The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 07, 1892, Image 1

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HABBISON", NEB.. JA2sT. 7, 1892.
' J
Editor aad Proprietor,
M. V K. It. Time table.
lest. Golne Kast.
U :5 Bo. 8, mixed 7:00
i undrcd t.".. .
Indred t .
mil per hundred !
50 1 00
tlvo per m. ft.
irrecU'd every Tlinrwlay.
4 50
3 SO
Id 00
lanted at the harness shop.
nf snow seemg to be the order
65 per barrel at
f snow insures good crops
Make your plans to put
as received last Thursday
Jassett that her aged mother
fait a few days before.
v - i . . . .
against J. ti. Brown on the
Itering brands was djsniissed
I plaintiff on Monday.
i First-class native lumber
I constantly on hand at my
,t Boggy,' 13 miles east of
J. E. AllNER.
rts made by some of the
general report in regard to
choice" at . the ball last
'ening do not seem to tally
number of peeled noses
been noticed in town since
t is surmised that there whs a
iipy brook fair at the dance in
on Christmas night,
and Tuesday were uuile
one? yesterday it cleared off and
Mr,f'UieriH again with us, The
fMoux county will average up
I " e favorably with that of any
kt )lie state.
)utton informs us that he re
ifff1 1 f 'om his brother-in-law who
'lu-Sfl . wegon, to the effect that a
t3l (-HI, jjting of twelve families would
Hit t,7'in the near future with the
ztsro. 17.
II 1 If UIBnv
m.ju wjuKTr, HUB., Jan. 6, lHM.
Board of coinuiiwioiieii met an per ad
On en, Knott
meeting read and
peace lint
Justice of 'tbe'iK-ace
"Ylflf locating in this locality.
way me people win come
,(Will not take long to settle
die price of wheat may not be
,jr to the farmers, it is a note-
OfCi. tliat the price paid at llarri-
n Mili jh as that pai'l in the eastern
irt of twt rtate, and that goes to prove
mi CaMgh there is the crop from a
QH tfiemge the growers are getting us
uetofCatbe market will warrant any
jaytaf for it.
i- Jk uCM, Jr., or Uotttmwood pre
f, itemed deid of heart disease at
otXaHav, Dec. 27, 1891. He was
ifJiC "cted by all his neighbors and
M J, nder of Robinson Post, No.
ILfvCSR. an-1 a also a member of
MA, 1 relief commission of Sioux
MHk, ; Je was at Harrison a short
JMlL " Jti appeared to be goo4 for
wmQlJXtot life,
jJK of the est niy laws to a
" t'jtock owners, they all agree
ut ia
ld be a great deal better if
lid comply with the law in re
ys, for llen wlien they lost
1 they wouIJ have to do
inquire of the justices of the
various precincts and learn
!itj of their stock aud the
':!.!.''.": dun it is to ride
V vicinity,
Vjoyed thjr
lionse, mi Xew
- nt one. The
l;ir owing to the
occurred at various
but those who
themselves. A neat
Y bearing the inscription:
fety Agricultural Society"
Jj to each gentleman pur'ici-
of the ordinary ticket.
Xt after defraying tbe ex
Irned into the uocietv traas-
7- u-
Ont ird page of this issue we
ibll4 &truy laws of Nebraska as
teyaow liftnd. If, our readers will
tidy am ft little they will know just
w tpMwd in the matter of taking
mtf Mimals. By taking the ani
ftktMHt filing a notice as provided
r tab tfi owners thereof could learn of
""WbouU by inquiring of tlie
t the peace, but should any
en up the person taking
,oare for them, and can r
.twt of keeping from thj
I'reHcnt : Comininaioners
and cleric.
Minutes of ltut
motion approved.
fi... i .
.jiuiuiiuwiiiuoojcial bonds were preen
w uu approved:
m. J. A. Kauui, aawsoor Cottonwood
pn't'incT. ' "
Irwin'Daaoo,rQadQverieer Snake Creek
Jh Ko rater, Mepr Kive J'ofutt pre
!. W. Woody, justioo of the
freest nrtH-intt.
aun vv. try, overseer liigUwaya district
Louis Ruffliuff, road overseer aistrict 'o,
iMuia mining, constable Fivo J'oints pre
John W. Huntrr(
liodarc precinct.
O. A. Garten, Justice of the peace Warbon
net preeuu-t.
a. ii.riuueo, lUixomor Hhiti! Hiver pro
A. It. Dew, county surveyor.
William Dixon, assessor liodarc precinot
r.ii j. nucoi, justice of the peace War
wniu-i precinct,
irns. uippert, constablo White lUvcr re
W. D. Lafferty, constuble Uodarc prceinct.
John Delteno, asseswr alontrow; prRcinct,
Ainusw j'lwuuier, jnsuce oi the peace
Cottonwood precinct.
M. (iayhart, treasurer Sioux county.
ijcorge w.txioo, justice ot peace Antelope
John W. lUccdorff, assessor Warboiuii;
John Herman, overseer of 111 bwavs for
district No. 3.
.M. (iayhart, Justice of the jieaco Montrose
Cii rlmrd Hindera, overseer of highways for
district o. 1.
M. W. Hall, overseer of highways distric
.No. .
Charles I'ajincr, Justice of tho pcaice Snake
Creek iirepinct.
George J. hhafer, corouor Sioux County
James 11. CH)k, assessor Uunnbig Wattir
conrud J.lndenian, county clerk Mioux
O. J. Oowey, osscssor Lower Kunning
v Bttr rreclncl.
Charles h. Uowey, Justice of the peace
Lower Itunning Water precinct,
Irving Wilson, constable KunnLng Water
Joint r'. Cook, Justice of the peace Kunning
w hut precinct.
(.corgis si. liurson, road overseer district
No. 0.
Thomas lleldy, sheriff Sioux county.
J. C. Parson, assnssor Hat Creek precinct
Kelliuu V. Lliidftey, constable Uowen pre
John Minehart, justice of the peace Five
olnts precinct.
Jiona or coimiiccinl liunk of Harrison to
secure deposit of county money wapro
sented and on accountof tholxiard not being
nutined that bid had been accepted the same
was not further considered.
Claim .)f J. Morri was taken up and on
account of there being no f nnd tp Issue
rant lor same, it was not furtherconsidered.
Claim of Hannah (Hood, presented to sol
dlers relief commission, and by soldlerM re
lief commission to tho board of commission
ers was taken up and on motion, laid over
for further consideration until next meet
UeuurHtof John Doesl to reconsider the
action of tho board In regard to claim for
damages was presented aud, on motion re
On motion board adjourned without day.
County Clerk.
Blankets and robes at Cunningham's.
Highest market prices paid for grain
at the Harnsou Lumber Yard. .
Now is the time to arrange for seed
grain. It will pay to get a good quality
even at an advanced price.
-LWt forget that we still take wood
on subscription. It is a good while from
now until spring and we will need sev
eral loads more.
The Journal clubs with all the lead
ing papers and periodicals published and
will save its readers money if they will
order through tins otlice.
Have you invited all your friends in
the east to came to Sioux county to lo
cate? If you have it might be a good
plan to repeat the invitation.
Clerk of the District Court Lindeman
received word the llrst of the week that
the regular terras of the district court
for Sioux county for 1893 would open on
April 18th and November 2 1st.
-If you want your friends in the east
to know about Sioux county order a
copy of The Jocrmal to be sent to them.
It is cheaper than you can write long de
scriptive letters to them, and will reach
them regularly each week.
Dr. Shafer had a racket with his
team on New Year's day. While un
hitching them the horses became startled
and jerked him around and threw him
down and ran over him. Dut little dam
age was done to harness and buggy, but
the doctor got a couple of ribs fractured,
If you know an item of news let us
know it If you have friends in the east
who are coming to Sioux county come
and tell us about it, If you know any
thing which goes to show that Sioux
county is a good place for people to conio
to, let it be known. We want all tho
news wt cm get. '
All Around A boat.
Squaw Creek school liad a vacation
last week. 11
Alva Daniels Sundied at home.
Wish somebody would loan us a dic
tionary. The beautiful snow is gently falling,
but with a prospect of the wind rising.
Peter Heyry and J. Thorns took loads
of corn to Harrison Monday.
Mr. Ben Wells left Gilchrist last Tues
day, and shipped two car loads of cattle
from Crawford on Thursday for Mento,
M. C. Doau and C. B. Holluigsworth
aae hauling fuel theje fine days.
Mrs. Lockwood's sisters, and brothers
Rufus and Rob yisited her on last Sun
day. We have jiiot learned tliat Gilchrist
has a barber, call on Eugene Wohlheter
when your hair needs cutting.
C. F. Coffee and A. W, Mohr," with
tlieir lamilies, were hospitably enter
tained at D. W. Woody 'a last Sunday
Since it has been reported that George
O'Kraoe was to return to Sioux county
in the near future, road petitions are al
ready beginning to circulate.
Henry Gayhart came up from Chad
ron to spend Christmas and New Year'i
with his parents. Says he will not sot
up a shop in Sioux county until it grows
a little more.
Phk McCann reports times lively and
wages good in the mines at Hopkinton
Wyo., where lie is spending the winter,
Hobert Zimmerman, our blacksmith
has had a rush of work lately. Aud, by
the way, his full cribs of corn demon
strate tliat Sioux county soil will pro
duce corn.
Misses Lulu and Rose Woody returned
to the Academy at Chudron last Monday
accompanied by their brother Rufus
ready to begin another term of hard
uirisimas ami ew lears lias once
more come aud gone, and we realize that
the year 1891 has passed away. Days,
weeks and months follow each other in
rapid succession, and soon this glad New
Year of 1892 will bu numbered with the
past. Tho silver threads couit! creeping
in among our Jocks, thus forcibly re
minding us mat an tilings are passing
away, passing away. . U No.
My me action or trie commissioners
all the old county o dicers are allowed to
hold over by (lling new bonds.
The vacancy in the Commercial
Bank caused by the resignation of C. C.
Jameson will be filled by 1J. II. Griswold,
of the firm of Griswold & Marstelier.
Mr, Griswold is one of the pioneers of
Harrison and has for years been iq busi
ness here and the people all kuow him
He has proven himself to he a good busi
ness man and the interests of the bank
will be well looked after by him.
A new school house is being formed
southeast of town in the neighborhood of
Me&srs. Moore, Scott and Robinson, the
preliminary meeting will lie held on
Tuesday, Jan. 12th, for the election of
officers. Steps are also being taken to
organize another district southwest of
town. The farmers do not want tlieir
children to be deprived of an education
and the establishment of schools will aid
iu the work of getting moro settlers,
Let the good work go on,
-At a meeting of tho village board
Tuesday evening C. E. Verity, C. II.
wener ana ionrau Landenian were
elected to fill vacancies caused by the re
moval of S, H. Jones and S. L. R. Maine
and the resignation of E, G. Hough.
Thomas Keidy was elected chairman of
the board. The trustees have it in their
power to do some acts which will make
the farmers feel a great deal more
friendly toward this town and it is hoped
that they will get a move on themselves
as soon as possible.
The reports from Chad ron in regard
Ut the sugar beet project are to the effect
that the contracts can be secured for
,000 acres of beets next season. If that
is done it is more than likely that a fac
tory will be secured in time to work up
the crop and if a factory is located at
Chadron the farmers of this locality can
easily get beets to the factory at a small
cost. It would be well for our people to
keep this matter in mind and be ready to
put in a good crop of beets if a factory is
established within reach.
Purchase Ticket nnd Conitlfrn Your Freight
via tlio
., E.&M.V.S. C.&P.
II. G. BURT, General Manager.
K. C, Morehocbi, J. R. Buchanan,
Uen'l Freight Agt. Gen'l Pass. Agl.
C. F, Coffee was in town Monday.
Russell Williams was in town yester
day. '
C. R. Wadsworth was in town Tues
day. Jesse .Beans went to Craword Friday
Mrs. II. A, Cunningham Bent Sunday
at Crawford.
J. M. Daniels was in town Monday and
called to see us.
Jndge Baiker spent Sunday at -Bush
ville with his fatjier.
Supt. Harris was a passenger on the
westbound train Monday,
J. D. Claghorn came up from Running
yvater the lirst of the week.
J. G. Morns called on Monday and
gave us some cash on subscription.
Josh liaker left last evening for Elk
Creek, S. D., where he will spend the
Commissioner-elect Weber and S. W,
Kemp were up from White River yesterday.
Henry Warneke was in town the first
of the week and made a pleasant call at
this office,
Judge Cntes waa in Harrison last
Thursday looking after a case in which
he is attorney .
C. 1). Plimpton called on Monday and
ordered Tiik Journal sent to his mother
at Brook Hold, Mass.
Henry Gayhart, after spending the
holidays with his parents, returned to
Chadron Saturday evening.
A. F. Hill returned from Wyoming the
first of the yexr and called on Saturday
and gave us some cash on subscription.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wright, Mr. and
Mrs. C. II. Andrews and Mrs. J. C.'
Northrop spent New Year's down the
Win. Srliul. wrijtraj us wishing us a
happy New Ye;ir ! enclosing a draft to
apply on his subs. . ij-tion. Such things
help to make a happy New Year.
C. C. Jameson and ' farpi'v expect to!
leave tor ineir new nomcin Uliauron in a
fow days, when .he will an, me the du
ties of cashier of h Fii '. National Bank
of tliat place.
Now is Your Chance to get a
Big Bargain.
Standard Canton Flannel 10 cents.
Lawrence Canton Flannel 12 cents.
Weiiave secured a quantity of these
goods and will give our cus
tomers the benefit of
the above prices.
EM raj- Notice,
Taken nn hv the undiTMl rueri ,in ,-,.t.;,.n
j, iuwunuip-01, range m Sioux countv.
neoraxKa, on the aith day of December, 18111,
iijiiuHinr tiexcrineu aniinaiH: 1 roan
cow, i red and white row and 1 red calf all
urauueu square top iiguro 3; 1 rjncow:l
I and 1 spoiled cow. all branded i : 1 llirht
reu cow, i doi-K red call each branded L Si i
brjndlo $ow and 1 calf each branded 4.jTcon
nee ted; 1 red cow aud 1 red ciMI each brand
ed XI ; I a war-old while and red ateer
branded Ton left hIioii der nnd n nn riwi.t
,iiun wiwmiii i reu can warmed oar-
hoart; 1 HOeckled and spotted raw. 1 a vr.
Old black and white steer, 1 3-year-old
red steer and 1 red eow. brands unknown :
1 red cow and 1 red calf branded QQ.
ll' Z'l T. B. bhVDSB.
Notice Momtstend Knlry.
U. S. Land Offick, (
CifAunoN, Nkbk. )
Iiec, 30, 1801.
Complaint liavina been entered at tlil
oltlce by Ida L. Deisler against John Mullen
for failure to comply with law in to home
stead entry No. 2502, dated July is.'lssil,
upon tho lots 1, 2 and S and the
southeast a, northwest 'j section
J, township 35, raii(;e f7 In Sioux county,
Nebraska, with a view to the cancellation ot
said entry: contestant alli'frlnp tljat
ontryninn has wholly uboudouod said
tract, and that he never established
residence thereon since makinir
said entry, the said parties are here
by summoned to appear at this office on the
ith day of February, Issii, at 10 o'clock a. ni.,
to respond arm lurnisn testimony eoncurn
injr said alleged failure.
Testimony of witnesses W ill bo taken bn-
forn;o.ori Walker, a notary public, at his of-
nce in Harrison, Nebr., on moral day oi Feb
ruary, In'.H, at 10 a. m.
r. . towers, itocoivor. ,
We still carry a
complete stock of Gro
ceries, Dry Goods, Boots C
and Shoes, Clothing and Fur
nishing Goods, which we will
MacLACHLAN & COOK, Proprietors
Will rUACTicrs in all Tn local, stati
and federal courts and U. S. Land office.
W Office in Court House,
B. E, Brewster,
C. F. Corrat,
Vice Pres.
CHAS. C. JAMESON, Cashier.
Commercial Bank.
ieneral Banking Business
am too Busy to Write Copy for an
Advertisement This Week, but if you
Will Call I Will Bell you MORE GOODS
for the Money Than any one in Sioux
County. Come and try me.
Harrison Lumber Yard,
Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Blinds,
Business Conducted on a Strictly Gash Basis,