The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 29, 1891, Image 1
7 The Sioux County Journal HABBlSOlSr, HSTEB.. OCT. 29, 1891. IsTO. 7. THE SIOUX COUNTY w , 'TI(T, 7 I o r act. West f to I i. it, Wl I J A Y I L- I I and Proprittor. t.ti Tini tab?. M t. Going Kat. II I So. , lull.-. T if) OF.Y.ANDERS. EBCHANT TAILORING. uit&t styles. II WEST l'KH PERFECT FITS. itisfaction Guar- rteea m mi instances. ".toTke,,n;!IIa,V,w iawst iinv i.-..- "". rst jier , nave ni ordered the itjujwikk. 'trip I tl.e lr, THE BALLOT. -A car load f ,,ax was ''It this H-M.l- -Thre.lmig ln ,is vj(jni(v about completed. shipped from FOR JUDGE OFJTHEJUPREME COURT A,BiUenl,ender, of Lincoln. Joseph W. Edgerton, of Omaha VOTE FOR ONE. Prohibition. I .1 If IV...1. . i - another carload 'iue uns week. VV. H-si..,!. . . , ... i b "P an aer- ai ii Agate S,.rin Stock Fan -'pound (,f seed ri0lulHM ai)itmiw,( . rt productive a soil as could i-sirtsi. Alfred M. pl)st, of Columbus People's Indeendent I Republi, lyPBuMPT ATTENTION GIVEN To it in nur.nwi (HAtt KD A I.I.I ASH K, .USI!.VK A. POgf E0ENT8 OF THE STATE UNIVERSITY. A. U'Allamand, of Arapahoe VOTE FOR TWO. William Gorst, of Neligh" E. A. Hadley, of Scotia. People's Independent) Prohibition Independent. 'harles Marple, of Omaha H. P. Shumway, of Wakefield Republican Republican FARMS liOL'tiHT AND SOLI) if the lebraska Security Co., . HARRISON, NEK. iliipiirioriili"il4 llrTWW.F.DCAMTAl. ififii (P Capita f jn,fM)).() f.i,(HHl.(K'l! k-ndin tuit l.ivtinu"!, iTrol'tfiif. Ui i.riu.Ac ii, Vkt I'rtlilf nt. . II. Jl-IMH, HiMTt'llirV, I . K. VKKiTr. Tri-i.iitvr. II. T. ri.l.r.r. Attorney. ITe now fovc ou one lint over thirty f'lriTi X? I 1 ruin : .i ' jbriu.un in wiik coiiiiiv hirli weoin wll on Il.VfJ " TIME mid EASY PAYMENTS. Parties wiiliing to litrv or nhotild Iw th Het retary. wJi bought end mUi on comriiifuiiou. fi'R KKSI'OX DENC K SOLJCI TED au res, 'ED.lNKAIK I UH Y(. )ltbrri;ii, Ni'liru.'.kH. -Wsnwsl WJ1116 wood on subscription f wd oeeij it at once. -Ft Sale A flrut-tlnwi wwingrna- (fc. nevf. ' lunuire at thin olllc. -Horse blalikcU nf llm Ilnrncss Slum. IBtjaml get a lrgnin. -Foiir rtoutldh of Arbucklus coffee for lat (iHiswoi.DA MAiis-rra.iJ'.it's. -Partita in neetl of a finnitur mill till Jo well to call tliirt ofllce. -Hi(;lrt,t market prices ixiid for grain I JU Uiirriiion Lumlwr Yard. I David Bartletflian recently plastred fcifioisheJ off the interior of . hi resi- -F' ftM.KA tKirlier outfit, com- fetat Harriion, Nl. tIIAS Pai.miui. -Seventeen tioumls of eranuluted rfor 11.00 at Qhihwow &'s. ,-Buyone ikuih1h of Whin riiujrto- tto for fW ceTrts aiwt get u first clash y whip for nothiiiK. OHIHWOI.D & JUMHTEU.KII. -U'lUIKH. Firkt lass nulivn Imnln-r a wmiKleH constantly on h.-nid at tnv : JJiU on hunt Boiry, Vi tiiil.H ast of """won. J. E. Aknkh. w. C. O'Connor received notice that lnLn allowed a x.-rmion of 12 r wli, dating from July. Inyo. That ntl hiin out fit good !uie. .-Tlie Hanii'le Uillotii can be obtained tlie voUra at the office of the county Tlie law iirovlde ' (Jiat to eiu.h 'otr who applies tle clerk mIihII deliver "to exceed three tuimplo ballots. 0. Guthrie sbiped tfie Hint air of Wt front ' on lust Friday, fl lit nwwd in t his county is of ex Iwt finality and there will lj gM "W oi ft to ship liefore the season JonCTAt Will' give as a prize for ,'st half doMn ears of corn brought office a flrnt-clitHft iKXket laiifo. A" Biiiles will bo;,nitiilred and a j1 We record keit'and the prize awarded w'w nl ,now T Uie corn wa 'bfVnlgh iii. All must be brought' In prior to Fte- "" 1, 1881. ! of t tnnul uiliufiu'lnrv croiiK Jw e iiavt iMunl of was that of G. W. T'1'' His wheat uverajro 24 1iiihIm;I ffar and njH jrtsHod 'equally " He luul Atkrillf. 1 nnrmt f( ' limit fill "fch he Imd wlieat hist year and last "H he sowed mHlet on It. Wheal ? UP it ami niatureil and when it .UieVfh (ut 12 buslieln of wheat -it'-v. Suavely ,v,' 10i, EpiV-opal . ...wi.irnv,n on Thursilay even- i :". At -I p. ,. t)C U1 iioiu comnninion will ci.:i.ri,tl. All are invited to attend. I On MoihImv k t T....C. ... . . .. "veiuif,' nan ins i erclieron-NoiTiian horse in town. This -a line animal. He is four years old amiwe.ghsllWuuds, is a handsome ".'ppleKray, has a handsi,me head and I fyes and is dean limWd and good tei ail. Such horses are appreciated by ioe larmers wlio desue to raise good farm horses. Tlie sire of this horse was the choice of )) head. Ho weighed 2.- ow pounds and cost :!,:0i. - - The Ihnil.l makes a great fussaliout what this wr s;iid in regard to the tui tion charged non-resident pupils for ut- school and tries to make out that. Tim Joch.naL did not state the fact in re gard to the enrollment. The report of Miss ( onnor to Supt. Soiithworth showed an enrollment of ten and that is the au thority for the statement. It makes no difference if there are- fourteen enrolled now, TllE Joi n.VAL does not recede one jkiimi ironi me position laKen, wiucii is that the charge is to high. Caroline M. Woodward, of Seward" Prohibition -F? Jtjg.g!.lgUE' STH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. VOTE FOR TWO. Alfred Rartow, of Chalron. Republican. A. WCritis,ofChailroii Independent Non-partisan Independent j I. N. Harbaugh, ol'C.'hadron Clas. T. Jenkins, of Box Butte Co. .''"'i'!'-' in'iepiiient I M. P. Kinkaid, of Q-yeiu "Republican I FOR COUNTY CLERK, J. II. Burke, of Bodarc VOTE FOR ONE. Democrat Conrad Lindeman, of Harrison 51. J. O'Connell, of Five Points D. People's Party Republican A. Publow, of Cottonwood People's Indept. Party FOR COUNTY TREASURER. VOTE FOR ONE. Claus Christensen, of Montrose People's Indept. Party Martin Gayhart, of Montrose People's Party A. W. Mohr, of Hat Creek Republican FOR COUNTY JUDGE. VOTE FOR ONE. PERSONAL. C. S. Scott contributed on subscription on Tuesday. W. A. Neh-on returned from the hills Inst Week. .ItowrtParixl) came uu fmm Uw kuu) hills lat week. (ieo. Arrasmith sends us a remittance on subscription. Ed. Kierer sends us some cash on sub scription from Ilenison, Iowa. George Slack called on Saturday and added his name to our list of readers. S. I. Mesoraull, of the Crawford Ilntim- triDnj, was in Harrison J-wttuniay arm called at this office. I. N. Harbaugh, independent candidate for district judge, was iu Harrison yes terday and called at this office. Sleightholme Barker, of Harrison People's Party Geo. W. Hester, of Bowen Republican Julius Sievers, of Bowen Democrat Cha.s. Schilt, of Warbonnet People's Indept. Party j FOR COUNTY SHERIFF. VOTE FOR ONE. C. L. Columbia, of Bodarc People's Indept. Party John Eberspecher, of Bodarc Republican 5L D. Jordan, of Democrat Thomas Reidy, of Harrison People's Party FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION VOTE FOR ONE. A. J. Babcock, of Cottonwood Democrat Eva E Conner, of Bowen Republican. j People's Indept. Party Alanson Southworth, of Bodarc People's Party Benjamin B. Smith, of Bodarc Independent j FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR. VOTE FOR ONE. A. R. Dew, of Warbonnet Republican N. B. Rains, of Cottonwood People's Indept. Party Michael Ruffing, of Montrose Independent John S. Tucker, of White River Democrat FOR COUNTY CORONER. VOTE FOR ONE. C. H. Andrews, of Bowen Republican Geo. J. Shafer, of Harrison I Democrat; People's I'nrty I 1 People's Indept. Party FOR ASSESSOR. VOTE FOR ONE. FOR JU8TICES OF THE PEACE. VOTE FOR TWO. FOR CONSTABLES- VOTE FOR TWO. FOR JUDGES OF ELECTION - VOTE FOR THREE. FOR CLERKS OF ELEOTtON- VOTE FOR TWO. FOR OVERSEER OF HIGHWAY8. VOTE FOR ONE. The above is the ticket as it will be printed for use at the polls except some changes that may be made under the law between now and the time for printing, and the tickets for the second commissioner district, which contains Andrews, Bodarc, Cottonwood arid White River pre cincts wil have the names of "Wamim & Johnson" and "Jf. J. Weber," as candicates for commissioner and the precinct tickets wluch hay been certified up will be printed on tlie ballots for such precincts. Geo. E Turner. lie DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. We Have now on Hand a First Class Stock of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Laces, Ribbons, Hosiery, Boots and Shoes, High Patent Bon Ton Flour Always on Hand, No Better in the Land. Frre W January 1, 1S!)2. The IVerrhhi Slate Journal will mailed to any address from now until January 1, 1MW, for 1.00; All through the remainder of this campaign and all of the great presidential campaign of 1092. Twelve large pages each week. For 2." cents and 12 cents extra to cover jKistage, a cloth-bound copy of "Stanley in Africa" will 1 given with each' sub KSTMlt loll. To anv one sending us two new dubscrilieiN, a copy of this book, will Corn, Oats, Choi), Bran and all Kinds of Feed. lie mailed free, postage prepaid. Send for sample copy of the paper and you will he nleased with it. Address all or ders to Weekly State Jochsal, Lincoln, Neb. A complee stock of Hardware, Tinware, Barb Wire, and all kinds of Farm Machinery; Which we will sell at Lowest Prices possible. We invit all to call and look at Our Goods before buying. Nebraslfci's great' advertising train is still on its waV to the east, giving the hundreds of thousand of people along route more informatioH m regard to the resources and productiveness of the state than could possibly to obtained in any other way without visiting tlie staie. At me places the day spent by the ex hibition on wheels proved an occasion for a general holiday and business was susnded and people "ocKeu io 1,.( of Nebraska. It will do a great deal toward "coaxing" people to come to Nebraska. Tlie prediction of all is that there will to a great many come to Nebraska 'within the next lew mom.,.-, The work for tho'people of Sioux county to do is to lot opl know that there is till hundreds of thousands of acres of free land in Sioux county from wniu. select homes. B. L. SMLX'K. Fa.shioab!e Barber and Hair D.tser Everything in Ins line done in a neat and artistic manner, Rnxor owl H-'Wi sharpened and put in order at reasonable rates. Give him a call. WHand 10 bushel of millet r ... ,00 r 'Wst of Rocnh Supply House. - - www imu a mi "fv iurn-if ' HaIhI"V We Shall Endeavor to Treat all l-air and square Respectfully, GEO. H. TUIRIEiR. NfchKAtiKA. Fremont, Elkhorn AND Mo. Valley RiAILROAB. .rnU I Hurl (NORTHWtSl.n HETWEKM Harrison, Nebraska, OMAHA, SIOUX CITY CHICAGO A.NO- ST. PAUL -And All Points in the - , East, North, Soutti frWesf.- B. E. Brewster, President. C, F. Coffke, Vice Pres. C1IAS. C. JAMESON, Cashier. Commercial Bank. LN'COuTOBATED. A General Banking Business Silverware GIVER AlVAY -transacted; l.-.V..., Harbikon. Nf-bhaska. A ticket given with every dol lars worth of goods you purchase for. GASH. ooOoo 8 Tickets gives you a Silver Plated Sugar Shell, worth.. $1 00 10 Tickets gives you a Butter Knife, worth , 1 33 12 Tickets gives you a new style Lace Pin, worth.... 1 50 23 Tickets gives you a set of Roger's Teaspoons, worth 3 00 35 Tickets gives you a set of Roger's Knives, worth.... , ' 3 73 35 Tickets gives you a set of Roger's Forks,' worthy. 3 75 50 Tickets gives you a set of Roger's Tablespoons,.,w.prth... 6 00 tW PLEASE COME AND SEE THE GOODS. Our fall stock of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Gaps, Gloves and Under wear has just arrived. , Complete stock of Clothing of Latest Styles just received, to which we call your sflecial attention. Low Prices and Fair Treatment Guaranteed. COMB I1ST A.-LSTID SEE TJS. Ranch Supply House. MacLachlan & Cook, Props. L. e. BELDEN & SON, Wagon and Carriage Makers. Hcptvlrlng dono on short notice. Uoou work and reasonable charges. Shop ton tli of 11 very brn . HARRISON, NEB. GEORGE WALKER, Attorney-at-Law. Will practice before all courts and th (j. B. Land OfTlco. BunlneM entrmted t taf care will receive prompt attention, lv HARRISON, - KOTUMU. Grant Guthrie -Dmlir In Lumber, Lime, Coat a 4 t i If -St.. I" i t if. i Mi ir ' I'' i J Vii i if rcKr ft ' ii ii i 'i