The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 15, 1891, Image 6

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fl 1
The Sioux County Journal
A ilea! of ad verse criticism
made on tin- remarks of '. N. 1! !''. t
j.TABla-K !-. ; lite ind. mknt candidal f..r ji..i;;efi
uFKiSaj. CiOiTV Pater. ; this district, n mile at Valentine in ids'
,. unat papkk is the txf.vrv. Ujw li if imvi.taiK-e. Usrei tfui oi tl!
fiiS THE LAJt.i&T t util I-ATluX A-W j memory of the (.-resit snld;er-statesi"i!. j
PaT-ek n-msiiK.-. SIK'X CM STY. j U. S. Grant. Tlie Mlowinj; frr.ii. the
11 t'Siit-aro Wrrftwa if the Tt!i inst,
! !iuUicrij.!..n Prfcw, ftJ.tX) ; Jkmv that tbe people at larpjdiffer very
I" J- SiuiiuuMs - - - Editor. ; materially from Mr. Harbautrh in their
post omre a sec-' (1,)imon of tJie rvlceH ,,f v, f j,.,,., .
fci.tcrisl Ht l.'ie l!nrri
ijmt Clio Uialler.
THL'KSDAY. tV-. 1", 1.891.
ii, 1 i-t Kri-by EJ N al. i murderer
ol A,i ii and Irot!tjr Juliet, uul tiie
l-n.i!ty i ! ln . rune no the .i!.,jw.s ai
urt house of iMiglaM
the (
;;.d lt--Ii passed uj.u l.y the
unit and every effort ossj,le
to hue iv. Tl layer iMerf-re with
uti.iii of -euUm t
liefole he
nfexi his
V. K. HolJJKs.
f Attr
the I K
i Co
J na- al,
j the de
Ail tnliiei-eiiil'i.,
eeln. pruiupt Hint , . ,,
H UtiUs-iN,
tint to llO
as executed N'eal
-uilt and Mated that he
in the mutter ami committed i
i unaided.
Kt!ii l Li 111.' i ''utility I .iitri! I .mm i'
the IViii!f' ml' lit Iir;;..
for Justice of the Supreme Court,
for Kegents of tlie State University,
forjudges of tfie District Court , loth
For County Judge.
For County Treasurer,
A- W. MOI1R.
For Count v Clerk.
For County Sheriff,
For Superintendent of Public Instruction,
rxr (vivvi.'n
No! i.'
ne man to ! tuemorv on this
; day the people of Chicago, the reubr
: nrrov aiil uaw OI the United State. 1,'ie i
l i.l,.,J ftf TV:,in 1... . . i
tviannui ju.'ii uiii.'J iiitr ;i.wik la-
tion of soldiers of the Confe.let-.iiy now
; resident in Chicago, tlie Sons of Veter
ii:i. the malitia of the Suite, and a lun"e
concourse of jople pitliered from nil j .-tnieinenu. i! ln -
All i-i!iin:'.iii
in tlii- i''ilm:,n ii:i-l t
ilill;-.' by Til. it;: V" lH,'i
on on.- :(. of liiiii. r
item; if hri.-f ;iii'l 1
'.lislcllt .
For Surveyor.
A. R. DEW.
For Coroner,
The republicans of Furnas county
passed a resolution oonitnendin the posi
tion taken by Gov. Thayer in the mutter i
of preventing an alien from filling the ' iluve years of conspicuous
office of governor of Nebraska. There
States and Territories to do honor to him
w ho died far on the near side of advanced
are. lie liad ceased to lie General and
President of the United States at an aire
hen promotion to the liiirhest o dices of
: military and civil life is becoming pos
sible to most men. As .'enernl and as
' President he had won the esteem, if not
the affection, of hoin he had con
i)Heieil in the field and " hose ollticnl
condition was modi lied by those acts of
reconstructive legislation nhbh lie ap
proved and enforced. Since his death
the South lins l-en just to his memory,
and lias ackntu'. Imlged that his civil as
v.vll as his military administration was
Viuliout malice to the section once in re
volt, and was severe only as severity was
needed to enforce obedience to the Con
stitution of the United Mutes and to the
laws in accordance with it.
5 From lscl to lsir,
hi history is the history of the United I
-.''. Cu. '
:--n r.
ii th
"I I'll.'tl V'l"
n:il ; -i''l
!! iiiit
ii lii.'ltti'l' to
J. M. Koliixsov.
ii. t mil. r'ui!i'' Jmt. l':.rty, V-t,.'
W ni.
! U'f.'f.. t. i a loan h
-tit iu. that f t- Ml
, Mitll that it iliil Lot
I'lb'-r ii'tbin,-. v. In. h was of it.
and in Lis ban.! he h-11
his Mouth proi
. bi.t:
i-nr i,
nm r;n'v
! f
and x.'...r, n
, the river ai;d
: sliame w 1 . u I the mail
I'latf.iriii of the ( iti!-iii!iTi r.i:i,.'.reiirt'.
1. Tiial in l lew of til.- triv:tt -orial, tieiu
trial amt ei'.eiiiiiiir r.'Vi.i'.liimi Imw .lravi insf
Ui-iii tin- ci. iiiz.'-t wuri'l mi'l tin' new in.-i
iivntif i!ti'- K.ill I. i:t t in tiie Aini-ri.' in p'
Are thousands of teople in the state, in
ill rtiei, who will endorse that resolution.
diaries Steunrt l'arnell. the trreat I
Irish leader, died on the ulirht of Oct. fill),
After a short illness. The cause of bis
death was a severe cold which he con
tracted ulioiit H week previous. Parnell
was the stron.-st friend the Irish bad
itud in bis dentb their ctuitsi lost one of
its strongest advocates.
activity elapse, and in ls(;, m is nomi
nated and elected President, Then (-time
eiht years in which his life un as po
tent a for, in tlie civil history of the Re
public as it had l)een for four years u,n
its military history. For two years im
mediately succeeding his retirement from
the Presidency he was tile honored truest
oi uie Kings a nil potentates of tin-one
and Asia. Six years of diL-nilied in-ivn. v
remained to hint, and then he was '.rath
ered to his fathers." His memory for
ever will endure with that of the purest
patriots and the greatest soldiers.'
Indication are tluit next year will also
he a proseroiis one for the farmers of
this country. The famine in Russia is
still raging and siinia of tli states are
lei nj; deserted. So jjreat is the distress
that people have Ijfen driven to pillaging
each other and burning villages, A rev
olution is euuiient. A law has Ijetn
iassed forbidding the sowing of seed this
fall and that will make a home supply
of food next year out of the uuestion.
That fact will make a demand next year
for the products of this country and will
cause good prices to rule,
The United States rieouit court of ap
Ieals was formally oned in C-hicajfo on
last Morulay. the judges thereof appear
ing in gowns. The court has been es
tablished to relieve the United State
supreme court of certain classes of cases
and ive that Itraneh an opportunity to
keep nearer tip with tlie docket, which is
aliout three vears !himl. The court is
a good thinn, but it is to lie regretted
that the presiding judges should appeal
ill gowns. In the past the only official
In tlie United States who wore gowns
were the judges of the supreme court of
the United States and many hoped the
time would come w hen the useless
trowr.s would lie dispensed with bv them
Gowns are simply relics of past ages and
is entirely uiiAnieriian and should In
Alien Boyd's appointee, A. W. C'rites,
is iiaving a bard tjme to get before the
people. He did not get a nomination at
tlie hands of any convention and so pro
ceeded to get himself petitioned as an
"independent and non-partisan." When
he filed his petition with the county clerk
of Dawes county I. N. ilnrUuigh remon
strtited arainst ( rites' rr.nie beinir nut
on the ticket with that designation, as
he (Harlxiiigh) claimed the right to the
designation ' of "independent.'' The
county clerk decided in favor of 'Har-
baugh and Crites served notice of appeal
to the supreme court, acd on the 12th of
October he will make the application in
the supreme court. It is a rather line
.point and is the first case of the kind
that the court lias been called on to de
cide, .and the result will be watched for
with a, (rood ueal of interest.
Tlie liowl still goes up that Bartow is
the local attorney for a railroad. How
much sense is there to it. At present I.
N. Ilarbaugh is county attorney of
Dawes county, and as such it is his duty
to prosecute violations of the law and
secure the conviction of the violators.
It might be urged with as much reason
that should Mr. Harbaugh he elected he
would decide aguinst all persons who
would conie: before him charged with
crime, uial tlwt therefore he could not
impartially try criminal canes in Dawes
county. foiu of tlie independents are
trying hard to make out that A. W.
Critea, Alien Boyd's appointee in the
15th district, is In . sympathy with the
' principiM of the independents. At the
time Mr. CrltM was elevated to the posi
:tion of dMrict judgv he wan the local at
itorDey of tbe railroad, the same position
iWDKDMnow nciu uy .nr. narrow, a
itttle cooatatMcy in it. uretty cood thiivr
There a pilars to be times when the
Jieople make up their minds that the
will lake the law into their own hand
and at such times the work i done with
certainty and disjteh. Such appears to
have tieen tlie case tit Omaha on last
Friday n.ght. A big, burly negro had
committed a most dastardly crime, that
of making a criminal assault uiion a lit-
ueginoi live -tears. On the evening
mentioned talk of lynching began early
and about 8 o'clock the crowd began to
gather at the jail. Men of standing and
influence attempted to induce them to
disjierse, but without avail. The work
of forcing an entrance was soon com
menced, This was no easy task and it
took hours to accomplish it. The black
wretch was taken to the strongest cell
in the jail, the one vacated by Neal but
a few hours liefore, but door and liars
alike had to give way before the deter
mined mob. The 'officers did all they
could to prevent them from getting
their victim but were overpowered abd
he was tuuen from the jail and dragged
to the front of the ojieiu houe and
hanged to a trolley wire. While he was
being dragged to the place he was kicked
and juni)ed upon by the crowd so that
there was little life in him when be was
susended between heaven and earth.
"When the wretch was dead a yell of sat
isfaction was given by the crowd, and no
less than ten thousand people witnessed
the execution. Some arrests were made
but it is very doubtful if anything will
be done with them. The fact is that the
law does not provide suitable punish
ment for such heinous crimes and there
are so many loop holes through which
escape is effected that the public is, to
quite an extent, justified in doing as was
done in Omaha.
a rry-t-ilizatioii ..I tlir iKiltticai reform lon-i-
of (Mir .'.Hiiilry anil til.' f. uniatioil i! w icit
-ll.Hll.l klioWll a- the I'l'.'liii- Part ii! In.'
I illicit slat. - of Aim ri. a.
That wc i:tot hcartilv cii'hirc ti.e i-hit.
f.H ins a-H'liiliti il at t. IjiiiU. Mil. in 1
II.', I,, I-'!., I,. Iw'Jl I I I... V..I. i.. l...
bv Hit' 111'hli.trial nrir.iin,.liiiu flii'n. ri.i.n-
si'nt.-.l. -uiniiiariz.-.i a- t'liloM
A - Til.' riirht to mitk.' ali i i-n.' iiioi.i-v S il
o .-reijia ixiwcr In In- to:, i f .. iij-i i,v tlie
IK-opl.' til.' cm in In -ill-lit, lii'iiei' we
il.iiii.l tiie alMiliti.ei ol tin- iialiiiaal b oik
ha'ik-ol i-..ue, iiii'i hh a niih-' itutc lot- na
ti.iiiai iiailk lioti's we .h-iua'i't (hat li"a; t.'.i
'li r ry not.- Ik- K-ihiI in Hiillli-ii-nt v ,,!
Illiii' to transact tin- lill-i'H'-- ot tin roiliitiv
on n ea-ii iia-i-, u ithoiit iiaiu:,tff or special
ail aiit:itfc to an v cla or caihutr. -nch nott.
to ! tcinlcr in pavnient of nil il.-lil-,
pnhlie or private, an, I Mich unto, In n ill
liiamlcil In tin- licopii'. Khali l- loan.-I to
them at not more than licrccnt ncr annum
Hili lion JM'lillalilc pl-mlm-!-, a-, 1 1 1 , i t
111 ill' Kill, trc.i-lirv .1! Hi. ami :,lw. no,.-, ,i
real c-t it" itli piop- r limit. ittoti upon tin
ijualitit) ot l:i lot ami allium:! ol inom-y.
II - We i!.-maml til- free ami It - 1 1 1 : i t .-, t
-.'in... ol ij', cr.
I IVf !-tliniii tile i.i..:i(ii 1,1 la . pro
hlliitiin.' alien owm l-liipol iaml. amtt.'ia!
i-oii'.-ie.. t ,ke nelioii to.levi,,. ,me
pi;:i lo olit.iin all lamli now o ne.l h alien
anil loreifn -yn.licati-. ami nil" laml
nei'l l,y rnilroail anil oilier I orHirat in! i - III
i'c. ol Hitea as act'lallv lli-il and liceile.l
liyt1:.':,! he ii'."!nimci ,v n,,. p ,.j ,, t
ami li.'i.l loi -aelil.-.l etl;ei-on,y.
1 1-hi'liev i II ir in Mm il,.,-ji',,,,. ,.r ......,.i
I-lClit" t'i ai! anil -jB-eial pri v iIckc to none.
m i- i!e:naml I hat taxation national, -late or
in ill. Kip ,1 -hal not lc ll-e, to 1,11! Ill ii , one
nitere-t or i-Im- at tlie cvpeh-c ol am.iher.
K- We ileniaml lliat all re entl" -ii dioaal,
slat- or county -hall lie iiinit. .1 to tne
'" aiy i'xpen-e ol the irovciniii.-n t
economically ami honotiy ailmini-U'leil.
F - We lii'llianil a fiivl ami ,..,,,0,-1.!.. .--i.....
of Kftl'IuaUsI tax nil ineolne..
V, -- H i. lieimin.l the nio-t l iifiil, lioin-t ami I 10,(10(1
jii-i imiionai control tni.l tlM'l t-lon ol tin
ine,ili-o( 1)11 hi ie com m n 1. 1. 1 ,.. i.,i . -,..-
ort,ition. ami il t lii control ami simer
v i-lon iloc not ri'imn e tlie al,a-.- mi'.v exjt
iiiK, we tcn.Hiiil tin- government u ner-iiii
ol -lll-li iiiim;i. ot commn n ie , t !..,i 11,-.,.-
II -We .h-liialiil the election of ptei.elit
vice jir.'-lih'nt in;.! I i.j;i. i Mate, -nalor-ln
,-l direct vote of the Jicoplc.
ln.k. ai.ii
, 1 I I I :-,
d ii-ar l.iiii on the 1
i.e covered hi f.l
e heard the l-!.i--'e 111" -spake
that lul l ti book.
; I r:-!i'-d fornard that I 11 -gbt smite
the man ti...t (' 1.1 tiie Km.:., at.d 1:1 try
llijr to eva.'e my stroke, t.e slipjfd ill the
filth of Ids own slime ar.J fell into the
river, w hn. h jit f -iilly carried l.iiii out of of h-'p and soon out of -id.t.
Tiieii Sal. in playfully Mnil.-d and sdd
Ik-hold, he is mine. 1'U 1 had e up ir.x
jewels." and vanished out of s '!.t. A- I
.10., in i" ', ,
N.-h.. in l-'l, i tiiii'e.l to -o I i.i.Li-t- l tlie l...k fhi I.
the man bad held b in-.' at li.v f.-et.
.took it and OJi-neil it to e.-c w hat there
!iuibt be written then-iii. On the hr-t
leaf were the word ! 'eoi. a'. d to toy
T'ri ii'li onlv.' As 1 turned the leaves
and u-rii'.! slow lv I fotuid ;i I ra f biv
' tory of jiast and some hientinU ol j ;i
ing events There v;i an a count of
'the organization of Sioux couiilv: how
tilings weiv nianauisl so tln-v would I
on a souni' hasi - as viewed by the innei
circle: h- .-. tlie ' oiiniiK-ioner w:. , clece,
m the first district and a man fioin t!i
second itist ru t was eaU t. 1 nrre wa
brief mention of the telegraph dispatches
in regard to the man to appoint f- r 'om
iiiissioner. There ira. a srlonmsrd
criptioii of bow tlie Whistle 1 'reck ale!
lioweii votes ui-re lived at tin- la -t el
tiotiontlie henl law, and tie' te' ,
t N
, I '-il'l.
,. ll.l'-s j I"1'1' 1
e f r
j tardy
IMal-'-l K'.-n
i K.-o.i
Mil. r.
v'hnol Report,
lowing is a report of . hod
i. 1, for the month iuhng Oof. j
: NumU'.i ..I days tiugbt. '': '
illment, 'J-!. average .kiiiy at-i
. 11, niiuiU r cases of tardiness, j
follow lie pupils were neither i
Wnt during the mouth: -Frank
M.ler. Kmitiel i
May Rolaiai. R..V linn ( Las, I
M. rv Mdh t. Tin- district ba:
collipll.-d with the Hew
iiial pii'i!s are iuiiii-hisl
vary l.k and stippoe.
lltiv. H. Smith. Teaclr.
'xt-Ux-k law
th all neces-
SUI.I.1VAN & ONLFV, Liwyers.
Will pno ti.e in all th.- local, state
and federal courts, and U. S. liind
j jolli. e.
lj-gal pars and ully drawn.
Otlice in touit I, on .
lUiMI-sA-, - - - NOIKASKA.
Mo. VaJ
- I'M " II N
Harrison, Nebras
iion on th.
re followed
.at the vote i
an in -
i Mon
I'KoI'l.H'S IN'liKl'KN !lil.T -l A fii TK'KKT.
t or .Inline ol the snrirelile I iml-l
J. W. F.ln.l'.i.TON, ol Omaha.
iji !it state ( ni er.ity,
K. A. Jf AilJ.KV, ol scolia.
A. D'Al.l.KM AMI, ol Kni-i,a- 1 iillhtv.
. ei.t the election of
night prove a kick
description of the
bond and bunk
i aa y cnuld ustd t
!!ii' racket could not
ii'oty, and how it act
r; me ('Wciik i. ii'.-ie
explanation of the
- it was to
hat kind placed info
urt house i , ntrai-t,
or hi
on 1
JmlKe of the lath Judicial DLtri. t,
I. S. llAChM inr.
For Treasurer,
For sheriff,
TliiiMAS ItKlliV,
For futility l lerk.
CON It A 11 1.1MIKVAN.
For superintendent f i'tIlHt- lii.ti nction
A. SOI'TH Wiiutii. ,
F'or foronor.
(.KOlti.K j'sllAFKIi.
The question of the designation bv
which candidates shall be nut on tlie
official ballots is becoming quite compli
cated. , The candidates who were nomi
nated at tlie convention at the court
house on Aug. lath have been petitioned
and certified as "peoples" candidates.
The nominees of the Andrews ball con
vention of the same date have been certi
fied up as the candidates of the "peoples
independent party." The law provides
that nominees of a convention must ren-
resent a party which at the last election
cast one per cent of the vote cast at such
election. There was no such nartv in ex
istence a year ago as the "peoples inde
pendent party." The party which was
run in JH90 by the alliance was desig
nated as the "independent party'1 and by
what right a party callinsr itself "neo-
ples independent party" claims to have
cast one per cent of the vote in 1890 is
not known. Had the republicans as
sumed the name of "peoples republican
party" or the democrats adopted the
name of "peoples democratic nartv" no
one would admit that anv such nartv
had cast one per cent of the vote in 1890.
Mr. C. W, Cundiff, a People's Party
Shaker, will address the ojde of Har
rison and Sioux County in the Court
House, oOo
All lire Ciirfii.lly Invite, t Listen t0 n t;,ioil
the second
ti'ni. Then t
c unt of the instill;
trose precinct to p
a commissioner w I:
er. Then follow. il
court hi
scheme; how t!." to
; star! a batik: how
t In. worked in the '
; Hi II v was woi I;
was quite a i n
! bridge contra
j have soiiie'hiiii.
J the hands . .; Un
to make up t!..'
contract. T!--i.
.county to la
bow ho ivas
custody: a I
lu'lidsmeu I,
There was a brief ac-(
nomination and I avis' ivsignatioii in
favor t.f Ed. for fear George would U
elected. Then followed fibotit 0il,, dozen
pages of utiintorest closing, will, v.hiil
Walker's inlluence was worth and the
latter part of the 1k,1 consi, niie
schemes of the la'tidiiiL' camiBii-n- 1.-
the Intleiieiidcnt party was to U iiandletb
how the ollices were to Ik oioi,,;,.,! i
...ixoouy wie, i,a,l political iuil,.1K.e:
how the same offices were to 1 promised
to parties in different precincts; how the
people- were apparently deceived, an,
liow the victory would I secured if
some lunk-hw.1,, would not always want
their own way. Oi.t, ( iiu y Pi;a up.
"i: h-llov.
. ha-;i,g-
;i lihll fl ; ei '
nitily arie led I:
' troi:' Ie he h;u
'W he litr Mv .
i.iit of
'lint of
i "Vi I- the
' kept in
. procure
:n- "eded.
WlUpruttleelA'forealleotirt.uii.t the V
s. laiiid Ofttee. Bi,sle, entni-.ted '
eure will receive prompt attention
: "AWtlKOX. - - KKBRV-K
Memlier State ( en.
Melbourne, the rain-maker, has mane
a proposition to water forty counties in
western Kannus next year for 10c for
each cultivated acre. Should lie fail to
produce tbe rain he is to receive nolhinir.
A convention of tbe counties interested
Wm. A. Raum, one of the bolters of
the independent convention ism. old
democrat, who came lo tbe independent
judicial convention in the interests of
writes candidacy Republicans should
bear this fact in mind when they publish
resolutions which lie skmed denoim,.;.,
Harbaugh. A. J. Babeock, another of
the bolters, is also a democrat that re
turned to Sioux cotintv and tool-
dominent part in the republican conven
tion, with, possibly one or two exceje
tions, every bolter of that convention
was an old party sore bead that failed to
run that convention in tin intouiu,.r
tbe old political tricksters. Remember
that Holt county has bad some experi
euce in this line herself. The evening
More our county convention tbe repub
licans and democrats ojienly boasted that
they had enough delegates in the con
vention to control it But our farmers
handled that matter without gloves ami
you will remember how signally the old
political tricksters were defontl u...
it is imjiosHible to always exclude the
oiu pouucai vultures. Atkimmi EiiIit.
Bad Lakiw, Oct. 12, iHfli
CRN. COM. Gbnt: After rendln,, 'i
Sioux County Herald a few evenings
ago, I went to mv bacbelor i
.... ... ... , - mj ujicneiorK col and
A. .f propo't.on sub- slept and during n,y sleep 1 dreamed and
tllltted to them. The maltur will t ., ! i.,l i . . . '"eoanu
nutted to them. The matter
Ktcjh(f .W(U) interest by.aJ.J.
Will i! . Illlll It rmmn Th . ! i .
, vision i stood on
km hn.nt pt.m (nighty .fiver, and tberep
; Wagon and Carriage Makers.
Keimlrtngdoiiiion sliort itoliee.
(iiMid work nml rciisouahleoh!tr.fe.
Shop wmth ( iiverv harn
4.1 .ii . . .
-in r : m H.
Dr. Leonliardt East, North, South & w
Limits his practae to ili-.'iiv-i of the.
Nervous System,
Such as Ij.,. i, I M. more. I'eebii M
t xiu and I lls, O.-o-ei-,,1
Nervouspe.-. ami a!l forms of
Tl." F.lkholll I
ing Chair
i As shown by Shortness
''am, Palpitation. Fluttering
less in region of tbe ll-art, i
of Hi...,th,
ami Niiinh-
iSuch i
" IS HO 'A ,;;., j;
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KAItlllsON. MiltliAsKV.
Transacts a General Banking Busiues
Buys (School Orders, i Viuiity mid Village Warrants.
tiHnt.-reM Paul on Time It. -its.
Leans Money on Improved Farms,
Grant Guthrie,
Dealer In
Dont F
Make the Bottom Prices on
Goods in Their Line,
We Make a Specialty of Groceries
Our Prices Beat Everybody.
Our Line of Hardware is Complete
'I'l l I la it. i lire
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Yours Respectfully,
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