The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 12, 1891, Image 6

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    The Sioux County Journal.
oraCUl, ttH'JiTT PAPER.
Paper pi blwhkd in saorx oocxty.
Subscription Pric, $3.00
L. J. Manoees.,
KntnKl at tfce lUrrjou post office u sec
out! eL$BiAtWr.
Thctwday, Nov. 12, 1891.
Lon't litsitate to tell jaur friends to
fotiie to Sioux county. If it is good
enough for you it is good enough for
Wanted: 5,000 men to late up and
improve 160 acres of government land
each, in Sioux county. 800,000 acres to
.select from. First come, first served.
For fear some may forget it The Joch
SAL tjesires o stute tUtt now is the time
to tell your frieods in the east there
800,000 ares of free government land
.ojiea to tt lenient in Sioux county.
The government of Chile will either
liave to come to the terms of the United
Stats in the settlement of the recent
outrages, cx Uncle Sam will be oblibed to
.chastise that nation and from the pres
ent indications the latter course will
have to be pursued. Should a war be de
clared the probabilities are tliat England
will take a'haad and in that case almost
very civilized nation would be drawn
into the controversy. It is to be hoed
that the matter can be arranged by di
plomacy and the shedding of blood avert
ed. War i$ not a pleasant thing for
nation to be compelled to resort to, for
with the improved weapons the loss of
life would certainly by appalling.
.'Ojebfaska on Wheels,1 the great ad
vrtising train wlicb has been making
a tour of the east has returned home and
those who had charge of the matter are
joud it) their praise of the plan. The
train was royally received at every stop
ping place and crowds thronged the cars
as long as they remained standing and in
.-some instances it was hard work to clear
).he ears, after the train bad started. It
was a yecitabjo triumphal march, and it
will be certain to attract new people and
mew capital to Nebraska. It is a great
"coaxing"' scheme and it is more than
likely that a similar train will be run
through the east next year and if so
:ipyx coiioly should make it a point to
ibe in it with her Sunday clothes on.
When The Jocbnax was issued last
nveek it was reported that Harbuugh had
been elected as Kinkaid's associate on the
(jistriet bench, but the final returns
changed the matter a good deal. When
' the returns werp all in it showed that
Bartow has a plurality of over 700, and
Whence it wiij be Judges KinUaid and Bar
tow who will preside as district judges
for the next four years in the big 15th
'district. After January, 1892, A. W.
Crite can -;ign himself xx-Honorable
Cntes, the noo partisan democrat who
has held good oflices by appointment but
annot be elected. A man who will
- limp to what he has is, not suitable to be
a judge or to hold any office and the peo
ple so decided at the polls on the 3d inst,
Akbawrd to Hate it Ikwi,
we uo not as a rule believe in fsury
ing a political controversy akug after
election, but there are tunes hen it ap
pears necessary. About ten days before
election S. I. Meseraull, of the Crawford
Buonwrattg, paid a visit to Harrison. H
was piloted around by E. D. Satterlee
and paid a visit to tlie court house is
company wun mat individual, going
into tlie office of the county clerk and on
request, iney were luitusJiea trie commis
sioner's record and the claim register.
Armed with information obtained there
the Boomerang man goes to CottonwtVxi
precinct to take a band in the polities, of
Sioux county and there he uiade state
ments which he knew had no foundation
in fact, and these statements were shown
up in their true light by C. E. Holmes,
who was present at tlie meeting. Meser
aull was not satisfied with that effort so
he goes home and gets out his paper and
devotes the greater portion of a column.
of his space to an attack on the oflioial;
of Sioux county, under the headiuir
'The Mud Ring at Harrison." In this he
stated that lie "visited the several conn
ty offices and found them all closed and
locked except the county judge's office.
The fact was he was not in the office of
the county jndge w hile he was in Harri
sou, and it is evident that the gentleman
from Crawford could not tell one county
office from another, and his statements
show that he knows just as little about
finances. He says that on June 30th
there was over $4,000 in the county
treasury. The statement of the treasur
er shows that on July 1st there was the
following amounts in the county treas
General t oml C0 75
... 1 IS 37
78 67
Uridg '
That is all tlie county funds there are
and that makes a total of f.SOT.79, which
is quite a sura less than the Biximeraiig
man stated.
That is a sample of his statements and
he accuses the county treasurer of running
a money making scheme and others of
irregularities, but the crowning net in
the farce of Meseraull and his Boomerang
was that he knew his statements would
not bear inspection, and so did not send a
copy or that issue to The Journal,
neither did he send a conv to Countv
.'lerk Liudeman who is a regular sub
scriber to the Boovierang and that issue
of the paper presided over by Mr. Meser
aull also failed to reach John F. Cook
who is also a regular subscriber. We
have heard of editors who would get
ashamed of what thev put in the col-
mns of their paper about certain papers
or people and would fail to send them a
copy, but this is the first time it has
ever occurred to our personal knowledge,
We hope the editor of the Boomerang
got a lot of satisfaction out of the result
of his work in the recent election.
For some time a hitler newspaper fight
has been going on 'between the
Herald and the Doug Libs Budget, which
culminated in the arrest of J. E. and
Reece Mayes, who were running the Her
ald, on complaint of M. C. Barrow, edi
tor of the Budget, on the charge of crim
inal libel. At the preliminary hearing
Reece Mayes was discharged, and J. E.
Mayes placed under bonds to appear at
the next term of court. Some people
w ho preside over the columns of a news
paper think it cute to lie and misrepre
sent, but as a rule they soon get to the
-end of their string. Thsre is a limit
which in notsife even for a newspaper to
pass, and some good leg il medicine is
"the most effective way to demonstrate
the fact.
"A Yard of Roses."
One of toe popular paintings at the
New York Academy of Design was a
yard-long panel of Roses. A crowd waa
always before it. One art critic ex
claimed, "Such a bit of nature should be
long to all the people, it is too beautiful
for one man to hide away."
The Youth Companion, of Boston,
sei7.ea the idea and spent twenty thou
sand dollars to reproduce tlie painting,
The result has been a triumph of artistic
delicacy and color.
Tlie Companum makes an Autumn
gift of this copy of the painting to each
of its live hundred thousand subscribers.
Any others who may subscribe now for
the first time, and request it, will re
ceive "The Yard of Roses," without ex
tra charge while the edition la to.
Beside the gift of this beautiful pic
ture all new subscriber- will receive The
Comgmton free from the time the rab
esrteiie ie receired till January First. I
fewsgxr th Thanksgiving and Chriat
mm Efc- Wvasban, and for a fall
imM$$H date. 'The price of TO
Farmers Must Conie West.
Kearney Hnb.
There was never a more favorable
me than the present to invite and in
uce agricultural laborers to remove to
Nebraska, for the reason that the rental
of land in the states east of the Mississip
pi is advanced to such a figure that will
not leave the workers a good subsistence,
saying nothing about profit that is, tin-
ess prices of grain should be phenomen
ally high.
Tlie price of corn prevailing during a
portion of this year has advanced the
selling price of land in Illinois from ten
twenty dollars per acre, and rents
have more than corresnondine-lv ad
vanned. Formerly and until very lately
the division of rental in kind gave the
owner of the land two-fifths of the crop
and the renter of tenant three-fifths, the
latter furnishing seed, teams and tools
and labor performed in production.
Latterly the division has been half to
each in numerous cases, in some cases
the tenant paying one dollar per acre in
addition to the half of the crop.
len years ago cash rental was from
two to three dollars per acre. Last year
it reached five dollars, and this year six
dollars an acre has been paid. From this
you will observe that the advance in
land bears small proportion to the ad
vance of rent.
jsovr every reflecting man knows this
1'rei-fiMt Offii-m.
The following is a lui of the precinc
officers elected at the recent election:
Andrew -Emory Gilmore.
AnlelupeG. W. C;bb.
Bodarc Wm. Dixon.
Bowen W. E. Moore, S. L, R. Maine,
Cottonwood W. J. A. Raum.
Five Points Jacob Forster.
Hat Creek J. C. Parsons.
Lower Runuing Water O. J. Gowey
Montrose John Debeno.
Running Wateiv-J. IL Cook.
Slieep C'reek none.
Snake Creek Cliarles Palmer.
Warbonnet J. W. Ricedorff.
White River A. H. Pinneo.
Andrews C. S. Scott, J. 8. Tucker.
Anteloj a R. Story, O. W. Cobb.
Bodarc J. W. Hunter, El; Smith.
Bowen W. O. Patterson, John Corbin
Cottonwood H. S. t'lough, Andrew
Five Points John Minehart, II.
Hat Creek Wm, Miller, I). W
Lower Running Water O. J. Gowej
W. S. Nicholson.
Montrose Christ Burgel, M. Gayhart
Running Water John F. Cook, R. F.
Sheep Creek Jacob Gamliert, Thomas
Snake Creek Cliarles Palmer, John
Warbonnet O. A. Garten, E. J. Wil
White River D, S. Cox, H. G. Stew
Andrews Samual Beckley, Charles
Anteloie O. W. Story, J. C, L. Rag-
Bodarc John Ebersjieeher, Wm. Laf-
Bowen K. P. Lindsay, J. W. Scott
Cottonwood Ed. Pelreu.
Five Points Perry White, L. Ruffing.
Hat Creek Chas. Grewell, James
Lower Running Water W. A. Multr.
son, v. Amer.
Montrose Joseph BofTer, Theo. Piek-
en brock,
Running AVater Irving Wilson, Rob
ert Addie.
Sheep Creek John Gambert, Geo. Al-
Snake Creek Thomas Curren, Werce
warbonnet John Anderson, R, M.
White River Chas. Dippert, Wm
Andrews H. H. Russell.
Antelope A. L. Ring.
Bodarc Wm. Lafferty.
Bowen Fred Betschen. .
Cottonwood IL L. Stoneking, Dist. H,
jr. il. tsurson, "
Five Points L. Ruffing.
Hat Creek M. C. Uoan.
Ixiwer Running Water-Ed ward Downy
Montrose Gerhard Keinders,
Running Water Octave Harris.
Sheep Creek Valentine Thomas.
Snake Creek Irvine Dawson.
Warbonnet John Ilermnn.
White River John Kibble, List.
" . John Fry, "
Mo. Valley
Harrison, Nebraska
And All Points in the
East, North. South & West
The Elkhorn Line is now running Reclln
ing Chair Cars daily, ltweea
Omaha and Deadvvood, free to
holders of first-class trans
portation. t
t t
-Through Tickets to all Points.
Jtaggugu checked to DestiiiBtou.
Through Palace MM-jier betwen Uinsunri
Valley aud Iealwoo!.
J. C. NORTHROf, Agent,
Harri son, Neb,
II. G. Bckt, J. R. Buchas AN,
Gen'l Manager. Gen'l Pass. Agent.
Attorney -at-Law,
Will practice before all couru ami the t.
I.aiwl Office. I)uiiien tntruntet to uiT
care will receive prompt attention.
All buaineiuantruxlrit tohl euro will
ceivc prompt raid careful attention.
HAEHisoy, Neb., Nov. 9, 18S1.
niwru ui commissioners met pursuant to
rreseni lommtssioners Grove, Green
knott anil clerk.
Minutes of lnt meeting read Bud on mo
tion approved.
nmner oi tne omission of personal
property of Charles i Coffee from the tax
roll of .Sioux county was taken up and on
me aiiKlavits of Junto M. Daniels and Ai
soutnworth, Charles F. Coffee appeared be
fore the txard by his attorneys, Katterlce A
w aiker, and objected to the jurisdiction of
the county commissioners, claiming that the
matter should have been attended to by the
intniu ui equalization.
.niei uue consiueruuon the objections of
Charles r . Coffee were overruled, and there
oeoiK no amuavits on Ille contradictory to
uie aiuuaviisauove mentioned and no show
jiijs Having ix?cn maac by Charles F. Coffee
why the property in question shoaid not tie
enierea on me tax list it was and is hereby
ordered that the clerk cause to be entered
on the tax list of Sioux county, in Jlut creek
precinct, personal pro)erty consisting of
means a movement ot labor to cheajier nea" OI cauie, valued at 2.000.00 against
tanu. mere is no question whatever as Th ..i . I t be ofncial bond of J. jj, Bradley as road
,.... , uu.UUIl IS I rr f ... -,, ,,!...,. .
as to direction anH At.s. ., , I L" T' ' ' "v present-
"-..C).m.v,v,ij, aim it is aiiu approved.
u 6uuu uuie iur neurasKa W se- uuwing accounts against Sioux
cure a good share of those who will have com,t' were audited and allowed and war
to seek existence under better condition J 5"" 01 d;m"lrawu on tho lT-r funds
) fmt.
than those by which they are now en
A man having fair abiiilty as an econ
omist and reasonable accomplishment as
a talker or speaker, could go through the
states 01 Illinois and Indiana this fall and
rly winter, and start tlie larirest emi
nrliAn fm ,1 a 1. a 1
v""u ieuiiifttti niut nas ever tro lie
n!X) tlie state. As yet but few lmriniin State
ve been made between tenants and
owners, which fact is no doubt on ac
count of advance in prices of rent. Gen
erally arrangements are made from Jan
uary to March, and between now and
then some thousands must be started for rom Cottonwood.
Nobtlr. on ft will null.. -,..i..n- . I En. Jin-man .a. u - .
, Dwi uniunuiv 10 ..... Iv, ntn i,,v mrinrw -.r
.... . " 1 - - r
ail um western state in the course of nisfortune, as you will have it, to pick
vr uim jmn. up uic aerata a lew days av'O which con-
Al .1 t ...
mmhbu long article comuosed hv tlx.
Tht returns from the recent election w knwn author, W. J. A. R,llim. v
how that Judsa A. W. Pnf t. .l.ti t I D., warninir "Rest A" nnf 1ntAAl .lii.
ew- i mm iWU w , - " ..ww w weuuig ew
the supreme bench by a good majority, Li"LmT, t1'rouf,'1THI! Joi-rnai, or
IMatoanaaMer foctatloTfo h
h 1 by far the Imt man of the two n. thinV wo than to ....,1' J
CfetioaitJoaatid hie work on ?n w question and sellink-out
Mwpwmw will be fair. honew LT " ,.-v,:V" " ."wiicmii conveo-
for the same:
Grlswold k Maratollor. sunnllea r
,., 11 i i . , n ....
Oinaua Itepuuliean lrliitli7i7S"f)lnks 1 00
Weucel llerncall.Miiimiii.y (-"ATr.TT.TC 7. r.
--l.u- IT I'M...... . I I"' owi , . v,l,,v, VIHIIIIV l.llllt. Kl-rvU.,.. 11 un
Fred XV. Knott. . I. " !. 'Z
John A. Green, " !f J;
Uriswold & MarsUtller. hardware '.i
supplies for pauper in x,
a I.K. hli,n (k,suji)llfo7Amy
( 'O. Ddl 1 TwtSilr a u .,,1 I.T '
Htruction curdM. i litlm.i i- u .n .
Thmn.. it,-idy, -heriVrs nr;;:i."::u is
.7' . ., "I ''"""" P") is unit IK 67
On motion board mi ii,,.,,.i ... ' . '
ceniijer 15, ISRI, at 10 o'cloc k, a. in.
County Clerk.
L. E. BELOKS .. -QN,
Wagon and Carriage Makers.
Kepiiirlng done on aliort notice.
Good work mid reasonable c'-nrge.
Shop south of l v ry ii :rn.
HARRISON, - . . keb.
Crand Free
Friday Evening, Nov. 13,
To Celebrate the Election of
The People's County Tickd
All are Invited to Come andJ
enjoy a good time and no pains J
be spared to make it pleas
ant for all.
Bring mI! Your Friends and Have the Best Time on Record
Jvoustzr ilium , New York Cit,'
liK oc ( iiiHKiN, hadron, Krb,
I S( i K 10 R . T 1 1) V M) K it 1.1 A i ,
JOHN A. LUi'AS, Phesim-nt.
t 1 1 AM. K, II01.MEH. WltVnt-J
- 1
(UAIiLES E. VERITY, Cahiiim.
Ql'LUVA.' A CO.VLEr, Uwxt
Will pbactice rs all tin: local, tat
and federal courUt and V. S. Land office.
E3T OfTioe in Court Houho,
iiakkiso .... kebbaska
Grant Guthrie
Dealer In
For the balance of 1891 to tl.ow ,vho
send in their subscriptions for n
Remit i
(KUTABLllillED iww.j
Transacts a General Banking Busind
r!,,-VB h(! Ordein, County and Village Warrant.
t3r"Jnterent Paid on Time DepoMi'tn,
Leans Money on Improved Farms
Dont For
Make the Bottom Prices on all
Goods in Their Line,
p Make a Specialty of Groceries
Our Prices Beat Everybody.
Our Line of Hardware is Complete
Yours Respectfully,
tloo, jurt let him flreit in.
Wita D-HERALD, ouHA.