being carried through a rude chimney of a cabin above. Back of the capture hangs a ro mance. Two mountain girls, Sallie Per kins aid Bessie Bivens, loved the same man, on 8i Perkins, At a rural "frolic" Bi psid more attention to the Bivens girl thau to her rival. Th lat ter in rveng told Deputy Marsha! Spears of the secret mountain still, in whioh tbe father of Bessie Bivens was a partner, Sall.e Perkins headed a squad of officers and led thm at night twelve miles across the countrv. tskino- th. j moonshiners completely by surprise. Vials Keienfe. Chicago, Feb. 17.-Mrs. Hsnh, whose husband, William J. Harsh, a wsaltby farmer and stock breeder, formerly of V:t ! t - . iiawuwa, cures county, III., wa found here yesterday by aoounlanf Hai! after a prolonged absence, appeared in a justice court with her son vesterdsv morning and had Harsh sod his companion held for hearing .t ih.. a of ten dayt, in bonds of 1800. Harsh disappeared when in ri,:.. about a year aeo. IU ui. ...l.i,.. j his disappearance created m..K -WW! WUI mnk lb polio hunted hwrh i nd after svral week received a note' rrom Harsh saying that hs wa. .ku lake care of himself and tired of all this fuss. Afewdar. IM him eVill.- oeivl word that he was coming wt from Boston. Me cam. in fib Mrs. Anna Darrington of Boston, with whom he is said t ... i ing, and another woman. They were arrested on a warrant sworn ont by Mrs "rsh. Harsh said that h. would not i- w,th his family again, but refusal fh",r:M00f0r hi' "'.ng.m.nt, further than acme ,, tmeddlingomchurch paopl. The Wllaese Wa. Ilrlhe. Saiil Faaaciaoa, F.b. 17,-The case , f tilling comnany, .rrated in OctoUr lews, was celled to th, Uniu1 circuit court yesterday. CharlKl the princip.1 witn against uBr? JWOinwbShhT'Lamy J-Uurtgiveo. him. Judge 1 rupon ord.rd a warraTiS Z W. apprhnrion far eoateaZ !, ALL OYER HI Grant i to have iTfW, therefor rejoices. $ A Beokleman man v- 'i wUd gooes with three sU 4' An alarm of fire in rMA by a revolver fusilade. Macon h- a new Ger band of thirteen pieces, r Stratton ha shipped & J grain since September 1. 1 A farmer' cl jb is tryiui 000 to sUrt brick yards-;. Beatrice walks off v factory and a shirt and J Eight or ten Saunden w ill move in tbe spring to mln county. David City has countervJ circulation and does not jj they came from. j Jasper Peterson of "ft.,.? lost thirteen head of horm J icg of bis barn. Considerable talk hu U. id oi iaue b-xiui uie bwJ school at ncotia. The bank of lienkW rsi nnt n e 9.im it,. .... J pr cent pr annum. iTT i ner is movement it J In n .1 1 1 i . . , . - f thoroughly. It is well. Clsud Porter, a studwit cademy, let a pruning b, nearly cut hi hand in Wa Ta . t. n is mougui an ib- caused several of the Schm lb citizen ar on tbe virJf Geo. L. Yorry has uksgrJ Jodge county Leader, J. I retiring on account of poorf Western Vebraskx ctn of a demand for farmine Iik urs well for extensive imm J A little son of Dr. HrdcJ wood 'ell under th. wbneiirf wagon, and was badly bun J Hooper is to hsve two a I .... a brisk business block. -J houp an J a new church it i Farmers in th vicinitjrfl thinking seriously of sUrte How's that for povertr-itnttJ The horse riddec dtirint C If. Lathrop of the First 1 is still living at Lyons, a?! years. A Franklin ooun'y manetak mess of fish Jsnuary 28 cut dandeolins from the gi- Blue Springs is ambiUa; health resort, and wi comnany with $12,000 cer purpose-. Mr. A.J. Ali;on of Wi'J jhadbont 175 bti'hals of n- out of his house on his fires Assistant Stale Lcturr ths State Farmers' alliar nn week in Furoas com March 7. The Neligh creamenr r 1600 on th I sat sessw'i I ..: , . ,j wuea paying out scout V and butter. 1 Th stock holders of 1 Chautauqua ar qnarrelief- is possibility that thesc.il : l uuiiar. During the ti-ree rMitfit 1831 the shipments of jm4y flom Culherteoo were itr;!i the neighborhood of m The Fremont Stock rri has bn revirsd and reorr';?; D. Richards is president m Doruiy vice president. Us CitiMD of PlatUwoutb V4 strong dsmani that the clsV,, r iaifT" '"I court house be illuminated. The team of State Sensvrf Burwell ran a war Wednesdir! and threw him out, brsakuj and otherwise bruising bin m Fir haa dtroyd two old 1 landmark in th past few if wss a grand hotel built it 1 ether the old Ferry house t 0 twenty yar old. Lt week whil Hum phi!1 of Freeman Valley, Greeley f hauling hay hi team ra 1 threw him out of the V him n ii i 1. ummI J -"V J A Union Pacific train rontlyraa into a hslfsr. i perched upon tbe cow-catrl)1 ; rid ome diateaoe. The tri topped to get ber off. An inter-oounty Uschtn' eompoMtd of tb teacher fr" Franlrli. tr.. ...I Pdsla) ia te meet at Wlleo Mn ' dlcuss duoatioaal quest io1"- K Gorg. th ll.yr.old of Hnry Pbelea of Elk Cr' P B vr aaoidamt MondsT , o "ar ooatiag bim hi life- l. .i . ., , . n.aV awm i,na oara a kicked him ia tbe left am unooneciou rorsoine - Tl oitiaenaof Boott' Dlu an county ja tb vicioit', baldamaaa meeting left! purpoaaof electing delf 11 r af.lu-u .i. ml rsin U to enter Into sX" nuatall for tbe comr.g iw