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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1891)
The Sioux County Journal. KSTAW JXUiiJ) 1H&H. UFt'lCUI. IXX'NTY PAPISJ. B;f l'Al'Ell IS THE OH'XTY. , nit lW-rT riJSt.lLATloS OK ANY jv.ita ii'WJ-iia is srx oointy. lut-x l'rict-, $2.00 SlmKiout, ... Editor. j..i.i.,r,-l at t!i. ll;tri ia jt office iu -c . ... , i i- ii.nll.-i". TaiKsI'AY. Ni.V. 2(5, 1891. Tlie Sui H.-4-t. j. K.I h:ii!i!-rlln Voulh'n tiiiiwniiTi. Vi.ioii tlie things wlik-lt KuoImii i.ii:iKirte i not remembered for is the Jinient of the beet-sugar industry in E:jnjf- It was hi emxmraftenienl, .lieii while lie was the almost absolute rult-r f the Fr.Dcli Kmpii-e, wliirli raised tlie ni:i!ii of sugar from If Is from the iit-IJ of h(rUfT),'liii(,' -xMriiiieut, fitfully tiifpifi' in hy men of m iem e who were regarded as viftionuriex, to a practii al jK,itioii which Imh linally made it Jureruml more iniioi Uuit busiiifss, tak ing tlie world through, tlian the making of Although the great Najxileoii was not HIiomiiI of iiiiin whom it was ordinarily site to i-.mxh at, he a ridiculed and ciiii' iituitd on nccouut of his faith that nj,nr could 1 Hindu profitably from W-ts. In 111 the Emjieror promised the Vrt'iii h Jieople that they should have Vuptr from licet if he rxcludi-d from France tin- commerce of Kn' laud, includ ing the su.iri of the Hrili.-.h West Iudii-. Tliis promise led to I he piihlirut ion of a v.iri-atiirv, in which t!ie Eii! rii and h-iit'.i'- smi, th? Kir.ii of Ud.iii', v.ere repri Vnt d. Tiie Enipclir was shown siMu:;; in his luiy's nursery, wpieezinj; a Iwt root into a cup of co free. The U'lhy Prim e sat near him, hard ut work sin king a l-el-tixit, while the nurse, standing close hy. was represented ax ex laiiniii;,', "Suck it, "dear, mick it, your iiu mivh it is sugar!" This biting aarcasin did not prevent Naioleon from spendiiiK several million 'francs, nt a tune w hen his Empire was 'under a tremendous stniin of exiieirtli 'ture, in lMiiiuties for suyiir made from Wis, nnd his annuity has Imi-ii vindicnl 'cd at last hy the fai t that, tvilhin the past live yearn, the world's yeurly pro 'iluction of beet siiar has i ikuii above it ippHliiction of c.ille suar by more than a il:in and it a sin million tons. Hy far the rtater p.'it of tliisUet :.UHar is raised and i -'U-iiini-d in Europe It is now- the m.pir onloi.inly iimmI tin n . .Just as tune sunr is the soil almost un iverwilly used in America. I5wt siiar may l Uni):ht in certain 'xtores in onr Eastern cities. To the Visle, it Is? distinguished from ti e 'liest cane Mij;ar, exci jit by experts, who ny it is rillier in sweets limn most cane Mij.'fir. It is not made from the cimuion n d .'garden beet, but from a white lieet-in ioiiib vnrietles veiv'iu' "poll a pink cob,--which has b-en develop-d by cultiva tion anil selection until its juices yield a Ipruportioii or from ti n to sixteen per cent of sujiiM'. Allil.' ' hilildi-isl Vers or eXSMllllelll ' hard work were ncd'-d U-foiv tb- ullivalioi! of liie is-i't b.rxugar lientme ti. I'.iiooe. No cron in til.' oral !.piiis more :ei..ii;ile i-ii!!iv:it:lt! to :!: i"s: and none l-.'biike:. easy-oinj; luetli jkIs mine promptly. The sup-r-Uvt-i:' :-. ln-'-sl. as pr.i lisid III Eli"K-. :-.- almost ;. sen i.e. . rutin r lliiin an indn n v. The chemist's work conies in at even turn. Ho must tnM. H" '.v.-etnesH of tlie Wt, tli eluiimnts of in.- -oil ami the r,.rtilivea iis-.l and watci. i ' sJccessive pwesses of maiiufactntv. Tb- iocP n. nlninst. must lie ciin-o:'-1! ii'ai'liiW con ditiunsof i limal.' as I.' !'C-t and .-old in ill the jirowin;; and ri-i inv senrmi, and the r loi.oi tioii id mo'.i nf in the air. Satisfactory cnudilion-' nud w ed In-ill o'olait pot be sarisl in the u: root. The soil should ' to tK'tfiil w ith, and li ' l.oi tl and tairvfnilv generously p.lied. Then thero should he subsoil cultivation, nnd a Jjrent deal of cai-eful w orkin.s". The raisitm' of the s-.-ul is a !iltli.i ence in itself, five yens n , ullival ion of.'iiiotherlK.rl s. 'a.lli" ls I-' I-sh, lo it.rnish wed are called, ire required b.: foro the s.sds are lit to plant. That is to say, succe-sive Wets r selected and planted for that length of t'"'e, " . r. .u-iM.t. in sweetest, until pressing iruui o.-v.- the s;rt of seed is obUmvd from which will grow a profitable crop ol.MiKar beets. The hrsl m! Iieet in tin- 1'1' ,1 1 I.el- beef. f" I' ilie '.... -- , . 1.. will.. h tin-live jmcenfoiin i..'. .. . i I. lu W tl u sweetest el T... n-.i.i Tin.. i fivmi iiuinntr h l" Lilts nri.'. ,v o. i.e.. ' V is cllll I froui tl . i another, and so on down, t f the ntvaol' soil Kiven to . . . i i.. iu often devoted to me raising oi or- - llK, sluction of lllWiiri'' i i..,l nwilher lie-ets Hi" imrty-iive i""""" i diluted to tlm iwiv, . .i.... fi-nui twenty to UOeKXl III rai-inh - At '. a a ..r limits to the ticin, 7n Ka a"uw. is often .io.i ruiK-eaud (ienoany, to put hfu- al lar worth of . wm,. acre of Lund in a single I some oilier exoensiv. , -ultivationof W Mlu:ir js ,...'' j for tlie land. A Sood deal of other pro duce is raisnl ut IK- : - iiiite; alio me iuality aiM ,,uallllty of ev(?rv oii crop ,s iireiitly ,y tlaj cultivation of the sugar beet. Its benefits ai-e two fold. Tlie liarvesting of Uie beets is dmie just at tlw liKht of tlieir rijeness, and oiienullerllie first frosts liave fallen. They are sometimes pulled from the ground by Imnd labor, but oftener bv nieuus of a sort of digging nuuhine drawn by horses, not unlike an ordinary cultivator. Tlien the beets are tarefullv housed in cellars or silos constructed for tlie piirose, preparatory to beins; sent to the manufactory. At the manufactory they are sliceil bv machinery, and the juic, in the liest fac tories, is extracted from the slices not bv crushing them, but by a process called uillusion, in which the sugar is drawn out by soaking them again and again in liquids. This leaves tlie beets, deprived of their sugar, iu a cou.lition to lie le ! to cattle which are beinir fattened. The syrup obtained by the Ui (fusion process is lxnletl dow n to tiiigai'. ine cultivation of sugar lieets lias not liecn generally successful in this country up to the present time for several lea miiis. One of these is that we have al most, ai our very doors tlie cheaply inane cane sugars of tropical countries. Ai t her reason is that our farmers, as; inle, have not the time or paliemcto ::ve to a ( rop the thorough and nti i.c livjitiuent that the cultivation oi su lieets deiuauds. But a more important reason still i: Ine fact that the necessary conddton. ol s'.'l and ( limate have not lieen observed. According to the stateinents published bv the lAMiartinent of Agriculture, the sui;ar licet is at home, and able to do it t, only iu a region which has a mean temperature of seventy degrees Fahren heit for the three months of summer. Such a summer temperature is found in a licit of country lying one hundr miles on each side of a line lifginningat New York City, running up the Hudson to Albany, then striking westward through Cleveland, Chiiagn and St I'aul; then southward uli.l westward tbroULrh Colorado and New Mexico to the Pacific coast, and aloiiLfthat const northward to Oregon and Washington. T!r in is an immense and fruitful ivgmi in this '- It. but not nil the tei -riloi within i! is suited to raising the sug:ii iieet, U'cause the rainfall is in inu iiol ,1 either iiisilllicient or not oven eu.iiii;h bul there is, too a good dual of cuiintr outside the b.;lt. where, owing to loca .lilierences in thj climate, the right con .lilioiis for the sugar li-et will be found American farmers, when they inlro- du. e the cultivation of the sugar beet in good earnest, will have the lienelit of all the costly experience of the Old v-oi'"'-If they avail themselves of the assistance of science, they may surpass me i ducts or the Old World in this respect as much as they have done in many other respects. They will have, however, a hap! lash tosur'pcithe thorough methods of the Kniopean cultivator. A single fact will illustrates the methods or the Cud World farmer, who looks for his proli'.s to his own cll'orts more than to nature's friend ly aid. " The French Government, being in neeu of added revenue, and having already taxed the process or manufacturing sugar from boet, placed a tax upon the beet itself, The farmers, luiding that to raise more 1-eets meant more taxation, set about getting more sugar without in creasing the number of beets. n,. iiLiMiteiiuv' I heir cultivation, they succeeded in greatly increasing Hnilnul lieet. ,.j, favorite variety, thus Inning I- i .in nil- The Bee Reduced in Pi ice. Tb. 1 o! tin Omaha Weekly Bes lias been reduced to $1.00 a Year. Now is the time to subscribe for the best newspaer in the west. Send in your orders early to THE HEE IT HUSHING CO. Omaha, Neb. Dr. Leonharclt Limits his practice to diseases of ti e Nervous Sysiem, (Such as of Memory, Feeling', Mo tion and Will-power, Cramps, Fits, (l.-u-eral Nervousness, and all forms of Neuralgia.) H E'ART, fAs shown by Shortness of Hivalii. I'ain, Palpitation, Fluttering and Nninli ikss in region of the Heart.) BLOOD, (Such as Skin diseases, Ulcers, Exces sive Fa louess ir 1'ndness of thi Face, Faintuess, liizziuess, etc.) CONSULTATION FREE! ADDRESS WITH STAMP.; DR. LEOXIIAKDT, 1452 O ST. - - - LINCOLN, NEB. WMealion thia pupni'. THE Iw yi id ildl oiu WKKKLY EDITION, f;3t5 'or tin- balamij .lid in their su! 1 'ill tho r 1! who the rich- which was soil and an money must uilioll of the i eji and good ers not raw, a teil must l- i of the Frem ii farmer nature seems to oppressive g vaiitag In the operations .....I - loirdner. iudeci! n i l oinoai'eu Willi loioi - ii i".' - i tenant gardner of I he re- enerally brings with r 1 ..II him. when he l'- P1"1 .i il il,l he. uses, and when he gives wrc rn'ii v up his land, ho Ui1'S the soil away him. pla.V a smal elfoi'lo. The gion about Talis gen with Xalionnl Family i'apcr. ti... Annoiiucements of ''"" ' Ciiunuiiiititi for ONE DOLLAR. Remit to VOKLl-IIKRALn.oMAnA- ' JW a to j i v &. .." ..-,,.;(. V.1SU.1 XMipl'A rAiai'-'.i.Ans M,i i v.. iU ( i i-'. K?art s n.ii'h. h t w? run ,v t-i ncm $f to mill liu if H OH f 1 r i s. In ofiv part iiu lire nt bumf, fir ...trf mnn: fh to v HI t t t'BV I k 11,1 i-l.i- M-I'.Lnil.Y ltNnit-it. jnur fidirt'ty Bciriu.i.-i-.- plnymint tofoiiuftli'tt rJT1 line of work. i tliflt f. A hT n devcie J. I-. (i in anli t-r wrck i " ii-. ..,,'. i. tnii the ni- K- 3 T t ' ! .-y liH...-ln'"i.'illi' "'" ii j V ' Sim t on. ... 'I- ik" "Ok. "! ' i,l T 111 K Jt CO., ArhWT, 7 . . .. '. ' .!..i,.n.,l'!l. WliV ' " ' ' I.'.'. , rXrr j. 600. en a -iti..rr nr.' cuilv fJiniiinr I"'"'" ? A!l it:-. V. rt. W I -nut i "m. i. nn r-Ti- line ,, 1 ,.ilMi ;.JiUn"y. " a" r--. i.-iv In fill. 1'arli 1 Kna. wetOlNM'Clnnil.Muiwo S30QG ii-I, i hi) 'I'll ri-n-t nti - arif-r htsm-Uot.,w:ll-ork ,,",i,l,r.',ourly. Til,fvlip.lM'illi'lof'-iniJfii rk,.r M-R (MtW . 1' - "tint V . I ly miiirht War tn th- ir i lo'aliii' th,"ttiiiiti"n"i"" ho muii- V for nin i . O i ? I CO 3 5 - H 2 i J j j. p OS CO r z s n O ? P i S3 3 mmo Adjustable Extension Stand. Vtm Book Stand, Music Stand, Atlu Stand, AltMB gt.nd, Biblo SUuid, Flower Stand, also Lamp, Loctura. Parlor, Library. Office. Dictionary and Clicoker Btand and Easel. Hard wood, rubbed nnl&h, height M lnohoi. Heiirht extenck'd. 50 Inches. Weight 12 His.: tiafl ot Jon u i ll i shipped K. D. Prlco, $5. KEKfcKR 4 CO., fit Blloro Man'lrs, 81-01 Washington St., JJvlton, Maaf. 4 jtwvJGg&JZ&-WtrmvfR ttllCA0. tDsrroN.MAsa jam. asLaalB roR New home 900 Olive St., . M. CO., St. Louts, Mo COVEN WIRE F1PFEIMCI1MC hTik .! -RE R0K SELVAGE unit va3 ACKNOWLEDCED THE BEST for Lawns, Gardens, Farms, Ranches and Railroads. l'KICK.3 KKIWCED. Sold by denlcrs. KKK1UUT PAID. McNIiLLEN'S POl'LTHV Mil l I.MI. w Thing I No snirirlnff! No baKKinffl Kxtra llcavv Bclvajra. The HcMullen Woven Win fence Co., Chicago, CL ; isnilli'd is rlinnt'.i. I i,vv. i-l- I'liii'tliei' litwt ; Wlllfll i-i-ivnl M.-1'in to nooui (nl.-s. Its liutioii ...;..! iiilvuutureiinill.oliiln.vs1 m-pi il -"t Fnuil. Sloi:liion, ( lnn ": DronirTooli!, Marv Wli ! ' H nil l.hi.v UlllllW' I"""""-'- I'lCS. Will A Id ii t'lillierino l " few r,f the liHtiniiWH-.l Ktor.i-wrii.. ItsL"-l',:l1 ii I'.-n-- Self wlut'iitioii, BuM" Win. Tliinl; Tlmy I-1" Hist ,.rv, fe'l way fife, Hoys r ; :-ili'i., lli'lrl Wi:l?, 1 U r. li mill i;'isr.t- f Tj'ivult the WoiM'h Fail'. Ulimiww 'l Ivi.muv. How to see Great Cities, Prt.oiu. A--" ,.ie-so. of the lines to 1 W nihil . - ... u, -in I iul m. (Ill llV ellUIH IIV n" - . .,' .1. 1 In 1.1'SSI'IIS. v. r em, .."'" - Viwili Veiv.-l ELGIN WALTHAM HAMPDEN CvniH Stanley (lie .in'OM . .1 ...... i -ii. t iii.L'ie. 311'S- lo-u .1 "" - . I I ho conir nuuna. j ' , ' ,, ,..,,, .. into ,i ' how il w a(...? .... - .m ls Whoever HUDserux.'. received tin '.'. . .: .. ...,,., una- I you pay WspriDiJeli TO sell V"1 JTimIi' i 'iLI.laI s you. ' v- -v'n -xm.. vs short lime we oner this un heard ol Bargain. The case to genu ine Sil ver 1 n e: for dura- hilily.iin Ish and appear ance are rll eoual to Coin Sil ver, ana ' guaranteed to wear and retain ".U'-tadand set.. Remember not Genuine Amerlcsn on Sent by above rnemlond TRYWJ. K tr nZi Wolesaf. Cufogue Garden City Watch Co. 265Pwrt)orp$t., CHICAGO, ILL PERFECTION in EUTTER MAKIKG. The 0. K. OUTFIT EXCELS THEM ALL. .K. CREAMERY Has the largest eooWnm snrfaret take less) eMllna sasUerwall lena IHbor, ana g-.n-a ilest iiesalts. Ail rreeua ruwa neiwrca snilkincs. laitinmiug ias who! depth f raa, skawinc eaastt lion of milk witbuut tunrhinc I'reamery. Send lor a K. CatsUocti. JOHN S. CARTER, Sols Manf r, SYRACUSE. N.V. Oo tap is -k"-S la tS r -3 . I OEfisS i i , 'i "9 I Are strictly Crst class in every detail, possess an absolutely perfect repeating aetion anil handsome" Ui3es. Fully warranted. m mm Are the best in the world, and have led all others for years. Over 210,000 in use. The ;-oplo arc bound to have the best, and will have none bnt the ESTEV. Time payments or cash, as customers prefer. Call and see us, or send for Catalogues aiid full information. 233 iota ie, 5A i 'ion this i-.v.: OlS Olive St- lio I Solid Tires ' strictly Ko. 2, Cushion Tirss, f?35.00 Kq. 3, Ladies' Solid Tires, i a 5.o r OUR CcSa Tires .1 CYCLES. ti.CC, LadissVGyshi.flTim, $95.00 No. 4. Convertible Solid Tirw, 985.00 110.4,0, " Cushion Tins, $05.00 ' No better machine made at any price ALL PARTS ICmM JOHN P. LOVFJ.L CO., MANUFACTURERS, BOSTON, MASS. Scud iix tnru in .tops for on l0 mt lllnslrabd CM-uc rf fan, tia toohett. Slug tcri. f all ki tU. - - Bicycle Catalogm Frea. $85.00 ANAaSOLUTELY -I sELF-CLosmG INDIANA RANGE CO. MANUFACTURERS OF WROUCHT STEEL RANGES roRnULATLOCN SCICHTIHC Fi-t!NCIPLC3 and Grouko With The Most IMTMVED mCNl.W- imp VAuic test Catalogue.Colos Carp An PCi lAS.E.PATTONfiiCn if ! Si J- ii -' h mmr ri i jia; sit V i i, GREAT HRE rnECAUTlUN Guaranteed to be the most oo- A. ,1 .... n I. I A ABK MAai Inomicaii most uuiauio ...w-w perfect Range on the market. Suitable for hard or soft coal, l wood. Send for catalogue to h wroccciTV la the Fsvetory , Kncjlnn Room , Haoblno Shop, PlamberV 'ud I'nintoia' ShoM. nnd ny tee where oily wMto ar '. f f IT.bSSt Vhey are eoknowleilBnd by nil to Iib tlio ben Ming for the purpoao ever invented. END FOR FlUtUS ai ni" frtnk E. Fitts M'fg & Supply Co., 19-19 Pearl 8trt, Borton INDIANA RANGE 0O aA .X Tl .":r i, four H.n.of ;A,l.lresS,? Yom a. tl 1 1. .a Mil" I'l liriVlll' II ! ,V I l',.l , " i"- - -V" (.nil rtlf'fNslha. .'r . '4 yKZ -VA;';4'V!.-. .- . rZZiZH- m-i YK'-"-