J 1 The Sioux County Journal. ;-."'dIj.-uJj lv.j ir- . r.Hi-- : Ufa . . .M v Jl - .ml l.f-T I'lDl J t!.i ,sv I.. . Miilll.ll, r. l.-lw' mI tin' I f .f 1 1 tl- u.-.llrr. l'l il l', fJ.Ml l.'ditor. in jto.t bltiro la MM.. X t. y. a II. 'H'Tlr. !:,; pays ),..r ;.i,t ' lary. j;, hilt l' lr, Thikay, tyr. !, I'! Its ' ii.id OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. XTATi:l-H klU: j. .mi U. Thayer t.ov i mot, Lincoln, Nb T J. Major. I.U-uwi.,,t (;ovr J - u"" ri-Ury of sut T It iwu.u A.wllt.,r J"" - l" Tn-.r.-r i. H lls.tttiilf- Attorney i.,.r!,i I A K llujiiihr-y !-nd roiuiiiiairr ' A. k.iu.y Supt. Public liutrui tioi. j niXiKF-SMONAL ItKI.KUATIHN: j . S. I'HiMut'k V. 8. wnnt4,r. Ik-airl. 1 C. t. Mili'liTaJH r. H. SruuU I t .. .... . - iiivnr, ' "IS V,'.,r II: :.. . - ,ir (,nr to ti- IH.Joli- r !'ll,"'t!Ti,,,, st i' ... !, ' It iM-iti::.....,! ti. ... :.. , " ' I . i ' ni'i: i i, i f Kar:.. 'I'm. tlliirl; "Xinan-iiiea ; f. 'alue of tli ,.v.,.. ... . ""'I dairv nr,.i . ' "'If l".mli month Jx"7l Cr"i , j.... . ' minion - in in.. h?XLL 0IA-10ND CYCLES. 2, Cuthlaa Tires," 3, Ufe'Soiid T;n, Cri OUR Warranted PAKT3 lElercliai!?e- $85.00 X r- $95,00 Eo. 4, Ginisrtihle Sffij Tires, Ko.U Cycii Tires, No batter machine made at any price Bicycle Caa!o-!ic Free. JOII1V I. LOVELL AItM CO., , . MANUFACTURERS, EOSTON. MASS. li4 III !!KI ID IliaiU f m, (M m HI..-..j r. ' . "-I"1 - o MM, HtM, EfVolvm, Sporti:.' f ruod of all ini'li, ttc r. Illnu ... . - '".111 Ulf l.-rr ...... ... I f - jT.ri Of ' B . - V ll . 3 . w.J- nry-'oi.irro-..,,.,,, ,.t i.i.t., ,1,llu j fa ...! xv M.-xi,-,, , , ' " PS KAf g!3ftHUf2BJ IflYr ITWVA .- iwr,jM" 'Hn wh,; ;, ; ;,;r'i', 5 rlPlfHJlITAv " 'Mff Ju,llr. I..l I Till-. ............ i "' AwclU-Judg,., t-n-ii,.,..! T. I.. .urvl Ai-uM lj.li- JikIki-, S. p II. A. I i.iilN-ll..n.Tk mi. I l:, ,r!. r, l.lm .il,! TH Kl.nil JflUfUI. 1USTUKT: M.IV KtitkHl.l J'lllfr, O'.NViu A. .Tl ( iinrtron ur4 IJinJmii 1 lrrk, llui-rlw,,, I IH NTY OKrirKUS: H.rkrr Cmiiity J,iik t.Hiril l.tit'lrniMii. 1 lrrk H. J. U") U'iri TiCMirrr X.Vl!l..llll oiipl. fuhji,. ..ril( t,, 111..'. I.VI.Il .ir ,,, .-(. .1. li I r . .. , ,,,. , . jl. 1;. I . . 1,'JM .1 I li.'ll' 11. 1. 1 l'. v.. r 1 "" H 111 HI ii'il,.., :.. . tiK-jK,,,,,,.,, a,;,,.,,,. - ....II1IH1.,1, i,a: KuWkli 1 ... .. " '"-i. wnii mi 11V , ; ,U;M,v,r,,,1,1UM,lri,lail,u,.li);)ui ;" h eat only half u, ,uu,tl m, T4TrK 1 ' ''! i-i.l iniiiMii. Tli.. mil 'in .- ... i.lli' I i inn 1 .! Ml. .1111 i j. -1. r.' 1 1 11 11 ! . . 1.... , It'll. :ll 1.1,(11 iM i: : ... M Hi. ... n 1-1 l.i .l-i ri i .i-.n w. 1 . :i...n. .1: xui 1. H ), I. J.'.iii.c C II. Ii ri.l . nHij't, .. liioi.in. i; .i . ..l. II.MIlC.l . tf, II. Hi- '-. '.(Ulirii- J. wwi-u... i-i, . 1 I- 1 li'Ki: 1 i.-i:iii ... , BITS OF WISDOM. A woman .an only a fri-ml to a woman u-lH-relH-r mt.T..sti. ,.r 1 v 1 iini, Maxv ini-n maltctlu-irM-rv .i-.ts -i "'Koft'i-i-oMclotli.-s. M.i . 'lU II.- ir. to tr.itVlinif. rWu,. ,a.,j'M-i-T rit .. Mil. I.I.M1.-V-.V i,l,.!t f ! t'.',.:t f -U hat is v -; in liv 1 , -rip of ,,.at, -I' -l-,'! to MV.-. I (i r it a.Wrvv. at 3 ,:. ,! M:i'!.-;:i!i:..:n. V.u;!.. t) .... ,- V Tli.- ;:inlii;i..:, .- , . I 1.. ... ...... . ' .1 r 1111:111 in ,- own Ii 1 -in,. , -1 from royal lip .. :.! lii-tic iMilt-.-n- mi a ni-w form of th.- . . f :ii'.-linit.sol;-.ii:i t 'Irii-ss of vision !),, m:-n ami thin.'.. -.V T0NE,T0UCH Producing iANO FACTORiK (,!!.;. I i js t I '" .111 , -v.n in no 1 - 11 PERFECTION IN BUTTER MAKING. The 0. K. OUTFIT EXCELS THEM ALL fO.K. CREAMERY Hu the largest eoullajr enrfaer; lake less eaallac matertalt ."r'J',' d Be" AU cream raiwd betweea ..'?"io who,e de"' f . wina eowll. WllMOBt lOUCblaa trramrr.. f.nrttnrO V -..i. JOHN S. CARTER, Sola Manfr, SYRACUSE. N. Y. THE i5k your j Iioijt 0I EtlGER" BUBSY 1 JSWh rJ?rrv t icin- PRICES QUOTED ON APPLICATION. GEORSE EN'GErTmTcINCINNATI, OHIO IS .t ho it.'r sn-.-l 1 II ..lulu .1 ii-i ;. i-iiri-i -"Utile! H'lllHll. Of flUf If--Wti.. I,. 1.. lioiiKh ,. . . n rmiii 1.. . Ili..l.-r ...Ollrrti.l .l.l,-rul.,i . I n- ...ii 1 . I I IIMsiiKcnl Ki-: lHlilil ti.un. At II rri-ii,. .0101 fl,rn .r . iu ,,( s..,.., r -n., !-! I. if.uiii.i- (...in, t .,,,. flr.l l.'....i ,, ,.,.(, tin.., ii,. Ollllllt-IH'. III IU ll f AMI MH M. K. (Iiiin-h - I'1'.mi.-IiIiix nu ll iill. rnuli uui)r at i;in. iii.,i,ilni-r .-wiilii) i-vun-to l K. V.. .. llOHii K, 1'iutor. tpl'(pal cervlrra at Hip i-lmr-h on the friilny cvcnliiK litifii the lnt two Sun itai.iif racli njwtti.tmiiliii Usl lv .1. M. 1 ni. in Snn.Uy "i-luiul m-iy -iimlnv hi 11 '" K, I., K. llllllH K. supt. htlHv Vllihll In.-.-1- :'.l III.1 I'llill.-h i H-tl Sim- ln ill-n.o.. 1 ,t :i o'rlork. . r, 11. H ni.r 1, siipi. l''l l.llIC III tlif IJjl, 'IV Hiitli,r i.m Itouic Ii. I. M. R. li. i running i h taiitly o j ) nnl mnK''i' IftititK without . luiiijri; Irom ,N'n i a.'itln, W'viHiiin iiml . 'rHU roiil. Ni ln-ji.ska, ilire t 1I l-ini oln, Ni-hr.iska, inakiu' cotinertiort Hint Kiint with tl.,.ir own HiiiiiikIi Mni.t fuj- -. ubiK.e, anil iiui-i ivi.t, nn, ,,r K.an-:iH '. it v, St 'ih, St. lMii. On..ili:i. I'wiiki. i hi W, Mf all (Kiinti eiisl. ItwiiMMiiiwn this is th only line hy "null you rim MhftiiriL' i-ur from lrivfoi iii tht- evening ;in-iviiihr in Lin 'in iiiiU Onnilui the ih-nI arttMiionn, iiml llinij.'o, V.iri;i unij KL. Umj.s the fo k)wln inortiiiitf, fir rtii'tiwr ilfn-iiiiilin anil ti ket.s ap- In nwii-eKl tiKeut of Burlington ro.-al in- 'I'll!: tr-i rr li:,'.!. . pi 'tiv li: tvi i -i 'il -of ; :-f,-i-t r '-r. Vii!: a wmti.f man's form -.- .-.,. ll.- ll-t t--ll-. hj-.l stlc is (,'oill t-. !, -rrv ivri..h ) lv i-!-j- hi- hohls out hi., :: h.-r;.:ii - hum-r,m -.vill ;. , v.-rv '- : ' I'i't li" ):nows all ti; ti;n i . -.t -ri-t lu-art In-hopi-n shi- -.. :;"t. ':.: thiuifs for a hoy to 1... :-.r: Y;j in .1 lire. To he .unrtual. 'i' '. :.i ; up his ;. .1. To h.-lj) hi.s in i'Jii-r hi, hi-tvr. To v. ii).. his iMmts on th - i.i ,t. TihIom- a iloor quiftly. Ti! (,'irls mi well that thi-y will all , .i tvas thi-ir lirotlu-r. A fiooMt; cats i-orn and roivs fratljupi. A nor..., (.(its corn ami prow Inir. ,V fo.111 cats corn ami ;'rov.-.-, far. cow cat .corn uml (rov,-.s mil!;. A ho - i-:its corn ami rtows fat. A sheep cats .;ora anj srows wool. A man cat com and ifrows tired of it, and that's all la- docs frrw. SOME LARGEST THINGS. Everybody Wagon" No. 47 With Half Spring's, ono Seat, Cushion and Shafts. I Timber and gone DrV-" . - r. , i em m -. ,. i TV box Is cosily tnken off and thoifcar lnnuthcnod out for tliu use of carpenters and "'IR'Ulfl I hlrl WRff.m D llll BlllO.llU ailiau, la limiuwu unm mm uiw.i..i it" ... nulu'l6 i im-iI... Forsncciiil oriOf'S wr til TUB jihiisioin m.uuisi iij., ' Maaufactui-ersof theOelebratedEusUfordWagoii.lOlOW. 6th Bt., Winona. Mian. t.itc prison in the 1'riit i.'.itcd ut .lefTersOil Titv. -,'ar t"le . & M. IL I, t'ur llif ('iiiiiiiirii. Wonlerto give every cwuler id Ne- wanka mid Ioivn an oiiimii ! unity to keep ftwl on lite iirorsKi of tlie cn,niiKn with lliew; states wo have Jocidw to "wtl Wti-1-lg ifa-(r Uw lialamc ol Nun year for twenty-live i-ciils. Semi in J"1" onlti tairly. Tv.o iloll.u will 1 iI'tl for it . lub f 11 ll.llllcS. Tim Utx 1'rm.istiii"' i ci., (dn.ili.i. Nch. i l !..' 2' T"l"','' rtenlinc urd '"1 iilMMm .-1. Hrtl M. r w.iod Kiwrir. i I.?. '''"'i-' l7. Ind f'.r .prii. 4 1 i-i si.ustin, m gfldi.r. N.r. ARCHITECTS t IUIIIERC H tditlo, f ttltiUM AmtIm. 0 kiJSi1,,S"T?. f IHM f IIM C.l"1 ti MMMtTwanurand ru t ihMm. MlL, ImlMkx. Him,rr.n nraTlnf hi? ' 1 w kW Mlraikini for lha km. of J5!t '"yln. I'rlrsi ttM a "W kVKH to, ITSIiiSalm. mar b aanr. 4 Vi ail- l aii-aa v no .! 'M 111 ' thou- n thn uhi-;li i:i civ. -.i:,d s .iti-oni ,,;--..r- tiie Voi-li I ,ioU- . of led Mil. ! ;-iea v.orld :-.n.) r F lam i m j lEf" Human mm4 kava aa4 urar TRAC3 MARKS. "a-?. (. Pawal atallsllsrs. Officii IN IIMaPVlT. K. T Tin; lar.-st cd .'slates U 1 Mo. T,n:m; Is a pear orchaiii the i -le of .lersev contiiinin hand p tvivs. T:: I '." est peaeh oruhe--world i- ..t Itlo-.vuwood. 1'. cor.'.j.in.s eleven thoui.aud tree A il'UMi' mensiirin i n;:-1 etimf -r:-i:ee and v.-ei;rlii!i.: !if is on t-xhiliition lit the To -.v (Wash.) chandler of comm. : . Till, largest ord.-r for a : i:i tiw-iii.-: t i i i.jic paper. '.. War. I'.-;., Lfivell hy t!e- : Scale ('"int'-'.ny to the Trihim. . :"ai it .-imouiite.l t jiaiid doll . '1 !!.-; : : i-y 'ir.-. Kin -. Chri-.ti. t ..- : I tie ipieci i : !i,i: ;-y-.'.r-' id : t.-crs is ir,. lare.st f i:erie nni. r forcatti in 'l'i-:.--. 'i iif tiMit ill rati. .ii v.. Mr. Kiii'fV r.'.neh U ;-ri'.; ' (ISi. i:f tV Liirc-t ho-.- (. .' if not. la . t. the lar.-.'-t : wa- r - - 1 hy a .Idiieti-i . men. '; !. length i.-iia i;'!.t l.-el nino inches: ;-;th of u. ck, :,ix a:id ;i half feet: I'irth of center of body, cijfhl feet; width across the hips, tl'irly inches; wci-'iit. one thousand five hundred and thirty-two imnds. BITS FROM HISTORY, fnsTAt. cards were iutrodii d on .lunu 8, 1ST!. I.iii ;..A'. A was purehascil from K.-aneo f.n April :u. Tin; hettle of Waterloo was fonj'titon fiundav, .lunc IN, IM'i. I'm Arm -weru not plaii!: ii i.i .New Kni'laml lields until I.I1. Till, fir.-.t rirrirultiiral e.:d held at (leoriretinvn, 1. i.. m Tim: union Hatf was fir- January 1. 1 T7i, ut I aniin'Kt.'. 'I'm: territory of "rei'on w.. as n Mali-into the union on i e.n u...j 11, KVI. VA.sni!fToN' tool! the oath ol omen .. ' . . , -;..,l Sf ites a llrst prcsmcni oi u..t , .. , i iiril HO, l""!', on the balcony of l-ed.-ral l.i 11 New York city. The oath wan ttd.ninUtcrcd l.y Chancellor l.ivin-.ton. Tin: only in;ui tried, found f,min;, a.n etcciited for trcaxm nurioK , ..',:'" ence of tho l.'nitcd States was V ilham l. Miiinford, in lv. Th.' cN-ent.on t.H.lt ple.ee in N.-w Orlcai.:., unil-r an orU-r if MajoHien. lU-iij.umn 1'. I.ut- '''ti.k word "states" was first o.ncially WMI May 1.1. !. Mr.AwI.llmM t'ary re.i.rtcd to the Vlwinm conven :. 'A ...n at WilliainsburK. he'f um u a reiiutlon "to declare, tho ktWV !io:i was la .own on el I.-.S. nimilted We're Afier Vim. The greatest of western papers, the Weekly Stufe. Journal, is determined to double its circulation this full. To do this the paper hasheen enlarged to twelve pages every week; new departments- add od, and every column freshened and brightened by crisp and original ideas. The Jminwl is the true and able exponent of western enterprise and thought. It has grown apace with the progress of of our commonwealth and stands to-dn.y at the head of western newspapers, eipiailed by few and excelled by none. This will be an exceptional fall and wilder for reading. Kvery man who thinks lor himself and wants his hoys and girls to do the same, should iave the Wrtkhi lotnull in his I'amilv. Write for a sample. You need only to see the paper to appreciate it. Send tweidy-live cents font three months' trial .subscrip tion. You will then become a regular reader. Eighty-live per cent of trial sub scribers stick. That's ii good record. Published at the state capitol the Jour nal ia more in touch with tiie great masses of the people, and the niiostjons that agitate the hour, than any of its competitors. Don't forget to send for a : sninplo paper. We want you to see one. The paper itself will do the rest. One dollar per year. Address, H ivMj Mine Journal, Lincoln, Neb, a Ls SMLV-C. Fasliionai ia Barber and lb: Dresser i neat Everything in his line done in and artistic manner. Razors and Scissors sharpened and put in order at reasonable rates. Give him a call. First door east of Racnh Supply House. Harrison' - Nehraska. The Bee Reduced in Price. The price of the Omaha Weekly Bee lias been reduced to ! 11.00 a fear. r 8 ? HP'S 5 JB a. r9 24 2 ACS Ahwm h 'So a 5e 2 b3 8 5-3?S2 99 n$a 2.a Pnaaai B -23 rS aP V - tD r3 efi 5s&c8r9 f" 7fnrSft3 Iff Are strictly flrst-flass in every detail, poiiess an absolutely perfect repeating avuuu auu iiauusHiue caaes. rniiy nar- lamniii Are the best in the world, and have led all others for years. Over 210,000 in Me. The people are bound to have the best, and will have none bnt the ESTEY. Time payments or cash, as customers prefer. CH and see us, or send for Catalogues and full information. is?! a a . fMltfl. rt'i it vf ar h hflnc tnail- hy Jli" R. c.,wii iti,lr.-v..S ,at -ik fur u. laiier, j-iiii ntn ii' i 'luahf " miK It. I'ut wc cbii ii-i.rli ji'.in,i.ii lj- l"W turtiii fim fi to IU a nay al th.? Hurt, BinJ ih"h- F0 ,. , h :li-xc.B!l n. 1im.iv !-. ,..ri;. v.-ii atl C' loixi ii.-r ol tM.r, . J ir. t,:. i.'ur turn e r ian- inott..iU hi t ,i,..'u.,. ,Ul iiin-. drmt .ay hill!, i.-r -. -n 1..ii.r. 'l fiirtiMifi'S f .-.irtliin?. K.Aflll.V, M'LM'N V Imiiird. ri: ft itAllrt ntl.K. AtMr. ia t '. U.'.hOA A) CO., lOUH-V-' . Now is the lime to ul sirie for the Ijost newspaper in the Avest. Semi in your orders early to THE DEE PUBLISHING CO. Omaha, Neb. 5 J J effO U W lur:i:-t' ...'."i.ii,". tir V1" '""" ' " li. d-iiiu.-r r ruri'i.iir I ti4 Hiur- alt' r lll iirrrvi-r it- I., ik. r H'k. 1- f vi rk, illolf uf : n tlirir icitt ani 1 liia U an il i- fi i" rt try witrkrr. ... iim -t'k iiul U.wardia r- ian fwriiMh )u thi- m- I, y,.u nil M"H "l'1"" ;1'ir" ll.lliillf.- v. i i- i it. A ll nf '..tilt. . vt--?-. U,tl"- ' iti wi-ik ntid Ii- ! . ia ,. . ,r. i .in '.ri. In ! ,., all Hi- Mr.-. 1Mb i : " " , i ai,.t. ...k,...n ih-m. SI.W at.,1 ..,;(rtUt. IVflfi .'iriv ft. liv KKI IN.rtllf"!.MuitiO U,,, 1, ui.thUl.V i.it'lllfTnH V fMilloi fitlf f .. vim 'J" fn'l ''l rltf,iiiirl 1' -i.'r li.Mru. tl.'ii.n "i-Tk hulmlrlmi!)-, hutt i. Kin 'I line 'll'fMainil Ihillcr. h ... alliliiH hIhT- W llif ih'MW'KiiiMFum'M ,'ii...n. -t,-tt I. iinm -iilwiniM.iit. ,. (..! i'. i " "' i " i i..,r.. i..it ..DC wi.rk'f fn.nt nuh "llatrii i crti-miij i $300 ii we ah -Absolutely tha iiMtln aminfl imi mi Ii. Iiia J. V -...! MOI.II. 1 itll i-t4riilftr 1- IP I.I'.- awi."t foimuLATEO On ScicNTinc Principles and Ground With The Most . I PXw Iwtoo Machinery,,- C WfiTC R)R Catalogue.Coloi Card Akd Pdos, jas.e.patton aicn MBaw rh. Mfa at I f II BSTBT n SI 233 State Street, Chicago. 0St. Louis House, 816 & 018 Olive St Hantion this Paper. INDIANA RANGE CO. MANUFACTURERS OF WROUGHT STEEL RANGES VEM WIRE lfeimcing a WIRE ROPE SELVABE i j STEEL R WIRF J " ' - - r ACK NOWLf nntn vurnaai Mrtens. Farms, inches and Railroads. Guaranteed to be the moat eeo- anomlcal, most durable and moat perfect Range on the market. Suitable for hard or aoft coal, or for catalogue to INDIANA RANGE 00. EVANSVTLLE, END. fill HI 1 1 l-TiitoeTi u m 9i -lJH t a-' etnrnr la. "U iTTAafeT! :Tt:r-rttST 2. 'WeODWGKcO en""", cp vulval Vkknni rt T. ' "utt a-naa a A i w uuih NBW HOMB , M. CO., Hiioihpst,, ,t, Kuis, wo, I 1 1 1 'i. t jk.'.-. ,