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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1891)
j. r 1 ; I f I - The Sioux County Journal;! JSII Ell 1SSW.J wFi-'k.'UI, Ot!lSTY . ;r l iiK-; in Tin: nu m. v s li.fc 1AI...I: T i;.- i i.ATRiS OF any :".i t:i: I'rw.Witii is .-i x i xty. j lu the nu-t fur the tw oai.iiiia) , fepuMkan foiiveution Miuiit-i.jolis came i out victorious, aud coneijiintlv the! j next .reaitWnt of the United Sfatw will !- .iianieJ ia the f;,n,r , jt , . (, UJ;, n..ut a jf.iliant fiJit fir it but thttv as j too many olr-ta k-s to over. ona.. .-vr l!t.u! hut'-n-l j.t tin our! cia. i(iult- ij't'i.ii IVite, $2.00 - - Eiit:r. m-uii post OIlH-e its ;'t- ll'ill!. T;:i ftsuAY, Kiiv. '.'0, 1n'1. A genuine tyJoiie i. '.. and did ,-.,! Smile injury was White Hon-. -truck W; si.inyton. -i;l;ablj daii)t,v. sustained by the The Oiiiulia D(V in kicking on tb .j iiisi tiKil taw. Whether it is i,ro:iii,i- by the defects of the Jaw or the SrtiuVe which Hie H:r hokl-s tB'aitiii itlor Carns cannot yet Ik? di.--iroed old Nelru.-kamuue suyar brings live cent a hundred inure in Urn market tliau any other, because it is a liner and IietH-r juaht.v. This fact ought to be fciatiiv mg to each of the live centres of every iovai citizen ia the aUitv.Fit m-,ht Ti-iblHw, A terrible carib juake is reported to liave occurred in Japan on Ocfofter 211. -.Nearly 4,WH) lives were lost and 4J,IH0 buildings destroyed. At some of the towns not t single house was left t-iand-ing. The people were terror-stricken iuul fearful sulferint; was endured. Tiie reports are tl.ut the excursion of Hie northwest Nebraska j.rctai ass-x-iation through the hills was a very j.leasaiit a Hair, the party was not u large one iis it was out of the question for a num ber of Hie members to attend. Sucl tr.os are Very good things, and the editor xif Ibis jasper regrets that he could not have been one of the party. Smus to Know '- 1'i.a for.. CiijijMr. Tbc ignoraiiuis vh- us--s the f as a pa:-(iort iuUi bis local Cel.l is v r aiixious to have the public U-lj-ve ibai ve are favoring Chadron in prefetvii'.c to 'ra.vford. Th;s is not by ai:y ti.etsn courU-ous to a pair whicJi suppji -1 '.an with the first mouthful of vituals he h '.l wben be struck the towr. s-miethiuover t year ago wn ii lie entered tiie in a box car and stnick Wlctehea i fr work a full fledged bum. N'it by ;,ny means i-i it courteous. "Kny" as you i;re wont to caii him, brre to stay, suni is looking after the interests of himx If iiiu! j ra loni. n e uain I come ,ere under a cloud in did you, .Sammy, midiuera t is a result obliged to cover up thu ih gracfc of domestic life with a four fohl laanket A man with as unsavory a I'-coi-i) as the editor of the lu-tr.iui'ttrg should not attempt to dander p-rs.!s no have, at least, s)nie marks of re spectability left. Now, Mescivu!!, we have given you a hint of what we know and as suro as there is a (J.j.1 in the Iwaveiis- Hilled vour tirade sii!idis :uaiust us wa'il give it to the world in coIJtyjic. To you hear! ThaiikaU5ii2 l'rtt lai-iatiuii. sow , HLr la.iu t'cr, Im- tit iw-o'ii Nftir 1;'--1 CtlMillt' iiitf liifir i!'-:ii: i;t gr.l IJumtoI tli.f loiitcre f inm s:..-v Ihm- -'ujoy il.JJ-.riJ'.-.-l s r;":lM'l.- tor i . li !f t'J tilt -!ljo : tiie untulil lid ! Iiiricg the y. OTFICIAL DIRECTORY. - rsTi 'iH n i i: r. .i ' j.i .lr.t to a r'.i--. Tli rt :ii- h-.-iuh vilii.-ii ufli W.ll.i- i .- Uvh I..:; Ttt w .jii f--i : Lor- of ,1:hm :. -oi tii.- st.itt- I liy Us- ,tv.. ot l;;iV-ii ic, n'nj no t:: i . t IilO-t lllpimitltii :vtr,-.rh'H ; ill.- iti-iiii hi vr ;iu' !ti!i f i'n'; it t W n- Op.':il-t thr nil h::.- rt-jio') iui-ivn.t-; lltf ;n V. I , ,i I 11 Jij i;. in Iliil.. ... 't'l' 1 O..H-I'.ih;..' .. I. .-iiMir -lilr lii'l!i-r ; ..-uii r ... :iit1 h!) KF.W'AK!)! I'rti' l'r Tw Month. THE HOME MAGAZINE. n it l.tdv j.y- i"fn r STANCAf.D reo f.ti In li.'.-. t ;.!f. Willi fra.i -I I'-'-Ho.i; :.. IhMM.t jlltj I -low li wiilt r.iia -il:i v- ,;-r nre c luIS lUor i-n-J : rgy il.'.v. i'M-lV '1ir irtu:c!:l of I iii.l . o:..,i;i ,. -. r. i-i , . Y. ila:..l. r-. 1 . .1. ill . I . A. M.-S. i i'.irt ol far jt':Jii. 'l:iliim it i ::i. i! iin.i jit-.u'i- rc:.:.- fwuator Paddock will ii,Sr;,.hii:e a bill lo congress for the establishment of a heet sugar experimental station at the university or jNeuiaska. in the work of (md:ug out the resources of the stale in the cultivation of beets and tiie manu facture of sugar tlierefroiu the state uni-Vei-sity has taken a leading part and Vi'th tiie assistance and co-operation of t-ongress a great deal mow elfective Vork could tie ikme. Some of the leading Jews are a J vocal ing the olwervsuice of Sunday instead of .Saturday as a day of rest, claiming that It makes no material difference which '-4nr t oHwi - It i vtfj tttednvenlenf for the member of any denomination to ouseive any other than the general "day set apart as the sabbath, for if inter feres with business transiictions and it is highly probable that the time will come witen there will be a universal day ol served as the Sabbath by all seels. A good deal of fear has been enter iiined in New York city of late that a Water famine would prevail. No rain had fallen for a long time and Groton lake was rapidly drying up. A few days hgo the experiment of producing rain by the use of explosives was tried and the result was that a perfect deluge of rain- tall soon followed. The rainfall extended tover but a small territory, but it greatly n 1 laved tiie fear or a water famine and also does much to strengthen the theory lliat rainfall can be produced by the use f explosive. The business reports for - last week are that a very krge volume of busiucHa was transacted and trade Was strong and , healthy notwitlistanding the fact that the price of grain remains low. It Heems Impossible to find a reason for. the low price of wheat for it is aeku-ivSetVti "bv all that there is a vast shortage m many portions of the world and that the deli tiency wiH have to be made up to a very large extent from the surplus of the United States. It is cordldenlly expected iliat the price will advanc sharply be fore another eron fs iwnfv fun (ho n,..i.. . but the poor crops whic!: prevailetl gen erally in iyu made it uessary for a great many producers to put their wheat on the market as soon as possible and that has had a tendency to kepp the price as low as it has been. Fertilizer nr ftilUmlioii. Tin? Iii'liii an t Rrincr. Investigation and practice have shown tliat a great deal of soil richness cannot made available by plants until the earth is thoroughly and properly cultivated. FulvenzaUon, iiorositv, an the free circulation of the air through the particles of soil are all essential to the preparation of ;verv field for the re ception of seed. In nearlv all of curat) plications or manure aud fertilizers there ara wastes which can only 1 compen- witudforby more thorough cultivation. A heavy-fertilized held is often poorly cultivated. The farmer has plenty of fertilizer on hand, and he applies that in ipiautities, aud does less cultivation T.:e crops grow almost eiiuullv well in either instance, but the advantage to the oil is not the same. In the course of time the soil W-omes cIo!tred with fer tiliajrs that have never yet been exposed to the air and elements for nlantava abilty. Where manure is cheap and that place has not vet been discovered the methcxl of applying large quantities of iertihzers, and doing but little cull vat ion, may lie practicable, but nowhere el i ne rit-n Western soii li:i slni.ii m. m it large iniantit'es of manure which sue cessive generations of ldants have de- riosi ted there, but tltere is only a small portion of this available for plant use. It requires the plow, barrow and cultivator f'urt; joy silrt ia tin V.'iUT.' i:sw 1 Ki' iit-u;i!i or.1 Hi. ia ti'.ir Im.i ,l..f. tt U tM'i'rt:ilUt!, :n V I-! 1 tu. till- In r lorn.aiif.-or .: ,t,m! ilnty. Unit nil i.!i.miil inaiiifes-t in ;t piii.Jif in., mi. r t'm-ir . iijii. tarn of. uml tli.-ir vrtitul. tor, ttit .i a-- !c-., liitiiiir. Sow, thi'rworc. I, .l.ili-i It. Tii.tyi r, v'km r nor of tin- st it,- o: Ni-brai-ku, Ho ln-n l,y ilc-iuimti- Tlmr-! iy, tl' til ilnyiif the r , eist uioiitli. a a .lay of t hit it Wiving uml Iiniiw to tiie M.i.l l!i;;li for ilis 1 ;tt Ix-rK car.-ov.-r us, mi'l fur HI, t.'ii.lcr i.ii-reif. I in. .si e.trm stly rei;in-t nil tin- i.sjjitr !' Ilii- 1-0 n lii.-iiuvi'iiIUi to :ili-1.i!a ritini nil mriilari-'., liaiyau-ut on tlint .'ciy nn-1 it- eaililr in tin ,r v-vi-rul phu-i'n of jmiiiic Moi-siop sad offer .i)i tiimtWivlair ami u!jr irf jr.ii. to !! Holy inline. In :i-ciji-'i.iat-c v. Hi, tlii., In.-nnti f ul ftistom f.tniiiic- will 1 n-uuiteU, xwlal aini fralcr.!::! iiiliu.-iH-t iil, uml tin-l;i- il l of nil IhkiM lie fflml. I Is ? iliosc iili au itsiuitiiiK-e not t-nli.r g. t tiie n.ior miU nccly, but .. jjive to tln-m frwly of tlu ir o u ixiiiuty. I.ct nil tin; jmio pie n-jolce. In ti-sLiiiiony wiicstsif, 1 liuve lii-r.-naio -,. my liiintl and cmswl to be niiisiil tin. Kn-:ii e:u of flic st ;te. Done at tiuculn. tliU'lith dfij of .November, in the yenr of our I,ov,l, one tiioiiunt fi-jW. hmidrfl nml aim ty tine, of til.- !:te tli ti'iily llltli (tinl ot Die mile llellitcilffof tllli fliil.vl Mule, till! (.in-liun ilrc.l nml KisttviiHi. V,y tic "ovfraot : John M. Tuavkk John t . Au.f.x. Secn-t.irv of si:.!.- Jl ... I -. 1 il HI I H.' ii.'N: !i-,n. li-j .1 . t M..: . I U, -i i i-i .:.- i l - mliiig u- (lie names of 'i'l will letievc a ttijiVt'f 1 ' ; i('-i.;.r-.(.-.i fivf for ttto lilonlb. T't tin'-- uboiii.iv U (Wsirounof kcihI- t 'in.. , in, .ii-than '.'0 naiiit, e offer the j t,.li . . .!-,. ia-ii I i' s for tb- l.ugc t l.-t-. rt-t.-r. -i. 1 1 . : ; Tin tb.- i.ii4-t h i ...f-.'O on ; I - third lib I, nli . li. st ten I'rg'st h-t, 'l e: , I i . 1 1- i I'. 'j 'A l.i ! I II M. 1. h ii,-.i.!. .. A. V. . I i -. - 1 I In '- i ..ii i;i I W. M-'!'':i. l : iii. : l l'st i;-t i v.- ll names n -i ..! I r.ii ih -. nt t.. ch i-i. t mi b 10 INI imi I! (HI i ij ; in t n it i Tiilsr.jiHcriTlnX: h us not later r 1-!. mi l n'l i i-s w ill ! r than 1 V. cinU-r J'lth. 11 lf;li " ci thi.'-M.! b.iugill - oil sfpaiMir st.l i ts of ji:- ! TVIN SR8IHE DRY HOP YEAST 5T FOR C. .1 M V l!a:ki-r.. till .ol J.i: V. J. t.nj i. A. -..unit.., Tim-. i. - ..J. si,.,: A. I:, li- k . I .HUM.! i ai ii. r -: ..1 . I wlll.t the I M .SH.. I" it li .1.1 i:i a i - !..e. . i-i.:.!! in. .a J. f . W. I le.'.-.H.-l -inn ii...i iniilt .( i .. . '-ill. t-j - I i iil i .. I 1 .mi: ! . -.! Ato.r-ii iM v.-: .. .-.' ! I ... J . ! ....;;! ...i-i w i I . lb il-.a 1 l i.i-I.A I IX K: ,.s, inltur. i 1 1 -1 'i i:'j... Hi -I. N.. II. I inilo "i.:, l;-.iin i! .i: turn t.i:- irtiiaa"' The Toledo Weekly lihtdc Free. The proprietors of the 7WiW-i Bht.h; the U'.-i kno-Ati political weekly of the United States, are makiiig preparations to create a sensation this winter by send ing a million siieeimeu copies to as miinv recders in all parts of the United States. who do not now take that pajier. To that t-nd they invite everylxidy to send the addresses of as manv iieotde as thev care to, by postal card or letter. Send one name, ten, twenty, one hundred or a thousand. As many as vou have t irne in write, only lake care to send correct ad dresses to (KHiple that you know appreci ate good reading. It will cost but a lit tle trouble, and the thousands who re ive sample copies will feel grateful. Send all the names and addresses vou please to Th Jihih, Toledo. Ohio. I . c. K. .HI, J. h. M..J 11!. i.i. iat ontiiiii- I iii.ain- K.-ni v i;.t.. iioiixii... W. II, llai i-.. I". I.IlHlIie J. W. -. .,lt.... -I Until. oKHrl.ISs: Mr.. K. II. Ili.ugli... W. i;. Wriirlil i.. ' '. Ilcnti-r (-. i , i :.:g tie- ii.tive' of thi- Mate am j til.- t .p rigi.t hand coi n r, ami ? r of mints i oi taiuei on tbe ! Ii.. t in the to;i lt-ft-!(,iiid ttrui'r. Tims: t i Kansas, Mrs. lb in V Brown. Okitlie. Ann-li.1 ( 'hai-K- S-iuple. I ha Wiii'ii li, (live th- total i . .nt, ill.'. in your h t jinny ni ! h-- -rim.-. 1. It..- cai.-fsl t wnti- as tli-liiii-ttv s m--i! !-, and on t -i:- -el-' of the pajK r June's of the pri.-' n- au-i.l in January 77.1' if 'tU tfl.i.'-. ft': . THE BRODIX PUBLISHING CO v.i-iid i- , ;., -. no. mioilwr of n.iiiics in the list. U'.-coui- i". iiiiit-i is';!.'. - will I an miml.s r of QUI RISE LIGHT B R . ytmooArt4ij . cauun.wijJ B. I SMl iv. F.-ishitiiiablt) Barlit-r mill II,, Kv.-i-ythiiig in Jhh 1,'u.. and in li-iic maim. r. Jtiors ail S,-is shai . I,. r at n-a- u oi. kir- t tl.Kir II Mbu-.c 'liable r.i!. 'live Bin a i , isl of :.uuj ll. i i "i: .1 ink VM! -I.IIIIT . ! 1 M i I,- .Til- : it.. I ,il or airer 'I Ki:- u il iff; "l-'riit i t, Al Iluiri.-ii, ciniiiiu-acon 1-t-ljiiury ii.lh eial 'i-iili-inU.f .'th, ITal. Ii.ilnly Court, -At llarri-ou, roTiuiiiMie li!"t Moilihtv 1.1 l-M ll lii.iTilli. ( III li ill'.s AMI silt IhTlhs. i. K.t liiircl.- i'; f.i.-b wit. ii, alt. sand,, i,t l:.1fl:i.ia.,.ia..rirrysmi;(M.teii hit' nt T::w. Iii:-., t.i.rASM.K, 'ator. Best Lino to t lip East. The Burling-ton Route H. &.. 51. It. li. is running elegimtly eiiuiiiDed oasseiiffer I rrt ini .!.,..,,, r.... t.-.. ,i ' ' - - . - - v..(o.c in. in itetM-asiie, to transform it-into the right condition Wyoming and ("rawfoiii.Xbrnsl-i for availability. .As farming progresses to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection in every new country the necessity of at that ooint with 1 ,. n i. better cultivation is apparent. The real trains for .Denver, f'heyenne, and all resources of the rich soil are then gradu- points west, and for Kansas City, St. ally discovered. It is sheer waste to Joseph. St. Louis, Omaha. Peoria", 'cbi- apply heavy quantities of manure to the cago, aud all points east. soil and then lose half ' of it by wasteful Remember this is the only line bv methods of plowing and cultivating, which you can take sleeping car frorii Yet this is one of the most common mis- Crawford in Hie evening arriving in Lin- taKes maile by tanners. I'ressed wit i coin and Omaha tb. m.vt ..ft,,,.,,, i - "- .'.v. I ... .oil, lino buMtiess, tliey pile the fertilizer on, aud in Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis the fol neglect the work of cultivation. The lowinar mornini'." soil does not get that warmth and free circulation of air which comes from cul tivation, and which is more imiwrtant to the germinalion of the seed than fertiliz ers. The Other half of the fprtiliwr which is unused remains latent in the soil for an indefinite lime, or is leached away by the action of the rains and water. It is due to thiS fact that so mi farms produce much better erous than others from a less amount of fertilizers. The land is e.uRi vated thoroughly season after season until the soil becomes so Kpiseojial 1 1 aiay f enia fir.y of eiu-it 111 l!,.le, t'ninli -lia-laj h. in. Bible sein.ui ; (tav 111 ti'l imii i ; r . nt tin- cliuii-li on lllfl ' ' t!i" lat to Son mi' :. o'1'lllrU..I by Krv. J. M. a.J evt-ry Sua.i-jy at ll ,30 -- t. 1 I:. iin i:k, -npt. :i -I'liviij.s 1 "I 11: i iH-r S" . 1 lit'. N. -a I it y " 1 1. l'.lK,l tlualiH. t-i I 11 ti, i(..s, 1 bullion, lVi ii:i'!if!.u hlU Nbl -niti Sel. John a. Br. as. 1 'l:r.-)i.rT. 1IA.S.E. UOI.MIN. i, r I i 1 riiuu.Ksn. vi:r;jTV.t -asmikk. the mm OF HARR1S0K 'li eitcii Sun . . I'. JiKBi:rr, Snjit. GEORGE WALKER. .Vllorncj-al-Law. ill practicf Is-fore all courts , nut the V. l.ami Oilier. i:ujiies enlrustt'tt to my Cure will receive nroinnl utieni dm HAHHISOX. - - NKUHASKA. For further information and tickcU an. l,y nefirosl WKni of Bui-Iington ivouie 15. &, ;U, it Li. $75 MONTH $300 Do You Want Employment ? A special to the Bee from Sioux City, Iowa, tearing date of Xov. 22, sUites that a party of eight farmers were there on tlieir way from Jo Davis county, Illi nois to Nebraska, where they had" pur chased farms while out on the harvest excursions during the past season. They also stated that there would be about 300 families eome from the locality they had left, during this full and next spring to locate in northwestern Xlirnk,. na southwestern L'akota, Now is the time for fjioux county to get in shape and see that it gets its full share of the new set tlers. The tide has set in and will con tinue to swell until it assumes propor tions great enough to put a family on j every quarter - section of free govern-j ment land in- thin part of the country , I and that means prosperity nud- increase ! in value to every property owner in thw l region. U tan: wve friendx in tlm ent. ! who conlempiatc-coming- hens to locate it would be Witt to tell them to eoli wrly ami avekT the fifth if they with In Uct a choice piet ot land. Now is tiw Mo)ied tiaw.. i.y winch yon ean mako from ?- , ... WM tmr mouth-tlie aiuonut .U-tH-mUns; on suscentihletothfiolow n,l iM t.,..i worK ,i" or P f your tlm, ' " """"ii. ' vim nml vi.,r nnU every ounce of fertilizer applied islsoon puh -ou pat Into thn irlc, tr m, riipnuwl intn ..t-i.. I. .1.1.. 1 I !.. I it MiKht ImV vim In -ll ... .' ,,,i'j u.nn.e.ic oiLi-iiiti 101 Hie ' J ' "..v i,. it 11 ve got plants. There is economv in this nicth- Li ' " Bl" u,(1 mere- room for a od, for nothing i, wasted and t.heernMe .Z.Z1"- B0"'t iuocvi iiiiiiiiatiy, nil-1 " r ttitin ?t live, tiili'-limt!r:e Ur-pia. jji jj jvt. 1.11 ine lowest minimum w reached. cuiiiiiiiiimy. t'tuier m:,u t,r v. cmai, 'iii'-re-u-n we'.t like i j,:ir iiwi you. nn-il Sliow 5011 when. ll.r. JJiiMiiesi Jralucation Free, , ''" ' ' "IK,ri "oii iy return .,,.,1 i..t. .,: ., r . " "r" "' H .v. , ,. ft.itrc Ttiit ouu ill I'Ktiti iiti'lii lie tin norm .1,,,,,, .............. n-.o c.n.....;.. ,!.- .. . , . .. ,i. . . ; "-""'. tut luiivmus oner ix iroou onnoviunitv " H'-""t viiiiik. iscircr rii. ., . .... " i i .... of securing business education free: lo any one sending us 7.1 yearly sub scriber to the H'ffHv State Jomnul, at p.00 peryeaj-y we will present a life KC'h&liirship in any department of the wncoin uusiness Oollege. Value $00.00. For SO such subscriptions we w ill pre sent a three months- scholarship in any Department. Value, $30.00. lor 20 subscriptions a three months- courses in typewriting:. Value. 12.00 A cash commission will be allowed on these subscriptions.- liberally navine- vou for your work, in addition to these free sciioinrshms. Wo wtl supply you with sample copies, for further particulars address,. Wkkkx.t State Jourxal, . Lincoln, Neb. Address THE BRODIX PUBLISHING CO " .."ni n;;f()u. v, K., Sioux County Lumber Co MANTFAf.TLUKRS OF Lumber, Lath and Shingles. griMTAX A COS'U:y,-'Lim-.wr.- Wll.l. PKACTtrE 1VAM, TJIE LOCAL, T k'TV. ' fl;fttl eonrtH mid It. ,i Lmitf offlee. LtQM. PAPERS CARE-FULLY DRAWN. t s t 5 t i t A Good Supply f Kalive Lnmlier Always on Hand. LfMBKjj MUVKUKB AT THE mi OB I.V JIAIIlilSdV. MILL OX SQUAW CKEKK, FLETCHER 1VAUHW0RTII. IjsT Office in (!ourt Honse, '4AMUiO C. E. IIOUIEfc. Attorney-at-Law -' All- fasimiiM eiitnmutd to hia card will re ceive prompt ami rnrefnl atU-ntion. L. K. LSKLliEN & SON, Wagon and Carriage Makers Ki-pali-tngitoiifoii tiort notii. (itstd w ork iind reason itljle ciiargcs.. Shop houth of liery burn. HAHItlSflN. ... , EtiTAHLIMILll iW.J IIAKRISOX, XKBU.VSKA. AUTH0KIZE1J CAPITAL. ?2)0(i Transacts a General Banking Busine Kuy.s School Oiilers, County and Village Warranl. lli Interest Paid on Time Ik-jiosits, Loans Money on Improved Farms. NEB. Fremont, Elkhorn Dont F THAT -AND- Mo. Valley (NORTHWESTERN LINE) ISKTWEKN- Harrison, Nebraska, OMAHA, SIOUX CITY CHICAGO A. MI ST. PAUL "And All Point in the- CR East, North. South & West. The Elkhorn Line is now running Ii,..l;m ... uair curs daily, 11 w.,, Omaha and I lead wood, fie to - holder of first-tlaw tranH Jiortation. t- t ' t -Thbouoh Tickets to all Point.. - HitKtfiiXf,,1 to ln-.ti.m,,. l.rvnifh PaI,Wra.,M.r lM.lw,,u j,, Vullry unit Dfladwoorl. J. CJ. Ki)RTtrt(fic, Aent, Jhtrrison, Nob. H. O. Ut'ltT, J. Ii. liPflUNAN, en:i. Manager, (Jen'l PasK, Ag-ei)t, OMAHA., NIB. ISWOLD & MARSTELI Make the Bottom Prices on all Goods in Their Line, We Make a Specialty of Groceries Our Prices Beat Everybody. Our Line of Hardware is Complete YOU CANNOT DO BETTER V THAN TO DO YOUR TRADING WITH US, Yours Respectfully, klkli. . blllSVVOLD & r.1l)STELLEH. j H1'WW,, ... vi..ihm.u. - 0: -, s l-':,l,t'i' vvmuvuti