The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 22, 1891, Image 6

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Tto Sioux County Journal
btamjeud 1688.
omm coort pars. '
Mr rtrm a the cocktt.
L. J.
Subscription Price, 2.00
Entered at the Harrison post office as seo-
sua cjiii juimt.
Thursday, Oct. 22, 1891.
For Justice of the Supreme Court,
fror Barents of the State University,
lot Judge of the District Court, 1Mb
Far County Judge,
Fof County Treasurer,
For County Clerk,
For County 8heriff,
tor Superintendent of Public Instruction
For Surveyor,
A. R. DEW.
For Coroner,
The great advertising train started on
time from Omaha on its trip through the
east and is pronounced a very fine collec
tion and is in the hands of men who will
work to attract people and capital to Ne
braska. Over fifty counties were repre
sented in the exhibition train and it will
do a great deal to "coax" people to Ne
The article which appears in another
column of this issue from the Chadron
Advocate will show how Crites worked
to get nominated at the independent
convention at Valentine, and it will also
Show what position Raum And Babcock
were in and the kind of independents
they were. The name of the person to
whom the letter was written is not
given, but the leader of the democratic
party in Sioux county and the individual
who is Crites' main striker here is well
known; so that the identity of the indi
vidual to whom the letter was addressed
can be pretty clearly guessed at
The irrigation companies are paying a
pood deal of attention to Melbourne of
file. The fact of his efforts to produce
rain having been attended by a good deal
of success and his effer to water a large
tract of territory in Kansas at a very
low rate per acre, does not appear to
please the leaders of the great irrigation
companies. The truth is becoming ap
parent The schema of the irrigation
companies is to get the arid lands ceded
to the several states and then they will
secure the water franchise from the
state government and proceed with the
greatest land steal that has ever been
perpetrated m the United States. The r
plans are well and deeply laid but it is
safe to say that they will not be able to
e them out If the states can
e the land, the nation is in a posi
o do so much better and the lands
should be kept from under the control of
corporations. With efforts being made
to put railroads and telegraph lines under
government control it would be rather
inconsistent to create a land monopoly.
InstraeUaas to Tatora.
V, . , , Terr jQaeer "Independent".
Ciadron Advocate.
,. The following is a true copy of a let
ter written by Judge Crites September
10th, thej only , omission being the name
or the person at Harrison to whom it
was addressed. The word democratic is
iippiied in brackets to make the mat
sgo)ew. TM. Independent state coo-
,venton had already been held when the
.letter was written and the person ad
dressed is a democrat.
, The letter was hrnna4it. Um k
W52 of the editor of this paper and
other LndependefltA.iQ this country about
snoot ago. Fone of said independents!
pm anything to do with obtaining it, It
.was not published sooner for the reason
.that it was hot known whether Judge
foft" would rail or bojt after he was de
'Mitod at the Valero convention.
,Wwtbatbe seams' determined to run
not as a democrat, which he really is,
.but as an Independent, it seems right and
jMopsr that the rotors, of. the . 15th judi
cut district should know some of the'
Beaasused in his campaign. Her is
tfce letter: v ..
CBAPKOW, Wmt ', Sept 10, 18M. '
. (Cusjiuwri'iAU) ,
i My 71W Sir: liKiloeed herewith I
'band yotf toansportatiofl for Ms sera Bab
nock nod Raum, from Harrison to Valen
tine and return, also cheek payable to
your order to cover their hotel bOJs.
: Ton nary say to them' that these
ttoKeto represent my own "mod staff
man are inrnisneu warn, m tor toe ptuv
pom cf taflneociof their actio but on
ti theory and twBaf that they have al
jmsty nsaie m their mines to favor me
tr tt convention. I believe I have got
I tave got titiiuitatiuu to the feno
atfcsUU convention all in a lamp.
Ve sball go down on t8e evening of the
;lfc, and another dilsfaii from Sioux
ypawnj snowa oe at uncwrora tnat day
HathMtotatortm) B. A M. tonth with
I mmrt twsmartnelon for rott
m to Omwfori and if it
It .--itto iwa. .lam not
lt w9 BB B wssaS w. BBenfc .
i Away or
A, W CWJfc
The following are the instructions to
voters which appear on the large cards
which will be put into each polling
booth at the coming election. By read
ing it beforehand you will understand
better how to prepare your ballots
1. Persons desiring to vote must pro
cure their ballots from a member of the
election board.
3. They must then, without leaving
the polling place, proceed to a compart
ment and prepare their ballots.
3. The ballots are prepared as follows
Make a cross mark (X) with ink in the
right margin of the ballot, opposite the
name of each person for whom you wish
to vote. Be careful that you do not
mark the names of persons for whom
you do not wish to vote.
Do not make any mark on the ballot
ve as above directed, or the ballot will
not be counted.
If you spoil a ballot return it to
member of the election board, and obtain
a new ballot, (you cannot get more than
four in all,) take this to a compartment
and mark it properly.
4. Having marked the ballot, fold it
so as to conceal the names and marks on
the face, and to expose the names on
the back.
5. Take it to the Judge of Election
before leaving the inclosure, and see it
deposited in the box.
6. Immediately leave the railed in
7. If you wish to vote for any person
whose came does not appear upon the
ballot, write or insert his full name in
the blank space on the ballot under the
proper office you wish him to hold, and
make a cross mark in the proper margin
opposite the name.
8. Do not take any ballot from the
polling place; you thereby forfeit the
right to vote.
The above rules must be strictly ad
hered to or your Vote cannot be counted.
"Sbo. 26. No person shall falsely make,
or make oath to, or fraudulently deface
or fraudulently destroy any certificate of
nomination or any part thereof; or file,
or receive for filing any certificate of
nomination, Knowing the same or any
part thereof to be falsely made; or sup
press any certificate of nomination which
has been duly filed, or any part thereof,
or forge or falsely make the official
endorsement on any ballot Every per
son violating any of the provisions of
this section shall be deemed guilty of a
felony, and upon conviction thereof in
any court of competent jurisdiction shall
be puniahed by imprisonment in the peni
tentiary for a period of not leas than one
year nor more than five years.
"8k. 27. No person shall, during the
election, remove or destroy any of the
supplies or other conveniences placed in
the booths or compartments for the pur
pom of enabling the voter to prepare his
ballot No person shall, during an elec
tion, tear down or deface the cards
printed for the instruction of voters.
Every person wilfully violating any of
the provisions of this section shall, upon
conviction thereof in any court of com-
. . . .-!. .. ; i'T . .
peient jurisdiction, ne nned in any sum
not less than ton dollars nor more than
one hundred dollars.
"SBC 28. ' Every public officer upon
whom any duty is imposed by this act,
who sball willfully do or perform any
act or thing be rein prohibited, orneg
lect or omit to perform any duty as im
posed upon him by the provisions of this
act, shall, upon conviction thereof, for
feit his office, and shall be punished by
imprisonment in the county jail for a
term of not less than one month nor
Edited by the Conntj Central Committee of
the People' rrtj.
Kotire te Corret poudrats.
All commanieatiOQB to insure publlcstion
in thij column must reach the becretarv's
office by Tuesday uooa of ecb week. Write
on one siae 01 paper only; aepente each
item: be brief una to the ooint In votir
atatemeiit. Addres all matter to
J. U. KOBiasov,
Sec Co. Cen. Com. reople'a 1'srty,
Haxrunn, Neb.
Platform of the Cladantl Conference.
1. That in view of the great social, Indus
trial and economic revolution now drawing
upon the civilized world and the new and
living Imuee confronting the American peo
pie, we believe that the time baa arrived for
a eryatallxation of the political reform forces
of our country and the formation of what
abould be known a the People ' Party of the
umiea suttei 01 America.
. That we most beartllv endorse the Blat
forms as adootwl at St. Loula. Mo., in lfM
Ocala, ria., in 1SW. and Omaha, Neb., In mi,
by the Industrial organisations there repre
seated, summarized aa follows:
A The right to make and Issue money is a
guvereiaTi power to De mainiainea oy me
people for the common benefit, hence we de
mand the abolition of the national banks as
mors than six months', or, by a fine of
not Ism than on hundred dollar and not
morn than five hundred dollars, or by
both such fine and imprisonment
"&H. 89. No officer of election sball
do any electioneering on election day.
No person whomsoever sball do any
electioneering on election day within any
polling place, or any building in which
an election is being held, or within one
hundred feet thereof, not. betruct the
uoors or entries mere to, or prevent free
ingress to and egress from said building.
Any election offcer, sheriff, . constable,
or other peace officer is berety author-4
uedand empowered, and it is hereby
made his duty to clear the nansarra risi .
stun prevent sucu onstruction, and to ar
rest any person so doing. No person
shall remove any ballot from the nniiinir
. - . I o
piace Deiore tne closing of the polls. Noi
pwson eaaui aoow ills oallot after It is
nuu-sen to any person in such a way as I
reveal uie sonienm thereof, or the'
name of the, candidate- or candidates for
whom he has marinfd his vote, nor shall
any person solicit the elector to show
tbe same, nor shall any person, except a
judge of election receive from any elec
tor a ballot DTensuwL for votiiur. Nn
elector shall receive a ballot fromaoyi
otuer penou uma one OI IM JUOges of
eiectum oaving cnarge oi tne ballots, nor
shall any person other than such judges
of election deliver a ballot to such elec
tor. No elector shall vote or offer td
vote an ballot exesot such as ha has re.
osived from the judges of election hav
ing charge of tbe ballots, No elector
hall place any mark upon bin ballot by
which it may afterwards be identified
the one voted by
him. Every elector
ft ballot delivered to
of election having
shell. hsfosW.
ing the polling piaos, return soon ballot
him by tbe ImWrn
charge of the btlibte,
itldaa. Whoever laWII winlfc.
aay.of Urn provisions of tms section
til. upon conviction thsrnof in any
oowrt of cotanitent jurisdiction, be fined
to any sum not 1ms than twonty-ive dot
tora nor nmm than jgm.Uan,
to rtjodmd tepiy tbSrfBntom
nan as oi lasne, and as a substitute lor na
tional bank notes we demand that leirnl ten
der treasury notes be issued lu sufficient vol
ume to transact the buaineas of the countrv
on a cash basis, without d&muire or sDecial
advantage to any class or calling, aucb notes
mj ue lugai tenaer in payraent ox all aeots,
public or private, and such notes, when de
manded by the people, shall be loaned to
them at not more than 4 per cent per annum
upon non-perishable products, aa indicated
in the aubtreaaury plan, and also upon the
real estate with proper limitation upon tbe
quantity of laud and amount of money.
B We demand the free and unlimited
coinage of silver.
C We demand the nasaare of laws urn-
bibillng alien ownership of land, and that
congress take prompt action to devise some
plan to obtain all lands now owned by alien
and foreign syndicates, and that all lands
held by railroads and other corporations in
exceas of aucb aa is actually used and needed
by tbem be reclaimed by the government
anu ama ior actual settlers only.
V Beiievius in the doctrine of eaual
rights to all and special privileges to none,
we aemana tnat taxation national, state or
municipal shall not be used to build nn one
unci est or cussa at tne expense ox another,
E We demand that all revenues national
state or county sball be limited to the
necessary expenses of the arovernment
economically ana honestly administered.
F We demand a lust and eauitahle iTittffm
oi tfraauauHi tax on incomes.
O We dftmanfl t h mnat rwA hnnMt .H
Jnst national control and supervision of the
means oi pudiic communication and trans
porta tion. and if this control and in tut
vision doea not remove the thiiMi now xit..
ing, we demand the government ownership
vi sucu means 01 communication sua trans
H We demand the election of president,
vice president and United States senators by
a uunt tuis w we people.
If anv voter doubta tliat Judge Barker
is in tlie field for re-election, lus doubU
will certainly be expelled by reading the
Herald. Walker thought be had Barker
poumledoutof the way, but if Barker
does not receive twenty-five more major
ity than any candidate in the field, we
have a patent leatlier cork, for stopping
ths. which we will donate to
the editor of the Herald.
The slimy, sneaking prevaricator of
the Herald is at his old triuks again. He
tries to shift the carelessness of the for
mer administration of the couoty treas
urer's office upon f he present administra
tion. He knows as well ss others that
Messrs. Ashenfelter, Schaller, Worm and
Jurtrens left Sioux county with their
personal property before the present
treasurer had charge of the books. He
tries to niake it appear that the treas
urer would rather persecute widows and
orphans tlian to make able-bodied men
pay their taxes. He knows that Mr.
Gayhart is honorable and just in his deal
ings with the tax-payers, but lie adheres
to his doctrine of slinsrinc enough mud
so that Borne of it will stick.
For Judge of tbe Supreme Court,
i. W. EDGEBTOM, of Oman.
For Regents State University,
t. k. HADLKY, Of Scotia,
i. D'ALLEMAKD, of rurnss County.
For Jddsje of tbe 1Mb Judicial District,
For Treasurer, -
For County Judge,
For Sheriff,
For County Clerk, .
For Superintendent of Public Instruction,
For Coronor,
The parties who are interested in the
money belonging to the Cottonwood
school district about which theflferoM
and its Ind.-Demo.-Rep. strikers are mak
ing a fuss are satisfied that everything
about the transaction was Honorable as
far as the treasurer is concerned. There
was no loss to any person1, and there is
nothing to explain about matter only
that the Herald is at a loss to find any
thing to accuse the treasurer of that
will demand tbe attention of any sen
sible voter.
The forming of political schemes is
one thing to carry them out success
fully is another. The Walker-Satterlee-Hough-McOinley
outfit set out early to
divide, what they are 'pleased to term,
tbe mud-ring vote. They made extra
ordinary efforts to induce good men, who
were opposed to their manner of running
things, generally, to accept nominations
for office. They failed in that respect to
a certain extent, but they managed to
cause four tickets to . be placed in the
field, thinking thereby to accomplish the
object above mentioned. It may be a
surprise to tbe gang, bat it is a fact,
nevertheless, that tbe dose they had pre
pared for their opponents has to be swal
lowed by themselves, and, as is gener
ally the fact in such cases, it is making
tbem sick. They are not only sick, but
they are mad, and "Whom tbe Gods
would destroy they first make mad."
Vote tie pfcbPLE'B TICKET.
and thereby retain an economical administration.
'.. ..)
''Hurrah for Oaybart and ton old Offi
cers T' is tbe cry in the north.
Hurrah for Barker, tad thaold offi-
osrar lathe cry from the west
' '- e -. .. ,
Tha, people's ticket is .nuW ttreosrth
toil nod-large majority of the votes
will to oast f or the same on ths third kv
of November and don't you foTgef it.
Vote for MARTIN
for treasurer.
Vote for S. BARKER for County
for county clerk.
Vote for A. SOUTHWORTH for
superintendent of public instruction.
Vote for GEO. J. SHAFER for
A man that will permit the use of the
columns of his paper for airing personal
spleen is unlit to preside over that
mighty engine of civilization in a re
spectable commaruly. - Herald.
A man that will use from two to three
columns of Aw paper for airing hit per
sonal spleen is a gentleman (?).
The Walker-Satterlee-Hough-McGinley
outfit are rattled they are on the run.
They not only htul one little meeting to
decide who are to k the "straw" men,
but they have had :.evermL They cannot
agree there are too many vrould-bs
leaders. There are to be more meetings
and if tbey cannot decide soon as t who
Is to be slaughtered, there will be fun,
fur and feathers in the air. The candi
dates are chawing their bits and want to
start, yet tbey want to know who their
friends are. The straight republican
racket is a sreat farce. The straight1
democratic racket is a greater farce.
Tet each of the candidates nave
some friends, and tbe deception business
has been carried about as far as will be
tolerated. The republican candidate
with the democratic deputy running for
the purpose of dividing the vote in the
northern precincts Ys loo thin to waw
well. If this was the first election in
Sioux county such little schemes might
work successfully, but the voters are not
to be duped that way.
We wonder how the political sharks.
Satterlee and Walker succeed in holding
appointments with the numerous candi
dates of their three tickets without rep
resentatives of different tickets coming
together on the same day in their mus
eum of curiosities. For instance. Mr.
Burke will happen in town on Monday
and spend the day in cousultation with
tbem, and is sent away with the 1mirea-
sion that be is the man of destiny this
year. Uo tbe next day the boy candi
date arrives, "our own Dan Publow, the
man whom we brought tf ore the peo
ple out of our own fertile bra'ib and for
purposes only known to ourselves," It
takes a great deal less to convince Dan
that be is pecul&rly selected for the posi
tion and will have the support of every
body, than it does Burke, as the latter
gentleman is a man of maturer vears
and vastly ihb .'political experience
tnan his opponent of Cottonwood. Thea
on a day different from both of the
others appears Mike, but it takes nothing
w assure mm nail lie is the
chosen of a million for the positid", that
his Websteffah statesmanship vriich is
shown by his ability in belittling his op
ponents, wno are common ocdinarv men
of the county, will draw to his support
even his enenW He is the nominee of
tbe republican 'party and expects the
support of the democrats' through htn
deputy (?), who is one of the rankest
democrats in the state. So he wiUiArs'wi
to the country with the iApressfon that
i.- i ii i Li ' 1 ' . ...
iw um mm irau-ty support oi tne political
Sbylocks, aforesaid, and so on with all
the other candidates, but we think some
of tbem will be undeceived on Nov. 3rd
A Pi beam issspaiga.
Ckeatron Advocate.
The editor of this paper has always en
tertained a high opinion of Jud,fe Crites
ass good lawyer and honest jodfc-e. He
i. rr l.-i thaore that ooiaioe, but Uie
facts jusufy if.
The campaign of Judge Crites for tbe
judgeship in this district lias been mark
ed by corruption, intimidation, laisenooa
and chicanery, culminating in aa at
tempt to get a dishonest advantage by
getting on the official ballot as an Inde
pendent. All Uee charges we are prepared to
Baiantakrr Trlasipk.
The following from Camp Edward
Powers, Texiw, bearing date of Oct. 18th,
explains itself;
"The government rain makers
are Uie heroes of the liour here.
Tbe experiment, which was begun yes
terday eveniog and continued during the
night, was entirely successful. At 4
o'clock this morning rain fell in torrents.
Never before were the people so glad to
get a wetting. The men in the camp
yelled and hurrahed and dinced fan
dangos in Uie mud. Tlie eople of Ban
Dieiro and Uie surrounding country were
. i .1. 1.
astoDlMieu at tue resuiu nn uicj
went to bed at midnight the moon was
shining in a cloudle. sky. Tlie rain
continued for nearly an hour. Tele
grams received this "morning from sta
tions along Uie line of the Mexican Na
tional railroad state Uiat Uie rain ex
tended about forty miles to the nortli
east, 108 miles to the went and thirty
miles to tlie southwest.
All baalaeas satra.tM te sis tor. .j,
eelve prompt and ear a! aiuu0
aiHinus, . . Hf-gf-,
The supreme court decided tliat A. W.
Crites could have his nnme on tlie offi
cial ballot of Dawes county as 'inde
pendent and non-partisan." What desig
nation be runs under in the other coun
ties in the district i not known. It will
make no difference, for Kinkaid and Bar
tow are the winning men.
Mo. Vallej1
Harrison, Nebraska
And All Point in ti.e-
East, North, South & West
Will practice before all court and tbe V.
S. Land On) re. mtHlnesa entrusted to my
care will receive prompt attantlon.
Wagon and Carriage Makers.
Repairing done on abort notlee.
Good work an reasonable charges.
Shop so tit a of liver? barm
The Elkborn Line is new runnin JUe14.
ing Chair Cars daily, botweea
Omaha and iAiadwood, froe" to
holder of first-rlss transportation.
Thsjouqm Tichst to hi Points.
Baggage aheeked to Dastln'stoa.
Through Palace Sleeper belwta
Vallsy and Dead wood.
J. C KoirrHHor, Agent,
Ham sob, Nek
H. O. Bear, J. R Bocianak,
GenT Manager. Oen'l Pass. Agsst
KoDirris Bros., ew Tork City
riasr Katiosal IUks, Uasflia.
tftioaokt CsasroB, b
f . asw
Will practice is U &Vldcal, gtit.
and federal oourU, and u. S. tind
Legal wan oarefuily draws.
17 Ofltw in oourt houaa.
Tranaacts a General Banking Business,
Buys School Orders, County abd Village Warrants.
IWrnterest Paid on Time Deposits,
Leans Money on Improved Farms,
Make the Bottom Prfces on all
Goods in Their Line
We Make a facially of Groceries
4ur Prices Beat Everybody
Our Line of Haware is Ooiaplete.
""Soure Eespoctfulljr,
ets( 1
Mi-. "