The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 15, 1891, Image 3
1 ''' rj 1 :!, 15 : '''iiii-r - ' ' Las ,' )" , f;iriii,.r ff"a lljj. lions eert tl.fc ot!. ''i tj "'"tfoti,; ft and in f CO 'r, Uit-n , '''l as , '"' "iwr.J Woiilj r"-r Uaj,; "i Si to v ' tliliroiig;. 'lit tl, i n farm ft. ' t iu;i. His XH tiers in , i the sdj US would so J aul rat !be so In igli : rlmie in Hie (1 K corn ii es for less in rial what U UtJ rave i if or What it a or I on a thrJ nee, mm for the nil Kansas (I mipete in Adams lie railf cannot ted in, loca atnl ) laid do i-liticaJ coS who w sevi (! Las, ho t t tts vro-i ietitioii iacaiio, tod i jirnportioa i travels! find that lor of the an-d itt 1 . 'J he rat Cliii'HKO is reach Cliii i ivs at tln-fl mile. 'rt the corn ri nils. The J e. rate r' M-lirakaci it, while t toll Jier 111 a Ii"? the diner. in favor of: II Republic IH cents; iroduit fr ceuta ir H uka hog mils to rta v. Ida UtA OJ cents w n Iowa I a class " ng house product oir has jial us to re :) miles ai ID cents H Hill, Mo, i is 'JH! mi ton, or foul i-r ton. Vi for L'i7 mill r -", ! of lli-rence on Nebraska oj Muchakeri 0 Lincoln e heing J class is s UI H 'avor of H ,k a f.'irmf ilirket ill 'j sell corn I'l ,nii larmw. js (in it. Louis d.Hiaiiceo ' rnier fr'"'1 nys If ''"'"I ,r ls5 niiiw , had only h than hauled liU II. ) fursoii? ftSloux County Journal. .,tr,. . .i- cut . tv I aI u;. J.JE LAlki.l-f t Slil I l.ATli IN "F ANi ., .; .. . ... u in sra o-t stv. ,j. V.iBim'i. - EJilr. ,' rl it !'. Uarilun Htnice an e- 1 JllW'iJ rniii W,i!i(okln !.. Il'.iue.lead. 7!at hi" h e n-tul K'-e fartlH-r tln vtiiUi el toward forming our har Parents, se that (,'ood ami pine ls l,rUK'ht into th lmiiw as a (sou-l for your cliihlreu. How many Unreal lio lave iu rtiuliiiK. Howl ra.M!iiite with them. Ah! t-ven ax tiie tliirts for fnoil, the wjul hunp rs (,.ro..unelinient. See that it is feil, for liun iwlas well as the Iwdy can not live unwitliiui. y'e must be continually muvirj,' either furwanl or lorkwauL TIkI are many prln who Mart on the i,njrd ath without any r-Miliition df M they me Koinjf to. Tliey know octiiirsf of the flumie and misery 1he;r t,:!i of iO will lead them to. Ah! I ute, there are pitfalls on every hand (irk. iWp. yawning pitfalls learty t.i miilo von, Unly and umil. lint vim dfouM,v, "1 w ill never come to I ' " fiii in w hut t tiey all think. It is only pmi of i anli to pa-ss away the time, a t,l re some of you miil; hut hps lie pore and kisvs-s for the hii. laiiH iil , and you Io-j- a erl oo tir-i-i uf l.j"l'-l with every kl-s. i ! n, . . . i r reori ti.e'il 'wnward ai(i, Kn"-i -I"- bj! HiK. V.teo tliere are the RirU whot.iki-:. am i. ';(-! ' ill not si'.y w hat - out ol n h.:tt!e wilii Hit- liovs, I know of .j, n, jwt mil i i es as i h'tve written aUiut iul liouiil oil Udl them whnt th'-y ar to lo-.y would laoh at you and HI 'i'.l !h-y welt! eapahle of tiikua: cai e til lin iiiv'K'-s. Theso are some of th iiiiitr snali . We're After Veil. T ? wrw.i. "I we-Irrn ,i I'll tie.', is il- ti-i niineH to 'i.i i'- rip :! 'tu.ii tics fall. To .),, t'j. .,.vr l it is'i'ii en!, 1 1 l;i d to tu elve ;r.2rs eV.-r- h.i;,. ne,i lb j, , rt Ujeli! s ;n,il !. n'A orv "utiiiiin If I. I'll-.1 ai;.i r wlitelii I I';' iT,s!i and f t i i i.i I nil a. f'w 1 !,:!' . I'.e I roe aiiil al,!i ::s'iienl if e.ter, i-.i1i i ;.i iw t:iOiiht. il if ti's nnvii .(.. - .villi tl. j ri less i, ,'oi:r iomiii..i,.v.a!tli and s!.i!it loslay the hind of Weteni l.eUsl,aisT;., pialleil by !w and exedb d oy none. Tins ul an exceptional fall uu ivner fop n'ailoiiF. ii ,f. "-j tlliiks for bililslf unit unfits- lii lini-n noil pis to do the Kline, sli.nild have the IW.'y Juunml in Ins family. Write for a simple. You need only to set? the l.r to appreciate it. Send twenty-live (tat for a three mont hs' trial subscrip- ioD. You w ill then liecotne a regular reJer. Eighty-five r rent of trial mb ti!r irt irk. That's a sootl h-tord. Piiirfelieil at the state rapitol the -I r is mail- in loui'li w .t'.i to ;iv , a.a.-i of ;(... j,r( .- ! 'i." i.;o oi:- eiai, i'h- Ii 'ir. Ii.-.m .hi-- ; .)' t,H v.m't lri.el v-in! for i ;i',;le ;.-i: .-c. V.'e V.;:ul V'.'l s. r Olli . - !!'!' !s.-!," a-,!! !-' 'iii,- r-'s' Do '-): r i. i c ttd 'It ''.-.' H'Viij'. X.j i, i.i,,, Neb. L 5MU. K. Wiioimol,. J;.r!er uiri lla:r 1 Tes-er E'erythinj; in Ins line (lone in a neat ""I artistic manner. iws and Hi-issxiDi s'.i.irpened ai:d put wJerat ivxfinah! .; .-..Vs. (iive him a call. "(stdoor east of Iliu nh Hnpply House. Habiusom - NkwhsKA The Bee Reduced in Price. "ft price of the Omaha 'Week! Bee lias lieen reduced to SI.00 a Year. Wthe tiit)u to mihsriihe for the l;Hrn.wp,a11.r in tfw west. r1 i your order early to 'niElJEBFUIlLlSlllNfiCO. Omaha, Noli. .Tr"'"""- .i -"f 'im-is ' J"'" l ".'I U i.hi.,1. .LU k.l' h.MIO w.t. r it .t,i n . e mi .(. .nil r""..llt.l. .,;(.,.. ,,. l,,n,l.l, ,lll.jn ""it f, rl.m. Si, .o.lo inliiri fcn.MI KU4. Vtl'BAttt.. AKitm. ' M)f Uhw btfthr' vj? ;- " Mri til ltdt t,"i, iV7 ' i.s ..,! n. e. ,rtt ..irf A'-r ti( -"i.. v. ". a.. i. I w n tfrniiin mrm ni - ' ijr ,()' AMf(f'. H IL titl nrt yt. ( i 4W Mil It 'till. Mir ,(" H ti, imi Mir "" u,t m"rk imT0 " KW 'ft. iii"' "' iOOi f ltitMWwrr Ibn IWt I wilt lii-t I.hif t4, OKa-U l. K'tlr-Ut ell. e triuii ,(, Wvi ih.iiu . ruW'..rl. 1 t T i i.. vi. M - t - .Neoi-a...lus Uutkin COIUle) ;.-H point witU their wtl u I n i 'Cl lor Denver, '".tswe... aad for Kans ;,tv. W. I J ,, . HI- , i ' "i" an IK.111U east 1 K'-mW tin is tlw oiih- line l,v wliji von ran titli. . . " ' rawiow in the evening arrivhw in Lm- coin and Omalui the text afternoon, and : ' ami st. ix.u the foi-: . lowing niorniiiir. i , , .. , I J-or further information and tickets an-: !ply to nearest a.ent of Burlinefla iwiuie I), a. Jl. it. K. For the ( iinipain. Bivt! every reader in hntska and Iowa an opportunity to keep I""" " oie progress oi the campaign in Ixith these states we have derided to offer the ft,v for the balance of this year for twenty-live cents. Send in your orders early. Two dollars will be accepted for a club of ten names. The 1ii:k I'i iiu.sium, i o., Omaha, Neb. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATKOmi Kits .lolin M. Tliayer... T. J. Major J. I'. All. n. T. If. lienlon ..'olm K. lli'.l '.. It.lla.lliiK, . it. llllllll!IM',V... K. i.oielv ..I.ovenmr, Linc oln, Neb. l.ieutenuht ilovernor Secretin y of Sluti: Amlilor ..'l'rei.-iirer ttol ney i.i iier il I.aii'.t i niiiiiii isioii. r .Supt. I'libile ln.trui tion roM.I!i-iiN.L I'KI.KS.ATIOS: -i. s. p.oliiiH-l, r, . sea iior, i,..ltr I . K. M-iitiH l -oii. 1 . s. SenaUir, I llioUia Vi . .1 . I i ,-a , i o:!;;re-smaii I-1 I .'1st ., Una, in. '.. 4. M.'Kt-!!h:.ll, " 4.1 " K. .1 I'loiiil ' J. Im-iii, " ;;il " I'.roi.i u How Jl liti IAI1Y: . sa volai I 'hie! -Ill si lee, i uieohi . f , M-II As-oeinle Jicl,,'e, V i-.-lnoill '. .. AssfM-late Jllile, sewuril I'. V. r,imiil,....('li'i'k unit Reporter, l.incola 'J lv Kl.r I ii Jt'liK'IAI. Iistk;i T: ' . , ii laical. t Jllllire, n'Nelll - C.I r.t.-- " ''li.'ilroli i , ,..; 1 i mi, in. oi i Ink, linm-o- I nl SI'V i.i- r'l''KU': . .i k'-r ' ounly .hnltr'' i .,;-3.t l.iiillellli-ii I'lelk I..- ih: it.. iMiier .. -oolaivorth Miit. j'ubile Instrneiloti ii,.,. - ii sii in ....... J. luf.-r 1 oronei , i . purveyor , i.i -i ilriimu l lerli of Histrii t court I. i . (o.o -y County Attorney Ito.vjfli (K ol.Vlssli),M'.i:s: Ii .s. ('. (.rove, (ehiiiniiau) Sd IMsiriet I. 1. (.reel! no " ;. vv. Knolt 1st MXilsl.ATIVr:: W. Wilson. Senator, Di-t. No. 14, Clindrou Kl. 1... Ileatll Urp., Hist. No. KI, lillslivtlle;k (il'KK KHS: . 1 . II. Miilne (chairman) Trustee ,. 11. Jones " (,IMl:t tilltlirle... n,o,i-,s !!ei,ly l!oiiili - - - Clerk ..'I'ren-'irer aunj., liter H. ialis I. iltlille W. -Cott Slreel M lliio! OKKK'KKS. Hileetor ..Moderator ...'lre.isiirei , " : i ur ! -. t S . I Inter Ti:itMsiiK(X)t:i:T: !)i-t.!i t. (niirt,-At Harrison, commences -el i n.ny K-tli l.llll septellllier Stll. 1H!H. !'ouit,--.'.t lliirrison, conimrnees Or 1 .Motiiliiv o! eacli mouth. I llt'i;iHh AillSOClKTIKS. i K ( Inireh - 1'i'c.cliim? eneli ultonmU ui..!..y i.HOiMla. la.,amteveryMlli'Ji'.veven . .'; ,'iO h. K. ItollICK, I'astor. nil ..( . !'-i-' ,it tlie clmreli on the rridi ' evei.l i;,' tr '''en the last lo -daysol ea..'h uioot:, eondueteit by Itev. J. M ,!. tes. i-.,!,. snadiiv Sehool every Sunday at 11 i; l:. K. ItoiiH'ii. Supt a. in. els at thecliurrlicaeh sun Ilillle .seliool tin lav ullerii'Min nl Jonoi k. s. (', U. IIAHSKTT, Sllpt. mi AN"AB$OLBTELV AND n 1 if imCtsz TAX SALE. 15 I a :a it 5 6 -ill i i oe.ll!. ev.i, 1 eV nc ; .. ', :i 32 ;il : ii 31 31 31 ot llieV:e..!i1v,.r( ,';- i-i-n'We,. ih.a ii i4 ii 'ii SV, e't M-i j llel. 7 30 51; ' S 44 14 30 57 S 5 31 50 S 75 34 33 34 .V, 9 S5 15 31 50 (j I'.i 10 15 St 50 4. 30 1 34 5i 75 33 34 :tl 5 9 85 111 20 30 50 6 111 32 30 X 6 19 IS 19 30 5li fi 111 211 30 30 50 C 111 1! 30 57 7 30 56 'i 10 211 :w 32 311 DC! ti 111 7 W 30 50 9-SS 32 30 50 I 51 IS U 30 5U G 111 " IS 30 50 5 44 IS 1 30 50 6 19 1 JO 5(7 6 19 10 31 Mi 10 HI Ii .11 50 9 03 32 32 50 10 14 41 31 5U 7 00 4 31 Sti 11 B5 VOOI) l'HKCINCT. SKC. T. It. AMT. 30 211 34 33 53 S l;5 5 32 53 1 : 01 12 13 32 53 7 75 14 32 53 7 74 13 ! 5.1 H 45 11) 34 54 4 (XI 33 31 ;t3 53 1! 1.0 43 21 34 53 (0 54 21 32 53 ID 0! 32 33 53 17 3'! 9 53 . s 10 4i 33 53 9 01 T H!l KIM Iti-y e;mr i' ," ,!"e n Xelm. ' ':.'uu-: H-inum eliMkn, " -e lir-l M.,,,,1 v.ln-r, A. 1,., 1-1,' st'4 sw Sll'lj sel.! sn"-! w. ll'1,! ue'4 liwij w,1-. liu'4 e, nei4 nj liel, nw. ,' Z ..h,,.",''"; '';"'"; k '',.- .'J' ! i.i irr; ,":.1Il,,,y;. -t..iei .s,-im1',ka. '" O"' I'"' oliic,. l i. '!,-,.,. vr','r "', "'""', U't ej sei , sw'i sj w", A seii (Hi sel, e ne'i 'X. in 1114 sil l, ne se", se'i -JC sd4 11 w, lot 1. neK swl, s !, sei, se 1, lli'l4 liiv', S1H, sel, Wjj lll'l, (', lie', IIW1, HM l-, W'Ji si-i, w.. ne'i lots I iiiid : e4 nwi, ne1., lie1, 0 sel, aw4 sei, lots 1 mid ! si-1, IIWSj SWI, IK-1., elt lie1, SW !, sel, se1. ,'i iooin int. ,11 ,-ounlyof 7"nv, lor t oiioiint o luetiii icon, a -lau-.l li.-n-in leie.-n lor -.t;uo, i-ouniv, vil- ll'Ke, - llijl ili-tiirt or lor j .my iithi-r imrposi-. lor tin- UZ:;;::::;' .'Tiu; " siu'n yZ' ln-llses lor HilVerti-iliK, illtt-r-e.-t ami i-(-s us may Imve c-(-ru.-.i at tin- time oi le. I will luljoiu'h said sale Irom oiiy lo0;,y until all of the n.inl-,, lots nail Works lime Ix-en oflerisl. SI. (.AVii.iHT, i'na surer, siom County, .Veliraska. VII.LAOK OF HAUH1SOS. LOTS. BLOCK. AMT. 4 40 -a IS 41 4 in 2 4C. 4 95 15 31 14 '."J 5s 0 15 15 :;7 :ti si j os 0 15 ',l 411 4 02 1 04 41 5s :ti si : si 3 0T 7 70 7 70 1 J 10 10 lu I i H M 40 (i 7 10 I i c l lo I'I 1 I a brsc. si'1., se1,, SW1, SIV1., ')( ll1., Iiw1, SW1, IIW1 c'4 swi, iv .. se1, n iv 1, ne',, no1 , live1, I'Vj lie,!. 1 ! , ill' e.H no1, iiw1, aw' iv s.-' ! se1, se;i 'J-j mi'1, sel, il l, s.V, lie1 , sH V, lie' ( n w i. a IS 41 I :a. 4 il 4 4 1 15 37 40 Hi AMlIII'.WS 1'IIUCIMT. iicsr. six. T. It. A-.n. al 4 '.sel, 15 32 53 1, 5 32 53 10 l,i; 5 32 53 V,X s i nil 2 lit 1, 2 32 51 4 IV ., 7 32 53 II V. IIW 1,' Si 33 53 10 07 lie1, 1 l''i iS'.v1, IS : 53 S3. ne1, 'I sI;: , "4 33 53 rt f,5 i ,, 'ii 32 53 7 25 11 v. 1 , Ii 34 53 Ml a7 lie .I' I 3S 53 7 Vi 11 a', 1 31 4o 4S Ii 4 a 30 54 S 23 31 30 5 ":l ,', ll. 10 27 ;i :io 31 to ;,i 30 31 .,n 31 I! S3 5 4: .i i i 1 1 i - :il t l -ei.! eel, 3 sel, .'.5 ol -i I aii'l I 4 7 le1 1 seV, 1.3 s ii 5 r swi, sw'. nw1, liiv1, ne1,, lie1, lie1. sv'4 nw !, 4 s ts tl 70 nw '.i so.. sll lie' se1'. se4 mi'1,. "A 31 54 iiw1, sw;. (','4 se'., sei, ne1. ANTKI.Ol'B riiUCI.NCT. DKSC. SEC. T. It. AMT. mo. si". lots I ami 2, t-S se'. 11) 31 .'!-! S 5 21 sw ', sw!, nw!, iiw1. ne', i '!i ''.'aw1. 4 -5 4 51 I 4 ''!' 'l lots 3 and 4. 31 31 34 M 4 ail 5 35 nw'a lots 2 null 3 Hand 4. I'.SV.", I nw '. swij ;' , sw 11 w1. 1 W,Sj III", 5 14 5 15 5 14 4 112 5 Id 4 92 4 S7 .(!'., UW', hi SW1, 10 sllf se1. 24 HVIS 1'OIN'TS sw ne'. DKSC. 1 1 no!, Ski:. IS 17 11 18 sw1, (, se' , w hi nw1, i m"4 11 w ', 5 07 5 07 2 IS sw nw se1, SWI4 sw1., se', lie1. ejt n'1'.! 44 e 111 il'.v!i HOIIAIIC PBLClNdU'. Dicsc. st:c. T. Ii. AMT. sw ', tie!, IIW, se1. US 15 10 29 34 30 28 29 11 hf in". !', IK", lit sel, 14 sio. e.' se 4 Li lie1, IK'1,, lots I mid 2 I'J , tie! ' 11 32 32 34 32 55 8 Ks 55 4 OS e hf iie 11 iv1, lll"4 ne1, w hf nw1,' 50 3 49 55 10 r,2 aw ', nw'i, e in", nw'i, ni'U n'A s'i s.'l-se'i II '4 lie !, ll.Sj SW1, 11 Vi se1, s'.4 lie1., W se1, lie1, nw'!, vy, sw I, nw1.! sei,, s,', nw1, llj SW'4 ', sw1, sw'1, si'1, 111!1! IIWI4 uX sei, lies, nelj nw !4 n'!t 17 e hf ne'-, sw1, IK", 32 32 32 34 34 34 32 55 10 01 w ill SI", se', se1, se', sw1,, SW !,, ne'i lot 3 lie1, 1K"4 IIW', n hf ne'i nw1, IIW 11 111 nw1, w hf sw f, sw !4 sd, lot 2 sw 1, w hf swiji sw1, nw', se',, lie1.! 11 WW 55 4 3'.) 50 10 84 55 11 9(i 55 8 8S 7 42 7 42 34 55 ( 42 34 55 11 84 sei Has, w if. MW s. nw!-, inv ' 15 55 8 51 ne1. n 34 sw ', ll.Sj se1, hX net, ll se', sel, sn '4 nVi'.n se'i e)4 w'4 nwH sw!, ei4 nw't n' lie1, IlW!t Il ' seqrseiir hwi, sw'1 wj ses, lie1 se'4 ses, 11C4 seU sw' t se'4 neV. lie1 HAT CREEK 55 10 Ui DKSC. SKC. 56 9 91 P. lit si", e 111 lie1 n hf hi"-, w hf sw1, e lit sw1, e hf nw', e Id' hc!4 e 111" in", n)i swfl.i se1, set, wwt. SW 'j IS 19 43 21 14 43 24 27 23 20 11 40 56 5 94 55 8 8S 55 .Hi 50 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 32 34 32 65 10 S4 5(1 10 8 4 111 II w!f, n w '4 !l 14 13 ne1. sw1. n lit i"4 ' w hf swi, 14 w lit nw!i i'i 8'" lie1, lots I mill 4. s hf ne'i I lotsllinid 4. HhlllW1, 4 s hf neU n hf a"1 seii 3.i lots 3 nod 4 eX ! , , 18 lota 1 nail . e nwin " sv ne' se'4liw!4 I' lots 1 ini'l s,sj nosj lots 1 mid i. H)4 IS1' , , 8 lots 3 .01(1 4. s.'v nw ', 0 55 10 51 65 10 4li 55 7 47 65 II 5 65 11 85 65 8 90 55 9 04 LOWTIt KWXXIN" CINCT. se'i, sw i, sw '., se, w ne'4 ,.,' SW'4 .(', nw sW 4 re-, 11 W I4 lota i.X se'i s '4 ne'v DKSC. se1, 1! Ill SW'li W III SI'1, sill, ne'j s hf "'"i si", S' !4 SW ',1 lots 1 unit 2 s lif 1K' 111O4 sw 1 i lot 1 neV I'WlV ll 111 lie1, II (if llM 8 17 84 55 8 SS ll 20 S ss 1 34 9 J'J 34 50 ti 4 1 24 IIOWBN ..KK(.'INi:T. lIKSO. IK 4 "4 I.W'4 ue'4 , SKC, 1 Ii 19 Ii 19 0 411 11 23 HI 9 71 ! n hf ne" I s lit i( a m ' nwi, ne'i 53 8 rt5 ; e lif sw (jr 2 74 J nw ; seiir 1 few ,;r ne(ir 4 3 44 ! w lit and I se qr sw (jr 14 ' im1! 6 19 si f i, 2 lif nesi 3 08 lots 1 mid t, t I'.i 3 mill i :i 10 40 I lots 6 mx! 7. 11 111 I e lit ', ' (i 9 Ox lots 3 ami 4. 7 A' j s lif iiw ' 1 7 22iinv4 'il is 2H 5 50 5 14 5 77 5 14 5 40 lots 49 4H a lit nw lot ne MONTHOSK PUECINCT. I)1.SC. SKO. T. K. AMT. IK-1, 4S : '.A 9 39 m l., 4S 35 54 4 75 e III. lu-i, e hf SC'1,, 4S 35 54 8 98 se', 35 '(4 55 10 si slllliw", s III' li(j, 35 ;t4 55 10 SI IK'1, 29 34 55 ll) Si 11 Id lie', 9 shi'se', 4 .14 54 11 M e lit 111.1, -a Sliiuw', 44 34 55 10 91 se1, 4S 35 M 9 39 lie1, 21 31 55 10. SI lll'l, 34 35 54 9 SO n 1U nwi, 11 IU' liei-4 29 35 54 4 75 H1! 23 34 55 10 Kl lots 1 and 4. s lif lie1, 40 35 55 11 01) sei, 19 34 54 U 01 e 111' nwii w lit" ne1, 34 - 34 55 10 SI sw1, 'i'.i 34 55 10 SI sei, 23 si 65 10 55 lie1, 2M 34 55 10 SI lie1, 10 34 54 9 39 til sola nw1, h(04 se sw", 3 34 54, 9 39 s 111 nw1, II hf SW ! ii 34 54 9 39 elifsei, 19 e lif no1,, 30 35 54 4 54 sw1, 41 34 55 10 SI sw 1, 44 .'15 54 9 39 se1, 40 34 55 1U si se1, S 34 55 4 75 fiart ueHWli IS 34 54 1 20 sw1, 5. ' 34 54 11 0) Iiw1! 2s 34 55 10 SI nw1, nw!, 3 nei, lies, 4 34 s 111 HKU 33 35 54 9 85 sw1, 24 35 55 4 75 S('H 44 35 55 4 75 e 111 nw!, lots J and 2 7 34 55 4 75 sw1, 33 3-1 55 10 SI lots I and 2 111 lie1, 42 35 54 8. 17 se.1 .; Iiw ne1,, sw v, nw1, se'-, sw1, ne1,, e 111' sw1., w 111" se!, se', IK'1, lie1., w III sel, e hf sw1, sill UW'1., sw V, ill'1, IIW se1., lot 3 se', I1WU ( Ill' SvV1 lot 4. S1V1, 111V1,, w hf sw1., se', 11 III' 11 IV1, 1 1 v ' , SW - ; vv III' lie', IV h! se: , 25 34 55 11 01 30 35 54 4 75 44 31 55 11 (II 30 ' 54 11 01 19 35 55 10 .",5 31 " 53 9 59 4 ;;i -"4 11 07 22 35 . 4 8 63 44 1-1 19 20 20 45 41 8 5S 11 III 5 0, 10 SI 10 SI 1) 10 sl WATI-I! I'itKCISCT. SBC. T. Ii. A nw '., . se1, 111 31 22 23 4 22 5 05 6 01 5 CO 5 0(1 nw . 11 h; 1K.1I4 sw ,m!i se', ,.v lot 4 s 111' nv'.j ne sw". nw ' , se! 1 s hi 1 ' .14 f53 1 sw ., SW SCI;, IIWI4 IIW'4 53 63 1 '. , 5 (K 11 lit .'.e'-i lot 4. i; n is sw!.i nw!4 nwji, b', neii se!i 29 49 7 58 7 58 7 04 4 10 sei. sw1-, sw4 M'1! se!i sw neJi 2!) 29 2 99 5 97 53 9 71 53 11 74 BIIKEI' CltKKK l'UKClNCT. DKSC. SKC. T. It. AMT. sw!,' 23 Hi 67 5 00 sw!,! nw', w hf sw'ii lot 4 1 lots 1,2 and 3 4 40 58 5 CO S.NAK14 CltKKK PRECINCT. DKSC. SKC. '1'. K. AMT. scX 22 25 55 5 12 WAKBONNKT PKKCINCT. Desc. Sec. T. K. Amt. lots 4 and 3 7 74 10 34 53 8 94 32 53 8 53 3 98 54 sek' nw.i.i PHKCIKCT. neM swV 19 33 66 4 91' XI. AMT. lot 4 m:i swM 18 lot 1 neJn nw!i 19 " swH 40 " s hi swV 17 34 s 111' se'r, h hf sw!i' 18 " shfseK 14 n lit noK SB 33 ne'f n w X 14 sc.H nw'X elifswi, 11 " w lit nwX scXnw'K nw Hi seM'' 15 " s lit ii wtf nlifswK 1 " s hf se-X 8 hf swK 3 " w hf swif" t se'i' neii no!, se!tf 3 " w lif neji' w lif M'.i 9 ' n hf neK scM neK neK nwX 15 " seM ! " n w-K 4 " slitseM' 24 " v hf iii',V mv! neii" nwJC seX 27 " nwlC 24 " e lit sc!4" 27 ne( neji' :M nwKnwJf 35 " lots 1 and 2. hf netf 1 " s hf swM' swif sef 25 se!:i so?, 2(i " n hf swU 7 34 fi 77 4 87 5 41 3 45 6 20 6 48 6 02 5 14 5 14 m 5 1 fi 12 5 14 Si 54 5 15 64 54 0 5! 6 49 54 54 7 89 9 00 54 6 87 54 51 54 64 54 54 54 8 40 fi 34 C 04 6 53 8 27 2 67 8 05 5 12 5 14 5 12 32 54 4 23 56 2 99 64 11 27 54 8 47 8 99 3 41 8 53 B 27 6 14 7 35 6 31 33 33 3:1 0 90 7 OS 7 OS I'UK.'INCT. T. It. AMT. 55 66 65 55 56 65 55 55 65 55 55 56 "!! 5 M (i Ofi 8 38 8 09 7 01 6 42 8 44 0 00 3 80 4 18 7 01 C 01 9 80 6 40 (, 37 ft tin 8 13 nwX m: 25 ne fir seXi 2ii . " 5 21 9 43 ii('i. 6 slif self 12 n hf ni'H 13 lots 2 mid 3 sw'-i neu will nw.t,' 4 lots 1 and 4 s hf neJa I nw),' s se qr so qv 28 w hf sw qr sw qr nw (r 27 se qr 33 n hi se qr m,' (i se. qr acqr sw ijr 2-1 no ir 33 w lit ne qr ne(,r lic.qr 34 mv or seqr 49 se (jc 13 nw qr 32 seqr seqr 43 lieil'iieqr 2i H 111 sw qr 44 ii w (r IM 32 33 65 65 WATKB Fit WUITK lllVKIt I'llllrlKCT. SKC. T. It. Amt. 11 4!) 63 fi 07 20 28 54 5 07 25 27 63 6 14 21 49 63 fi 48 1 28 63 4 (11 Bfi 28 64 6 48 3 27 M 5 46 44 27 - 63 6 fit) a,', .,' 1,3 5 12 T at 113 0 W 1)ES(I, sw(r seqr w lit ne qi' See. T. 11. AMT. tl : i 30 n 1 62 IS 34 " 13 3.1 lift SO ft 05 25 34 " H 41 34 lil " 9 00 35 " " 9 00 . 0 1 r (I SO " H 70 37 81 " 9 l I neqr neqr w ni sw qr s hf nw qr sw qr ne qr neqr neqr no or n lit Kerjr sw qr ; nw qr svr i h lif nnqr e lit" swill' 6 i se ir :S 9 'Ji e lit se (jr 7 m .1 sw qr H lots 3 and 4. ; s lit 11 w q r 4 9 00 se qr 4 13 33 j , qr sw qr 3 , w 111 nwqr 10 ' ne or ne qi' 9 10 00 a ill sw or , nW(irttW(ir 47 13 73 ' e qr se qr 4S 9 0U ; ne qr sw qr w lif ae qr I sw qr ne y r 43 31 and sw (fr nw(r 23 ne or :l w lif se qr lot 3 14 lots 1 and i 43 30 31 31 34 1 and 4 neqr 1 (ir 34 1 qr nw qr 7 31 THE "EtlBEfl" OUGGY i$k your tlalr for it Ii5i5t oj j IaVii2 it. I 1 ti'i , , , , e PRICiTOTEDONAPPUCATToN.. mm .& m; Sb o5S'i.t S ai'fc '.S 9 UKSS. SSl9 SaE ."aa nmmm Are strictly flrst-class in every detail, possess an absolutely perfect repeating action ana nanusome cases, r uiiy nai- rantea. Are the best in the world, and bare led all others for years. Over 210,00ft in nse. 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EVANSVILLE, IND. j 60 It) 2ft 50 9 48 ' - " 8 m " 0 3li iPi. fti! . r 1 e lu nw qr ' . w ill ueqr 35 9 (X) r hi" seqr lot s 3 and 4. s hf 11 w qr lot 4 30 C 2-S j 9 99 I sw or nw or 4 3 i lots 1 and 4 5 n 33 , ... ! seqrswqr 11 04 , u.,,ru-qr j lot r .j.4siif.iia' u 111 seqr nw qr 13 33 11 43 9 99 11 23 13 01 30 31 30 mmmm, owo ii? u u'52'!;- 5 t s.5CS4 at. rit'soajsl S" VEN WIRE B" FENCING STEEL ROPE SELVAGE WIRE ACKMOWLIDfilD THI for Lawns, Gardens, Farms, Ranches and Railroads, . PlUCKSllKDUCKD. Bold hy d(!lem. FKKIGHT PAID. Mclll ld.KN'S PtU'l.TUI NETTING, lbwTUi I . No nin?irliifri No bairicinKt Extm namrj Idrui, ' The McBtuUen Wou Win f mm Co.. OUmm, S CHICAaa. n UNION SOUARC. H. X P'"K n Arte f?i 1 .WIRE In ' H -WioefTi lUW LA I 'ATTAOivwsnst S 0 I i iP S--J i it . nkw Home 8. M. CO., VOO OUVO 8t, st, Louis, ito. hat l.i,ur7 r L tt,"7"ii whim ym mm ".'-" si l' ?i i?1 mmttn i m 1 , f - - " L:. '-.- ' I ,,,i - T .11-. ..1 .rt . ..Blltl I I . ' - - ' ' s - 1. - : 1