jjB $ioux County Journal o v cUi. '. . ;. v I'.u'Ui. bint paper i :iiK c ii-srv. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. The Bee Recced' in Price. -i.'.'ihOtKK Kit ' M.Tlu r 'vr: ;.or, I-lncoii;, Sib. T. J. Sluji.r..!. J . AUra T. 11. iimii uraii-u ,kt ijovi-mur "Mary m inxi- Amlitcr A THE Litai&V M:-TH.!' 1V ANY Jn h. lilll I, 14 il. -.1. ... -Truius ( p.wm I'm.: hku is j - x e T-Y! V. Tlie pri, I . . J, .Simmon., . . . Editor. KnUTl t tM nanism pn-t cfflio , .,.. ond e!im matter. Thukscay, Dec 10. M. Ill I ll..l.lt - A. K. (.(JU.tT. vupt. I'll tillc Illrnrtii... t u w . - : """" - iilllll Tir I ,...,1 HOW SHE RETALIATED. A CkMhy Wlsf of icwlat Maatlas Cnrd of His Audacity. ."Yhin much youngor than ( ti jiow," said an old newspaper man to fronton Glolxi roporctr, .'.'I goM sewing Riuchincs. Vou m.y rrst ansuriid J u stride frph, and suffered thcrffor, a jho following adventure will show: "Near tin clow: of a bot August da) I was drivinif through the littlu viliaco of (J to tho town w hero I made my headquarters, Suddenly a big Ma'-k cloud apjx'ared in tho Bky, and whru jny played-out hursri had covered half a niile the rain cauio dancing down. I bad two machines on and no lilanUi-t. To save myself and machines from get ting drenched I drove for the, only house within a radius of a mite. "I a sorry sight when I reached that old country wanion half hidden by tall maples. Jumping out, I knocked at the door and explained that I would like to leave my machlncH temporarily, in order to nave them from the storm. "Heforo I mado tho riijui t, I di-wnv pred that tho young lady who n-Hpoinli-d a my knock was one with whom, much against her will, I had left a machine, pn trial a month or two Ix-fore. and had only taken it bark after rep atcd pro testations on her part that she did not want it 'You understand, we used to get a machine Into a house by representing that we would leave it on trial. Hut once wo got It lulo tho limine we in (isted on Its being bought, and used every persuasive art to accomplish that result. "Frequently this was very embarrass Ing to tho lady of the house, and she never forgave us fur the annoyance of leaving tho machine for weeks and ask ing her evu'ry other day jf she wouldn't buy, wl(en she had emphatically An-. clarod sho would not. "Now was tho turn of the young lady In tho old-fashioned house to get square. And although the rain bad nearly washed the machine out of the wagon, she slammed tho door n my face anil then sat by the window enjoying my discomfiture to tier heart's coin.- ut. As prepared to drive away I turned my head and beheld tier pretty face hub Ming oven tvllh smiles, "When I reached N I was u sight U behold. Hut tho experience cured my frosljnesJi." OXi.KK-MOSAI. DKI.KI.ATIOS: A. . "udiluck f. ... seimtor. lu-utrlc """U.-.r.i, I' s.-vimuir. Un-.i: i. J. Bryuii.l 'oiigresnuiiiii Ut Dl.t., Liiuu,; . A. JJcK.t-jfhau, " (J. -V. Kem, ii Omaha Weekly lus vtj ivdut d ti Krokcii iAtv. n Jlll UKf: " ('0,,1 'lliff JustlCO, I JlK-oln IW'" Ax i If Jlllllfd, Kr.;!IIIMlt Virvul AiHiM.iat1 Jtlilift- rvwuril Li. t. Ca:n,UlL.Cldk liin llin..rt,i- I I Aid s. II 1. 1 sue a Year. (0 Now is the time to subs'- lit iMiwsiir in Hk west. il for 'lie TVS K. FTII .ll.'McUl. liMiili T: ! htllk.Hl Jlllijfl-, It'Sf: ' ' ;i- ; t (.iJiilcmiiii t'lt-rli, li,in ii ! V .it H- " .i. t.:r - j't i.inlln!i .. .'. i. -iyli.il t V roiiuiHorlli suet &;nd in your orders early to HIE BEE PUHMMUMi CO. OhkiIill, Ne'p. :i;ty In. lie. - ! l-lii 'I I '-:,win ,.- I'lltlliO llttrilrtio'l "linn IT C'l!-lli-I -.Hill vi-vol- niiiuu Clerk ot liistrirt I "ourt louley .Cuunty Attornry lio,. llrMv. liin. J. Miiilcr 4. l;. lii w coi.ril I.liul II I IIOAkll ll.r COMtllriMONKK: i hn. 1 . Orovc. (cliiilrmmi) 41 liiirici J. i . ijrn ;;it " t. W Knott 1st, J r.li!eI.ATI V Y- ' w. ji;on sciiKtor, Uiat !o. U, Chr'linn Kl. ;.. llH.tb Kf p., lijL. No. M, Uulill ' rmbua Omt Hid of film. "An Auburn man," says the r;ewfton (Mo.) Journal, ''thinks just twice at much of dug intelligence now ns he did a week ago. lie owneu a uog una 11.11 tired of him. and had agreed to trans fer l.im to a friend who lives in tin south part of tho city. Ho took him in his arms, tied a rubber coat ove r his head and carried him down and d( Hverod him. It was a leniT distance and he had no Idea that the dug v.oul kIiow un airain about his owi premises. That, night on n.vU'. home tho dog lav on his ancuslui n- J, .n ihn rutr. while the Anli.n man's wifo wore a curious smili amus!ment The conundrum )n tuf f tnU if tut IT 11 IV doott a do!T know tin way home7 " tmUaMM at Muaeular Power, Wan hu the newer of imitating almost .ererv motion but tliat of flight. To effect thiwehn has. in maturity and health, sixty ,bonea in his head, sijrty in his thighs and lega, iixty-two In his arms and hands and mity-sevcn in his trunn. uu nae uiu t 'nM,.i.M Hi. tmrtt mkten ftivtv-fnnr nul- .sstiona In a miuuw, and therefore 8,Wi in an hour. ua.lflO in a dav. Thoro aro also three complete circulations of bis blood lu ,iue toon, spucu 01 " Dr. Leonhardt Limits liis jimctice to distasus of the Narvous System, (Such as Loss of Mumorv, Feeline, Mo tion and Will-power, t'niuips, Fits, (isn cnil Nervousness, ami ull forms of .Nemaisia.) J-IEART, (As Kii.iwn Iiv Sliortn.'.-M of II. ('am. i';ilpitxtion, l'lntlci micj mul .'s'lliub- lcs-. in region of 1 1 le lliait.) VIM. AUK OfrlcEI:: s. I.. It. Mstn (i-hMrnmii ). I. K. M.irst slier l.l iil. t Mlthl ic TIm.jus I(i.jr. E. .. Iloiijrji W. 11. Iavi '. i.ntarl ..." J. V. Acoti Hlrset l oin ...TruDt.-ii 1 ii-rk 1 1 re I ;:o!i.ir jbSSdj z J D W o p rrr Hit 1 PERFECTION MUTTER MAKING. The 0. K. OUTFIT EXCELS THEM ALL. IOK. CREAMERY Has the largest roollnit iii-face; takes less eoolins material f less labor, and uriveo Host ltesulu. All rrnum raised betweea nilkiacs. MkimmiDS ;Ihs whole seiith of can, snoirlac condi tion of milk without louchins Lreaucrr. SendlorO. K. CuuUocua. JOHN S. CARTER, Sole Manfr, SYRACUSE, N.Y. BLOOD, kl HUUb OhTK K.KH: . Y.. It. Ilimrli Director r.. riKtit W.l'o. lor V. Ilntnr ,, Tre.iKiirnr TKIlM-ioFdPl CI: i.ir:ct Ceurl,-At Ilflin.i(:i, cniiiiin tel. 1 iurv ll til mill Sel.lf-inlK-r lli. I'il. - .iiiuir Conit, At Ihurisoii, fiiin '11'. io'il.iv of f-nch liionlll. (Ni.-b :is Skin ' . , sie i';li.ic a ur i.. I-'aii.tiii'ss, I jizzir.e--; L'l. of tlie Kxce- CONSULT. T!CM FREE: WfT-:35 'A 'T-'I t.1 Adjustack 't.vjBicn Stan4. 1 M. ! J.N ii. i,i. Oi.fl. NFS in cMI;i 1 1 HS ANKSiM ll-'.TIks. V. . 11 ;rrli 1'iei-llinC ' i '"Ii nlUnrl T nl HI n. m.. and it.-i r .-in-.il e . t T::' nav. W. i. ili.KihNKU, I'u-li.i. I 3. Of sir KKI.V 1 Kpiwoinil servic lit tli" rln!-'Mi on the I 1 l'l. I .iy fvi-ulnjf hotvrci-ii tliu last t'" o ir.y of i-iK'h liicin lit , uE)il u-U- 1 t'f Ucv. .1. Jl. ' l.n-. 1 I'lilim Sunday Hclmol ei-cry -uinliiy t II :Mi a.m. Ml"' Kv.v K. cosM'.ii. ! pt. j .. .Thool mcntj Hi tji.i il i i (..'Ii 1 '.ii' ll . nil- ( . tel iiooi) lit X o'clock. 1 S. C. II. llAFSfl T, Mil"! . ' r.s VJ is !'... t' So ll- ,11 Ii 1 ;r ;u!.- .s-.KW! llfl 1 ... , oj 4af CD I mrh.ip Wl k I mm SHO RE WAR Free For Two Muiillis. the homc i.;.c.,?inf:. Evtsry lady Mimlini; us tin. i K 'iiut to- i W! win i I) OMAHA. Mil S h..u-,..'i;.-. ; will rel ieve ;i iuo Ifmii' .'! fifii.' f i ; for two tmiiitl To those who may Ihj desirous u inv, us n)or tlian V'O uanius, we i..,;. following i tisl) prizes for the lr:;r -tn eivwl, viz.: For tlio largest list ...... next largest list third " " fourth " " liftli " next ten l'rst lists. (1 e.r li nuvt !! Ti-'-'st lists. .Vli't.i.'h Kl'l.'.s (iDVKIISINH T,W O !l'Kl"V ' 1. Ml names must riiu li ii-;.il tlmn Det-enilier lM.mnl nil priz- -Ii ' nmileil not later th;.; 'Vi-omhei' I'-! ' 2. I'tlt tlio iiuiih'.. ..f those hi . ', dilfereut towus on seprinite s!n of pi (r, K'v'n t,ie "!LI"U of 1 sU"''"' county in the top rijflit-hand . i . n..ml...r of imiues contlliileii un li ELGIN WALTHA1 'HAMPDEN IWik SUud. MupIc Stand, AlliW! Rtand, Album Btond, BiUe 8ta'i, Flywor Htmid, Uo Ltunji, Trtiiro. I'arlor. Ubrary. ttni-e, lJieuouary aim ui-wi nuirai fciwi Kawl Hani wood, rubli Uiilfth, h-i(r1it 34 inchm, UeitrUt ftitend. M iuchon. Weight IS lb.; sir.(i of Kip iiiture Uiui'frs, ami "VN "asbinfftoa St., Uoston, MiitM. Bent Line to t lie Fast. TV,, nurlinctn Rnllt B. &. M. It H AftJW ' -"O " . .1 ii ..:....t iinukKiniKi iH running lBgannj c,iu,i'i" u- ttniDM without cl)Hne;e from Nev.iiu.tle, sleet in tho top loft-hand corn. "Wyoming and urawioro, eonwn,un-. . . i I,;M.. in.inoi.l inn tto Iincoin, nDniK, nmuif, w.,.... At that point with JJieir own through i i.n.,ur i 'lievpnnu. and all smI. and for KausaB City, St. k' at Tyii. OitiilIui. l'ooria. Chi- twvm ---, jim oiul all nointa eaHt. nomainhcr this is the only line hy t.i-1. alacnins' car from ,rMfml in tha anninu arrivinK in Lin- i j rt.u tlu nt afrnoon. mid w sw uus ..-- ;- in Chicago, Peoria and Bt. Loms the UOW1DK norM'"K- . , . , . sr.- . .-tl.. infnrmatjnn and tli'ket.H ap- . U....l,rl.n neiiresv aeni ui ...... ."h Mrs. Honrv Brown. Uu " Amelia I 'tiin. " Clmrlfei K''iiiilc, I ' - i. ' " Amelia Warren. a r.iva the total immlK-r oi i contained in your list in the lr-t : panyinj? the siime. . 1 . ' rT. ..I . n ill. I ;. 4. I1B Ctrtjl ui w ii " voa.sihle, and on one side W the only. ... .. , . .... Nunies of the prize winners wm i.u .m nounseil in January, lSl,a, mimhri' id The Ilimw Mayazuir. THE BRODIX PUBLISHING CO. IrnupiFTFlftJi BErDHE, JM io in- """fiSri i .7ov ' SJ tou. For a J&T . v tut ' ' NXl ' ssas ill Hi' Iwt time EfW W '.AXSi V CELF-CL03IHG Are strictly first-class in every detail, possess an absolutely perfect repeating action and handsome cases. Fully warranted. :lv s paper ti genu U SU VA rinc: for dura- hilitv.fin- iih nd Dpcar nee are A ill eaual ta Coin Sil wear ana rci1" . i i ... time, stem wmu u - - - offer you " "American Style movement, but Oenulac American movement of the well k no wn maketabovft menUoned. TRY ONE I Sent by Express C. O. D. with privilege of examination. Send for our Illustrated Wholesale Catalogue. - , Garden City Watch Co. 285 Dearborn St., , CHICAGO, ILL. Mi in Remember w do not' Great Firf. Precaution A NECESSITY 'Inters' Shops, nd n. Arc tfco best in tho world, and have led nil others lor years, liver xiimiuu 1 The people aro boyntl to liavo iifst. end will bavo none bat iho KS'. Time payments or cash, as custonie: ; v-icr. :.!! and ace ns, or send for Catalogues .:l foil infiirmsition. .vi;c a hi V,i ff.Xw Ik 'r.J.Vif.W-3. 'V.''1 CrSfcffiKSHSM 2 Hliiii; Street, lcsga. SSSt. Xouisi Hoct,e, OIG OlS Olive St M'ti.lioa this Pii;t. feoute B. A M. to Do S7S HONTH S300 You Want Iiv).i. h vim mil timke fmm "f''lu to MO.00 ht moutli-tlie nimmi't iI,im ii.IIhK on ..... ,.rii nil or nsrt if your ll"' i iiT vim unit vlifiir unit ...i.. i. .....i, ,v...i nut tutu tlw uiirli, If " U'.m uu at might pay you H i ll" ' "' vi-oi somHibtiiK "" ll" ru'" '"r " -a... i.. .,,., in. it won't t y" JliUl-h U IH-vrsllKiiK-ouly il two cunt -lump. W wsul live. Wlilo-sttusit Urpii-i'iiliitivr u ii, uii..r iii.iii ur Hiiiimn. IMniHWHIlllli..".- , i. . i .i.i wiiM like to li"-r fin .n. ..-. An.... U'll lililiW Villi Wll'TH tlHTl' n i(..ri,,iiliin liy I'l-tiirii Tlwu If yunr aru wi "'' ; thrn-'ll lw tm Imri" """'J' ""'' ffiKHl IhiiiK- It. tl.-r r,t hi o 5m) iBUMFMtorT.Bogina Room , Machine Stop, tnaratMrs' and Painters' npP. ""J Kay us aaknowledRvd by all to be Hie Den ttlOJI to' purpose, ever invented. t IBND FOB PRICB8 AT ONCB. fiink E. Fitts MTg & Supply Co., J67B Pearl Street, Boston. INDIANA RANGE CO. MANUFACTURERS WROUCHT STEEL RANCES s I" I.X-..A..'' ..L-JeMlSritEllfaW"IWaaa WM(TaWMaaalsSaK-aea1allaWe"aaBM DIAMOND CYCLES. !o. ?., Suzsson T:rss, a ' '.:-,S.OO KITH GRADE. mull. Tlht; Hi las iaiiurew. mi BROOIX PUBLISHING CO. MjudOaftiiitil.J . .....- MatvltVCt tllttlt tM' l,.si.l,ll..iili.r. Ib.l -tUs uii4 f f ""1' .0",' ,, rrrsvr- ..... , ,,.,. i-.,l,l fW"'","'J . iMlnirt , .nr.iK.lf "VT."J, ,7.: km.vn .n,n,, i..r ::ri,jv,,,..;,,?.,. -ABSOLUTELY roRnuLATtoON Scientific Principles V.I ii if MfttT AND Wiin iiitnvoi U,?-;;vf.O riACMi.XKT. .f lAS.tPATTON aC mw.Ay.rL.t..w.i AND 1 ' j ti Li 1 H i I II ILL or 335.00 Ko. 3, Ladies' Solid Tiris, $85.00 OUR CnsMon Tires ARB Ko. 3 C, Ladies' Cushion TirM, S.OO Ho. 4, Convertible Solid Tins, 985.00 No. 4, G, " Cushion Tint, 905.00 No better machine made at any price Bicycle Catalogui Free. ALL PARTS InterctaiiEe- cfiftVoo my $85.00 JOHN P. LOVELL ARMS CO., MANUFACTURERS, BOSTON, MASS. SjmI sU cents in lUmpi for oor 100 Illnstrtted CaUlo.me of Cum, f-ito, teportiiir oi of all kinJeta, in ho tha most OOO- tiuaraiii.u comical, most durable and most perfect Range on market Suitable for hard or soft coal, or wood. Sand for catalogue to TPNTVTANA RANGE CO. I I Ml T..UWT tmiBCSiT: 17 .....IHKT, iWQ0DW0RK .rMSwSww-CDi.Mirnf III.. IVaiWIM". HIH" BALL11.UIW ttistu FOR SALE. BY NEW 1IOMR M.t l. , ,900 Olivo HI,, U.ii!-. M". aT ' ..-..-i.-f'-F ., ..'. ..-... nnii ti'lnwll ti ; --...tj . i:i I'll i, I1.IIIVII1..1 iiliu lldl'i in; la, .-',,-1 s n', (... - I ii "i '- . ' -."HIT I'H.tf V.'.-J I J...1-.N-3 .01 M'ftV M.rti.U.. ,l'.f IllllWj ....-.nut: hmfij UJiwu,imki . X ' .';'' - ' j ; .. 7 At.