The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 04, 1892, Image 5

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    Arm leod ejr Nature.
j pwgeiy iour gases
en, hydrogen, chlorine.
largely two inorganic
lies carbon mid ul-
one metalloid phos-
hn his work uses all iLese
s me others. Mature
Jngly ; man uses It largely.
these metal calcium
it enter into the con-
bone of every skeleton
an uws calcium in a
the formation of build-
oaipounu form of lime.
other metals in the grand
In. copper and aluininium
lliic'i nature shows no
' in any of her artistic
al works. Man also uses
Hid mercury, for which
special employment that
ii9.J..oiigmaii s Magazine.
Krtr l'slatt. Can Ton rind
fill Word?
W-iiK h diBiilny adrctliFciuent in
tueek, whh'h hn nu un wuitli
e word. 'Hie same is (me of
smearing ach week, from the
Vine O. TbU Immim; plHceK a
KrryllilUK Uiey male hii.I pub
It, aend llieui tbe name of ihu
ail return you iiinin, nr.Ai 1 1
fl'llsjurBAMFlKS HiKK.
rem at IIU Funeral.
lith's (Lord J.ytton'sj cof-
to t!io grave without a
ecorate its pall according
on of Lady Lytton, who
husband had requested
liuli "as the tiniest violet
lest rosebud" should be
Is bier. "What, in heav
lve poor flowers dore lo
n to serve such a horrid
line consigned to vaults
,1 like a sad looking fun
I frequent saying of 'lie
a funeral ceremony was
iuyoue. -Exchange.
I That ia Ncrdnl.
isical needs we want the
n g required, and we want
iquired to bo done, to be
5 surely, and those in pain,
1 lind all that is needed
jereiu recommended. Mr.
fr, 1 Debevoice pi., Jlrook
lys: "Having been allhct
itic rheumatism for some
1 Kndiiig no relief, 1 tried
J, which I found very etli
iss Clara Alcott, Mahwah
I: "1 bruised my limb and
really swollen and stiff. 1
jtles of a patent liniment
It relieve me. A physician
Jio ordered the limb to be
id he gave me medicine in
bout i.i nelit. 1 then got a
t Jacobs Oil, which cured
5 like iiiaic." -Mr. Loren
bincroft, Miiawassee Co.,
'I had chronic rheumatism
Bntracled during the war.
B or lying down, at times, I
tt up, From stiffness and
i- work my strength would
yen 1 would pass through a
i several weeks. I had to
1 cane and was at one time
id not lie down without ter-
n back and limbs. I tried
Oil; next morning sot up
Without assistance. Today
t man and walk without a
A. ll. Cunningham, Perry -)tte
County, Pa., writes:
Ms sorely afllicted with lame
Weral years. She used in
Jiniments, but experienced
i. until !St. Jacobs Oil was
? confidently say we owe
its wonderful effects and
p house without it."
the Mnnn on Animal.
I growth and development
and nnimals were years
1 to be inlluenced by the
e sign was right at the
Hh they would be well
Intellectual, but if it was
LUQ nn tollirtrr M'liut urt
n .... vw... .. Ul.b OUIl
yiey would become. Every
How, every dog, rooting
imping cow or kicking
leved to have been born
ifavorable phase of the
it Queer people or those
fateful disposition, were
lie dark moon, with the
ie heart. Pittsburg Com
i .
, Ooldi and Throat Disor-
i H'omliiiil Trot-bet" have
UllUnjiii It. ......
vniy tit ooxeti.
'a Long Voyage.
r en route from Honolulu
,fark in fiau Francisco a
I that weighs six tons. In
nd the tree, which stood
Sar Honolulu, a massive
Jit to inclose the roots
)x was a frame that had
jr lifting the entire mass.
l had been raised it was
long leaves weregath
land tied. The nuts were
ft sacking, lly hydraulic
was raised on a truck
to the beach, where it
i shipboard.
A Km-red Chiaea Cola.
One of the coins of the Chinese Em
peror Kanghi is very much sought af
ter by the Chinese, who use it in mak
ing rings for the finger. It is slightly
different from the other cash issued un
det the same emperor, in the form of
one of the characters that indicate the
regnal period. The Chinese call it
"Lo-han cash," the word Lo-han being
a transcript in Chinese characters of
1 he Sanskrit wora A rhan, "venerable,"
the name applied to the eighteen at
tendants of Jiuddha, who are frequently
seen ranged along the two sides of the
principal halls in lluddhist temples.
The tradition is that while the em
peror was intimately asociated with
European missionaries he became
iir.bued with a feeling of contempt for
Htiddhisin, and illustrated this phase of
his faith by having a set of eighteen
Irnss Lo-han images melted down and
cast into cash. This brass is said to
contain considerable portion of gold,
hence the demand for the cash.
fimilar pieces having the inscription
filed so as to r'-semble the Lohan cash
are often found on the strings of cash
imported by the Chinese in the United
States. Philaelphia Ledger.
100 Kruaral 100.
The re.-u.ers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its Mages, and
that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires a con
stitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the bl.od and mucous surface of
the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving
the patient strength by building up
the constitution and assisting nature
in doing its work. The proprietors
have so mucli faith in its curative
powers, that tliey offer One Hundred
Hollars for any case that it fails to
cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address, V. J. Cheney it Co.,
j oledo, O.
tlTS'old by Druggists, 75c.
MrltiM-N In tlie.fury llmiin.
The sanctity of a jury room appears
to be so well guarded that even in case
of sudden sickness a physician may not
enter except after due process of law.
hi the Eoss will case, tried recently in
Boston, the jury were deliberating,
when late one evening one of them was
suddenly attacked with what proved to
be a stroke of apoplexy. The ollicer in
charge notified the deputy sheriff, who
not having authority to let any ono in
to the jury room, drove across tho city
and informed the sheriff, but even this
oflicial was not high enough to act, and
another expedition started in search of
the judge. As the latter happened to
be -at home, the requisite order was ob
tained to summon a doctor. Boston
Medical and Surgical Journal.
Tht) rush of tourists to Florida in
creases every winter, and so much
shooting, every man nearly takes his
gun, is rapidly diminishing the game
all through the country.
The time was, and only a few years
ago, when every bay and lagoon was
teeming with birds, but when the
fashion demanded that every woman's
bonnet should be decorated with some
kind of a bird or its feathers, men were
sent to Flordia to procure them
and one expedition returned it is said,
with 100,000 bird-skins, shot during the
winter. Such destruction is now felt
and althoug the authorities have now
prohipited the slaughter, it is like
locking the stable after the horse is
On the Apalachicola river wild tur
keys and ducks are shot wantonly
from the decks of the steamboats and
alligators all along the banks come in
for a fusilade from the titles of the
passengers. On my recent trip on
this river I saw numbers of turkeys
shot as they were running along the
banks, that were of course wasted as
the boat could not stop to pick them
up; and every flock of the ducks that
rose was fired into killing or maiming
wore or less 01 mem.
Sot only on by the ground of wanton
cruelty should the owners of these
boats prohibit the use of fire-arms but
it is a great annoyance to many pas
sengers to have rifles and shotguns
banging away around them, to say
nothing of the danger to life from the
careless use of guns by mere boys, as
some of them were.
It is a theme the Forest and Streams
migb .properly bring to the notice of
the proper authorities (the owners of
the steamers) in the cause and enter a
protest against such wanton destruction
of such rare game as the turkey, as well
as every other bird coming in for
slaughter, as is now the tase on the
river boats on the Southern rivers.
Forest and Streams.
It ic ll Men and lc Water.
Tha question of purity of drinking
water has invaded the business office.
Rich men who are vexed by slight
physical ailments or who are the victims
of nervous troubles find it the easiest
thing imaginable to believe that there
is danger in the water cooler. Many
of them have their Croton boiled and
chilled by refrigeration before they will
drink it. Others have in their private
oflices jars of mild mineral waters, from
which they quench their thirst.
Cliauncey M. Dejiew is one of the latter
kind. He does not believe in drinking
ice water, and is very particular about
having the water that he drinks per
fectly free from deleterious niatter
C. J'. Huntington nud Jay (ionld
are botii anti ice water men, and
Mr. Gould seldom drinks water that
has not been specially prepared for liij
use. New York Times.
Nllvvr Unllar 6711 Mllc Hlg-..
The treasury counts its silver by
weighing it, which is part of wisdom
in view of the fact that a man, counting
at the rate of 200 dollar pieces per
minute steadily for eigbl hours per
day, Sundays included, would bo kept
busy for considerably over eleven
Piled one upon the other, the 400,
0J0.000 it the treasury would attain a
height of 675 miles, and placed side by
they would carpet a room 50 feet wide
and nearly 24 miles long. David A,
Wells in Harper's Weekly.
A t.mirroiK Kmprma.
It is said that one morning at break
fast a general related to the emperor
the misfortunes of a brother officer
who "because he had not 15,000 fracs
must be dishonored." While the em
lieror questioned further particulars ot
the story, the Empress Eugenie flew to
her room, and returning with a package
of bank notes, said, "Take them,
general, and never tell me his name."
Even now she does not know the name
of the man she befriended. Exchange.
Eu fop
liaMillksjcf Ear:
Kid ufa ltival.
"Come and have a treat with me."
"Why are you celebrating V"
"My rival is dead."
'Rival! I thought you were married!'
'So I am but I've had a rival never
theless. He's gone, though; died this
morning in my wife's arms."
"Great Ca-sar! Are you the kind of
a man to stand that?"
"I've had to."
"Well! I never! who In goodness'
name was lie?''
She loved him before wo were
married and when we went to house
keeping she brought him to the house.
He was a complete stranger to me
then and we've never been very good
friends at any time. Well, he's gone
and I'm glad of it."
Well, I'm blowed! If you are not
the greatest idiot what was his name?
ttinliop Potter to tho I tloa biria.
Bishop Potter, in his address to the
Girls' Friendly club of Utica, said: "1
realize how different the present condi
tions are from those that prevailed
when I was a boy. . Then there were
only two kinds of employment for girls
besides housework teaching and sew
ing. Probably there are in this city a
hundred kinds of woik for women,
They are doing the things men used to
do and doing them better. But they
need not in consequence have the man
ners of men, talk as men talk, use slang
and cigarettes or dress after the fashion
of men.
A Woman Amaiig l.rprra.
Kate Marsden, writing from Irkutsk,
in Siberia, says that she has ridden 2,
000 miles on horseback beyond
Vukootsk among ' the poor outcast
lepers, who are hunted in the depths of
the forest. She has supplied them with
food and warm clothing lor winter, and
and is raising funds to build them a
hospital. She intends visiting other
leper regions in Bokhara, then crossing
the Caucasus mountains to Moscow
and St Petersburg to plead the cause
of the lepers and prisoners before the
the empress.
Blj Chance for Improvement.
First Artie Explorer "I say!" ,
Second Artie Explorer "say on."
' I say ! we're in a box."
"We'll have to wait for a rescuing
"That's it.'!
"One will come, I suppose."
"Yea, they always come but not
always on time."
"I aay!"
"Don't you think the present style of
artic exporation might be improved?"
"Perhaps so. What would you
"I think the rescuing party ought to
go ahead."
In Haverhill where many girls are
employed In shoe factories, the King's
Daufhter circles have taken it upon
themselves to help open comfortable
boarding houses.
Tha reason given why birds do not
fall from their perch is became they
oaa not open the foot when the leg is
beat. Look at a hen walking, and tee
Ifceloae ltatoes as it lifts its foot and
mi Thjm ii It 'riruftitlni -
Throe Aaiertraji.Quecaa.
Three little dirty, half clad girls
made a brief sensation on upper Broad
way the eoldest day recently. The
eldest was not more than eight, and
her companions might have been six
and seven respectively. The eight
year-old carried a faded, rib rotton
parasol that had once been pa'.e blue
and her companions were trying to
squeeze their heads under it' while
they carried the rear of their dresses in
one hand, as ladies manipulate their
trains at a muddy crossing.
The eldest divided her attention be
tween the proper angle for the parasol
and getting her littl skirt down low
euotigh to touch the sidewalk, which
she occasionally accomplished by
stooping. Three pairs of feet were
visible through the dilapidated shoes
and the shabby old July hats wouldn't
have been picked out of the gutter.
And these three little girls playing
lady on Broadway where evidently de
lighted at the good humored attention
of stalwart gentleman in heavy ulsters
ladies in costly furs and carriage
drivers muffled to the vars in warm
livery. Xew York Herald.
One Woman's Bedtime Hours.
A lovely woman who was talking
with a friend one day about the en
joyments, dissapointmeuts and heart
aches of childhood, said: "The suffer
ings I endured when a child were more
acute than any I have known in late
years, and the pleasantest remem
brances 1 have of those far away
times are of the bedtime hours, when
my mother sat by her beds in that low
roofed chamber and taught us the
songs she sung as a child,
told stories, some of w hich were of her
childhood, while others were conjured
up in her own head.
Some of the sweetest hymns and
sacred stories I learned then, and there
ever comes to me when 1 close my eyes
a faint picture of my devoted mother
sitting there in twilight. I think the
only reason that the darkness had no
terrors for me was that it nearly always
came while she was with us. The
sound of her voice dispelled all (car; it
was associated with tenderest words,
sweetest iullabys, softest good nights."
Anna P. Payne in Xew England
SUite Coach Lreamt.
Losses are presaged by dreams of rid
ing in stage coaches. If you run after
one you will be out of employment for
a long season. To see one pass will
rid you of troublesome friends. If you
are in a stage coach and it turns over
without injuring you, you will be lucky
in your speculations but if you dream
that you are killed by the fall you
must expect rnisfortuues. Xew York
The Matching Habit.
A woman brought a small sugar
coated pill into a South End chug store
the other evening and wanted a box
ot pills just like them, under the im
pression that matching pills was a
simple matter as matching ribbons.
Springfield Homestead.
In appearance the ordinary truffle is
about the size of a walnut, with a
rough, brown, warty surface, closely
akiu to the potato, which it likewise re
sembles in consistency, though not in
The largest building that ever was
erected was the machine gallery at the
Paris exhibition, which was exactly a
quarter of a mile in length, with a
span of 300 feet.
Pope never couid compose well with
out first declaiming for some time at
the top of his voice, and thus rousing
his nervous system to its fullest
For fourteen years a "Son of the
Marshes" in Scotland has been trying
to get a sight of a wild animal in the
act of guarding its young in time of
danger. He has tramped day after
day for the purpose, but without
The sewiug machine has opened a
wide field for the employment of more
women by making sewing so cheap
that the poorest shop girl may have a
dozen tucks in her skirt if she wish
The creature having the greatest
number of distinct eyes in the chiton,
a species of niollusk, in tho she'l of
which has been found as many as 11,-
000 separate mobile eyes.
In some sections of this country
there is a superstition that when a
death occurs in a house the mirrors in
the different rooms must be carefully
covered until after the funeral, lest the
corpse be photographed in the glass.
It is now suggested that many dwell
ing house fires caused by lamp explo
sions might be averted by keeping
some of the ornamental vases iu the
room filled with sand, so that it would
be always at hand and ready for use
in cases of need.
The artificial honey a formidable
rival of natural honey. Its composition
Is sugar, water, free acid and a small
proportion of mineral salts.
Everv Japanese workman is ticketed.
He bears on his cap and on his back
labels giving hit nam and buainet, as
well at Ui anwri mm. ..
Keticent ftrd Mu
No one knows w here an Indian is go
ing. Traveling across the plain iu a
stage or an army ambulant you will
see him afar off galloping as if he had
been sent for the doctor and w a-s afraid
be wouldn't find him at home. Ap
proaching you as the two paths cross
he will usually rein up, exchange salu
tations, study your outfit closely, check
ing his pony to the slowest of walks,
and without asking a question will
know just where you are going, what
you are going to do and whtt food you
ill probably give him if he calls upon
you at your evening lire. Then he is
o9T again, ranging easily in the saddle,
and soon disappearing from sight. The
land from which he came is as empty
as that into which he has vanished.
1 here is not a sign of human habita
tion iu either direction. He has pro
bably come twenty milej since dawn,
and will, unless he concludes to camp
with you, make another twenty before
drawing rein. Chicago Herald.
CoftVe in the Knt.
How long coffee was in use among
eastern nations before being introduced
'nto Europe is not known. Aljeziri Al
hambali, a noted Arabic author, states
that it was lirst made known about 870
of the Hegira, and so quickly did cof
fee houses and booths multiply through
out Arabia that the government several
times made strenuous attempts to sup
press them, fearing they would lead
the people into idleness.
Notwithstanding these efforts, the
"coffee habit" took such a firm hold on
the people that the beverage was made
and drank in secret. They even went
long distance into the desert and there
prepared the seductive concoction with
out fear of molestation.
home pious Mohammedans thought
it might be included among the intoxi
cating beverages forbidden by the
Koran, but Alhambali, in an able
pamphlet entitled "The Support of
Innocence," proved that it was not in
the prohibitory section of that book.
As a consequence the followers of the
prophet once more returned to the de
lights of coffee Detroit Free Press.
3lin Who Wear Small Hat.
I never saw an earnest worker, or a
man who had real and serious duties to
preform, who wore a hat too small for
Many great lawyers and statesmen,
cranky but shrewd speculators, popular
preachers, and history making generals
and editors wear hats too large for
them sometimes so large that they
act as extinguishers and are stopped in
their downward course only by the pro
jection of the ears; but I never saw one
who wore a hat too small, perched upon
the top of his head. Indeed, I might
assert as a positive and invariable fact
that, save in cases of dire necessity,
such as shipwrecks or utter and hope
less poverty, the man who wears a hat
too small for him is a silly frivolous,
conceited creature, with no serious
ideas on any subject, and only the most
flippant and shallow views of life and
its obligations. Even among tramps
and vagabonds, the fellow with the
'dinky" derby balanced upon his mop
of unkempt hair, is the most hopeless
wreck among his class; while there is
always a gleam of intelligence, a spark
of hope, in the tramp whose hat is too
large for him. Kate Field's Washing
Fashions and Iogs.
Since there are women who bestow
any amount of thought, time and
money upon their pet dogs it is not sur
prising that the fashions iu dogs'
millinery, jewelry, etc., are constantly
changing. A short time ago jeweled
collars ami chain bracelets were all the
rage; these are now considered old
fashioned. The latest style is a collar
of white patent leather, ornamented
with a bow of ribbon or velvet the ex
act shade worn 1y doggy's fair owner.
Sometimes the collar is of dull leather,
with the name of the dog perforated
and stitched with gold or stiver thread ;
but iu all cases the collar must be white
and the bow must match its mistress'
gown colors and shades of all kinds
being out of favor with dogs of fashion.
A Screen that may be roptilar.
Housewives will hail a recent i:nv
tion in furnishing which is iiiw
take the place of cumbersome window
screens, l his invention is a window
screen which rolls up and down like an
ordinary window shade, and, it is said,
oilers complete protection from Hies
and mosquitoes, as it screens the whole
window. Exchange.
Housekeepers will do well to pursue
to the death the big buzzing "bluebot
tle," who is making himself so noisily
prominent at present. For every one
that is executed there will be one less
nourishing household of Hies on some
warm day this winter or early spring.
Twenty-live years have elapsed since
the question of the university education
of women was first started in Scotland,
and many of those most deeply inter
ested in it have dcd like the Israelites
who started from Egypt, before seeing
the land of promise.
A gentleman at E tst uan, Ga., a day
or two ago on opening a freight car
discovered a hen hatching a nes; of eggs
which she had laid during a long rail
road journey frpm. another ttate. .'
For Coughs & Colds.
John F.Jones, Edora,Tex., writes
I have used German Syrup for the
past six years, for Sore Throat,
Cough, Colds, Pains in the Chest
and Lungs, and let me say to any
one wanting such a medicine
German Syrup is the best. '
B.W. Baldwin, Carnesville.Teun.,
wi tes : I have used your German
Syrup in my family, and find it the
'.est medicine I ever tried for coughs
and colds. I recommend it to every
one for these troubles.
R. Schmalhauseu, Druggist, of
Charleston, 111. .writes : After trying
scores of prescriptions and prepara
tions I had on my files and shelves,
without relief for a very severe cold,
which had settled on my lungs, I
tned your German Syrup. It gave
ine immediate relief and a perma
nent cure.
G. C. GREEN', Sole Mannfacturer,
Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. A.
Tiftt's Tinv Pillfio
Qk Tho dyspeptic, t he debilitated, wheth- A
or from ers of work f mind or"
liocly or exposure in malarial rcglona,
1$ will Qnd Tutt'ft Fills the rnont genial Q
reKtorative ever offered the invalid
Sure rarv for SICK HEAD-
Al HK, Impaired digestion, cooftl-
psuoit, iorpia giumis. mryftronit
viim organs, rroiuve niuiea, aix
tines. Riwirtl rneei on tvia-
neYftandblndder. Conquer
DiiioiiB nervon au-
oraerH. KtUbluh nat
ural daily action.
Beautify complexion by purifying
The do-e it nicely rijutted toatilteate. h on pill en
lifter be too mucli. Ear h vil con taint 42, carried in tmc
porkct. like lead pencil. Busineftf man's great
cunvenienre. Taken eaiiier than tug&r. Bold every
wliprc. All genuine good bear "Crttceut"
Send 2-cent stamp. You get 32 page book with itunple,
We hnve a simple and rational treatment for
the poirv gelt-curA or Kapture. Our vol
ume of 300 impes on the Causes and Cure ot Her
nia in worth its weight in Kold to every person
thus afllifted. Why near a truss when you can
cure yourself? Send for circular NOW Thla
adverlNftuieiit will not appear again thla
TheO. K talLXER Hernia Treatment Co.
013 1'lno Street, SI. Louie, Mo. .
t p CUT made $71 in four days on my Electric
DuLrl I Corsets and tspccialties. 100 percent
"iiTotit and Cash Prizes. Sample free l)r
Bildgman, Broadway, N. Y.
Only four minutes from the Court
House. Cable Cars pass the door.
JNew house with all modern im-B
provements; newlv furnished. On
American and European plan
Rooms Jfo.00 weekly ; transients 5(J
i-ents and inward. Tnrkian Hatha
lor ladies and gentlemen, oO cents
PaCut out for future use.
nni ii-WLii
We want the name and ad
dress of every sufferer in the
GL AQTUPJIA u s-nnd Canada. Address,
ix nu i limn p,
P. Harold Hijm, M.D., Bufftl, IU
V ,Kuptire 16 rear. Theoiilr EleetHaTma
leading remwlv for all tbe
unnatural diacharirM and
Prlvatndiaeasesof men. a.
I certain cn re for tbe deblU
' ttln weakueat peculiar
to women,
r nrMirih tt tnri feel aafa
nHtEv8CfMiririn. In recommending It to
Biuatn, u .uecituh.iu.
Bold bjr DranrlaU.
f "S" fAl
f fUiauwIliial
Didn't Want to Refuse Twice.
A woman's heart, even when most
obdurate, may relent. Margaret was
asserting in the nursery that she nerer,
never meant to marry.
' Very well, you shall not," said her
papa; and, going to the door, he culled
out to an imaginary suitor: "Go away
man! Margaret doesn't want you."
"Call him back!" cried Margaret.
"Let me Bee what he looks like." Kate
Field's Washington.
Plao'a Remedy for Catarrh U the
Beat, Eaaleat to Vm, and Cheapest
Sold by druggist or sent by mall.
Ma K.T. lUieltlne, Warren, Pa.
N. N. V. Mo. 164 -6
York, Web.