The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 25, 1892, Image 1
Sioux County HE J OURNAL H.AJR,:RIS03T. Feb. 25, 1892. ILTO. 24. t'DCNTY X, 2T .A. L. Jltor and Proprietor. X. It. Time table. Jt So. fi, liiiitvl TrOO N MARKET. i tiundred J) v- f m. rt ery Thursday. 60 25 4 1 25 1 00 ! 15 IS 2 50 q, 3 4 4 51) 8 50 15 00 the harness shoo. ibes at Cunningham's. Vrrel at SU & Majisteller's. Iiave a crop of fifty i, at least, and a good 1 have about acres jnd Utto iielze will h at least. j get a membership puiturai society. 1 be a good thing for J.'las.s native huulier jDtly on hand at my Vy 13 miles east of k J. E. Alt-NER. je to meet according V ollice of the county 1 Tuesday in March. Tuesday in March f that is the date the ? - n was in town last d us that he would thousand sheep at his I about the first of i will prove a source ner. f granted a pension a ; the case had been Unix years. The mills , ' like those of the but they accomplish M job pressr has been time past. The peo JiftMn know that this of Jttb work and take advant fOity. Any in need of ..J) are invited to call t port that the ground pflition to receive the Jtop that they have r be. The bountiful Jieason has wet the Vod depth m that the .1 tion for a fish pond? fi bo a good plan for "fw arid get some fish pond would furnish H and fresh flHli for .few years vrfuld jlvenue, . , A Sutton had five" and !xt ami the coming 3"). That is about 1 of will compare With thfi prosperity i a standard the cur- srifold bettor times. ah rw.i e . " w j. tun tjci J uu J us.tii.'.L lus year he jisacd i Hshelis of corn ind wm good,' sound K The coining season f of over two hundred jcither proof that the countv will farni in W on the west bound 4 informed The Joi'n- emigrants had come jraska over the Elk Itatmc in during the fThai is a pointer as Bew settlers in this that people have kig high rent in the l ut that government in northwest Ne- oming to settle on plan for school I to investigate thej soks. , It is made ! N,rTfi Thu r I boards to contract foks for the use of ntract is made tlio ' a higher rate, for , except in case Jto. It will not be j jbndol meeting and ? p looked up before-! it action may be ! tlt. A;tM public schools! t f Jor in tho develop-, !,.r"VHry '' should lie ,i, ' fi. Guthrie shipped another car lead of heat Tuesday. tl 'Vniililfi begun on the addition to tiie business building of IL A, Cunning I aiu. J. 1L Uartell is doing the work. 7 ThTditlve of E- P- Maine who was '"tTOiail and filed on a piece of land i Ivw milt-s north, is exe ted in a few l.iyn with his family to make his horn in bioux county. It is reported that other parlies are expected here about the 1st of March to look over the field with a view to put ting in a mill. It is evident that the tine quality of wheat raised in Sioux county is Incoming known in milling circles and they are going to investigate. leo le nuy rest assured that they can their milling done at Harrison by the time this season's crop is ready to be ground. last Thursday I. Mulkins, accom panied by his wife and three children, ar rived to make his home in Sioux county. Mrs. Mulkins is a daughter of Geo. Slack, who has a claim a few miles southeast of town. The new arrival will soon file on a quarter section of Uncle Sam's land. Although there has been a good deailAW. Moh of wheat shipped from Harrison it is evi-h!ose a yaluul dent that it is not all gone. On last Sat urday our grain buyer, G. Guthrie, bought five hundred and fifty bushels of wheat. It is estimated that about seven car loads of wheat yet remain in this vi cinity to bo shipped out. It is reported that a passenger train is to 1 put on this line on April 1st. It is to he hoped that the rumor will prove true. Better train service would be ap preciated by the people along the line, hut it cannot be expected until there is more business and the best way to bring that about is for every one to work to get wore people here. Nels Engbret informs us that four new houses will be erected on the table near his place east of town, on claims which have lately been taken. Just tell your friends to watch the gait Sioux county strikes in the line of settlement this season and they will see that if they want to get a quarter section of govern ment land they will have to get a move on them. Letters are being received daily by our people from eastern parties who are looking for a location. From the present outlook the population of Siouxjjpunty will lie more than doubled within the next twelve months. The advertising that has been done in the past year or so will result in a great deal of good to the county, All that is necessary is to keep it up and it will not be long until every claim in Sioux county will be a valuable farm County Treasurer Gayhart arrived Tuesday after a absence of five weeks, lie went to Lincoln to make his annual settlement with the state treasurer and from there he went to Omaha to visit his son, John, and while there he received word of the serious illness of his mother in Wisconsin. He went at once to the home of his mother who lingered for live days after his arrival and then died at the ripe age of 84 years. The disease which caused her death was the grippe, Mr. tfaynart slates that a great many people have died of that disease in that locality. He further states that times are very dull there. Last year that part of the country wvas drouth-stricken and prairie hay is wiling for $1(5 per ton, and other kinds of feed in proportion and it has to be shipped in from, long distances. It would be a gpod plan ' for some of the people there to come to Sioux county. A report from the Chadron .sugar lieet convention has been received. It was expected that a representative of the Norfolk factory would ' be present, but by some means he did not get the date right and did not get to Chadron un til Monday. He talked business on his arrival and stated that seed would be furnished at 10 cents per pound and that implements would lie furnished $1 per acre if fiOO acres would be put in. He guaranteed the freight rate from Chadron to Norfolk would not exceed 80'cents per ton, and the committee feel confident that a rate from Harrison of not more $1 per ton conld bo obtained. The Norfolk man further staled that if .TOO acres of beets are raised at Chadron this season and prove satisfactory, and a guarantee of 5,000 acres for next year made a fac tory will lie secured next year without question. Now tho question fs for our farmers to decide whether or not they want to raise beets this year and ship them to Norfollt. The JgtrnaL would like very much to see at least a few acres put in and' the product shipped to tho factory. r It might not pay very big, but it. would without doubt pay good wage for all the time spent in the work and tho result would be a guide for fu ture, work in that lino. The local com mittee will bo glad to do anything they can to assist the farmers in arranging the matter. , A circular showing the ma chinery can be seen at this ollice and ac- off his All A rim lid About. Joe Konrath has trailed "matched" team. nenry PriestofF has been breaking fiery steeds the past week. Mrs. J. E. Hollingsworth is visiting w ith her sister, Mrs. Ijuck wood this week. y3fc-liiHs, J. Thorn's nephew took his dfuti.Xonday in search of work. C. B. Hollingsworth made a trip to Harrison Saturday. M. I). Jordau went to town on Satur day returning Monday. Miss Lou Woody came home from Chadron Saturday on account of sick ness. The grippe has a pretty firm hold ujxm her, and the doctor said it would be some time before she would get rid of it. nand Hittner went to Crawford to rsday, returning Sunday. When the roads are so had, the people in these parts wish the talked of mill at Bodarc was in a tangible form. PERSONAL. J. T. Mason wriu-a u.i to send him The JoCBNALttt. Glu. Itev. (.lH-nr wtiit to I.usk Saturday to oc cupy tlie M. K. pulpit at Hint piace on Satur day. Wm. Ilrooks orders The Jocrsal sent to him at Moororalt, Wyo. John Herman culled on Saturday and aflued hid uauie to our list of readers. Junies Kamaiii returned Saturday from Wyoming where he had been working. Wilbur K. .Sliepberd van iu town Saturday. Paul Serre:, wa4 in town on Monday. 1!. B. and J. W. Smith were in Harrison Monday. S. M. Thoiuud called on Monday and gave nt borne cash on subscription. S. H. Story was in from Antelope on 5Ion day and called at this ollice. M. . Jordan come up ou the train last Monday. pr. llridsrmaw arrived last Monday and his Hunily will be here next week to make this tlimr home. j. K. Beldon and E. G. Hough went to Jlo d;ire Monday to attend the camp fire. A. H. Kennedy has been oiek lor the t ten davs with an attack of ouiusv but is now uiueh butter. Mrs. MaeLnehlan has teen spendini; some duys visiting friends in this community. Frank Nutto was doing business in Harri son yesterday. Theodore Piekenbrock received a car-Vi higlmrn and family who have spent - u-iai muiiiij in ui county cApuct losinn on Monday for Chicago. H. H. liussell was up from Glen yesterday. John lieiiiy, who has a line piece of land a few miles east of town, sends us a remitt ance on subscription from Iowa. load of lumber from the hills and it was unloaded at Ardmore. Ho and his brother are going to use the same to build a school house on Long Branch. r hud the misfortune to inble two-year-old colt this week. It reared and fell, striking its head so hard as to cause death. We suppose it was a clear case of suicide. The prospects of work was too much for it. .Jacob Henry's two daughters, Misses Katie and Annie, have been sjiending a few weeks at home, but departed last Monday, Miss Katie for Dudley; and Miss Annie to the Fort. IX W. Woody, in going to town Satur day, was so unfortunate as to have his team fall on the buggy tongue and break it. So he "climbed a tree'' and cut it down with his jack-knife, and with the aid of halters and sjiare lines he "repaired the breach" and made the trip in siifety. Monday noon, Peter Henry received the sad intelligence that his son, John, had been killed that morning at 6 o'clock at the mines in Wyoming. No particu lars in regard to the accident further than that it was done in blasting, whether coal or rock is not yet known. Mr. Henry went at once to Ardmore to telegraih for the body. The sorrow stricken family have the sympathy of the community in their sad affliction. U No. Cottonwood Items. Farmers are preparing for Spring work. The ice harvest is over. '" Foster Speas lost a Valuable horse last week. Chas. Grove is building an addition to his house. The protracted meeting has closed with a roll of 20 converts. Last Saturday evening was the last meeting of the Unionville literary so ciety for the season. The society will meet again on the lirst evening m Nov ember. A Christian endeavor society has been organized with a membership of twenty two and will meet at the church every Sunday immediately after Sunday school closes. , . , .. A few days ago a watch and revolver wore taken from D. A. Publow's house during his absence ami on last Sunday evening someone relieved Chas. Grove's corn crib of a part of its contents. It is time a halt was called on such work. Keno. Mill Prospects. The prospects for a mill at Harrison are again bright. Ddring the past week C. E. Boyd has been looking over this lo cality and the advantages offered for a milling enterprise, lie 'is a practical miller of twenty years experience and he knows what is heeded to' make a mill a success. Ho saw a mittiber of sariiples of wheat grown here and pronounced it tho finest milling quality he had found. The test is higher, tho bran thinner and condition belter than that found iri any other portion of the state. Mr. Boyd represents capital sufficient to build and operate a mill and is not ' looking for a bonus, but for a place where wheat' of gooj quality can be grown, with an op portunity of finding a markat for the Hour. ' Here he found those condititions and also the cheapness of stonexand lum ber for building purposes and the cheap ness of fuel, both wood and" coal are items of" .importance and cannot be had at any other point where he hasi been prospecting. , The result is that Mr. Boyd returned to the east the (Irst of the week to report to his business associates and he stated that his report would be very favorable in regard to Harrison and in ten days or two weeks a decision would be reached and if it is decided to build here work will soon be commenced. The mill will be .what is known as the long roller process of seventy-five barrels daily capacity and an elevator in con nection so that all the farmers raise can be taken care of. The parties are looking for a permanent location, and will not build simply for a speculation but by getting good wheat, such i as is grown in Sioux county and using the best machin ery they will produce a quality of flour which can be put on tho market and compete successfully with the product of any mill In the country. In, view of tho prospects for a mill the farmers should get in hiadiness so that in case it is built they can put in a few more acres of wheat thon they had first. tion has boon takon to find out still more nX1Wctal to and it will all lielfi to make in tho matter. ' the county frospnron Some dissatisfation is reported in school district No. 19 over the removal of the school house, as it is claimed that it is far from tne centre of the district and not on a public road and can lie reached by some of the pupils only by travelling a long distance out of their way. The legality of the removal will likely come before the county superin tendent, who will without doubt, see that all parties have justice. Such mat ters nre always unpleasant in a neighbor hood and frequently a good deal of bit terness arises from the location of the district school house, but if the action is taken legally there is nothing for the disappointed ones to do but to submit. Farms For Reut. Either of the following farms can be rented from me on very easy terms: John Stelzer place, Sec. 27, T. 34, R, John Herman ' Alonzo Hovey 1 John Rockhart ' Frank Cafl'ey ' 13,' 7&18 1 30, ' 21,' 33, 32, 34, 35, Chas. E. Veiuty. Notice. The undersigned hereby notifies all parsons that he will be ivT-pcr..iible for no debts contracted in the name of the Sioux County Lumber Company, or Fletcher & Wadsworth, from and after this date. , Dated Hanison, Feb. 4, 1892. C. R. Wadswokth. Estray Notice. the following described animals were taken up by me at my place on the south east 14 Section HI, Township 31, Itange fx;, In Sioux County, Neb., on the Nth day ol Janu ary, W2: 1 white and red bull about i years old, right ear cropped and left car under cropped ; 1 red steer about 2 years old, two slits in right ear, and under-clop in left ear; both branded on left side, but brand cannot be made out 20-44 John Cokbin., Notice Homestead Entry. V. S. J.ANti Office, j CIIAUKON, NKBK., ( Jany. 25, 1S02. Complaint having been entered at this oftiee by Ferdinand Hittner against John Wortler for failure to comply with law as to Homestead Entry No. iW dated Sept. 'i'i, upon the EX NK4-NW4 JEi and NEK NWi, section :u. Township :H, Kunge 5ii, in Sioux County, Nebraska with H view to the, eancelllltiou ol said entry; coriLesiam- alleg ing that claimant has wholly abandoned said traci. ; that he has changed his resilience therefrom for more than li months since mailing said entry; and that said tract is not settled 'upon and cultivated by said party as required by law the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 8 day of March Ml, at 10 o'clock A. M., to re spond' and furnish testimony concerning Sitlil alleged failure. Testimony of witnesses will bo taken be fore George Walker, a notary public, at his office-in Harrison, Nebraska, on the 1 day of March, 1K1I4 at 10 a. in, T. F. 1'owkks, II. T. Conlky, Ueoelver. Attorney for Contestant. 'il-'Si . Notice. Timber Culture. V. s. T.ixn Officii, j IHIAUUO.V, NEBK., i Jany! If), 1M2. Complaint hawing been entered at this of fice by John Thorns against Pierce, Illewett for failure to comply with law us to Timber Culture Kutry No. 44H, dated .June h), JSX3, upon so !j section M, township 34, range 05, in Sioux county, Nebraska, with a view to tho cancellation of said entry; contestant alleging that claimant has failed to break more than n acres of said tract since llling thoribn ; that lie has failed to break, plow or in any way cultivate any portion .of said tract since July 1st, Issli and that t i.e live acres that ho had theretofore hroken, on said trai t, Is grown up to grass and weeds the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this ollice on the IS day of March, lsii'2, at 10 o'clock, a. in., to respond mid fur nish testimony concerning said alleged failure. Testimony of witnesses will be. taken he fore (ieorge Walker, a notary public, lit his ollice In Harrison, Nebr., on the sth day of March, IxM, nt 10 a. m. T. F. I'owkhh, Jly II. T. ConI.KY, . , Iteeeiver. Attorney for Contestant. l!l 2i)J , . Sheriff's Sale.. Ily virltio ot an order of sale issued by Conrnd Lliiilcinan, clerk of the district court ot Sioux county, Nebraska, and to ino directed, on a decree of foreclosure ren dered in said court at the October, 1MII, term of said court, to wit: on tho (ll.h day of Octolier, 1HIII, in favor of Alice K. Hunter as plaintiff, and against Frledricn Sehwarz and Justine hehwarz, as defendants, for too sum of .'s'i.70 and 91.43 costs and ac cruing cohIs, und directing that tlio prom ises therein described, to wit: the southwest, quarter of section 7, in township III N., of range M west of tho mil p. m., m ' Sioux county, Nebraska, lie appraised, advertised and sold as upon execution, to satisfy said sum of .'u.'o and K1.41I costs and accruing costs,-1 havivcaused the lollowing describ ed land to bo appraised, viz: Tim south west M of section 7 In township si, oi range t.l 1.. hll..v rnt,r Kolinulfll. find Will offer the sumo to the highest bidder for cash in hand, on the ith day ot Mnrcn, A. 1).. 1H1I2. at the front door ot mo court house nt Harrison, Nebraska, that belli i.h luiiiilliiir in which the last term the' district court was held, at the Iioub of S o'clock, p. ni., of said day, when and wkiiro due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated, February 24, intra. i.i.. ..TlUMAK ltltlUV, j ' . (ii-SBl t Sheriff ofsHidCouuty. ot Did you see the Bargains we are Offering'. SET OF GLASSWARE: SUGAR BOWL CREAM PITCHER BUTTERDISH SPOON HOLDER lib STANDARD BAKINU POWDER ALL FOR 50C. A FIRST CLASS LANTERN And 1 Pound of Banner Baking Powder J?OJ3j OJCsTIj"H" 60 Standard Canton Flannel lOcenta. Lawrence Canton Flannel 12 cents. We carry a complete stock of Gro ceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Clothing and Fur nishing Goods, which we will sell at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRIC The Celebrated WHITE BREAD FLOU P.. Constantly on Hand BARGAINS IN EVERY THING IX OUR LINE. RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, MacLACHLAN & COOK, Proprietors.- t is a Fact! -THAT GEO. K. TURNER Has one of the best selected stocks Of groceries in the northwest and can sell as cheap as the cheapest; Also a full line of Flour, Feed and Grain: . Dry Goods,' Boots, Shoesj Hatg, Caps, Clothing, Furnishing Goods,' Hardware,' Tin-,vare, Barbed Wire, Farniiilg Implements, Machinery and Buggies. Please calf and Examine our GOLD SEAL Buggy. Geo. H; Turner: Harrison Lumber Yard i Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Blinds'; ' -Etc. ' i Business Conducted on a Strictly Cash Basis? i ii I. V-