The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 22, 1891, Image 2
'ft THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL U J. SIMMON'S, Proprietor. HARRISON, - - NEBRASKA A HORRIBLE ACCIDENT. Four Men Killed Train Ran Into au Open .Switch. IlliMtratlng- a Midnight Ride. l.VDKK THE ENGINE. Chicago, Oct. 1". A horrible accident resulting in the death of three members of the later-Ocean staff occurred on the Chicago fc Eastern Illinois railroad Fri day morning about 11 o'clock at Crete, 111. The dead are Leonard Washburne, a sporting reporter for the Inter-Ocean; J. A. McAalTerty, artist for the Inter Ocean and James Clark, Engineer. The train left Evansville early Frida) morning and proceeded safely to Crete, where it ran into an open switch. The the three men who were killed were on the engine, Henry and McAaffaty hav ing gone out for the purpose of writing up and illustrating a midnight ride on the fast train, and Washburne who was returning to Chicago from an Indiana trip, having juined hia friends on the engine. The accident came without warning, knd as the locomotive plunged from the track the four met were caught and completly buried beneath the wreck. Fireman Lafferty jumped from the engine and is slightly injured about the breast and stomach. In structions were tent from this city to have the bodies sl ipped to Chicago im mediately. A reply to this dispatch said that the remains of McAfferty aud Henry had not been recsovered from the wreck and were supposed to be under the engine. The engine and baggage oar were completely destroyed. Two passenger coaches and the 6leeper were more or less damaged. The round house at the switch was destroyed and fell upon the wrecked engine. Upon receipt of the news of the accident President Saul of the Chictgo & Eastern Illinois rail road, accompanied by physicians, started with a special train for the scene of the wreck. Leonard D. Washburne was the spirt ing editor of the Inter-Ocean, lie was especially well known in base ball cir cles. He traveled with the Chicago club in its journeys and his articles at tracted wide-spread attention. The train remained on the track, while the engine with the tender and baggage car plungad toward the round house. About eighty passengers were on the train, but all escaped unhurt. James McAffaty came to this city about two weeks ago from St. -Louis where he had been employed by the Poet-DispHtch for a number of years. Previous to going to St. Louis he worked oo the Philadelphia Press. Fred Henry was tbirty-ssven years of age and had beei employed on the Inter Ocean for about two weeks, hav come heie from Louisville. The remains of the three newspaper men reached the city about 9 o'closk Friday They were met by a delega tion of 100 representatives of the daily and weekly papers and press associa tions who followed the casket to Jor dan's undertaking establishment. All of the bodies were terribly disfigured. A call was issued for a mass meeting of newspaper men to take appropriate action on the death of Washburne and hia associates. Vli sky and Jealousy. Dekyer, CoL, Oct. 17. Whisky and and jealousy were tne cause of an awful tragedy. The notorious Sim Conners and Mike Ryan were drinking in a Saloon after midnight and Conners, being teased by his friends over the fact that his mistress, a Mrs. DalcofT, had deserted him for C. J. Finnicum, be came so enraged that he took Ryan and going to Mrs. DalcofT's rooms, broke open the door and found her with Fin nicum. Finnicum was ordered to dress, after which he was knocked down bound and gaged, then carried to the window and thrown into the alley, three stories below. His jaw wan broken, both eyes knocked out and his skull laid open till the brain was exposed. He died in a short time. Connors and Ryan were arrested. The prominence of the offenders made the case unusually interesting. Ryan until lately was one of the officers in the fire department but is now under bonds for drugging and robbing a man. Connors was first lieutenant of police but is now under bonds - for trial for attempt to hold up and. rob a Rio Grande express train three years ago. A Draamlla Bomb l oo ml. Vicuna, Oct. 17. A dynamite bomb has been found under another at Raich en berg and an inquiry has been insti tuted. The Marriage Arranged, St. PlTeaaut Ro, Oct. 10. It is re ported that a marriage has been ar ranged between the czarwitcb and the Duchess Ela of Wurtemburg, a twin born in in 1876 and neice of the new king ot Wurtemburg. Puck: "On what grounds did Ilen shaw get his pension ? I never heard that be did any fighting during the war." "Hadidu't, but he claims his lynipa this wtn enlisted." A sen,mluul tli eurirnr '. St. Lt'ij, Oct. 17. James A. Brock formerly of St. Louis, but n j a ro dent of El Pa-o, Telia who is no here, is a hero in one of the most ssnsational occurrences in criminal auntls. I ut over fourteen years M'. Brock has la bored under the suspicion of being the murderer of his ouain, Frank Wos!y, having been twice indicted for the crime by the grand jury of Shackelford cjunty, Texas. After an incessaat search he has located his missing relative in Ban too, Ark. In 1873 Mr. Brock bought a ranch and settled at Fait Griftii, lex, and sU-cked it with cattle and began a prosperous business in cattle raising. In IST.i he sold a half interest to bis cousin Krank Woosley. On May 22, 1877 Frank Woos ley disappeared and Brosk was suspec ted of haviug murder! him. He felt conlidert that Woosley waj not dead, but that it was a conspiracy among the Wikwleys to rob him of his ranch. About three months ago a de tejtive located Woosley in Benton, Ark. and after fourteen years' unremitting search Brock can at last go b -tore the world without a stain on his name, lid claims to have positive evidence that will convict the Wooeleys ot conspira :y and that he will institute leal pro:jeeJ ings to recover his property, which they have been holding since 1S77. Shut hl Mlr. Lowdon, OoU 17. The wife of Cap tain Howell of Xew York, who is stay ing at a noted American hoarding h jusj on Keppel street. Russell tquare, went to the theatre and during her absence her son, aged 1G was engaged in cleaning his father's rille, when the weapon ex ploded and shot a daughter, aged thir teen, above the left breast. The bullet pierced the left lung and emerged at the back. The wound b ed profusely. Captain Howell hastily brought a doc tor who pronounced the injury serious, and ordered the girl removed to a hos pital. Her condition is critical. The mother on returning and learning what had occurred was frantic with grief Murdrretf bv a Isei vanl. Norfolk, Va., Oct. 17. Early Tuis day morning Mrs. Fannie Fadden (,f Cape Charles city, aged eeveoty, was murdered by a servant named George Dyer for her money. Dyer wai subse quently arrested and lodged in Eaatvillo jail where a mob of 500 men went early, secured the prisoner, who had confessed to tho crime, and lynched him Dyer was about 25 years old, white, and the instrument used for th 9 murder was a huge knife. The money lire. Fadden had in her possession amounted to bo tween S330 and MOO. Candle Factory Humeri. Bkclskls, Ojt. 17. The largest can dle factory in Belgium burned. Lojs several million francss. A ireat Sensation. Denver, Colo., Oct. 17. There is a great sensation among ch jrch cire'es in oh is city. It is caused by charges pre ferred against the Rsv. J. L. Brandt of the Highlands Christian church of this city bv a Mrs. Miera, a wealthy Spanish lady of Santa F, X. M. It seems that Mr. Chasles Wagner a business man of Santa Fo, was very anxious to marry the dni'ghtt-r of Mrc. Miera, but the mother ieing n Catholic, objected on the ground I hat Wagner was a divorced man and cuti'd not be married by a priest. She consented, however, if a priest could be found who wou'd per form tho ceremony. The party came to Denver and Wagner called on Mi. Brandt, for a consideration, agreed to shave off his luxurious burnaides and personate for a priest. The deception was made easy by the fact that Mrp. Miera does not understand English. Mr. Brandt, who is very pronineut in religious circles here, was seen this afternoon and admitted that he per formed the ceremony and assisted in deceiving "the old woman," but says he used the service of the Christian church. A Conspiracy Ag-alnm I lie Lift- at the Cxr. St. Petersburg, Oct. 17. Recently a conspiracy against thr life of the czar was alleged to have feed attempted in Kieff which is the center of the univer sity. Amoug the deadly instruments, found by the Russian police was a print ing press which was said to have been used in the publication of seditious matter. The police moved upon the printing machine prudently and valor ously, and effected its capture. An out break of the students followed and many violent and revolutionary speeches were delivered. The police arrested a number of supposed ring leaders, but the agitation went on. If the story of the closing of the university, accom panied by the wholesale arrests which are said to have occurred is true, the vent is one of the first importance and one which is likely to have far reaching results. The Haft-Ins; Oale. London, Oct. 17. -The gale which hat been raging over the British Isles foi the past two days has not yet exhausted itself. All along the coast the beach b strewn with wreckage. At Dover i large quantity of debris evidently be longing to one or more wrecked ship was washed ashore. A Cardiff coal laden steamer sank near Holyhead anu the entire crew perished. The weathei in the Irish sea and English channel li the most severe experienced in man; years. In the midland counties grea damage was dons to stacked crops. MERASKA STATE NEWS. is experiencing a L, tbiet T, sloii Hastings 'mil. no. There is a good deal of p.!! reported at McCook. Senator Dvtarl of Xuckols ear of cattle to Kansas City. A street fakir worked a g.J wsi. Exeter citiene for a villainous book. The A. O. I. W., fct Kxeter will cele brate the birthday i f the order. October 28. The Midway band of Kearney treats the citizens to fluent open air cou certa. The recent heavy rains have ph. i havoc with caves, cisterns and cellars in Edgar. A new eleven horte power eieel boiler has been received for the green house; at Fairmont. V. W. Goodrich of Seward county shipped over 1.0CO pounds of ash ed I" a Kantas tinu. Billy Williams, a Sl.adron butcher, is ; under arrest for cruelly beati. g a l.oise i in his keeping. j Little Ella Daniels captur. d ti e lir t '. premium for best quilt at the Hitch- j cock county fair. Fred Brewer eldest son of mayor had his arm broken thrown from a h-rs. The capital stock of the Hemp and Twine factory has Leu-n crea-sed from 50,000 to .'KiO.OM The farmers in the vicinity f Litch field have organized for the purj o-e of buying and selling grain, lumber and coal. Grace Powers fell down the cellat way lit her home in Cdbertnon, ttnking her head against the side of the aud rendering her insensible for a short time. The Keith County News savs: With a -The n.irr . in r l it : . . .. . ..r.d.-nt 1'ieKv -...ilk' iia-:k'i.""' "' Lcdwt.ib.'tl.e oh-t .f fV t ijn at tin? dinner "f ' Ti.'-raJ-'. ii V'-t- I'- " t, .. voiiiiif htiiv i 1 . . . ',. .i m 1 t.i!, tr ' J , ,,,' i.,.-... tie ciui, me,r, i ..-the I'M. re 0r!w.d fami y. IJal.y Ulth i to he JTe'!'Vl n wl,i-ii w to te eiiw I If ro'irse tie j-i.p ial a'.ten . Tinier 'l'"' ....m'ed !..;.' DEATH TO THE ACCUSED. Must l iiitr ili- i i nr Snirll . u-i;-iii lc.illi. I -,. I III i u I Mtt 4aiitlili' mid lit II b H'lr ta. c Ui spoon. i:nusual!v eUL-orate. all ie ue I't'" to I e i'oi jwin stHKin. which is stH Uiderablv larg-rthan the ordinary tea 1 HW. but not so large m a ,:n The handle of tie pn niH a leafed i-'over, made of toicl beaVn gold. Ai..r,g therein will h ,!,,rl jWork. ( Ur.1i. 'spoon will be tins ii-scrip ioi,- "To Until eland, frmn the CI .vr Ci .'o'--! Mr Laiiior.t v.ll probn'i' t'.ur'. in ' ' make a sppe'-h acko Mkv. th" i;u,ti- i f ul i- CHn "n b half of 1. freelv wiaiati'J that M'. I not g''t breaking through down. his .-h IU-("T'il Her l'riprtr Ni.w V.iitK, Oc'. Mrs. ' McCook's by lieiig Fieniont i A. Prat chstt of I' r!j-ti't t-tre-t a eclt mcrith a-o had a i'" d amot.d rig stolen from ht-r hou.-e. Vnterilay fc'.e leceived a letter from a K-wian Ca'tclic prieiit ataini? that if rl.e wo.ild ca 1 at in- ! his house she couhl have her lost ;-el : bHck again. Mrs. rratchutt !on: no time m interviewing tlie iriest ana reiuriuo last evening the diamond sparkling on its a;cus'omed lingr. Thereby hangs a mystery. On the day Mre. Pratchatt missed the ring the osprt si man and boy ai-sibtant called at her house for a trunk, and as lhe to were the only lersoRs that ha I a'--i;e) to the room from which the ihamond had vaniahed, they were mpected. Kiibseuiient innuirv bv Detective Ser- few wore crops like the present seaton I gf.ant McXaught of Inspector llyraeB Ugalalla will Lea town of at legal 1 staff led to the arrmt of the erp-.en Pw'P,e- IlKiy. lie denied the theft, and no run The fieneva Journal thinks tli it city j bing found on him and M rn. J'ratchutt contains more children from the age of j re'used to pio-tf cute, the lad was din one to twelve than any other city of its j charged. The next heard of the ring size in the state. ! w.ii from the priest's communication. In Jefferson countyseveral'lotsofhogj'""1 from ' l,0,ir':e U,B la,l-v have been attack-d with ljVjro,)ba : that the priest had become po,seed of and their owners have been compelled ; t,,e 1,1 " c-mfes-....,al iind there to furnish a wurt lioue. ;foreh.sIip V ea!ed to further in- The ladies of the Christian church at ! ' Hebron gave a "dollar cra.e" ineetii g at t nikd otr iiif tmiu lvnili Al rp their t urch and received tHI in dollars j Bi kfai.o X. V.. Oct, 15.--At 4 o'clo k and J!0.''0for punij.kiD pie. Tuesday morning while passenger train Mrs. J. II. Wintersteen sr., whs award ! Xu. U en the tVntral road westbound ed the prizj at the Dodge county fair j was passing West Batata, a joung la ly for being tho handsomest married ; was seen to leave her berth lit the woman who attended the fair. ; sleeper and walk to the tear platform. The Epworth league is growing rapid, j Sliedll ""l reUlrn nnJ "n Hll,rni " ly in Tab'e Rock, its members now"'s,',i- Ewding to find her the train bering sixty-nine. The league is work- j was 'Vl'1 backed tovard Butnvin ingforaniembeMhlpof h0 by Christ- j ll,e t'r'w ,arc,'ing b tli sides of the ,,J11B- ' 'track. Tho search was uoauccteiful, j but the operaUr at Crofls slatioa who Ap.cce ofbraas taker, out of tlx waB ln8lrucUl, t , kwp tU swircll chin of Wallace Rudolph f V more. . (()Un(j tie g T lying near the track just Itmeatrutd oce-sight l.y three-eighU j ,nlt(ille 0, We6t l!llUvil. Urt WM of an inch in size, and Mr. tii k lnh has i i i n ., , "'lH cutopn and she wai internally injuted. no idea how or when it came there c, i . , , , , She was bruught to this city hereshe The new elevator at TuUe Kock wpb ditd. The police stated that the girl's started Wednesday lu-.rn'ng. Its c ipac- name tas Mary McUui'!ilin ni;d that dy is 10,000 buahely, and instead of . slie was enroute to Buy C.ty, Mich. A steam is run by hore power, oue team j note in pocket stated that she was of horses being all that is neceosary. going to her sinter at .Vent Brunch. Mich. She Wdb well dresse1 And wore The Crete Chronicle ar.d Vidette are now one, having b&en consolidated. With two as bright and vigorous news paper men as Wells and Chapman be hind it the new paper cannol fail to be a good one. Alouzo Corey, one of Fillmore county's pioneers, died at his home on School creek in that county aged (II! vaiirfl IIa caMU.l I I. t I , ; , : , l'un,'1"'J ful "f bolesiiiMde of a week by he died, twentv vearn nan nm l.,o i,.i ' ") - . -n una iiicu same valuable rings. Tho siippi bition is that she was a funambulist and walked off the train while ualeep. Will lie I 11 ll lie,! I fill nrilotrn. Wkst Hi'I'kkiok, Wia., Oct. 15 - There was an exoduous of old time miners to the copper range, seven miles from this city, and the ravines of the range will be there over since. Andrew Lawrence of Ewing met with quite a severe though not dangerous' accident. He was engaged iu feeding hogs corn from a wagon when he slipped and fell to the ground, alighting on his head and shoulders. The pupils of the Wisner High school edit a weekly paper, which is read every Wednesday, and which proves an in teresting feature of the day's exercises. The editors are taken from the J class and are changed every week. The Hubbel coal prospect hole has reached a depth of 722 feet. The last 22 inches are in ore that in analysis is described as "magnetic iron ore." It proved so hard that work has been sus pended until a diamond drill can be engaged. The Wallace school board has adopted a sourse of study for the pupile of the ssboal, comprising all the branches nec essary to get a first grade certificate ex cept geometry, which is an import branch, but easily acquired. It takes nine jears to complete the course. Fortune is dealing severely with J. Scott Woods of HuTibolt. Last week be took his sonOeorgito the asylum at Lincoln and this week he was called to St. Joseph wheie his son Richard bas confessed to embezzling and throw ing the company's books into the Mis souri river. Little Pearl Smith of Crab Orchard met with a painful accident. While Mr. Wilcox, one of the draymen, was unload ing apples in front of N. C. Myers A. Co.'s store ths little girl came along and took hold of a Urge box that was stand ing there which fell over on her, break tog ber right tbigb. prospectors, who hate been tired by discoveries made bv W. C T nkin a few weeks ago. A. Steer brought in a piece of ore going 00 per cent pure copper, and Tonkin immediatt ly went prospect ing. He returned Monday anrl brought specimens of silver ore, which he found within twenty miles of tVis city, the assay of which proved to be exceedingly high, running 122'4' ounces of silver to the ton. It is known as i-iliciouB are free from load or iron, and composid' almost wholly of sihcia. 'ompltljr III, imyrd Ijt l'lr. Buin-l'EsTH.Oct. 15. - Felso-Mmlar, large flourishing village of TransylvSYiis, bas been completely burned and the m habitanU lost their all. The utmost distress prevails. JUlief ig being sent from adjacent towns. liargrd Willi Munlir, CoUlKADO Sl-RINOS, Oct. 15.-A. RiUt seland T. Law tor., are under arreht charged with the murder of M. Haming have both made a confession. Each claims the other shot Haming and forced hmi to participate in the urej. l-ont ThrlrCvatiol. Niaciara Fa 1.1, X. Y. Oct. 15.-At o o'clock Tuesday afternoon the cage men at shaft two on the tunnel lost control of Ihe cage which fell to the bottom of the shaft, killing three colored men and fatally injuring two white men. The cage tenders were in danger of being lynched by the tunnel men and they were locked up in the police station for lafetv. r-alalljr Klrh, Vau.iwa, Iowa., Oct. 15.-K. Bho6 ws. kicked by a horse, from the effecl. of which he died. I t lilt I Ills I 1H It II U H MIS. Nn. Vo,:k '. K -Iti stated by a h i m. ng I : r that in a dingy rom, 1., t. d oit to tue J toniple on Mitt ,!.!, the r.i--u '. of the Clioy C.iy 1'i'i.g t'tii-r-d in s -ret ciiieiav and j a-t-d j i l,'jm "lit upin this China u, .n w o l av iMcurexl Hi r displeas ure, 'i'h terrible oith of the high bindt'-ro' so ""'' was re:r,ld in th i,:! c'i .rf of fii'o wit'i i i tehble ink 1.1. d ti e sen'.enc-' is tl.ut'l t ) th a : (I f of th pr,?pc'.lf. victims of the tern jV.'i it !' it i-t pruMy 'rr . t.'i ar!'.", tii I' i.ii'vi mt rp-e'.tr, alio tt ;, n'.'iicki-l in M I'tstrei'. o:i Hitur c.r. r.-ch. l.y a 1.1 of higliSinders. T: ;.t ''j- in i'i wi I be retintvd is now c.r-v'y ! cio'-.l l.y the (.' unese colony, an 1 hi-frii'iiil.t w.'i n i", (. iistonished if I .! io( c!i a violent d -ath at liny mo ment 11-3 nur-in? hii wjunds at i, is home in fi.'Do'.dyn, and he f-r l troiih.e even b.'.'ol ? the meeting ul the Mi-ie.t of revenge. Th- p'oi.-ilrent iu:c,aiit in (no ' ) vu d d not hi -!a to fay that the" ;u a 'ery g.incri! demand for the 'lan.-hm -lit of Char es, or 'Charley" as t'o-y c t I him. Hi has iL.urie I the d.spleasure of the fan fan ga'iibler tifee t.mei", arid it was whlu pered in Molt street that he Inunl ti'.hiT leave the c ty or m; IT t the enr.seiuence;i -iiea;!i. The fan fan gi m'.ier' 1 ngoe it con trolled by tl.e huhhliiders. The latter in turn are ra '. ca! y r.ilo I by a dozen dei-pi-rail i s, who lo nol hisitate U swear a ay '.he I. f. of any man bite or yel.oA w ho opposes their IjiisV.- s. urexpofM-s U.f.r svhomen. Coarle lias Urn convict d a aa informer urd now carries his life in his handi. .Vhen l.e iiplin ued suddenly on Mo'.t street with h a wouihIi c iiii cale 1 ti.ere was inlenso i x :it'niei;t for a few minutes among :he deppera'o lo-inli-m of tho Clmy ('iy, and he He I in in n as he received the si ho.-'di d ;i,ontration. It Was tl 8 b .Id V s ', 1.1 d I'l'it, that CItUMjd the higlil indcM ! i iii '. la'er and w rite his tinu) on th'j death list. Three Cliinam-ii who tlngg(-l the footsteps of Charii.t telerlav wer probnbly the K a; ru exejulio; e- iipp iinted to do the internreter to death. If they do not c irry out the e 1: l i f dm aucivly, they will have to leave the city and never show their fices in Xew York Igaifi. Lilllx Chin Tin is pro'jably another marlie 1 mar, because ihe leader of the highbinders ling asked that he be re mote. As a si quel to the mehe of Sattirdiiy nigh, when both C iiii Tin and Chnrli-t Aero wounded, the '.'hoy Chy will sAear out warrants for the arrest of the two men. When the examination of Lee Chung occurs in the Tombs court it is likely that both Charles and Chin Tin will te arrested upon charges of aisaulting several members if the high binders' league. O ithe lest, m my of Chinew desperadoes theae I o men may be convicted of n aerioui crii,:e, and their fii nds were pha ling with them yesterday to get out of danger as quickly as possible and avoid the wrath of the blood-thirsty fan fao gamblers. I.o.l nirsl Hull. St. Johns, X. 1'., O t 10.-It is re potted here that tho steamer City of Rome, Captain Young, which sailed from Xew York Octolier 10 for Iverpool, htisbMMi lost oil St. Il Hta. Ht, H ills is eighty-live miles in a direction south east of S' John", and the nearest point of importance is Irepaisy, which is at the head if the bay running in between Cajiea R u-j and I'ine and aljout twenty miles from the City of Itome is said to bo lost. It is understood tha1, the vee ae! ha I aliut U50 passengers on board, Oct. 10. - A sailor named John Bren nan arrived at Tepassey and tells the following tory. Ha was one of the crew of forty-live of tl.e steamer City of Rome commanded by Captain John T. Xelly which left Montreal on October 7 for Dundee, with .17 j cattle sod a lot of Hour and maizs. Tue steamer, he says, was totally wrecked on Monday night at Marine Cite, St. Mary's bay. The cap tain, crew and oflicers were alt drunk anil could not nave themselves. He was thrown off the rocks and after a terri ble night's experience was rect'ed by a man named Lunrigan on Tuesday morning. All the others were lost. Bicnnaii tells a pitiful tale of the strug gles of the crew and of the cattle in their efforts to save thsmselvea. A H r'rnin a lirfecllva flue. Wii.kwiufiRK, I'a., Oct. IC.-A tire caused by s defective Hue damaged St. Ignatius Catholic church at Kingston to the amount of aitrt l.i.i. nlr Hilled Two llrollian. Moimt Ktkkmmu, Ky., Oct. 1C George Cupps shot and instant y killed Oeorgeand James Howard, brothers, who lived in Bath cour.iy. The How nids were leaders of a gang of masked men who went to Cupps' house for tbe purpose of doing him bodily injury, The others of the psrty left the scene in a hurry after their leaders fell. A woman with whom Cupps is keeping cnipany is said to be at the bottom of the trouble, ,l" " i, MlSM , ,,. unp-riiw. irr , , D iketa a,.,i i. ! wiiiiitu s ,.f - ; , p-witite hia hope that t : " .,i "''6' f, ' '' ;- TI, 'Jl ere 'lf '-' '"I' i. 1 ti.jt ) , 1 n t- iiml graili ,1, a- , During M,, rains set in hich chai g, i (,. ing and c,.,i itorui ex en , ,,4 "' ap'-lH, and i,","; were sue,r,.Vj done Ufor.i i , - ... ' tor men dec'..,r tilil , . ,""0 bllhl,e!!Ui(ii, !y ruined. C'..).,,; 'j. of the eituai;,,,,; -i have ji.s- through that hl. heart H' hf t-i il,,, ord-r to app-i- ,,t; see it. Ther i.i,. wonderful wl,:i' dtstroyed ht tier perfectly rx--r,i;, iramped in t;H half knee de. j.. ' I: oil; i.f . it, '. t-rm v.-: .'..r:t li iovernment s'lriet-ri-i i , ' 1 l- ,.u hu.-h. Him :i.c ra i; 4. , u. win pany ci.ii i, il'j iridon tho "Tan retort pi.t, ,.: d i not covsr I i ,f fur as i he eye ci.i. tion aro great I, , ;i . i ii,. iv anuui 1 I, -nil l i tH,rn (, tff I the ram. No i, . : ,.-e a Iiii i,. . . . Were ti.o sho lis m threshed it uon! i 1 handle the crops, f r lui s l the wheat to t.e tl leii,,',,,,,. to the engines, 'J fr(i, j,-, m getting I o!, to ,! , !llf . .. i . a; , on. ,..41.; n;i r, ai,;; into the Itehls, hi,l t hfy etf Hie iiiii-l mired tU I U'llie. and ru tinng ,raa un urn-' out tin. ki.I in. 1 .1 wheat. It ,s pa.i.fd t() j.J pronnrieiice ami survey i, Everywhere threshing djk. liaible, all m 1 M J hundreds of miles ru r.s.1. Arnl,.l ,ir l-rrtmi I ltDlANtl' (let., M ii- . I rUIII t flIOIIIlglol;, l,ll , l; t.ves have lns-n at iurk fi,r a i ihe court house tire w arresteil four pen oi.s suji;, connected with i'. Samuel Ih- dny lalrer Imng h-r,-, i,f! ret leu corn s-eu ii,b cr.j.s u cauu Several pr nn bi ii'. '--.Jj.-I A i a result . u ht r J. (.'. Li s! II. HiWi-s, proriiTiej; '.iii..j,s '. townhhip, and Uasi! bc.l'ei nrrwsted. 'l'h !v: vis ure alter I ri vello, a brother of the auii.l. bene's etory is that Baielie. i. to burn ihe court houM- fur i-V of which hcl h-ei l ie I. lusi that. IsJgerwood is n. m.x.iiw stite's evidence. lie clfc.iiif ben given a hus-e an i lot for in the crime. A ud I .iteje'. meii becoming fr.k'l tei.ei ul nlfuirs are taking, hate rui'iim: turn all bis property our t-J Lavolio has been auditor uf lUI for eight years and the fu th lidenca in him makes h: arrm'. s-nsalion here. IV m pressDl ' s'.anceH il i sutii-o.-i-d lie m U-'y accounte, bin no nic- knows tl.ei KrperU are now a' or.( on Hawes is in good .Ircnumtaticei h ihmnerate chliracter. 1 !i Ci'.) I of jieople from the eoi.nry and is practi.-ally iisieiided. I'i,a four nrifcorieH !.ve:e trtael Judue Hefron tnin morning. waive 1 preliminary etimmnU were held in default of hill. dispatch rec-eved says that Wit and Harbene pleaded guilty 1 Wed.ies.lsy. Sentence wan &t by the judge aa tl-ey nl W witneeses. A Wat TlnriT 1 l Hrh- Xew YoiiK, Oct. lo.-A thirty feet high ho1'8? wat-h.d dtvellinga and h i!n u-l sea, Many pleasure ciafls uro since Sunday tnd it is feared tli l,nn Inst wi h all on hoard. afternoon Ceorge White, A fred Mark Thursby and Ald-n I'ittl York hiieI two bot n'l (i.i..f lire Ixiiit 'vl biiiii a i,di,iii4, i winhed uwin the sl,or, 1 .- i.i r,.tl,o, line hfs-l OCCUpauir, uuv i"'fc tl,. ,d,4.r. The tan' t. tl, . were washed schooner bound for Hal iino csptainof the vewl n catboat and s.x holding in nil Btxteen ne". let out Kunduy afttrn "" t" " party, which ha' rot U-ea l and it is thought they ere can to sea. Mralt'll 1 1'iC'" T.nroM led-Oaf. Hi.-TuIr ...,.4 l.nn-fl DO" one Ol me awvrui "'" ers in the large heading fa;:W Colemsr. at ibis place, let li". f ly demolishing the building sou i i,i..,u .It over the '" 'a uiliiuoi " ,j . .. . . . .1...1 i:ri favl 111 '"1 Holier Was nurieu ""j and blown into a hundred pie j were ll'ty men end boy s nt t'" .i e. anrl all were more or lee'r two of them porhaps fatally. 'r,'' which waava'u.dstil5,0(J0, total wreck. v ... y