The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 17, 1891, Image 1

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    The Sioux County Journal
- o
1 1. SimnHHW. EHtor end Proprietor.
F.K. k M.VE. K. Timr uOilc
fjj,niiJI. ..11W6 1 So. 6, uiiifl...
' Ml ' I
6et iwr bnidiel
,v.t-iir bushel. -
jm-jxT bu-liel
jjrti-iMT IiuwlriNi n
1 2.1
Irui-I r uiiiuimi j
j-dioppisl-pcr huniril ft 1
feUMK '-lxT bushel. .
lsiu-r-l'r S
CtP- Ier
f!tr"-pcr not 1 ,'ju a i
9ti(on-l-r -
i4n-IW'r ft-
Cal- r ton
fwxi-I-T cord
lamtxr-tintlve Jht m. ft
3 Mi
v, m
i-('jrrcctiHl every 'Iburnriay.
Hides wanted at the harness shop.
, , , , . , J
-Plug tabacco for 2. cents a ouud at
Otto Tietze lias our thanks for a
ir niece of beef.
' .
Eighteen noumls of granulated sugar
... .m 'i
KT f 1."" juiiici
A car load of lumber arrived for G.
Cuthrie on Tuesday.
Four tiounds of Arbtickle's coffee for
cents at Tiunkk's
.Seven choice cigars for 'i' cents at
Bring in your oats to the Kan h
Supply House. Will allow l.!Xper
fcumlreu in tnule.
Show vour interest in the ngri ul-
tuI society by getting a membership
A tAtfnfu fair nftvf full i ntisllr. d
Sow is the time to prepare to have soine
tiuni; to exhibit
ti MiiPH .First-class native lumlier
vid&liingles constantly on hand at niv
mill on fcwrt Doggy, l-y miles east. 01
Harrison. " J- E. A user.
- I'A no! frill in (ri.f. n nw.f nlwrliin
ticket in the agricultural society. It is
tot organized for a few but for every
iwwent in the county.
Tiie Sunday m hools are pre;iring
ftr will Ijo served early and a Christmas
Bee and entertainment will be feature
4 the evening.
-Tell your friend's in the east that
tkro are hundreds of thousinds of acres
i land in Sioux county which will cost
8ni nothing if they want to make a
l.!iiieont ijUitrter tieciiou, except nit
liid otl'ii fvtn and they are small.
During the past John tortim,
H. Hart. ll. W. C. O'Connor. Jerrv
till and Eli Smith riieh contributed a
Md of wood which will heln to
fcp lis comfortable during the cold
Tli" county alliance meeting w hich
a called for last Friday was not a
hwling success, numerically, as all who
ijiand to participate! were U. (' Htew
it, of White Hiver sind (jrgo liuron,
sf Cottonwood.
-Slinking of the productiveness of
id of Bioux count v, A. Blood in
nrrned us that ha raiswl a sijuash last
Hin wliir h wkicIikI K"l lioiimls. ii nd it
Wno Ke:ittl care or forcing, WJlkf
'iii.ty can beat that?
-sStiuved About November 6, 1H91,
d vearling steers: otw rcsl and the
llu.-r"white, branded AM connwteil on
ft Lip, A suitable reward will 1 paid
ir iiuformatiou leading to their re
i ve, v. A, W. Mcmii.
fl ....
-1. H. Griswoid received word turn
k,,... .. .!.,, r I ,0 ( ,.! 1 Ot Hie
kthfer of the latter at his borne ui I unn-
rllltl) 4'V i---
fnJinr for
fcmplcs of the products of Sioux count .
L - . .... ,t u. I..-, it., whRjir..
p I UeMtittl limi loose "
ktiueorii. potatos ttnd, in fact, ally
ing which gives evidence of the pn
pttivenewof toe son, ""' ,b-
L.u t,-, l, used to help in the work
getting new people here.
I -A grand U.U is to be given ul u
Vurt house hull on New
rocecdstogo to the '
County Agricult-uul feoaety.
Lli should ntlend for they can have a
h.a nm ut the same time help
"LHV; Tn Uiai. Don't forget
f date, Ltecember 81,
TW entertainment at ,,rli,!v
Korth school house on last Th irty
Kin WW well attendw an as f . .
hchrt.-ltiM Minne Smith, l"
'with a handsome a Ibun as a
Mm of esteem by the pupilft and pal
WW of Uie sciiooi. mrt
I -Henry lindeman, br.
brother oi mjuuij,
Zi U
ing on a quar-
placed a homestead iiung . '
W,L..if,n f land a few miles noi th est
k n of land a few" uTe
f town. His family will be here in he
W fut..nn and others from his local U
KilUhortly follow. All that s nec -fcm.i..,i
here to see what tnty
tbey will oon become
m oiilalu anu
I - - t 1 wank 11-
-Jake Kriesler return -
-a year roami' S " S,0ux
r-".,, upi 1 c 1 iii.-'. -
tes ami terr tone ......
k .. .. .. t..t niirmrtlin iliiH iui
C""y m 1 '.ivl means than
winnnoroiie o. '"- r opportuni
ty place lie found. The oppo
experience with the late m
NbioV- w.rnd him to keep hi- lint, .
f. f h, lnl,,v E. 8. Nt'"iit
f. fJn Monday E- ;'ft; thttt
WnJn, came up 7 ant
flatter ban purthaKw t"a r'" 1
Mm. 7 La" meeting was
Ut the court house on lust Tuesday
was cal border
fi- Griswoid, aa on 10tion
V".tri was el.;ct. 1 t,.
A. W. Mohr
was elected
pir.iry -j., rctary. T
i... iii c:...-
ii ti
in wa, tin. o.f. ,.-.; . i - . .
, - ..... ,,.,,,,, , u constuu
1 Ins il,,ne the rlM-lioii ..( ..:
f -It and resulted as follow,
JlaHin (Jayhart, prevident.
i'. ii. uriswo
II. W. Ma. Ii
senior vice-presi!
Ian, sei retarv.
. 1-. vtnty, livasiirer.
Tin- following vice-presidents were
"iiiiiiciKlwl hy II,,; ,,rt..sid. lit
anl coii- i,y tin, s.,i i,;t v: J. M
. Kobinon, J.
. I. uas. i,., j, IL.v
:tc,,,on, t. . Knott, S. K
it. Kt iincdy, A. W., F
M. Smith.
IM' is.oith, J. H. Col;,
J. (lowev
i t ive Hiutis, .1. ,Ern.-t. The presi-l-i.t
then sei.,i,l the following as a
Ikk.iiI of niana.gers: J. M. ol,insoi,.
J.-rerny Stinison, A. W. Mohr, Eli Smith
and J. H. Cook.
A gorsl deal of interest was maiilfi-sted
and all seemed desirous of making a
sun-ess of the movement. Over one
hundred memler.ship tickets have already
wn suiw noed lor ami the paimr has
!.,. cir-,,Siit-d l.ut a little. The mem-
Ijernlup tickets will be in the hands of the
secretary in a few days and then all who
desire to titUe an interest in the work can
. . .
purchase me
rchase them. Thev will lie ntip dollar
each and in
each and give the owner a vote in all
meetings of the society and also admit
him and his family to the fair during the
The nieetmn ailionrnpd anliiiv-f 1a flit.
..... n j. j--
call of the board of managers.
Apples SHk: :r bushel at Turner's,
Blankets and rolies at Cunningham's.
(Jo to Turner's for bargains in every
thing. Twenty-four bars of soap for $1 at
Turner's. nifirkf.f. ririefw n;i!d fori'min
...n......v ,.. , 0
at the Harrison Lmiilier Yard.
('. S. Scott will begin the construc
tion of a new house on his farm south
east of town in the near future.
Wantko lifl.OOi) pounds of oats.
Will give $1.00 jk.t hundred pounds in
tnule. Raxch Sitfly House.
An entertainment was given by the
school on last Thursday evening at the
church and was quite well attended.
Fob Hale A barber outfit, com
plete at Harrison, Neb.
Chas Palmer.
We call the attention of our readers
to the advertisement of the Chicago
tnlir Oiiiin which ai-nears in another
column of this issue. The Inter (Man is
one of the liest and most popular family
newspftjiers published and when you are
making up your list of papers; for the
next year you cannot do lietter than to
consider its claims. The Jouinal clubs
with the Jnkr Omm on very good
,i wrv ulrasnnt. nroeressi ve euchre
party was given at the residence of H.
i !...,.,;.., .i,.,,-., Thiirjlnv eveninir
it. e'iiiiiiiihi,tll,i J ,. ,,.
Inhnuirni Mrs. M. P. Maiolm. SiX
tables were used and the evening passed
very agreeably. At the close n was
f.omd t'hiil. Mrs. Maholin had won the
highest number of games at the royal
tjible and was awanieu me prize aim um
Miss Rosa Iteliock had been detained at
the lowest table the greatest mmilxir of
limes and was awarded the other prize.
4-In the work of advertising Sioux
.Jhuty a good deal of progress is being
,.,,1,, Nie'ot iatious are pending lor t he
oat-iidislmiHiit of agencies in eastern Ne-
i l... I,,,.-., l mois alio OLl er sluw.---,
and after a little time good results are
bound to follow, Ail that is needed is
the hearty co-operation of every settler
in the county. Sioux county can just its
well be settled up in live years as m
twenty-five and the result will
I, (hat the land will, be. made
valuable in a short time just as
well lis to sit htill and wait lor a una ie.
of a century
V for people to come oi men
own accord. Your land will not increase
in valuo until the county is seuieii i'P
ValUO Utllll Hie COUOI.J. ir, .i-v" -i vesuiiian. ,:,
is simply a matter of business for you ' LWil!) the securing of a mill one 1111
is .siuqiij U stiu i..i. Ul,,i r.r nmsiieritv will be
t is simply a matter oi uusmenn " '
to put your shoulder
to the w rieei aim
,elp the vvoi'K aioni;.
rri. I, r irottini' fl:liS to float
. llie vvoin ,i ,.-,..n - . ,
from the school houses of this county is
going on. The Montrose uisinei, o..
il.r nllered us a prize uy nuov.
c """n r,.,ti,elst exhibit at the
iwuui""' ,i. , i,
institute in 1H!M), ami mrougo u. -
ofB. B. Smith tlie stars ana stripes i,aw
, " . thn bc ioo house m
.. . ... t , f... ii, mul. six weeks. At
(tistrici iio. i ioi I";- . - ,. . .
t(w elose of the entertainment in istncl
, i i.-.:.i.... ,mnmi- a collection
o. i) last 1'i-iu.i o....-.B ", .,,,.,,.
...... ...i,un ,m and enough contributed to
mm'lns-e a Mag for the School house ir.
r ' '(UU, hoped that it will
', w,,ti, every school house in
ot l behind the rural districts.
..i :..(.. ,w ; Iwinff manifested
Ttiere not ung
wbich fJ, al easier to
Iteneweu m..v...
lx'a now than it will be
Uf J am in addition to that
. aft(.r a ftw for the farmers
after a lew je. s, a-. farmers
it in a K.i n , road which
work on one wliton, 111 ,niitv
work on one
, n I 10 fifft IV
wi DO vaw"
mistake for those
wUlod up
18 neu.iv" mi.. ,-.,, a,i run to try
through whose , ua dnnmKes
, rret .11 laruo . .. ....
and get a large sum xUe
w to onsi
or in. any, - ' '
7"' ihv will lienelit
openinK'" ror 'a ,,, they pass more
jet consent roads " r; t0
h.rce a road the on" jt t,(
letter, if tho ro d nteMco.
aUiutsixnioiitliH tM l ,
HARIRIS 02NT, 1TEB., DEC. 17, 1891.
John A. Lucas is added to our list of
J. 11. Cuuk was
at Crawford the lirst
of the w ee!:.
B. Ii. Slllitli Udu in t. c... i ...1
I. j . .""ii iw! unm v aim
called at this otlie.
livdaiMtJim Deuel came down from
tii ' hills Tuesday.
Mrs. ( '.(.'. Jameson returned Mondav
from a V!-,t to Cbadnm.
Slierol' lii-idy ei,t Hav Springs Fri
day evening on business.
.1. W. Ariislmi-, r and A!! ert Rand
were m town la.-t Saturday.
C. F. Smith came from the hills ves-
U;nlay to visit relatives.
' i ' i . it.., ...
.. u. ieuei let tlie light of his counte
nance shim- in our olliee ye.-.t..-i'uav.
J- rry Will went to tirawlord tuealay
evening to be examined for a pension.
Treasurer Uaybart is in town this week
looking alter the details of his olliee.
J. S. Tucker and 11. II. Russell were
doing business in Harrison on Tuesday.
Ii. E. lirewster arrived on Thursday to
look niter his interests in this locality.
11. U. Stewart was up from White
Hiver on Friday and called at this olliee.
Ji-reniy Stinison was up from White
Hiver on Tuesday and culled at this olliee,
George Stephens left Monday evening
for a few days visit to his parents in Illi
nois. Frank lJeiuasig came up from Ft. Rob
inson last Friday somewhat improved in
H. it. Storv
was in town Monday and
us and contributed some
ailed to see
cash on subscription.
Mrs. S. C. . Basset left Monday even
ing for lietroit, being called there by the
serious illness of her mother.
Mrs. J. A, Green came tip from Roy
ville on Monday and spent a lew days
visiting m town.
C, E. Haas camo down from Casper
Tuesday to visit his mother and hold
down his claim.
W. II. Ketchum, of the late Marsland
Tritium was in town Saturday looking
over the Iferaltl plant.
Mrs. J. II. Cook and Mrs J, U. Clag
horu were in Mai risen yesterday and
made a pleasant call at this olliee,
Robert Wilson returned last Thursday
from the central part of the state better
pleased with .Sioux county than ever be
fore. G. A. Kirkle, representing the Seventh
Hay Adventists is looking after the in
terests of that denomination in this lo
cality. A. Blood was up from Cottonwood
precinct Monday to attend the meeting
of the soldiers relief committee, and
called at our office.
A rl"ri" MiH-
Tlie necessity of a liounng mill has
been forcing itself upon our people with
increasing weight. A great deal of grain
has been going out of tlie county for
milling purposes and carrying with it a
large amount of other business winch
should lie kept at home. A strong effort
has been made of late to secure a mill
and a man has been found in the east
part of tlie state who is looking for a lo
cation. A meeting of the business men was
held last Thursday evening and after a
discussion of the matter it was decided to
raise a bonus for any one who would
erect and operate a steam roller mill at
this place. Those present agreed to con
tribute and enough was assured so that
it was safe to make a proposition offer
ing one thousand dollars and word was
sent to that ell'ect. A subscription con
tract was drawn up and the greater part
of tlie money subscribed. But there is
still a little lacking so that any who are
willing to help tlie good cause along are
reuuesteU lo mane it kiiowu.
ir-'1. i ...ill u..., ...-ill I... n p-l'Pnt. henp,-
j gOOU Illlil oci, ..ii. ..v. D ,ii
fit not only to the town but to all the
surrounding country, and it will greatly
assist in the efforts to get new people to
come here to locate. A mill can be
erected here at a much less cost than it
could lie where all the lumber had to be
shipped in and can be operated cheaply
because coal can be obtained at a low
rite These facts together with the fine
duality of wheat grown by the farmers
will certainly make a mill a paying in
nortant feature of prosperity will be
idded and will pave the way for other
'important improvements. Tlie enter
prise exhibited by the citizens of Ham
son in this matter is commendable and
'i.,vU that, thev are alive to the mter-
esis o, u w
Tliere is a good deal of inquiry for
est niv stock of late. It would be a, good
i.. if tl, neoole would all follow the
... ,..,! t ibis mailer. When
UlW 111 regain w ---
stock conies around whose owner you do
not know, take care 01 uiu .a,
description with the justice of the peace
. .... ..!..t. It. w 1 cost but twen-
m yoiu v .,, lnii)
ty-live cents, ineu uu
1 ,m in Hie us ice anil find out
I ns been taken up in
Wlietliei 11101. , .,,. ,:l J,u
that precinct or not;, auu u.ej ... .. . ...
. ' 1 - ,1 donl of trouble. The
lie saveu a, - .. . .
estmv laws of JNelirasKa are goou ,1 m
people win oniy ov "g .
-n I.. IJtrrt tin in thfitll.
Momhership Tickets.
Membership tickets in the Sioux county
. ..11 1 l,.; wil be ready on
f" . . ..J iu ,hn have subscribed and
1 ,L who desire to become mem-
"""':, . .' ,.i4il, and entitle the
number to a voice 1 vote in all meot
Piel , ii, ,.;.,( v and also admit him
"ST.". mmvto 'the county fair. All
can become members who desire, and it
. . . . .1 ...l. interested 11
rr;,; ;cieiy ;m 8eCu
one of the tickets Vl-f,r.irm.k
lit . A.A,V..w --,
daup-aimm.- r,;;1' v
roominihiiT so, , . - -
rriL. ' Mr Anion David and
both W -Pfoux
Miss Anna Auam,
IlAIM'.iSON. SIOI Y I'lll STK. Sl.l!.. 1!CC. l.i. IS1.1!.
Jo:ir. oi;ty cuiiiiiiiosioiieri met piir-
siimn to adjournment.
I'rt si-iit 1 'ouiluU-,io:i.-! '.rove, ..reel),
Knott ami el-rk.
Minute, of hist leeeting reatl met, on mo
tion, iippro.e'l.
Account of J. ;, Morris against Sion
county amounting to -M was presenteU by
iii, attorney, (.corge Walker, uiul alter
so:no cmisiilcration was, on motion, lui't
f.v r until in xt iiicctii.j;.
Hie following official bomls were pre-
eit"'t nii't iLj.jiioveit :
Wihiiun . l'ntP rson, ju.tice of tlie ji';tee,
iiuwi'il iirefii;et.
Samuel ile. lIey, i-onstaliie, Amlrews pre
lu id S. Co, Ju-tice of the pcuc.i, White
lii cr precinct.
II. 1.. Monckinj', road overseer district
No. 8.
s. Ii. story, justice f tlie ikvicc, Ant!lopi
Emery Giluiorc, assessor for Andrewi
i . .
AI:in-.on soutnwortu, supcrinicuiicnt ot
public instruction.
Jiuiici, Y. Scott,
constable, Howen pre
John R. Tiu ki
a.-,. .1- . ..t
, justice of the peace, An
c.lilii.i. ..! --mill.. 1 licrliel' ami other ak
iu'4 that a public road be cstablNned, cinn
ineiicil!!' at tbe southwest corner of section
fi, tw. .'I-', ranijc M, ami running east on sec
tion line to the southwest corner of the
outlica-it quarter of section 2, and thence
the most practieabio route to intersect with
tlie conM'ut commencing at the soutll
we.t corner of the nurlnwest quarter of the
southwest quarter of section 12, twp.
range all; end also, ic-iung that tlie public
road la vacated coiniliei.cing at the uol'th-
t corner of the soiiluv.-cst quarter of
:,...iii.i. s 1 w ii. ::. i-rtnire ait. rilunintr eat on
a. !- ...,.(!,... 1 i ni. tiiilc ; sonlh on
section line one half mile to tlie northwest
corner ol section 10, township 82, range 5:1,
and nil olner documents Ulell in conn Hon
with the opening OI said panne Toail v.ere
pn seated, and al ter due consideration by
tin: hoard tlie request ol petii. oners was
granted, and the line as return d and rec
ommended by Hie commissioner declared to
1 ,,..1.11.. v.. ,111.1 .1 ;l t.lll in-M wen, 11 1 !l . .vpil
as follows to be paid out of tlie next u -ail-
able road ninu .
I.. Ii. Harmon B'2 m
John Uocsl 5 01)
Jacob Ii. Dove M 1)0
Henry S. Parks
ti.,.' n..u, ,.f I n. si.l.licrs relief commis
sion to see about toiuosioues ior oiu nohocim
was, on motion, laid over until next
meeting. , , ,
On motion the clerk lie and he bereby is
instructed to issue warrant on road fund of
IS'.mfor the sum ol g:!0 in payment of claim
of W. A. .Nelson.
On motion board adjourneu ttnui s O'CIOCK
a. m., December 10, 1B.U.
H.UUilSON, SIOUX COUNTY, NET!., DOC. 10, 1801.
Hoard ot commissioners uiei. pursuant 10
I'resent: L'onini'.- :.-iiers Green and Knott
mid clerk. of lust mi: '..UK read ami, on mo
tion, approved.
,. ,..!,.., ,1... e ,.rU lie nml lift b e.rehv Is
Instructed to write to the proper authori
ties in regard to tlie furnishing of tomb
stones for recenscd soldiers and sailors.
The following accounts i - inst Sioux
county were audited ami :!.'.". ! and war
rants ordered drawn o.. .uc .uim iuu
for same:
0. A. Garten, jury fees $5 00
K. 1. Maine
4 10
George llowen " "
Samuel Tlioini. "
5 40
5 70
4 B0
4 no
(i no
5 60
7 00
8 SO
0 30
7 00
fi B0
Ncls Kngbret "
E. E. Liverniore "
J.stimson, "
K 11. n inn lin " "
GriillepTliaye.r" "
VV. It. Harris, " "
Gerhard Uoinders, "
0. Jensen, " "
M.J. Weber, " "
J. K. Marsteller" "
4 10
Win. Dixon. " "
a 00
7 SO
7 50
John Price, " '
John (iraluini " "
J. J. W asscr borger "
Aaron Vamlekarr "
Wm. Nicholson " "
6 00
5 40
7 50
G 20
T II XT.ii.lil, .
Griswoid & Marsteller, supplies for
. l'O 05
.. 5 25
nil n nei- .
Joseph Decker, deputy sheriff fees
. 4 SH
OCOiBUJi. iii.Nu, T.. 1 -
Jaii'.es W. Scott bailiff district court. 10 00
J. Shnnnoiis, printing anu piiuosnjuB- '
TIioh. Keldv, sheriffs fees If
. Southworth, co. supt. services 10
. J. Simmons, publishing r- ? 00
,.ii,.!..i r.,,,,,1 ni w rinriier. eountv nidire.
was presented and approved.
On motion, Hoard adjourned until 10
o'clock, a. ni., January 6, lsitt.
l.U.UAU l.i ,,,...'. 1. n ,
l oiuity Ulerk.
All a.lmL l,nnmmn- tllPmSfilveS in-
ill! tllll Ulll, IV.J.J i.'fc)
debted either by note or book account to
W. ti- annul or w. a. oiinui oc nun, uic
hereby noti lied to call at the Commer
cial Bank in Harrison and make satis
factory settlement belore January l,
180', or tlie same will be placed in the
lands of an attorney for collection.
W. R. Smith & Son.
IStray Notice.
Taken 1111 liv tlie undersigned on section 2,
township 81, range !W( one dark dun horse,
liliick mane ami iiui, lumui. ......
left hind foot white, white strip m lorelicnd,
branded 2 and 4uonnected something like
Harrison, Neb.
Always Work!,
InimtiiM Light,
end It Partaet.
9Hodplt,Mftraotlon, n
1 uuian ana appm """"V
n DUDIlO. BtDd ior oar
mt of yir w or
k M'PO. CO..
-tovii, m.
J mi
G II i
i If 1 ilWHY '
If 1 111)0
S WQ 1 .
tittT J m. mh
t '
O a
Geo. H.
We Have now on Hand a First Class Stock of Clothing, Hats, Cups, Gloves, Laces
Ribbons, Hosiery, Boots and Shoes, High Patent Bou Ton Flour
Always on Hand, No Better in the Land.
Corn, Oats, Chop, Bran and all Kinds of Feed. A complete stock of Hardware,
Tinware, Barb Wire, and all kinds of Farm Machinery,
Which we will sell at Lowest Prices possible. " We invite
ail to call and look at Our Goods before buying.
We Shall Endeavor to treat all Fair and Square. ":
Respectfully, .
GEO. 131. 1?TJK;lsrEI
Lumber, Shingles, Sash, DoorsBlind
Business Conducted on a Strictly Cash Basil
HO. 14.
mber Yard,
CD r-fn
xsxxMmmB . q CD i
N w co
& 1 o
I '
; 1 !"
I. i
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