The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 11, 1892, Image 1

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    lThe Sioux County Journal,
ZLnTO. 22.
Editor ami Proprietor.
. VB.K.TIcUblc
Going Eatat.
1 1 Ho. , mixed 7:1
U- M
bed t 1
M t 1 oo
per hundred fc 1 15
Jrtiel 13
J SO J 00
i 8 50
per in. ft IS oo
led every Tburaday.
)d at the harnes shop.
J robes at Cunningham's.
Jy to contract to raise
)r barrel at
Sgham has a jiortion of
m ground for an addition
)am informs us tliat lie
V will have about
J crop the coming.
ion informs us that he
'capacity of Ins cheese
Jiou. - That is an indica-
(order for the farmers of
.decide how many acres
iey will put in and cul
)tg season.
)lrst-class native lumber
tantly on hand at my
)So"y 13 miles east of
I J. E. AltNKK.
f will have nearly fifty
the coming season. He
considerable buckwheat
n a paying crop this
wmed that E. D. Satterlee
jo take charge of a large
I Chadron. Mr. Satterlee
nee in that line and wijl
Vict a popular hotel,
jbhool district is being
?er Running Water pre
.' County will have schools
HJfcrious localities get Mt
"1warrant tlie orgatrtattion
i will tare a crop of 55
n, a good share of which
ya stuff. He finds such
nuneralive than gram
irse, it requires a good
fi attention,
friends in the east whom
p informed as to this
ects ami whit is going
for a copy of Thk
itt fo them each week.
writing letters.
of Montrose, attended
laeetiug last Saturday I
Aa.t the coming season
fless than one hundred
JWT ft eoWlplWfo cet'
,U his aeneng will be
)BrlhaTr tliat.
v crops for the coming
ling 'ilnfotfhrus that he
acftff of small grain
Wtf malting a total of
farmers are all pre
A a good ;t( i cage ami the
W tfcwy reallae good
The attention of the editor of
Herald is called to the record of
commissioners published in this issue.
The question of interest was raised iniltiW. Cobb, of Antelope,
tlie Seymour case and the sunreme court"8011 Fri(lay-
.1 : l mt
uu iv. irie reason no action was
taken at tlie previous meeting was that
it was desired to know what the su
preme court would do. Perhaps tlie
Harold will be lair enough to set Com
missioners Green and Knott right before
its readers in the matter.
not be long until tlie new
tiers will begin to arrive. Henrv
Linderaan will be here the first of ne
month and J. C. Noel is preparing to
come as soon us he can get his arrange
ments made to leave his present home,
and people tell us almost every day of
those they expect to come. A gentle
man will be here the first of the month
to look up a location to establish a herd
of thorough-bred Hereford cattle and such
herds help to build up a country.
There is quite a difference in the
tone of tlie farmers now from what there
was a year ago. At that time each one
wanted to put in crops but could not put
in as much as they desired because of
lack of seed and feed for their teams.
Now they have those necessaries and
are looking for land to rent and the pros
pects are that no land that is available
will lay idle this year, and a great deal
of breaking will be done, all of which
Monday night about eleven
o'clock Ed., the 14-year-old son of YV. C.
O'Connor, who lives east of town, took a
horse from his father's barn and rode off.
Mr. O'Connor discovered that the horse
was gone and tracked him into the hills
west of town that night. Next morning
he again took up the trail and followed
it to B. F. Johnson's place where he
found the boy and horse. Taking the
horse he started for home and told the
boy he could stay and work for Mr. John
son. The boy started along on foot.
His father told him he had better get on
the horse and ride, which he did but the
father retained hold of the halter of tlie
horse. The boy suggested tliat they
ride faster and on his promising that he
would go home his father let loose of the
halter and the boy rode off, but instead
of coming home he gave his father the
slip and he and the horse are still miss
ing. It may not. have occurred to the
boy that he was committing a crime but
should his father see fit to take legal
action it would likely result in a term at
tlie reform school. It breaks up the
work team of Mf. O'Connor whjch will
be a great inconvenience With the spring
work just coming on.
A Mrfand Mrs. Richard
WM6rado last Tuesday
F. Ilitoer contributed on subscription
last Friday.
was in Har-
E. O. Hough took the eastbound train
Monday evening.
Mrs. J. H. Cook went to Crawford Fri
day evening.
A. G. Fisher, of Cliadron, was in Har
rison yesterday.
J. S. Tucker was in town Saturday and
called at this office.
Mrs. S. C. D. Bassett left for Lawn
last Monday evening.
Dunn left for
office has received a
f type and1 other material
) amount of paper stock
Vkeep rrp wv thede
tmers, so that therAflfce
J to mi all orders-tliin
ben m need of anything
I printing call and see us.
Hn, of Rush v'il ley was
)hn week looking' dVef
? View tb' rotating and
?U do so he Will put in
V He iff a' pleasant
Wkt he decide to locale
J wtftw welcome. TM
Cottonwood News.
Logging is the order of tlie day.
Miss Addie Carey returned home from
Chadron last Monday.
rMii Leona Garman, of Butte City,
WHmrT, is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. . W. Carey.
Miss Emma Sjeus has returned home
from Crawford where she has been work
ing for the past few months.
Once more there are two sawmills run
ning on Cottonwood.
Foster Speos and Clarence Saxton, the
Wyoming cowboys are taking advantage
of tlie good sleighing and are getting in
logs. The boys expect to farm the
Boesl and Harmon places next season.
Tliey say they have graduated from the
broncho s back.
There are seferatl in the valley who
frrtrftgtfatmg the county division ques
tion. However, they are mostly disap
pointed office seekers.
There is prayer meeting at the Cott
man school house every Sunday evening.
Mr. Elsberry will continue to give
singing lessons at the school house in
Dist No. 4 until spring work opens up.
There was a dance at F. M. Procunier's
last Friday evening.
' A protracted meeting was commenced
at the ehjirch-o Thursday evening, Jan.
aSSii The meetings are conducted by
Rev. Currens assisted by tier.. Griffin
and Rev. Pool. They have received six
teen new members in the' church up to
this date: It is not known how long the
meetings wilt continue Kkno.
Pace Bigelow went down the road on
business Tuesday evening.
E. D. Satterlee and C. H. Weller went
to Chadron Tuesday evening.
Mrs. E. D. Satterlee has been quite ill
for several days with the grip.
J. M. Daniels orders The Journal sent
to J. H. Baird, White Oaks, N. M.
C. E. Gowey was up from Lower Run
ning Water Friday and called at our
J. W. Lambert sends us the cash for
The Journal to be sent to him at Grand
Ex-Judge Crites was up from Chadron
on Tuesday on business relating to the
mandamus case.
J. W. Smith called on Tuesday and
gave us a lot of cash to apply on the sub
scription of B. B. Bixby.
E. W. Downey, from tlie east part of
the county, was in town yesterday and
called and added his name to our list of
EUrnj" Notice.
Tbe following described aniiuuU were
taken np Ijy me at my place on the south
east 4 Section 10, Township SI, Kunjfe in
Sioux County, Neb., on tbe ttth day of Janu
ary, 112: 1 white and red bull about years
old, right ear cropped and left ear under
cropped ; 1 red Htcer about 2 year old, two
Hlits in right ear, and uuder-clop in left ear;
both branded on leltside, but brand cannot
be made out. 20 John uorhin.
Sugar Wit Meeting.
The meetmg in the interest of the
sugar beef industry was organized by
the election of Eli Smith as chairman
and L. J. Simmons as secretary.
Addresses were made by P. S. Palmer,
A. E. Sheldon, A. C. Putnam, and C. H.
Lutz which threw a good deal of light
on the subject of sugar beets. On mo
tion a committed' eoRsllitingv of L: 3;
Simmons, Otto' f ieze and' A L Bum-
VHarrlson af Ota aur-! gartner was appointed to solicit am
ir are attracting Mm at- tracts for beets.
od busiiibfe" men, and i The sense of the meeting was taken
I prwrfcfUV.- ! that tlie senator and representative of
, d- . , I this district be uEf to use their influ
J" 8tttUry A-1 MM to a state bountv of one dot-
, , . . state to the grower.
rired by all that good , fftct try inrorma.
,T I tlon in regard to tools had not been ob-
-"2!.' " " : ined deterred" ay definite action being
V-sT' 8(S taken, but &egenilemen from Chadron
r T j-c ,"pMi expect to furnish euch information in the
. . I."? f? marfutttie and fts soon af that is ob
etnwr Nebffeke arid ... . 41 ... ., . - jl
,,'1!; ur to contractoTn mo-
Notice Homestead Entry.
U. S. Land Office, (
Chadkon, Nebk., i
Jany. 2S, 1H92.
f'oinnlaint having been entered at thia
office by Kerdinaud Hittner againxt John
Wortler for failure to comply with law aa to
Homestead Entry No. Wbi dated Sept. 23,
upon the NEH-NWki NKl and N Eli
NW'i Section 34, Township 34, Range 96, in
Sioux County, Nubraaka with a view to the
cancellation of auld entry; contestant all eg
ing that claimant haa wholly abandoned aaid
tract; that he ha changed his residence
therefrom for more than 6 months aince
making aaid entry; and that aaid tract i not
settled uH)n and cultivated by aaid party as
required by law the aaid purtle.a are hereby
summoned to appear at thin omce on the 8
ilay of March Isuj, at 10 o'clock A. M-, to re
spond and furnish testimony concerning
aaid alleged failure.
Textlmouy of witnesses will be taken be
fore (Jeorge Walker, a notary public, at his
office In Harrison, Nebraska, on the I day of
March, 1HH2 at 10 a. in. T. F. I'owebs,
11. T. Conley, Receiver.
Attorney for Contestant.
Official. J
llouril of county commissioners met as per
Call of cleric.
I'rescnt fJonmilssioners Green, Knott and
Weber and clerk.
Minutes of last meeting read and, on mo
tion, approved.
Pursuant to the mandate of the supreme
court lu the case of the state ex rel. W. W.
Seymour vs. Tho Iloard of County Commis
sioners, Commissioner Knott moved that the
estimate of necessary expenses for Sioux
county for the your 1802 be amended by in
serting tho following: "V. W. Seymour,
special debt f und,.2,200.81." Carried,
Ofllciul bond of Win. J. A. Uaum, as lnoin
ber o." soldier's relief commissiou was pre
sented and approved.
Official bond of CllallS rnlme'f, assessor
for Snako Creek precinct, was presented and
ordered returned for correction.
Report of superintendent of public in
struction was presented and, on motion, ap
proved and ordered placed on flic and vprcad
11 imhi the records.
Annual settlement of II. H. Russell, road
overseer of road district No. 13, was exam
ined and, on motion, approved and a certifi
cate for ttie amount ef 10.75 issued in favor
of H. II. Ktissell On fond district No. 13.
On motion, the treasurer be and tie hereby
is Instructed to transfer the sum of 175.(0
from the bridge fuhd of 1891 to tile general
fund Of 1HSI.
The following account against Sioux
county was audited and allowed and a war
rant ordered drawn on the general fund of
1H1M for the sainci
If. T. Conley, salary as Co. Atty -75 0
Tho following accounts against Sioux
county were audited and allowed and war
rant ordered drawn On bridge fund of 18'Jl
for tHft' same
Tlfomas Deve'irfiort, timber for bridges 8 00
S. Vf. Kemp, work on bridge, claimed
44.00, allowed 18 oo
Claim of J. J. Frcuicr for tho sum ot tlO.OO
for plank was taken up and, on motion, re
jected for the reason that same should be
paid out of road district fund of road dis
trict No. 11.
On motion, board adjourned until 9 o'clock
a. m., Feb. 10, W5.
Harrison, Siobx County, Neb., Feb. 10, 1818.
Board of commissioners met as per ad
journment. Present: Commissioners Knott, Green
and Weber and clerk.
Minutes of last meeting read and, on mo
tion, approved.
On motion, tho order cartccHlng claims,
declaring warrants paid and m's'truY'ting
treasurer to not fhy certain warrants, made
by tills board 6n the eighth day ot June,
1881, and rec6ided on pages 1130 231232-2:13 of
commissioner1 record A be and tho same is
hereby recinefed, and thnt the clerk be and
ho hereby Is instructed to notify the treas
urer of the acMon taken. Commissioner
Green voting against motion and Conimls
Nioners Knott anit WobM in favor of game.
Tho following llsi of" names was selected
from which to draw" fletlt jurors for tlie
April term of the district court:
Finery Gtluiore, J. W. Voblnson, Oscar W.
fifory, Wilbur F. Shepherd, W. S. Hall, San
ford Hill, W. V. Laffoity, John C. Ebcr
speelier, Fred P.etsche'n, Kugcno A. Bigelow,
Harry A. Cunningham, William L. Hoyt, E.
A. llasseluulst, John A. Hanson, It. F. John
son, W. K. Moore, D. M. Sutton, 0. M.Ilnrson,'
II. ('. Blood, II. A. Cottinun, A. G. Chandler.
If. 8.1onglt, 8. W. Carey, Chos. IT. Grove, 1).
A. l'n I) low, K. )). Campbell, John Mlnrharl,
Hobert Harrison, F. M. Smith, Vlchael Hutt
ing, A. KonthwoTtll, James M. Daniels, Vnieii
tin Wohll'er. August W. Mohr. O. J.
Gowr,'Chas. K. GoWeJr, Uriah Adams, James
ciartJOim BCBono, reniinanu inuncr, w.
K. Jones, John Messing, Frank Miller, Frank
Nut to, lloii. y l'lekcnbrock, ltobert Neece,
Mai tin J. Flit, John I', curran, John Limit,
John L. Kay, BY F. Tliomas, Jirfi'ics E. Wal
lace, A. R. Kennedy, John Anderson, David
Colvtlle, W. J. Davis, Alliert .llpiert, A. II.
PI mice, Milton H. Green.'John W. Fry.
On motion the cosnty attorney be and be
heieby is lnstrucUsi to institute the neces
sary legal nrcceedlngs to recover the sum of
$204.07 and Interest thereon paid by the
countv treasurer hi warrant No. 100, dated
June 20th, MI, on' the special debt fund for
the year imii, lew inn reason mat sam war
rant was Illegal,' It having been drawn for
ieterost on allowed .claims before warrants
had heell lssllrtV Which 1 COlltllllT to the
statutes of &brnsUa and the opinion of tbe
nnrnme cmirt of the state of Nebraska.
Omclu! tjftnd of Iwls K. Ileldeu for irteiur
ber of eoldler's relief commission or Sioux
county ws presented and approved. ,.
Onjiiotlon, that In ease Charles Palmer
fulls to flla with the conntv clerk a good ana
ufflelent bond for the office of assessor o
Snake Creek precinct before tbe Ut day of
Marcn, Ml, thk clerk be and he hereby Is In
structed to notify O. J. Gocy to assess the
propertr or wild snaice iTeeg precinct, v
(mnioncW'uoiirtr adlouruejl without day.
Xotlcc-Tiinber Cultnre.
. V. S. Land office, I
Chadkon, Nebk., I
Jany. 15, 1802.
Complaint having been entered at this of
tlce by John Thouis against Pierce Blcwctt
for failure to comply with law as to Timber
Culture Fntry No. 4410, dated June 15, 1885,
upon se '4 section 34, township 34, range 55,
in Sioux county, Nebraska, with a view to
the cancellation of said entry; contestant
alleging that claimant has failed to break
more than 5 acres of said tract since tiling
thereon ; that he has failed to break, plow
or in any way cultivate any portion of said
tract since July 1st, 1889 and that the live
acres that he had theretofore broken, on
iuIiI tract, is grown up to grass and weeds
tlio said parties are iicrcby summoned to
nppear at this office on the 15 day of March,
181)2, at 10 o'clock, a. m., to respond and lur
nihil testimony concerning said alleged
Testimony of witnesses will be taken bo
fore George Walker, a notary public, at his
office In Harrison, Ncbr., on the 8th day of
.March, 1892, at 10 a. m. T. F. Powers,
lly H. T. Coni.ey, Receiver.
Attorney for Contestant. 1 19-26J
Legal Notice.
Wilhelm Wamei, defendent, will take no
tice that on the 7th day of January, 1892,
plaintin herein tiled his petition in the Dis
trict Court of Sioux county, Nebraska,
nguliist said dclcndcnt, the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose one certain
mortgage executed by defendent, Wilhelm
Waruci. a single man, to Showaltcr Mort
gage Company upon HX 8WK Sec. 24: SEX
K. (, sioux county,
Sec. 26, T. 33,
by said snow
niter Mtg.. Co i (!'; assigned to plain
tiff for a valuable r'r. deration, and plain
tiff is now the legal holder and owner there
of, and said mortgage was given to secure
the payment of one promissory note dated
September 1st, 1889 for the sum of $400.00 and
interest at the rate of 7 per cent, payable
semi-annually and 10 per cent, after matur
ity ; that thcro is now duo upon said note
and morturaec according to the terms there
of the sum of (U.3.00 and interest at the rate
of 10 per cent, per annum from March 1st,
ism, ami planum prays imn saiu premises
may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the
amount uue inereon.
You arercnnlred to answer said petition
on or before the 29 day of Feb., 1892.
Dated January is, um.
Benjamin Reed, Plaintiff.
By Faxnie O'Linn, Attoruey. 119-22J
Notice Homestead Entry.
IT. S. Land Office( j
Chadkon, Nebr. )
Dec. 30, 1891.
Complaint Having been entered at this
office by Ida L. Deistor against John Mullen
for failure to Comnlv with law as to libinc
stead entrv No. 2562. dated July 18. 1889,
upon the lots 1, 2 and 3 and the
southeast X. northwest section
xownsiiip i, range oi in oioua wiuuij,
Nebraska, with a view to the cancellation of
said entrv: contestant alleging that
..nt.rtmmn iina wliollv . alwjndoncd said
tract, anil tout no never escauiisiieu
a residence inereon since matting
said ontry, the said parties are here
by summoned to appear at tins office on the
2Uth day of February, 1892, at 10 o'clock a. m.,
to respond anu luruisn testimony concern
ing said alleged failure.
Testimony of witnesses will lie taken be
fore George W alker, a notary public, at his oi-
nce In Harrison, New., on ine 23d uny ni reo-
ruiiry, 1892, at 10 a. m.
1K-20 i. r. l owkks, ucuciver.
fl. T. Conley, Attorney for contestant
Did you see the Bargains we are
And 1 Pound of Banner Baking Powder
for oisrr.Tr 60oeitts.
Standard Canton Flannel 10 cents.
Lawrence Canton Flannel .' 12 cents.
We carry a
complete stock of Gro
ceries, Dry Goods, Boots
and Shoes, Clothing and Fur
nishing Goods, which we will
The Celebrated WHITE BREAD FLOUR Constantly on Hand.
MacLACHLAN & COOK, Proprietors.
The undersigned hereby notifies all
persons that he will be responsible for no
debts contracted in the name of the Sioux,
County Lumber Company, or Fletcher &
Wadsworth, from and after this date.
Dated Harrison, Feb. 4, 1892.
Trees! Trees! Trees!
Buy big apple trees, norther'H fcrdwh,
A fine line of apples, crabs, plumbs, cher
ry, grapes, and other small fruit.
2,500,000 forest trees, nursery grdwh.
The larirest nursery in northwestern Ne-
hrfiskft. Satisfaction guaranteed. Write
for wholesale price list to retail trade.
Roffiember, I give the Nebraska farm
er: a weekly paper devoted to the farmer
free for one year, with every ten dollar's
worth of fruit trees bought of nie;
Address, 0. F. 8MITH
Ansley, Caster Co., NebrasR.
Reference H. T. Conley, HarfiSon Neb:
B. E. Brkwster,
C. F. Coffee,
Vice Pre
D. H. GRISWOLD, Cashier.-
Coinmercial iBank.
Goneral Banking Business
It is a Fact!
of groceries in the northwest and
dan sell as cheap as the cheapest,
Aiso a full line of Flour. Feed and Grain.
Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes; Hais; Caps, Clothlrigi
Furnishing Goods. ' Hardware, Tin-.varei Barbed
Wire, Farming Implement Machinery and Buggies.
Siftage' eall arid Examine our GOLD SEAL Buggy.
Geo. H. Turner.
Lumber Yard
Lumber; Shingles, Sash, Doors, Blinds,
ion a Strict! Cash Basis.
that tbe Mn mU 7&oi
I'' " ' ' '