The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 21, 1892, Image 1

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H-A-RRISOJST. NEB.. 21, 1892.
2STO. 19,
, E4Uor art Proprietor.
LYR.B.Tiiue Utile.
Going EU4t.
1 So. 6, mixed 7
M fc
jht hundred ti..
r)xrm. ft is
k'l every Thursday.
1 00
1 15
. 50 J 00
I at the harness shop.
I robes at Cunning ham's.
er Knott will have about
lout the coming season.
er barrel nt
rk'OIJ) & MARsTEtXiaj'8.
informs us that l.e ex-
crop of from 80 to 90
of late would not admit
being made on the new
3 that wood that was
it if) the season of the
aulil be appreciated.
I is moving back to his
I Smuck will move hi
P the building vacated by
Robinson has our thanks
V fresh pork. All such
f make life pleasant in a
old goods of C. C. Ja me
ld to Chadron last week
will soon be settled in
t E. 'dime social" will be
Jence of E. D. Kattcrlee,
(evening, Jan. 27th. All
First-class native lumber
instantly on hand at my
f Boggy, 13 miles east of
I J. E. Arner.
Ifmore received the sad in
he death of his father at
(w Ilampshire on the 19th
j of 89 years. He was a
J will give a temperance
church on next Sabbath
joningat 7:30. An intereat
I both musical and literary
Ved and a pleasing enter
pomised. It if corn can be raised in
V The best answer is to re
L Zimmerman who lives a
in of town, and lian 8,000
B in Ins cribs, which he
kn, and if that does not
Wigator let him ask many
in that neighborhood.
"ilv's lecture on the Johns-
,the church on last Thurs-
s listened to with a great
st. During Ins three
It the scene of the disaster
yent deal of information
details of the event and
'sting impression on his
totes lux excrienco in an
I ago J. II. Cook regis-ntlard-hred
colts, all of
d at hn Agate Springs
jioux connty. They are
eh promise to develop a
peea. For one yearling
Ipeatedly refused an offer
m to, aise good horses and
rate Springs Stock Farm
Jte front in good shape.
Occurred in station agents
it. V. at this place on last
t Holt coming here from
br., and succeeding J. C.
i. Northrop being trans
lentine. Mr. Northrop
oe when the railroad first
feing a car for an office
was built and he has con
je in good shape and hi
(pleased to learn of his pro
Northrop left on Satur
n their new home.
Editor war Come ind Editor nay go,
But the PMej U Just the Same.
In the last issue of the Herald Com
missioners Green and Knott are treated
to a lampooning because Uiat paper was
not given the county printing. A few
weoks ago when the name of the preseat
editor first appeared at the head of the
columns of that paper he stated in bis
"salutatory" that he would not stoop to
mud-slinging. All went well for a few
weeks unw that paper failed to get the
county printiug aud then the two old
members of tlie board were attacked by
tlie Herald, and tlie argument used was
tlie same as has always been the policy
of Uiat paper and consisted chiefly of
Within leas than the twelve months
last last that pujier has been under four
ilifl'orent editors, all but one of whom
used the same tactics and that one who
was the exception remained as editor but
a few weeks, and it is clearly indicated
that no matter whose name appears as
editor of the Herald, the management
and control of the iaper is in the same
bauds that it always has been. That pa
per must have a light on its hands or it
cannot live. The only demand for its
existence is to keep up a turmoil, to the
detriment of the town, the county and
the general prosjiej-ity.
Tlie Herrld generously offers space for
onimissioner Knott to explain his ac
tion in, but that gentleman, on reading
the article in the last issue of the Herald
simply remarked, "That shows who
owns the Herald."
J. F. Pfost was up from Crawford on
Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Cook went to Craw
ford lust week.
H. W. MacLachlan returned Saturday
from his trip to Omaha.
W. R. Smith called on Rainrrlnv anil
contributed on subscription.
t Mrs. W. R. Smith and Mrs. J. C. North
piyjiM Ueadwood last week, being
WlPu there by the illness of Mrs. Frank
Treasurer's Statement,
Srnii annuul statmnent of moneys received
and diibiirHcd from Julyl, to December 31,
IH8I, by tlie comity treamircr of Sioux
c-ounty, Ni-brnnlta.
Balance July I, 1891 1 5 09
Collections 03 33
I'u Id state treasurer $ 184 18
IJiilance ..... 47 24
CM 42
Biilance July 1,1891 ... 0 00
Collections .1. 144 01
Paid it ate troaurcr...
Hfilunce . .... .
144 01
lloluuce July l.lHtl 8 44
Collodion line 1 00
July HpMrtlonniRiit... 4'Jtt 81
Apportioned to districts.
W? 8(1
llnlnuce July 1, 18111 010 75
CollectlonH.. 1059 M
Warrants redeemed .
&il 42
99 38
44 63
144 01
505 25
607 2l
117U 27
1670 28
Balance July 1,18111 78 6T
Collections 445 70
Warrants redeemed...
Bulance ............
1B70 28
524 37
Collections 23 5S
Balance ... ....
23 53
Collections 1 ti
148 82
375 65
524 3'
23 53
23 53
I Around About. ,
V hauled another load of
Vst Thursday.
Jaumgard returned to the
May, after spending a few
r parents on Hat creek.
I has dug a new well on
naw creek for the benefit
farmers express tbem
leased over the action of
i of Harrison.
food is hauling corn fod
Jcnased of J. Wilson,
j Conner is well pleased
and scenery of the Po
ts little disappointed that
(two examinations a year
"not pass an examination
June. Teachers going
, should bear that fact
Vays heard that a bit of
by being circulated, but
ntioned in regard to the
U of J. Wilson has
irecedented extent. Geo.
J. Wilson: "I bear you
n all the Us'ted States
M this year."
needs the sympathvof
sore affliction. He is
lontrose, Sunday morn
k, Mr. Mike O'Cocill
,MU Oajrbart
1 52
1 62 1 52
Balance July 1,1801 118 37
Collections 70 11
Warrants redeemed S5 00
Balance : h;2 48
1K7 48 197 48
Collcctlonr . . 43 90
Balanceoverp'd July 1 1891
Balance . 43
43 90 43 90
Balance July 1,1891 1202 40
Collections 191 40
Bulance . 1453 ft)
I4.i3 m 1453 8)1
Balance July 1, 1891 (bond) 143 48
Collections (vlllnge) 17 90
Collections (bond) 82 91
l'nid village treasurer 14'i 19
l'ald bond coupons 175 00
Bulance (vlllng-c) 34 71
Balance (bond) . 5139
403 29
Balance July 1, 1891 ... 102 5S
Collections 81 25
Vouchers paid....
Balance .. . .
148 20
188 78 183 78
Balance July 1, 1891 40 31
Collection! 1U1 80
State apportionment 508 H
Orders paid 1708 92
Balance .........1 878 tf
' 2487 88 2587 38
Balance July 1,11 474 76
Collection! ill 19
Interna coupons paid ion 50
U&lauca 5ns 45
993 96 093 95
(ieneral fond 74
Soldier's Belief Knnd 26 00
General fund... . ..... 7S5S 17
Bridge Fund 7I 96
Special Debt Kuml MIS W
Soldier's Relief Fund ti ra
Notified for payment not returned.... 3W . 9
Dated Jannary 1, isn.
U. tut jUfcr, Treaaarer.
Harbison, S1011 County, Skb., Jho. 14, 1892.
liOHi-il of county cjiiimiiMioners of Bioux
county met in regular session an per adjournment.
lTeent: CoiniuliMioners Green, Knott
Weber and clerk.
Minutes of last meeting read and on
motion approved, uf ter adding to tlie action
taken On printed stationery tlie words "not
toeiceed the sum of 035.00."
The following accounts against Sioux
county were nudlted aud allowed and war
rants ordered drawn on tlie gcu'ral fund of
1890 for same:
A.C. Pratt, Judge of election and re-
inriirt... . V 0 in
Emery til I more, Judge of election - t 00
W. K. Johnson, Judge of election 2 00
A. T. HuifhNon. clerk of election 2 00
John S. Tucker, cloi k of election 2 00
GeorgH W. Cobb, clerk of election and
returns . 5 00
J. C. L. ltugland, elerk of election . 2 00
S. H. Story, jndge of election 2 00
Otto MutiHon, Judje of election 2 00
A. Ij. LeclUig, Judge of election... ... 2 00
l. M. Sutton, cleric of election 3 00
t. Jl. Jones, clerk of election 3 00
J. M. KohiiiHOn, Jude of eli'.ctioii 8 00
v . j. 1 HtierHOii, luuge 01 election ami
H. 1.. It. Maine, judge of election 3 00
W. S. Hull, clerk ot election and returns 6 00
John i'lunkctt, clerk of election 3 00
J. J. Kipp, Jmlge of election .. . .... 3 00
h. w. Hull, juilgc OI election . s 00
Noah Marion, Judge of election 8 00
U. A. 1'ublow clerk of election and re
turns . 7 50
Chan. I'. Groyo, clerk of election . 3 00
John Spoils, Judge of election... 3 00
11. a. 1 oitman, jiuigeoi ciccuon a un
ltobt. V. TullT. indite of election 3 00
John Kerres clerk of election and returns 6 70
Jacob Marking, clerk of election 8 00
uiiiuel li'biiet, judge 01 election a 00
J. W. Smith, Judge of election 3 00
M. J. O'Connell, Judge of election . 8 00
A. W.Molir clerk of election and returns 8 fiO
C. II. Ilollliigswortli, clerk of election... 3 00
11. w. woody, judge or election s 00
Wm. Miller, judife of election .... 8 00
M.C loan. iudu-e of election 3 00
C. K. liowey clerk of election and returns 7 20
J. C Shipley, clerk of election . 2 00
toward nowney, judge 01 election..... z 110
Ixmis Larson, Judge of election .. .... 2 00
(I. J. ;owey, Jndge of election .. 2 00
Henry ITIcshoiJ, clerk or election ana
returns . .. 7 50
J. J. Wasserbergcr, clerk of election.... 3 00
11. rtckenbrocK, judge 01 election....... a u
Joseph hotter, judgo of election 3 00
(i. lteluders, judge of election 3 00
John A. Ureen, judge of election aud re
turns e ;
Andrew Jacolis, Judge of electlour- 2 00
II. llendrlx, judge of election , 2 00
W. K. 1'orter. clerk of election 2 00
II. W. MacLiu lilan, clerk of election 2 00
William Dickinson, making returns . ,u
Went el llaine. clerk ot election 2 00
( lias. Palmer, clerk of election 2 00
wnneel llemcail, ludgo or election 2 on
Gideon A. Dickinson, judge of election. 2 00
r rank Katlulka, Judge 01 election 2 1x1
James Sluttery, clerk of election and
returns b 00
A. K. Dew, clerk of election 8 00
.eonai-d Unut. Judge of election 3 00
Isldur Klchstcln, ludge of election 3 00
John Herman, Judge of election 3 00
Joseph Decker, clerk of election and
returns 7 no
J. T. ilason, clerk of election... ... 3 00
D. H. Cox. ludge 01 election .100
Jiiiues M. Krazier, Judge of election 8 00
K. M. sandy, judge 01 election 8 00
Chaa. E. Verity, ser. on canvassing b'd 2 00
I). 11. Griswold, ' 11 " " 2 00
Conrad I.lndoman " " " 2 00
A. Soutliwoi th. county superintendent 19 05
I.. J. Simmons, nublisliinu . 7 00
Omaha Hepublicau Printiug Co., blanks 1 OH
State Journal Co., pajier 19 46
Omaha Kepubllcu.i printing CO., luort-
gage record , r ix 00
A. T. Hutrhson. house rent and witness
fees, cfaimed allowed 3 00
George J. shai'er, medical treatment to
pauMir . 17 00
Plckftittirock iiros., rent 01 room,
elaimed M OO, allowed 3 00
Sarah Dixon, boarding prisoners 4 25
Macl.achlan 4 Cook, supplies to pauper 8 2ft
11 11 2 82
state Journal Co., binding and poll
liooks 32 20
The following accounts against Sioux
county were audited, allowed and warrants
ordered drawn on the general fund of ltwl
for the payment of the sanfc;
Mrs. Hannah Blood, burial cxnensesfor
husband a.15 00
Conrad Unileniiin, salary, postage, ex
press, etc.... 110 97
K. W. Knott, commissioner's services.. 7 80
J. A. Green, commissioner's services 9 20
Commissioner Weber made a motion to an
tliorlzo tho county attorney to bring the
proper legal action on behalf of the County
of Sioux for the recovery ot the sum of $2(14,
07, and interest thereon, paid by the county
treasurer In warrant No. 100, dated Juno 20,
1891, on the special debt fund for the year
1891, for tho reason that said warrant was
illegal, it having been drawn for Interest on
allowed claims before warrants nail been
Issued. Motion was not second.
On motion, county clerk be allowed 1400.00
as salary for clerk of board for year 18112.
On motion, county clerk be allowed an as
slstnnt at an expense not to exceed SMOO.OO
for the year 1892.
On motion, county superintendent bo al
lowed 03.50 per day for time necessarily cm
ployed for year 1892.
The following estimate of expenses for the
year 12 was made :
District court expenses S.OOO 00
?u nrles ,! wi
Stationery 150 00
Printiug 400 00
Honds and bridges 2,000 00
Indebtedness us innieteu ny innnna
muslu favor of Samuel Wessel l,2rs) 12
Institute 100 00
Incidental expenses 3,000 00
Insane and poor fund 400 00
Soldiers relief fund 200 00
OmceiV fees 2,00000
. 15,014 12
Official bond of William K. Mooro for as
sessor for Bowen precinct was presented and
Official bond of Henry IT. Clougli for jus
tico of the peace for Cottonwood precinct
was presented and approved.
Bond of Hank of Ilarrison to secure the de
posit of county funds was presented and ap
proved. On motion, George S. Ollngcr was ap
pointed Justice of tho peace for Bowen precinct.
On motion, Isom S. Mcintosh wasappointed
Justice of the peace for White River precinct.
Tho board proceeded to examine the books
of the county treasurer, and, on motion, the
treasurer be and be hereby Is instructed to
have statement of accounts ready for exam
ination at the next meeting of beard.
Ou motion, board adjourned without day.
Conrad I.ikdsman,
Connty Clerk.
Tlia wnrlr Fai 11 mill in fttill coinir on
The party with whom negotiations were
peuuiug nun eviuvill'ljr iwniu), ivi t nim
anil liuu been ilrnnnl. but corresoonc
hoinrr liml with other nnrties and
some of them will likely accept the prop
osition. A mill at Hurrison will prove a
good investment and noma one win pe
found to put one tin before uaotbet croy
is reaily for markeiv
tiraaMaerry Items.
This is cold enough for winter.
Big snow and good crops this year.
We think it will pay the farmers to sow
large quantities of small grain.
Mr. J. 11. Brown lias been on the sick
list, hut is getting along nicely now.
Mr. O. H. Turner has got his cattle up
and lie expects to feed now as long as tlie
winter lasts.
We learn that Sanford Shores has got
a house on his claim. Sanford says lie
expects to plaster it up in good shape
next spring.
Home people say it never rains in fcuoux
county, but they can't say it never snows
for this is the thirteenth snow we've riad
this winter. Look out for big crops this
As corn continues to go down tlie scale
in price it will be conceded that a bunch
of well-bred steers is about as good a
form of cora crib aa one can devise, for
the various conditions that confront the
fanner that lives a long way from mar
ket, On an average it obtains for him a
better figure than anything else.
Notice. Timber Culture.
Ir. R. LAND Office, I
Jany. 15, 1892.
Complaint having been entered at this of
fice by John Thorns against Pierce blcwett
for failure to comply with law as to Timber-
Culture Kntry No. 4410, dated June 15, 1885,
upon we hi Mi'i-tion 34, townsnip 34, range iw,
in Sioux county, Nebraska, with a view to
the cancellation of said entry; contestant
alleging that claimant has failed to break
more than 5 acres of said tract since niiug
thereon: that he has failed to break, plow
or in any way cultivate any portion of said
tract since juiv 1st, issn ana mat me nve
acres that he "had theretofore broken, on
said tract, is grown up to grass and weeds
the shiiI parties are hereby smninoued to
appear at this ottlcc on tho 15 day of March,
IS92, at 10 o'clock, a. m., to respond and fur
nish testimony concerning said alleged
Testimony of witnesses will lie taken lie-
fore (.corge Walker, a notary public, at bis
office In Harrison, Nebr., on the 8th day of
March, 1892, at 10 a. m. T. I'. Powers,
My H. T. Conlet, Kcceivcr.
Attorney for Contestant. 1 19-25J
Notice of Expiration of Time for Redemption
From Tax Hale. H. Taylor. Owner: Yon are
hereby notified that the time of redemption
011 tho sale for taxes of the east half of the
southcasto,nartTof section twenty-six and
the west half of the southwest quarter of
section twenty five nil In township thirty
one north of range fifty five west of the
Sixth Principal Meridian in Nebraska, taxed
111 tno name 01 ciiuri. s 11. xayior anu sola at
private tax-sale or. 'he twentieth day of
May, Isao, by tliu ti" :irer of Sioux county,
Nebraska, to the umicrsigned purchaser for
the taxes assessed thereon for the year 18H7
amounting lo tlfteeii dollars and thirty-nine
cents, will expire on the twentieth day of
Slay ism.
Hated at Harrison, New,, January 16, 189.
19-51 is. Barker, I'urcliaser.
Legal Noti. i.
Wllhelm Warnei. defendent. will take no
tice that on the 7th day of January, 1892,
pillintiu nei eiM men tiis petition 1.1 tnc uis
trict Court of Sioux county. Nebraska,
against said defenilent, the object and
prayer or wnicn are to roreciose one certain
mortgage executed by defendent, Wllhelm
-ti'im,.;!. a siiio-le man. 1.0 wnowalwir Mort
gage Company upon 8 SWX Sec. 24: SEX
MK i Sec. 23: XV. U NK l Sec. W. T. 83.
It. 5ii, Sioux county, Ncbr., by said Show
altir Mtg. Co., iluly assigned to pluin-
titt lorn valuable consideration, and plain
tiff is now the legal holder and owner mere
of, and said mortgage was given to secure
the payment of one promissory note-dated
Septemlier 1st, 18K9 for the sum of ttOO.UP and
interest at the rate of 7 per cent, payable
somi annually and 10 per cent, alter matur
ity; that there Is now due upon said note
anil morta-aire according to the terms there
of the sum of J403.00 aiidlntcrest at the rate
of 10 per cent, per annum from March 1st,
IMi1, anil planum prays umi wuu premises
innv be decreed to bo sold to satisfy the
amount due thereon.
You are reiinired to answer said petition
on or beiore tneaoaay 01 rco., jhuz.
Dated January Hi, ikib.
Bksjamin ItBKD, Plaintiff.
By Fannik O'LinN, Attorney. 19-22J
Estrsy Notice.
Taken up by the undersigned on section
i.t, lOWMSUip ), imiRi: w, 111 munA u'liiu,,
Nebraska, ou the 20th day of December, 1S91,
the following described animals: 1 roan
cow, 1 rod and white cow and 1 red calf all
branded square top figure 3; 1 roan cow ; 1
calf and 1 spotted cow, all branded : 1 light
red cow, 1 dark rod calf each branded L oi 1
briiullc cow and 1 calf each branded 4J. con
nected ; 1 red cow and 1 red calf each brand
ed XI; ' 8-year-old white and red steer
branded T ou left shoulder and B on right
side; 1 rod cow and 1 red calf branded bar
heart; 1 speckled and spotted cow, 1 3-year-old
black and white steer, 1 3 year
old roil steer and 1 red cow, brands unknown ;
1 red cow and 1 red calf branded QQ.
17 3IJ T. 11. Snyder.
Notice Homestead Entry.
IT. S. land Office, j
CHADKON, NKllll. i
Dec. 30, 1891.
Complaint having been entered nt this
office by Ida L. Delster against John Mullen
for failure to comply with law as to home
stead entry No. HtM, dated July 18, 1889,
upon the lots 1, 2 and 3 and the
southeast Jtf, northwest section
22, township US, range 57 in Sioux county,
Nebraska, with a view to the cancellation of
said entry: contestant alleging that
entryinnn lias wholly abondoued said
tract, and that he never established
a resilience thereon since making
said entry, the said parties are here
by summoned to appear at this ollico on the
29th day of February, 1892, at 10 o'clock a. m.,
to respond and furnish testimony concern
ing said alleged failure.
Testimony of witnesses will be taken be
fore lieorge W alker, a notary pu blic, at his of -Occ
in Harrison, Ncbr., on the 2Sd day of Feb
ruary, 1892, at 10 a. m.
18-25 T. F. Powers, Receiver.
II. T. CoNLEY, Attorney for contestant
B. E. Bhewstkr, C. F. Coffee,
President. Vice Pres.
D. H. GRISWOLD, Cashier.
Commercial Bank.
General Banking Business
Keep Warm!
Now is Your Chance to get a
Big Bargain.
Standard Canton Flannel 10 cents.
Lawrence Canton Flannel ..12J cents.
We have secured a quantity of these
goods and will give our cus
tomers the benefit of
the above prices.
We still carry a
complete stock of Gro
ceries, Dry Goods, Boots
and Shoes, Clothing and Fur
nishing Goods, which we will
MacLACHLAN & COOK, Proprietors.
It is a Fact!
Has one of the best selected stocks
of groceries in the northwest and
can sell as cheap as the cheapest.
Also a full line of Flour, Feed and Grain.
j Dry
Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Clothing,
Furnishing Goods, Hardware, Tinware, Barbed
I Furni
Wire, Farming Implements, Machinery and Buggies.
Please call and Examine our GOLD SEAL Buggy.
Geo. H. Turner.
777 XT1
Harrison Lumber Yard,
Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Blinds,
Etc. V
Business Conducted on a Strictly Cash BO,
..'4..i-iv.r,. AttH. i um n.iJo.jiAA-
h Y -ft - '