The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 04, 1892, Image 4

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Talmage's subject was "Echoes" and
his text Ezekiel vii.. 7: ""The sounding
anin of the mountains."
At last I have found it. The bible
has in it a recognition of all phase of
the natural world from the aurora of
the midnight heavens to the phosphore
scence of the tumbled sea. But the
well-known sound that we call the echo
I found not until a few days ago I dis
covered it in my text: ' The sounding
airain of the mountains." That is the
echo. Ezekiel of the text had heard it
again and again. Born among moun
tains and in his journey to distant exile
be had passed among mountains, and it
was natural that all through his writ
ings there should loom up the moun
tains. Among them he had heard the
sound of cataracts and of tempests in
wrestle with oak and cedar, and the
voices of the wild beasts, but a man of
so poetic a nature as Ezekiel could not
allow another sound, viz., the echo, to
be disregarded, and so he gives us in
our text 'the soundine neaiu of the
: Greek mythology represented the echo
as a nymph, the daughter of earth and
air, following Narcissus through forests
and into grottoes and every whither
and so strange and weird and startling
is the echo I do not wonder that the
superstitious have lifted it into the
supernatural. You and I in boyhood
or girlhood experimented with this re
sponsiveness of sound. Standing half
way between the house and barn, we
shouted many a time to hear the rever
berations, or out among the mountains
back of our home, on some long tramp,
we stopped and made exclamation with
full lungs just to hear what Ezekiel
calls "the sounding again of the moun
tains." The echo has frightened many
a child and many a roan. It is no tame
thing after you have spoken to hear the
same words repeated by the invisible.
All the silences are filled with voices
ready to answer. Yet, it would not be
so startling if they said something else
but why do those lips of the air say
just what you say? Do they mean to
mock or mean to please ? Who are
you and where are you, thou wondrous
echo? Sometimes its response is a
reiteration. The shot of a gun, the
clapping of the hands, the beating of a
drum, the voice of a violin are some
times repeated many times by the echo.
Near Coblentz that which is said has
seventeen echoes. In 17W, a writer says
that near Milan, Italy, there were sev
enty such reflections of sound to one
Snap of a pistol. Play a bugle near a
lake of KiUarney and the tune is played
"back to you as distinctly as when you
played it Theie is a well 210 feet deep
at Carisbrooke castle, in the Isle of
Wight. Drop a pin into that well
and the sound of its fall comes to the
top of the well distinctly. A blast of
an Alpine horn comes back from the
rocks of Jungfrau in surge after surge
ot reflected sound, until it seems as it
every peak had lifted and blown an
Alpine horn. But have you noticed
and this is the reason for the present
discourse that this echo in the natural
world has its analogy in the moral and
religious world? Have you noticed
the tremendous' fact that what you do
and say comes back in recoiled gladness
or disaster? About this resonance 1
preach this rermon.
First Parental teaching and exam
ple have their echo in the character of
descendant. Exceptions? Ob, yes.
bo in the natural world there may be
no echo, or a distorted echo, by reason
Of peculiar proximities, but the general
rale is that the character of the child
ren is the echo of the character of par
ents. The general rule is thiit good
parents have good children and bad
parents have bad children, if the old
man Is a crank, his son is apt to be a
crank, and the grandchild a crank. The
tendency is so mighty in that direction
that it will get worse and worse unless
some hero or heroine in that line shall
Tiseand say: "Here! By the help of
God, I will stand this no longer.
Against this hereditary tendency to
queerness 1 protest." And he or she
will set up an altar and a magnificent
life that will reverse things and there
will be no more cranks among that kin
dred. In another family the father and
mother are consecrated people. What
they do is right; what they teach is
right The boys may for some time be
wild and the daughters worldy, but
watch! Years pass on, perhaps ten
jycars, twenty years, and you go back to
the church where the father and mother
used to be consistent members. You
have beard nothing about the family
for twenty years, and at the door of the
church you see the sexton, and you ask
him: "Where is old Mr. Webster?"
1 "Oh! be has been dead many years."
"Where is Mrs. Webster?" "Oh! she
died fifteen years ago." "I suppose
their ton Joe went to the dogs?" ' Oh!
no," says the sexton. "He is up there
In the elders' seat He Is one of our
best and most important members,
You ought to bear him pray and sing.
He is not Joe any longer; he is Elder
i Webster." "Well, where is his daughter
'Mary? I suppose she is the same
thoughtless butter -fly she used to be?"
"Oh! no," says the sexton; "she is the
president of oar missionary society and
Um directreM In the orphan asylum,
jand whan she goes down the street all
Um ragamuffins take hold of her dress
and in. 'Auntv. when an too roiur to
bring us some i tnote books and show
and things?' And, when in t roes of
revival, theresis some hard case back iu
a church pew that no one else can
touch, she goes where he is, and oue
minute she has him a crying, aud the
first thing we know she is fetching the
hardened man up to the front to be
prayed for, and says, "Here is a brother
who wants to find the way into the
kingdom of God. And if nobody
seems ready to pray, she kneels down
in the aisle beside him and says. 'Oh!
Lord! with a pathos and a power and a
triumph that seem instantly to eman
cipate the hardened sinner. Oh, no,
you must not call her a tnougnuess
butterfly in our preseece. You see we
would not stand it." The fact is that
the son and daughter of that family
did not promise much at the start, but
they are now an echo, a glorious echo, a
prolonged echo, of parental teaching
and example.
Yea, I take a step further In this
subject, and say that our own eternity
will be a reverbration of our own
earthly lifetime. What we are here we
will be there, only on a larger scale.
Dissolution will tear down the body
and embank it, but our faculties of
mind and soul will go right on without
the hesitancy of a moment and
without any change except enlargement
and intensification. There will be no
more difference than between a lion
behind the iron bars and a lion escaped
into the field, between an eagle in the
cage and an eagle in the sky. Good here,
good there: bad here bad there. Time
is only a bedwarfted eternity. Eternity
is only an enlarged time.In this life
our soul is dry dock. The moment we
leave this life we are launched for our
great voyage, and we sail on for cen
turies quintiliian, but the ship does
not change its fundamental structure
after it gets out of the dry dock, it
does not pass from brig to schooner,
or from schooner to man-of-war. What
we are when launched from this world
we will be in the world to come. Oh!
God! by thy converting aud sanctifying
spirit make us right here and now
that we may be right forever!
And if it is so hard to destroy a
natural echo, how much harder to stop
a moral echo, a spiritual echo, an im
mortal echo. You know that the
echoes are affected by the surfaces, and
the shape of rocks and the depth of
ravines, and the relative position of
buildings? And, once in heaven, God
will so arrange the relative position of
mansions and temples and thrones
that one of the everlasting charms of
heaven will be the rolling, bursting,
ascending, decending, chanting echoes.
All the songs we ever saug devoutly,
all prayers we have ever uttered
earnestly, all the Christian deeds we
have ever done will be waiting to
spring upon us that in this world the
roar of artillery and the boom of the
thunder are so loud, because they are
a combination of echoes all the hill
sides and the caverns and the walls
furnishing a share of the reasonance.
And never will we understand the full
power and music of an echo until with
supernatural faculties, able to endure
them we hear all the conjoined sounds
of heavenly echoes harps and trum
pets, orchestras and oratorios, hos-
annahs and hallelujahs, east side of
heaven answering to the west side,
north side to south side, and all the
depths, and all the immensities, and
all the eternities joining in echo upon
echo, echo in the wake of echo. In the
future state; whether of rapture or
ruin, we will listen for reverbrations
of earthly things and doings. Voltaire
standing amid the shadows will listen
and from the millions whose godless
ness and libertinism and debauchery
were consequence of his brilliant blas
phemies will come back a weeping
wailing, despairing, agonizing, million
voiced echo. Paul will while standing
in the light, listen and from all the
many mansions whom he helped to
people, and from all the thrones he
helped to occupants, and from all the
gates he helped throng with arrivals,
and from all the temples he helped fill
with worshipers, there shall come back
to him a glorious, ever-accumulating,
transporting and triumphant echo.
Oh, what will the tryants and oppres
sors of the earth do with tho echoes.
Those who are responsible for the wars
of the world will have come back to
them all the groans, the shrieks, the
canonades, the bursting shells, the
crackle of burning cities and the crash
of a nation's home: Iiohenllnden and
Salamanca, Wagram and Sedan. Mara
thon and Thermopylae, Bunker Hill
and Lexington, South Mountain and
Gettysburg. Sennacherib listen! Sem
iramis listen! Marc Antony listen!
Artaxerxes listen! Darius listen!
Juhus Ctesar lisfen! Alexander and
Napoleon listen! But to the righteous
will come back the blissful echoes.
Composers of gospel hymns and singers
will listen for the return of Antiocb
and Brattle Street, Ariel and Dundee,
Harwell and Woodstock, Mount Pisgah
and Coronation, Homeward Bound and
Shining Shore, and all the melodies
they ever started. Bishop Heber, and
Wesley, and Isaac Watts, and Thomas
Hastings and Bradbury, and Horatius
Bonar.and Frances Havergal listen!
But you know as well as I do that
there are tome places where the rever
berations seem to meet, and standing
there they rush upon you, they rain
upon you, all at one they capture your
ear. And at the point where all
heavenly reverberations meet Christ I
will stand, and listen for the resound
of all his sighs, and groans, ana sacri
fices, and they shall come back iu an
echo iu which shall mingle the acclaim
of a redeemed world and the "J ubilate
Deo" of a lull heaven. Echo saintly
cherubic, archangel: Echo of thrones!
Echo of palaces! Echo of temples!
Omnipotent echo! Everlasting echo!
Third Inlvmlty Karurelaa.
The third and last university excur
sion for W.r is that offered by Mi 2
Sarah Wool Moore, aud may be termed
an art excursion. It is proposed to
leave New York early iu Jane and re
turn about the middle of September.
The route includes the cathedral cities
of England and France, a few days In
Switzerland and the great art centres
London, Paris, Munich and Antwerp.
To really profit by this tour a certain
amount of preliminary reading and
study should be undertaken, concern
ing which applicants may consult Miss
Moore. It can be easily accomplished
in the tune intervening before the de
parture of the party.
The expenses of the journey, which
will take about ninety days from Lin
coln to Lincoln again will not exceed
8475. This iucludes sleepers to Xew
York and return, iu which a saving
may be made by any member of the
party who so desires; and a margin of
some 135 for each person, for unlooked
for expenses, in connection with which
a still greater saving is possible. It is
not impossible that when the party is
collected it will be found that the total
expense may be reduced to say W35.
The trip is open to ladies only, and i
not resfricted to university students.
All applications should be made at once
to Miss Sarah Wool Moore, Lincoln.
i ui-
returns at the
Abandoned rarnm In Mamchuaett.
Within the borders of the old Bay
State are more than 900 abandoned
farms. A list of many of these for
saken homesteads is accessible at the
headquarters of the state board of agri
culture, and any one who wishes a
couutry life and country air can have
his longing gratified for a very small
outlay in cash.
Most of these abandoned farms are
found in the hill towns of the western
counties, ideally beautiful for situation
many of them, and lacking only the
touch of the wand wealth to become
magnificent manors. Essex has less
than any other county, except Suffolk,
where farms of any kind are rare, if
not precisely few and far between.
There seems to be no good reason
why such places should go to rack and
ruin, when hundreds of city folks are
longing for a summer home at a modest
price. Boston Globe.
Span-own and Blarkblrda.
Birds, notwithstanding their attract
tiveness iu plumage and sweetness in
song, are many of them great thieves.
When nest building they will steal the
feathers out of the nests of other birds
and are often much inclined to drive
off other birds from a feeding ground
even where there is abundance. This
is especially true of one of our greatest
favorites, the robin redbreast, who will
peck and run after and drive away birds
much bigger than himself.
Very different as the robin and the
sparrow are in other things, thay re.
semble each other in this. On an early
spring morning, when a little touch ot
frost still made the surface of the earth
hard, I have seen a blackbird on a lawn
at last after great efforts extract a
worm, and this was the signal for a
crowd of sparrows, who, by dint ol
numbers, managed to drive away the
blackbird and carry off the worm, tc
feed their own young ones, no doubt.
CassetTs Magazine.
Descendant of Some Noted Men.
It is noteworthy what a number of
men eminent in the era 1861-60 are now
represented only in the female line ol
descent Neither Abraham Lincoln
nor Jefferson Davis has a living grand
son. Neither has Audrew Jacksou,
Thurlow Weed nor Horace Greeley.
General Hancock's one son left behind
him only a small daughter. There Is
no representative of General Scott's
name. A singular parallel runs betwixt
two Confederate generals, Stonewall
Jackson and John Morgan, prince of
raiders. Each died before the war
ended, leaving one fair daughter. Th
two girls grew up, married happily,
bore each a daughter and died soon
after giving birth to a Second child
New York Press.
Way a Blue Boa la Iaiaoealble.
Florist makes the assertion that a
blue rose is among the Impossibilities,
but while an explanation of this curi
ous fact may be equally impossible, he
fails to mention a Very interesting law
which governs the colorings of all
flowers. A knowledge of this law
would save many flower growers hours
of unavailing and foolish hope. The
law is simply this: The three colon
red, blue and yellow never all appear
In the same species of flowers; any two
may exist, but never the third. Thai
we have the red and yellow rosea, but
no blue; red and blue verbenas, bat
no yellow; yellow and blue tn the
various members of the viola family
(as panslee, for instance), but no red;
red and yellow gladolj, but no bin,
end so on. -St, Louis Re&ualic. j.
Farm 'o'.
Underfeeding ruius more live stock
than overfeeding.
It is a costly experiment to give
proved stock iudflerent care.
With good care growth is obtained at
less cost with young animals.
It is a mistake in breeding V) mate
two animals each possess tae same
lu farming it is very important to
prevent the deterioration of the fertility
and to secure the best
lowest cost.
Light feeding, especially of growing
animals, is against a proper growth and
development aud consequently in the
end is usually eiiensive,
While pampered stock are often
apiiouxlv injured, eeneraliy wureoue
animal is ruined by overfeeding,
are ruiued by being starred.
The most economical feeding is that
which secures the most rapid growth
and developemeut of muscle, and tho
irroatit, amount of fat with the least
waste of feed.
It is stated that a suear fifteen times
sweeter than cane sugar and twenty
times sweeter than beet sugar lias
been extracted from cottonseed meal
by a German chemist.
While there is not a vast amount of
available plant food in dried stalks
weeds and grasses, yet by plowing them
under the mechanical effect produced
is beneficial aud everything should be
turned under that is possibe.
All Indications seem to point to the
fact that the suear beet industry is
destined to be of very large proportions
in this country. Throughout the
Western slates thousands of acres are
already devoted to raising of this pro
duct and manufactories costing from
$100,000 to 82uO,OO0 are in process of
A feed of clover can be given daily to
the pigs that are confined
A sow may bring a good litter aud
yet fail to be a good mother.
Young pigs are often stunted by ex
posure to cold, wet storms.
Separate any animal from the others
whenever he shows signs of being sick.
In nearly all cases it is best to let
tne pigs rut with the sow until she
weaus them.
One objection to a very large sow for
heeding is tho danger of smothering
her young.
Oats, rye and middlings are a better
feed foe youug growiui pigs tuau
corn n.eal.
Nearly or quite all diseases of bogs
are eoutagious, hence the danger of
allowing thorn to remain together.
With good care hogs give returns so
quickly that even if only a small profit
on each lot Is mad-, and results are
A hog of good breed that has len
properly fed during growth, should be
able to walk -o the railroad station
after being fattened ready to ship.
Brood sows require food that is rich
in the elements required for tbe growth
and developemeut of bone and muscle.
Scalded clover hay, oats, shorts bran
and roots will supply them better than
The Farm Fertility
A noted Western man, riding across
the country and noticing thousands of
acres of cornstalks standing in the
fields, from which the ears had been
jerked, said "the farmer was conducting
the only business in the world that
allowed a man to lose 45 per cent or
his capital stock, and the same time
live." The force of this remark is
doubly significant from the fact that
an acre and a half of corn fodder is
raised in the United States for each
head of horned stock and the other
standpoint quite as clear, that corn
and its fodder to the extent of three
hfths of the entire ration is the best
food for dairy stock yet found. Here
is a vast amount of animal food in this
country not utMlzed boyond lo ir
cent, that is suitable of making the
nnesi una oi aairv product, and as a
fertilizers is p.-ctkally lost when if fed
to milk cows would not only mak
Jl I . a
uauymg pay, out at tne same time
supply stores of fertility to keep up
our farms that are very rapidly depleted
by wholesale fertility of the soil and a
waste of fertilizing material upon the
This country waste can notgo on for
ever in this country and now the
dairyman has a chance to preach
a sermon about utility fertility and
profit-ability, and practice at tbe same
Ume the doctrine that be preaches td
others-Practical Farmer.
Apallratloas Sf Bet Water.
Hot water taken freely half an hour
before bed-time is helpful in con
tipatlan. Headache almost always yields to
the tlmultaneous application of hot
witer to the feet and back of the neck.
Atowl folded, dipped In hot water
wrung out rapidly and applied to the
stomach, acta like magic in cass of
Thereto nothing that so promptly
cuu short congestion 0f tbe lungs, sore
woat or rheumatism, as hot water
wiw applied promptly and thoroughly
Vefrlabla Growing f T Market.
The selection of the particular crop-,
and the exact proportion in wbich it
would be best to plant the different
vegetables, dej-ends altogether on the
demands of the particular market
Every grower must study his available
market, and try to raise just "actly
what is wanted. Some markets have
demand for early forced vegetables,
and offer a good price for such; in that
case the gardners thould make a
sclalty oi growing spinach, radishes,
brets, carrots, soup celery, lettuce
perhaps even mushrooms, tomatoes
etc, under glass. Near a manufacturing
town the dem md will most likely be
for all kinds of vegetables grown in
open ground, such as lettuce, radishes
carriots beots, early jMilatofS, and in
the kitchen of towim-people. 'Hie
gardner catering to such a trade should
plant a general assortment, aud be
able to lurni h anything, that may be
wanted. 1'laiiting everything and for
succession as needed, aud close
cropping ami strict attention to the
customers' wants these are the leading
features to be considered in the
business of the market gardner near a
manufacturing town.-Popular Garden
ing. .
Atnu( the Poultry.
A good hen will lay twice her weight
in eggs in a year.
When grain is fed throw on a litter
and partly cover it up.
A cooked mixture of table scraps
makes a good morning ration.
Close to large cities broilers bring iu
more than anything else.
One fowl with scurvy legs Is apt to
impart the disease to others.
Jlarley aud wheat fed alternately
make a good egg-producing ration.
Ducks aud geese are the best fowls
to raise on wet, low-lying land".
Wheu hens lay solt-shelled eggs they
either need lime or they are too fat.
Corn and corn meal are the best
fattening foods,
Geese are not only valuable as meat
nroducers but should annually produce
a pound of feathers each.
One advantage with ducks is that
they are less liable to disease than
most any other kind of poultry.
Poultry manure is the richest that
can be secured on the farm aud it
should be carefully stored away.
A Family Tree.
A pretty custom which was at one
time common In some parts of New
England was tho setting apart of a
'family tree." This tree was not of a
dry, gatWaiogical kind, but wa
always one of tbe finest in the orchard
selected with a view to its apple
bearing abilities and its beauty. -
In one little village many of the or
chards have trees of this description
and the oldei inhabitants can refresh
their memories as to the number of
children in the families wbich have
occupied farms at different times
provided the period of occupancy was
long enough to make the setting up of
a "family tree" worth while.
On one farm there is a large old tree
which bears seven different varities of
apples: Baldwins, Jermiabs, summer
sweetings, winter pippins, Astrakhan,
russets and gillyflowers. The grafts
on this tree were made not one at the
birth of each child of the household, as
was sometimes the custom but when
each boy or girl grew old enough to
choose bis or her special favorite
among apples.
The tree is now more than sixty years
old and its present owner shows it
with great pride, and gives samples of
its fruit to the children of theneighbor
hood with a free hand. -Youth's Com.
Valuable Depoalt.
One of the most remarkab.e of all de
posits of silver is at Broken Hill
mines in Australia. At that place the
precious metal is found lyinir in an
enormous lode.
It has been suirsrested bv Mr. c
Sutherland that this creat deiwisitnf
silver was left by a large salt lake that
uas now aisapueared but tracka nf
whose former existence are clearly to
o seeu.
According to this interettinir
the salt lake was formed of imprisoned
oceau water, a large quantity of which
was caught in a basin beLwtwn ..
of hills when Australia was lifted out
ot tne sea. This water rrarf...u.
leaked aud was evaporated away leav.
g ueposiis of the mineral and other
matter that it bad held In solution.
If this view Is correct tha mat
of silver at Broken Hill la a rich gift
beatowed by the sea upon the land;
but scan has discovered the precious
deposit, and seized It in his capacity
of the lord of the earth, Y outn'r
Way Ike Sky la Flat.
The annarent flait.i... ..
.I I . ' " l" vanu
of the heavens has been found to have
an annual ntriod and h. j
clouds. It seems feast flat with a mUty
horizon, aud leas by night than by day
Ad Die BMwta ana nmA l at.. - .
. au mm inanuiact-
ure of prussie acid. A Vermont farmer
pick them from hie elder preeTand
r . . " wmwwi. Out ef 140
buaheUof apple, beget, about one
bushel of seeds.
lea. i
Silk velvet comes to u Is
season as a fabric
adapted for trimming j4
materials. J
A mourning p tial J.
mended Is a heart-shal r j'
enamel with an inner row
Some of the dainty fan. (,,
uses are made of sn.,,
feathers mounted on otic,, ,
o' pearl. 1
.Some of tbe new round wij
es are finished with iarA
brttellea that reach I , J
line, front and back.
The girl who wanu t. J
on a rainy day now en,
proof coat, with an eiiorml
breasted cape made ol stui
iiunon is sun a
garniture and
oft blouse fro
to wiiite lace iiits ,ni.i
without seams.
Some of the new fajM-suf ,
dressy evening wear m tn
and picturesque lu n-:ut:i: .
fer great distinction .,n ( j
I... ...It I ..t I 1
tne uc mii kuu airime r
lasiiwerrs are siik t-OrnJ
l'ersiau colors lu plain-leaf
sun a ury
. is ust-d fur rutj
Jilts, ami mu
.tiiuifttlw Dnnlidiioil In
.1:. ! ,.:!.
wi'.u unwilling ui biik 1:0 In, jp
Back combs ami l,a.r f
popular and more enniliej i
Amtx-r shell sticks, never
three iu number, arc vi
the richest tops in gold aml 'j
J-alanibo is a new tlehcaUrJ
raspberry pink that it cot', '
liussian green in French w;
i.' t;t pc Jf Ci'.i.k and Mark
brocade, showing a U autili.
floral surface upon a lacitj-i
with these two colors.
(Jarnet ornament ure m;
the foot ol fashion's Hirwx, .
Orundy has welcomed fhtut
mg hospitality. ftaruH cU'.s
and garnet galoons tot e!;;
skirts and silk street idrti i
length enliven the nioit v
Kullinch I am sorrr to
Crej neck, that your liusbu:i
lost at sea. Mrs. Grewied-1
a terrible blow, lluliinrt-:
body, 1 believe, has imt barn k
Mr, (jreyneck Ah, tint's ft
part of It. He'd ju-! :l
filled with gold. I
A gray iiengaline silk,
aaiai ejuU VAat. W VOX JtR-mV.
s't on under a row of pat-a3ft
ijoM aud silver studde-i
colored jewels. A band of ci
menlerie ulaced round each A
ishina them off just urnler
from rich ruflles of lace.
Spotted or plain siik, ert '
may be renovated, (upeciallyj
toilette, by having a narrow!
lace edge the skirt, uliilo
edged with lace, put, on fittl
the front drapery. 'I'lm fui'd
ie of deep lace flonn ing fj
lace finished with a fnl), au
ive reiiei. I
lipped iu salt t?
;nlic aciA
brass tea.f?v
Help far ll.iii.rnl." ,?,;
At some hospital" alin$
gargle used for sore throa!
l'ut olil rubber rintt of v
weak ammonia water mid
roine elastic. J
A tablespoon ful ol wi
spnekied in barrfl ot Hi
precipitate all impm' nu
bottom. j
Horseradish grated and e-
vinegar and applied lu lh td
the face or head is aWf
neuralgia will give relief. I
Half a lemon dipped i
the work of oxalic
copper boilers,
other copper or brass uteiuik
To break up a coH try the i
of hot salt water, arm an appba
same on chest or throat, if d
ofteu relieve a hard congli
h making custard, r,liI1?
lemon pies it Is better to
the crust before adding tlie K
that it may not be .lUwrtN
paste, J
A remedy for creaking In"!
ton tallow rubbed on tK.'j
great many locks that n'fu
work are simply rusted and '4
right if carefully oiled.
Aged people, Invalid, or i
have feeble digestion or i"J
dullness, aa well as gromof i
wU be greatly beneiited H
sweet cream In liberal qust
Awayi fold table clotlu lni
creases; they keep clean Nf f
everyday towels once ,B ;
when dry, fold again and pt"
with the handf Instead of Z
Steaming tbe face at nil f,
bowl of very hot water, and 9 $
Inglt with very cold water. i
pie method of giving It R,
and will tend to make tbe-0'.
Md smoother and tbe flesh m
When a eandle la blown
disagreeable odor 01U thsN
to very easily prevented. ij
upward tte wick will not m
bad small la avoided.
want to light it again tb'
iowd4 MOelMtly kmc