The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 11, 1892, Image 2

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t. t. MM1IOJM, rroprUtor.
Will ' Ba Bclldoied
Niw Okiams. Feb. 6. The stesmer
El Paso arrived yeeterosy from New
York, tbe cargo including forty cases or
Winchester rifles and thirteen boxes of
cartridges, addreaaad to A. W. Crsndslli
chairman of tba democratic campaign
committM of New Orleans. In an in
terview concerning these arm Colonel
Crandall aaid:
"Yea, it ia a fact that these arms come
to New Orleans addressed to me as
chairman of the democratic executive
committee. There has been no attempt
made to conceal the shipment and no
effort to disguise why the arms hare
been secured. We are providing-our
selves with them simply to protect our
selves againat any scheme, armed or
otherwise, to deny us a free ballot and a
fair count in the coming election,
Since the nominating convention at
Baton Rouse we have been met on all
sidaa with statements from the
and supporters of Foster that
war to the knife and the knife
hilt, and that the machinery
it was
to the
in the
bands of the exiating elate administra
tion waa to be used in counting in the
the Foster ticket and counting out the
McEnery ticket. Believing the election
machinery under control of the present
administration will be employed in frus
trating, if necessary, a free expression
of the public will, be determined, on the
principle that an ounce of prevention is
worth a pound of cure, to take sucb
means as will protect us from illegal
and unwarranted interference with our
rights under the law.
There will be another consignment of
arms shortly. There ia no intention oj
the part of the regular democrata r
precipitate trouble, no desire to provoke
the abedding of blood. All we aek for
ia the privilege of every voter to vote as
he obooses in the election and the a
8 u ranee that his vote will be counted as
cast. We never intended to bulldoze or
bluff, but are firm in the determination
not to be bulldozed or bluffed."
Tones Brother Flight.
Memphis, Tenn, Feb. 6. M. McPber-
son of the cotton brokerage firm of Mc
Phereon A Co., who has returned from a
tnp through the cotton belt, says the
Jones brothers, the alleged crooked oot
ton brokers, traveled with him to Little
Rock on the Iron Mountain Saturday
night last. They said they were going
to Hot Springs. It is now generally
conceded that they were making fcr
a a mi - . ,.
inezioo. ine creditors or the nrm are
turning up daily. The brothers left
their families behind. The aged moth
er of the men is deeply affected by their
flight and exposure and it is feared she
will not survive the blow.
Killed Hli Sweetheart.
New York, Feb. 6. Frederick Ze
nor, the murderer of Maggie Weissmul
ler, the woman he loved, committed sui
cide some time last night within 200
feet of where his victim lay, surrounded
by ber relatives and her friends. Yes
terday morning two men going to their
work passed a vacant lot near the house
where the girl's body lay. Over in the
shadow of the house they found Zaet
or's body, with one hand stretched out
to the candle light still to be seen in the
window of the room where the dead girl
lay, the other tightly clutching a piatol
held to the forehead. Ia a letter found
on the dead man's clothing Zsenor stated
that he would like to be buried in the
grave with his sweetheart.
Charge With Embettlement.
Council, Bluffs, Ia., Feb. 6. J.
VI l. 1 1 j r -
MuivMi auu ueorge r . unamp con
nected with the Kimball-Champ Invest
ment company company, which assigned
hero year ago, were indicted by the
grand jury, charged with embezzling
over iu,uw of the company's money,
Dashed to Pieces,
New York, Feb. 6. Among the paa
esngers of the steamship Cienfuegos,
which arrived at (Quarantine yesterday
were Captain W. O. Sawyer and several
of the crew of the echooner Bessie H.
. Rose. The schooner waa washed ashore
on the Bahama banks in a fierce gale
January 15. For three days and nights
the crew were at the mercy of the waves,
which beat with terrible force. The
Bsesie Rose waa a 600 ton schooner,
weana wiin guano, rrom Navassa to
Baltimore. Her signals of distress were
Anally aean by a wrecking vessel out
from one of the Bahamas. She pat up
so uie Bessie turn, which was fast go
ing to pieces, and succeeded in rescuing
the nine mac on board, They bad un
dergone terrible suffering and ware
nearly They were taken to Nas
sau, where they took ship last Monday
aboard the Cienfoegos, The Bessie Rose
was owned by persons in Boston. Bar
entire cargo was also lost. Her oaptain,
woo was apart owner, had no iasur
aaea upon bin vessel. Paitof the afaip's
trappings ware saved.
. A
tiUmtr-W9 taere any accident
to 0 famvkca game todayr
rtt-Otlf one. A aula in an
tC3feUI broke loose, got mixed
Cm pum, and wm pretty
lt fcy Fire.
Naw Yoaa, Feb. 2,-At a late bout
lout nurkt sin ilFA rtiirnaH WOSeDB ltmE
. tii flr nf a five-story brick
tenement house, 85 Hester stieet started
a blaze which in a few minutes had
spread through the upper part of the
building. The tenants were panic
stricken. Some of the unfortunates
jumped and others were knoaked off the
fire escapee to the courtyard below.
Two were fatally injured and four others
are Buffering from broken limbs and
other in j arise.
Gustevs Kaufman and Fannie Lsvy,
who lived on the third floor, were cut
off from the staircase by the flames and
the crowd kept them from the fire eS'
cd. Thev went to the roof, from
which they jumped, locked in each oth
er's arms, to the courtyard. They were
picked up bleeding and ii sensible. Solo-
moo Kolinsky tried to suve the Levy girl
by catching ber in his arms, but her
weight crushed him and he fell to the
ground with a leg broken.
Ida Goldstein tLrew her eighteen
months-old child out of a window and it
was fatally injured. Rebecca Ponersot
fell from a Are escape on the fourth
floor and broke her back. She will die.
The firemen soon got the flames under
Ten Miner rrlhed.
Pom Tow.nsksd, Wash., Ftb. 2 -The
steamer from Alaska, which arrived last
night, reports that ten miners are sup
posed to have perished of hunger or
cold. Last April Messrs. Orton and S.
Q. Wneelocaof Juneau, accompanied by
eight other miners, left Juneiu on the
schooner Charley for Li'.ua bay, taking
eight months provisions. The party whs
to return in November. Nothing hav
ing beea heard from them great uneasi
aesa is felt, for they were in the frozen
regions, where it would be impossible to
get f 3x1 or help. Ihe people appealed
to Captain Maynard of the United
States war ship Pinto, at Sitka, to go to
the relief of the missing men. Miynard
declined on account of the great risk to
the ship and because he thought the
men were beyond the reach of human
At a mass meeting held in Juneau the
governor was appealed to and a relief
expedition organized and sent out in
sailing vessels with supplies in serch of
the lost miners, with a slight hope of
rescuing them.
The KeiUiratlon of Serfdom.
Paris, Feb. 2. According to advices
ftom St. Petersburg the Garza intends
toinitiate measures for the resotrstion
f fei fdom among the peasants. Re
ports from many district officials have
oncurred in the statement that the ic
es of population in the villages is so
treat that the land belonging to the
"nire" or local communes is insufficient
to support all members. The govern
ment, with a view to remedying the evil
proposes to allot to the peasants vasts
tracts of land under conditions similar
to those of serf tenure. One third of
the harvest ia to be stored in the com
munal magazines for the support of the
peasants; one-third U to be sold by the
government for the payment of local
debts to the same, and one-third is to be
retained for the payment of government
taxes. The peasants will not be allowed
to move, but will be bound to the soil
and will be obliged to fulfill their con-
The system will be first applied in the
province of Samara and Saratov and if
successful will be extended all over the
empire. The exeoution of the new law
will be entrusted to the district officials
"semski lachalkni. As these are re
cruited from the nobility, who are in
favor of the restoration of serfdom, they
are certain to report the scheme as a
The British Jack.
Bridgeport, Conn., Feb. 2. Shortly
after 12 o'clock yesterday afternoon the
big three masted schooner, Glendon, of
St. John, N. B., sailed into this harbor
with the British jack floating from the
mizzen, in direct violation of the United
States law, which provides that a for
eign ensign must always be accom
panied by the stars and stripes. The
tore and main masts were destitute of
banting. As the vessel sailed up the
harbor tba British flag was perceived by
people on the docks, and as the vessel
passed tba three bridges the abutments
weia black with excited men, who greet
ed tba British flag with hisses, mingled
with cries of "Haul it down" and "Shoot
it." Captain Trowbridge of the schoon
er drew a pistol and swore be would
snoot tbe rat man who laid fctnds
tba haylards.
' When the vessel finally reacted her
berth there were over 1,000 men on the
wharf. They were joined by .eve. ty
S7e unarmed militiamen, who attempted
to tear down the flag. The Bri J.h
flag atill floats, but it will be forcibly re
moved. errlbly Burned.
Bat Citt, Mich., Feb. 2.-John Oiffel,
thosmaker, and his wife and 18
months old ohild, were horribly burned.
Giffel waa repairing shoes at his bench
and had a large lamp banging hefors
blnv Tba child threw a hammer, atrik
lag tbe lamp, ehatteriag it and throw
ing tba taming oil over the father and
ohild, setting lire to their clothes. The
aoreams of tba ohild brought the mother
totbeseeoeeadln attempting to M0.
iM tmfGMBssche wan badly burned.
rro- the F.-lM District.
Wasbiwtos, U. C, Feb. 3.-Io re
ponce to many sy mpathetic -inquiries
I mnH nrr,tfr at aid received from friends
in the United States tbe department of
ute has received from Minister Smith
r Sl P.tersburg an interesting report
f tr.Mnal rendition of the stricken
districts of Russia, preparsd from evi
decce of eve witnesses, and most trust
worthy sourors, of which the following
is an t-nitome:
The territory afflicted by the drouth
comprises thirteen provinces of Euro
pean Russia, where the famine is gen
eral, viz: Kazan. Nijni, Novogorod, Or
enburg, Oufo, Pensa, Riazan, Samara,
Tambouff. Toula,
Yiatka and Moronege.
In Ave other provinces the famine pre
vails in part, viz: Kursk, OlOTetz, Orel,
Prm and Tauride. One or two others,
I ke Kharkov, have suffered to some ex
tent, but are not included in tLe official
reports. The first thirteen provinces in
a.e one-tbird greater tban Germany
They cover an area equal to the states
of Maine. New lianishire, VermoLt,
Massachusetts. Rhode Island, Conneti
cut, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland,
Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina,
South Carolina, Georgia and Kentucky,
all together. The population is about
equal, or about 20,000,00). The provin
ces above named, if included in the com
parison, would equal the combined area
of Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin,
Minnesota, Illinois, North and South
Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas and half of
Ohio. The total population of these last
five provinces is nearly double that of
tbe eleven states. Thia vast region is
one of the richest and ordinarily tbe
most fruitful soil of Russia.
The destitution is not universal, as
there are those whose accumulations
have saved them from want, and there
are some spots preservsd from blight by
irrigation, where a good harvest waa
reaped, but, at the best estimate, the
proportion of suffering ia enormous. An
official estimate of the number of those
without food or means of support who
require aid is given aa 11,000,000 persoce,
and this is probably below the true
number. For three years the crops
have fal en short of tbe average and tbe
deficiency of the last season left the
storehouses well nigh empty, and with
the increased failure of this year, it ia
evident, and, Minister Smith adds, posi
tive, that unless equal relief can be sup
plied' tbe'great suffericg will grov. Tbe
great proportion of the peasantry is not
provident. Tbe peasants make no sav
ing, but live wholly dependent upon
yearly crops, hence long continued and
widespread drouth leaves them subject
to outside relief. The s :arcity of pro
visions is not the only misery of the peo- j
pie. The crops are the foundation ot
their whole economic structure. When
their crors fail, various evils follow.
Tbe government loses revenue, and the
peasants lack all the necessaries of life
clothing, tirewocd, farming implements,
subsistence ot horses and ca'.tle, all de
pend upon this resource; the crops, the
taus and rentals continue and it is ai
difficult to get fuel as food in some sec
tions. Cold as well aa hunger cause terrible
suffering. Large numbers of persons
huddle together some houses most con
ducive to warmth, and even thatched
roofs are torn and the straw fed to the
dying embers. Clothing is givsn away
for bread. Houses and cattle are sacri
ficed. Fodder ia as scarce aa human
food, ia some places horse fle h
has been sacrificed for austenance. Dur
ing the winter there is no work and fre
quently fathers have left their wivas
and children to fight the battle of want
alone because they could do nothing and
their absence would leave fewer mouths
w iceu at nome. ine oreaa many are
eating is composed of wild arrocV, pota
toes, chaff and leaves, and these terrible
conditions produce disease. Within the
radius of one mile there are 120 cases ot
typhoid fever. Pestilence and hunger
are daily gaining ground and pestilence
is deciminating the people.
ine imperial government baa up to
the present time applied 42,."0,C00
from the public treasury for the work of
relief, but the work must still go on, and
the expenditure must amount to a much
larger sum. The Russian emperor has
continually given enormously, and all
olaseesare giving aooording to tbeir
means. The loss to to th government
revenue will be st le ist 200,003,000 about
100,000,000 or more, while conservative
estimates of the loss to Russis, in view
of all consequences, ia placed at not lees
than 1,000,000,000 rubles. Up to tbe
present there have been few contribu
tions from abroad, but tbe government
and the people ot Russia are deeply
sensible of spontaneoua offerings that
have been mads in various parte ot the
United States, add the emperor, as wall
as others, has intimated as much to Mr
Smith in bis expressions of appreoit.
The Mew MeMahoa Hall.
WasaiKOTON, Feb. 3. Tba donation
of Father McMabon to tba Catbolio
university having become available, tbe
McMabon hall ot Philadelphia will bt
under way before tbe close of next aaa
son. Tba building, tba second of aii
that are to make tba university circle,
will be 260 (sot in length and will eon
tain aonommodattoaa for tba art, liter
aturo and other departments. A statu
of th Redeemer, the "Light of tba
World," will Mrmouat the oeatral por
tion of tbe buUdiig.
I Oethreah lUpefted.
Boisos, Feb. t.-An outbreak was re
ported yesterday among the prisoners
at Deer Wand and fifty policemen
sent from this city to the scene. This II
tbe second riotous demonstration thai
has occurred in that inetitutioo withina
few week. It is stated tbe men ref uaod
to go to work wbea ordered yeeter
d, and threatened the efflca-e
lives. A detail of meo from the various
stations was immediately sent down on
a police boat and tbeir arrival there was
announced by Capte;n Brsydon, who
notified headquarters that more men
were needed, as tbe trouble is s. nous.
Additional assistance was sent and tbe
reserve polios have been ordered ia
readiness for immediate service.
When the police arrived at Deer
)landalarge number of convicts were
making a great noise. They refused to
go to work and threatened the polios,
...Lm.. .iri man. The Dolics drew
their clubs and in a short time put tbe
mob under subjection, aiier me
of tbeir batons. The refractory rrisou.
ers were locked in tbeir cells'
Commissioner Devlin attributes the
trouble to lack of room at the iostitJ
tion. There are between X) and M0
adult prisoners on the island and only
420 cells.
A lrl of Jytrluii Murlr.
Johnhto.x, Pa., Feb. 4.-Notbing
since the awful flood has caused so much
alarm as a series of mjsterous murders
committed within a radius of twelve
miles. Apparently all five were done by
one hand, but eo far the detectives are
unable to discover tbe perpetrator.
December 4, the body of a well-dressed
man waa found in tbe woods near Gal
litzin with s bullet hols in his Head. No
clue was obtained as to h i identity and
he waa buried. A week later the body
ot another man was found, about twelve
miles from here with a hole through his
head. It was identified as that of George
Myers, a prosperous citizen ot Frugal ty.
who bad been inurdereJ for his mony.
Less than a week ago the decomposed
body of another man waa found in the
woods near Bethel. Nothing was dis
covered to establish bis identity. Ihe
horrible butchery of old man Kring and
his wife, and the cremation of their
bodies, a few eights ago, is attributed to
the asms mysterious murderer, who is
evidently hiding in the mountains, ready
to pounce upon any victim whom he
supposes has money.
rllnwn np With Dynamite.
rineui Ko, Feb. 4. The Wood's IJun
car on the Manchester line, having on
board thirteen new employee of the
company, was w recked early yesterday
morning by the explosion of a dynamite
cartridge which had been placed on the
track. Ihe coucuaaion was so severe
that tbe cur wae thrown from the track
and badly wrecked, and windowa were
shattered in all the houses on that side
of the street near the track over which
the car was running. Not one person
was badly injured. Several of the men
were cut by flying glass, but no one waa
seriously hurt. Many persons were
thrown from their beds by the explo
sion. The strikers have been nm.i f...
the past seversl days and it ia thought
tbey have abandoned the fight and that
all trouble ia over.
Committed Nulride.
Saw Antonio. Tai .. F.h i r-u-i
John Withers, cashier of the San An
tonio National bank, committed suicide
thia morning by putting a bullet through
L.1. 1 .. .
uia uraio. ine tragedy took place in a
private room just above the banking
room. No cause is tHunxl t,.r t ha a a
aa bis accounts are supposed to be per-
.i .....
leouy sirsigni. lie leaves property to
ths value of ahnnt. ft-mnrtin
ColOtiat Wit k am nua.liJ 1T 1
Point in 1849, with distinguished honors
on was stationed at Vanoouver's island
wiui oia classmate, the late run it u
Orant. He was transferred to ths milt
tary nost at San Antnnin : 107 .j
jutant, and in tbia city on June 15, 1859.
-" "" Mimm Amva uwyer, sister
we taw Major Joseph J, Dwyer. A
year thereafter he was transferred to
Washington City ss adjutant to tbe
army and soon after resigned his com
mission to accept service in the confed
erate army and was appointed adjutant
general to the confederacy with the
rank of colonel, in which capacity be
eerved until the close of tte war, ben
he returned to his home in thia city.
For the last twenty -two years he baa
been associated with ths San Antonio
National bank, and at the time of his
death had been for man. .... ...
"J iia
cashier. He was alan tr ..... ... ...
.1 yjL 1 us
San Antonio Club and Opera House
company, and also held Imnortantoffioes
in was..- i I in ...
.u.r ioshiuuODS. in poll-
uca be waa a hyal democrat and an ac
knowledged power in the land for that
aeasailraal Cherge.
Caktoi.,0, Peb. i-8ampie C E.
meorge has sued George B. 8axtoe,
rominsnt and auiiu. l ..
. lienor, for
W the alienation of bis Wlf,.
wtiott. She is vary pretty and has
baaduotlng . draaamaking ub.
A'" SMto- Oeorga,onbMM.,hi.wif.T
that .ha .y 01TWJ
S hiV'l' ' Mr
jantn wars almni. . , .
anet Um Ji A "Word
mill bW!T iTi hla wit.
4 Baxtoa lived a uabt4 sd wife
ft Cartas M sjrwe Tts4.
Raw Paawcmoo, Feb. fx-Ties
A m ihe trial of Actor M. B. Curtis,
aa "Saanl of Poseo"
ths marder of Poliosman Grant, arm
1 mad uneommonly lively by ttrong at
forts of Curtis' consul to break down
the testimoay of Thomas Mullins, a car
penter who was ia ths street at tba Ubm
of the shooting and saw t-ur.ia ma
.... .n.r the shots were fired. There
was s great rush to gat eU ia tbeurt
Mullins was recalled and tbe district
sttcrnsy tritd to get him it give a clear
picture of tbe mea in ths street, but
failed, Mullins aaying one waa a little
.Krt.r than the other. He could not
tell which one fired the shots, but waa
very positive that no one except these
two men were in tbe street at the lime,
main nn ftltsi iuld have run the other
way, as tbe defense claims, without see
ing him. Mullios said he helped carry
Officer Grant to the eUtion bouee and
aa be returoedfouod twooffioers search'
ing for the pistol. He helped them and
soon found a revolver, which had been
discharged three times. There as
smouldering fire ia iU He saw Curti?
at tbe police station when be returned
and identified bim from bis long over
coat and hat as the man hew running
away just after tbe shooting.
Lawyer Foots, conaul for Curtis, then
took Mullins in hand. He brought out
that Mullins had been can using at
party on the night of the shoeticg and
bad just corns out of a saloon with a
friend when tbe shots were fired. He
denied emphatically that he know the
police had planted the pistol where he
found it, or thst they hsd dictsted the
statement which he had signed. Then
Foots advanced close to Muilins, and,
extending bis hand 10 an ioipreesiv,
manner, asked bim sternly: "John did
you not go to Knowley's oflice a few dav
after the killing and offer to Mil )oui
evidence for money? Mullins face got
is red as tire, sod fidgeting in his chair
he answered nervously , "No, I did
not." Foots then wormed out ol
the witness that he went to the oflice of
Know'ey's, who was originally retained
by Curtis, and told Knowley tl at lie
waa afraid the poire would hole him ec
as a witness.
Edward Toomer, Mullin'a friend, cor
roborated his testimony in all essentia)
particulars. Levi Holdea, who lives di
rectly across the street from tto scene
of the shooting, testilled to two
men struggling in the street and dote
fired. He saw one mau ftl', aad the
other run along the street, ,.rui ty a
third mar,.
fatal Kloilon
Vobk, Pa, Feb. 5. A lerrUn eiplo
sion occurred at ths Baker enar.iM aad
lime kilns at Campbell's station this
oounty, yesterday, three lire Cjos
mite cartridges which had boos (men
were placed near the boiler in tin en
gine house to thaw. Tbey nolo ted.
blowing the buildug to fragments and
completely wrecking the machinery. W.
IL Thorne of Stoneybrook had his lag
broken in two places and Adam Ream
was injured, but not seriously. Tba as
plosion startled everybody ttr milea
A rrlaoaer la Her Talker's Haut,
livrrALo, N. V. Feb. 5. Tba storv of
the alopment of Beeaie Ohaffee two
vw "VJV ...... VHWIVS m I
Springfield duds, still furnishes material
tnr rfrMaaitkmPsi That wmisna lmlw'm fmt rimr
obliged hte to tveooaptny him to Roche-
. I . 1 . . ' I ..
tr law van ana ue toer appueu 10 ine
uonveet ot use sacred uan to have ber
placed under charge of tha aiaters, but
3 : . . . 1 . 1 .
unuawn weoreiuswa neron me ground
that aba ia a married woman. She wa
m also to tba state industrial school.
but aa aha had oommitteri nn prima IU
angry parent was unsuccessful there,
, IM. . ,
w. a. uma am voos me girl home and
thewaseent an to eastern seminary. Ths
young nuaoand declares that ha will fol
low bis young wife and rase is her. He
will shortly come into a fortune of Wo,
000. For the last three weeks Mite
Chaffee baa been kept a prisoner in ber
father's house. The father's atum,.t
have the marriage annulled waa unsuc
icesafuL Ha swsars that hia ,u,,k...
shall never live with her husband.
Attacked by Trampe.
Sas Fbascisco, Feb. 5,-At Colma
yesterday Conduntar ft. ..
" - ...Hi.. B4.U
three brakamen of a southbound freight
on the Southern Pacific were attacked
by five tramps whom they put off tha
train. The conductor received an ugly
(ash in ths head from a lantern wbiob a
tramp took from him. The trampe than
proceeded to Baden stetioj and mie
plaoed tba switches so that th.
far coming north ran into a number of
"-eigni oars standing on tba side
traok. Tha train was
--, wvwi;, au
that no one waa hurt, but tha looomo
tivaand express car were badly dam.
fM. Tha sheriff and a posse are after
the tramps.
A HerrlMe Aeeideat.
BiaauaotLiM. Ala nut. .
bUaooidani oaeunad at tha Hkaa fur
oa yesterday afternooa, two aaa beis.
" " lajurao. a not
Wtatrttna wag being atwatsd sad ths
Ml WWwl Wkltla afean Sw. syaaelJJ t aa
WH s awmmuumn ssa ia
iaUriar of the n. . .
towgrowad. Sadasjy tbaaoaffoM
iv9 and ths) man, vKb aU Uetr
, 'm a pomaM lame tall to
kwi tegf thorn aae din.
Ths Palm, rsluf r V
almyra Be 'I-. f
A lady at TabU
of chickens two.a '
Tbirteeu P.0tW;
froaa the B!.,rari;
Nfh tts.iu,
and hevs. cty ,
TbaHumphrsyoa-,, -"tdltfeceaJV
Mra. Jams. Pr
haa reiceved tli
W. 8. Madden of j"
WW for sixty fiv, J::
other day,
r - 1 . .
DUDoaition t... s.-a,
' ".'WJk i
oourt houKe.
W. S. Robiosooolf jf
nine head of cam.b.
run in the com stalli
ooium'jus is mAt.
voe lunan ne esur; t
aremen s lourEiBa.k
On. r.f f I.. -
gauntlet, with .do.
Tbe larger XshriM,
ginlng u agiuts 1
league, but no defo,
.ttr . .
... 1. vrain UdJ.,1
eight years ago wiiL
2,000 acrex of fius lud
.took. j
A Bohemian fares aa,
written by rtgio
is to be renlfr(Ki U t
Schuyler. f$
f v 11. .1.1 ... 1
l .1 1.. . . w
rm lm.t ,
lm b.-uBl.l i.v t!lrvj
Koby Kohn of tittuaX.
anelectrical in-ectiott'
wban a awiUih um
aVul to collide.
Fit ra Grant, iliUi,,.
waa playing wiih i
aba bung hernelf n,d 1
before her mother nu
A teacher near Vi-x
thrash a boy that was
waa, and the teuchtr k
Tban the boy at irra J
Ihe nu in 1 r of
lfm, WM and lf.U . J
70. Aa the populttaj
greatly, this is a uimt li'fev.
John De M olt took!
to Barneeton markei tlx K j.
took bonis nearly tl.WJkV
of the sale. l lm f
room at the poor houM h'v . -
juiniog a barber uliup
of the foul language ukJ
and forced the barUr
keep an orderly liuuu
Some of the pBn i
ling praJ
braaka are gettt
to tbe rain main
ing to make the peop t
"rainmaker" has ertrttl"
nothing to lose.
Willla Thompson ofliJV.
aawing a term in U u
school, oaoapad a ftv
beat hla way to Oretocu..'
to Ohio, where he km vXft.f-
taken back to Kearw,'. K'
The railroad just '"Vi
Chase oounty, the otte r9ti
cara and awitchej w,r,rV
that there was tuik of i.r,T7t
policeman to keep tie
from meddliog xith lbn.l
People who patronize!,'
dsalers" aaaociatioui
purchasing oompsnis''ii'
themaelvea. Ths rooi
A 11 41 lJ.J,lrr XrOdK
Henry Bendler and Tl f - .
were out rabbit hunting ;
and tha former was abotf
ahead of the latter, with
hia ahAiikUr. A iirsitit!
doctors picked ainr shot
A number of Nebraska
ing imposed upon by
allagad California orphu
of a father. She U s n"11
trying to get on tlx track
anoa, aad works the ppw
vertlainf by her tale of
Profaaaor A. P. Giu
dropped dead in the 0r
ofBoa, haa bean found to y
and wail-oonnecuJ
who Uftbla borne and
gat rid of tba drink bsb1 ,
not haard of him for
Duriaff tha aeven mJini
oambar 81, 1891, tbsrswwint;
falo aowty 3M farm wstlu.
lag to 123,000 1. Dor4;.
tima Carta aaortgsges "i
tba aaao-mt of Wklf V.
ill nf 11I1111 pver tM ' :
187.48. . r. CtiN
Btaa Btyar was workislJ
(aat deep near Bankle R -?T
llfsBjajf am tba rope to I ' a
UM fBoalWM ahpned and X
btHtmrn tea harry, m J
Iwtaaf aaagswion to b1 ritjm
mtcaswaay, ba escasei " jirtr
Jnn.ttaaatSB bwilr.l