The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 01, 1891, Image 6

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    The Sioux County Journal.
Sv.fWrijli.m Price, f2.0u
. Editor.
'Kiil-ri-.l at tlie HioiUim font office ee
vtid i-liw umtter.
THOSSDAY. OlX 1. 13? 1,
The rejuiblk-an state ickrt could not
liave lusrn improved liad Mr. K-wewaU-r
own allowed to nauie it.
For Justice of the Supreme Court,
' A. M. POST.
For Regents cf the Stata University,
For Judges of the District Court, 13th
For Comity Juilfje,
For County Treasurer,
For Count r Cierk.
For County Sheriff.
For Superintendent of Public Instru'.iion,
For Surveyor,
A- R. DEW.
For Cwoner,
Tim republicans are getting in,ynefor
It is, sejxirted tliut Jude Broady, the
democratic nominee for the supreme
bench, will decline to make the nu as
be sees nothing in it but defeat, for it is
nerally conceded that Post will get the
bulk of the vote.
It is reported tlt Mr. Garret')'!, the
giottS t'ity juiUionuiiv, Iuih got mutters
arruiu4 npdj will Ptu ilic
Short Line railroad when, the property is
put on sale. Wliether thy Hue will be
extended or not is not sUted, but it is
hardly likely that it wiU long remain a
t is at jiresent, alter the financial mat
lei's are straightened out,
Major McKii:oy has made matters so
lively in his own state that he could llnd
time to leave it and go to Ottiunvva,'
Iowa, and address the crowd at the coal
palace. The fact is that llcinley
stock is a.vay above par. The peo
ple liave bieo watching the working of
the tariff law which heats his name and
tltey see that it was gotten up in the in
terest of the masses and not for a
favored few. If the halls of congress
contained more men like McKinley the
country would be better off.
A company has been organized for the
purpose of buildinji a line of road from
Casper, Wyo., the terminus of the F. E.
& M. V., throu;fli the Bijf Horn basin to
Butte, Mont. This will open up a vast
territory and will make this line of road
an important one and will develop the
oil mid miners! resources of the country
through which t lie line will pass. The
try of "Westward, ho ! ' w again being
taken up and the tide of emigration west
ward is rapidly swelling and great
changes in the new couutrjes are confi
dently looked for.
Tito giTOt plan of: sending iiu advertis
ing train from Nel.i:i:!;a through the
east hits so fur matured that the success
of the scheme in assured. Over forty
counties liave made arrangements to be
"in it" and great good will lie accom
plished. Dawes and Box Butte counties
have both arranged to be represented in
tile train. It is to be regretted that
Sioux county could not lie represented
for there is more free government land
in Sioux comity yet open to settlement
than any other county in the state,
and the 800,000 acres in Sicux county are
waiting for men who v. i tit homes to
come and settle. But if n!t the people in
Sioux county keep at work they wil
nucceed in "coaxing" a g;i nl many new
people to come here.
There seems to be a growing demand
for Blaine to be the standard bearer of
the republican party in W93. The ad
ministration of President Harrison has
been satisfactory in almost every r-j
ticular and it does not appear to lie any
objection to him, but the brilliant work
of the "Plumed Knight" shines forth
with Mich brilliancy that it has eclipsed
all else and lie stands out in all his greit
otm as a statesman. It is reported tliat
he says he will not be a candidate and
that bis influence will be for the present
incumbent for a second term. It is
doubtful if Mr. Blaine could accomplish
mot, if so much, were he in the execu
tive chair as he can Id the position lie
aow hokU and another four years of the
MM kind of service at baa been ren
dered by the present administration
would put the commercial relations of
the United State with the other nations
of the world on a basis more beneficent
ttaa anything aver witnessed by the
warti, The bunts of enthusiasm which
are heard at all gatherings at the men
tioa of Mm aaaoe of Jantea O. Blaine in
eet the Masses qf the people are
wafclks n aovBiita of the govern
Mftfcsktta interest, and if Blaine
aiaot tlacMaldate In 18M It will
Mm ami wlK hma the same vmws in r
The work of tlie judicial convention at
Valentine lat week shows tliat the re
publicans of tlie 15th judicial district
want men ou t!ie bench who are capable
of tilling tiie jxisition of judge and who
liave minds too broad to allow any little,
lrtty jiersonal likes or dislikes iiiterfe-e
with tins exercise of their duty. T!
nomination of Judge Kfnkaid to be
own successor, by acclamation, wad in
dicative of the high esteem in which t',iat
di.-tinguislied jurist is held. He has for
yes,rs presided over the largest district in
the state and ofthe cases taken to jhe
scjireme court lias been reversed but
twice. A record of which any jud;;e
may well feel proud. His rulings are
.just, impartial and firm and he lias tlie
resect and confidence of every attorney
who iractices before him and also cf
those wlio appear as clients, and the re
publicans did well when he was named
as their choice. In the selection of Hon.
Alfred Bartow as his conferee the con
vention displayed commendable wis
dom. The deep laid scheme of the dem
ocrats to capture tlie place for alien
Boyd's appointee did not work with tlie
republicans and the nomination of Mr.
Bartow will cause all hojie of success of
the recently appointed judge in the cam.
paign to fade into thin air. Mr. Bartow
is a lawyer of excellent ability and a
great deal of experience. He is a close
studeot of the law and has a faculty of
applying it iu the right manner. There
is no doubt but what for the next four
years after January it will be Judges
Kinkaid and Bartow who will preside in
the big 13th district and the dignity of,
the court -fill lie upheld. 1
District Court.
Tlie fa.ll term, of the district court for
Sioux county will convene on next
Thursday, October 8th. Judge Kinkaid
will preside. The following is the list of
jurors drawn to serve at said term:
Nels Engbret, Geo. Bowen, Gridley
Thayer, M. J. Weber, Wm. Nicholson,
John Mosley, J. "W Castle, Samuel
Thomas, John Price, Wm. Dixon,
Harry Brown, J. J. Wasserberger, O. A.
Garten, W. B. Harris, N. D. Hamlin,
Christian Jensen, Gerhard Reinders,
Aaron Vandekau, J. H. Newlin, J. E.
Mar&teller, John Graham, E. P. Mauie,
E. E. Livermore, J. Stimson. There are
a number of important cases on the
docket to lie tried during the term.
The St ate Cou vent inn.
The republican state convention last
Thursday demonstrated the fact that the
party which has accomplished so much
in the last thirty years, is still in shape
do a great deal more, Tlie opposition
has for the past year been predicting dis
aster to the republican party because of
the aggressive position it has taken,
but when the party met in stale con
vention all such ideas took their depart
ure for that convention was .is enthusi
astic in its work and as clear in its judg
ment as such a gathering could be. The
greatest work for tlie convention wai
the selection of a candidate for the su
preme court The candidates most
prominent were the retiring justice,
AmasaCohb, ex-Justice M. B. Reese and
Judge A. M. Post, of Columbus. There
was, of course, a good deal of opposition
to Cobb for various reasons. The Doug
lass county delegation was mostly op
posed to him because he helped to oust
Boyd, while some of the anti-monopolists
believed him to be a railroad man.
Reece had a good deal of opposition,
some of which evidently arose from the
fact of his views on the liquor question.
The former went into the light with 199
and the highest he received was on the
second formal ballot when he received
218 votes. Reece received his highest
vote, n the informal ballot which was
2IH. The winner, Jurge A. M. Post, re
ceived on the informal ballot but 09
votes, but he continued to gather
strength until on tlie fourth 'formal bal
lot he received 29-1, and the number
necessary to choice was 387, and he was
declared the choice of the convention.
For regents of the state university,
Charles Marple and H. P. Shummay
were nominated.
Dr. S. D. Mercer, of Omaha, was
elected chairman of the state central
committee, which was in keeping with
the selection made for candidates. A
ringing platform was adopted which
shows that the republicans of Nebraska
are alive to the interests of the west, and
a resolution was passed urging the
claims of Omaha as the place in which
hold the next national republican con
vention. The utmost good feeling prevailed in
the convention and there are no sores to
be healed, but the republican party will
march in solid phalanx to victory on
November 8d.
The name of Hon. O. M. LombertHOn,
of Lincoln, is being favorably mentioned
for successor to Judge Cooley as member
of the interstate railroad commission.
There is no man better fitted for the po
sition than Mr. Lambertaon and he
would perform the duties of the office
with credit to himself and to bis state.
He is a man possessed of broard views
and a clear, logical mind, qualities of
the greatest importance to member oi
the interstate commission.
Kdiiril lijr thr ('utility Outrxl Committi of
tli lVil''!t Independent Party.
Xutiee to l'urres)MBdfiitii.
All roiiiiminicstioii to InUiiv publication
In llii-t i-olumii iini-t rmeh-thif wn-tarj
ortlw by TuwIhv mxm of uU t-k. rtu
on one biii ii "pu'r only; wp-raU
item; Ik- brit-f mi't Ui thr point in yui.r
xtatriiit-ntM. A'lilii' nil iiiKttr to '
sw. Co. ("en. Com. l"eoili" liid. I'urt;
llurriura. !."
Platform of the I'indiuiti Confirm''.
1. Thut in view of the great social, Indus
trial and economic revolution now drawing
upon the civilized world and the new an
living iwrtie conf rontinjr the American poo
pip, we believe tlmt the time hiw arried lot
a crytalization ol the political reform force
of our country and the formation of Uat
should lie known as the People' Party of the
United States ol America.
S. That we most lii-artily endotc the pint
forma as adopted a; St. Lonia, Mo., in
ix-ala, Ha., in laud, and Omaha, Neb., in IWl,
by the industrial .raiiizntion there pre
sented, summarized as lollows:
A The rieht to make and bwae money In a
aovereltfii jxiwer to be maintained by the
people lor the common bciicnt, nence we ue
uiand the abolition of the national bank" an
bank of itue, and 'an a anlwtitute lor na
tional bank note; we demand that leal ten
der treasury notes be iHHued in HUftlcieul vol
ume to transact the buwineH of the country
on a caMli basi, without daiime or bciul
advantage to any clas or calling, hucIi note!,
to lie legal tender in payment ol all debts
public or private, and audi not, when de
manded bv the people, Hhall lie loaned to
them at not more than i! percent per annum
upon non periKhalile products, aa indicated
in the niibtrcaHUry plan, and alao upon the
real i-stnte with proia-r limitation u lion the
guaiitity of land and amount ol money.
B-Vi demand the tree and unlimited
coinage of ailver.
C We demand the pannage of lawn pro
hibiting alien ownership of land, and that
congrean take prompt action to devine aoine
plan to obtain all land now owned by alien
and foreign xyndicatCH, and that all lauds
held by railroads and other corporations In
excess of Hitch as is actually used and needed
bv them tie reclaimed bv the government
and held for actual filler only.
I) Uolievinif In the doctrine of equal
right to til 1 and special privilegi to none,
we demand that taxation national, state or
municipal shall not be used to bulhl up one
interest or claas at the expense of another.
i-Wc demand that all revenues national.
state, or county shall be limited, to the
necessary expenses' of the government
economically and honestly administered.
K We demand a iust and equitable system
of graduated tax on incomes.
G We demand the most rigid, honest nnd
Just national control and supervision of the
means of public communication and trans
portation, and if thin control and super
vision does not remove the abuses now exist
ing, we demand tlie government ownership
of such means of communication and trans
II We demand the election oi president.
vice president and United htutes senators by
a direct vote of the people.
Kor J ndge of the Supreme (Jourt,
J. W. KIMjiKKTOK, of Omaha.
Kor Kegents State University,
E. A. IIADLKY, or Scotia.
A. D'ALLEMAM), of Fit ran County.
For Judge of the 15th Judicial District,
1. . JIARBAUCill.
For Treasurer,
M. G A Vll.VKT,
For Sheriff,
For County Clerk,
Kor Superintendent of Public instruction,
For i'oronor,-
Yes, Nearly Three Thousand I
We have been requested to re-publish
the figures showing the difference in the
amount drawn from the cowity by the
present administration for salaries and
feeH from the beginning of the adminis
tration until the present time, and the
amounts dravn from the county by the
former administration for the last two
years of tlie former administration,
which is as follows:
$659.93 saved to the county by
the present administration of the sheriff s
$808.50 saved to the county by
the present board of county commission
ers in pay for their services only, and
thev were comnelled to remain in msinn
about twenty days on account of mat
ters over which tney nau no control.
$389.10 saved to the county by
the present administration of the
superintendent of public instruction.
$347.50 1 expended by tlie pres
ent county administration for surveying
and platting roads.
$335.49 less in fees drawn by the
present county judge for petty, crimi
nal, spite cases.
$974.70 k dravn from the county
by the present county clerk in the time
he has been in oflice Mint, hix i,rwh.,.,.,,..
drew from the county in (he last term.
Three Thousand Doluaus Less i.i not
a small item, yet the of liters of the pres
ent administration are denounced an
theives and robliers, and are requested to
resign but they have not handed in
their resignation yet, and on the 3d of
November they will be given to under
stand tlmt their services will be reouired
for another term.
The political three-card-monte came of
th wire-pullers will foil to pan out as
tney tlgured. Honesty is tlie bestpolicy,
boy, even in politics,
" Some of the Krantrers of Sioux muntv
Know Knnethinn about Dolltics. nnl tin-
trio will believe tiiey do after they bear
uw return oi lite election.
Raum and Buboock received a .ba at
tho White River precinct primary tlmt
will probably teach them both
thing of tlie fundamental principle of
Uw Independent party,
The voters of KiouK county are bepu
ningtoreali.tluit tl.ree (!f tla, conven
tion held 'in tlie county were managed
tlnou-h one s"t of manipulators, Tlie
.vinark u frequently Lean! -in. the hist
convention from delegates o tin- differ
ent conventions, that tliere are -straw
men" nominated as caralaUttS on U dif
ferent tickets. Tliey are corpn-t m their
conclusious, and elei lion day will prove
to some who are now being patted on tlie
back and assured tliat tly re nt
..straw men", as to liow shek politicians
can deceive tliem. From rc-iiorts re
ceived, however, tlie indications are that
a majority of the voters are not a.
"thick-headed as tlie bosses imagined.
They know tlmt when a dyed-in-the-wool
democrat is recommending a red
hot republican for a certain of!ie, and a
red-hot republican is recommending a
stauuch old democrat for another office,
tliat tliere has been an understanding be
tween the manipulators, aud a certain
class of candidates chosen from the diff
erent tickets, for whose election every
effort will be put forth. When there
were twenty-four nominations to offer
there was a chance for the smooth
tongued schemers to get some one to pay
attention to their misrepresentations and
promises, but tliey caunot elect three
men to fill one position, and their soft
soaping, triple-handed maneuvers are
causing tliem considerable uneasiness.
How it was Done,
Little Cottonwood, Sept 29, im.
CkxtkaL Com: We are liaving tine
weather for threshing and fall work here.
The political pot is commencing to
boil here. There was a caucus held here
last Monday to nominate candidates for
precinct offices and to elect delegates to
the Peopleslndependent Convention of he
second commissioner district, but it ap
jiears that there were only a select few
notified that such caucus would be held.
I have not seen n-y notices posted. I
am not very mm riterested in the pre
cinct offices, as to liich party the offi
ces belong to, jut so they are good reli
able men, but it is disgusting to see how
men will sneak aroupd nnd arrange
meetings to prevent tl:;- g;.-ral public
from taking part hi the une.
W. A. Raum was aware of the caucus,
however, ami perhaps he thought that if
it became generally known tliat there
were to be precinct officers nominated,
he would not be chosen as one of them.
If he thought so he understands the feel
ing in this community pretty well, as
there lias been but few elections where
Mr. Raum was not a candidate for office.
The people are getting tired of his want
ing to serve them, and have given him
to understand by their votes that he is
not wanted, but he bobs up every time.
lie will find out at the coming election
again tliat he is not wanted, but it ap
pears that he is bound to be an officer, as
he is now doing the duty of road over
seer in this district.
I will keep you posted in regard to tlie
political situation us well as I can, but
there is too much work to do, out
side of politics, to do justice to tlie
matter. However, I want the political
schemers to understand that the secret
caucus business will not benefit those
who participated In the same to any
great extent, t
Whitr Rjyeh, !v pt ;h.
it the lose of tl White Rjvr re
cuM prim' v on Saturday tU ?th, Mr.
1L O. Stewart resentl a set of retolu
tiMfls i-ondeiuniuK the a tions of A. J.
livK n. If &nd Wm. A. Raum for their
A w I"" t tiie independent party cf j
Sioux county ai jiiu in
vention. Tliey both worked wifli tl
Dawes county delegation to nominate
tlie staunch democrat, A. Vf. Crites. He
remirsled tite voters of White River of
tl fa t tlmt Uie tlay of tlie county con
vention a man by the name of' A. V,
Harris of Oiadron, wa there and fruW
hiire that Ikdo-ot k nominateil Haujn and
tliat lU'utn nominated Babcock. If the
indendents sit do n on such men who
attempt to carry democratic scheme
into tlieir midst tliey may hope to gain
strength but if tlie political machinery
of the old parties is allowed in our ranks
we can count tle days of our euatance.
Facts Without Fjoitub.
All trttaineMenim,,
reive pmuipt ami PaMnJ
White Riveh, Sept. 26, WS1.
Resolutions adopted by the Indeoend
ents of White River precinct in Sioux
Wiikheas, At the recent Independent
ujumy cuiiveinion oi mioux county, a
resolution was adopted declaring it to be
the sense of the Independents of said
county that all nominations for office on
uie tnuepenuent ticket should be confined
to active Independents of last year, and
Wiikheas. siiiil mnvuii... i..... ,.i .
delegrttes to the Independent Judicial
WhkKKAS. the roivirta J
tion show that said delegates toUlly dis-
-"""-" "isuesoi me people. Thev
represented and worked and voted for tlie
noumiauon oi a straight democrat who
lj at present the appointee of Jumes K.
l&iiulvt'fi. Bv tliT iiiloiuiriiL.Kt.. . r tin
iver Di-winr-f a .
condemn tiie action of said delegates for
r t . T u 'lni) "l of the
That we heartily endorse the nomirtk.
Har,JUUf'',, fordi
luase. and unit n fnmr r ti
tions be fun,:!, ,' L reso u"
nuMiotin. Su r.ytttn lor
M. J. Wau, aiairmao
we doubt whether UM isoutiotui
passed at the meeting in White River
wnoemning the actions of Uie
delegates to UM judicial convention will
puuiiMieu in Uie Boomerany. So
uum ior uiai mm! of truck,
Judge Barker will be a candidate for
n V. n-8hilt- Seiversaud
U-terliad better get "in condition" if
they are going to i
Jhn. for. a though Judg, ..r
llWvy, 1)0 (n a ttri ibie "runner,"
Will practice in all tlie lot!, state
and federal courts, and U. 8. Land
Legal papers carefully drawn.
f,5f OlRce in court hous.
Pr. Leonhardt
Limits his pracUce to disease of tlie
Nervous Systern.
(Such as Loss of Memory, Feeling, Mo
tion and Will-power, Cranipe, Fits, fien
ral Nervousness, and all forms of
(As shown by Sliortness of Breath,
Pain, Palpitation, Fluttering and Sfunab
ness in region of tjie Heart.)
(Such as Skin IHseases, Ulcers, Exces
sive paleness or Redness of Uie Face,
Faintness, Dizziness, etc.)
162 0 ST. - - LINCOLN. NCB.
ijuntlou thin paper-
Mo. Vi
Harrispn, Nebra'
And All Points in tlj
East, North. South t
iiw Limiuiu amiit; nun rUDflira
ing piair Cur daily, ,
Orualia and Dcadwood, fr
holders of flmt-cliis m
P0 Clif kc(J to Pminit
Throngti Tultc Mi-H-r ben
VIJrr and )ciuwood.
IL O. BiuT, R. BcciusJ
Gen'l Manager., fn'l Pw
KoiiMti liuoa.. Xrw Toik City
Kl"T Nt'CIONAL Kane, Omntjii.
Iunh or Cmaio!, rhaflroii, !tt).
CHA8. F. HOL5IB4, Vice Pwrf
Transacts a General Banking Busin
Buyi School Orders, County and Villa Warrants,
tyinterent Paid op Time DepoRiU,
Loans Money on Improved Farm!
Dont Forge
GfllSUOLD & f.liflSTELL
Make the Bottom Prices on all
Goods in Their Line,
We Make a Specialty of Groceries
Our Prices Beat Everybody
Our Line of Hardware is Compl(
Yours Reapectfully,
6MS170LD ft IfillSTELif:
a. ii.
w ha'
HOI!" !