: ux County Journal. wr.UMi.-Jl 14. riCUI. 0!"iTV PAMOi. rxTSS V THB CAT5TT. MRiiJ-xr CIW.TLaTION OF ANY ny V-IIKD IX rtiiTX COl'XTY. i'wrlption Price, $2.00 nvtiM, t Editor. Int th ll:uTion Kt utllce as sec- IIUKMUY, Ja.v. 21, 1992. WIT AM 111 MOIt. fil lured of Education' tli pupils, lie Hi f sc. tiling that should be looked into" p-j.ope. Wusliiugtou Star. I yorwij; man wlo lias a best girl So hold bis own. Altoa Sentinel. Bed's musUiclte is so tliin that it ri 'II ........4 .. ..ww.ah IfclJl W LVUIIl . 'JlllI lllll Jmirnal. maa is not very bright it irdsliip to leave him to Ins own -l'icayime. jmniii, why does the preacher W 'htotty' in the middle of his -(lalventoo .wot. long and exciting struggle tjiullor the grip is able to be )io. Washington Jhr.t. ould you lie offended if I should f Your asking is what ollends w I oris uihijit. jrulutser (to house funiisiier's 'This stove won't burn'." Bt "Ave coorse, soir, Iron Iron't." Harper's Baza . J saved $2," said Blykins. it before Waylins could bor am iimj.' Washington Star. jfLndy Patient "Doctor, what )0 when you burn jour mouth coffee?' 'f "Swear." Plutarch's Decani- jud a good deal of trouble," said jnuu, confidently . replied the cook, "I've noticed 'ffn your milk has the blues. " "ftou Pout. CM "500 years, it is said, the earth is Sftwd in a solid mass of ice. 21 then, at least, be no one to jftbout green Christmas. Loui.-i-wiir-Jnurinil. -5wlt is reported iirouud tluit we d.'" I have have lieurd worse tilings than f e r have." Lift: .1 y 0!iu -ut, vhii!. i., ihe prisoner fltli?' JLafeei'ty "Well, your honor, Jich of a judge, but it smells u ,fi';e whisky. " Ur. sV l'dy -" " ' kim tvhai pf I Hie i- . i "ho s-. ea yy "Yes m. Wen they gits they kin earn two an' a half M' a team." Oovd Xim. (i - Wr "I s)eak seven different e YtTl l'll I - ... A. wnai ii you nave as a siarir Well, you might give us a 'Votcli.' Binglitiiiitoii Lr'iikr. fht," said the landlady to the Jer, "if you hav: Mulshed your Vase leave tiie li.l.ld," I no intention of t iking it with led Mr. Blight. ;)elroit Fiee "I can't pay you anything V Tliat's what you told me "VI1, I kept my word,didn'i r Mftinyn. "tu you coming on with your than I exacted. I've ll the priucipiil characters ex- nil they Rio not, on spvukiug 7eXi Siftiiy. Jfery humble and iisked the bile to eat, W yoi veif' hIio uxi-lainied I Olonishnient Sat, ma'nmi" he ropliwl with ftipt to be flip ami fiimiliur. Wie mid with ft snap and shut faiw, fVw Vrui. h"U HU Peter doesn't stop Jtriiitn crank Inventors down Aw up my job." k-"Wht ia Um trouble?" )-"Wliy, one of Wntm fellows jm tonlay and submittal pin no this place heated with start Air instead tt briuiUW-New -Uj WEEKLY 0 si n i ; JU MliUii iOR. 1H.)2, ' ; . I i 0 vj - JjOLLAR r.r l-.-l WO VVtEKSl J -I--S 2 Cuts a Vc(k, i I I O -i'ih ,'F.':i4i,r WOTir.n-IIp.RAi.p co::;diriion with auy weekly r in the United State. : M ; brut and L'ivei ihe most for ' 'V. Here are sums feature nil f t about It: Tii Wo h.d-Hkrm.d Is the only weekly l-.pi-r ill tin wi't tlmt give i)t Hi' lieu. Ti: it by conilfnaiiiir Hnd tmillnr tli ncg of cacn day, exc.-it Im H.:'ut uiMlure, which are flrea iu f uli. ""U'-TURALi Hie Wkkki.t Wom.D Herald cootelns iilonil:i acrlrullural department and la the ouly weekly newipaper In tke west bnviujr an agricultural editor. This foakes it of aixH-ial ralue to farmers, be " " t"1"" llie place of a aoecial iwrrl ultural paper tad urea that expense. . :i tii. pulilicatlon of interesting stories liii W'iti,i-HeiiALD lias always been nhc;i of all rivals In the west. It will, during llio present winter and spring, publish at loast ooe short story eacti week, as it always does, and iu addition It will spread before it readers some of II ic best serial stories ever written. Re cently Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett's latest story, "Giovanni and the Other," baa appeared in the Wori.d-HkhalB from week to week. After It came an exciting and mysterious story by "Luke Sharp," which ran several weeks, and that will be followed by a new story by "Hark Twain." the famous hu morist and story writer. Others will fol low that POllTICSi The World-Hcrald Ii great on politi cal news. Boing Independent of party organizations It It fair. In the presi dential fight so close at haud It will give in Its news columns all H'Ut. Editor ially it will continue to struggle for tariff reform, an increase of the money supply on a sound basis, the regulation of rail roads, the reduction of freight rates and the development of the west. At Wash ington it now has Mr. R. u Metcalfe, so well known in Nebraska, and he will give In the best and most readable form the Washington news of greatest interest to Nebraska, Iowa, Dakota, Wyoming and other parte of the west. FUNi The Worm)-Hiram alms to be enter . taining and amusing as well as interest Ing and Instructive Therefore evorr Issue contains such humorous stories aud witty paragraphs as can be gathered from the best funny papers. SPORTSi Pugilism, horse racing, boat races and other sports are given due ipaca. REUCIOUSi To make the World-Herald a rnm plelc family newspaper religious ncvs Is given when It Is of general interest and all denominations are treated wltli cjiiii consideration. Rev. T. DoWIlt T:il mage's celebrated Brooklyn sermons are printed week by week. MARKETS I The latest quotations and rullncr prices are carefully prepared for tlio Wkbki.t World-1!eiiai.d. and a reliable market review of live stock, graiu, farm pro duce and staple articles at Om -ilia, C'tit oago and other points will be found each week. F)ff 18931 One dollar If paid now gives you the Wieult World-Herald for one full year. Including the great presidential campaign. Address Wtekly World-Herald, Best Line to the East. The Burlington Route B. Sc. M. R. R. is running elegantly equipped passenger traines without change from Newcastle, Wyoming and Crawford, Nebraska, direct to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection at that point with their own through t mins for Denver, Clteyenne, and all Mints west, and for Kansas City, St, Joseph, St. Louis, Omaha, Peoria, Chi cago, and all points east. Remember this is the only line by which you can take sleeping car from Crawford in the evening arriving in Lin coln and Omaha the next afternoon, and in Chicago, Peoria ami St. Louis the fol lowing morning. For further information and tickets ap ply to nearest agent of Burlington Route B. & M. R. R. STANDARD FORjjCENTUft'v' TVIN BROTHZIS DRY HOP TIIE QUICK YEAST 5CT RISER rorx LIGHT DREAD POIPIL' yfVK "MfTV, S - wet .'.!.: hv V.'!.li h !t ivm py to J:'Vi.llifn!e. Hi'HMtrvr JVie Xh-anai bMe Jwrml will pubjisii a eiiii-uet'kly itmltid of a weekly, givit two mieja eiu.li Bt-k for the price of one. Four pages Ttitt-usys and eight paxes Fridays. This will give readers the latfcht teltgraphic news ami markets while it is fresh. Iu these days of progress! venesjs the people have out grown the weekly paper, exc.pt to sii ply lK"al new s, The State Jtumtri is at the head of the procession as ulways. For tliose who canuot afford a daily pa per Tiie Semi-Weekly Jum-ita! will lie al most cs good as a daily 104 jiaiiers ier year. Although t! cost of production has len nearly doubled the price will rs-iuain tiie same, ?1 !! year. Tliis is less than 1 cent per copy. Xo o'.hi-r pa per offers so much leading matter for l?l. A special col respondent will fur nish points of interest to Ivebraskans from the national capital in addition to tire regular telegraphic rerts from congress, which are received over out own wires. During the year W you should be a reader of The K: mi-Weekly Journal. Send for a sample copy and see just what we give you for your money. 'Our great premium book, "Stanley's Adventure:; in the Wilds of Africa, and TI '(' Sniii-Wa'hli .Journal, oi.uyear will lie sent for $1, 40, postpaid. The book is handsomely bound in cloth, ")40 pages, profusely illustrated, and is sold by deal ers at about $1. 50. If you will send in your own subscription and another new subscriber with we will make you a present of the book, mailing it to you Kstpaid. Don't forget to send for a sample copy. Address Xf.braka State Journal, Lincoln, Neb. LAMP FOR THF, MILLION BECAUSE IT Always Works, Imrainis Light, Economical, Handsome, Durable, and Is Perfect, EVERY ONE GUARANTEED. MEYROSE DOUBLE LIFT LAMP. tfriiil flutali au4 apperoce tar tiii tnythtDs bcrntcfore flned Uit publ t). ftetiJ lor tar ncwtlr cut AT tiiti oc coiiTincoo; waii vuj ooe of ortMtUr or MEYR0IE LAMP M'PG. CO., ST. 10TII, K0. ELGIN WALTHAM HAMPDEN a oncemeani to always tel you. r or short time we offer this un heard of Bamln. The case I ilgtnu Ins Sil- Tsrine; , for dura I billlv.fin- ish and appear ance are fullv eausl to Coin Sti ver, and (uaranteed to wear and retain their color a life- time. Stem wind and set. Remember we do not offer you an "American Style" movement, but a Genuine American movement of the well Known makes above mentioned. TRY ON El Sent by Expreai C. O. D. with privilege of ixamination. Send for our Illuitrated Wholeiale Catalogue. Garden City Watch Co. 265 Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILL An Absolutely rcnriWCDGH Sc!c;mnc PiiinciPLCs ..iiD G?C'j;,v V.fiT!iT!IE HOST r..';vt'fB.ct.. tm m'mra? f&f OwMMo A5.E.PAT TON iVCIl .AlUttUXEtWIS. A SI I 1 ii C3 ' s"m llnnuoicTcll ImmmM m v Mat - - y fc im a r-ri H it is fo H s Hf of) I p Q ; Adjustable Extension Stand. tin Book 8taad, Hmlo Stand, Atlas Stand, altmra Stand, Bible Stand, Flower Stand, alM Lamp, Lecture. Parlor, Library, Office. Dictionary and Cbeokar Stand and Eaael. Hard wood, rubbed Finish, halelit 34 inchea, Hitf ht Hitended, .V) lnchcti. welsrht It lbs.; aiae of top Hi ill.lilMiHxiK.il. I'rlco.15. KtKIJuR CO., Fur niture Mtui'lr, Wusbiutftou Ht., Uoiton, Mans. SELF-CLOSING YASTF cn Great Fire Precaution A NECESSITY In the Factory, Bnclne Boom , Machine Shop, Plumbers' and Painters' Shops, and tat Ohtee where oily waste or elothee are used. aVl7 . 11 .,1 ha 11 f n lut tll hMt thiag for the purpose erer invented. END TOR PRICES AT ONOR. frank E. Fitts MTg & Supply Co., 70-78 pearl street, Boiwn. INDIANA RANGE CO. MANUFACTURERS OP WROUGHT STEEL RANCES .1 Guaranteed to be the moat eoo nomloal, moat durable and most perfect Range on the market. Suitable for hard or aoft coal, or for catalogue to JMDIANA RANGE CO. EVAirVILLE, IND. llYwl mm 1 m OH IJtUlJKV.v"' Are strictly first-class. In every detail, possess an absolutely perfect repeatiig Afitinn nnri h.inilanmpi ranoa. Fnllv war- s i mn Pi il UB is aulisii Mi&M S P 1 ranted. Tj H estey mmS Are the best in the world, and have led all others for years. Over 210,000 in use. The people are bonnd to have the best, and will have none bat the ESTEY. Time payments or cash, as customers prefer. Call and see ni, or send for Catalogues and full information. 233 Sfa.8 SiiesT, Chicago. "St. Louis Kotas:e, GIG & OJS Olive St Mention this Paptr. LOVELL DIAMOND CYCLES. No. I, Solid Tires, strictly No. G, Ladin' Cushion Tins, $85.00 HIGH GRADE. $95.00 No. 2, Gvshion Tiros, cTm OoBrfrtiblt Solid Tiros, Im No. 3, Ladies' solid Tires, 888 Cushion Tires Warranted ALL PARTS Intercliange- $85.00 09 1& r JOHN I?. LOVETJj CO., MANUFACTURERS, BOSTON, MASS. imi ill watt is ittmpi far r 100 pip Illattrstrd Ctttlogut of Cutis, Rifles, Kevohen, SpDrtinp uodi of ll kinds, etc. new wMmtmitvLWx.w aasTO,avisa ;jrurs. aaiLti ron Aix by NEW llOMB fi. M. l'l., m Ullvn St., St. Louis, Mo. ERFECTION IN BUTTER MAKING. The 0. K. OUTFIT EXCELS THEM ALL. sO.K. CREAMERY Has the Urceet cooling aorTacei tekes less coollnc material: lose labor, and gives next Ilisiilis. AH cream ratHed faetwrt-u aailkincs. 8kimmin lilam whole depth of cue, shewing rondi. Hon of aailk without luurliinc t reaini rj. Send forO. K. I'jtalurua. JOHN S. CARTER, Sola Manfr, SYRACUSE. N. Yk II. I IK U U TJ1 fS5.oo Mb. 4, C, 11 .es.lon Tiros, 95.00 No better machine made at any price Bicyde Catalogue Frse. $85.00 iTOVEN WIRE FENCING for Liwbs. Gaiaint. firmt. RiboImi uim rRICGHIIKDI CKII. Bold bydfnlor.. Fltr.KllIT rAIU. -NcJIlIUJiN'S I'OVLTBV MCTTINO. NrwTklafl best m STEEL M WIRE fJ "TV Pt ROPE SELVAGE, i: It i. i ) 4 Q