TbScuxCcuntyJcund. cmcui. cuorrr nm. mn riiBt a m ooarrr. or aocx oocvtt. Subarnptioe Price, - U J. !, - 1 taimO s the Barriaoe pua TlU AT. Fa. 11, W Oa last Thursday Senator Mkd the poaboa of praadeat of tae ate, thereby acting m tha cecity of the vice-prea afcnt of tlx Uartea Clarence 8ebh, Um teenier tad pro prietor of the O'Neill Item 1 Mimed control of that paper aad promises to Imp it ia to front rank of republican papers. Mr. Selah baa bad enough ex perwoc ia the business so that be is able to make bis promise good. Beceot experimeats go to slw that tobacco caa be grown in Nebraska and thus another industry will be added to the resources of the state. The possibili ties of Nebraska are just beginning to be teamed. What the future has in store lor the state cannot even be guessed at. The democratic organs will now have a chance to rest from the worry on ac- oont of the condition of Blaine's health for that gentleman in a letter to Chair man Clarkson, of the republican com aiittee, bearing date of Feb. 6th states that be is not a candidate Tor the presi dency. His letter la snort and rives no reason, simply announcing the fact that be is not a candidate, but that be will do earnest work in the coming campaign. One of the moet attractive of the short stories recently published appears under the title, "Toe Belles of Spruceluod," in the February Doable Number of The Youth's Companion. It describes with uncommon fidelity a party arranged by two girls. The guests were the okl la shes of tiie village, belles of fifty years ajro, and their chief entertainment was a serenade by the old filer and drummers of their youthful days. In such a story young and oM meet on a common ground of interest and respond to the toOeb of true sentiment felt by all ages. Nothing better couM be read aloud to a family circle. The latest reports are to the effect that the Louisiana lottery will go out of bnsi asaa, fat fang tmie there has been a bard and persisteM fight made OO the in stitntfcos The managers were opposed f j giving op tlie goose which laid so many golden eggs, but they have been . by reverses at every tun and have evidently become tired of the warfare. Ttte postoffiee department has labored hard to pat stop to the use of the tajik by the foftety &rpany nod in its effort it lias been strongly supported by the press and by tlie right minded people of tlie country, and it is a matter for congratulation that the end is near at Tlie action of tb aontherti alliance ejenibers of congress is rapidly disgust big the republicans who went into the aHUoce morenVeirt fa good faith. A short tflme ago it was predicted (hat the alliance movement would break up the solid south, but after the election it was found that tlie southern members are toting with the democrat right along. It is a siagMr' fact Mi fefubfleahs will go off afttf false gods mOl Stay with it while the democrat tftff talk for the Me issow Wrt wffcn i( toVWsS to (he test ftey are democrats every time. Tbe scales are falling from the eyas tit the ssMtbhcan alliance men and they see their error clearly and will sin no more. Tkmtffii Mars to be tbe order in northWrf fMf MVrfrn sm. Ft is learned that the F. i K V. taif road will double the capacity of their tops at Chadron aad equip them so that Ma of Um roHing stock will have to be Iftft $it of ftaf point for repairs. Tbe Wyoming line is to be extended" at least one hundred anrf seventy-lire miles. This will make It poasrMe for Um company ttf give AWdaJW of ffle cofffflry ffitttf taWn service :md that af Be highly appre- cwtedbvtr tfN along Um Una. It wifntfbefornMr tts will" have good western- connfc&tfs aM Aiat will also fTrbve of advantage to this pof tliecotffrtrY. Xlt things point to Cnder the ruling of the supftttil court tbe oM alteWeJ ca&e. take precedence over the currerSt ixjOrnVt of tbe county la it foots as if the cwfrSf Kkrd could alfow aTrfli dairas they fcft ft2 aod dsry wouTfrkvi to be paid lesaanQeflf bf tWsotteSfuwej'. TbatruCaf of ttm court will' coat fto'ttf cOtawtjr a good aWaridftrt .ffefe to H way to avoid auty. fatt' iff ft Vhoi,; a 1 9o propositioas for bonds have IWea deficit evideat that the peo IkAaJolwaat fT toads, aad thorn who MitUHct bbsfortdobbt MHtetaJbaaav.nsilln'anoU): asjl Bgnt it m HKePf that, the It m rather eartar but the papers (ross U parts of the stats are taUiag of nsea ho are anUaay; to sarwe Um people aaa the reeMka party by mmmg candidates fur ausna of the iaaportaot offices to be siiad at tbe comieg alert iosj Ia socne i-sMtaa saaa ingai wad are good and vooidneip to BMba a winning ticket. Ttua m not a year erbra a great number uf i sajratstss are aaeaad. There was a tiose wban ooimarina) oa the republican tttamt wan alasost cartaia to aaa, baa each is ant tbe case at aai the objects to be sought is aot to aaaafy aay saaa's personal ambition but eelart Bea who will command tbe re spect of the voters aad receive their sup port at tha pulls. A state ticket of rood Me aad congressional nominees who will sdd strength to the ticket instead of being a dead weight to carry, and the selector, of men who are upright, clear nA ihle ta 611 the ticket from top to bottom is what ia needed. The new bul lot law increases the demand for gtxl selections. Ward rounders and heelers cannot be used even in the lowest wards nf the cities. The vote cast under ! he new law is better and mors intelligent than was possible under the old law and it calls for the selection of Uie bt men of tbe party. llve toasJosttaa bVl ft L'sprirwahave to ft . J?- Tkr Caadag Indmstry. The meeting at tlie court house on last Saturday was not larj,-ely attended on account of the stormy condition of tbe weather, but, nevertheless, a number of representative farmers were on hand to learn all they could in regard to tlie cost certainty aod profits of growing sugar beets. The fact is becoming pretty well established that sugar beet culture is the coming industry of northwest Nebraska ami that the growing of beets is going to prove the most profitable crop the far mers can raise and the only point to set tle is the securing of factories to work the product up into sugar and the wean ing of the farmers from tlie idea that it is necessary to raise an immense acreage in order to realize a profit It is ad mitted by all that northwest Nebraska is the best adapted to the culture of sugar beets of any locality in the United States, and of that portion of tlie state Sioux county has advantages over any other county or locality. The introduction of Uie sugar beet in dustry with the settlement of tbe county will make it a great deal easier than to change the line of crop after the county is settled. With the improved machin ery that has been devised Uie growing of sugar beets is relieved of a great deal of Um hard lund work which tended to make it unpopular in Um past and Uie machinery is not expensive, enabling a fanner to go into Um beet culture with out a heavy owttay for tools. . Tbe exact east of the tools will be known in the near future and Um farmers will know just exactly how they ran make their plans. The contracts sought to be obtained by the people of Chadron are simple, pterin and fair, all that is asawf is that tbe far mers agree to raise a certain number of seres of beets at a scale of prices not less than that paid at Grand Island and Nor folk. If Uie farmers of tlnrte localities can afford to raise sugar beets on the high priced land that is tliere, the farm ers of northwest Nebraska certainly ought to be able to raise beets at a good profit. Tlie parties in tfctrge will get tlie best railroad rates possible, not only on Uie Elkliorn but also on tbe B. & M. so that peopla in Um north and east part of this county may have &t opportunity of en gaging in beet growing. Tlie people of Cliadron aft entitled to credit for the zeal and energy with which they liave taken trtffd of Uiis matter and ! lie people of this locality should unite with them and help tlie good work along. ft will increase the value of every bit of mil estate in tlie cotrntv if the mimr in dustry is once estahii sU in the north west and Sioux county will yet become one of the best wealUi producing and prosperous counties in Um state. Fraaaerts. ClUie later Oceaa. , r Safer Beef, a trad- whose man inf-"T- its purpose, gives soase cheering new s from California aad Ne oraaka ia its January number. For ex ample, it appears that m the former state it b powuble for one man to plant aaa cultivate; twenty acres of sugar beats and to make a aet pront of $30 per acre upon them. This m belter than rasang "cheap corn iot ua - - tor "cheap" wages oa the plantations of Southern free traders. It is even better than 0 cent wtieat, a part of which is seat to feed the cheap labor of free-trade Eagtand. Oaa California farm of 1,300 acres is planted in beets exclusively, an otnsr of .0i ares that has been re ciaioMd from Uie virgin soil since 1887 is in beets, 6,000 cattle are fed from Uie bn. of tlie beets trrown. and from the Mkitnum of a neiirhborinir sugar factory This ia hhnffiiur a new form of agricui tural todustry into notice with consider ahW Miirjhais. It mav be remarked U at the sugar bounty clause of -'the infam ous Mc Kinlev bill" lias lad some effect in Munnraf-ine these new enterprises. Tlie Watsooville, CaL, beet supr fac- tnrv. constructud at a cost of -VK),000. employ I'M) men. made 10,000 pounds the first mouth of its operation, and is expected to make 5,000- OUl i(UOils dunntr toe ursi .ne months of its operation. The Ctieno fac torv in the same state is exiwcted to do about as well. It may be remarked that this 10,000,000 pourels of American made suTir will not be handled by any trust. One Nebraska oirresrxiodent tells the editor of The Snaar tUt that there is srood Drofit in erowinff beets for Um Ox- oard tactory, even if tlie value of the land on wliich tliey are grown is esti mated at $1,000 per acre. Another cor resnoDdent writes that 5,000 acres will be needed to supply the demand for beets at the Norfork factory, and another 5,000 for the Orand Island factary. "Real es tate in and about Norfolk," lie says, "lias .ulvanced greatly. There is not a house to reut Uie re, and in a niimber of in stances farmers residing in tlie neighbor hood lave refuied from 15 to f.'O pel acre above Uie prices asked four or live months ago. Lalor," lie adds, "lias been very scarce, and all the school boys in a number of villages have been reaping a rich harvest in Uie beet business. The McKinley policy will meet the ap proval of a great many new voters in California and Nebraska when it next is put to the test of a Presidential cam- pa-'o"- Tliere is some talk of an extra session of tlie legislature being called by Gov. ttovd. Tliere are some things that call for legislative action but the wisdom of a special session is vary questionable. As constituted there are grave doubts about that body taking any action that would result in good to tlie masses. It would necessitate special elections in a number or districts and would causa a great deal of expense and consequent un settled condition of business and Uie sea son could hardly' be called and closed before the regular session would convene so that but little time would be gained in any event. OFFIOIAL DtftfeTOPlYi STATE omtfelM: June F-. Boyd- GbVernOT, UncVta, Mr. T.J. Mtjoie. .Ucotenent Uovernar J. C. Alien .secretary of iuta T. II. Benton . .......Auditor n T.. Hill .-i.-.-;;.- ..Treasurer (i. ll.HiutinCK Attorney uenerui A. R. Humphrey t-and CvnuuLwiouer A. K. Gouuj SriHi rublic Instruction (OMiRKJiMOSAI. DKI.KOATIOX: A. s. I'sddock. V. S. Senator, Ben trice C. r. Mandenon... l s: senator, Omidu W. J. Bryan, OratffMSiha.'i 1st Ilist Lincoln W. A. McKiFYkan, " i " Ue.1 Cloud O. M. Keni, ' J. I " Brttkra Bow lf-HS caai J . Ia On last Monday afternoon the cliange in governors of Nebraska occurred at Lincoln. In afxorttaffc with Onv I .... 4. It' tl L. . . I imyer s letter uov. uoyd repaired to the state bouse ami the former turned Um office over to the rattef. Thuyer offered bis hand to BoyA1 i'6't Uiat indi vidual refused it, tfi'Us showing ri Kpirit which was altogether uncalWd fhr and indicates that be took Um action of Thayer as a personal matter. Uecer tninly did not elevate himself id Um opin ion of Um people of Um state by such a display of pettish new. The reports state tint Um case as td Boyd's fcltlasnship has not lrn deluled, as the ffUpreme court of Um Uniteli States simply fsmanded the case back to the supreme court of Na brasMfur further acUoa; and soma a van go wi far n! lo contend that Thayer did wrong in turning over Um office to Boyd until Um ead was reached. A number of tha appointees of Thayer bad reabrhad and Rnyd was cheated of Um pleasure of cttUmge ftoKUcal HttAi) bit ha will ha- tfft mmW br ffiilnctba vaimatiSiGu. craatelwlW metiLur his own heart. Tha enaa u l iai mil retatrnixa James & Ifcydasfovartibr, last UMaagaM Of Uie Uw. reftttinito H1IhH, m fttrat k hUti from wfiichUley wilt o1 facbref tf Mil eoapwa tf snasd. thaM ihUt &( will W teiaiayof aity orirBer liar tha 4l3 & KlLtlsiL .P Jl-LIICliRt: S. Maxwell ...... Chief Justice, i reraont T. L. Xorval Aamciate Jndne, Seward A. M. Tost..-. Aitsoriate Judge, Colunibn 1. A. Canipuellacrk and Kf porter, Lincoln F1JTKKSTII Jl-DICIAI. IIUTHlM'i r. Klnkairi .-.Jndce, O'Selll Alfretl liiirtow . t'hi'tron Conrad Llndeman llerk, IUitUod fXlUSTt OKFICEftS: 5. Barker . County Juilr Conrad IJndeman... . ;jj.Clerk M. J. Uayhart ;;..:;;T rSanrrr A. Southworth sapt. Pnfjlie Irlwtf ilt-ti.m inoa. Beiciy... :.;:.;!sheriir Oo. J. shafer :..... orouer A. Iv. Iw . . ....... snrveror i onraa i.inunian. Clerk of titatrii-t Court II. T. Conley..... Connty AtUirurr BOARD OF COalKlsSKJjfl'Ks! JcOin A. Green, (chairman- w Diairlct r. W. Knott at If . J. Weber. ..sd LKtilSLATITt! W. WIImhi Senator, IINt So. 14. (Iiartroa Kl. I. Heath Kep., l,t. No. lij Ru.hrllla tillage omct.n: Tboiims Keldy (chairman) Trattee i,Ml Onthrle -. m c. E. verity C H. WH kr it Cwnrad Llndeman hl w. n. iT. :.Clerk 6. Gntllrt. TranT J. W; Scottii..; Street rnnaavw. school omctHat mn. i.. u. naacn ... Dime lor B. Wricht ' Mhri.ra, 0. W. Hester . ... Treaaorer TKEalor00Uf.Tf District Coart-At llunU, April kNh aad Koveaker tl.t. law CatT Coart,-At Harrbna. en rst Maaday af each awoth. ClftlatCHKa AMD amtmira t. Chara-PBiBf alUfiV.t lf at 7 a. W.O.UtaaainnL Paato f alar aaa 1 1 ULBASSBa, raaUV. . u - - nomi weanes aianU.tsp..,. Was; is fcy.tr Htulmr to1 svery rW.. eiori)l atllae. as. W.O.ULAaa.a 41 -H'-A":. .. flalierteteaaeat. Heeraterr. Laa....U , il"l t . 'P.Wairlr, Sioux County Lumber Co. MVi5lTACTl1iI3IS Or Lumber, Lath and Shingles. AOood Supply of N'aUve Urn Always oa Hand. LCMEt DKUTttB) AT THE M1U 0 IS HAKBUsO.V. MILL OK SQUAW CREEK. l-ms nees.. Tork City t R,TSTii.'.wb gll or raioo. Ukaro. JOHN' A LUCAS, PiAwrwcrr. CHAS. E. HOLMES, Vmf j q CHARLES E. VERITY, ( AiHiaa, gCtUTAX A COXUY. Ujvr. Will ralcrics is allthc iociI,tts anrt federal court, and C. S. Uind offlce. L(OAL MKM OAaCFULLV DRAWN. t t t fjr Office in Court House, ntsBrcAV - EBRASKA GEORGE WALKER, Attomj-at-Law. Will Brattice before all couru and tbe I S. Land Offlce. Balnesa entrusted te my are will rscelra prompt attention. tUXBROX, - KEBBAMIA. L. E. BELDEN & SON, Wagon and Carriage Makers. lepalrlng done on short notice. Good work ana reasonable charges, .hop oath of livef y barn. HARRISON, ... M Dr. Leonhardt Limits his practice to diseases of the Nervous System, (Such as Loss of Memory, Feeling, Mo tion and Will-power, Cramps, Kits, Gen eral Nervousness, and all forms of Jeuralpa.) HEART, (As shown by Shoftnew of Breath, Pain, Palpitation, Fluttering and Numb ness in region of tlx Heart) BLOOD, (Such as Skin Disea.ses, Ulcers, Exces sive Paleness or Redden of tbe Face, Famtness, Dizziness, etc.) CONSULTATION FREE! ADDRESS WITH STAMP DR. LE0XHARDT, 14S2 0 fT. - - - LINCOLN, NIB ention thla paper. AA4- StlwttUd AaafWM 4siEi MlatM aa jjjciftsiiftr Qutiim aerafc Sana a air llwa awa akeaM ke wttaonl il aat Tm ra, atiaSii. Taa !!; saalaw atr aa aa4 aaa laat aaan Un m aany aaa fa aanriwl Him. la. tmni, fattwUtaf mmr.mlk Umk kak UM, ami laaL aaaanaattj. Ijak la aaaa. laal aatk L aa aaaaS itmV lmrtmnm Uaa liiiiiiiliyla laakiTOaatatawrarlaaaflak: "rataifcaeaaaaa, aaSiaa am i aar ricaat ; kal to a Mamawaian." Bavaaall m aaa L,"7WI?1! , ' nqnau uat "XV4 r'Sr-"Wkaiaa aaf y -Jl'"i,f 'IMilaaiM. akaaalftas kilMa4llaktitmmailaitf eaw( ara aaal; aaralag ha M to dim Mr aVrVaa aaaiaanUMaaaraarTCraWwaianrk Iw aaraily awr MSaJjryalirlat , iliATrj &Saaaa u fplg Mini THE BAHIt OF IIARRISt! ftSTAaiisaiti l HABK1S0N, "EBRASKA. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $25 Transacts a General Banking BusinJ Buvs School Orders, County and Village Warrants. i fJTlnterest Paul on Time Deposits. Loans Money on Improved F; arr WE HAVE OPENED BUSINESS FOR THE TEAi i Determined to make every effort sible to add to the number of 01 customers, and if good goods, low prices and fair treat ment will secure them we are bound to win. dm I s6 What we Have in the Line of Dry Goods, Groceries, k and Shoes, etc., i AND GET OUft PRICES. OUR STOCK OF HARDWAH IS COMPLETE And we will have all kinds of Farm Machinbr 6RISIV0LD & MOSTELI HE . 17EEKLY . IDTEB . STILL CONT1MUB5 Ike Cost Pc?ilir Firilj Kttijr in tie lest nr a m van inwePAm for THfiHOME .-. THE WORKSHOP, ei THE BUSINESS OFFICE. THE PROFESSIONAL MAN, THE POLITIC at. PBataaa as aaeh la a air eoawtMj 'aaaas raTseaaara aartsctlr P ft BV Imh af 1. w f I iBTITiij ttW gajisf THE BEST BTWSCS AND SKETCHES IN THE UNGUAL nsTOaJaaJ aaa nrnftall IQpiroaKeaia vary tc At IvtUiD-asjtaMa- CijissJ Oaa, Wsau Dafita h The i ae anj h , Mmaaj k raasar OaaaJaN Maat nataitaal Tsalatie latta 5saaraaat el rJaJUCCRB, t aff laaflftJlaal A A 4 a Ua aaat ffUti . taasB-' i t ETrH . aaaBaaaaaaaBBjaBBBBBBB taa - aaaaaaaj mm. aasaaBBa. m -mmW aveaaaaBB - m lllatJlllHI mmtUtmHlkUlim ,M$m.tmV,tC dailt nrxra ocsah cioo -