The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 04, 1892, Image 2

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J. SIMMONS, Projr!tt-.r.
A sensational Tragedy.
Memphis, Tenn, Jan. 26. One cf the
most sensational tragedies which has
occurred in this city for years was com
mitted yesterday afternoDD. Both the
Tictim and bar slayer were prominent
society young ladies and the affair is the
talk of the town. At i o'clock Miss
Freda Ward, of Gold Dust, Ark, and
her Bister were walking toward the cus
tom bouse. A buggy containing Miss
Alice Mitchell and Lizzie Johnson drove
up the walk, and as the former couple
was opposite the buggy, Miss Mitchell
sprang out of the buggy, grasped Miss
Ward by the neck, drew a bright razor
from the folds of her dress and with it
cut the throat of her victim. Miss
Ward sank to the pavement and tbe
murderess, jumping into the buggy, ex
claimed: "Drive on, I've done it," and
rapidly drove to her house. A sister of
the murdered girl had tried to hold the
assailant, but also received a slight cut
Miss Ward as carried to the infirm
ary, but expired just as the institution
was reached. Miss Mitshell was arrest
ed at her home and conveyed to jail two
hours after the aair.
While tbe cause of the killing is not
positively apparent it is believed Miss
Mitchell committed it because she had
heard allegations to the effect that Mies
Ward, her former friend, had made re
marks of a decidedly uncomplimentary
nature regarding her. The murderess
is a nineteen-year-old daughter of a te
tired furniture dealer, George Mitchell,
and her victim is tbe daughter of John
Ward, a wealthy merchant and planter
of Gold Dust, Ark. The coroner's jury
charges Miss Mitchell with premed.tat
ed murder.
Great Excitement Over the Vur
SaK Francisco, Jan. 2G. There was
great excitement in shipping and naval
circle over Chilean news. Naval officers
and men all want war and tho Balti
more's men are simply wild to get a
chance to return to Valparaiso and
secure revenge for the dastardly out
rage on their comradee. It warms the
cokrerla of the genuine American heart
to see the eagerness of all the sailors
and officers of the Baltimore and
Charleston to have a chance at the
Chileans. They all admit the Chileans
are good fighters, but they say neither
officers nor men know bow to handle
ships or guns.
Captain Scheley, in discussing the
situation b few days ago, said he would
not be afraid to meet the entire Chilean
navy out in the open sea, where he
Cam M hAWA annA . - T . , 1I
vuiu uaic epaiv iisi uiaLcutoiliiji tits
said the Baltimore was so much more
easily handled than any of the Chileun
vessels that she could sail around them
and finish them one after another.
Shipping men are eager for war also,
as it means making Frisco the outfitting
point on this coast for war vessels and
transports. Some apprehension hits
been expressed about the afety of San
Francisco, but experts declare that
with torpedoes and torpedo boats the
harbor could be defended against any
attack. Stress is also laid on the fact
that should war be declared all the fight
ing would take place in Chilean waters
snd anyChilean cruiser that oiicbt leave
that country would chase after Ameri
can merchantmen instead of trying to
lay this city under tribute and ttmpt
ing an engagement with one of the
white squadron.
Chile AfTeei to Withdraw Hie Offensive
Santiago, Jan. 26. The Chi'ean gov
ernment has sent a reply to the ultiiia
turn of the United States. The reply is
in effect as follows:
Chile agrees to withdraw the offensive
note sent by Senor Matta to all the Chil
ean mhraters abroad and acknowledges
that it issuance was due to an erro:'of
Chile also withdraws its request for
the withdrawal of United States Minis
ter Egao. In addition the Chilean gov
ernment, in its answer proposes that the1
affair of the attack on the Baltimore
- sailors in Valparaiso be submitted to tho
- arbitrage of some neutral nation. If
-this proposition is not acceptable to th
Uaited States government, the Chilean
government suggests that tbe matter be
submitted to tne decision ofjthe supreme
court of the United States.
'Whitehead Torpedoes.
Bethlehem, Pa., Jan. 26. The Asso
ciated press correspondent here learns
that the first flask of. domestic manu
facture for 100 Whitehead torpedo s
was tested at the works of the . W.
Bliss company Monday. It is five feet
long, aeventeen and three-quarter inches
in diameter, with a shell 34-100 of an
- inch thick. - Having successfully
withstood the test it was ac
cepted by the navy deparment.
Kallwajr Wreck in Banal.
Sr. Fbtirsburo, Jan. 26. In a col
lation between two trains several of
the emplcpe were killed.
r , Mr, Gotham 'Here, air, is some
rttaky I nave had in my cellar for
Jl HtojMnV -
! . lJ - AAU11U1CA. ' VT tUi 1 -. WB11I
f "aU nt loetr-Nsw York
Aided Bj His Wife in Accomplish
ing the Fiendish Crime.
When Death sentence W 1'ae.l I !
Them The) Mione'i 1-
Yif-n.-a, Jan. 30. -Tbe seufational
Schneider murder trial ended yesterday.
Ti.e jury found Schneider aud his wife
guilty and both prisoners were sentenced
to death.
For cold Hooded cruelty this case
stands almost without a parrallel in
ihe annals of crime in this city. Ihe
evidence against the accused as over
whelming, but Frau Schneider i.ntil
ye:terday stoutly maintained t! at her
husbrwJ was alone responsible for tbe
death of the girls. Schneider described
in detail his method of doing away with
the girls. He would go to the room oc
cupied by the girl last employed by Cis
wife, and despite her prayers and en
treaties would criminal!)- assault her.
It was thought by the police that he
first chloroformed Irs victims, but in
bis confession Schneider said they were
always conscious 'Alien be attacked
Horrible as it may appear, h s wife
accompanied hini and aided him in the
accomplishment of this fiendish crime,
at a afterwards (die would grasp the
hands of the victim while Schneider
clutched the poor girl by the throat and
choked her to death. The same eourte
mas pursued in ihe case of all tbe eight
vict'ma After the girls were dead
Schneider and bis wife would convey
the bodies to a wood clote to tbeir borne,
where they would strip their victims of
their clothing which, togetLer with t he
contents ; the girls' luggage, they
would afterwards sell.
The Schneider trial, Lo sever, has
been marked by the presence of a very
large number of stylishly dressed ladies,
who leveled their lorgnetts and closely
scanned the features of the prisoners.
Some of the evidence was of a nature to
bring a blush to most any cheek, but
these ladies, through seme of them did
blush at certain parts cf the testimony,
ere so eager to hear every word of the
outrages, murders aud robberies that
hey conquered their natural inclination
to leave the court room, and gaining
courage from the many women present
they remained and their curiosity
The public prosecutor in hie speech
against the prisoners gave a most vivid
description of the fiendish character of
the crimes and he dwelt at length upon
the cruelty, hennlesene83 and lack of
all womanly feeling manifested by Frau
Schneider in enticing the gir's to her
home, where she knew death would be
their fat?. He dwelt, too, upon the per
verted nature of the joiiian which had
led her to become an accomplice of her
husband in the gratification of his aui
mal passions and induce her to t'iko
advantage of her sex to procure victims
for his lust.
There was a great sensation 'in the
ic.irt room when at the conclusion of
his speech the public prosecutor
straightened himself, and pointing with
outstretched ami at Schneider ex
ciaiiueJ in a loud tone, "He is a doomed
man," Throughout the terrible ar
raignment of the prisoners by the pub
lic prosecutor Schneider sat with his
head clasped in his hands and showed
no emotion whatever. His wife, though
she listened closely to the icathiog
voids applied to her, remained perfect
ly cold and unmoved. When live death
sentence was passed upon them they
! h v.'-ed no fear, but listened to the fate
ful words wilh an uir amounting a!
most to indifference.
Tour l'oasted to iea(Ii., Minn., Jan. 30. An awful
fatality occurred four miles west of this
city yesterJay, by which four people lost
their lives. A house belonging to
George Cramer caught fire and his wife
aud three children were cremated. The
husband was away, but saw and
foui d the dead bodies around the stove,
The origin of the fire is unknow n.
MoonNhillerg Taught.
Mt. Pleasant, Pa., Jan. 30. Last
evening Revenue Officer Mitchell and
Detective J. It. Harrah brought to this
towa five prisoners from the mountains
of Fayette county for illicit whisky dis
tilling, ihe two ollicera and nineteen
men, all from Pittsburg, left here last
night about 1 o'clock. Four of the men
returned last evening wilh the prisoners,
the others remaining in the mountains.
More prisoners areexnected. Tun nv,;t
stills were destroyed. Deputy Job.. s is
reported tc have been badly injured
while making the capture.
Sucei lve up Ilia Fast.
London, Jan. 3). -Succi. the fW,.
uas iidandoned the attemnt in on M ilk
out food for fifty-two days. Only eight
more uBys oi me time remained.
Freight Collide.
Syracuse, Jan. 30.-Thero was a ml-
lieion of two freights on the New Vrk
Cen ral road near here. Otu mo
killed and two more fatally injured. A
uumoer oi care were burned up.
Another Scow Found.
New Yobk, Jan. 30.-Tbe third of the
missing scows was recovered ninety
miles off Sandy Hook and 1H h.i . .
. - ' WIl
ISI t men on board i,. l. .
Brooklyn. There are ten .L.
bo s still missing.
I Indiana lyln of tipoaure.
GciHBi.O.T,Jan.2S.-Lirge cum
bers of the Pawnee, Otoe and Missouri
Indiana are dying daily of grip. Six
teen of the former tribe died in a single
day from this disease, brought on by ex
posure at the ghost dance, which they
still keep up. Tbe Pawnee indian who
claims to be the prophet of the coming
messiah has taken advantage of the
large number dying and now proclaims
that those who die are the elect, who
are called away to meet the coming
savior, and will return with him as his
bodyguard. Consequently all the braves
are anxious to die and many abuse them
selves and lie outd xrs exposed, Loping
to be called with the elect.
The Mining Craft.
New Yoiik, Jan. 23. Up to midnight
no tidings had been received of the miss
ing tug Webster and her tow of garbaf e
scows, which had diifted out to sea
th;rty-eix hours ago. All the tugs that
went out to assist in the search for the
missing crafts were compelled to return
owing to the high seas and winds. At
the street cleaning department and else
where the men on the Webster were
given up for lost early in the morning.
Sit was prov'sioned for a week and had
a large supply of coal. The scows are
considered unsiukable. Their crews
have shelter and a fire, but it is col
thought at the office of the Barney
Dump:ng Boat company, where they
a -e owned, that they are well provisioned.
Digging II lit Way Out.
Beblis, Ont Jan. 23.-Walter J. Co
han, of the firm of Cohen, Solomon A
Co., of New York, w ho fled to Canada
some months ago to escape his creditors
and who has been in jail here ever since
on charges of sw indling them, was dis
covered yesterday digging his way ou!
of his cell. Two knives, a hatchet and a
piece of iron were fouud in the hole in
his cell wall, which was nearly complet
ed. Suspicion tttaches to Turnky
Tracey, whose suspension is probable.
Cjhen has beeu placed in a stronger
About 800 Men on a Strike.
PiTTMii-RG, Jan. 28. The employes
of the Pittsburg glass tableware facto
ries, controlled by the United States
Glass company, tbe recently formed
trust, went on a strike. About S00 men
men aro idle. The present indications
are that the strike will extend over all
the factories of the United Steles com
pany, there being nine other factories
outside of Pitttbburg. The cause of tl e
strike is a new set of rules. The ru'es
demand in substance that the men work
four and a halt hours on a "last"-,"
whether they can finish it in less time
or not, in order that better ware may be
produced. A committee was appointed
and it is probable that a conference will
be arranged in order to settle the strike.
It is slid that if the trust is willing to
pay more wages for the "better wnre,"
so the men will not lose the money, the
trouble will at once be settled.
Deeliled It Wan Illegal.
Cincinnati, Jan, 28. The circuit
court, in the quo warranto proceedings
against the Otiio & Mississippi Hallway
company in excluding certuin directors
and recognizing others as direstors was
illegal, and accordingly overruled the
motion of the directors sa'd tc be illegal
ly recognized to set aside service of sum
mons upon them. Id a second case
brought by the deposed directors against
the directors said to be illegally recog
nized, the motion of the latter to set
aside service on the ground that none
of the defendants were found in the
country, was granted. The court's
rulings are regarded as a victory for the
English stockholders.
F.egarria the Treaty ax Obsolete.
Vienna, Jan. 28. Austria has replied
to the American note claiming the most
favored nation treatment for the United
States, under the treaty of 1881, tc the
effect that Austria regards the treaty as
obsolute, but will be disposed after the
1st of February to negotiate a lew
treaty, either on the basis of reciprocity
or the favored nation arruingement.
After Her Ilunlianil.
BixxmiwoTON, III., Jan. 28. Mrs.
Tilbury, wife of Oliver Tilbury, the
leading business man of fowanda, this
county, was in this city yesterday look
ing for her husband, who mysteriously
disappeared several days ago. A pre
possessing servant girl who worked al
Tilbury's house disappeared at the same
time and it is believed both have gono
the same way. Tilbury is fifty-five j ears
old, and the father of eight children.
He has for many years conducted an pv.
tensive manufacturing business and is
widely known. Mrs. Tilburv srvb l,
drew 6.000 out of the bank before de
Great Public Demonstration.
Liverpool, Jan. 28.-The representa
tives of the various trades in this city are
arranging for a great public demoastra
tion in support of the measure proposed
by Mr. William Kandall Cremsr. mem
ber of parliament for the Shordeditch
division of London, looking toward ne
gotiations with America for a general
treaty of arbitration. The object of the
aemonstration is to call Dublin aiUni i
to the benefit expected to be derived
'rem auno a meaaute.
I Killed Hi Wife.
Jermec Citt, N. J. Jan. 29.-Sh.orUr
t-.rwol nVlooli vesterday Arthur Stock
ton, s tinsmith, aged 29 years of No. W
cbriak- stret. shot and instanuy
killed his wife and then shot and prob
ably fatally injured his sister-ic-ia
Miss Mary Tierney. The murderer was
immeliately arrested and placed in
jail. He shooting occurred on the
n.Wa'k in front of where the Stock
ton's lived. The three w ere seen ta'k-
ing earnestly just before the shootic,
and all appeared a great deal excited.
Suddenly Siocklon drew a revoher and
placing the muzzle near his wife's hea l,
pulled the trigger, the ball entering her
vo Then be turned toward his sister-
in-law andshot her in the back. Mrs.
Stockton died in a few minutes ami
Miss Tierney was taken to a hospital,
..hArA h bes in a critical condition.
The probable cause of the shooting was
jealousy. Mrs. Stockton was a ver)
comely woman and. according to the
murderer, was addicted 'o flirting.
Stockton told the police that he had
killed his wife purposely for breaking
lir mmace vows. She and her sistr,
he said, during his nbsense attended a
ball last night and were accompanied
home by John E. Duun and Ureunan,
the la ter a city official. The men re
mained w ith the women at the Stockton
house until Stockton reached home at
1 o'clock this afternoon, when he sur
prsed them. He fired two shots at the
men, but the bullets went aside of the
mark and the men ran away. Then the
women ian into the street, followed by
Stockton, who aftsr fiercely upbraiding
them, tiut them bs described above.
Ai'ioprialini for Hie Worlil'c Fair.
Chicaoo, Jan. Director EJwln
Walker, of the Columbian exposition,
said that the directory favored nn "om
nibus" appropriation bid for presenta
tions for the national commission 'ir"l
local directory in one bill. Under this
arr"!igeiiient the tatal amount asked
of congress would exceed 8i,f,,0 of
which OOOW would be for the direc
tory. The officers of the national com
mission object to this. They point out
that such a bill, if defeated, would leave
the national commission without funds
to pay off the officers or maintain a sys
tem of awards. They go so far as to
s ggo-t that the directors want to use
tho commission as a catspaw to pull
money out of Uncle Sam's treasury.
! m Work CloKftl.
PiiVst.i-rc, Pa., Jan. 2'. Seven Hint
glass factories in the South Side were
closed as a result of tho dispute with
the employed over the "time limi'.."
Two thousand men aro now out of em
ploy me dV.
A SlrangB Cat.i,.... .
Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 21.'. Alice
Mituhell and Lillie Johnson spent last
night together in their room al the jail.
I he father of Lillie also remained n the
office of the jail. He is fearful that
A'ico will do his daughter some bodily
harm, and this fear is showed by most
( f hie family. All elforts to interview
Miss Mitchell have failed, but this morn
ing a reporter learned from good author
ity what passed between her and her
counsel. On other subjects she seemed
to be perfectly rational, and did not re .1
i?.e the enormity of the deed. "I killed
Freda becanse I loved her, and she re
fused to marry me throe times, and at
last she consented. We were going to
marry here and go to St. Louis."
"What did you intend to do in St.
Louis?" asked one of her attorneys.
"Oh, I don't know. But when Freda
promised to marry roe I was so haoov.
I sent her an engagement rins and she
wore it for a time, but when it w as re
turned to me I was miserable. I could
mt bear to be separated from her f nd
I ie;olved to kill her. I would rathtr
she were dend than awy."
The girl then asked one of the law yers
where Freda was. She was told that
the body was atSteinley & Ilinyons.
"Ob, mamma" she said, "if I could
only see her. Please let me go to see
ber. If I could only lie down bv her
side I would be so happy."
When tbe permission was refused she
broke into a tcrrjnt ot tears, not for
having killed Freda, but for the separa
tion.' The letters that she wrote f)
Freda were full of endearing terms and
go to show that the girl eagerly looked
forward to the time when she could
muke Freda her wife.
Strunge to say, from what can .a
learned, Freda, herself, seemed to 1 in.
fatuated with Alice and willingly assent
ed to the proposed marriage.
The time hod bw I!taI im tt,. ..i
fair was to have been in tbe nature of
on elopement. She does not ieel the
confinement in jail, but regards it as
omu a scnooi girl.aelight punishment.
On Other anbiwto aha talla ...I n..
- , - ........ i m imij iii i .
as she does on the killing, but for the
peculiar views she entertains of the
pruponeu marriage.
The grand jury will investigate the
Indiana Dying Oft.
Octmrii!, Okl., Jsn. 29.-Repo:U that
have been verified have been received
here that owing to the recent cold
weather and the prevalence of the grip
tbe Indiana of tbe different tribes adja
cent to Oklahoma are dying off very
feat. Two weeks ago the Otaes num
bered 370. Last week sixteen of them
died of la grippe.
A big ghost dsnoe is being arranged
to take place about May 1, A cracjr
Pawnee Iuuian seeau to be the
l bile Back 1ob.
WiSdWTox.Jao. 27.Tus govern
ment received a long message from Min
ister Egan, oocveyiDg an offer on the
part of the Chilean government for the
settleD-ent of all existing difficulties
with the United States.
This message confirms in every par
ticular the sutemects made in the ex
elusive Eisociated press dispatch re
ceived from Santiago last evening,
which was in effect that Chile agreed to
withdraw the offensive note sent by
Matta, to withdraw the request for the
ithdriwal ot Micis'er E.'an ana to sub
mit the Baltimore affair to the arbitra
tion of some neutral cation or to the de
cisjon of the United States supreme
Egan states these dispatches at great
er length than tbe press dispatches, but
the exact additions cinnot now be ascer
tained. There is re-ton to llieve, bow
ever that the Chilean gover uent not
onlycffers to withdraw the ollecs vj
note, but io addition offers to apologize
for it. It also agrees to the proposi
tions made by the U.lited Stutes in re
gard to the right of the asjluui and saf
conduct of refugees.
Egnn's dispatch w is uubmiited to the
cabinet at a meeting to Jny. The entire
question was discus d and it is under
stood a difference of opinion was devel
oped as to the proprety of accepting 'he
offer without incd fii-iition so far as it
re'ated to the subni ssion of the qurs
tion of Chile's resp oi.sibility for the at
tack of the sailors on the Baltimore to
the arbitration of a neutral millon, or
to the decision of the supreme court"
Without reaching a decision tie meet
ing adjourned.
Tbey Prefer Siberia.
IONiKi.N, Jan. 27. St. Petefuburg tu.
vices says tint thousands of p-annl8
from the famine stricken districts have
started for Siberia, hoping that they
will be able to better their condition
ttiere. Large numbers have arrived at
Tioomen, the objective joint being To
bolsk, 1.0 miles northeast. Mmy f
them are in a destitute condition. It is
estimated that there are now 11,'X)0 per
sons in the vicinity of Tioomen entirely
destitute, and many are sick with ty
phus or scarlet fever. The weather is
intensely cold and the bodiei uf the
many d)ing from privation and disecse
fretze in a few hours. They are
then taken to a cemetery and
unceremoniously buried in a com
mon pit. The priests refuse to
hold funeral services or administer
the bh. rament unless paid,
A V lofid of ftcandal.
VrLNNA.'jan. 2T. The' Vienna tribun
al has decided, upon the application of
Captain Armstrong, husband of the
celebrated singer, Madame Melba, lo
permit Captain Armstrong's Jegal rep
resentatives to take affidavits of the do
mestic servants employed in the Ho'el
Sachor, in Vienna, as to Ihe Duke of
O leans and Madam Melba lodging
ttiere in the same apartments, and the
tceafs whuh came at the time under
the oUervatiou of the servanli. Thin
decision of the tribunal was atronulv
- j
opposed in behalf of tt)9 duke, ns it is
said that even court Influence was in
voked m order to aid Ihe duke in screen
ing his indoscretions. It is fd&n m
ported that the Kuiser Fracis sternly
sei imb iace against any interference to
to protect the Orleans prince, and gave
it to be understood that everv effort
emanating from the imperial entourage
to assist the duke in bulllinz le riant
of justice would incur lbs severe dis
pleasure or the crown. The Hut.l
Sacher wns the place in which Madame
Melba and ber royal lover showed more
than usual recklessness in their rela
tions, and more than one st rvent is able
to give positive evidence as to what
those relations were. The action of the
court in granting the reqmst relating
to evidence at this hotel, is regarded by
Armstrong's friends as a gieat if not
decisive triumph in hw suit against the
duke for damages, and it is said that
the Count of Paris is seriously consider
ing whether it is not belter to
strongs claim for damage? than to face '
me iioou or scandal that a trial will
open to the public
Kle kel lo leh.
Jr.r-rF.BSOKVH.MC, Iml. Jail. 27.-A
vicious stallion in the I
I I all H
Brown of Boston, Washington,
kicked and fatally injured Brown and
his wife. The lafer went to the barn
when, without. Wllrnln.1 4 ' .
kicked her on the head, fracturing U
on the skull. Ier hu.Un,l
her rescue. While he was raising hi,
.fe from the gronnd the stallion
kicked him on the tetnpi... also fraclur.
ing his skull. Th- :. . .
tU house and died of their injurite.
Another Kartbouake In Jmpmn
VAJtOOt'VER. B. f 1 n-r '
ateamahiD Emnreaa nf T J .
from lokobama and ir. .
other aevere .hock of earthquake oc
-..... .. UJ pn,vioua shocks be
ing Lrought down. No loaa of life wM
Shichikend Cho. J.. n a TnlZZ
iBmenae. P..fc i...j:.iV?T..w
Todoya Domari wen also burned Da.
DHana 1A
A band is being orgm '
Piattsraouth baa been ,,a
cjal famine.
She! ton baa organize'. an
Eastarn Star.
A full prohibition
talked of at Hasting".
Kearney bida for tin
state convention.
PlattKmiuth young pe.i;,lfft ,
of a winter carnival.
Tbe veteran Iaac L i),0jt (
for city cleri at Hiding.
A nek thief stole fiifrp, ,
pot agent at Blair.
It is reported that h
gaining a foothold in S irpy
Tbe Nebraska C.ty stnrth
gan operations with Mo hno4 -
The insane hospital at HM
ing wired for electric lighta.
Aoieteur theatricals nr. ;j j
io seieral Nebraska t iwui. ;-
Tbe cold has male lha prtir, J
in Dodge county very bo'J.
Fifty eastern capitals,
looking over Kearney and fjy
A miu at Dix lost 111 fwl ( f'
pipe. He dropped it doa j js
A Missouri Pa-jilij I :
track near Mu Clor, b
A number of Sii'u.i.
have changed handi i.t
A move is being mad" -- htt- '
ty poultry extibit at lrnr "'
A broken rail was uW,
lirokeii U'tv, just before a In- '
wbb due. ,
The Fremont Milling con,,
1,41X1 pounds of fl'jur U. tl R. '
lief cargo.
A Tekiruah physician hin "
a gold cure and started dui
establishment. ,
There have been tear! !Kti
eries in the vicinity of hair a ij
the past month. j
Mrs, A. W. Murphy of F-wti''
birth to triplets weighing i j
twenty and one-half poundL
The Industrial school al Ettz
charge of the "lend-a-hsnd' r
leaching nearly 10) cniMroa. ft
A game of indoor baM Ui:
Merna and Broken Bow club t
by Broken Bow by a score of j.s j
Miss Stella Rd of Ur;t C'f "3
h.'.s 'berifl irTirwnted special 5 jf
drawing in the Colorado buruurji-" J
Carpenters at Butte City w
on flaming and siding buildicfl
the'thermometer indicating 2
While repairing the water fc
Fairmont, the workmen founii 1
bees which bad stored up 4H3paf
A Kearney bank inkl
proclivity advertises that it
it j
after charge but ten per cent nr-j
interest. jjj
Mrs. Kingen, wife of Ihedd-.fciJ.
rustler" is about to bring cl'5?
the state of Wyoming for rijjjj-j'i
her husband.
There were nineteen outri
firms represented in the reewt '1,
at r remonl lo organize a ira,,
lecturer' association.
A. W. B.ilderson of IWcsecr
turned home with bis wifsfnx
bor's to find that his houM
contained bad been burnrd. U
had been left in tbe !. juse iecav-'?
is suspected.
The Kearney Hub calls Ute M
the fact that the Keorney flours tZm
hag been for moctu run by elrt0hft
aid a problem Rtjout to be fi'"
Mmneapalis has alreadj Udd stJ;
Mrs. El ward Ilurl-y of
warned Ed Oillen to keep off ky
isea and as she stooped to mdiaa.
dividioir line the fellow kickei
soa then threw a brick at v
uud broke her nose.
Marshal ClemenU of SjM4
Storm Lake, Iowa, to arrMtowf
Daniels, who ran a rea Mf""1
folk. Daniels skippe 1 Hfwfi?
numamlia 1aIita and SeJ' A
OBiooging to sxinisuua vf- j
The station agent of H
Pacific at Proeser set s fro!
ink on the atove lo thaw.
and a piece of glass lodgd
haul. nuLlinir an arterfi " 'S him to bleed to
belp arrived, t
The York f inea is gm jg
edition that will b larc1 f 1
tbe progress made by imlill
era, and it publiahes a bUlr
farmers in tbe county at
out. The "eitr will '""Jt
raluabU atatlstlos as to U wjt
farming in Nebraska. f
A jrouof fellow named K"
iag ani Lexioftoo, left
eoant of love affair. UJ
ehUlad Im eoertodad to 1
Flfttta. BefWwke got theit
waw (roiao. .Ha was tl 5
PuktUaerffcls father co