"August na"' m 7 7 Flower I have Wen afflict ed with biliousness and constipation for fillecu tars; " first one uml tlu-n " another prejiara " tion was suggested "tome and tr.cd but . rio purpose. Al iai a intmi cX August Flower. I k it according to directions and ."efll-cti were wonderful, rcluy-,- of those disagreeable . wliifh T had Ix-en 'piousness, Lnttipalon'j 5tomach son 'll I VII :t ..r ,,..1 "IL'Sif. 'allium I.. ll ;.. ., " " Wilier f wiaaiIlMl.rv s..r,.,iiv r ilw. a lUK-iliatlnil tleil i..l. V(H rHli Ma), !, w.v Hlllll I , 1 "'i-"H "in.- iiiirinj (his 'HI It. McV!litB- midships. It vva-i a line got more t-niuv- .. -,,,-h iiains .;0UWc! with so long ords linot describe the admiration which I - hold your August -Flowvr-it has Riven ,,ie a new ,4seof Hfo which before was a -torden- Such a medicine is a bc-n-(faction to humanity, and its good "qualities and "ionderful mer- Jesse Barker, t ... 1 J 1. A icaile known to lfrriillr.il,... f er i.i 1 1 ... ... . . ' " iimiiixtri, - writ,-. "I Hi.' navv. ' It . Ul11i.ll I.Hill fell in II. 1.1. diuipr-r give ; ld it of all il U.-rr .rs , ai'n-ii i;ii, , iiit.ir al t, "strike... l w.iv!i.-l i. u ,i i . ....... j ft-". .v .tilt i ami stni,-;; n sight, l.nt 1 always i im-ii! out i.f tho- that ! Bhiji. j It was here that an attack a, mailt j that .equalled in in (rran.lii.-r and aw ful revilts, tlir-f.iiu.nl char?.- ..f the j Liltlit lirjg.idc ;ii lU'aklava. It. was ! that ilain,..-l by iMTrii a i.l cv.-ci!- "I miner js i-..imii:iinl. i was arranged v.ith the uri.; j I !' se-r.-cy. I he hundred ; v.ere pii-kr-il. a-,,.1 ah .ut m ' hands were r-ly fur tin- alia k. I liu- iii'i'.rin.-iit li tving h:-eii iir.-r-. mi In-forehand, with ui : i ill ' 1 i. 'ir struck other "even one suffcr- withdvsii Kansas, 5,6, GKLhN. Sulc Man'fr, w'oodlmry.N.J, Printer, Humboldt, Kansas. World' t'T JiotW. rsoJ ;vnia'B exposition building TU Florida Horticultural Society lu t&vl for thrwe Bare to which to riioota orange grove and make a fruit dp!j. South Dakota in now engEgfuf in r -bg'.W for iU reprftiK-ntation at the eipositiuc. H proposes to erect a buihl itjllt fwt uare. Xb ct-nriral pagser.Rer nifenlii of tieaty of t'i niilroadit entering Chicago kiorgam?'l a iecial aswiciation for aiedeUrniii.aUoo of excureion latr-s U llneipusition and for arranging fucil ttt for caring for the enormoug crowds olraitors U the Wor d'a Fair. It ii not thought probable, now, that !krill I any tower at the World' fair. The projector of the imnt prom &H lowtT sctienie abandonil it hi-a toy found that they would have tc take duvatlieir tower when the expos tion dowd, Waube the Irk ConinnBiiioiiprg it!ued to raut any uue-Mjuaut use of Thre rill Lb not lees than i" reatau rii)lt,ai well m nuineroua cafm", in the tipcmtioQ building. It ia tho inten tion ot eipotiUou authorities to protect visitors from oihorbilant charK". I Ji inexptcteJ that there will be fully I MM) do? enterel in the exposition I knch ihew. The various kennel oluba I r.vi'i')tiiiiij i' ''-it p:sii-o!uiili-i-r i'luiulit all Ail iiii- rowed caiitimisly toward t!n silent fort. ! w.u in oai. of the lman, and I tell you the s;isj.,-iiM- was aw fid as we i'.uni- ip-arer ami n-arer the .shore, 'i lier.- w;ts tnn-li a (ernlili- inici rtaiiiiv a'.ioiit it all. 'e had tak-n ev;y pre' ci'.nti. hi a;.'iiii-.t disc, ser;-, imt Willi, it the defend rj of '!,,- f,,.t I h.-e:i in funned of '!,e luovi ineiil, ! Thu si-lienie was to 1 uid and rush into the foi l and til-lit hand to hand with the defenders, and ue had gotten jmt under the (ruin ami had tieyuu to feel eunipaialively safe as far as ih-y Were rolieerne 1, when there wai the most, awful erup tion of lire and smoke that in utal man ever beheld. It was as though the very mouth of in-il had opened upon us. ami the (daughter van simply appalling. It seems that they had information of the movement and had watched us all th time, and nKli the point of tln-.r (Mil lion depressed, they drove into in sui-li ;i shower of sled and shell, j?i'.ip and eanniiter, that almost, half of our boys perished nt the first dix-lnrf. Tl " Wuv (o Tit mi. a Hal. I oe l.u-e gray rats aie the oeeoli.-.r (its-.f lluirles I'erkiiu, who lives on j Noble si i eel, near Kiehl, Ti1P r,wl,.lts i vii.ee "feat alie.-iioi, (,. ,,,,, c,ulv. I i" liim ahoui ll,.- lion like il..3s, run i Ul M' ve and ( ,e out at the , hn';,s' le aii.iui.ltheiiiiiofhishat, ; and i rlorui a v.irieiv ,,t i,..i-.. i. - - , in. Mil ll j as 1-apiii;' ihioiih a wire hoo.. and M,-,,.-., . ... 1 .. ' oui n, lour oi uiem acting as horses and one as a driver. Asked how he had trained the rats, i'erkins answered: ' It is very easy when yon know how." 'Well, what is the Ii nv?" ""imply to trap a rat in a cage, and then examine him carefully to see if he is young ami not too vicious. Having selected the proer specimen. I take him to the yard and drop him in it bar rel half lil'ed with water. If he tries to ciauilier up the sides, I throw him hack and keep him in the water until is completely exhausted. When he ia just about to .jo under I take him out and pour a little brandy down his throat with a syringe, and take him to the st'nc, where 1 wrap him in a piece of blanket, coedle him, and nurse him back t'ilite. Ni grateful is he that re- mains my slave forever after, fawns on me, and I ecornes ijuite a pet. Phila delphia I'ress. There is no longer any doubt among scientists but that the sponge belongs to the animal kingdom and reproduces its kind by eggs, although it grows like a tree. When it is taken out of the water it is a soft mass of animal tissue surrounding a framework of horny, glass like or linipy fiber. It is the horny kind that is the sponge of commerce. SOMETHINC ABOUT CI9RALTAR. Tlnre n (inu on 11. Ko.-k. nulla Cilj Of Illd.ltf-ttl-r.. The Poll Yoiinu .Man. S'C that half-grown man? lie ppofe to luppleuient the already satis Uctory premium lint by a number very huuitume medal. Ch;f liimbannn of the World' Columbian exposition Live Stock De- pirtmeot ha gent out about 3,) copies ottkliventock premium list to the incut fair and breetlera' (uociat ion of it country, and ia receivinu reaponae rtktiiliow that tbe live stock exhioit t Hi eip.si tion will be Bomething tre smJouii. Beeide the larne premiums oSered by the exposition for a livestock iitsibit, all the various breeders' astoci- ttM are offering prixts, notably for Aortliornn, Hereford aud Jerseys. As tlridenceof the widcspreJid interest Wken in the live stock show A. K: Man- wl. of Kh rnrtihirs. KiiirlaniJ. offers a prizsof $VW for the best American bred Sitopshire ram. The Stale of Illinois er 11(1,000 in premium for live s-tock; tie Clydesdale horse breedeis offer WOO extra prims; the cattle sasocia foui offer extra prue as follows: '!- ny, nOOO; horthorD, S3.000; Here H r,000; Jersey, 10,000, and (Iol Uid. S10.000. The swine, sheep and H breeder also offer extrs money Irian. Th money prizes to be paid in live stock will amount to $3V30 more, which of cours, includes the mot $150,000 roUd by th exposition pany for premiums in tbt deparl- t, 'llie Exposition buildinga Tar c omraodstion of live stock will wsr thirty acres. The live stock exhibit at the World's fcirwi'l beain August 24 and close ktober 30. 1891 The periods "or ex- ibiticn of animals for award will be for 'tis from Her.Uwiber 11 to 27, for from August 24 to September C, Wfor sheep from October 2 to October U. him trans. u to add to our coiifudo'i, fi'oai around tin-corner of the fort there steamed a gunboat that ci'iiie right into our midst, and, letting loose its water-line guns, swept us away like so miu'li mist Nothing but the intense darkness saved the party from utter annihilatio.i, but as it was, about half of tie brave tellows who h:id entered into the at atlack sohaertilv came out. Our boat was almost against the shore when the hung began, In-ing too clow to the fort to he in range, ami in a burst of enthu siasm our commander leaped ashore We never s.-uv him after thai. 1 don't want to be in another skirmish like that, though. "As the result of tlie joke, I gat a swore for going into this fight. The engineers were not expected to go in, but when the order was issued asking for volunteers, a party of us got a young engineer down in the engine room, and telling him he had been selected bv lot to go, began offering him our sympathies and a-skiug for iiov loessaue he might wish milled to Ids friends, and asking what disposition should be made of his body after it was all over. We did not an ticipate any such awful results as did actually follow, and joking tints in sol emn tones an I with long laces, we u-,.rL-iil noon the fellow that nearly scared to death. He i tl. i. navv for triors', but live to carry hack what he got. lie was very proud, and although it. was not rcitiircd of him, he had purchased a magnificent hoarding sworn uiai ..s Iheenvy of all the bo;.s. In his ex tremity he offered to give, his sword to anyone who would g.i in his place, hud alreadv signed for the party offered myself as a martyr. n.-,.rW,weredwilh joy, gave sword and probably never knew the m gide facts of the case, for when lie knew the awful slaiigruer ne leo, .., to escape as I did. As usual, when a thing comes eas, ; U goes easy and 1 loaned tlie sword to a ino..u got it IUlei will never know as much again as he does now at the ripe age of 2i. When he gets to be .7i, when his hair is grizzled iind his hopes are like I he dead leaves that cling to November trees, he will look back upon these years of rare wlsdo.n and collossal effrontery and blush a little, perhaps, at the recollec tion. Now he has no leverence for a woman or for (iod. He sneers at good in a world whose threshold he has barely crossed, as a year-old child might stand in the doorway of his nur sery and denounce what was going on in the drawing room. Most of the scathing things that, are said about domestic felicity, and (he sneers that are lx-stov.ed on love, and the gibes that are liung at purify, and the scoffs that are launched at established relig ions; all the jokes at the expense of noble womanhood and the witticisms that fire lavished upon the old-fashioned virtues, spring from the gigan tic bram of the youth of the period. Chicago Herald. Hie popular idea about the Rock of Gibraltar is that it is a barren, solid mass of grauite risiujr perpendicularly from the gea. but such is not altogeth er the case. True, it rises abruptly, but it is not barren. At a distance, when one is com ing no the straits, tlio rock looms up through ihc, mists that always hang more or less over the Mediterranean at this point, and looks utterjy devoid of vegetation. And even when half a mile away it seems little more than moss covered. But an agreeable surprise awaits the traveler who disembarks. After passing the gruff officers at the gates of the landing pier and cross ing the various draw bridges and iron- barred doors one comes into a long, narrow street bordered on either side by flowering vines and a few palms. There are abundant . olive, palm, and other trees, some of w hich are flower ing and give brilliancy lo the laud-J scape that eau only be found in tropi cal couutries. The population of this town is as various and variegated as the flora, and all races seem represented here. The streets are Spanish in appearauce. the houses being while or colored light pink, yellow, orbiue. On the Alemeda dark-eyed Audalusiau women snare the hearts of red-aud-biue coated Brit ish soldiers, who, w ith all their weapons, go down before the Spanish fan wheu wielded by such svumeu. Moors, grave of features and digni fied, with their red fe.es and white gowns, mingle with the greasy, rag ged, dark-whiskered Spanish muleteers and fruit sellers. Now and again in the cool of the day a w liite-helnieted officer may be secu taking a constitutional on the calle, accompanied by his fair-haired En glish wife, who presents a startling contrast to the blue-black-haired Span ish maidens. 'Any may also be seen once in a while, with his ghastly checked suit and foro-and-afL peaked hat of the same pattern, and his inevitable briar- wnod pipe slack doggedly betwecu ins teeth as. ho blunders along the road. It is a delightfully lazy place, but an unfortunate one for artists, inasmuch as a line of ';')0 ($l,2o0) is imposed, with imprisonmens included, for any lover of the beautiful who is caught making any paintings, uotes.or sketch es of any kind on the Hock. N. V, Hun. DPRIGE noaffl Baking Ponder; Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. The Divn'x .Jewell-. . For the benefit of my Boston lady friends 1 would say that Talti reserves her diamonds and other valuable gems for dinner or general evening wear. At breakfast her pretty little ears have no rings, or, if any, these are some modest boons or drops of enamel or gold with brooch at her bodice equally j quiet. On her fingers are few rings, ' and these have some pretty "good luck" conceits attached, for the diva is en ehantingly superstitious. Xight is the time the diva is resplendent. She. is like some human butterfly, radient in in a million Hashing hues from fab ulous collection of gems, said to be the largtst and most valuable of those of any private gentle-woman in the world. I should say, olT hand, that few mon archs can equal her. J f osvever I know but little about ' monarchs." I only know that Fatti is one of the sweetest and most royal and beautiful of em- empresses 1 could dream of and that her kingdom is song Cor. Boston Herald. Tuft's Pills Tlio first done often BstonUtiei ir. ii IH jiving flam icit y of mind, buuyar ry n. oa&y, GOOD DIGESTION, regular bowel and solid neh. rrU,8c CONSUMPTION. Hum poutin remedr t or tba sbon diiaue : br IM m thousands of cum of tt worrt. kind sad of Unf UDd.uj hire bon cared. Indent to tUoug ia mj fail in its eflicicj. that I will wnd TWO BOTTLES FBCK.wiia a VALUABLE TREATISE on tun diseua to tot sul fererwhowil! send me their Exproas and P.O. adtlNM. T. A. Hloeuin. M. C, 181 Pearl l N. V. MT inuiU-fTl in lour nay on my r.ic.-n II I ('creel ami SHiMliis. 1UI .-r cent . - - . .. . ....... fr.. nr. hi mi K . ii.re. ....it'i ..... Uriiljoniiii, Broadway, N. V. ,NoM oil Hunting a Willi Steer. so he was had c ime wanted to I and was the He 1118 llrln Itcaie.l In Miilo. Tliere is at feast one child In Hrook- who should cultivate mi ear for nsic-that ia if miMiilitv eolllltS for "Judng., An eulerprlsiiiK organ has built ft resting place for bis "y girl between the handles of the on which the ora;aii stain's, Tlt nestle nmoni the blankets Pillows all da long, while the 1mt turn the crank and the mother raiiM.. aruiid with a tin cup for lmie!i.-Jtrooitjrn Eagle, In rswdthieat' insane nsyhun 'ftsrica Is said lo lie the Sheppatd "flSmill llnlllnw.r.. It l IIS elldlHVed Jj "ft" with 9'M),m, -Wiiewthnt time trustee, using the into e it alono eiftiiuWd swm.uO In buildings Just What She Looked Like. She was a plump woman, and it would not have been a violent stretch ing of the truth lo call her a corpulent one. With the fatuity which some times seizes upon her sex in the way of ileridimr to wear the most conspicuous stuff", she had selected as the material of her gown a brocade such as of old was used by the upholsterers. She was covered with figures so large that had she been smaller, not so much -is a'single one could have been crowded upon her: yet which she, displayed as fully as a conscientious sign-board could have done. ..-n.ere were those in the company who were not restrained by the lofti ness of her social position from re markiut; upon her striking appearance, and as she sailed across the room one of these persons sain u un m-., -Do look at Mrs. Howsersox; isn t she astonishing to night?" "Yen" was tlie reply, "she net Iv like an escaped Courier. ltelieved in lK-stiiiy. Here is what a Wall street man had n.niuiB ' Larrv" Jerome: In anJ U 111 ll, Ll " looks ex- sofa." Boston The The place an es- old army sword. ..,.,, Well, the war is oyer . - - safety in ' ' , ' ... M roht- tlie iiowers it would tiswith forew o wers i bHverei'eivmm.M.v--. wmlld and the Birusri"; have been in s tun- A Dot,' .Modiste, The American Register describes the . . . I n ".loo- mOUISlB in ''"' store in i,ri,t are very amusing, ..f .. ulore as an Bi- ..,.1 nil en oi . . ly furnished. J e visitors out all day long, most of tl pet dogs were call it vd . oo.n,eaidiavy.tinRhtu Soccupiedbypre, ,y little fiU,1;e'Ti;er()beus,.dintl.e vari0us resse. r ,,, morning 1b a gar' . t ftld cloth. lV97t ,. L Vom a leather ,ined with red bo l J WPirPr collarllttlei'' ";b,,nch of Cw.,k along- , 11X Hhouldcr cold days the PH ofadog. " 'rihesame pattern, I er. ''' cool- either rt..l.. I ion ..n.wi.saoar nginan in being guided implicitly by an alinost IriSconlidence in his own .destiny. would risR. . .' ,.f ,iih a cold, calculating ...:,.:..i, not altered by J org an " DurinR the period wheii ralingonthetop of the tide S is I'acilic Mail deal he used to .iralyW 1 fiend, by the magnitude ...led him one afternoon as I met ..lymade SKK) today.. And with that he passed on. ,.- K-P.e.f.'V-.l-.ble, Oncer appetites some creatures l ave. (i. ' ' f cvmoi.r. Ind., is said to A buti'iiei in ' v ' u' . ...Vi'a.nmiich of aslaugh- l.avetounuiu "', ,.,,,. ooveral , , o ailver halt uuntti, several . . .r ..,iu. and pins and a rSsSSS mm, 7 h ie he as opening clams the bivalves a B"1'"""' . to It S." The clams had been 10 U V, vw York house chaseu ii. - - bed near were gatnereu i.o Fire Jsland. pur. and Thomai McReavey, who lives some where in Washingtou County lately bought a yoke of four-year old steers of William C. Holwav for beef louse in the woods, says the Lewistoti Journal. l'lio animals wero already in the woods, where they had been through llie summer, and the new owner start ed the other day to drive, them in. The steers were found the lirst day, says the Whitney ville correspondent of a M-teliem miner, a ml after a hard race were driven to the Beacon barn and secured. The roads being rough be tween tlie Beacon barn and camp, Mr. McReavey concluded he could trans port his beef cheaper on foot thau with teams, so he obtained two stout ropes, each about forty feel in length, svilli which he secured his steers. Three slont men were placed at the end of either rope and two behind each steer to act as "lile closers." ile then commanded a forward movement;, xne force ou the ropes pulled ahead and the lile closers shoved and prodded behind. After sulking a while the steers made a plunge ahead, snaking the men along at a fearful rate for a considerable distance uutil an oppor tunity presented to take a turn arouud a tree, when they stumbled and were thrown heavily to the ground. The tactics of prodding up and snubbmg were repeated until one of them gave in and walked quietly to camp. Tho other was not so easily subdued, but outgeneraled his adversaries ami left them all prostrate upon Hie ground from sheer exhaustion, and with forty feet of rope as a trophy of victory svon. he marched to me ouo i;im"- next morning Mr. McKeavey tilled Ins li doufflinuts and renewed the chase, which he kept up for four days. During that time it is estimated I linl !l six- mile towuship had been cross ed about four-score times without any perceptible abatement ot specu, ami that steer is still going. Not The American Artist. A delusion and snare in London," :.i . ..-.,,..1 tourist, "is the Amen- .... i i.,. Tim mil. ve barber, with his rake and lile, has proved so painful that foreigners have instituted a boy cott against him, and wilf go unkempt and uncomfortable for days rather than ....Mi il.enise vesdo his tortnie. x ingdvantage o this sentiment, cer i...i,ra lonfn Imd siL'ns mado an lain ufli1".'-1 c . n,r iliemSelves as capable ot pel formingUieir ikork ou the American plan. I'he announcement is sufficient to lure the passing stranger within .i ,,! timiin-h he suspects he has u.. reived when his eye lights upon the little cane-bollom chair that the attendant motions him to. he is not sure of the fraud until the razor touches his face. Then lie is too p ou . to confess he has been made a fool of. and sits with Ins nanus cmuir.. ...... teeth set while the barber bleeds him. After the ordeal is over, and he is al lowed to rub the soap from his own face ho is asked the inevitable question- 'Will you 'avo your 'at ironed, sir?' This climax of cockueyism, coin ini' as it does on the head of a partial homicide, is almost sufficient to turn s ..,.iu. i,l,i.-id Anglican into a raving avenger ready to slaughter the man who coma oe gumy " . - .,.inn us to call hinisclf an American barber when everything goes to prove him the original Jack the Ripper. 1 ". t'i.....? H.nf the American dentist is also verv plonliful in London. If tie is as good 'an imitation of Ins prototype a lb? bartender and barber are o .1..:... i.. .in..hilpt extracts teeth with ico tougs and fills them by means of steam drill." The London Religions Tract Sc-cietj last year iasued 77,000,000 publicatlopj. Cou"lis Broirii's Bronchial Tr chcx are used with advantage to alleviate r.mniii. sir. Throat Hoarseness, and Bronchial Affections. boxen, A Word to Girls. 1 want to say a word to the ciarK, ti.in, nervous girls who have dry skins, that never look clean or alive. Don't use washes or cosmetice or calcimine of any sort, but try a remedy that is sim ple and harmless and efficacious; for it works like a charm. Here it is: Kvery night before retir ing wash your face, neck and hands in hot water. Dry with a coarse towel. Then anoint the skin with white vase line, which is food for the nerve tissues; just rub 0:1 enough so that it will not show. In the morning wash again in hot water. Don't use any powder; a dark, clear skin is tlie style now; or if you do powder use chalk or magnesia, and after rubbing it on rub it off again, leaving an imperceptible effect. Be very particular about your toilet soap. Once a ween, laive .1 hoi, "." bath. If you keep this up and don't laugh or talk too much, and so produce wrinkles, you will grow handsome year by year and your nerves vill always oe under control-Detroit Free Press. RUPTURE. lwivp n siin.le ami ralloiiiil treatment (or the iiciiye ar-ll-ciir ..I Knplnrp. Our roi nine .if mm iwuiw mi the i'iiuh's and Cureof ller niii if worth its weicht in irol.i to every person thiir 11 III it-U-.l- Why wciir a truss when you can cure yourself? 1-h-iiiI fur circular NOW lbl HclvrYii-, mtoit will not appear again Into "ti"pO. E. M 1 1.I.KR Hernia Treatment Co. 613 I'lne Street, Loula, Mo. HAY FEVER O AOTUI1A U.S. and Canada. AddreM, ty HO 1 nmnp.i CURED TO STAY CURED. Wo want the name and ad- dressof every sufferer in the J.S. and Canada. Address, '. Harold 1Utm,b.D., Mk,M I BlsaisthPekiiowlef4 leadinr remedy tor all tBJ unnatural dlschaxfes and I kii.a.a rfiuaManf men. & I certain cure for the deblll- ' tBtliig WMSneu peculiar rT.v. InrMcribeltandfetlaaf iTatf.iasCHtsiMlCn. in rceommaadlM It l . CINCIHNAT.,01 u. a. fnrai In f to .S DAYS.1 f Ucarftsteed nut l 1 ail uffsirani. fX 1 8T0NER, ..llnsTuMu, A Dental Bontblack. YTankees think themselves fairly inceuious and "handy," but how many of them ever thought of a single trick which an American traveler 111 Siberia saw performed by a native ot that country? We had been wet since morning, aim as a natural consequence our feet were swollen and boots shrunken to such an extent that we despaired of getting them oft at all. No plan which our 111- oniiw rnnld devise was found to s.....tv answer. When all had failed, our invaluable Yakov came to-the rescue and by the application oi his teeth to tlie toe ot each boot which were fortunately long aided by his hands at the heels effected his purpose with surprising ease. 1 0DAPIK1 VALE & B1CKF0RD UKHU N, Attorneys. JU I Sllll.KT," WAbHlNCTO.N, l O. nuiAL AT1ENIIOS OITISI TO LAJ.D, aUyiH AMD INDIAN DEPREDATION 0LA1MB. N W. U. Na 149 York, Neb ' The Imte t Skirt As if the skirts had caught the infec tion of the waists, it is now no longw the thing to make one's skitt svith an opening behind. Justead of that each well regulated skirt is provided svith a short slit on each hip by means of which the wearer gels in and out of her garment. To disguise these slits lapels are put ou which look exactly like pockets, or some jet or cord trimming may be, provided. The skirts which are made in this way are all of one piece. The width of the goods is used lor the length of course, and 83 much of the goods is cut oil as is required for the fullness of the skirt.. The seam behind is a slanting one and is so cut that the skirt-, falls in the long narrow, pointlike train, which is now the style. These plain skirts are quite pretty for house wear, and are very comfortable, serviceable and pretty if one has a supply of bright blouw waists or jackets to wear with them. l-.xchange. ' LOST TIME. .- Newton, 111. From 1863 to 1885 about 22 vearsI suffered with rheu- 1 ... r matism of the hip., I was cured by the use 01 St. Jacobs Oil. T. C. DODD. O "LL RIGHT! ST. JACOBS OIL DID IT." Q 3!?S?!linaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaa " YoitF Sundry and Engine Co YORK, .NEBRASKA. GRAIN ELEVATOR MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES. Engine?, Boilers, Pulley , Shafting, lire," 1 . -. ' Pipe and Steam Fittings. '. ' All Kinds of Castings Made and Machine Work Done to Order on Sho: t Notice. STOKE FUONTS.SAVATK II WORKS, CAST1NOS, KTC 'sencl.for Catalogue of Machinery,. , r 3 gran laBBBnWad ... 1. nnv.mmpnil.i hv I nnlrllM. :.ires where all else fails. Pleasant and agreceble to the taste. Children lake it without ob)ection. By druggisto. 5 11 1 JM laiii ' Bnd .(ill Live n capital of !iqpl0 : j Z , .'. . V