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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1891)
'tL - - . . - The Sioux County Journal, at-L a. r VOL TMK SIOl'X X)UNTY L J. Miiinuim. Editor and Proprietor. f . F. i. M. V K. H. Tim ImMi. c.()iK oiiic r.iut. j.,iiiiil 1 1 I . uJfl 7 i0 'J. F. YANDERS. ' 1-tAUfc.K Or MERCHANT TAILORING. LATKST STYLES. LOWEST PRIC KS. PERFECT FITS. Satisfaction Guar anteed in all in stances. rj-FROMIT ATTENTION GIVEN T( MAIL ORDERS. CKAWfuKK AI Al.l.I.VSCK. NM'.HAsKA. ARMS BOUGHT AND SOLD by the . Nebraska Security Co., H.UiKISON, NEB. I lnrorrornt-i). Kxwt7.m c 'am taT Paid t p i 'ahtai. $.".0,000.00 C ,000.00 riiii t.iXKKMAK, Prculilmt. )'! (.rni.Ai ii. Viun-l'nuldrnl. . II. J'lNr.H, sw-rvtnry. I . K. .iTy, TP'mW. II. ')', loM.rt, Attorney. now have on cur lists over thirty CHOICE FARMS in this county which we run wll on LONG TIME and EASY PAY MENT8. Partis wishing to buy or sell should k the Secretary. Ijnds bought and Mold on commission. Address, .vkiiua'-ka SKcrnifv eft.- Haftlson, )ni(tt. . i We need some wood- on subscription amd tjed it at once, -Foh SaijJA" flrst-class sewing ma , dune, new. Inquire at fliix office. -Homo blankets at the Hai'nos Shop. Buy nod get a lMirguin. -Four pounds of' Arbuckles coffee for at Gkikwolp &.'s. ''--Parties in need of a f inning mill , fill do well to caH tit thlH-ofili e. Nfc-Jitiuea Clark will teach the Montrose fchool for the winter' term. ' --Highest market prices, paid for grain t the Harrison iWnlier Yard. -For Sale A bnrVr outfit;- com flt'te at Harriaon;Ntfb.- I'HAH P.UJliIt. n. V IT'ilmi. ivnj'udmirted to nrai- ' five" in tlie s(ilrwtte HMttrt on Octolter istii. . : vSevcnteen iputu1s of granulated wgat lot 11.00 at' t)TUKWOI,D &"s ' -IT. T. MerViom lyoulit us ime luaslieM,'oriiojw and jiotutoes last Sutur iuU Wliltf bl'nif to- uacco for 50 cents and cet a llrst class ougjfy whip for nptliiiijf. Olu::vfol.D & MAltn5r.T.H(, , -Lcmifat. FirHl-cla-'atlVe lumber riiilt orrHttlsl Uojyjfj-, P) jii i I east of Harrison. J. E. Arnbk. Tlie ilemocrutic norninces for regents iftlientet university fmve filed their talmalions.'so tbere is no '' ilenlocr.itic 'ue ticket ih the Held.1 ,-Tlie BocLirc; alliance nims on next wturday eVening at-' " i'ft '(" It will 1 an oen meeting artl everyone is in vited to nlteml. ""A wiH he given at the Tesi- iwoceof Jak6 Karklii on next TWTirs- ,4y, Oct. 2Ulh.' All v.f '6" can 4iehave 'itiiiKslvHi will be Welcome. will hold iwrvtft' ftttbe Bodarc scliool hioUHS nt MunAnu nmi.nil'lLl'll'to'clOck wl nttlie churc h" in, Harrison in' lb 'Veiling of the Winie day. ... 'e learn that F. M. Smith, of Bo WC lias lt three calves from blackleg 11 n Im tvim It Hit diH- jUarul some . niv'Jto'Jf oJ . preventing it "wuld W studied out ami iinule kriown. "C.,8cott' InUuds lowing thirty --"oiiaii wiwai nnu mucin ."r-.",j it dolnK likewise! ' Some havealreiull their fall Ki-ain ln. Hml 0. W. Hester '"w soiue eoniing w . ,tW, t Cuwte'ff rif Lincoln, wu.h bitlwl "Ttl to the indepeinlenU' last Mm T' tortus no 'one a)arcl to Jlsteii wre wa no hiHjwIi.' The farmer are busy to tittcii'l poli'ticaT 'niwiti'ngM. A Card. Hirrw, Nua.o-t. 13. l-sii. T'l THE ( UHDU . OP THE IJKMOdUTlO T 1 l iters hv nr. iff ,.., t P-il.yHy decline to ,iave name 1'U.edon tl,e 0l1iyal Jiot of sioux unty a, a .-undidate for treasurer After due consideration, I lave arrived at tin . cmciusion, as I consider there are men m U.e fi.ld who are better qualified fur the position, and who, if elected will manage the office to the best interests of the 1ax-ciers. J am very thankful to my friend w ho w ere sincere in their well wishing', JaKoB Marking, Si hisil Tuition. About a year uo an order was made by the school board that all children who were not residents of the district should i- charged one dollar each month tui tion. The rule has never been enforced and no public notice was given that it hud lit-en made. A number have ar ranged to send children to school and others intend to do likewise and now the board has sent out notice that the above rate will l charged. A good deal of feeling is beinc aroused in consenuenca There are aliout CO children of school age living in me district and these draw about fl.T.j each from the state appor tionments. The arents of children in the district will pay this year aliout I'iO.OO school tax while those who have no children will pay $!M8.53 school tax. Thus it will lie seen that parents will pav but a little over one dollar for each child for the nine months school. The school board employed two teachers at a cost to thi) district of IHd per month, after they had agreed with one teacher to do the work for t-"0 per month. The records shew that the higher department, under Miss Conner, lias an enrollment of but ten and none but the ordinary pri mary branches are studied. The lower department, under Miss Parsons, has twenty-seven enrolled, so that altogether it would not. make a large school, and number includes some for whom tuition is asked. Were schools estab- ishfd in the country so that settlers ould send their chiklren it would be dif ferent, but if they do not send here they will not be able to send anywhere and to assess them a dollar a month each ap pears to be rather high. Those desiring to send children exDress willingness to par a reasonable amount but consider the rate fixed by the board as excessive. If the district is going to have two teachers they might as well earn their money as to-put in their time with a' few scholars. The educational advantages of a new county are limited and every courtesy should be shown to parents to assist them in educating their children. I'EKSON.VL. J. E. Marsteller is on the sick list. Robert Neece wns in town on Tuesday. A. 1L Pinneo of "VVliit'e River was in town last Thursday. J. ft. Cook and II. W. MacLaclUan went down the road Monday evening. . Viriril Hester returned last weelr from Montana, where he had spent the sum mer. ' ' ....... Andrew CammenzincV has' been visiting his nephew, Charles Cammenzmu lor a few weeks past. C E Verttt went to Chadron Satur day evening to have some dental work done, returning Monday. (',. E. Holmes returned yesterday from an extended business trip to the eastern nt thi" 'slate. 6. H. Turner was surprised the first of the week by the arrival of his nephew f.m rtnslon. . . .. .. 1 Mrs. Ida Ferguson and daughter, were visiting Mrs. II. A. Cunningham iasv week, and weTit to Crawford Saturday evening to visit relatives. The new time table went into effect ..... o nd now the train going l!SL nuiiuwj , .... .'. . . .t.... ui .11:03 a. m. and the train Wtt " '- . im ...I- '..:,. Laves at 7:00 p. m. me Isjund train will not siop in the future. iw-rntfor teacher's certili ..vnmined last Saturday, and ,,t Southworth informs us that about three mo, teachers are peeled lo jupp.y three (i, ,.,.. Purtiesdcsir- l he i emanu m mo j- t .. Zu teach would do well to look the ,..n - ...nMnl 1111 t..i, Sh.tes came down from Wyom- . ' .. ,.d will build ft new house h. ...Mieast of town (,n"'S, : .I "nve hundred sheep near wl! -,"."" , Mr. That in the Sioux county n- . , ..-....r n nice income for him fOUIHIttI'"" , , On last George nominations for prec nc, ... The law pro- ii.Mn nrecinci, ers ioi . 0Wt time i- -..-. I if tm in nu w.,,vn strnnce filed H llle ...h.ofli. cial ballot, on " contest HARRISOK, ItsTEB.. OCT. 22, 1891. THE ORjiUpGE OF THE SUPREME COURT. VOTE FOR ONE. Ada M. Bitteubender, of Lincoln. Prohibition. Joseph V. Edgerton, of Omaha People's Independent Alfred M. Post, of Col.umbu FOR REGENTS OF THE STATE A. D'Allamand, of Arapahoe William Uorst, of Neligh E. A. Hadley, of Scotia. Charles Marple, of Omaha H. P. Shumway, of Wakefield Caroline M. Woodward, of Seward FOR JUDGES OF THE I STH UUDIOIAL DISTRICT. VOTE FOR TWO. Alfred Bartow, of Chadron. Republican. A. W. Crites, of Chadron Independent Non-partisan I. N. Harbaugh, of Chadron Independent Chas. T. Jenkins, of Box Butte Co. .XMig 1 M. P. Kiukaid, of O'Neill Republican I FOR OOUNTY CLERK. VOTE FOR ONE; J. B. Burke, of Bodarc Democrat Conrad Lindeman, of Harrison " People's Party 1L J. O'Connell, of Five Points Republican L. A. Fublow of Cottonwood People's Indept. Party FOR COUNTY TREASURER. Claus Christensedj of Montrose Martin Gayhart, Of Montrose A. W. Mohr, of Hat Creek FOR COUNTY JUDGE. Sleightholme Barker, of Ilarrison Geo, W, Hester, of Bowen Julius Sievers, of Bowen Chas. Schilt, of Warbonnet The above is the ticket as it will be printed for use at the polls except time for printing, and the tickets for the second commissioner district, . cincts will have the names of "Warru'm S. Johnson" and hi j. Weber," been' certified up will be printed on the ballots for such precincts. Geo.H DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, We Have now On Hand a First Class Stock ' . Ribbons, Hosiery, Boots' and Shoes, High Patent Bon Ton Hour Always on Hand, No Better in the Land. Corn, Oats, Chop, Bran and all Kinds of Tinware Barb Wire, and all Which' we will sell at Lowest ill' to call and look at Our Endeavor to Treat all We Shal , The .H prhirJIemld of la-st Sunday con- tikined a. long , (irtjCW. cnacgiu b: Post with having seduced a young girl at Leon Iowa, about twenty years ago ulll deal Of space, was occupied Z a iZTi worded entail of the ;air,: by a i.neiy r i he e rl and. I be beauty anu muocc v-. - o- , his home (or .rnans. y,- - - V,""'-- d; and sisters having reside here. vnd aTnroi thati should be .ownup. slingniK " , the kind on record. WsewherTirTtliT apvrs iie used by his eneniies to eutrai ins i Republican UNIVERSITY. VOTE FOR TWO. People's Independent I Prohibition Independent. Republican Republican Prohibition VOTE FOR ONE. People's Indept. Party I People's Party Rejublican VOTE FOR ONE; People's Party I Republican Democrat People's Indept. Party j of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Laces,' T. , .1.1 ' ; , Feed. . A complete stock Ift Hardware, kinds 6f Farm, Machinery,' Prices' possible. We invite Goods before buying. Fan arid Square. , Turner Respectfully,' GEO. -Ei, TTJIlrEm B. E. Brewster, C. F. Coftke, President. Vice Pres. CHAS. C. JAMESON,' Cashier. v Commercial Bank. KfJORPOHATED.J General -TRAKSACTED. Harrison, Vwnu.CtT, BALLO FOR COUNTY SHERIFF. C. L. Columbia, of Bodarc People's Indept. Party John Eberspecher, of Bodarc M. D. Jordan, of Montrose Thomas Reidy, of Harrison FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION VOTEFORONE. A. J. Babcock, of Cottonwood EvaE Conner, of Bowen Alanson Southworth, of Bodarc Benjamin B. Smith, of Bodarc FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR. A. R. Dew, of Warbonnet N. B. Rains, of Cottonwood People's Indept. Party Michael Ruffing, of Montrose John S. Tucker, of White River FOR COUNTY CORONER; C. H. Andrews! of Bowen Geo. J. Shafer, of Harrison FOR A88ESS0R. FOR JUSTICES OF THE PEACE; FOR C0NSTdLE8. FOR JUDGES OF ELECTION. FOR CLERKS OF ELEOTION- FOR 0VER8EERS OF HIQHWAY8. ome changes that may be made under the law betwn no and the which' contains Andrews, Bodarc, CottonWdocI : and White Jff as candicates for commissioner and the precinct tickets which have - Silverware filVENJWAY A ticket given with every dol- ' lars worth of goods you purchase for CASH. r ... . T--0000O -- , ,;" -. ... 8 Tickets gives you a Silver Plated Sugar Shell, worth.... . 00 10 Tickets gives you a Butter Knife, worth -- 1 2S; 13 Tickets gives you a new style Lace Pin., worth.... n I SO 25 Tickets gives you a set of Roger's Teaspoons, worth..... .-j 3 08 85 Tickets gives you a set of Roger's Knives, worth...,........-- 3 75 35 Tickets gives you a set of Roger's Forks, worth.: .... 3 75 5(5 Tickets gives you a set of Roger's Tablespoons, worth.:.'.': 6 00 rar please gome and, see the goods. . ' . , Our fall stock of Dry Goods, Boots; Shoes, Hats, Caps; Gloves and Under wear has just arrived. .. Complete stock of Clothing of Latest Styles just' received, to which we call your special attention. Low Prices and Fair Treatment Guaranteed. COMB JdSTlD Ranch Supply House. MacLachlan & Cook, Props. In another column we publish the the instructions to voters which will be on a large card in each of the polling booths. Read it carefully and get so you understand it thoroughly. If your ballot is wrong it will not be counted, so great care should be exercised in preparing your ballot. i ; r '; . -l -G. Outline nas aeiermineu io oon rtfnue in the gtain business and will be prepared to buy what the farmers nave to sell. The-market still is low and that makes it unsatiHactory for a dealer, for the prices in Chicago must govern the prices here. The Berean Bible School will not meet next Sunday, but will beheld fvt the regular hour on tho following Sun day, Nov. 1st. - asro. 6, VOTE FOR ONE. Republican Democrat People's Party Democrat I Kcpubliciui. I I People's Indept. Party I People's Party Independent VOTE FOR ONE. Republican Independent Democrat VOTE FOR ONE. Republican l Democrat; People's 1'arty I 1 People'g tnclept. Party VOTE FOR ONC. VOTE FOR TWO: VOTE FdR TWO. VOTE FOR THREE. VOTE FOR two: vote for one: ,., : Df Aim In-- Lumber; Lime; Grant Guthriej Coal: I, t I- t JD